A Motivation Method

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a gift for :anotherdragon: ! She was lovely and gifted me an art piece, so I decided to pay her back with this :) Amber needs some "help" getting back on track with her art but luckily, there are people that specialise in the exact kind of motivation that she needs...

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!Go there to see stories sooner, as well as some other perks!Find me on my Discord server!

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It was easy to forget little things, especially when they were some time ago. Where one had left their keys, if they really had run out of milk at home, what online services that they might have subscribed to late at night. Amber was particularly guilty of the latter. The purple and blue dragoness tended to pay for subscriptions yearly when something caught her interest, only to promptly forget about it until the inevitable email asking to renew came. It was a bad habit, but not her only one.

On this particular Saturday morning, Amber had woken rather late in the morning. Still only half-awake and dressed only in an old t-shirt and underwear, she mixed herself a bowl of cereal to ease the growling in her stomach, then promptly went into a controlled flop onto the couch so as to not spill any of her breakfast. It was a little late for anything good to be on the regular old TV, but with Netflix, no one had to worry about things as silly as programmes and schedules.

I can finally watch that new season I've been waiting for, the dragoness thought to herself with a yawn, scooping a little of the cereal into her short muzzle. There weren't any other plans for the day, so she could watch as many episodes as she pleased. Almost automatically, her eyes flicked over guiltily to the cluttered desk in the corner. Under some papers, letters, and some other odds and ends, there was a drawing tablet and pen. The layer of dust on them both, even with their covering, betrayed a distinct lack of use that made Amber's eyes slide away again. "Could do some art, I suppose," she mumbled, but even as she spoke, her paw was pressing all of the buttons on the television remote necessary to bring up Netflix and resume her show.

The familiar sights and sounds of old characters with a new story was more than enough to distract Amber from all that guilt though, the tablet and pen safe under their dust as the dragoness curled up on the couch. At some point, she replaced her bowl of cereal with a bowl of popcorn instead, a snack far more suited to movie-viewing adventures. From then on, there was little reason to get up at all, besides periodic trips to the bathroom and to the pantry to resupply on snacks.

The episodes of her show went by almost too quickly, the dragoness enraptured. There were easily enough to fill the entire day and then some, even when being binge-watched in such a manner. But the story and the familiar characters held Amber's attention easily, so easily in fact that when the doorbell rang, she didn't immediately go and answer it!

I'm not expecting anyone, it can't be that important, she thought, turning her attention back to the TV. But whoever was at the door wasn't to be deterred that easily. The bell rung again...and then again for good measure. "I'm coming!" Amber shouted back grumpily, pressing pause on her remote and then immediately scrounging around for something to throw on; answering the door in underwear was appealing in some ways, and less appealing in others. Luckily, Amber's approach to laundry had been less than organised recently and there were some sweatpants waiting to be put away (along with lots of other things) on a chair.

It took only a moment for the purple dragoness to slip them on, now somewhat presentable as she ran to the front door, though not fast enough to stop the person from pressing the doorbell yet again! Amber ripped the front door open before the sound had even faded away, glaring moodily out at whoever had dared to interrupt her planned lazy day. "What!" she said, a little more forcefully than intended. Who rings the doorbell that much anyway!

Expecting a neighbour, delivery person, or some other kind of unwelcome interrupter, she was more than a little surprised to see a sharply-dressed woman with two burly men standing before her door. The woman was a doe in a professional business skirt and top, the two men behind her a bull and a stallion and far more physically imposing. Amber was not a large dragoness, and they towered over both her and the deer by a foot and a half, easily.

"Hello, Miss Amber!" the deer said brightly, unfazed with the less-than-welcome attitude she was getting. "I'm here representing Procrastinate-Away, a service you signed up for exactly one year ago today. In fact, you enrolled yourself in our gold-class program! Do you remember doing this?"

"Uhhh," Amber said, feeling rather underdressed when compared to the doe. "Vaguely? Don't you do some sort of habit thing?" She shifted sheepishly. "I meant to cancel that... I think I signed up after a lot of wine."

"I think a lot of customers are like that," the doe said in a conspiratorial whisper that was nonetheless clearly audible. "But it's still binding! You provided several online profiles that we've been monitoring to track your output, since you specified your habit was to be producing artistic works. Unfortunately, you've fallen very behind of the goals that were set when you signed up."

"Well, I've been busy," Amber said defensively, quite aware that she'd spent the last several hours on the couch watching TV. "Anyway, I'm cancelling the subscription or whatever now, okay? I forgot I even made it."

"Oh, I'm afraid that it doesn't work like that!" the deer said, laughing as though it was obvious. "You can't cancel once the subscription has been made. As per the contract that you signed, you must come with us to receive your stipulated punishment, or there will be a ten thousand dollar fine for breaking the terms." Her smile widened, as she checked her phone. "We're running a little behind schedule already, so if you don't make a fuss, I'll go easy when we get there."

As if on a silent cue, the two men on either side of her stepped forwards a little, smiling themselves and motioning towards the deer as if to shoo Amber into following her. The dragoness gulped, thinking back furiously to try and remember what the punishment was supposed to be. She definitely didn't have ten thousand dollars though! "Are...Are you serious?" she said hesitantly, but no one suddenly exclaimed that it was some giant practical joke.

The doe clucked her tongue in disappointment. "Well, if you're set on paying the fine instead..."

"Wait!" Amber yelped. "No...Hang on, just let me change and grab my things."

"That won't be necessary," the doe said. "Just your keys will do, we really are running behind today."

"I..." Amber considered protesting but honestly, this entire thing was just so out of the blue that the dragoness was a little overwhelmed. She paused for a moment before spinning around and half-running to the countertop where her keys were. The TV was still running as she went back to the door with nothing else at all. "Will this take long? I have..." The words trailed off, Amber knowing full well that she'd planned a whole lot of nothing for the rest of the day.

"Nope," the doe said, spinning on her heel and marching back off towards the car. "We'll have you back in time for lunch."

A little cautiously, Amber stepped out between the bull and stallion, locking the front door of her house behind her. The doe was holding the back door of the car open for her and Amber slipped into it. The interior of the car was rather nice but not too expensive, and it smelled as though it had been recently cleaned. The two men got into the driver's and the passenger's seat, while the doe got into other seat in the back with the dragoness. As soon as she did, the car pulled away from the curb smoothly and the doe pulled out her phone again.

"Righty-o," she said, tapping the screen a couple of times and then giggling to herself. "Oh my, this will be good. Well, my name is Ava and I will be the one in charge of your punishment for breaking your goal. Wow, you didn't get close did you?"

"Hey!" Amber protested, blushing. "You don't need to rub it in..."

"Funny that you should say that," Ava said slyly. "Instead of choosing from our own selection of curated punishments, you specified your own. Your punishment is having capsaicin rubbed into your clitoris and then forced orgasms through electricity. My, my, someone's quite kinky."

Amber sat speechless for a few moments, her face burning brighter than she could remember. Suddenly the night where she'd ordered this came rushing back; the dragoness had been rather drunk and this had seemed like something that would be quite motivational. Shame that she'd forgotten all about it the next morning! "You can't be serious! That was just...just a joke!"

Ava shrugged. "Hey, joke or not, it's on your contract. We got the electrodes and the capsaicin waiting, we'll be there in a minute. Unless you wanna go home and pay the fine instead?" The doe tilted her head to one side, grinning broadly and already knowing the answer to the question she had asked.

"No..." Amber grumbled, slumping back against the seat and folding her arms. Ava just giggled again to herself, scrolling through her phone. Amber didn't even have hers on her, the purple dragoness staring out of the window. They were in a part of town that she recognised, and she was surprised to see them pulling into the carpark of a pretty ordinary office building that she'd gone past a couple of times. This place wasn't even ten minutes from her house!

The underground carpark for the building had only a few cars and no people at all. They pulled into an empty space near the elevator, but the bull and the stallion didn't move from their seats. "Out we get," Ava said brightly. "They've gotta move onto the next client; it's just you and me from here."

"Um...right," Amber said, getting out. There was another lady in a business suit nearby waiting and she jumped into the car, waving to Ava and Amber as she did.

"Ah, lots of people to motivate!" Ava said brightly, pressing the button to the elevator and nudging Amber with her elbow. "Maybe after this you'll be more productive, hm?"

Blushing but not deigning to respond, Amber stepped into the elevator beside the doe. This had better be worth ten thousand fucking dollars! The elevator whizzed upwards silently, Ava humming to herself nonchalantly. The doors dinged open after a second, revealing another perfectly ordinary space. There was a receptionist's desk and a waiting area, though both were empty at the moment. Just past the desk was a carpeted hall and it was down this that Ava led the purple dragoness. Doors were at placed at regular intervals on either side, each numbered with a placard.

As she passed one of them, Amber paused, looking at the door. Was that... Did I just hear a moan? It was muffled almost to the point of being inaudible, so quiet that Amber couldn't even be sure that she was hearing it.

"You're in number seven," Ava said, letting out a giggle as she led Amber forwards. "Let someone else enjoy their own motivation; you'll get your own soon enough."

Amber seemed to be blushing constantly now but she moved past the door towards number seven. Ava opened it for her, shooing the purple dragoness inside and then following herself, closing the door firmly behind her. The back of the door had some dense padding, making it rather thicker than a normal one. The same was true for the walls, providing some measure of soundproofing for the room. It was otherwise quite spartan, white and rather clinical. It wouldn't have looked out of place at a doctor's surgery, apart from one thing. Affixed to the wall opposite the door were a set of cuffs, high enough that Amber's arms would be kept above her head. Another set of cuffs were down near the floor for her ankles, with a third there for her tail too.

A small table and chair were next to it with a few items laid out neatly on the top: a bright red tube of cream, and a box with wires terminating in two clips. Amber gave a gulp when she saw them, freezing in place. Is this actually happening? she wondered, before being startled out of her thoughts by the doe clapping her hands together sharply.

"Right!" Ava said, grinning. "Why don't you undress and go stand over there?" Ava motioned towards the cuffs. "Be a good girl now, and maybe I won't have to use as much capsaicin."

A subconscious whine left Amber's throat at that but her hands moved towards her shorts all the same. With Ava's eyes on her, the dragoness felt quite self-conscious but she defaulted to doing as she was told. Given that there was no way that she'd be able to do the fine, this was the only option. No more late night shopping! she scolded herself, before hooking her thumbs in the waistband and pulling the shorts and her panties down in one smooth movement. As soon as they were off, the purple dragoness's tail curled around her thighs. It didn't do much to hide anything but it felt a little more comforting.

Holding her hand out, Ava took the dragoness's clothes, placing them neatly on the chair. "Now the shirt," she said, tapping her foot.

It was off in short order, Amber blushing once more as she handed it over, covering her breasts with an arm, even while knowing that it wasn't going to be an option for long. Ava didn't seem to mind, perhaps precisely for that reason, as the doe placed the shirt on the chair and then moved closer to Amber, steering the dragoness towards the cuffs on the wall. "I'm sure that you've done this before," the doe said brightly. "When I read the specifics of the punishment that you'd chosen, I knew that you were a kinky one. And I've seen a lot of kinky specifications!"

Seeing that Amber wasn't moving on her own, Ava grabbed one of her wrists, gently but firmly moving it up towards the cuff. There were no locks on these cuffs but with her arms spread apart, there would be no way for Amber to undo the buckles herself. Ava's movements were quick and practiced as she placed the purple dragoness's wrist into the right cuff, tightening it until it was snug and comfortable and quite secure. Amber's other wrist was next, the dragoness putting a little more resistance into the movement as she was left completely exposed, blushing and squirming now that her chest was on display.

Ava seemed more concerned with getting Amber bound for the moment though, and now that her upper half was securely restrained, the doe crouched down low and began busying herself with the remaining cuffs. Her face burning brightly, Amber didn't resist as her ankles were tugged into the cuffs and then kept there. The purple dragoness's tail was last, a specialised cuff keeping the tip down between her ankles. Amber could squirm and wriggle to her heart's content, but not do anything more.

"There we go!" Ava said brightly, standing back with her hands on her hips as she admired her handiwork, and by extension, Amber. Amber tugged on her cuffs a couple of times automatically, trying to cover herself, but there wasn't any way to do that. The most the dragoness could do was squeeze her thighs together a little, not that it did much at all. "Mmm well you certainly look quite lovely all tied up," the doe continued with a giggle, turning to the desk and the objects resting on it. "I think you'll look much better when you really have something to squirm about..."

Ava trailed her fingers over the table, drawing everything out so that the anticipation built. Amber was certainly feeling it, a knot of tension forming in her belly as she watched Ava's every move. Eventually the doe seemed to settle on the tube of capsaicin first, picking it up and inspecting it closely. "Ooh, extra strength," she said impishly. "I wonder how it feels. Ah, well you'll be able to tell me soon enough!"

Amber was actually holding her breath even as her heart-rate seemed to double, the purple dragoness watching as Ava ever so slowly unscrewed the cap on the tiny tube, before squeezing a sizable dollop of the thick cream onto her fingers. "Hm," the doe said, seeming to reconsider. "That seems a bit too little, I doubt it's that strong." Before Amber could say anything in response, Ava squeezed even more onto her fingers before throwing the small tube back down on the table. "Right! Let's get started, shall we?"

"It is that strong! It is!" Amber yelped, squirming as much as her bonds would allow but nothing slowed the doe's approach.

"Just relax," Ava giggled, before moving her hand down between Amber's legs. The purple dragoness's thighs were squeezed tightly together but not tightly enough to prevent the doe's access to her sex. Ava pressed her fingers in, slipping the ones with the capsaicin right into the dragoness's slit. Amber gave a sharp gasp at once, momentarily forgetting to squirm. Taking full advantage of the brief lapse, the doe's fingers began to move in little circling motions right around Amber's clit, rubbing the cream into not only the little nub, but the hood and folds surrounding it. The capsaicin took a few seconds to properly take effect, so in the brief few moments before that, Amber found herself blushing hard once more, biting her lip to stop herself from moaning. The movements of the doe's fingers were sending hot little sparks through the dragoness's hips, making her squirm for an entirely different reason now.

Those few seconds of pleasure ended when Ava withdrew her fingers, taking a wet wipe and cleaning the rest of the capsaicin off of her fingers. There was a very pregnant pause, the doe making sure that her fingers were clean and waiting for the capsaicin to take effect, which wasn't long at all. It started as a vague warmth centred at the top of her sex, which was admittedly feeling a little warm already. It was actually somewhat pleasant...at least until the intensity began to grow. The warmth turned into heat and then into outright burning! Amber yelped again jerking her hips but there was no way to escape the capsaicin now.

The intensity was only heightened since it had been applied in such a sensitive place, and there didn't seem to be a limit to how much it burnt. "Take it off! Take it off!" Amber yelped again, feeling tears in her eyes as she squeezed them tightly shut, her thighs doing the same. It felt like was a red-hot iron against her clit, one that the purple dragoness couldn't dislodge no matter how much she jerked her hips and rubbed her thighs together. The capsaicin caused a vicious cycle, making the dragoness's clit more sensitive, which made the burning more intense, leading to more sensitivity, and so on.

Amber was so distracted by the feeling in her sex that she didn't even notice Ava picking up the wires, clips, and black box from the table. The dragoness's eyes were still shut, at least until the first metal clamp attached itself just above her clit. Her eyes snapped open, the dragoness giving a squeal as the sensitive flesh was pinched. She looked to see the doe crouching down with the other clip, pushing her hand between Amber's thighs once more. There was another sharp pinch that made the purple dragoness yelp, this time nearer the back of her pussy, closer to her entrance. The feeling of the tiny metal clamps were far outweighed by the burning around her clit but the sight of Ava standing back up with the control box in hand still made Amber meep, eyes wide and pleading.

"Never used one of these before so let's just see..." Her fingers pressed onto one of the buttons on the little box, clicking it rapidly a half-dozen times. There was a short delay before the device beeped cheerfully and electricity began to course through the wires connected to it. Considering where Ava had connected the leads, there was only one path the current could take to complete the circuit: right through the dragoness's clit. All of the breath in Amber's throat burst out of her in a howl. The burning sensitivity from the capsaicin combined with the electricity coursing through her pussy, the sensation completely and utterly overwhelming.

It was remarkably effective, the purple dragoness's hips jerking about as she wailed, the first climax crashing through her before she even knew what was happening. It wasn't even pleasure at this point, just raw sensation that was practically painful. All of Amber's breath seemed to vanish all over again as she began to cum, squirming and yanking on all five of the cuffs binding the dragoness to the wall. Before the first orgasm had even really ended though, another one was crashing through her, the constant jolts of electricity through her clit spurring them on, forcing the dragoness to cum rapid-fire. Each one made her even more sensitive and as her pussy began to drip down onto her thighs, the moisture made her clit all the more conductive. Each climax seemed to make the next one even stronger and they followed so closely that Amber lost the ability to even tell them apart. It felt like an endless wave, wiping everything else away.

"T-Too much!" Amber squealed, trying futilely to shake the electrodes loose.

"Turn it up? Hmm, well we can increase it a bit!" Ava said, clicking the same button a couple more times. The shocks running through the purple dragoness got even stronger, and she lost track of everything after that. There wasn't room in Amber's brain for anything other than the sensation of cumming over and over.

When it finally did stop, it took the frazzled dragon a minute or two to even notice, chest heaving as she gasped in breath after breath. Even though the electrodes were turned off, she was still feeling phantom little shocks running through her pussy, which was absolutely soaked. The capsaicin was still making her sex feel hot but it'd lost a lot of its intensity now. Orgasmic aftershocks made the dragoness shiver every couple of seconds; her cunny felt painfully oversensitive from everything, even the motion of the air over her folds enough to make her squirm and whimper.

"That was quite a show," Ava said, checking the time on her phone. Amber had completely forgotten that she was there but now her embarrassment came rushing back all at once, a blush rising to her cheeks. "But we've run out of time for today. Do you think you well-motivated now?" She raised the box, thumb hovering over the button to reactivate it.

"Yes! Yes!" Amber yelped, her voice a little hoarse from all the squeals and wails.

"Good," the doe said, coming forwards and taking the leads off of Amber's sex. The feeling the tiny clamps releasing their hold made the purple dragoness yelp again, but it was done in a moment and then Ava was unbuckling the cuffs. Amber wasn't entirely sure that her legs were capable of holding her weight but as the last cuff was unbuckled, the dragoness was able to take a wobbly few steps over to the chair, sinking into it with a groan. She was present enough to take her clothes out from under her before sitting; considering how wet her thighs were, it wouldn't have been good to go home wearing clothes soaked with dragoness arousal.

"Take a couple of minutes to rest and get dressed, then I'll come back and one of the cars will take you home," Ava said, heading to the door. She stopped with her hand on the handle, then turned and winked. "You know, you did sign up with our two years for one deal. I hope this will inspire you to be more productive this year! Otherwise you'll have another appointment just like this one." Her giggle followed her out of the room, Amber's own meep lost in the sound as she blushed hard.

When I get home, I am going to work so hard, she thought, another phantom tingle in her sex making her shiver. Now she definitely had the motivation...