A Good Slave by Cinos

Story by dugan_panther on SoFurry

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Dugan gets kidnapped after a late shift one night. Finding himself held captive in a dark cell. He quickly learns his life will never be the same.

_Leon - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/goldenmane

Panth and Dhahabi - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dracwarrior

Story by Cinos https://cinos.sofurry.com/_

Dugan owned a world-famous pizzeria. Well, maybe not, but he liked imagining he did. It motivated him to keep going, and he did, at least, try his very best to make it seem that way. The best ingredients he could afford, the best service he could provide, and decor according to his particular, rather nerdy tastes. Still, times were tough for any restaurant business, but the purple jaguar didn't let that discourage him, continuing to knead the dough, take the orders, and fill each pizza with as much love as he could manage. It wasn't really the most luxurious restaurant, not the way he'd dreamt of at least, but it was a living, and it was home, in a way.

That was why he was extremely surprised when a strange, new customer entered his humble establishment. A limousine pulled up outside, and a meticulously groomed wolf stepped outside. He looked at the pizzeria, wrinkled his nose - though making perfectly sure that nobody saw him do it - and stepped inside.

"Hello," he murmured, voice as smooth as butter despite a faint hint of a middle eastern accent. "I would like the best pizza you can manage. Ah, the best one on the menu, as it were..."

He was dressed to the nines. A suit so sharp Dugan could've cut his vegetables on it. The jaguar's first thoughts went to oil prince, or if not oil prince, a southern associate of the mafias of the east. Some kind of oligarch, if nothing else. He suddenly felt terribly nervous; this wasn't, to say the least, the usual kind of customer he received.

"Oh, of course, sir," Dugan managed to reply. The wolf's blue eyes were piercing, though he had an easy swagger to each motion, and the relaxed, if perhaps not genuine, smile of a someone who had absolutely nothing to prove on his face. "What would you like to have on it?"

"Surprise me," the wolf replied. His accent was a little more noticeable as he spoke more loudly. "Just... no gold leaf, yes? I tire of tasteless displays of wealth," he added, with a grin that seemed so predatory it sent chills down Dugan's spine.

The limousine parked outside and the wolf sat down, carefully dusting off one of the Tetris-themed chairs that Dugan had thought a perfect match for his little place. The jaguar, in turn, went to work. He did have _some_aged cheeses, but other than that, he realized, he'd just be making a regular pizza. Would that be enough for someone who obviously had private chefs working for him, otherwise?

He did his best. The wolf seemed to observe his every motion, as if he was more interested in Dugan himself than anything he might make, in the most unnerving way. Halfway through, he pulled out a phone and made a brief call, though Dugan couldn't understand most of what he said. In a way, it was a relief; anything he overheard couldn't really be for him to know. He knew his place, just about, and that place had precious little overlap with the affairs of those who owned cars worth more than his entire home.

Finally, Dugan pulled the pizza out of the oven. He hesitated for a brief moment, and then sliced it up very carefully, tossing a few fresh herbs on top, before plating it. He didn't have any fancier plates, sadly. Yet, as always, he did his best as he walked up the wolf and offered it.

"Mm, very good," the wolf rumbled. "Ah yes, here," he continued, as if on an afterthought, and pulled what Dugan could only describe as a wad_of bills from his suit pocket. Without counting, he slipped his hand around Dugan's rump and stuck the bills into his pocket in turn, though the way he _very deliberately groped his shapely rear as he did wasn't lost on the jaguar. Dugan didn't quite dare to protest. Even without counting, he knew the wolf was paying far more than the pizza actually cost, and if he had to endure some groping by a stranger, then so be it.

"My name is Dhahabi," he finally spoke, fixating his eyes on Dugan's as his well-groomed fingers splayed over his clothed rear, giving him a final squeeze before withdrawing. His grin widened, and this time, Dugan could tell it was genuine. For a moment, he was afraid that he'd demand sexual favours, but instead, he sat back down.

Dhahabi sniffed the pizza. It wasn't the kind of food he normally ordered, nor was he really interested in it, but still, there were certain appearances that one had to keep up, until the right time. He took a piece and nibbled at it leisurely, letting the overwhelming flavor of cheese assault his tastebuds as he looked at Dugan, standing ready to assist. Yes. This one will do. Just a little more training.

"You will be hearing from me again," he added, "Oh, not to worry, the pizza was exactly what I wanted."

Dhahabi stood up, having taken a grand total of one bite, and left without any further words. He seemed satisfied, but Dugan had, to say the least, absolutely no idea what was going on. His shoulders slumped and he breathed a sigh of relief the moment the door closed behind the strange visitor.

At least, he had a pizza for himself. And, counting the bills the wolf had paid with, enough money to get himself something fancy. Something very_fancy. Still, there had been something menacing about him. Dugan wasn't blind, he recognized that the wolf would be wanting to get more intimate at some point. He didn't, of course, have any idea on just _how Dhahabi wanted him, nor why. He was, as he liked saying, the most average of average nerds.

That was the night his life took a serious turn, and the turn took the form of two extremely strong men, both dressed fully in black. He was just closing up shop as it happened; a pair of hands around waist, a wet rag over his face, and then, silence, before he even had time to panic.

Dugan was, more than anything, disoriented upon waking up. He found himself in a chilly, though not uncomfortable cell, and in total darkness. The reality of the situation slowly began to filter into his sleep-drunk mind. What time was it? Where was he? Why was he hearing faint moaning from what sounded like the other room?

The jaguar tried feeling for his surroundings, only to realize that his arms were cuffed behind his back. Tightly so, though just loose enough to not restrict circulation. He couldn't, however, move them a single inch. Instead, he stood up, which was surprisingly hard in total darkness, and backed against what he thought to be a wall. It was. One made of wood, as far as he could tell. At the other end, he saw the faint glow of lighting, and-

A pair of eyes, reflecting that.

"I see you're awake. Good. Lights, servant..." the owner of those eyes spoke, and Dugan recognized the accent immediately. The lights came on with a_thunk_ that suggested fluorescent lamps. They were so bright that Dugan had to screw his eyes shut, but Dhahabi was in no hurry.

When he could finally see again, he realized first that the wolf was completely naked. Then, Dugan realized that he was entirely naked as well.

"Don't worry about your nudity. Any good slave loves the eyes of his master upon him. Or her, for that matter," Dhahabi purred. "And you're going to be a good slave."

"Granted, we will not be your masters," came a deeper voice from behind the wolf, and Dugan realized that a black panther was standing there, blending almost perfectly into the dark interior of the... dungeon, for lack of a better word.

"Oh, let me live out my vicarious fantasies, Panth," Dhahabi replied, voice halfway between annoyance and amusement. "This one is simply delicious. Already so subservient, only needing a firm hand to develop into a perfect cocksleeve."

"Yes, vicarious. How many slaves was it you had again?" Panth asked, stepping closer to the cage.

"I lost count long ago," the wolf retorted.

"If you'd like this one, feel free to commit to buying him, and then leave me to train him," Panth continued.

"Yes, I do suppose it's the training I want to experience, no? Forgive me my_sin,_" Dhahabi replied. It seemed that their relationship was, perhaps, a little strained.

"Either way," Panth said. "It's time for your training to begin, Dugan. Let me put it this way. You have no way out, no escape, and Dhahabi here already paid for your family to forget that you even exist. Why you, in particular, I do not know."

"It wasn't cheap. It never is, paying parents to give up on their children," Dhahabi grinned. "But not beyond my means, no."

"And as such, you'll be sold to recoup some of the losses. And my share, of course, given that I wasn't born with a golden spoon in my mouth," Panth said, drawing a brief glare from the wolf.

Dugan's head was swimming. Was Dhahabi actually seriously? Had he paid off his_parents_ to not look into his disappearance? Their relationship wasn't great but it certainly wasn't bad. He struggled to comprehend what the wolf was saying, much less what his motivation was.

"More or less, Dugan, you might as well play along. You'll enjoy it far more than if you don't resist," Panth spoke, menacingly. "You'll be a slave by the time you leave here. A happy one, if you want to be-"

He paused for a moment, considering something.

"Why not demonstrate what's in store?" he finally asked.

"Mm, we could, yes. Twenty-seven, come over here," Dhahabi growled. "Show yourself to your soon-to-be colleague, twenty-eight_._"

_Twenty-eight?_Was that what they were going to call him? A fox walked in, his head submissively bowed, and tail held high to show off his round ass. Dugan noticed a few things; he was wearing a blindfold, and thus his gait was slow and awkward. Beyond that, there was a painfully tight-looking chastity cage around his cock. And on his smile, something between a fearful, subservient expression and a vapid grin at the attention he was being given by his masters.

He clumsily turned around, keeping his tail raised so Dugan could see he had a rather sizeable buttplug inside him, too. A heart-shaped one.

"Tell him how much you enjoy being a free use slave," Dhahabi commanded.

"Oh, I love it, sir. I love being a good cumdump for my master or any of his friends," the fox replied. "Letting any of them rut my ass or mouth for relief. That's all I'm good for."

They'd completely broken the fox. From how his breath quickened as he spoke, Dugan thought he seemed to be getting turned on, just imagining it. His cage wouldn't let him get hard, though. The two kidnappers probably didn't want their slaves to use their cocks at all.

"And the cage keeps me all horny all the time!" he chirped.

"Very good, slave. Maybe we'll let you taste our newcomer, at some point," the wolf replied. He was sporting a rather visible erection, now, one that Dugan found his eyes drawn to. He quickly looked away.

Dhahabi slapped the fox on his ass, hard enough to make him yelp. "Well, no need to have a brainless slut like you here right now, but you can suck my cock later. Go back to your cage."

The fox obeyed without questioning. Dugan could only imagine what they'd done to him. The same thing they'd do to him, surely, but he hoped his mind was a little stronger.

"See, they all like it in the end," the wolf rumbled.

"Not that any of them believe they will. Now, slave," Panth purred, fixating his eyes on Dugan, who shivered. "Why don't we start with you taking care of your trainer's cock, over there."

He pressed a button and the cage door swung open. Both of the men grinned at him, the wolf's shaft bobbing proudly in the air as he sat down, waiting to be serviced.

Two conflicting ideas flashed through Dugan's mind. One was that there was absolutely no way he'd do it. They expected him to suck a stranger's cock, and in plain sight too. The other was that it might be a good idea to play along so the two would be more relaxed, and he might have an opportunity to escape. The latter idea won; there was nothing to be gained from resisting right now. He walked towards the wolf. Then, smack; a painful impact on the back of his knees that sent him falling onto all fours with a pained yelp.

"Slaves belong on their knees. You'll only walk if you need to do it to reach someone's cock," Panth growled.

Dugan groaned. He hadn't even seen the cane the panther was holding. He wanted to lash out, adrenaline burning through his body, but it'd do him no good. He was slender and weak compared to the two musclebound males. Another smack of the cane on his ass brought out tears as she hurried towards Dhahabi, crawling on all fours like some kind of... ugh, slave.

Soon he was right up against the wolf's thick shaft, its owner sitting there patiently and letting Panth take care of the "training". Dugan couldn't deny that it was beautiful, imposing even, a knotted pillar of masculinity oozing with clear precum. If the context had been different, he'd probably have loved worshipping it; now, it felt demeaning and filthy, being forced to do so.

"Taste it. You might as well get used to the taste of cock," Dhahabi rumbled, leaning back in his seat. His cock bucked, tapping Dugan's nose. "It'll be your new purpose in life, after all."

Might as well get it over with, the jaguar thought, sticking his tongue out to give that - objectively, quite beautiful - shaft a warming, wet lick. The wolf was, at least, meticulously groomed; he could just barely taste anything, bar from the tangy precum that suddenly sprayed across his nose and tongue, rewarding him immediately.

It was strangely erotic, and Dugan found himself drawn to that pillar of masculinity despite it all, his own shaft swelling against his will. There was a kind of primal attraction there, one he couldn't deny. So he opened his jaws wide, and trying to imagine being somewhere else, engulfed the tapered head and a good bit of the throbbing shaft.

"Rrf. No protests? You'll be a wonderful slave for your future owner. Now,work for your reward," Dhahabi growled, and even Panth gave his rump a relatively affectionate pat rather than the next slap that he was bracing for. The two, and the feline especially, seemed to freely switch between brutal and friendly, all to make the jaguar as likely to submit as possible. And it was working. He started suckling on the wolf's tip, the next warm splatter of precum coating the roof of his mouth in salty warmth before sliding down his throat.

Still, he was apparently not putting enough effort into it. A sudden rough hand forced his muzzle down onto the wolf's cock, and he nearly gagged feeling the hefty, heated rod sink into his throat.

"Relax. You were made for this. Just relax your throat..." Dhahabi groaned while Panth held him there until he began to run out of oxygen, not daring to bite. It was surprisingly pleasant despite the fear, a kind of weakness that crept through him until his head slumped down in the wolf's lap - and then a sudden yank on his hair pulled him off again and he gasped for air. I'm just a toy to them, Dugan realized. Like a fucking-

Smack. "Who said you could stop?" Panth growled, and tears welled from Dugan's eyes as he went back to work, feverishly bobbing his head up and down that ready canine shaft. He let his lips purse tightly around it, tongue lashing over the underside, anything to pleasure him, and it worked. The harder he made the wolf groan, the friendlier the two were, smacks changing into affectionate squeezes and pets, branding the association between obedience and pleasure into his vulnerable mind.

Dhahabi didn't bother warning Dugan when he was about to cum, and so the only sign he got that it was about to happen was the wolf's cock swelling a little further in his mouth, and then throbbing heavily, a split second before a rich, heated thick deluge of cum spurted into his mouth. There was a lot of it, coating his tongue and pooling against his throat, and the jaguar had to swallow heavily to avoid choking.

It tasted, oddly, like... relief. Slightly bitter relief, as Dugan knew he had pleased Dhababi enough. Not unpleasant at all, as it clung to his tastebuds and warmed his throat on the way down. Better, at the very least, than getting smacked with that cane again. That, and it did provoke a sympathetic reaction In his own loins, a faint aching need for release. His paw twitched as he fought the urge to reach for his own cock; that'd be entirely too degrading, rubbing himself to a climax with a stranger's cum filling his stomach.

Gods, if the thought wasn't erotic, though.

"A lovely first step in your transformation," the exotic wolf rumbled, his voice breathy. "You'll make a good pleasure-toy for someone yet..."

Dugan realized, with some shame and embarrassment, that the softening canine cock was still in his mouth minutes afterwards, and he pulled off with a wet_slurp,_ averting his eyes so he didn't have to see the two bigger males grinning at him.

"Don't feel ashamed, every good slave loves cock. Lives for it, in fact," Dhahabi spoke, running a paw through Dugan's hair gently, almost patting him. "But do turn around, it seems Panth needs to be serviced, as well."

The jaguar did as asked, and found himself facing the panther's erection. He knew what they wanted him to do, and he'd already sucked one of their cocks. With an internal sigh, he obediently took Panth's cock in his mouth.

"Such a very, very good slave..." Dhahabi continued, showering the jaguar with affection as his cheeks bulged around the feline cock. Dugan felt a warm, fuzzy, and confusing sense of happiness at that.Stockholm syndrome, he reminded himself. But not unwelcome. It was better than being smacked, at least.

After he'd finished draining another set of balls, the two finally let him rest, even going as far as to leave him alone with the other "slave" in the dungeon. Dugan was tired; whatever they'd drugged him with when he got kidnapped still lingered in his body, and he wanted to just curl up and enjoy the thick warmth of cum in his belly, but there was the smaller matter of escaping before the sadistic "training" actually took hold.

Other than the nameless fox, the dungeon was empty, even though it clearly had the room for more. Maybe they wanted to focus on one at a time. Or Dhahabi had paid Panth to take a break and focus on only him, for no reason but his personal amusement.

Still, there was that other fox. Dugan found him blindfolded, caged, and with his arms tied behind his back, obediently sitting in a corner.

"Hey, fox. We should try to escape," he spoke, quietly.

"...escape?" asked the fox. "Why?"

"You can't possibly like being here," Dugan replied. "I mean cocks are nice and all but... being forced to? Being a sex slave?"

"I do..." the fox whimpered. "I didn't at first, but... every good slave loves cock."

He trailed off.

"...we shouldn't be seen talking. Good slaves only speak to ask how to please their masters," he finally added, and Dugan couldn't get anything more out of him.

He sighed, loudly this time. All the doors were locked tight, and the fox was of no help at all. His only choice did seem to be to let his captors think he was "trained", and the moment they left this room he'd book it.

Dugan curled up and went to sleep on his uncomfortable bed, plagued by thoughts of cocks pistoning in and out of him. He didn't want to masturbate to that, as erotic as it seemed in the moment.

The next morning - at least he thought It was morning - was abruptly awakened by loud moaning, which he recognized as the fox from earlier. He opened his eyes, only to close them again as the brightness of the room was suddenly very painful.

"Twenty-eight, get over here," someone growled, and dozy as Dugan was with sleep he couldn't figure out if it was Panth or Dhahabi. Still, he had to play along. Groggily, he walked over towards the sound of the voice.

Once his eyes had adjusted to the light, he was surprised to find himself staring at Dhahabi fucking the fox-slave he'd tried to talk to, and the latter was moaning with such wanton passion that it was obvious he really_did_ love it.

As if on an afterthought, he quickly dropped down onto all fours, remembering what Panth had told him earlier and how painful that cane of his was.

"Enjoy the show. He got started a bit before you woke up, so your meal should be ready in just..." Panth spoke, and then Dhahabi grunted, hilting himself into the fox's ass.

Forced to watch as he was, Dugan saw his balls draw up tight against his body, and then his cock visibly throbbed a few times as he seeded his slave. The fox, in turn, moaned happily at that sensation, _blissfully_almost, as if being filled with cum was all he ever wanted. Finally, the wolf withdrew with a satisfied grin on his face, tongue lolling as he panted. His cock was followed by a splash of thick cum, oozing from the fox's gaping ass and down along his thighs.

"Your turn," Panth growled, roughly shoving Dugan towards the fox. "Clean your fellow slave."

Dugan recoiled at the idea. He felt humiliated enough just being forced to watch the two, and doubly so with the unwanted effect it was having on him - his cock swelling and slipping out of its sheath - but cleaning the cum from one of their slaves' ass? He opened his mouth to protest, but Panth quickly brought the paddle down against his ass with a loud_smack._

"Good slaves obey, bad slaves get punished," he purred. He was definitely enjoying this. "Go on, shove that mouth of yours against his ass and slurp up as much of your master's precious cum as you can. That's what your tongue was made for, not talking."

He hit Dugan's ass again, to the dark tone of Dhahabi chuckling as he wiped his softening shaft on the nameless fox's ass. Dugan yelped with pain and scooted towards that creamy "treat", and the slave obediently raised his rump, obeying his masters without question.

Dugan didn't want to do it, but at least it'd be a short bit of humiliation rather than being smacked until he did obey. He closed his eyes and pushed his snout between the fox's asscheeks. He was perfectly clean, other than the slimy cum already smearing over Dugan's lips, which at least was a relief.

And yet, before he could even open his mouth, he felt a pair of strong, firm hands on his hips in turn.

"Good slaves, of course, get rewarded," Panth snarled, slipping a lubed finger inside the jaguar's tight little pucker. The claws of his other hand dug into Dugan's pelt, almost certainly leaving a possessive set of scratches across his cheek. "I think we'll need to get you a little more focused for this, though," he added, hands leaving his rump. Somehow, his finger pulling out left Dugan feeling empty for a brief moment.

A length of silken fabric was pulled tight over Dugan's eyes just as he stuck his tongue to scoop up some of the spilled seed, and suddenly he was far more aware of how thick it was, how globs of it rolled over his tongue.

"Just focus on that taste. Learn to love it. And learn to love-"

Panth paused, and Dugan felt a firm pressure against his tight, bare pucker.

"-this," his captor growled, and with a buck of his hips, he roughly sunk into the Jaguar's body with only precum as his lubricant. At least there was a lot of that, but it still burned, and Dugan was painfully aware of just how thick his master- no, no, no. It's getting to me. He pressed his lips against the fox's clenching, ever so slightly gaping hole in a bid to distract himself, to do anything but let those vague submissive feelings influence him. Yet, he knew he was ultimately only falling right into their trap, their conditioning, as a gush of the wolf's seed spilled into his mouth.

It didn't do him much good. He moaned against the fox's ass as Panth rutted him, using him roughly and carelessly, and worst of all, bumping against his prostate with each stroke. Each time he did, it was like a kind of resonance kept building up inside him, shivering waves of pleasure that only intensified each time. He didn't even realize the fox was clean before he moved away and Dhahabi took his place, presenting his half-hard shaft to the jaguar.

His cheeks burned red as he realized he's totally eaten the other slave out, swallowed every drop of cum left inside him. At least it couldn't get any worse.

Dugan opened his mouth and accepted the wolf's musky shaft inside it, quickly sucking him back to full hardness. He was hard too, despite it all, despite being spitroasted by these two monsters seeking to break him, unable to deny that it was starting to feel really, really good. So good, in fact, that he had a hard time trying to focus on anything but that sexy taste of cock in his mouth and just how good having his ass used and taken felt like. Those waves of bliss only intensified until it felt like they were going to sweep away all rational thought, and along with it, his very identity. He'd be left as just a pleasure-addled slave.

The thought only excited Dugan further. Suddenly he understood why the fox had moaned so happily. Yet- no, he was going to resist, he had to resist, at least-

He felt the cock in his muzzle swell a little more, and already he was swallowing hungrily, in anticipation, as he could swear he felt the cum surge up and through it. The one buried in his ass tensed, too, almost simultaneously, filling him with thick, heated spurts of seed just as the first of it splashed against the roof of his mouth. The two grinded against him, throbbing and twitching almost in sync, and Dugan became aware of just how painfully hard he was, himself.

"Mh, that's a good slave..." the wolf rumbled. His fingers teased Dugan's scalp as he nursed the last dregs of cum from his softening cock, squeezing around the one buried under his tail with equal affection. One of his hands unwittingly found its way to his cock, and he quivered, so sensitive and so pent up that he was going to cum from just the slightest touch.

"An adequate one, at least," Panth added. "Granted, we can hardly have cocksleeves like this wasting their lust, much less running around pleasuring themselves."

He was suddenly yanked backwards again, though this time by the hips, cum spilling over his chin and chest as the softening cock left his mouth.

"God, I was enjoying the afterglow," Dhahabi growled. "You couldn't wait a minute longer?"

"Yes, yes, but you know we have to get them used to this early," Panth replied, and Dugan only heard a brief metallic jingle before the panther suddenly poured a bucket of ice-cold water on him. Dhahabi laughed despite his earlier annoyance.

He let out a loud yelp.

"Good slaves don't get hard," the panther rumbled, a wide and malicious grin splitting his expression from ear to ear. "You'll only pleasure yourself with that little bitch-hole under your tail."

Indeed, Dugan went soft rather quickly from the cold, shivering as he struggled to figure out what he'd done wrong beyond having an erection. Wouldn't that be what they wanted? He, in turn, wanted to lash out, to curse out his captors, but that'd only result in more suffering.

Instead, he remained frozen as Panth clasped something even colder than the water around his hips and over his sheath. Snugly over his sheath. He looked down, and saw a chastity cage.

He didn't know how to react. There was simply no point of reference. So he watched, dumbfounded, as the panther locked it. And then, with growing terror, as he brought out what looked like a small blowtorch.

"Stay still," the great feline grinned, showing off a mouthful of great fangs. "A future owner of yours might choose to remove this. But as long as you remain here..."

He flicked the torch on, and a steady, small flame appeared, light blue in color. Dugan couldn't have moved even if he wanted to. He didn't want a permanent chastity cage, but even less than that, he want to get burned. Once I get out of here I can just find a locksmith. Get an angle grinder. Just relax, Dugan...

He closed his eyes. Tightly. Screwing them shut so hard he saw those small, bright spots across his vision. Mercifully, the only thing Dugan felt was a faint warmth as the panther did it, along with a brief whiff of burnt fur. No pain, thankfully, though his palms were drenched with sweat well before it was done.

"There," Panth purred, and Dhahabi joined him with a chuckle. "Now, you might not be able to cum from merely being fucked yet. Don't worry, though. You will."

Dugan looked, again. The lock on the cage was halfway melted, and his fur singed around it. There'd be no easy way to get it off, but at this very moment, it wasn't something he worried about; he didn't exactly feel aroused, despite having been robbed for his release just earlier. The sudden ice-cold shower had done wonders to quiet his lust.

Granted, that'd change with time.

Dhahabi slipped the blindfold over Dugan's eyes again. He was surprisingly gentle compared to Panth, despite his seemingly more malicious nature, his hands silken against the jaguar's face.

"What happens next is all up to you, really," he churred. "Sooner or later you'll embrace what you are, and beg us for your next rutting. And then, we'll be ready to sell you off to a loving home."

Dugan didn't like how he emphasized "loving". Surely not everyone could be as nasty as those two, though? Maybe there was a loving master to be had out there, one that'd give him all the cock he needed- huh._The thought made him feel _tingly in a way he hadn't felt before, or at least not for a long time, and it was oddly vivid before his mind's eye. He saw himself, kneeling happily at some faceless, strong owner's feet, purring happily as he rested his head in their lap, nuzzling at their girthy sheath to-

The jaguar shook his head. That wasn't him, was it? Not really, it was this damn place getting to him. He stayed silent as he was led back to his bed, still feeling the heat of Dhahabi's seed pooled inside him, a slight warmth oozing down his legs as he walked, but it didn't bother him now like it had used to. It was hard to care about what he looked like, and it was, perhaps, appropriate for a slave_anyway. He was only doing it to please his captors, he told himself,_pretending to like the stains on his once-pristine fur.

For the next period of time, Dugan sat in his dark little cage. Maybe it wasn't dark, really, but he was blindfolded and couldn't tell. The lack of sight forced him to focus more on his other senses, and he began noticing a constant musky aroma in the air from the other - no, just the slaves, he wasn't one. Quiet moans and whimpers, both of frustrated need and sweet release when one their masters used them, followed by the scent of fresh cum. He could've sworn they brought in more slaves just so he could hear them moan. It was frustrating, but with his own cage now in place, it had started to get to him. The inability to give himself any relief was maddening, especially in such a sexually charged atmosphere.

Some primal part of him had started looking forward to being used, if only because that'd finally let him cum as their cocks hammered his prostate, over and over again. Was it that desperation that drove the others to so readily submit? It couldn't be, because that meant it'd happen to him, too.

Still, he couldn't help but sniff at that thick, sexual melange of scents. It was just about the only thing he could do; he'd tried grinding against his bed, but the cage stopped that from going anywhere. He was no stranger to using dildos, but he couldn't get hold of one, and even then he'd struggle to get it inside him.

And that left him with little choice. Well, one option was obvious; begging for his "masters" to use him until he came, which would also leave him full of and splattered with their seed, just like the other slutty pets and slaves in the dungeon. The other option was to simply deal with it, to manage to contain his arousal until the two decided his training wasn't going anywhere, at which point they'd surely release him.

He hoped. Dhahabi might've preferred to just dispose of him, but Panth seemed like too much of a professional. He didn't know either of them, though, just that at least one of them earned money by kidnapping and training slaves, and the other simply did it out of some kind of wanton hedonism, having too much money to spend on things normal people enjoyed.

He could feel his cock throbbing against the cage, though. His masters didn't punish him unless he misbehaved, and doing nothing didn't count. It was a very calculated game on their part; sometimes, they'd tell him to do things as practice, but otherwise, they were counting on his lust getting the better of him, so that he'd willingly serve them. And god, as the days passed, Dugan realized that might be what'd happen. His thoughts were increasingly full of images of him presenting himself, tail hiked eagerly, just like he'd seen the other slaves do, and even thinking of begging for it felt wonderful, somehow.

How wonderful it'd feel to have a thick cock spread him wide. A thick, veiny cock with barbs or a knot, so very powerful. Eager and willing to fuck his brains out until he was perfectly happy being used. Another one thrusting into his muzzle, throbbing as it prepared to give him his reward for being a good, obedient slave. Just another happy cocksleeve for anyone to dump their cum into. It had felt wonderful the previous times, or so his mind, deprived of any other stimulation, told him. Each beautiful little throb and that strange, warm pride at making the two strong, masculine, dominant men feel so very good that they deigned to mark him with their cum. Each wet spurt of it had been like ambrosia-

Had it, really? Dugan realized he was drooling at the thought. It hadn't felt that good, but he was desperate for any kind of interaction after what must've been days without seeing anything or feeling anything except for his thin little bed.

This wasn't working. He needed relief or he'd break, he told himself. And so, he stood up, still blinded, and stumbled his way towards where he could hear others. It sounded like they had prospective buyers visiting. Testing the merchandise, too, from the sounds of it.

"Ah, finally ready, are we?" he heard Dhahabi laugh, and soon after a firm set of hands grabbed him by the waist. "Just in time for the auction, too. We usually let people try you slaves out before they commit. You clean each other up so nicely for the next customer..."

His blindfold was removed for a brief moment, and as that was done, he caught a brief glimpse of the others. A variety of canines. One rather muscular lion with glasses. A horse, too. They all looked at his desperately needy form.

"This one should be ready in just a few days, so we'll be accepting bids for him as well, tonight. Slave twenty-eight." Panth grinned. "And going by how he's dripping, he's just about ready to be tried out, too. Anyone interested?"

A few of them, the lion and two wolves, raised their hands, and a quiver shot through Dugan's body as he noticed the hunger in their eyes. A hunger all directed at him, their glances shamelessly scouring every inch of his body. Had they planned this? Predicted exactly when he'd give in, and invited the buyers? Panth noticed, and turned towards him.

"Now now, calm down, you'll do fine. Let's get you focusing on what's important," Panth said, excusing himself from whatever he had been discussing. "Cock. Good slaves love cock, and you want to be a good slave, don't you?"

He pulled a hood, seemingly made of leather - or maybe very leather-like rubber - out of a bag he was carrying.

Dugan nodded frantically. He didn't care, he just needed relief. The hood felt weird as the panther pulled it over his head, and once it was smoothly over his ears, he couldn't hear anything either. It even covered his nose with an openable flap, so he was unable to even_smell_ anything unless allowed to.

All he could do was feel. He was guided to lay down on a surprisingly comfortable, padded rack, and Dugan obeyed without question, the pressure and sheer need inside him too strong to do anything else. And when he was presented with his first cock, he realized that his senses were compensating by making him feel more. Every single vein on the surface, the way it pulsated with its owner's heartbeat, throbbing in response to his tongue caressing the tip. How erotic it felt pressed against his lips, sliding wetly and effortlessly into his mouth as if it was made for that.

It was even better when he felt a firm heat prod against his ass again, and he thrust himself back against it, groaning happily as it sank into him. He didn't even care who it belonged to. He wanted them all. Maybe they'd let the other slaves fuck him, too, so he could learn to pleasure every shape of cock available, just so he'd be ready for whoever bought him.

Something broke inside of him, all the remaining resistance shattering and, Dugan imagined, dripping out of him along with the precum from his caged cock. He loved this. He loved being a good cocksleeve. He loved being_property_, and the fact that so many of these strong males were willing to at least try him out, maybe buy him made his heart swell with pride.

The first cock in his mouth erupted without warning, spraying his tongue and throat with warm, thick cum. Dugan swallowed, as was his duty, and moaned around that shaft as it pulled out, spent, using his lips to squeeze out what spunk remained. Soon the other male hilted himself inside his eager ass and spilled his seed in turn, in heavy if dull throbs, leaving the jaguar to moan loudly again as he suddenly felt that heat blossom inside him.

He had no idea how loud he was being with the mask on. Probably embarrassingly loud, he dimly realized, but then again, why wouldn't he cry out his happiness at being taken as he deserved to be? It didn't seem to discourage the buyers either; soon, a fresh set of cocks entered him from both ends, just as hard and ready as the previous. The one using his ass felt like it might've been Dhahabi again, but Dugan was far beyond caring. He just wanted more.

He was so very, very close, losing track of everything but that wonderful sensation of cocks hammering into him. It wasn't until the third one before he finally reached his peak, and it was almost indescribable. His cock never got hard - it couldn't, after all, with the cage around it - but instead his entire body seemed to convulse, an overwhelming, vibrating kind of pleasure that left his legs twitching, erupting from deep inside his core rather than being centred on his cock. Oh, he did cum, but rather than spurts, cum simply drooled from his limp shaft as he rode those waves of pleasure, shamelessly singing out his joy as his prostate was milked dry.

He was only given a brief moment to recover and none at all to clean up, afterwards, once every buyer who wanted to had had the opportunity to "try him out". Instead, he was led to a platform of sorts, standing shoulder to shoulder with other newly minted slaves for the auction.

He stood as still as he could with his trembling legs, hearing and seeing nothing, but knowing that the prospective buyers were walking around him, appraising the merchandise. Dugan was no longer self-conscious about the fact that he was leaking cum from his well-used tailhole, and even more of it being splattered over his chest, but there was some instinct to squirm and hide, knowing that everyone was looking at him.

Still, there was a comfort in the hood he was wearing. He was expected to be on display, after all. It was all for his own good, to keep him calm and docile. On impulse, he raised his tail, letting the buyers who hadn't already tried him out get a good look at what they'd be purchasing. For how long he stood there, he couldn't know, but he did hear yelling as bidding commenced. Only faint, muffled voices, as if he was listening to them in a dream. It certainly felt like he was in one.

Soon enough, everything was quiet, until a firm hand - one he recognized as belonging to the panther - pulled him off the stand and towards somewhere else. When the hood was removed, he didn't recognize where he was. Somewhere with a rack and a fireplace, with a poker - no, a branding iron already heating up in it.

"Congratulations," the black-furred feline purred. "You just earned us a lot of money. Well, me, at least. All Dhahabi really wanted was the experience. Now we'll just have to get you ready for delivery."

His fingers caressed the handle of the branding iron, almost lovingly, clearly seeking to draw some kind of reaction from Dugan.

Branding?_There was a weak spark of panic somewhere inside him, in that independent part of him that'd been all but subsumed by endless rutting and pleasure. _Yeah, branding. Everyone should see who a good slave belongs to, he thought.

His body on autopilot, the jaguar stepped onto the rack, proudly propping his rump up so that his trainers could brand him appropriately.

"I told you you'd make a good slave," Panth purred. "I'd reward you, but I think your new owner would prefer to do it himself."

He took the iron from the fire. Dugan closed his eyes again. This would hurt, of course, but maybe not for long. His trainer didn't want to permanently damage him, after all, but only to do what had to be done for him to become a proper piece of property for someone new and dominant and wonderfully well-hung-

His world exploded into sudden agony as the iron came to rest against his ass, if only for a few moments, permanently burning his new owner's name into his skin, along with his number. Twenty-eight. Whether the new owner wanted to use that or let him keep his old name would be up to them. Mercifully, the surge of agony that left the jaguar crying into his blindfold only lasted for a brief second or so before he was doused with cold water and then promptly smeared with a numbing kind of cream that Dhahabi assured him would help his skin scar properly.

In a way, it was a proud kind of pain. He was happy to be marked. After all, how else could everyone see who he belonged to?

"It's the lion, by the way," Dhahabi rumbled. "Yeah, the big muscular one. Name's Leon. He took a liking to you. Sadly, I do hear he's a bit more gentle than us. Don't let him spoil that discipline..."

While he healed, the two took turns using his muzzle instead, not wanting to risk him snapping out of his submissive state. Of course, they had nothing to worry about, and the jaguar hardly minded; at that point, he'd developed a rather strong liking for cum, and it tasted like happiness, like a job well done, a cream shot to celebrate a task finished, and like tangible, mouth-watering proof that he had pleasured a dominant cock enough for it to spurt into his mouth. That is to say, he liked it. Needed it. It made him feel content.

Even with the cream speeding things up, it did take a few days before he was ready for "delivery" as they called it, something that Dugan found himself increasingly anxious about. It wasn't that he'd ever really liked being captive in the dungeon, but it was something he knew by now, something safe and comfortable, and knowing what his owners wanted, full of pleasure. A new owner would require him to learn it all anew, but then again, that was what good slaves did, wasn't it? They learned to please their masters. No matter who they were.

When the blue-eyed lion finally arrived to pick up his purchase, the jaguar was a bundle of nerves, pacing back and forth in the little cell that'd been his home for months, odd emotions welling up inside him as he realized he'd have to leave it.

Dhahabi had already left before then, having done what he wanted. The thing most akin to a farewell that he'd said had been spraying a final load of his seed over Dugan's muzzle, letting the jaguar clean it up as best he could. But the wolf had, it seemed, grown bored. There were other hedonistic pursuits to chase when one had, as some might say (though none would say it aloud) more money than sense.

Panth, on the other hand, was there to see him off, and he looked as proud and imposing as ever as he did, if perhaps taciturn.

"We didn't collar him," he told Leon, who came casually dressed, perhaps in order to draw attention away from himself and more towards his naked slave. "That'll be something for you to do. The cage should come off easily enough with some tools if you prefer..."

He gave Leon a quick rundown of everything they'd taught the jaguar to do, and the lion caressed the purring purple feline's head lovingly as he listened.

"Seems like you did a pretty good job. Hopefully you didn't entirely break him," he finally replied.

"Oh, no. Just made him very subservient. I'm sure there are still opinions and such buried somewhere in him," Panth replied.

Leon brought out a blackened iron collar. "Here, slave, I got this for you," he purred, letting the jaguar get a good look at that symbol of ownership. "Mmh. We'll have to think of a better name for you," he continued. "But that's for later, right now... I think I want to take you for a walk."

He fastened the collar around Dugan's neck and locked it. A nod to Panth had hm weld the lock shut permanently, the jaguar perfectly still as it happened. It felt heavy around his neck, yet... safe, somehow. There was a sense of satisfaction in truly belonging to someone, a sense of safety and security, and he purred happily as the deed was done, barely daring to meet his new owner's gaze.

"Naked, of course. You don't mind, do you?" he asked.

"No, sir. Show me off all you'd like," Dugan replied. Sure, it was humiliating, but he was only a slave. His humiliation didn't matter. What mattered was that his master enjoyed it, and perhaps that swelling pride in his chest as he'd be displayed as someone's property. Branded, collared, and caged. Submissive, and complete.

Leon clasped a leash to his collar as Dugan obediently tilted his head back, and then, they were off. They put the blindfold on him for a while, not wanting any slaves to know the way to Panth's training dungeon, but that was fine by him. He trusted his master fully already, as a good slave always did.

It was only a few minutes until he felt sunlight on his fur, for the first time in what felt like months. Suddenly, he was very glad he was wearing the blindfold, because there was no way his eyes could've handled bright sun after this long. He whispered so, quietly, to Leon.

"Mm, of course. You can keep it on for today. Next time, though, you'll have to get used to the light again," the lion replied.

Soon, Dugan could hear people around him. They were probably staring. He knew he'd stared when he'd seen naked slaves in the streets before, wondering how they could ever be alright with having that done to them. And now, it was him. Naked, and in plain sight of everyone except for the cage that barely covered his modesty at all. Yet, the collar around his neck only felt more protective, in a way; if anyone wanted to complain, his master would be the one taking care of it. He was only a submissive slave, perhaps a pet, with no right or ability to argue with anyone.

He was, however, blushing fiercely, doubly thankful for the blindfold now. At least he didn't have to know how many were staring at his naked form. People he'd known before, maybe, and they'd recognize him by his unusual fur colour. God, his parents could be in the crowds.

"Don't worry, we'll get you used to showing off, too. Maybe take you to some slave shows," Leon purred, as if sensing his slave-pet's discomfort. "You look sexy as hell, either way. If anything, they're all just jealous that you're collared to a master and they aren't."

He'd known something had broken inside him for a while by then, but it was that giddy happiness at the idea of getting to do something to make his master happy, and the truth about how good it felt to have him, that really drove the point home. This was who he was now, and he purred along with his master all the way to his home.

Before he even removed the blindfold, Leon bent him over the back of a couch, with a dominant growl. Dugan yowled like a cat in heat when his master slipped inside his ready, lubricated tailhole for the very first time, cementing his claim with heavy, rutting thrusts. Leon's barbed shaft raked his pucker, perhaps not painfully - but enough so to make the jaguar tremble and squirm. And yet, he wanted this, perhaps more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life. He wanted to feel his master seed and mark him as his property.

It didn't take long before Leon roared and hilted himself inside his new slave's clutching, warm body, letting lose what felt like gallons of heated feline seed, all of it pumping into the jaguar's core and leaving his heart nearly melting at how happy he'd already made the lion. There'd be a lot more of this, in the future. Hopefully nothing but this.

Every good slave loved cock, after all, and he was a good slave.