Susceptible to change

Story by Vincesan on SoFurry

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The coyote walked, just like everyone else, but unlike everyone else, she wore their thoughts on her fur. They washed over her, through her, and stained her body. Every casual thought had power, and every single one recoloured her.

Her name was Galena, and she held the power to reflect the thoughts of anyone nearby. Just normal, every day thoughts would change her fur colour, while more focused, or stronger thoughts could change her shape itself.

It was almost embarrassing, a simple walk, and she became a living disco ball, her fur shifting between a variety of colours and markings for each thought that existed nearby.

This was why she didn't like going out in public, especially when the streets were crowded, she didn't appreciate being a living canvas for the minds of everyone present.

Fortunately, the city was large enough for her oddities to exist without her people noticing, or caring too much, it was wise to mind one's own business.

Destination! She entered the building, with only one curious soul having really noticed her, who waited outside.

"Your, um, name please?"

"Galena, Miss Galena."

"To, start with, your choice of clothing is somewhat, distracting. Please, um, understand that if employed, you'll be required to wear something, more appropriate."

She wore a red one piece swimsuit; it was the only article which didn't change along with the rest of her.

"Of course, and that there's minimal social contact."

"Uh, yes, of course."

A subtle swelling in her chest indicated her interviewer had interests besides hiring her.

"So, Miss Galena, I'm sure you, uh, understand what the position we're, offering involves?"

"Yes, I work at my best when alone or in small groups."

"Well, we're almost done, any other, questions?"

"You're not staring at my chest, are you?"

"No! No, of course I'm not."

A slight hiss as the swelling subsided.

"Well, just leave your resume with us, and, we'll get back to you!"

"Sure, here it is."

As she leaned forward to place the paperwork on the desk, she felt the swelling again.

"Thank you for, uh, applying, and hopefully, you'll hear from us again."

"Sure, thanks."

She walked out, glad to escape her interviewer and his thoughts.

Perhaps she wasn't suitable for most positions because of normal or abnormal reasons, but even a psychic canvas needs a job. She didn't notice she was being tailed on her way home.

An empty alley: her favourite kind. The fact her fur was its natural silvery shade indicated she was free from the minds of others, she could literally be herself.

Her fur darkened. Followed? She whirled around to spot a nondescript figure in brown, and the darkness on her fur began to drift like an oil slick on her body. "What do you want?" She snarled, not liking his thoughts. "I'm interested in you." He eventually replied, and adding red to dance of black.

"Um, how do you do that?" he asked, his intentions shifting as the red and black gave way to a flow of black question marks.

"You really don't know what you're dealing with." She replied through clenched teeth, her latest design adding to his confusion as her body began to stiffen, her curves melting away as she morphed from her canine shape into a tall box shape.

He certainly wasn't expecting his target to change from a coyote into a cubed version of herself, and in response, Galena's neck arched back into a C shape, turning her into a giant question mark.

Few people were prepared to see young ladies turn into their thoughts personified, and this male decided it was wiser to leave.

Absent of her stalkers thoughts, Galena shifted back into her normal shape. Her unusual ability served as a defense mechanism, but she still preferred to avoid most contact completely.

She got home with little more than wandering thoughts on her skin, which easily washed away with isolation.