Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Birth

Story by Slatepaws on SoFurry

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#16 of Jackie-The-Junior

Now comes the day, the day that was coming.

It's time for Jackie to have her first kids.

This is shorter than the last one, and it's the second to last part with only a couple more threads left.


Five weeks later, Late May, Early June 2056.


'These damn ryzen CPUs are a pain in the tail...' Sighing. 'At least it's not a logical grid array socket.' Muttering as I stand in my garage turned workshop. The doors are up, and the mesh is down so the warm may air can blow in and keep the place supplied with fresh air while keeping the bugs out.

Normally I'd be sitting over the table doing this, but with how big my damn belly has gotten I have to stand, but only for fifteen minute periods making it nearly impossible to work. So I wasn't wanting to do any work today.

Then some idiot with a vintage system from the year twenty-twenty bent the pins on its CPU when he decided to remove the cooler improperly.

Considering how pregnant I am, I should've refused. Only for him to offer a thousand dollars for what would be a couple hour job even with my condition. How could I refuse that? I can either use the money to help feed the extra mouth here.

Though Diane has surprisingly been far from a pain in the tail these past few weeks.

Or I could dump it into some bonds Patrick and I will be making for our children. Either way, for that amount I'll suffer the back and foot pain this will give me.

Not to mention my babies, boy it still feels weird to think like that, have been active today. They haven't stopped kicking me every few minutes or moving about as if they know something.

Letting out a sigh, I bend over as much as is possible to look through a ring lit magnifying glass while using tiny tweezers to gently, and slowly fix each pin. The CPU's held steady using a jig that Patrick made specifically to hold CPUs for this kind of task.

'Just two more pins to go...' Grumbling while putting down my tools, I waddle back a few feet. Dropping my ass and tail onto the chair to let my feet and back rest. One of my babies gives me a sharp kick, forcing a small yip from my muzzle.

'Can you just calm down you two? I know you're getting anxious but your due date isn't for another week. Momma is trying to make some extra cash for you two.' It is still unreal I'm a mother now, I stare at the ceiling mulling that thought over.

I'll soon be a mother to two kits, or babies... We decided to be surprised in if they'll look human or Bio-Morph, same with their gender. So we'll only find out after they're born.

I'm hoping for at least one son. Patrick would be fine with anything considering he's still in awe that we could conceive.

To be frank, despite the hardships, I've enjoyed the feeling of new life growing within me. Heh, guess I have to turn in my tom-boy card now, eh?

I feel another twinge from them kicking me, this time it's a bit lower causing me to let out an annoyed huff, the sooner their out the... Why are my chair and legs wet? I glance down and over my belly to see why.

'Oh... Looks like my water broke...' Staring at the small pool of fluid for a second as that thought sinks in. If my water broke, that means...

The mother of all cramps slams into my lower belly and down my legs causing me to scream out in pain! My ears start ringing, it's so bad. Oh god, I thought it was all dramatics for TV and that Ms. Henderson was just joking with me on how much this fucking HURTS!

I can't hear their approach, but I do watch as Christine comes running over to me, followed by Alpha and Mauri with Diane walking behind them. The ringing noise eases as they help me from the chair and onto my back, laying on the floor with my legs spread open.

It lessens the lingering pain after the contraction has stopped.

'Marui! Call emergency services! Jackie just went into labor!' Alpha turns her head to the door where Mauri was lingering before joining Christine in kneeling next to me.

Diane's confused as to what to do to help, causing her to pace back and forth, ears back and tail lashing about.

'Alpha-Jackie, are you alright? Did you just have a contraction?' Christine hovers over my face as I see Diane deciding she can help out by cleaning up the mess I just made.

'Yea, and it hurt like hell Christine...' Christine just grins smugly. I guess I owe her a couple dollars for losing that bet.

Mauri joins everyone else next to me as Christine goes about removing the ruined pair of yoga pants I had on. I've started to wear them because they're the only kind of pants that fit me and I wasn't going to wear a maternity dress! Seeing this, Diane drapes a spare towel over my lower body for modesty.

'An ambulance is on its way. Will be here in a few minutes, they told me to keep Jackie comfortable till then and count the timing and amount of contractions.' Mauri gently grabs a hold of my right hand, joining Alpha in trying to comfort me.

'Diane, open the screens after covering her work area with the anti-static protective tarp.' Christine looks over and barks out at Diane who is throwing away what she used to clean me and the floor up.

Wordlessly Diane walks over and covers what I was working on with an anti-static tarp, as she walks over to the doors to lift the screens the next contraction hit.

My ears ring again, but through the sensation of my entire lower half trying to fold in on itself, I can feel Christine worriedly gripping my shoulder on my left side, just above my prosthetic arm. Alpha and Mauri are gripping my right hand.

By the time my ears stop ringing I can already hear the sirens of the ambulance in the distance.

'Five minutes and twenty-three seconds between contractions, is that normal?' Glancing over at Mauri I see that he's splaying his ears in worry as he looks between me and Alpha.

'Mauri I don't know...' Alpha smiles back at him, then down at me while I start to pant. I feel like I can barely catch my breath here even though I was breathing fine before.

'I just want to know if it's a normal thing or not.' Mauri places a hand on my belly causing Alpha to giggle. Along with Christine, who's started petting my head.

'Continue acting this way Mauri and the EMT's will think you're the father instead of Patrick.' I manage a chuckle at Christine's comment in between bouts of my involuntary panting.

'You and Jackie are like a daughter's to us Christine, I worry about her and her kids as much as I would if they were mine.' The smile on Alpha's muzzle grows before giving Mauri a surprise lick on the cheek.

'As do I Mauri, but this will be good practice for you hun.' Alpha has Mauri's full attention the moment she says this.

'You mean you've decided?' Alpha nods before patting my belly.

'Next heat season we can try Mauri. I want kids from you before I'm too old to have them.' Mauri instantly pounces Alpha in a hug, one they stay in long enough for another contraction to hit me.

As I cry out in pain, my ears start ringing again. Why do they do this?

Through the pain of my lower belly preparing my body to push my babies out, I watch the ambulance backing up into my driveway with the lights flashing. Followed by Alpha and Mauri letting go of each other So they can greet the EMT's.

The moment the doors open, a human lady jumps out and much to my surprise, Ratcliff Henderson. The leopard bio-morph husband of Ms. Henderson, or as she calls herself Francine rather than her Chinese birth name, which I have never been able to pronounce right.

Much to Francine's continued amusement each time I try. If I get it right though I can have the pot.

Thankfully as they pull out the gurney, my contraction eases and with it the ringing in my ears goes away.

'Really Jackie, first your arm now this? We need to stop meeting like this or Francine may think you have a nightingale thing going on with me.' Ratcliff laughs while pulling the gear laden gurney into the garage. All I can do is huff back at him as his assistant starts unloading stuff, so they can put me on it.

'What's the timing on the contractions?' He looks at Christine as she approaches the duo with Alpha and Mauri nearby.

'Fine minutes Twenty-Three seconds between the last few she's had Mr. Henderson.' Nodding once, Ratcliff crouches and grabs my shoulders as his assistant takes my legs.

'That's normal for Bio-Morphs, worst of both worlds sadly from what I learned.' Looking down at me as the two of them lift me up. Placing me on the gurney before strapping me down, then covering me with a Mylar thermal blanket to protect my modesty.

'By the way Jackie, thank you. I just won the bet between me and my wife.' All I can do is give him the 'really' look. Is 'everyone' betting on me and my pregnancy??

Though, to be fair I just lost a bet with my sister.

'What... was... it?...' Speaking in between the involuntary panting. His assistant clips something onto my ears before I hear the beeping of a heart monitor.

'That.' He points. 'Is a new system, we no longer need to shave fur to get a Bio-morphs heart rate. As for the bet... Francine thought you'd somehow manage to drive yourself to the hospital with how stubborn you are. I said you'd call an ambulance.' The laugh I let at this out causes a painful twinge in my lower belly...

Worth it.

'That... Bitch... after... she... tried... to... scare... me... about... this...' Ratcliff laughs as he and his assistant roll me towards the ambulance.

Only for him to stop dead in his tracks as he sees Diane Cobbler, standing and wringing her hands worriedly. She's leaning against the dividing pillar between the two garage doors looking at us.

Ratcliff's ears go flat back, but he doesn't growl much to my surprise. As for Diane, only for a split second do her ears move to match his. Then she moves them up and fully forward with a full smile on her muzzle to boot.

'Diane Cobbler. If it was up to me, you bitch, you'd still be rotting in prison right now. You're the reason my daughter was afraid to go to school for over a month after you pulled your stunt. As well as why my young son is now having to deal with obscene surveillance by the school district because he has alpha genes.' Well, this was to be expected.

Francine and I have been trying to avoid this situation by having Diane stay in her room while Ratcliff and Francine visit, or I go and see them at their house to avoid it altogether.

'And I would deserve it Ratcliff Henderson, if the province deemed I should've stayed. Frankly for what I did I got off lucky.' Diane just smiles back at Ratcliff as she reaches up, holding her pendent and throwing him for a loop. Considering the rather confused look on his face.

'You are also correct in that I am a bitch, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Except, telling me what I already know I am isn't what you're here for Mr. Henderson. You're here to take Jackie to the hospital. I'll still be here for you to come by later to continue this conversation, so please excuse me though. I have to go call Patrick and tell him that his wife just went into labor.' Continuing to smile at Ratcliff, she politely turns and heads back into the house via the garage.

I'm about to tell ratcliff the same thing, but another contraction hits me causing the ringing to drown everything out again.

Through the pain as I strain against the straps that keep me on the gurney, watching them roll me into the ambulance. Ratcliff takes a seat on my left, next to my head. His assistant takes a seat by the doors as she closes them. She then puts on some exam gloves as the ambulance starts moving.

Clenching my jaw from the pain, I can see the both of them talk, before his assistant lifts the blanket.

Ratcliff looks down at me and says something, then frowns when I don't respond, I think he just realized I can't hear him.

As my contraction ebbs, the involuntarily panting starts while my hearing slowly returns. The wail of the sirens of the ambulance replaces the ringing in my ears.

'... you hear me Jackie!?' Ratcliff's frown goes away as my ears turn to focus on him.

'Ears... ring... when... contractions... hit...' Ratcliff sighs. Taking out a penlight, he shines it in my ears. Then I feel his assistant stick something into my vagina drawing my attention to her.

'You're checking all the boxes for Bio-Morphs aren't you Jackie. A quarter of Bio-Morphs who go into labor lose their hearing temporarily. Contractions during labor raises your blood pressure, which causes veins in your ears to close your ear canals. The size of your ear canals puts you right into that twenty-five percent.' Only when he puts the penlight away does he notice my stern gaze at his assistant. Who's using a plastic device to force open my vagina, and it is COLD.

'This is why she is here. Hospital rules about men doing it.' Ratcliff shrugs.

'The nurse is checking your cervical dilation, it will give us a rough estimate on how long you'll be in labor. Believe me, I wasn't lying when I said Bio-morph women have the worst of both worlds. The long labor times humans have along with the painful contractions, combined with short time frame in between contractions like lupines.' I still don't like it! It's weird having someone other than myself or Patrick touch me down there!

It's bringing up memories of me being molested back at Mauri's. Only for her to suddenly stop before looking up at Ratcliff.

"Her cervix just under a centimeter. With four contractions under her belt according to the family that puts her..." I watch as she moves her fingers for a moment in a counting motion.

"Another four, to five hours. Or when her contractions start coming only a couple of minutes apart. Whichever comes first." Can't help shivering as She removes her tools and the time left, before I jerk my head to Ratcliff.

'Drugs... NOW... can't... take... hours... of... this... pain.' A sympathetic smile cross's Ratcliff's face while he, against my will mind you, removes my prosthetic arm.

'I'm sorry Jackie. As you know, Bio-Morphs can't metabolize morphine. Fenta-morphine can be passed onto the babies through the umbilical cord. Also, an epidural doesn't work because we have vertebrae where it has to be placed in a human. Not to mention it's also can be passed on via the shared bloodstream...' Ratcliff places my prosthetic into a storage compartment on the gurney as I feel the ambulance slowing down.

He then takes a cylinder out of a storage compartment behind him and places it where my left arm was.

'All I can do to ease your symptoms is this, it should help with the panting Jackie.' He places a breathing mask over my muzzle, connects it to the cylinder and twists a nob. Within a few breaths my panting slows as I start to breath pure oxygen.

It doesn't ease the pain of another contraction striking the moment the ambulance stops, then backs up before stopping again.

Through tear filled eyes, I watch as the doors open and both Ratcliff and the nurse wheel me out. Luckily for me I guess, my contraction ends and my hearing returns as Ratcliff stops just outside the hospital, while the nurse continues to push me towards the automatic doors.

'Gotta go pick up another lady in labor Jackie. Don't forget to send Francine and I the photos after they're born, okay!?' I'm recovering from my last contraction and strapped to the gurney, so I'm unable to reply.

As the nurse pushes me into the building and past the ICU towards the maternity ward, I see another nurse pass by us on the way out to join Ratcliff.

'What's going on??' Now noticing the nurse has a name tag 'Nurse Stacy', making me quirk an ear.

"You're a pregnant bio-morph, and you've never heard of cub season?" I'm wheeled past other rooms with the sounds of other women in labor echoing from them. Bio-Morph women.

'I'm a convert with a gender flip Stacy. This is my first pregnancy and I had always thought all the pain and stuff was dramatics for television before this.' Stacy just stares at me with stressed out eyes and I think I see one of her eyes twitch too.

She must've been at this all day...

Wheeling me into an empty room, she locks the gurney's wheels into place. Stacy pulls the end of the gurney apart into a set of stirrups. She places my legs in them before draping the Mylar blanket back over my lower half for modesty.

"Then I feel sorry for you Ms. Stradder, you're about to learn why giving birth's called labor." Walking over to the thin wall that I can still hear my neighbors bark, scream, and moan through. Stacy writes my name, breed, time of admittance, eta for birth, and how many children I'm having on a small magnetic white board.

She then places it on the wall outside the room before drawing the curtain mostly shut behind her.

"One of the available attending doctors or midwives, depending on which one is available, will be here shortly to see you." With that, I'm left alone with the sounds of pain; yells, and curses coming from the rooms on either side my only companion.

A minute or so later my next contraction hits and I join the chorus of female suffering. This one's more painful, though that may be because my legs are in an up angled position while spread apart by the stirrups. What I do know is, through tears of pain I watch as a female human midwife, Christine, and Patrick enter the small room I'm in.

They're talking and I can't hear a word of it until my contraction ends.

"...hy can't you give her anything for the pain?" The midwife sighs, possibly because she has had to answer that question dozens of times already.

"Because Mr. Stradder, nothing over the counter works on this level of pain. Everything else we have isn't safe for the babies while they still share her bloodstream." She answers in near monotone tone and cadence, like she's said it a thousand times before. Walking up to a counter the midwife puts on some gloves, then goes under the Mylar blanket draped over my lower half.

Patrick pulls up a chair on my right side, as he sits down he picks up my right arm and holds it in his lap. I grab onto one of his hands as he does this. Christine sits down on my left side, noticing the lack of my prosthetic before laying her head on my left shoulder and rubbing her muzzle there.

Again, I feel poking, prodding on and in my vagina as I feel it being forced open larger than I thought it could be. Just as quickly it goes away as the midwife finishes.

"Yea the earlier nurse's estimate is about right, you have a few hours to go before you give birth Ms. Stradder." Stepping back, she removes her gloves and sanitizes herself. She then spots Christine finding the stored prosthetic arm in the gurney's storage compartment.

"Please leave her prosthetic arm off. As her contractions come more often, they'll get more painful, and she'll lose fine motor control during them. We've already had a father get a broken hand today because his wife's prosthetic malfunctioned." Christine stares back at her, then the arm. Letting out a sigh she puts my arm back in the storage compartment.

"Now, unless you have any other concerns. I have at 'least' twenty other women in the midst of labor to tend too right now. If anything bad happens like she starts profusely bleeding down there, or a contraction doesn't end. Grab the nearest nurse you can find, otherwise try to keep her comfortable. The remote for the TV is here on the counter in case she wants to watch something." The midwife points to it on her way out, then closes the curtain behind her with one swift motion.

Christine latches herself instantly onto the stub of my left arm while I look over to Patrick.

"Apparently they've been slammed for the last week with other Bio-Morphs giving birth. Didn't know there was a cub season, though it makes sense if there's a heat season. She could be a bit nicer to us though." Nodding once I grip his hands with my right one.

'I should've listened to Francine... She told me her last two births were hours of...' God-damn contractions! My hearing goes away again and pain racks through my lower body along with some new spasms that I feel in my vagina.

I think I also yelled out that I'd bite Patrick's dick off if it didn't feel so good when he puts it in me. Except, I can't even hear myself through the ringing in my ears. So when my contraction subsides, I lower my ears and turn to look at my husband sorrowfully.

'I didn't mea...' He silences me by removing the oxygen mask just long enough to kiss me.

"Jackie, you're in a LOT of pain. I know you didn't mean what you just said, hell, you're even trying hard not hurt me at all. You chose to dig your claws into your own palm rather than my hands." Patrick lifts my right hand and my eyes go wide, apparently I did dig my claws into my palm and didn't feel it.

Christine, when she sees this, gently takes my right hand in her hands and starts licking my wounds.

"Jackie, just, try to relax. Grip and crush my hands as much as you need to through your contractions, but please, let us help you." Sighing I nod and lay my head back...

For the next three and a half hours Patrick holds my right hand and forearm, taking what ever punishment I unwillingly give him in each contraction. Christine comforts me by nuzzling and licking my face as I fight through the pain. In between them we talk about what to name our kids, what gender they'll be.

Or if they'll even look like a human or a Bio-Morph.

Patrick's decided he would like at least one daughter, I want at least one son. So we each have a fifty percent chance getting what we want at the same time. Christine claims that she read on-line hybrids are more likely to always be female. So she's guessing I'll give birth to two girls.

In which case, I'd go through this again just to have a son. Not that I wouldn't love these two if they're both girls. It's that, I want a son, so I can raise him better than I was raised.

Not that mom didn't do a good job, just that I never had a father in my life till recently.

However we can't come to a decision on what they may look like. Christine and I think they'll take after me and look like Bio-Morphs, albeit, oddly colored ones due to Patrick being the father.

Patrick is deadest that they might look human.

He says he heard about a human woman giving birth to a lion breed Bio morph daughter as the father is a lion breed himself. So why not the other way around? That I could pop out a human child.

Our conversation's cut short as my contractions start coming less than two minutes apart. So Christine bolts from the room the second Patrick confirms it with his phone and almost drags in a young female nurse into the room.

She's so young in fact, she looks like she may be fresh out of medical school, if not still in it due to how busy and short staffed the hospital is.

'Jackie's contractions are less than two minutes apart. Her babies will come out any minute!' Or at least that's what I manage piece together in between frequent bouts of hearing loss.

After looking confused for a moment, the probable medical student sanitizes herself, puts on gloves and goes under the Mylar blanket. Still doing its job, protecting my modesty just as another contraction hits.

She folds the blanket back, looking at Patrick. I can't hear what she says, but he nods. Turning his attention to me, he says something, and I am not good at reading lips. Noticing I can't hear him, Patrick uses his hand to act like he's pushing something...

Oh! They want me to push. The moment I realize this something clicks in my mind, some primal instinct and on the next contraction I will myself to push with all my might. Like I'm trying to evacuate myself, only it's coming from a bit higher up in my belly.

I can feel them move in me as I push. I can honestly feel my babies move as I push.

It honestly feels like I'm trying to push a baseball through a garden hose that cannot quite stretch that big, yet I can feel one of them moving down from my lower belly into my vagina regardless.

I'm, I'm actually giving birth! They're coming out of me and I'll get to see them!

Contraction, push, something moves, then a gasp for breath in between bouts of screaming from the pain. This is my world till I see the nurse's head pop out from under the blanket with a smile while saying something to Patrick. He then holds up one finger in front of my muzzle.

I get it, one... more... push...

On the next contraction I put all my reserve strength into pushing, only to feel something slip out of me. My head flops back down onto the pillow from the release as mix of pain, and oddly pleasure washes over me.

Only to be replaced by the feeling of everything down their twitching involuntarily...

The nurse quickly stands, and nearly hops to the nearby table, pulling out towels. She starts to clean and wrap up something small crying up a storm.

One of my children! My baby! I reach out for him or her, desperately wanting, no NEEDING, to have them in my arm. Only to feel some movement in me as the other baby now wants to join his or her sibling. Reminding me my task is only half complete.

Lowering my arm I watch as Christine instantly takes the nurse's place, said nurse goes back underneath the towel.

The look on Christine's face, and her body language screams grievous injury to anyone who tries to harm my baby! Then my world shrinks back down to pushing with each contraction as the next one suddenly hits me.

If my first baby felt like a baseball, this one feels like I'm pushing a basket ball through that same hose!

Several minutes later, and with one final push drawing on reserves I didn't know I had, I feel my other child come free. Followed a moment later by various viscera as my belly further shrinks in size from the lack of passengers.

In the several minutes my hearing takes to return I pant while watching as the nurse takes a larger baby over to the same table and repeats the process of cleaning him or her up like the previous one.

So my first baby is a runt? Runts are not unusual in canine litters, and we're mostly lupine... Son or daughter they'll be loved regardless and I'll make sure they'll have a good life.

Regardless, what I desperately want NOW! Is to hold them, a primal urge to do so in fact. They were just in me but now I want to hold them close! I even try to get up using my right arm, but most of my strength's gone and I flop back down onto the bed.

As if sensing my desire, Patrick stands and walks over, joining the nurse and Christine at the table looking over my children.

'Give me my fucking babies!' Yelling out as my hearing returns, trying to get the point across that I WANT THEM.

Then as one, all three of them carry both of my children over to me wrapped in clean and crisp towels, leaving the blood covered ones behind. Without a thought, I rip off my shirt and bra as fast as I can before they're placed onto chest and waiting arm.

Oh, so that's why one is small and the other is large.

The small one, covered in human skin tone to peach colored fur is your typical vulpine Bio-Morph kit in size and shape, it, no SHE crawls out of the towel and latches onto one of my breasts.

Okay one is a daughter, Patrick got what he wanted. I look at the other one as it too heads for my other breast and see, a human?

No, he only looks mostly human and a son! My son! I got a son! His ears are where they should be for a human, but almost shaped like a Bio-morphs. His fingernails and toenails seem to be something in-between the human standard and claws. Did they just extend a little as he kneads the breast he's latched onto?

There's even a cute red vulpine tail with a black tip on him.

My heart and mind melt as they both start to draw milk from my breasts. I know it's the bonding endorphins, but that part of me has shut off as I ride the high it gives me.

I'm a mother! I'm a mother now feeding her kits! These are MY kits and NO ONE is taking them from me!... I don't even see the flash of Patrick taking a photo.

I only hear his, Christine's and the nurse's awwing and cooing.

The only thing I see is their eyes as they open them. My daughter, she has Patrick's eyes. Literally! She has human shaped irises the same color as Patrick's. My son, he though has my eyes, color and vulpine slit and all.

"They both seem healthy, but I've never seen this before. The Mr. Stradder, you're actually the father? Not the red fox Bio-morph asking about her every half hour or so?" Patrick nods at the confused nurse while he gently leads her to the curtain.

"Yes I am, and that's Mauri, a close friend of the family. Jackie is like a daughter to him, so it's no wonder he has been so worried. Mind telling him and his mate Alpha the good news?" The nurse Ohs! Cleans herself up from what I bleed and oozed on her before leaving us alone.

Patrick sits back down and reaches to pat my two babies as I lick them. Christine takes the other side of the bed and when I finish licking them, she gives each of them a couple of licks too.

"You did good Jackie." He smiles.

'They're so cute!' Christine squeals.

I look up at them smiling, still half doped out on my own endorphins so only of my ears is up and forward, no matter how I try to move the other one.

'I couldn't have made them without you Patrick... Yes Christine. Alex and Elizabeth are very cute.' I give them a confidant smirk while looking at their stunned faces, having decided on their names not long after they latched onto me and started suckling.

'Alex Jonah Stradder' I lick my son's head. 'Elizabeth Laverne Stradder.' Then I lick hers. I chose their first names, then I gave them Patrick's parent's first names as middle names.

It's only fair.

Patrick's actually crying, last time I've seen him do this was at our wedding. He gently pets both of them again once Christine's done licking them.

They wiggle at his attention as they drain me dry. Hungry little ones, my little ones.