Syn, Lili & Aya - Prologue: The Adventure Begins

Story by LibraryOfDebauchery on SoFurry

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#1 of Syn, Lili & Aya (WoW)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Prologue: The Adventure Begins

The air held a sweet smell, ancient, but sweet. The brightly colored cherry blossoms blew in the calm and cool breeze. The lands of Pandaria, a vast land of great beauty, graceful elegance, and of course, its great mysteries. None more grand and ancient than the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, one of the many titan experiments, turned seat of power for the Mogu Empire, then turned seat of the Pandaren dynasty; only to later be devastated and destroyed by the atrocities of one power mad orc. Even with great effort, scars still remained in this once dazzling land, but nature would find its way back and its splendor would return in time. But when the land shook and quaked, many of the Mogu's secrets were revealed for those who can find it.

Li Li Stormstout, niece to the famous adventurer Chen Stormstout, skipped about the land, taking in the splendor and wonder of its grace. Making her way along the dirt path, she traveled along the mountains south of the Mogu'shan Palace. The explosion of Sha energies when the Heart of Y'Shaarj was taken to the pools, corrupting the once sacred waters, exposed many secrets hidden away from the ancient Mogu Empire. Many secrets that any adventurer would love to find. But Li Li was just wandering around, swinging her staff playfully as she went about her way; fighting with make believe enemies as if she was on some grand adventure. Though it was childish stuff it was still enjoyable, though the lack of any damage to her pink kimono like attire showed her off to have had nothing exciting happen yet. That is, until her sparkling eyes came across some strange, something different, something massive and covered in cracked rock and stone that seemed rather unnatural.

Once Li Li looked at what looked to be a massive door, her eyes widened with excitement. The door was definitely Mogu in design though it was unique in design as well, but lacked any real creativity in detail. Unlike the door of the famed Mogu'shan Vaults, this door was plain, but the construction work was the same style of Mogu that she and her uncle have seen over a dozen times. The surrounding rocks and stone were cracked, evidence of the disaster that had stuck the Vale. But it seemed that Li Li could be able to handle this. Though she wasn't her Uncle and couldn't simply move the rocks. She instead called on her monk training, focusing her chi a light wave of energy pulsed from her form. Washing over the stone and finding the points to strike, giving her a clear view of the weak spots of each stone.

With her staff in hand, Li Li raised it upwards, only to bring it crashing down to a series small, almost insignificant spots on the rocks. But this was the rock's shatterpoint, a weak spot that with her simple strike, unseen cracks within the rock widened, expanding outwards until the whole seemingly solid piece collapsed. Li Li only giggled, jumping in excitement over her accomplishment. When she shattered the rock, it also carried over to the door, breaking a hole big enough for her enter. With the only obstacle removed, the young pandaren ventured into a large hole formed in the doorway.

"This is going to be great!" Li Li cheered, peeking her head in the dark entrance. It was dark, far too dark for her to enter alone. Curious, she extended her palm, focusing her chi to create a sizable ball of the turquoise energy. "Let's see here..." Though dim in the bright sunshine, once fired into the entrance way, the room lit up for a few moments. Though short, it was enough time to show how massive this place was; massive, and dark. She reached to grab her pouch for something to drink and noticed how light it was. She was running low on essentials "I'm going to need to more supplies before I go in here, never know what could be waiting."


Some time had passed since Li Li had found the vault, she did her best to cover the entrance with surrounding brush to hide her find. She didn't wanna have someone to just find the vault and explore it before her. Now she was waiting for the guide The Guild had appointed her, "The Guild" was a group that would work as middlemen for guilds and registered adventurers and made assignment of quests and jobs easier. She posted a request for a guide that was well traveled and could take a long term contract. It wasn't a cheap request either, luckily for her she had earned a few treasures with her Uncle Chen that she sold off that would cover the fee.

Lili waited in a lobby within The Guild's area, it was like a Inn. She ordered a bit of lite brew with Ginseng tea mixed in and some spring rolls. She drank like most pandarians but she didn't wanna have to much. Just enough to pass the time as she did. Her eyes caught movement in the corner of them, the receptionist that handled her request was speaking to a hooded figure with a somewhat stocky figure. She pointed in her direction and was soon greeted by the figure who had removed his hood. "So you're the guide I was told about?" Li Li Stormstout asked, in between stuffing her face with chun tian spring rolls and drinking ginseng tea. "You don't seem like much?"

The young pandaren had returned to the Alliance aligned Shrine of Seven Stars to gather supplies, but she had other plans that required her to come back to the Shrine. For years, she's traveled with her Uncle Chen, much to the disagreement of her father, but never had an adventure alone but she learned that traveling with someone wasn't so bad. She though wanted to explore beyond the land of Pandaria and the rest of the world. Since the arrival of the two factions that had been warring with each other, she became far more interested in seeing beyond her homeland. So after months of begging, she finally got her father to allow her to go on adventure, provided she finds a guide. But Li Li was okay with that, as her Uncle Chen would say: "Traveling alone is a trip not worth traveling, traveling with another makes the trip worth sharing when you get home".

"Don't you worry little one, I have my ways." Replied the calm, yet almost authoritative voice of a large steel grey worgen replied. A pandaren waitress walked by, placing a large quantity of food for the pair to enjoy as they spoke. "I've learned a thing or two in my travels." He smirked a little as he took a sizable bite of wildfowl roast and downing a large mug of steamy apple cider. His trenchcoat like armor made the worgen look like he knew how to fight, especially the small areas that were stitched back up; but it was the golden vine and leaf accents along the rim and cuffs revealed this worgen was a druid. "You'd be amazed at what a well traveled wandering druid can do. "

"Oh?! My Uncle once told me about talking trees; is that a druid thing?." Li Li said in an excited tone, nearly burping from her tea. "He said he saw a bunch of massive trees, with angry faces. I think he was in Ashenvale, or maybe it was Mount Hyjal."

"That is not completely accurate, but yeah the Ancients are talking trees. But those are different." The worgen replied, chuckling a little at the eagerness of the pandaren. Taking another bite of his meal, the worgen took a small breath, his composure taking a more business expression. "Now, I was told you want to travel outside Pandaria and explore the rest of Azeroth, correct?"

"Yes. That'd be nice." Li Li smiled, her cute cheeks puffed from stuffing her face."I've never been without Uncle Chen outside Pandaria before, so this is going to be great!"

"Well, if you've never been alone outside Pandaria before, I can help guide you around." The worgen offered, his kind words showed his concern and sincerity. "I know the lands of Azeroth pretty well." He then raised a curious eyebrow as he was finishing his meal. "I can show you all the best and amazing sights and places." He then placed his drink down. "Though we will of course have to discuss the matter of payment."

"That would be awesome! But can we talk money another time?" Li Li cheered, practically hugging the worgen in excitement. "But I need to quickly gather some supplies for something first." The worgen only raised a curious eyebrow as she continued. "I found an ancient Mogu something, I don't know, maybe a Vault. But I want to explore that before I leave. So can we meet back here within the next two weeks? Oh! That's right. I never asked your name."

"Syn. And that is fine." Syn replied, taking one last gulp of cider. "We can leave as soon as we gather the right supplies. But we will need to finish our talk about payment when you return. The Guild has only given me a tiny bit that was deducted from the fee you paid already." As the two finished their meals and continued their small talk, both failed to notice that their conversation was not going unheard. Another ear was listening to the duo, and it perked at the idea of the Vault, and her lips curled into a smile at what treasures may lay within.

Aya Blackpaw, the leader of the Jade Lotus gang back in Gadgetzan had overheard Li Li while she was at the Shrine to finish expanding her business thanks to her crushing victory over the goblin-made trading outpost. This did cause great conflict with the goblin Steamwheedle Cartel, but Aya knew she could leave her group to keep the place in order as she traveled. But now that Li Li as perked her interest in what could be a major breakthrough in her profits. The thought of what wealth could be hidden in such a Vault made her body shiver with delight, making her fine black and green silk attire wrinkle a little. Though she would have to leave her bodyguard White Eyes behind; he was far too big to follow anyone without being seen.


Making her way back to the Vault, Li Li, with a sizable bag of supplies slung across her back, skipped along the path, moving as fast as her little legs could carry her. Following close behind was Aya, her eager and sharp eyes staying on Li Li at all times. Whatever treasure was in that Vault would be hers. It was a simple plan, Li Li would handle any threats or dangers the Vault held, and then Aya would swoop in and make off with the most valuable items. It would be like taking a steamed bun from a cub. Though one thing was odd, the path was far too peaceful. There was only the sound of the trees and loud birds. Nothing else, not even a thundermaw pack, but Aya shook her head of the distraction; she wanted to steal treasure from under Li Li's nose, not care about wildlife.

"Let's see now." Li Li said, pulling out one of the small lanterns tucked away in the bag. Striking at a firestarter, she ignited the lantern, closing it off to prevent the flame from going out. Nodding confidently, she proceeded into the darkened room; unaware that Aya was following after. "There we go." Her face was wide with excitement, this was going to be fun, she just knew it.

The interior of the Vault was massive, by far bigger than any Vault she had ever seen. But it was different. Almost empty and simplistic. But as she turned to look back to the entrance, she saw multiple, colossal locking mechanisms on the back of the door. Whatever was in this Vault was so important that the Mogu made it impossible to open the doors from the outside. But why so many measurements for such a simple room? There had to be an explanation or something. Her curiosity blinded her to Aya's presence, who had to quickly roll to the nearby darkened, shadowy corners when Li Li turned her lantern.

"Maybe it's like that place Uncle Chen told me about when he went to Uldam." Li Li told herself, looking around the room. "A simple room at first, but there's a secret around here! What did he say? Like it was super easy to find. But how did he show me out to find it?" Thinking a moment, her mind sparked with the technique her Uncle showed her.

Raising her paw up, Li Li focused her chi into her paw before bringing it down on the stone ground. Ripples of her chi extended outwards, almost like an echo location of energy. Aya had but a fraction of seconds to react, jumping in the air but grabbing nothing as she avoided being detected by Li Li's technique. Taking her paw off the ground, the pandaren looked towards the center back of the room, eyes glittering with excitement as she approached the seemingly plain looking wall. Standing a foot away from the wall, Li Li pulled her paw back into a fist. In a swift but strong motion, the little monk punched the wall, breaking at what was a hollowed out section. Behind the crumpling rubble, a tiny pocket of light poked out along a long hall.

"This seems too easy." Li Li pondered, picking up a small pebble from the destroyed wall. "Let's see now."

Throwing the pebble in the hall, the though to be empty room sprang to life. Spears began jutting in and out of the wall. Fire spewed out of cracks along with small crackles of electricity. Any other adventurer would see this as a death trap. But not Li Li, not her. This "death trap" only made her more and more excited, and more eager. Taking a deep breath, she arched her back, getting into a running stance; her eyes fixed on every motion within the hall. Exhaling, the pandaren springed into action.

Running towards the traps, Li Li jumped, turning her body in a spinning motion; dodging the first of the spears. Once her paw was placed to the ground, she pushed up, preventing what was a false tile to break under her weight. The fire licked at her fur, but missed, leaving only a little heat against her body. The electric shocks missed as well but caused some of her fur to stand erect from the static. Keeping in control of her breathing, Li Li stayed focused, her eyes darting in all directions to see every attack as they came. While these traps would've been a danger to any adventure, they were nothing to the pandaren monk and her years of experience and training.

Reach the end of the hall, Li Li found the source of the light. It was something that made her eyes widened and dazzle brighter than her lantern. Treasure, mountains of treasures laid sprung about the room. Gold and jewels, armors and weapons were all just thrown in large piles, nearly filling the room to capacity. But as she looked around, Li Li felt something, faint, but still a feeling. She was feeling tired, maybe a little winded from using all that chi, but above all, she was thirsty; so very thirsty.

"Maybe that took more out of me, than I thought." Li Li giggled to herself as she reached in her bag for some water. But to her surprise, there was none there. Looking harder, she found that all of her food and water had fallen out. Turning back down the hall and the still active traps, she saw the splattered mess of her supplies. "Well...that stinks..." Looking about the room, her eyes came upon something plain but out of place among the hoards of treasure. A fountain, an ordinary fountain with clear running water flowing from it. Looking at the water only seemed to make her more and more thirsty. Thinking nothing of it, she shrugged her shoulders. "No harm in taking a drink, and I am pretty thirsty."

Walking over to the fountain, Li Li felt nothing threatening, nothing about of place. It was just an ordinary fountain. Her body almost seemed to move a little on its own, though she didn't mind as she was getting more and more thirsty. Once reaching it, the young pandaren wasted no time, practically dunking her head in the waters as she began to drink. Slurping and gulping down the cool and refreshing liquid, Li Li felt the parched feeling in her throat leave her immediately; but what was once a thirst changed to a different sensation.

"W-what is this?!" Li Li cried out, feeling her nether region begin to burn. Her paws wasted no time grabbing at her crotch, sending surges of pleasure to course up her body. 'Why does it feel so good?" The fountain's waters quickly turned to mist, flooding the room in a matter of seconds, only intensifying the burning urge she felt in her body.

It took a few seconds longer than it should have for her to realize what she had done. This was not some ordinary fountain. This was the Fountain of Lust, an ancient legend her Uncle told her about once when her father wasn't listening. According to the legend, the fountain's waters would drive whoever drinks from it to fall into a primal lust, a passionate urge and need to breed that would reduce the afflicted to sex crazed animals. Li Li tried to do something, anything to stop herself from masturbating. But the pleasure was too much, her paws moved on their own as they continued to rub and finger her soaking wet pandaren pussy.

Following close behind Li Li, Aya had stayed close to her prey, but in doing so took the brunt of the traps meant for her. Her body was sore, small cuts and burns coated her fur and torn clothing. But as she made it through the threshold into the treasure room, Aya arrived only to see Lili take a drink from the fountain. No sooner after drinking, the fountain's mist spread and struck the pandaren without mercy. Aya was knocked back a little, more from the surprise than anything. But as the mist washed over her, she felt her body flare up with a need to fuck.

Just like Li Li, Aya dropped to the ground, tearing at what remained of her clothing as she began to masturbated, moaning even louder than her fellow pandaren. This sultry sound only caught Li Li's attention. But she didn't question why Aya was there. If anything, she was thankful. Crawling her way over, pulling her clothing off as she moved, Li Li grabbed at Aya, licking and moaning along her body; shivering as she kissed the soft fur and flesh. Aya's body only quivered, causing her pussy to drip nearly a small puddle on the ground from Li Li's touch.

Aya moaned loudly, feeling Li Li's tongue moving along her body, seeking only to satisfy its own pleasure. The taste was beyond what she thought possible. There were no identities between the two pandaren girls, only passion, only the carnal need to indulge in the other. Aya placed her paws on Li Li's head, but this wasn't to push her away, but rather to hold her head in place at her pussy as she began to grind herself against her face. Li Li only moaned as she slurped at the sweet flowing juices that gushed from Aya's wet hole.

Aya opened her mouth to speak but only sultry cries of pleasure could escape her lips as she delved deeper into the depths of passion. Li Li was so skilled with her tongue, her paws wandered up towards Aya's chest. Her breasts were like soft, warm steamed buns in Li Li's touch. Both pandaren moaned as they felt the other up. Their eyes looked deeply into the other, dazzling with their shared lust. Grabbing at her shoulders, Aya pushed Li Li away from her pussy, but only to get her on her back as she pressed her soft body on the other.

Aya wasted no time, leaning in and kissing at Li Li's mouth, tasting her own juices on her tongue as the two made out with a hot and steamy passion. Both their pussies leaked their glistening nectar, pressing and kissing each other as the two started to grind their pussies together. Li Li and Aya could only moan in the other's mouth as their bodies were climaxing to hard and constant orgasms. Both soon forgot about the world around them, all that mattered was themselves and their insatiable lust for each other.

But just as they were on the verge of another massive orgasm, a pair of large worgen claws grabbed at their bodies, hoisting them up on the shoulders of a large, gas mask wearing worgen. Not as unaffected by this change in development, the two pandaren licked at their paws and kissed at the worgen's back as he carried them both out of the room, running as fast as his legs could carry him until he all but jumped out of the main exist. Turning, the worgen gently tossed the girls to the soft grass as he faced the open entrance. Seeing the mist was gushing out, the worgen grabbed a small explosive and threw it at the entrance. The explosion broke at the crumbling rock, collapsing the entrance to block in the mist.

"Well then, that should do it." The worgen replied, taking off his gas mask to reveal it was Syn who rescued the two pandaren. Turning, he went to try and speak to the moaning pair. "Now, let's see to-"

Syn could barely finish his sentence before he felt the sudden impact of Li Li's paw against his stomach, knocking him hard on his back. Looking up, he saw the lust drunk expression on their faces. Before they were enjoying each other, but now that a male was so close by, their urges were heightened even further. Aya followed in suit, grabbing at Syn's pants, all but ripping it fully away, revealing his sizable erection; the residue from what little mist he was struck by affecting his own arousal. It was a little over two feet in length, pulsing thick emerging from the fluffy sheath; all with a pair of melon sized balls hanging from his loins. For only a second, just one second, the two girls looked at this cock, taking in every detail of the sight and strong musky smell of it. Letting out an almost primitive, lustful cry, the two leaped into action.

Li Li moved to get Syn's cock in her mouth as fast as possible, but her motion not only reached her face to the shaft, but her dripping wet pussy was being pressed against the worgen's muzzle. Aya only seemed more focused on Syn's large balls, licking and suckling at the cum filled orbs as she fondled them with her paws. Syn let out a moan, their sweet smell, in addition to the lingering effects of what little mist he took in before he put on his gas mask had caused his carnal blood to flood. This combination soon erupted in the form of his cock growing and swelling to a size that just barely fit in Li Li's slutty mouth.

As Li Li worked her mouth over Syn's cock, she started feeling something else that was warm and hardening pressing against her cheek. It was a second cock and it was twitching little beads of precum against the pandaren's cheek. Smelling the strong musk of the cock, Aya slid her tongue up towards this second cock, shivering as she could taste the strong flavor of the worgen's masculinity. When reaching the hard cockhead, she slammed her head head, deepthroating down on the thick shaft.

Syn gasped as he felt the second warm mouth take in his dick, this moment of air interrupted by Li Li's sobbing wet pussy pressing harder against his face. Seeing no other way to escape this situation, he decided to play along; her sweet taste and smell was beginning to slowly dull his senses. Extending his tongue, he slid it deep in the young pandaren's wet entrance, his sense of taste tingled as he found his mouth slurping at her almost unconsciously. Li Li moaned over the thick cock in her mouth as she felt Syn's tongue reached her deepest parts, sliding along the sensitive parts of her inner wall with every motion. His rough tongue pressed her sweet spots with the skill greater than her fingers.

Both Aya and Li Li bobbed their heads up and down, feverishly trying to get the most of their dicks in their silky warm holes as fast as possible. Syn could only feel himself getting close to orgasm from this combined arousal. He wasn't prepared for this and knew just one spurt wasn't going to be enough. He had to relax and refocus his mind. To compose himself for what was to come. His cum filled balls swelled and tightened as the thick spunk bubbled and boiled inside him. Aya and Li Li squealed in joy as the two felt the shafts expand and lengthen from the coming climax. Their eyes almost held a heart shaped lust as they felt themself getting closer to their own climaxes.

Grunting in Li Li's pussy, Syn released his first load, firing thick volumes of hot cum in the girls' mouths. Both their eyes widened from the hot pressure beating the back of their throats, but neither was willing to let go. They drank at the spunk as if they were at Brewfest. Their bellies almost bulged a little from all the cum being pumped into them, but they did not relent. They licked, slurped, and suckled until the cum flow dried up. Once the climax ended, both girls released the limping cock, rolling to the side, cooing and rubbing their hot and bare bodies in the afterglow. Syn looked at them, trying to think of a way to end this, but upon seeing their glistening wet cunts, and remembering the taste still fresh on his tongue, the worgen felt his cocks harden again, ready to fuck these two horny pandaren.

But as he was prepared to try and calm himself, Syn saw something happening to the girls. Before his eyes, he could see the girls' bodies were losing some of their bloated appearance. While not instant, both Li Li and Aya's bodies were seemingly absorbing his thick loads of cum. Not only was this making it possible for them to take in more, but it seemed to also release a stronger, sweet smell of arousal. As impossible as it all seemed, the worgen only began to slip further and further towards a near mindless lust craze. There was no way his cocks would calm down, no matter what he would try at this point. All he could do, was fuck these two horny girls.

Gulping hard, Syn looked at the two, marveling at their alluring, hot, and sweeting wet bodies. Li Li and Aya seemed to show off their dripping entrances moaning, begging for the strong worgen to ravage their holes with his cocks. It was fortunate he had a pair; if he had only one cock, the two would be tripping all over themselves to have the thick shaft for themself. Syn inhaled, his senses picking up on the strong smell of their arousal; though not as affected, his more bestial instincts exploded with the urges to breed. It took what humanity he had left in his mind, body, and soul to resist the urge. But it wasn't enough to stop him from fucking them, he was just going to be a little more control than they were.

"This won't do." Syn contemplated, looking to the two girls, shifting the direction of his cock from one to the other. Both pair of eyes followed the swaying dicks. "I can't choose." Then an idea sprang in his head, curling his lips into an almost wicked grin. "So I won't."

Walking over to the two, he placed his claws on Li Li's waist, causing her to gasp a little at the sudden firm grip as he hoisted her up. He then nudged at Aya's side with one leg, causing her to turn on her back. Gently, he placed her swollen belly on Aya's swollen belly. The pressure of both cum filled bodies pushing against the other almost caused a small amount of excess cum to trickle from the sides of the pandarens' mouth. This was only what cum had not already been absorbed into their bodies. Their bellies were still losing much of their swollen appearance as Syn pushed himself deeper. The second he placed them close, the two began to rub and make out with the other. Their mouths moaned and cooed into the other as their tongues embraced and their paws rubbed the other's lucious hips and soft breasts.

Carefully, Syn aligned his hard cockheads to the slick and dripping pussy lips, the silk like kiss booth gave him caused a small shiver to run up his spine. Exhaling, he gave the first thrust. Both girls' bodies offered no resistance, their inner walls welcomed the invading cocks with eager anticipation. Li Li and Aya screamed in orgasm in the other's mouth, not relenting from their making out and foreplay. The mix of erotic touching, moaning, and the thick dicks inside them caused their inner walls to coil around the shafts. Like a soft, wet, and silky vice, the pandaren cunts seemed to only suckle at the cocks inside them.

Syn pulled out a little, only until only his cockheads remained. Exhaling, he thrusted his cocks back in, this time bottoming out his full lengths; this caused their already swollen bellies to swell even more. To prevent Li Li from rolling off, Syn smacked his hands on her ass to keep her in place as he slowly picked up his humping pace. The impact of his hand on her soft, round rear caused Li Li to gasp, giving Aya's tongue the chance to explore the back of her mouth as they began to grind their bodies against each other.

Syn huffed, sliding himself in and out of both pandarens. The tight feeling of the girls gripping on his twin cocks only added to his pleasure. Exhaling hard, the worgen grabbed at the soft pandaren ass, squeezing it as he fucked harder and deeper in the soft and gushing wet hole. Both girls squealed in pleasure and passion, shivering and thrashing from their constant orgasms. Syn felt their inner walls squeezed around his dicks with each pulse of their pussies, it sent a surge of tingles up his spine, making his senses dulled and more focused on carnality.

"Fuck..." Syn growled, gritting his teeth hard as he felt himself ready to cum. He knew this had to be wrong; to bust a thick load in a pair of girls who were cursed by some sex mist. But he couldn't help it, their smell, their sounds, the feeling of their bodies against his. It was too much. "Fuck...a-oooooo!"

Syn's howl echoed loud and dominating, scaring many of the local wildlife. But it was this sound that also caused Li Li and Aya to scream even louded in their next hard orgasm. Their pussies tightened to a near crushing grip, refusing to let Syn's cocks free until it had released every last load of his cum inside them. The gagged on their sound, gurgling saliva and pleasure as they felt their bodies expanding again. It was too much, even for their bodies to absorb. The thick, hot load was bloating them out. This wasn't just the look of impregnation, both pandaren looked like they were ready to birth litters of little worgen and pandaren cubs.

Syn took a deep breath, deeper and lower than even his growls. There was no holding back anymore, he was too aroused to think straight. Muscles strained, his bulk started expanding as he was becoming more and more feral. Within moments, he was no long in a worgen form, but a massive werebear form, his even bigger cocks expanded in the panderans' bodies, making them squeal like whores from the feeling. But this transformation also affected his body in another way, Syn had yet to cum and he was building up a heavy load to release in the girls. Almost instinctively, he pulled himself back, causing the girls to gasp as they felt their pussies suddenly clap together from the force.

Before either of them could realize it, Syn went back to action. This time, however, he grabbed Li Li's hips and rammed both his cocks in her at once. Her small pussy stretched out to a size she never thought possible. Both massive cocks rubbed against each other inside of her. Her inner walls clamped and loosened from the vicious fucking she was taking. Aya could only lay there and moan, rubbing her wet pussy, begging Syn to fuck her soon. Li Li cried out as she felt orgasm after orgasm explode inside her. She loved every moment of this, the pain of being so violently fucked was only dwarfed by the pleasure that was causing her body to shake over these thick bestial cocks.

Grabbing her hips, Syn hoisted Li Li upwards, holding her as he started to ram himself in and out of her body with reckless abandon. The pandaren only gasped and moaned as she felt the monster cock break in and out of her cunt. She flopped about, arms dangled as the werebear lifted her only to bring her back down harder and deeper. Aya could only watch as Li Li's belly bulged hard from the thick cock pushing her insides. She wanted to take part, to be so viciously broken by such a dick. But she stayed in place, rubbing and fingering her dripping pussy.

Li Li, using some degree of mobility, reached her arms up and around Syn's head, bringing his face close to her's. Moaning loudly, the pandaren brought her mouth to Syn's opening kissing his muzzle as she felt another climax rocket through her body. The hulking beast shifted his hands more towards Li Li's thighs, keeping one hand at her waist and the other under her thigh as he fucked in a more piston-like motion. The pandaren's body shook madly from the action and squirted long trickles of her female cum to the ground, causing it to sparkling in the day's light.

Aya continued to masturbate while watching, marveling at the brutality Syn was putting Li Li through. But she wanted more, she wanted that massive cock in her and she wanted it now. So she stared long and hard until the werebear showed only a moment of fatigue, loosening his hold on the girl, which caused her to fall forward, nearly smacking her face against the dirt, but her hands stopped her. Aya's eyes dazzled, her chance had come and she was going to take it. She selfishly pushes Li Li aside, knocking the pandaren off the thick cock. Syn grunted from the sudden kiss of cool air on his slick shaft but then calmed a little as he then felt Aya slide the same cock in her pussy. The girl squealed, showing more pleasure than pain was coursing through her body. Syn only continued to thrust himself in and out of this new hole. All that ran through his thoughts was how hard he could ram himself in the tight fuck hole leaning before him. Aya moaned loudly, making Li Li shiver with both anger for being shoved off, but also the arousal she felt hearing such a loud mating sound.

Aya quickly turned about her body, now facing Syn as she grabbed at his shoulders to keep herself in place as the beast groped at her soft ass she he started to make her bounce on his cock. She moaned like a broken whore as she smacked her face against his, sloppily making out with the werebear. Aya's body shivered and shook, her inner walls made way for the massive cock and let it bulge inside her. But unlike Aya, Li Li was impatient and resented being shoved off so soon. But she was lucky, Syn still had his free cock that only seemed to bounce and smack against Aya's ass crack with each bounce.

Crawling, Li Li made her way over to the flopping dick and wasted no time shoving it in her mouth, deep throating the girth with no concern for her ability to breath. It was still a strong and dominating taste, the smell only driving the pandaren to go further and further. But she didn't keep herself attached for more than several bobs of her head. What she wanted was lower. Slowly, she slide her mouth off the girth and then proceeded to run both lips and tongue along the bottom and travel towards Syn's massive, cum filled balls. But to really worship these sex orbs more effectively, Li Li rolled on her back to have better access.

The werebear almost jumped from the sudden suckling he felt, but that didn't slow down his fucking. Instead, a new idea seemed to form in his lustful mind. Lifting Aya only slightly, he then quickly turned her and pushed her forward, making her land atop Li Li's body, but unlike before, the pandaren's wet and gushing pussy was kissing at Aya's face. Enraptured by the feeling, the girl acted on instinct, licking and tongue fucking the sloppy wet hole in front of her. Li Li didn't seem to care but the new pleasure only made her passion towards Syn's heavenly cum balls intensify.

Syn fucked into Aya for several more minutes, as well as revealing from the warm embrace of Li Li's mouth on his balls, before feeling something shiver up his spine. He wasn't on the verge of orgasm, at least not yet. This was a different feeling. Dominance. He wanted to make the girls beg and moan. To crawl to him and prostrate themselves for his cocks. With the greatest of reluctance and what little self control he had left, Syn pushed Aya off his cock, making her fall chest first to the soft ground with a gentle thud. Looking over, both pandaren saw the still wolf like werebear Syn was somewhat leaning against a nearby tree. His chest heaved from his heavy breath, but he remained stoic in appearance.

Unsure what to do, the two only did what their instincts and desires commanded. Too weak to walk, sway, or strut herself, they resorted to crawling like heat stricken animals towards the twin pulling cocks. Syn watched, eager to see how the girls will handle what he was planning; though it was difficult to say how complex of a plan his sex addled mind could concoct. Once they arrived, the hulking beast only let his massive cocks plop on their faces, marveling at their shared lustful gaze. Both seemed to act as one, grabbing at the slick and cum dripping shafts before pressing the heads against their lips.

Having them in reach, Syn's eyes glow with his plan being sprung. Grabbing at the back of each heads, his werebear paws each showing how much bigger they were compared to the pandaren heads, he rammed his dicks to the back of their throats. Releasing for a moment, he let them pull halfway off before slamming them back down, smacking their cheeks with his thick knots. Repeating, he pulled them a little under halfway and fucked deeper. This time, he plugged his thick and swollen knots in their mouths, making escape impossible. The two squealed, struggling to breath but the musky smell kept them docile and aroused enough to suckle on the cocks that were choking them.

Aya and Li Li gushed out in orgasm. With no cum left to absorb, their bodies only spilled out a heavy puddle of their juices as orgasms exploded throughout their small frames. Syn only held them in place, feeling as they spanked the back of his thigh and ass frantically as they came and gagged all at once. This feeling of power, combined with how tight, warm, wet, and flexible their throat cunts were. It was too much for Syn; especially since he was holding back for so long. Raising his head, the beast let out a loud and aggressive roar, scaring anyone who may have heard his cry of dominance. The girls only froze as their bodies were going limp from the bombardment of experiences.

Syn felt thick and heavy load after thick and heavy load release in the girls, causing him to feel all strength leave his body, while the girls seemed insatiable. Even as they twitching from climaxing, they still moaned and gurgled; rubbing their swollen bellies as the cumw as slowly being absorbed into them. Syn, unable to cum anymore at this point, felt his body give out, causing him to fall backwards. The force and motion of his fall yanked his cocks out of the girls with an audible pop, as well as the sound of them cooing from the gaping feeling both their bodies felt.

"T-too much..." Syn panted, trying to catch his breath; his senses returning to him. Looking down towards his cocks, he could see he was not only still hard, but dripping thick beads of cum. "T-there's no must be...that mist..." Turning his head back towards the sky, he contemplated what to do. Maybe he should wait for his strength to return; as there was no way the girls were anything less than exhausted and limp. Lifting his head back up, his thought was proven wrong. Not only were Li Li and Aya up on their paws and knees, but their eyes still gleamed for his cocks. Despite how exhausted they looked, their bodies seemed to only act on their own. "S-still...?!"

It was hours later, maybe, it was impossible to know fully how long it had been since the mist over took them. By the time Syn finally was calmed enough to notice his surroundings, it was the middle of the night. Looking up, he saw the clear, night sky with not a single cloud, but the massive moons brightening the darkened surroundings. Looking down, he saw he was still naked, but covered in both soaked and drying sticky residue of his own cum and sweat, along with the juices and sweat of the pandaren girls. And speaking of Li Li and Aya, he turned his head from side to side to see them both cuddling and nuzzling against him. It would appear that after everything that had happened, they had finally calmed down.

"Finally." Syn exhaled, almost sighing a breath of relief. But just as suddenly as he relaxed, a new thought struck him. "Wait, what have I done?! I took advantage of a pair of these two when I should've tried to heal them." He tried to rationalize himself. It wasn't his fault, it had to be that mist. Telling himself that didn't take all the worry, but enough for him to try and relax again. Not wanting to wake the girls yet, Syn chose to remain laying on his back. "Okay, when they wake up, we'll have to figure something out."


It was hours, longer than Syn cared to count before he felt the stirring of one of the girls at his side. Turning, he could see it was Li Li who was first to slowly open her eyes. Her small, soft body clung and snuggled against his bulk as she regain consciousness. The moment the pandaren felt Syn's fur against her face, she paused, curious as to what it was. It was only when her eyes met with the worgen's that her face erupted into a scarlet blush. Syn said nothing, making sure to try and think of the right and most appropriate way to explain the situation; as well as hoping she wouldn't panic.

"Eeeaahh?!" Li Li screamed in a panic, jumping away from Syn just before smacking against a nearby tree, dropping to her rear. "W-w-w-w-who, what, when, where, why, how?!"

"Okay, okay, please calm down." Syn tried to explain, attempting to relax the pandaren. He was so focused on her that he didn't even notice Aya silently wake up and swiftly shift herself away from the worgen; but no less confused and embarrassed. "I can explain."

"Wait, you're the worgen from the shrine. Syn." Li Li replied, composing herself for just a moment, long enough to not only remember she was still naked and now noticing that Syn was also naked. "Y-y-y-y-you had your way with me?!"

"I said I can explain!" Syn replied, a small bit of panic in his voice before trying to compose himself. Clearing his throat, he continued. "You were in such a hurry when you left the shrine, that you forgot a lot of essentials. So I followed you to give you the supplies. But by the time I reached you, the vault was filled with some strange mist. Luckily, I had my gas mask and ventured in to find you."

"And why am I naked?" Li Li asked, covering herself as to try and not show off the naughty parts Syn had more than enjoyed earlier. "And why are you naked? And why-"

"I'm getting to that." Syn replied, relaxing his voice as to continue his explanation. "When I finally found you, not only were you not alone." He then turned his sight to where Aya was, but not seeing her, decided to continue. "But you were also in some carnal embrace with another pandaren. I can only assume she was your friend."

"My friend?" Li Li asked, unsure how to handle such news. Looking around, she eventually noticed where Aya was. The pandaren was more leaning against a nearby tree, covering herself same as Li Li, but was not blushing as hard. Though she didn't know who Aya was, the idea of her getting with another, let alone a pandaren girl was making her shiver in a blushing confusion. "You mean I...w-with her?!"

"When I found you two, yes." Syn nodded, noticing where Aya was now. He was curious as to why she was not as embarrassed as Li Li, or maybe she was but wasn't letting herself express it. Regardless, the worgen continued. "I managed to get you two out of there, but whatever that mist was really did something to you. Not even the moment we get out and I seal the entrance. You two...well you see..."

"We jumped you, didn't we?" Aya asked, speaking up with a more serious voice. Syn couldn't respond in words, only nodding his head with a small blush across his face. While Li Li's was a brighter scarlet. "I see. That explains why we're naked. As well as its far later than it was when I entered the vault." She then thought to herself. 'As well as why I can't look at that worgen with staring at that cock of his. Why can't he just cover it up?'

"But whatever curse or effect that mist held affected me too." Syn replied, struggling to get up to his feet. "I doubt whatever I have is as strong as what you two have, but I can only hope there's a way to fix this. Or hope these effects are temporary. For now, I think we should at the very least introduce ourselves." Already knowing Li Li, he turned to Aya. "My name is Syn, I'm a traveling druid."

"Aya." Aya replied rather coldly, trying to avoid eye contact with the worgen. "My reason for being at the vault are my own and that's all you're getting."

"I'm Li Li." Li Li added, looking to Aya, still blushing. "S-sorry we met at such an awkward time. I was just at the vault looking for one more adventure before leaving Pandaria."

"We should head back to the shrine." Syn commented, but after remembering that he and the pandaren girls were still naked, that wasn't an option. "But first. I think we should make some clothes."

Grabbing at what few scraps of cloth he still had, as well as what extra fabrics, needles, and threads he had in his bags, Syn attempted to stitch something together. It was certainly a mismatch of materials. Barely any of the colors matched and he wasn't even sure this would fully cover everything. But he was determined to make something that worked. He didn't need anything long lasting, just long enough for them to get back to the shrine and buy something new. After several attempts, he managed to get a couple pairs of clothing together.

"Here you go." Syn said, handing the clothing to both girls. Figuring they would want more cover, he only allowed himself just enough cloth to put together a somewhat decent pair of loose shorts. "I hope these worked."

"T-thank you." Li Li replied, quickly trying on her outfit. Not as well fit as her previous clothing. More like a loose and baggy potato sack. But it covered her from shoulder to knees. "This works. I just can't wait to get in a bath."

"If I have to." Aya replied, her tone was a little colder and sterner than Li Li's, but she took her clothes nonetheless. But while Syn made practically identical outfits, what he didn't know was Aya had a slight height advantage over Li Li, as well as slightly rounder curves. So when her ragged attire was thrown on, it was just barely able to reach the middle of her inner thighs. "You couldn't have made this a little longer?"

"I'm sorry, I had to work with what I had." Syn replied, apologetic that he couldn't do anything else. Gathering his things, he turned in the direction of the shrine. "Okay...let's head back." Turning his head back towards the girls, he could see quite clearly that they were still having some degree of trouble walking. Sighing a little, Syn knew Li Li and Aya couldn't make the trip back. "Or...not...okay, let's take some time first before heading back."


It was a little later that night, Syn had set up a passable camping site for himself and the girls. A sizable fire sat in the center of a cleared out area of dirt. Thankfully, there was plenty of deadwood for kindling, as well as large, soft leaves to use as temporary sleeping mats. Looking over to the pandarens, he could tell they were still coming to terms over what had happened. He couldn't blame them, it must've been such a shock for them to take all of this in. He didn't want to make them any more uncomfortable than they already were, as well as to distract himself from the heavenly smell the two were still giving him it took all he could not to let his arousal get the beter of him; so Syn focused on just setting up camp. The last things he needed were food and water, thankfully, a small stream lay just nearby, and the fruits of the local trees were in full blossom; as well as nearby herbs and mushrooms with them he'd be able to make a decent meal, though he'd like some meat in the meal. He couldn't chance going off hunting and being to far from the two pandarian cubs.

With the camp established, Syn sat and began to cook. What he hoped to make with little more than some fruits, mushrooms, herbs, and tree roots he couldn't say. But he tried nonetheless. Carefully taking some large chunks of fallen tree bark and weaved it together, using both his hands and druidic magics to hold and meld the wood fibers, crafting a makeshift pot. Whispering a small blessing would ensure it would not burn, he placed it between two thick, cut branches over the fire. First some of the water, followed by some of the cleaned off mushrooms, herbs, roots, and the torn pieces of the fruits. The smell wasn't bad, it wasn't his best meal, but it worked with what he had, and it was alluring enough to catch Li Li and Aya's attention, bringing them closer to his campsite.

"Come, let us eat before anything." Syn suggested, sitting close to the fire to carefully scoop out his makeshift soup. Focusing his magic, the druid almost seemed to manipulate a portion of the soup, lifting it upwards from the bark pot and into a smaller bowl made of what appeared to be thick woven grass. But the lack of leaking showed the druid must've placed another blessing on it. "There we go." Handing one bowl to Aya, and then a second to Li Li, Syn adjusted himself as he set a bowl for himself. "Okay, now, what do we know of this curse?"

"Whatever it was, it came from that fountain." Li Li answered, thinking back as far as she could, though her mind was still plagued by carnality. "It wasn't until I starting drinking that anything happened."

"I didn't see a fountain." Aya commented, looking to her fellow pandaren. "By the time I got through those traps, there was just a thick mist."

"I have to agree." Syn added, looking back and forth between the two. "When I found you two, the mist was too thick to see much. I barely managed to find you two, just sort of stumbled across you and got you out of there as fast as I could."

"That was when..." Li Li blushed, not wanting to finish her sentence as she looked to the worgen. Syn, noticing this, only nodded, not wanting to respond win words. "Yeah...that..."

"Do you two remember anything?" Syn asked, his memory a little fuzzy as well, but recalled most of the sex and pleasure. "I only know some bits and pieces."

"All I remember is the mist got me, something happened, and then you grabbed us." Aya responded, not wanting to reveal how much she really remembered. Looking to Li Li, it was clear by her red face that she knew more than she was willing to say. "A few things come back to me, but mostly me waking up cuddling next to you."

"Okay, well next thing then." Syn nodded, putting now his food. "We should try to figure out that this fountain Li Li saw was."

"I already know." Li Li answered, but suddenly made a whimpering eep noise when she looked Syn in the eyes. "A-at least I think I know." Looking around, she could see the others were waiting on her to continue. "Well from what I heard from Uncle Chen, the Fountain is suppose to be a font of lust used by the Mogu Empire. Legends says that any who drink from it are driven into a crazy sex drive with no hope of control."

"Did your Uncle mention any kind of remedy or cure?" Syn asked.

"Yes!" Li Li explained with some excitement, only to mellow when she gathered her thoughts. "At least I think yes. Uncle Chen did once say something about a monk who was afflicted but managed to cure herself. Something about exiling herself to the peaks of Kun-Lai so he could never be tempted to lust. But that wasn't really a cure...more like the monk just isolated herself so she could never be tempted." She could tell that her answer wasn't a good one and bowed her head a little. "I'm sorry, I think that's what he said, it was so long ago."

"Well that doesn't help at all!" Aya snapped, glaring down at the pandaren. "Now what are we supposed to do?"

"It can't be helped then." Syn nodded, standing as he surveyed the area. "Okay, it's not that dark out and not a long journey back. So we should leave the vault as soon as possible. We'll have to resupply as well. If the stories are true, then Chen wouldn't stay in one place for too long, so we'll have to leave Pandaria faster than expected."

"Wouldn't finding Uncle Chen be a better idea?" Li Li asked, looking back and forth between the two.

"Seeing as how we don't have anything to reach him with, we need to return to the Shrine before we do anything else." Syn replied, looking back to Li Li. "And mostly likely there wouldn't be a cure anywhere in Pandaria."

"And you think a cure would be out in Azeroth?" Aya asked, her tone was more angered and annoyed than before, but it was more over the fact that she would be leaving the vault without taking anything of value. Let alone being cursed from the damn vault, she was not happy "Wouldn't Kun-Lai be our destination?"

"We don't know for certain if this monk was able to be cured or lived as sex starved hermit." Syn calmly nodded, looking to the annoyed pandaren. "So we need to return to the Shrine for Li Li to get in contact with her Uncle to learn anything. We also don't know where this monk may have stayed. Also we must tread carefully around the shrine, we don't know if the curse can spread wildly or if it requires direct contact with the mist. So we'll have to access a far less crowded area to avoid spreading anything." He then looked to Li Li. "We may need to also send letter to Shado-Pan Monastery, the Temple of the White Tiger, and any village in between for clues."

"Fine." Aya replied, more than annoyed at what was happening but had no choice but to follow along. "When we get to the Shrine, I need to make a few contacts as well."

"Okay, so it looks like we have a plan." Syn replied, turning towards the direction of the Shrine. "So let's go."

"So why do we have to walk back to the Shrine?" Li Li asked, looking at the worgen with hopeful eyes. "You can just teleport us there right? With a hearthstone or something?"

"I'm a druid, not a mage." Syn replied calmly, his thoughts becoming slightly frustrated as the situation became more and more complex. "I can't just teleport us willy nilly around, and my hearthstone...well..." He pointed over to what looked to be the small bits of a broken rock. "It was destroyed during we have to get back to the Shrine and it would take too long to get to Kun-Lai on just a whim. We need to get in contact Li Li's uncle, he's most likely still in Pandaria."

"Wait." Li Li spoke up, looking to the two. "I just remembered. There's an amber bell Uncle Chen got from the Klaxxi when he saved them from some Sha once."

Seeing as how both Syn and Aya had no idea what the pandaren was talking about, Li Li told the two of a tale in which Chen battled against what she described as "a whole lot" of Sha to help save some mantid who belonged to the friendly Klaxxi elders to the insectoids. In gratitude, they gave their savor an amber bell that attuned to him. Should it ever be rung, it would allow whoever rung it to contact Chen. She even mentioned when Chen gave her the bell.

"Where is this bell now?" Aya asked, wondering why she wouldn't have such a useful treasure on her. "We can just use it and be done with this."

" see..." Li Li explained, looking more than a little embarrassed. "Lorewalker Cho wanted to study it, to add it to the Archive's knowledge. So I loaned it to him."

"You mean the Archives by the Shrine right?" Syn asked, seeing the girl nod in response. "Okay, that's close to where we're heading anyway. So we can get the bell back and contact Chen faster that way."

"Fine." Aya sighed, annoyed over the extra amount of work and annoyance she knew she was going to deal with. "Let's just get moving!"


As they walked back to the Shrine, Syn still kept an eye in all directions. He wasn't a paranoid worgen, or even a coward, he was cautious; planning out every situation he faced with what was needed to get through anything. Traveling alone for so long and wandering the world made him far more careful where he traveled. He had been caught on the wrong end of a blade or fireball to many times for his liking and he learned from them. But right now, he was down to just loose fitting shorts, with two practically naked and defenseless pandaren girls with him. Not only did he not plan for this, but he had no idea how to deal with this. He knew it would be all too easy to get into his flight form or even his travel form to carry to two, but he wanted to preserve his energy, not knowing what the mist's effects could have on his abilities. But as he walked, Li Li kept herself close, often even clinging to his arm. Syn had to control his breathing to keep his mind off how soft her body felt against his arm. But Aya seemed to be handling herself better than Li Li. Though it was difficult to say from her lack of talking. She only held an annoyed expression across her face.

"So when we get back to the Shrine." Syn explained the plan to the girls. "We'll get a change of clothing and get ready to leave."

"Obviously." Aya replied in an annoyed tone, glaring at the worgen. Though she kept her eyes on him for another reason. There was something familiar about him, but she couldn't figure it out. "Just get us back to the Shrine."

"Planning on it." Syn replied, not wanting to cause more problems with the pandaren. He understood everyone handles stress differently. Li Li was clinging to his arm, and Aya was being a bit standoffish. But after several more long minutes of walking, he noticed the pandaren was staring at him for quite a while. "See something you like?" Syn tried to keep a more humorous tone as he spoke.

"Don't get any ideas." Aya responded in a rather aggressive tone. "You just happen to be in front of me."

"Okay." Syn nodded, chuckling a little to himself. "It just feels like you know me from somewhere."

"Just keep walking worgen." Aya snapped, only a faint blush of embarrassment ran across her face.


Arriving back at the Shrine, Syn had to think quickly, a sudden realization struck at his mind. He knew whatever this curse was, if it would move from victim to victim, then bringing them back to a populated area might be a horrible, horrible idea. Barely a kilometer away, with the massive stairs in sight, Syn placed his hands on both Aya and Li Li. Stopping, the two looked to him, confused over what he was doing.

"And why are we stopping when we're so close?" Aya rudely asked, more annoyed that their destination was so close. "It's right there you know."

"Yes, as well as hundreds of panderans and adventures from the Alliance that could be afflicted by this curse." Syn replied, a serious look glinted in his eyes for a moment. "We need to think about our next moves carefully."

"I don't believe this." Aya groaned in frustration, but as she looked over to the Shrine, her eyes narrowed on something coming down the stairs. "Oh, for the love of. Come on!"

"Wait, Aya?!" Li Li commented, following her fellow pandaren as Syn tried to catch up to the two.

As the group drew closer to the Shrine, the figure Aya looked at came into better view. It looked to be a massive pandaren reaching the bottom of the stairs. He was almost a head taller than Syn, twice as muscular, and was holding a long jade sword. He definitely not a friendly looking face, a sinister looking jade mask covered his head with a large, rounded straw hat. Syn even noticed the heavy looking bell being used as a shoulder guard and even his wrist armor was made of used ale barrels. This pandaren was like a living mountain and he did not look happy, though he seemed eager in his strides to meet with Aya when his gaze met with hers.

"Lady Aya." The large pandaren spoke, almost sounding like a growl than a language; almost stomping his way to the group, looking them all over. "Why are you with this worgen, and in rags no less?" He then looked to Syn brandishing his blade, a massive chunk of golden handle and solid jade blade. "Did you do something to my lady, worgen?"

"Stand down White Eyes." Aya commanded, causing the massive pandaren to lower his sword. Though even she found it strange how her body almost moved on its own to stand between the pandaren and worgen. Looking to Syn and Li Li, she sighed a breath of annoyance. "Don't tell anyone about this."

"I am sorry Lady Aya." White Eyes spoke up, seeing the cold, lack of care in her eyes. He dropped to his knees in a bowing posture as he continued. "When you did not return, I assumed the worse. And why are you in such rags?"

"Come with me." Aya groaned in an annoyed tone, beckoning the massive pandaren to follow as the two walked to the side to continue their talk. Syn and Li Li only watched as the two left them, though he was more worried about anyone else coming near them. They were only a few meters away from the stairs and he wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Once out of earshot, Aya glare at White Eyes the same way a parent would stare down a child. "What are you doing? Were you waiting for me by the stairs?"

"My apologies my Lady." White Eyes bowed his head, as if he were a child being scolded. "When you did not return at the expected time, many of us became worried. I even considered sending some scouts to find you, but I believed you would return."

"And by the stairs?" Aya raised an eyebrow, not completely believing the panderan's story. But then she groaned as she rubbed her forehead with her paw. "You know what, I don't even care at this point. There are bigger problems."

"Was there a problem my Lady?" White Eyes asked, looking back to Syn and Li Li. "I doubt that child could have caused a problem, so was it the worgen?"

"There were complications, yes." Aya sighed again, looking to Syn for only a moment. Small flashes of memories of him and her fucking came back, causing her to look away. "Doesn't matter now, I require a change of clothes, fresh supplies, and of course a ship to the Eastern Kingdom's, Stormwind would be a good place for now. A ship that has minimal crew if possible and a private cabin that would allow as little interaction with the crew as possible. ."

"Of course my Lady." White Eyes nodded, ready to walk back to the group before Aya placed her hand on his chest. "Oh, was there something else you required?"

"Yes." Aya replied, remembering what Syn previously said. "It is of the utmost importance we avoid as many people as possible. It will only make things more...complicated. Understand?"

"Of course my Lady." White Eyes nodded, rising to his feet. Walking back to the duo, he stared at Syn. For a moment, he glared at the worgen before nodding his head. "My apologies worgen, when I saw you and my Lady, I assumed." Despite his massive size, it was obvious by his voice that he was struggling to not sound intimidating as he apologized.

"Think nothing of it." Syn replied, trying to remain casual despite being previously threatened. "Due to circumstances, I'm actually acting as both these girls' bodyguard. So I can understand the confusion."

"Bodyguard?" White Eyes asked, looking to Aya, silently asking for answers. "My Lady?" Aya only seemed to glare at him, silently giving him his answer. "Understood." Bringing his fingers to the slit of his mask where his mouth was, the massive pandaren let out a high pitch whistle that carried chi in it. What happened next seemed almost supernatural. Within seconds, nearly a dozen pandaren in similar attire to White Eyes seemed to appear out of the shadows and behind corners. "The Lady requires gold, supplies, and a private cabin ticket for Stormwind." Syn was quite impressed at the unison of their movements, as well as how well they hid themselves. Even with all his senses on high alert, he didn't hear them, let alone even smell them. White Eyes looked to Aya for a moment, and then back to Syn. "Come, I shall bring you to a more, private room; away from any that may complicate things."


Sitting within the private room, Syn was amazed at how luxurious it was. It was even more shocking at its location. The room rested within the Shrine, but it was hidden. Barely a short corridor from a "secret" side entrance, as well as a door disguised as a wall. He couldn't hear anything outside of the room, and the lack of any smell made the space hard to identify; almost keeping him from figuring out how the room was hidden. To his senses, this room shouldn't be there, but there he was, standing there. Sitting on the large bed, Li Li looked nervous, almost out of place, only Aya seemed comfortable; and even then, she held an expression as if this space wasn't enough for her.

"While we secure a ship for you, please fill free to use what supplies we have here." White Eyes explained, gesturing his hand around the rather luxurious looking space. "We will have more supplies and gold on the ship, ready for you my Lady."

"Very well." Aya said coldly, granting the pandaren permission to leave. Looking to Syn and Aya, she beckoned to the nearby dresser. "There should be something even halfway decent in here."

"I'll just run to my room real quick." Syn commented, walking to the door. "I have some spare clothing there, and Li Li, don't forget to contact your Uncle."

"You will be sure not to be followed." Aya almost ordered to the worgen. "It should go without saying, that I prefer this hidden room, to remain hidden."

"Of course." Syn nodded as he walked out the door. "No one will see me."

Leaving the room, the girls wasted no time getting dressed. Thankfully, Aya had numerous spare attires, all close to identical to the rest, with only minor differences in color or pattern. While she was able to find an identical pair of clothing as last time, Li Li only managed to find something that was the same color as what she had worn before. But it was fine, it was very well made clothing with the smoothest silk woven into it and such intricate patterns. She had to wonder just how rich and powerful Aya was. Even that massive pandaren bowed to her so easily. But she couldn't think too long on it.

Aya looked to Li Li, trying to gauge her out. After what had happened today, she was more than livid and annoyed over the loss of treasure. As well as the ever still burning lust she felt in her body. It was much calmer now, but before it was a raging inferno of pleasure. But she was content she could at least think. Li Li seemed a lot calmer than before. Possibly because she was writing to her Uncle that she believed there was a chance to cure them of this curse. Sitting on the bed, Aya felt the softness and firmness of the bed bring back memories of Syn's body. How strong and yet soft he was. It was almost causing a blush to run along her face. Forcibly, she composed herself, not wanting anyone to see her in this moment of weakness. It was only when she heard the faint creak of the door opening that she nearly gasped in surprise.

"I'm back." Syn calmly stated, opening the door. He was dressed in the same style of clothing he had worn before, but was now carrying what looked to be sailor bag over his shoulder. Looking to the two, he could tell they were getting ready to go as well. Though as he looked over to Aya, he could tell she was deep contemplation about something. Walking over, he gently placed his hand on her head, rubbing it a little. ""Don't worry little lady, I may not be your big ole bodyguard but I'll keep eye you and keep you and Li Li safe...Promise" A tiny smile curled the pandaren's lips as she heard his words, making the worgen chuckle a little. "You can smile!"

"I was not!" Aya snapped back, more embarrassed than angry. Syn only laughed some more as he saw her face get a little more flushed from her retort.

Waiting outside the room, White Eyes listened to what was going on. He knew it wasn't his place to spy on the actions of his Lady and chose to wait for them to emerge. But as he listened, a rare smile formed on his mouth, though his jade mask prevented anyone from seeing his amusement. As he listened, he turned to see one of the many underlings approach. White Eyes returned to his stoic expression, only wanting his Lady to know he is capable of smiling.

"Is the boss gonna be alright?" The underling asked, looking to the door and listening to Syn's playful laughter. "Can we really trust that druid and that other pandaren?"

"This is one of the best things to happen to her." White Eyes replied, doing his best to hide the enjoyment in his voice as he turned to walk away; the underling following after. "The Celestials will watch over her and so shall we." The underling, confused over what he meant chose to simply let it go and ended the conversation there.