Snake Lords of the Desert 28

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#28 of The Chronicles of Lore

The party returns to the capital, and so, so many things have changed over their absence on both sides.

The celebration of taking the Kgosi was short and swift, something that lasted no more than a night as he continued to establish the chains of control that he needed on the other man's mind. Once he had the admission of submission, it was all but done, merely needing some little bits of finery and customization to make the elephant into a proper slave for himself. Lorenus smiled all night long, and while he was exhausted when morning came - and nearly drained, for that matter, as Masi had kept up his cock-riding throughout the night - he was satisfied. Finally, he had an Empire at his coils.

Unwrapping himself from the boar, leaving the half-conscious male to collapse to the ground, the naga slithered out of the tent. His jackal perch was already waiting for him, and knew enough to reach down and offer him an easy way up. The naga climbed up the tall male, leaning on him and sighing in his ear.

"It issss done."


"You may ssspeak, perch."

"There's nothing left?"

"Nothing to fight, only a dessssire to pleassse."

"Then he will rule when you are away?"

"If I am ssssure that he issss properly placated. He will be an able adminissstrator."

That was the only reason that he had left part of the elephant's mind intact. The idea of ruling the entire Empire on his own all day, every day was not particularly enjoyable. He wanted to have that final authority, yes, and to be the Emperor, but he wanted to be sure that he had someone that already knew the ins and outs of the kingdom ready to hold the reins while he did what he wanted. Who better but the person that already ran the kingdom?

Of course, there would need to be a few modifications, but he would be able to handle that. He smiled to himself, allowing his jackal to carry him back to his tent.

"When you are finisssshed, you will assssemble the ssssoldiersss. We return today."

"As soon as you are rested, master?"

"Assss ssssoon assss I am resssted."

"Understood, Master."

Much as he would have liked to be underway as soon as possible, now, in fact, he knew that he would collapse on the road without some time to rest. Even now, leaning against his jackal, he knew that he was on the verge of passing out. Completely re-writing someone so that they were obedient and still keeping their mind intact was a draining process, and not one that he would like to do so often as he was probably going to need to.

But that was the issue of ruling an Empire. One needed good underlings, not merely braindead servants. Without them, he would be forced to do even more work than he already was.

They reached his tent, and the jackal laid him down around the remnants of a fire. The heated rocks soothed him, and soon, Lorenus had passed out, wrapped around himself and snoozing with a soft hiss.


The journey back to the capital was done at speed, with his jackal carrying him at a quick jog. Most of the soldiers were moving fairly quickly, as well, able to keep up now that they had been conditioned to be obedient to him, and as for the former Kgosi...

He glanced over his shoulder, smirking. The elephant jogged along just behind the jackal, his cock swaying from side to side between his legs, his balls bouncing and slapping against thick gray thighs. The big male had been left completely nude, made to run that way as a humiliation and reminder of what he had become. A toy, a slave, someone that had surrendered to the better man.

Lorenus could feel his cocks throbbing out from his coils at the sight of the naked man, the fact that he had managed to conquer the single most powerful individual outside of the Snakelands something that filled him with pride and arousal. He had done something that he imagined his father would never have found possible. It was one more step towards going home and taking back what was his.

They were almost back to the city, now, and he was already anticipating what would happen. If the abdication of total authority that the Kgosi's son was any sort of indication, the public would enjoy seeing their former Emperor running through the streets in the nude, proclaiming the new, proper king and Emperor of the land. They would look back at the naga, fall to their knees, and give him the worship and adoration that he deserved.

The thought was enough to have his dicks pushing out on either side of the jackal's neck, and his perch cleared his throat.

"Do you wish to be sucked, Master?"

"Not yet," Lorenus said. "Perhapsss tonight."

"Yes, Master."

And on they ran.


They reached the capital shortly after that, and the people were there to greet them. The runners had already informed them of what they'd see, so they were already lining the streets to see the return of the snake and the army, as well as their former Kgosi.

This was to be the test. Lorenus had left his slaves more or less in charge of the city, though nobody had known that. He hadn't told Dumisani, hadn't given them the official charge to run it, but he knew that they would know what to do. It had been up to them to keep things safe and sane, and to continue the gradual induction of the everyday person into the ranks of his servants. He had hoped to see at least half of the capital city completely enslaved to him by the time that he returned.

Considering that every person on the streets was as naked as the day they were born, he'd say that the slaves had been completely successful.

"Welcome home!"

The roaring shout of the slave-citizens lifted from the street and roared through the space between the buildings, echoing out until it was a shockwave of sound that nearly took him off of his jackal's back. His perch didn't quite rattle, but it was a powerful thing, one that put a giant grin on his face.

"Welcome home, Emperor Lorenus!"

"Welcome home, oh Ruler of the Sizwe!"

"Welcome home, Emperor Lorenus Adelin!"

Emperor Lorenus Adelin. The title had a wonderful sound to it, and it made him that much harder. His cocks dripped on either side of the jackal's neck as they advanced, though he pulled slightly on the canine's neck, making him slow down and allowing the former Kgosi to go forward.

The elephant was met with laughter and shame as soon as he hit the streets, with more than a few bits of food and garbage pelting the naked older male. Bits and pieces of debris continued to fall on him as the public laughed at him, at his nakedness, at everything that they could find to mock about him.

When the elephant fell in the middle of the street, some ran forward, grabbing his ass, slapping and spanking it.

"This slob used to be our Emperor?"

"A good trade, I'd say."

"We got rid of him before he got fat and useless."

"Just a slut for the Emperor now."

"All hail Lorenus Adelin!"

Yes, the power of his slaves had been used quite well. The various men and women of the city had already completely turned against the former Emperor, and even his keen eyes couldn't see anyone that was willing to throw in behind the elephant rather than him. The loyalty of the capital was completely assured, and from there, he could continue seizing control of the rest of the Empire in safety.

The Sizwe, the most powerful slave-owning nation on the continent, had fallen. Not in war, but through intrigue. Such was the power of the Snakelands.


The palace had been nearly empty when he arrived, with Dumisani there to greet him on his knees. The elephant prince had bowed with his ass facing the door, more assurance that the naga's slaves had been properly busy conditioning people. Such would have been almost impossible before making sure that the average citizen wouldn't come barging in through the front door.

As the elephant knelt there, Lorenus noticed that Sithembile's cock was slowly rising up, the former Kgosi looking down at his son with more attention than was seemly from a father. He chuckled to himself, hissing as the shaft barely rose to half-mast. Still, it was more than what the elephant should have been capable of, what with all the different commands in his head. Either Sithembile had been quite aroused and this was his only outlet, or there was something else that had come loose during their various 'chats' that had seized on Dumisani as an outlet.

Either way, it was one more thing that he could use, both as a reward and as a way to keep greater control over the elephant. He slithered down from his jackal, slowly moving up to coil around the former ruler. He smiled as he felt that rounded rump pressing back against his cocks, and he ground them between the cheeks, feeling the long day having left the crack a bit sweaty. He thrust up, almost pushing his cocks into the pucker waiting between, half-curious if Sithembile would flinch.

He didn't.

The elephant grunted, instead, and Lorenus chuckled as he kept sliding his body further and further up, teasing the elephant's legs with his tail and his chest with his hands. Each little touch was enough to draw a grunt and a groan out of the bigger male, and he smiled as he leaned in to hiss in Sithembile's ear.

"You are...quiet...are you...enjoying yourssself?"

"Yes, sir," the elephant said in a monotone voice.

"Ah, you are lying."

"I am not, sir."

"You are lying. That tone...sssso angry..."


He brought his tail up, gently wrapping it around the elephant's half-erect shaft. His coils pumped up and down the floppy thing, teasing it, making it bounce and sway back and forth as he teased it to a full erection, full size.

"You want to usssse thissss."


"You misssss your boar, but you need relief..."

Using similar nudges as he did to control his jackal, he made Sithembile walk forward, moving closer and closer to the kneeling elephant. He gripped the cock tighter, pinching it between his coils to make it nice and hard, trapping the blood inside. As the shaft rose up, the elephant patriarch groaned.

"He's...he's my son..."

"And my property...just like you..."

Just as he had hoped, Sithembile's cock throbbed in the grip of his tail, just as he had anticipated. The elephant's dignity had been beaten right into the ground, pounded out of him until there was nothing left. All that he had was the little need that came to obey, the urge to fall in line.

Oh, there would be little moments where Lorenus would need to step in and do something, moments where little loopholes would start to show, but unlike his father, he was paying attention. Unlike the prince back in the Snakelands, he knew how to tell what was willing obedience and what was reluctant, what was forced, and what had been conditioned. He would keep Sithembile wrapped up tight until there was every reason to obey, and no reason not to.

He pushed the elder elephant further forward, helping him find his way close enough to nudge the head of his cock against his son's fat ass. Once they made contact, there was no holding back. Sithembile slammed in, and that was that.

Lorenus chuckled to himself as he uncoiled from the large elephant, slithering across the floor. The cool stone of the interior of the palace was surprisingly comforting after the long time away, and from the heated warmth of another body all day long. He could use a little time to cool down, to settle in.

His jackal followed him through the palace, along the stone halls all the way to the throne room. There, Lorenus draped himself around the throne. For the first time since his banishment, he not only had a place to call his own, but he had a dominion. Not shared authority, not power that he wielded through a puppet, but power that was entirely his. This throne ruled an Empire, and through it, he would conquer not just his homeland, but everything else on the continent.

From now on, he could operate openly. His father would start taking steps to slow him down, perhaps throwing up different blockades in trade, seeing what could be done diplomatically to the other countries on the continent, but unless the older snake managed to unite all of them in an alliance against him, the game was over. He had an Empire, the tribals between him and the other countries had been undone by Sithembile's wars, and all he needed was a little time to make everyone into a loyal, hypnotized slave-citizen of his empire.

Goodbye to the Sizwe elephants, and hello to the power of Lorenus Adelin, first of his name, lord of the Empire.

It's good to be Emperor...

The End