Of Water spirits and secrets...

Story by Denver on SoFurry

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Father had always said, 'Never go to the lake when the Moon is Full or New. That's when the Other's, the Spirits of the lake come out. When they find a furr watching them along the banks, they almost always kill them, or take them back into their realm and make them slave forever. For in their world, Time holds no meaning...'

That is what he had said. Ever since I was a boy. Then again, it could have something to do with the fact that I really wasn't his son. Mother and Father were canines by species, yet they had no children of their own. From what my mother tells me, I appeared after she went to the Henge stones a days journey from home, and begged the spirits to bless her with a child. No matter what that child looked like, she swore to care for it as she would her own flesh and blood...

She got her wish, and I was born under a New Moon, scaled and crying in defiance at having been thrown into such a cold place after being in such a warm world of water, muffled sounds and a constant beating of drums. Mother was true to her word, and after a time, Father accepted me as his own as well, teaching me what he knew of hunting, crafting of wood and stone, as well as tales of our lands past. Of druids, witches and monsters, as well as the hero's and heroen that saved many an innocence in their time. Yet each night before falling asleep, Father always saved the warning of the Lake, as if afraid I would go there at night.

And each night, I lay awake, trying to envision what these beings would look like. Dreams were filled with their songs, the dancing and motions of their forms. Mornings I would wake up and still be listening to the sorrowful/joyous music they played until mother called me to dess and break a new days meal.

Now, 18 summers past, only my mother was alive and she, soon to be leaving the living. I held her close, had against her breasts as I listened to that heart I thought would keep beating forever and ever. She held me there with what strength she had for a long time, keeping silent. She kissed me and finally spoke.

"Arden, ye know I'll be gone soon," she whispered, voice soft and cracked with age. I nodded, unable to speak, the grief so close yet not fully arrived. "There's something I wish for you to do once I'm gone. Yer Father was afraid of it happening before, so that's why he told you to keep away from the lake. Once I'm dead, I want you to go there at midnight, when the Full Moon is high and the clouds hand around her like whisps of velvet hair."

"Mother..why?" I said finally, her face becoming bleary as my tears started to flow a little. She hadn't much strength left.

"That's where I concieve ye, Luv. That's where your father and my wish was granted. I've known from the first. Please, promis me you'll go there." Eyes clouded by cateracs gazed up at me blindly, her face twisted with hope and sorrow for all that she would miss.

"Upon my Life, I promis," I whispered, hugging gently. She sighed and I felt her own tears touch my scaled face, listening to her heartbeat...beat-beat..-beat-beat..beat-beat...beat---beat....

...I buried her beside Father, marking her headstone with my talons so that somehow, she would be remembered by the winds and rain for a long time after. Turning to the path leading down the hill towards the forest, and thus, the lake, I started to walk. The Moon had already risen, I had only a few hours to get to the lake before it reached it's apex.

Arriving an hour later, I stared at the still water, surrounded by trees with a wide shore of small boulders, each one easily as large as I was. Standing seven feet tall, my tail stretched out another 4 1/2 behind me, covered in silver scales as was the rest of my form. I looked at my reflection in the water, cobalt blue eyes with silver pupils staring back from a strong smooth dragonic face. Spiked main of silver spines, three horns branched out from a bony piece of silver on my forhead. One on either side jutting straight back, while the third rose up, bent back then up again, resembling a knife blade, the edge of which was aligned with my snout. A light vest of tanned leather, with breeches dyed dark blue covered my form as best as they were able. Not overly muscular in appearance, I had a slim form akin to a scaled cat. The underside of my feet were thick enough to keep me from being cut by anything sharper than crystal. I was still behind the treeline, and I wondered at my mothers words. What did she mean by them? Emerging slowly, I moved to one of the smooth boulders and rested myself against it, looking around and trying to stay awake. Closing my eyes, I could almost imagin the music from my dreams. So comforting...

Something lightly trailed across my lips and I muttered something, turning my head slightly only to hear the sound of light laughter. I woke with a start, scrambling to my feet and the loughter redoubled, coming from dozens of throats in musical succession. The Moon was high, illuminationg the Lake and the shore surrounding it. Blue fires dances like small stars in the distance, casting little warmth but a lt of light in return. Two such fires were near me and they shone on the incredibly beautiful beings that now gazed upon me.

Most were human in appearance, though skin and haircolor was of every shade and mix possible, most were soft and of calming combinations. Blues. greens, amber and sage. A few though shocked me, being mirror images in basic form yet each one different colors and expressions. The one before me was unmistakably female, breasts and waist covered in light violet silk, almost transparent. Golden eyes with emerald pupils watched my reaction with amusement, lips curved in a grin. Scales the dark blue of the lake were accented with tiger stripes of silver that ran and curved over her body. Long white hair fell in waves across her shoulders and down her back, one slender hand held a lock of it against her lips. Apparently what I had been tickled with.

I started to speak but she held her fingers to my lips, shaking her head slightly. "Don't ask the questions you have yet," she said in a gentle voice, one that was almost constant in my dreams, the one that had come ever closer as I grew older. "You're home, Luv." Looking around at the others, I watched them back off and pick up the instruments of crystal, wood and coral that lay around us, hands starting to play the song. I understood it now, the sadness was the life I left behind, the pain of loss now that both of my parents were gone.

Joy was before me, a welcoming to a new life with a new family. She sang, a wordless tune that mixed with the notes of music, yet I understood them. We had been betrothed a long time ago, but my body had started to die. In desparation, they had heard the plea of my mother and sent my soul into her form, making her fertile in hopes I could be saved.

She led me to the lake, smiling as she removed her clothing and helping me do the same. I followed her as she dove under the water, swimming swiftly, Moonlight fading as darkness set in. I never thought such a lake could be so deep, yet this was. At one point, I paused, unable to see her, having lost the gleam of her scales. Shivering as lungs convulsed for air, I tried to swim up, only to feel something grab my shoulder. Turning, Her lips pressed against mine, and knowledge flowed across them to me. I stopped panicking, lips parting enough to feel her toung taste me a moment and allow water to enter my lungs. Shifting slightly, I held onto her, pulling back from the kiss and exhailing bubbles then a warm stream of fluid. Taking my hand, She went off again, this time pulling me along until I could get a sense of where she was. Darkness was complete for a long time, yet the music remained, steadily getting stronger, soon followed by the briefest glimmerings of light. A palace of ancient rock and coral appeared, the building itself the source of song and illumination. She landed on a balconey and passed through the arch leading inside, turning to wait for me. As I passed beneath the entry, water vanished completely, replaced by air scented with Lavender.

"Welcome beloved," she said, embracing me, pressing her body agianst mine. Another memory floated to the surface as my blood pounded through my body, the scent of her this close, the feel of her against me.

"Ariss..." I whispered, gently lifting her head up for a passionate kiss, her name remembered.

Her nipples were fleshless and I felt them harden, my fingers sliding up her form, cubbing her left breast and squeezing slightly. Ariss moaned, arching back a little, both hands grabbing my shoulders, her eyes closed. She murmered encouragement as my lips moved down to suckle one one nipple then the other, my breathing faster as I became aroused. My cock was already half out of it's sheath, throbbing and starting to glisten with pre. SLiding my tail up along the inside of her thighs, the tip tickling her sex lightly, feeling the juices already flowing from her.

Her hands moved up and down my sides slowly, one hand slipping around to caress my cock and pump it gently, causing me to growl deeply. My tail slipped past the lips of her sex, entering her warms and causing her to cry out a little. It didn't move too far before it hit her virginity.

"No," She gasped, pushing away a bit, hand squeezing my cock lightly before letting go. Her scales had turned darker, eyes glowing. Pulling me towards the large four poster bed and laying me back upon it. She straddled my waist, nuzzling my neck, hands rubbing my chest momentarily. Moaning a little, she rubbed her hot sex against my manhood, the head slipping just inside of her a moment. Holding her waist, I pulled back a little, gasping for breath as I looked up at her. Ariss grinned, settingling herself on me until the head of my cock pressed against her barrier, taking a deep breath. Without warning, she drove herself onto me, all the way to the hilt, giving a loud bugle of surprise. I joined her in the cry, the feeling far more pleasurable for me at the moment than her but soon it didn't matter. Ariss rocked her hips against mind, moaning as I bit my lip and thrust into her sex deep and slow. Leaning forward, her breasts dangling before my face, she reached down and brought my head up, whispering encouragement to do as I would to her.

Licking across each one in turn, I massaged both, suckling and growling at the same time, making Ariss shudder. Her sex was silky, moist and incredibly hot around my shaft, bringing me ever closer. I thrust faster, feeling my balls growing a little larger and heating up with my cum. Nibblign around her nipples, I pull on them a bit, then flick them with my forked toung. Leaning back, she pulled me up with her, coming down hard on my cock and cried out as her orgasim hit, bringing me to climax as well. I roared, the whole room shuddering with the sound as my hot seed spilled out and filled Ariss, mixing with her own. A hundred memories came back, all in that instant. I remembered the time I spent with her from the day I was able to comprehend what went on around me. I remembered the illness that took place, a week after being betrothed. The memories of my other parents, their love, their passion...

I fell back, spent, panting, my essence flowing into her and seeping out, coating my waist and her inner thighs. Laying on me, Ariss was in no better shape, but her smile had grown, hands tracing the muscles of my body, along my neck, jaws and back again. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, holding on to what we shared, to her, my lips kissing her cheek as I closed my eyes.

"Now...mmmmmm...you're truly home...Rian...My Luv," she whispered, shifting slightly, the action making my shaft harden quickly again.

"I know," I replied, and spent a long time making sure she knew it...