Reclaimed by Nature

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#7 of Fantasy Stuff

Just a story snippet about my very first, very terrible attempt at photoshopping something.

It wasn't just the old buildings and cobbled streets, or shattered stone statues of the lost village that nature reclaimed. The wind shifted suddenly and brought a strange blend of senses- smells, sounds and something she thought to be half dreams, half memories. Then, it brought the changes.

She felt herself becoming smaller and skinnier, shrinking right out of her clothing. She stood completely bare in front of the ruins and encroaching trees as if to be made aware of her skin's softness, her lack of claws or teeth. Then, her ears stretched, followed shortly by her face as if she was nothing but rubber. Fur began to spread up from her ankles as her feet hardened forming hooves.

A huge deer stepped out of the woods and walked silently toward the odd half satyr that the woman had become. It nuzzled at her with a cold nose against her chest. Which she realized was expanding, growing heavy and sagging under the increasing weight. Her formerly perky bosoms were now saggy milk bags hanging down. A heat was growing within her and it became obvious what the spirit of nature was commanding of her. The stag's cock was growing as it nuzzled her.

She had been reclaimed by the forest, her body modified to serve its interests. The deer was the oldest in the forest and her fertile body was provided to further the creature's bloodline. She would go on to produce many fawns for the venerable beast.