Frankie's Vaccination

Story by Dylandy on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

A piece for a cool guy over on Furaffinity. I'm offering commissions for stories like this! Sadly I'm also upping the prices a little bit because the USD to GBP exchange rate is actually mad, gotta' deal with the Brit tax I guess.

Basically, it's 20 bucks for 1000 words.

Send me a DM here or there and we can get talking. Otherwise, I hope you like this little story.

Frankie's Vaccination

For John_doe12346

I'd seen enough. It was bad enough that everyone had gotten so damn paranoid about wearing masks, washing their hands and cancelling all of their parties, but the people in our dorm had practically put the place into total lockdown ever since they started suspecting someone was infected. Yellow police tape was hastily wrapped around the doorframe across from our own room. The neighbour was going to throw a fit when he opened the door and found out. The drama would spill over into the dorm chatroom, and then back into real life.

I unlocked the door to our room and barged through the gap, "James, you here?"

James, with his shaggy blonde hair, was relaxing in his usual spot. It had been difficult to adjust to having a roommate - but I found that we had a lot in common after a few weeks of being in the same space together. He was a shy guy, so I tended to be the one to start the conversations. This time, it was him.

"You see what they're doing outside?"

I shook my head, "They need to chill out."

James pointed at me, "Not everyone is at the top of the list like you, by the way - isn't your shot today?"

"Thirty minutes. I'm going to grab my stuff and go," I threw my bag down against the wall and double checked to make sure that I had my wallet. "You could have had one too. We're in a high-risk area."

James waved me off, "Now who's the paranoid one?"

"It's not paranoia. They offered the vaccination, so I'm gonna' take it."

James was watching the news on his laptop. Same as it ever was, they were following the outbreak. The sheer number of people who had been infected had already caused no small amount of panic amongst the public. The virus had touched a raw nerve in people's minds. They were worried about being infected and turning into something strange. While I'd take that over it being deadly, or detrimental to my health, I also understood that a person's face is important to them. Imagine waking up tomorrow as someone entirely different.

The real problem with the virus was the main side effect. Aside from the miraculous and spontaneous transformation that your body undergoes, it also temporarily injects your body with a big old dose of hormones and adrenaline, which leads to violent and reactive behaviour. I'd seen it myself. One of the people on campus turned into a wolf, and smashed the nearest window up until it was nothing but dust. His hand was bleeding all over the place. It took four campus security guys to bring him down to earth again. I usually kept my cool though - so I didn't know how badly it could impact me.

I made sure that my phone was charged and that I didn't smell too bad from being on the move. "I'll see you later James."

"See you."

The trip down to the local community centre was tense. Seeing so many people on edge put me on edge too. That fear was just as infectious as the actual disease. The community centre was a large, ugly, square building that had enough floor space to be nominated for the job of vaccinating hundreds of people a day. There was a police car parked outside and two officers stood near the door to deter troublemakers. I'd seen my own share of microchip conspiracy theories, the usual when the uptake of a new vaccine was happening.

The vaccination centre was packed to the gills with people from all walks of life. Benches and chairs went from wall to wall, and all of them were full of people waiting to get their appointments over with. There was a long list and you could only get a shot if you lived in a high-risk area. Was it a surprise that my campus was one of those high-risk zones? Parties, casual sex, every way to proactively spread your germs to other people, you name it.

I checked in at the reception. The nurse nodded, "There you are! First on Doctor Weller's list for this shift. You can go straight through." She pointed behind me to one of the walkways that had been formed between dozens and dozens of makeshift booths. "Last room on the right."

"Don't nurses usually administer these?"

"It's all hands on deck today. We have a few Doctors here to supervise things."

"Uh, thanks."

I turned around and headed down the indicated path. A vibrant cyan curtain was tucked away in the back corner of the floor space. There was nobody waiting on the chairs outside. As soon as I took the first seat, the Doctor called for me. "Come in!" I stood back up and pulled aside the curtain.

I hesitated when I noticed that the doctor was an anthro himself. He was a cheetah, with vibrant spotty fur and messy black hair. Had he been infected fighting on the frontlines? He gave me a toothy grin and invited me inside with a wave of his arm. It'd rude to turn tail and run now, so I swallowed my pride and sat down on the small stool set up in front of him.

"Apologies for my appearance!" he started, "I know that some people prefer to be vaccinated by someone else."

I didn't want to come off as ungrateful so I waved him off, "No, no. That's okay."

The makeshift office was sparse. There wasn't any need for luxury when they were trying to vaccinate all the people that demanded it. Every public space in the city had been converted over to centres like this. I looked around with curiosity while the Doctor prepared the shot. He rolled over to me on his chair and placed a metal tray on the small table next to me.

"This is as simple as a vaccine gets. Just the one shot should protect you from the virus." I held out my right arm. The sensation of his leathery paws on my skin was a strange one, like I was getting up close and personal with a cheetah in the zoo. He rubbed one of his fingers against my arm until one of the veins became prominent enough for him to see. "There we go, now we just..."

Before he could inject me with the clear liquid, one of the nurses I'd seen in the lobby area rushed through into the room, "Doctor! Doctor!" The shock of the interruption made him slip and jab himself with the needle.

"Ow!" He quickly placed it back onto the tray and shook his head, "What is it?"

"Someone is harassing the people in the lobby."

The Doctor stood from his chair and gave me a weary smile, "Sorry. I have to go handle this."


With the medical experts now vacant from the room I had nothing to occupy myself with. I stood up and peered over the rim of the tray that he placed the vaccine down onto. He'd already removed the safety cap from the one that he jabbed into himself. From what I knew about the virus, that would have to be thrown into the garbage. It could be transferred through small amounts of blood and bodily fluid. Not enough to infect in close proximity, but if it got into your body somehow...

I could hear the confrontation happening outside. Curiosity struck. I peered out through the curtain and down the long hallway to the lobby area. I could only see a small part of the full room, but the gathered crowd told me that something had happened. I decided to go take a closer look. The argument had not stopped yet, even with the presence of several staff.

A red-faced man was all over the poor Doctor, pointing his finger and yelling obscenities at him. Amidst the flying spittle and interjections of the surrounding audience I picked up on a little of what he was trying to say. "You call this a fucking vaccination centre when you've got infectious mongrels like this hanging around?"

The nurse pushed him away from the Cheetah, "Doctor Weller is fully qualified to administer this treatment - and our usual process is more than enough to protect people from infection."

The Doctor warned them, "You're being disruptive, please leave before we call the police."

It was too late for that. As the Doctor gave his warning one of the police who were loitering around out front pushed through the doors and collared the man before he could get away. He struggled for a moment before realizing that he was too weak to break the grip of two officers. "Sorry, we'll take care of him."

The drama over, the crowd quickly returned to their seats. Typical. Doctor Weller spoke to the nurse for a moment before walking over to me, "Sorry for the delay, we've unfortunately had a spate of disruptive people coming into the centre and causing a fuss." He escorted me back to the room, "And it made me waste a dose too. I suppose it was my fault for being surprised though."

Another nurse with orange hair came out of the room, "I replaced the needle for you."

"Thank you."

We were back to where we started before the untimely interruption. He once again rubbed my arm until a vein became clear, and retrieved a needle from the tray. I tried to relax myself, but the intensity of the argument in the lobby had caused my body to tense up. "Just take a deep breath," he instructed, "I don't want to force it in."

A minute later I felt like I had it under control, "Alright. Give it a try." He slowly inserted it into my arm and pressed down on the plunger. He extracted the empty syringe and threw it into a small yellow bin by his feet.

"That should keep you safe from the most common form of the infection, but that doesn't mean you should go without some caution. There's been studies about a new variant on the loose. Just remember to wash your hands regularly and give it time to work." He gave me a supposedly reassuring grin, but with his sharp, predatory teeth it didn't have the intended effect.

I stood up and shook his hand, "I'll keep that in mind."

Everything seemed normal. I'd been lulled into a sense of security now that I'd received the shot. It was then when I least expected it that the process began. I doubled over with a gasp. It felt like somebody had just dropkicked me in the stomach.

The Doctor's eyes widened, he looked down at the needle in his hand and gritted his sharp teeth, "Oh no. No, no." He hopped up onto his paws and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me back onto the chair before I collapsed. "Are you okay Frankie? Can you hear me?"

Sweat trickled down my forehead like a river. My entire body burned, it was no exaggeration to say that I felt like someone had doused me in gas and lit a match. My ears were filled with water. I could hear him speaking but not understand the words strung together. I looked down at my hands as my eyes blurred and went out of focus.

"Nurse! Nurse!"

Weller stepped out and went in search of someone to help me, but I knew it was too late now. Somehow the needle had gotten contaminated in all the commotion, and now I was infected with the very same virus I had come to inoculate myself from. It was either the nurse or Doctor Weller, but the result was the same. There was no stopping the process now.

My mind went to a strange place. There were two police officers outside of the building, and if I started to act strangely they would surely restrain me until I'd calmed down. The ball had started rolling in my head, and suddenly I wanted to be anywhere except where I was at that moment. On unsteady feet I hobbled out of the booth, ignoring the pain in my legs, arms and chest. They'd be back any second. I needed to make myself disappear before then.

Listening carefully, I found a booth that had nobody in it. I ducked inside and a second later Doctor Weller passed me, "The needle was contaminated." I heard the rattle of metal loops as he re-entered, "He's gone?" There was a moment of confusion. "That's not good. If he starts acting violently, who knows what could happen. We need to find him quickly."

I leant back against the bed and tried to gather my strength, but ever other second a new jolt of pain ran through my body. I was already big before I was infected, but in the minute since I fled Doctor Weller, I'd gotten even bigger.

A peppering of rose red hair had started to creep down my forearms. Small refuges of black fur sprouted here and there like untrimmed weeds. The bed creaked and wailed under the stress of trying to support my newly generated body weight. The metal railing bended as I clenched my hands. If I had the capacity for rational thought at that moment, I'd have commented on how strong I had become.

The first and foremost thing on my mind was escaping the centre unmolested. The more the transformation progressed the harder that task would become. I'd draw unwanted attention, and the nurses and doctors would all be on the lookout for me. Despite this I couldn't move my feet. The pain gripping my body was not letting up. I rested my hands on my stomach. To be honest, it was mostly just fat beforehand, but now it was different. I could feel the rock-hard formation of abs hidden underneath. There was still a healthy thickness to my body, but now that fat was being burned away and turned into muscle.

Suddenly my legs decided to move again. I dipped out of the curtained booth and charged down the corridor, looking straight ahead so as to not make eye contact with any of the people in the waiting room. I pushed open the front doors and stumbled out onto the street. The police officers were gone, probably looking for me with Doctor Weller. By chance I'd gotten outside without them seeing me.

I'd broken out into a cold sweat. It felt like there was a raincloud above my head drizzling down on me. I put my hand against the wall to support myself and staggered back up the road towards the campus. It was a ten-minute walk back to my dorm, and I was not looking forward to it. Going on a hike while your organs, musculature and nervous system were being ravaged by a strange virus was not my best and brightest idea. But I wasn't thinking.

I didn't have time to focus on the strange looks that people were giving me. I stumbled over and fell onto my front. My legs thickened and lengthened with new and powerful tendons and bones until they were like tree trunks. They had knocked me off balance in the process. I got up onto my hands, but even they were taken away from me as my biceps ballooned in size until I looked like a professional body-builder. The hair had spread further and further up my arms. At it touched my shoulders I felt my neck thickening out to match the rest of my body.

Some of the people on the sidewalk stopped to gawk at me. I was angry, but not confrontational. I climbed back up to my feet and hustled onwards without giving them a second glance. My shirt stretched and stretched until the threading popped and snapped. It came apart at the seams, literally disintegrating around me. My pecs pushed outwards, bigger in volume and muscle than before. The fur shot down the front of my chest until I looked like a wild lumberjack who'd gotten lost in the city.

I would later learn that the speed and style of the infection was due to the mutation that Doctor Weller had warned me about. Aside from being even more infectious, it also had the strange side effect of creating hybrids between different species on some occasions. On that note, I could feel something strange happening down my back and on my hands and feet.

I picked at them like a persistent itch, the skin flaked and cracked. It was completely free from moisture. The worse it got, the harder I did it. The skin fell away to revealed crimson red scales underneath. They were smooth to the touch, but completely at odds with the rest of my mammalian body.

My balance was slowly being pushed back by something new. My already stressed pants were bulging in more than one direction. From the back, a new lump of flesh, bone and muscle, covered by the same red scales as my hands and feet. In the front, your imagination can fill in the rest. It grew longer and longer until it touched the ground. It swiped from side to side impatiently and without my input. I crashed up against a trash can, knocking it down in my haste.

I didn't care about collateral damage, I needed to get back home before somebody tackled me and dragged me off to the nearest prison cell to cool down. Or arrested me for indecent exposure. I was bursting out of my clothes already. Each step I took brought me perilously closer to ripping open the tattered scraps of what was left clinging to me.

I just needed to grit my sharpened teeth and push onwards. I pushed up against the wall and limped around the next right. It was a straight line to my destination now. My jaw ached. The discomfort was subtle at first, but rapidly escalated to an indescribable pain. It would have surely knocked me flat if I weren't high on adrenaline.

Out, out further. My nose and mouth stretched out into my field of view. My nose separated from my face and turned bulbous and black. I tugged at my own hair and found it falling out between my fingers. I felt like I'd been pushed underwater. I couldn't hear anything because my ears had receded into my head. That moment of clarity where I knew what it was like to be totally deaf was a scary one.

I passed by the reflective glass of a shopfront and struggled to pull my eyes away from the sight. I was huge, muscular, covered in red and black fur, with a long scaly tail snaking down from my lower back. My face was morphed into a horrible fusion of human and animal. I was silently thankful when the fur creeped up on me again and started to cover the stretch-mark afflicted skin.

I felt something else sprout from my back like a blooming flower. The scales spread further up and down my spine, splitting my body in half from the rear. The sudden presence of shade, and the feeling of something attached to the back of my head alerted me to my newest feature. The hood of a cobra. I had to ask myself what kind of creature I'd become. A combination of hyena and snake? I'd never seen anything like it. All of the other virus afflicted people I'd met and saw on the news were just normal animals.

People gave me a very wide berth, and not just because I was a towering seven-foot something monster with the physique of a world champion strongman. Faint recognition pulled me from my self-admiration. I'd finally made it back to the dorm. I ran through the front door and quickly ascended the stairs until I reached my floor. I stormed down the corridor with one target in mind. People ducked and dived out of the way.

I nearly ripped the door to my room of its hinges and slammed it shut behind me. James nearly fell off the couch, before peering over with awe in his eyes. "Holy shit!"


I sucked in deep gulps of air, my newly enlarged lungs nearly enough to suffocate people in an enclosed space. James leapt to his feet and ran a hand through his wild hair, my Brooklyn accent had forced him into recognition, "Frankie? What the hell happened to you?! Did you seriously get infected out there?"

The proof was evident I would have thought, if I could. I was not in the mood or the headspace for a lengthy discussion with my roommate about turning into an anthro. The sweat that covered my body, and the heat of my skin caused the sweat to evaporate into the air. It smelled bad, really bad. James visibly recoiled when it finally reached him. His eyes widened, he was experiencing the same momentary high that I had. The strength left his body, he stumbled over and grabbed the arm of the couch to keep himself up.

I felt a compulsion to do something entirely different. I stomped over, each footfall sending a booming reverberation throughout the building. James staggered away nervously, "What's wrong? And you stink so bad. I don't feel so good."

I lifted up my leg and pinned James down to the floor with one gigantic paw, he struggled and wiggled under my foot as the breath left his lungs. "W-What the hell!" The prospect of telling James what was happening never once crossed my mind. Instead I could only focus on how good it felt to have this kind of power over him. He had no chance of escape. I was so muscular now, packing even more on top of my already bulky human frame. The smell alone had already kickstarted his transformation, the hair on his arms grew thicker, darker.

"Stop struggling," I growled. Every word was an extreme labour. James stopped, his hands still trying to pry apart my clawed toes.

I'd sprinted the whole way back to the dorm without even taking a moment to rest. I wasn't tired out just yet. I was hoping that wearing myself out would limit how much damage I'd cause in the process, but instead I'd only dragged James into harm's way. The soft spoken, funny guy that I'd come to like so much over the past year. I couldn't imagine hurting him. James tried to move his head out of the way as one of those beads of sweat approached his face. It was too late to stop the virus now, it had been transferred through the air. His forehead grew glossy with a layer of his own sweat.

"This isn't good Frankie, let me go! It's getting to your head!"

I watched. I stood there on top of his chest and stared as the excreted water rolled down, further and further between the red scales of my feet, until it finally landed on his cheek. He closed his eyes and gagged out loud and the smell finally hit him. I'd never felt so excited in my entire life. I must have stunk like a barn, or...

"That stinks worse than any locker room! Let me go Frankie!"

He shook his head in a vain attempt to prevent the invasive fluid from reaching an opening, but it only made matters worse. The sweat got into his mouth. James spat and coughed in an attempt to keep it out of his throat, but it was already too late. His eyes glazed over and his body tensed up as he began to feel the effects of the virus himself.

"No, Frankie..."

I reached down and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. I threw him back onto the couch as he struggled to co-ordinate his movements. My mind finally slowed down a little. It was only then that I realized, or fully comprehended, that I myself was contagious too, and I'd just force-fed James some of my sweat like a total asshole.

The shaggy blonde hair that I associated so closely with him grew from his wrists and ankles. Decorative and practical in equal measure. James tried to tug it out of his skin in a panic, but quickly stopped as he felt the pain of inflicting such a thing on his own body. I sat down on the couch next to him and pull him into my body in a one-armed embrace. The stink of my sweaty, musky fur and his close proximity to my armpit had his nose crinkling on instinct.

He pushed against my prolific gut, his hands sinking into the thin layer of fat that hid the powerful muscles given to me by the virus. There was no space for him to escape, and the high I was on from manhandling him wasn't going to end that quickly. I asked myself why he was trying to get away from me so much - the smell was very pleasant from my perspective. The smell of hard work, or a sleepless night.

I grabbed him the collar and dragged him back into my armpit, mashing his nose into the drenched fur under my arm. "S-Stop! That's so gross!" His cries of protest only made me push harder. There was no way for him to fight against me. I was gigantic and muscular, and towered over him with ease. His face was soaked with moisture, he spat and spat, trying to clear his mouth of the fluid. As he did, his lips got larger and thicker, and his face slowly elongated into a snout.

I could see spotty brown and white fur spreading up his arms. He kicked and flailed, but only succeeded in freeing himself of his pants, revealing his bare legs to me. The same fur had started to grow on his legs too. His feet cramped up in a painful looking manner. His toes melted back into his feet, then they started to point downwards at an angle. The nails, now homeless, began to spread across the surface of his deformed appendages until they resembled a pair of hooves.

I rolled him over and admired the sight of his back thickening out and long strands of blonde hair sprouting from his tailbone to form a fetching tail. He flipped back. I took the opportunity to climb over him, trapping his upper chest between my thighs. The underwear that I was wearing were practically steaming, and the surface was being stretched to its very limit by my enlarged genitals.

James' new muzzle brought him dangerously close to making contact. The way his newly morphed face scrunched up as the smell hit him filled me with mirth. It was funny, really funny. The rational part of my brain knew that I was essentially bullying my best friend, but he wasn't in the driver's seat at the moment.

Taller, thicker. The muscles under his increasingly furry skin slowly inflated in sporadic bursts of movement. He wasn't going to reach the same size as me, but he was growing much taller. He had the features of a horse, so it only made sense that he'd grow to have the stature of one too. Thick teeth bared through braced lips. He twisted and turned under me, enough to unsettle my position and finally push me off. He tumbled onto the floor, equine bubble-butt and leathery asshole exposed to the open air. He crawled to the other side of the room in an attempt to escape me.

His underwear had torn clean down the middle. Thick, black balls hung down and nearly touched the floor just from the weight of gravity. His shaft had turned a similar colour, with light pink patches that struck me with an odd sense of appeal. His cock was still flaccid, but he had every inch that a real horse did.

I stood up and walked over as he leant up against the wall, he kicked at my legs with his hooves, "Stay away, stop it..." James was more horse than human now. His own sweat had seeped through his fur and onto the carpet. He looked like an unappealing mess, I had to hesitate myself when the sour smell of equine sweat finally hit me.

His hair lengthened until it covered his eyes, he swept it back behind his ears, which had relocated themselves onto the top of his head. He was completely covered in spotty brown and white fur. His feet had turned into dangerous looking hooves, and the wallflower who liked relaxing on the couch more than working out had his own share of virus created muscle. He was still slimmer than me, I looked like I'd gorged myself on a year's supply of all you can eat buffets.

I'd made things profoundly weird. The newly christened horse man kicked at me again, and I backed away. I put a hand onto my hefty muscle-gut and sighed. All the tension that had filled my body moments before had escape out of me. James didn't seem to be feeling the same way. He didn't have the temperament that I did.

James, now a characteristically shaggy Clydesdale, stood in awe at the sight of his own infected body. He didn't want to ask the question but it came out anyway. "Frankie, why?" I could only sit back and watch as the last touches of the transformation settled in. His eyes were still expressive and wide, but he had the long nose of an equine. His wide nostrils expanded as he tried desperately to find some clean air in the haze of sweat and fog that we'd both caused.

There wasn't a patch of human skin left to be seen. He was covered with large white spots. Long, bunched hair grew from the top of his wrists and ankles. He had an impressive pair of pecs capped by black nipples, but his stomach wasn't ripped with a big six pack, it wasn't much different from his old body from my view. His legs looked really strong, I wanted to grab them and give them a good squeeze to see how solid they were.

I couldn't help but look at his newly enlarged penis, still flaccid, as it retreated back into a nearly formed sheathe. His balls sat heavily against the carpet. Perhaps that was where his share of the muscle mass went to.

"I-I don't know." I'd finally regained control of my own faculties. I collapsed back onto the couch and winced as it cracked loudly. I'd broken something. My mind was awash like a flushed toilet. "The Doctor, or the nurse, the vaccine was contaminated and I... panicked. I just ran back here as fast as I could."

"Why does that lead to you pinning me down with your sweaty feet?" It was physically impossible for James to sound angry, but he was trying. "And what on earth are you supposed to be? You look like a hyena had sex with a cobra."

I shrugged. The reckoning of what I'd done was interrupted as our door was kicked open by our next-door neighbour, "I swear to god you two, could you be any louder if you tried?!" His eyes widened as his anger faded away, "What the hell is going on in here?"

I growled, "A party, now go away."

The door slammed shut, leaving us alone again.

"I'm going to need some new clothes."

James sighed, "Couldn't you have thought about that before turning me into... a horse."

"Could have been worse, at least you have a big dick."

"And none of the confidence to use it." James stood up, he barely peeked over my chest in the end. We'd both grown at least a foot in height.

I tried to scratch the back of my head, but met with interference from my new snake hood. "Wow, that's really annoying."

James picked through the wreckage of the room with a grumble. His pants were ruined, and his shirt was painted onto the figure of his body. The couch was screwed, as were my own clothes. What the hell was I going to say when I went back to class?

"On the brighter side. Maybe I could ask for compensation, get some new clothes."

I felt really naked. I was mostly naked, and my underwear were not going to last much longer. I ducked into my room and grabbed a pair of sweat pants from my closet. There weren't the right size still, but the flexible material meant I could make use of them for the moment. I swore at myself under my breath, what if I'd infected someone else in the dorm during my rampage? There must have been infectious sweat everywhere!

I returned to the living room, "Sorry. James, I'm really sorry."

He sighed, his ears flopping down, "No. I get it - I was... I felt it too. But since you were holding me down and everything."

"...What the hell am I gonna' do now?"

We both did what we usually did and crashed down onto the couch. It creaked menacingly, and we both shared a look that said more than words ever could.

James scratched behind his ear, "New couch?"

"Yeah, I think so."