Cousin Fucker

Story by Tokamak_Providence on SoFurry

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In light of how much everyone seemed to like Sister Fucker, I've decided to go ahead and write Cousin Fucker. Should be pretty self-explanatory as to what this is about! This is a bit of a long story, the longest single-chapter story I've ever written in fact, just a touch over 30,000 words. Also decided to step a bit outside the box of what I usually do and write it in first person. Let me know if you think it worked!

So, what's next? Brother Fucker? Mother Fucker? There are still family members left to fuck. . .

Why is my cousin so goddamn hot?

That's the million dollar question right there. Why indeed? Was it genetics? In part, probably, though neither myself, nor my siblings, nor any of our rather large extended family was quite so striking as Chloe. It was a clear enough difference to give rise to a few questions concerning marital fidelity, though she had the same fur colouring and patterns as the rest of us. Typical black and white husky markings, though with just a hint of red and brown mixed in. A good deal of sport during her formative years certainly hadn't gone amiss, either.

When did my cousin become so goddamn hot?

Puberty. Go figure. It hits some harder than others, and Chloe had got both barrels. A scrawny, wiry little pup, she was the last canine you'd think would turn into every guy's wet dream, myself included. I was a few years older, and had played the role of babysitter on more than a few occasions. It was just as she was getting old enough to not need one, somewhere between middle and high school, that she sprouted the most amazing pair of tits you've ever seen. Combine that with a delicious, pert ass and slender little waist and you had everything a guy could want. Top all that off with a bubbly, bouncy personality and it was almost more than I could handle. It made me wonder why her mother was such a bitch. Pun intended.

And, of course, what made my cousin so goddamn hot?

Now that, that was what interested me the most. I've already mentioned her assets. Perfectly sized breasts, a flat stomach and tight, toned butt were just the start. Her fur was immaculate, free of any and all blemishes, with a full, thick and exceptionally fluffy tail that just didn't quit. Oh, and being a husky, was almost constantly flagged up, showing off her posterior at all times. That suited me just fine, it was far easier for me to hide my raging boner than it was for her to trick people into thinking she had anything but the most perfect body imaginable. Stares abounded.

That's her. Then there's me. Carter. Husky with just a bit of red and brown. Twenty four, on the wrong side of six feet, and possessing a bachelor's degree in sociology with a job at the local Starbucks to match. Wonderful catch if you're desperate. At least I was in reasonable shape, though I found putting on any attractive amount of muscle onto my frame to be about as easy as pissing out a forest fire.

Back to her. She's goddamn hot, did I mention that?

For what it's worth, I'd had more than my fair share of opportunities to ogle at her. Our family was close, as typical of your more lupine-adjacent canid breeds, and we spent a good deal of time with each other. Holidays together, monthly gatherings and outings, there was always something going on. Summer, of course, was my favourite time, thick fur coat notwithstanding. You see, summer meant swimming, and swimming meant swimsuits. The sight of Chloe in a bikini, and the familial barrier between us meaning she'd willingly and without hesitation parade about the house while wearing it, a most welcome addition to the long, hot days.

She was nice to me, more so than any of my siblings. I had always been the plain one, the quiet one, perhaps a bit shy. Who could blame me? My brothers were all sports-mad jocks, willing to put in the insane amount of effort it took any of us to bulk up, and my elder sister had decided that our little gang of misfits wasn't good enough for her. A snob, through and through. A real bitch.

Pun intended.

And so more than a few lonely evenings had been spent with my paw wrapped firmly about my shaft, my mind imagining all sorts of things I might do with and to her. Vivid images running through my mind as to what was under that bikini, what it might look like, feel like, and taste like. No doubt I wasn't the only one, either inside or outside the family. Though I would have to be a grade A idiot to think that other guys weren't lusting after her, I had always felt something of a connection. I was the first one she gave one of her overbearing hugs to at family gatherings, I always got the best gifts from her at Christmas and on my birthday. We played a lot together as pups, and being the convenient - not to mention, free - babysitter that I was, our bond had strengthened as we both grew up.

And now, here I was. Here we were.

Everything had been thrown into disarray by the pandemic. Everything. We'd hoped for one of our usual family getaways, camping or something this time, but instead we found ourselves under effective lock and key. This whole CORVID-19 thing, some mutated strain of avian influenza, bird flu, that is, had rocked the world like a hurricane, and we were caught up in it.

At least, I was caught up in it.

I had gone ahead of my family by a few days, and caught a flight the week before air travel essentially ground to a halt. In part to take advantage of a long needed respite from work, but also just to see Chloe. She was, of course, ecstatic to see me, bouncing up to me at the airport and giving me one of those long-awaited hugs, tits pressed firmly against my chest and a quick peck delivered to my cheek. Her immediate family were somewhat more tolerable than mine, and I otherwise welcomed the change of pace. Being from a larger city, it was nice to head somewhere a little more rural, just that bit more laid back and relaxed. Seems like it was a wise choice in the end.

The big cities all went into lockdown, stores and malls shuttered, including my own place of work, along with schools, colleges and public transport. Chloe's hometown fared rather better, being smaller and out of the way, and the only real change that I saw were the local restaurants switching to take-out only. Easy enough to deal with. Without an end in sight, I settled in for the long haul, and told my parents I might be stuck here for a good while. Honestly, it was a relief. I had a roof over my head, a place to sleep and three meals a day, not to mention some rather nice company. Starbucks wasn't going to open back up anytime soon, so it was either be poor here, or be poor back home. I'd take here any day of the week.

The houses here were much bigger and generally in better condition than my run-down inner city apartment. Chloe's parents certainty did alright for themselves, and we had plenty of space. I was given run of a nicely sized guest room, complete with its own attached bathroom and a good distance between myself and the rest of the household. The room looked out onto a large yard complete with pool and outdoor sitting area, perfect for those drawn out summer evenings.

Perfect to perv on Chloe, as well.

Gah, I'm really letting this get to my head, it's been one day. One day! I haven't even unpacked my stuff, and my dick is doing all the thinking for me.


That was her, yelling my name from down the hall.


The door burst open, and a five foot six husky girl tumbled in, wearing a loose fitting tank top and oh-so-revealing running shorts. I gawked.

"Carts!" she cried, crashing into me with another hug, "getting yourself settled in?

"I, yeah, yeah I think so. . ." I managed to stammer back, taking the opportunity to squeeze her body to mine.

"Dad says to treat this place like your own while you're here." she continued, "Take whatever you want from the fridge, and there's beer out the back if you want some."

I cocked an eyebrow at her, "want to have one with me?"

She cocked hers back, making a face in the process, "I'm not twenty one yet."

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to buy one, I asked if you wanted to have one with me."

She contorted her usually cute face even further, "Yehtch! No thanks! I hate that stuff, too bitter."

"Well," I pushed the issue a little, "what do you like to drink, then?"

She tapped her chin a few times, hips canted to the side, before replying.

"I guess anything sweet and sugary, " she said, "vodka mixed with whatever. Or rum. Rum's pretty good. Why, are you offering?"

"I might be."

"In that case!" she practically shouted, again bounding up to me, "let's go shopping tomorrow! It's real boring around here anyway, and. . . well. . . I was going to ask you to come out with me anyway. You can buy me those drinks and we can have a little party back here!"

Her demeanour suddenly changed. I was supposed to be the one without any confidence, yet for just a moment she seemed to be almost. . . hesitant. A little shy. She'd thought about this, and wanted me to go shopping with her? Surely she knew I made barely above minimum wage, I wasn't going to be showering her with gifts or anything. As much as I might like to.

"Oh, oh don't get the wrong idea!" she practically read my mind, "I'm not some gold-digger or anything, I've got a few things I need to pick up, and I need a second opinion. A. . . uh. . . male opinion, if you get what I mean, Carts."

I liked the sound of that. Quite a bit.

"Won't all the stores be closed?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, not here. Maybe where you're from, but we've got things under control. People still need clothes and stuff."

"So it's clothes shopping?"

"I. . . didn't say that!"

I grinned, "but you just did. What, gunna try on a few skimpy outfits?"

"Ugh, you're such a perv!"

She was trying to sound annoyed, but I caught the slightest hint of a smirk coming from the corner of her muzzle.

"Maybe." I said, trying my best to sound nonchalant, "but I'm not the one who prances about in their underwear."

"Firstly!" she shot, sticking her arm out and poking my nose with her finger, "Swimsuits aren't underwear! Second, I know you stare. Yeah, I've caught you. You're a perv!"

I shrugged, "guilty."

We stood there, silently staring at each other. My eyes drifted. If she was going to call me a perv, goddammit it, I was going to perv!

The pretend-anger lasted all of five more seconds before the facade broke. Her paws returned to her hips, her lips again curled into a smile.

"So, can I count on you, Carts?" she asked, "I just need you to tell me what you think of a few outfits, that's all. It's no big deal. You'd do it for your sister, wouldn't you?"

"No. She's a snooty bitch. She'd probably spend eight hundred bucks on an evening gown."

"I. . . well, I'm your cousin, it's different! And I'm not going to be wearing any crap like that. So, are we going shopping tomorrow or not?"

I returned her smile, "sure, I'll come along. I don't mind. We'll get those drinks as well."

Chloe threw herself at me, paws wrapping around my back and pulling me into yet another crushing embrace.


My uncle had let me use his car. It was a cantankerous old pickup truck, the sort that guzzles half a day's oil output from a Middle Eastern country every time you turn the ignition. Why he kept it around, I don't know, especially when my aunt drove a sleek European import. Some sort of pride, maybe? Still, it didn't really matter to me; Chloe didn't have her license yet, and that meant I was bound to play the role of chauffeur at some point. Not that I was complaining, mind you. The two of us heading into town to do a bit of shopping hadn't raised any eyebrows, thought what suspicion could there possibly be? I was still wondering that myself.

In part, it was how she had dressed. A polo shirt and a rather short skirt. Exceptionally short, in fact. Again, not that I was complaining. I'd seen her out and about before, she usually picked a pair of snugly fitting jeans, tight enough to show off that wondrous ass she had, and a simple t-shirt, again fitted tightly. She sat next to me, paws in her lap and yapping happily away as we trundled down the mostly empty streets.

"Here! Right here!" she excitedly pointed to a turn-off.

"Huh, I didn't realise they'd built a new mall out here."

They had. What was one a decaying industrial estate, streets lined with abandoned, run-down warehouses and boarded up businesses, was now a brand spanking new mall. Freshly poured concrete, perfectly manicured lawns and gardens about the entrance, all encompassed by a ring of tacky billboards advertising all manner of cheap, useless crap. Suburbia at its finest.

"Oh yes!" she continued, bouncing up and down in the seat, "Opened up a few months ago. Still half empty and all, not exactly a good time to open up a new store. It's got everything I need though, it's nice to have a few of the fancier places to pick up clothes and stuff."

"I usually just wear whatever my mother buys me."

Chloe smirked at me, "aren't you a bit old to be a mommy's boy, Carter?"

"I didn't say I was. She's the one who's always complaining about what I wear, so I told her if she wants me to wear nicer clothes, she's welcome to buy them for me. So she does."

"Wish my parents did that for me."

I smirked back, "I think you probably have slightly more expensive tastes than me, Chloe."

She looked me up and down before continuing, "Oh, maybe not as expensive as you think, Carts. You actually dress pretty nicely, you know. Kinda. . . a bit rugged, I guess. I'd date you."

I almost crashed.

"You'd. . . date me?" I quizzed, trying desperately to hide a thunderous bout of nervousness.

"I mean. . ."

"You mean," I caught myself just in time, "you mean you'd date someone who dresses like me, yeah?"


I leaned over just a little, still navigating the pickup between rows of parked cars, "So. . . you're the type of girl who'd just date a guy who dresses nicely?"

"I didn't mean that!"

"But you just said it!"

Chloe pouted at me, crossing her arms across her chest.

"I'm not shallow or anything, Carter, I just like nice clothes. Is that so bad."

"No, no, nothing wrong with that," I conceded, "was just curious, that's all."



I allowed a few seconds to pass before continuing.

"So. . ." the nervousness returned, despite my best efforts, "do you think you'd date a guy like me. . . for. . . well, being like me?"

The response came as a giggle, "are you asking me on a date, Carts?"

"Oh. . . oh no. . . no I. . ."

I glanced over at her, expecting to see a shit-eating grin beaming back at me. Instead, and rather to my surprise, she was blushing. Blushing, of all things. Was this something she was uncomfortable with? Was there something. . . going on between us? We'd always been close, that much I think I've made clear, but it had been 100% platonic, nightly sessions of self-pleasure notwithstanding. Maybe I should push things? Just a little.

I pushed.

"Ah, fuck it!" I finally gave in, throwing one paw off the wheel and above my head, "sure, let's make a date of this. Not much else to do here, right? I'm buying you drinks, it can be something casual, can't it?"

"Sounds like fun!" she replied, "But this is just a pretend date, okay? And only because you dressed nice. Throw in lunch as well."

"Something cheap?"

"Cheap and greasy!"

"It was my mother who picked these clothes, you know. Maybe you should date her."


Turns out, I really wasn't prepared to go clothes shopping with a teenage husky girl. Of course, I knew all the stereotypes. Having to try on absolutely everything, wanting to spend an hour in every single store that sold anything even remotely cute, and then some. Still, Chloe had assured me that she knew exactly which stores she wanted to visit, and what she was looking for.


At the very least, we had lunch first. Cheap, greasy burgers with cheap, greasy fries and half a gallon of high fructose corn syrup laced soda to wash it all down. Delicious. How Chloe managed to maintain her immaculate figure when she shoveled food like that into her muzzle was beyond me. I was fairly slender myself, certainly, but I'd once or twice noticed the pounds creeping on when I let my diet slip. Today, though, was a treat, and I was going to indulge.

And so indulge I did.

I paid little attention to the first few stores, my eyes instead fixed squarely upon Chloe's tight little butt as we walked along, with her taking the lead. She bounced with every step, her fluffy tail constantly raised and swishing eagerly from side to side as we made our way through the relatively empty mall. Occasionally she'd bound up to a shopfront, excitedly pointing someone out that seemed of little importance to me. I'd make a point of leaning over, resting my chin on her shoulder and inhaling her alluring feminine scent. She didn't seem to mind, even going so far as to reach around and scratch behind my ears once or twice. Today was really shaping up quite nicely.

Deciding that what had caught her attention was worth buying, we entered the store, flashed Chloe's credit card, and promptly left.

"Chloe! CHLOE!!!"

A vixen, striking orange fur and full, flowing tail, pranced across the concourse towards us, arms outstretched. She sported a notably larger pair of breasts that Chloe, not that it would take my interest. Huge tits were never my thing. A palmful was all I needed, though I admit the sight of her melons bouncing up and down with every step was somewhat enticing. A sideways glance at Chloe's chest, still shapely and pert mind you, but decidedly more youthful looking, was all I needed to draw my attention back.

Chloe's fur colouring was much nicer as well.

"CHLOE!" the vixen called again, only a few steps away.


The two teenager girls practically crashed together, embracing in a crushing hug. Shopping bags crumpled about them, all but spilling their contents across the floor.

"Chloe!" shouted Jess, clearly failing to use her indoor voice, "I thought your family were being real assholes about the lockdown. They let you out?"

My cousin eagerly nodded in response, "Yeah! We were supposed to have a whole bunch of people around, so we were getting ready for everything and then poof, here we are!"

"Damn. Another family thing?"

"Uh-huh, though I think my dad was getting sick of me hanging around the house all day. Didn't mind us coming out."

"Oh, and uh. . . who is us?" Jess asked, craning her neck of Chloe's shoulder and shooting a piercing gaze at me, "does daddy know you're hanging out with a boooooooy?"

With a snap of her step, Chloe bounced back a few paces, twirling about before pressing herself firmly against the side of my torso. Her arms snaked about my own, pulling me in closer and jamming my forearm between her soft, furred orbs. I knew my face was seconds away from flushing bright red.

"Oh! This is Carter! We're on a date!" Chloe responded to her friend's question as if it were the most casual thing in the world.

Yep. Definitely red.

"Weeeeeeeell. . ." Jess clasped her paws behind her back, pressing her chest out that little bit extra and pacing slowly towards us. Chloe gripping my arm tighter still, smiling broadly and mashing her face into my shoulder.

"He looks nice," the vixen continued, "where did you guys meet? I don't think I've seen him around before."

Again, Chloe's response was so innocent and casual, "oh we've known each other for ages. He's my cousin!"

Was there a colour redder than red? I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them.

Jess had stopped in place, her own eyes wide like saucers as they darted between us. Wasn't it kinda obvious? We looked pretty similar, after all.

"Cousins?" she asked, somewhat timidly, tilting her head the tiniest fraction to the side.

"Yep!" Chloe insisted, "My big cousin from the city!"

Her voice dropped, the innocence suddenly gone and replaced by what could almost be called a growl.

". . . very big."

That seemed to do the trick, what the trick may be. Jess's paws shot to her muzzle, and a tiny, cute gasp escaped her lips. She may have been blushing as well, though the benefited from a rich, orange fur that hid any outside signs of it. Her chest, though, heaved up and down with suddenly elevated breathing.

"C-C-C-Chloe!" she was having trouble putting words in her mouth, "That's. . ."

"Awwww come on, don't be like that, Jess! You'd do him, wouldn't you?"

Her orange paws now moved from her muzzle to her eyes, hiding her face away as she vigorously shook her head, "no! I mean. . . maybe. . . no no no! But he's not my cousin! ACH! Chloe!"

Chloe must have felt my heart pounding away. With a giggle and a twirl, she finally released my arm and took a few steps away from me before doubling over in full-blown laughter.

"Ha. . . oh Jess!" she almost cried, "you're too easy!"

"Chloe! You bitch! You really made me think. . . think that you two. .. were!"

It took her a good twenty or thirty seconds to regain composure before she spoke again.

"Would that really be so bad, Jess?" she said, picking up her shopping bags, "we're just out having a bit of fun, shopping about, Right, Carts?"

"Uh. . yeah, yeah that's it!" I forced out my response.

"See?" continued Chloe, "we're all good here. What are you up to, anyway?"

The transient anger faded from the vixen's face, and she cast her eyes to the floor.

"Oh, I was supposed to meet Mark here, but he stood me up again."

"Did you check Tracey's house?"

And back again.

"Hey, that wasn't what you think it was!" she shot back at Chloe.

"That's not what Tracey said. And you know she likes catboys."

"Fine! Fine! I don't care anyway. If that fucker can't even make time for me, then I've got no time for him."

"Get yourself a kitty-cat somewhere else!"

Despite the sudden turn of conversation, Jess flashed Chloe a genuine smile before gathering up her own bags and trotting off towards the exit.

She did have a rather nice ass. Her tail certainly helped.

". . Carts. . ." Chloe's voice came low and monotone next to me.

Not as nice as some. . .

"Um, Chloe?"


For all the accusations of perving that Chloe threw at me, what came next was something just a bit more lewd than sneaking a glance here or there. Well, more than a bit. We visited a few more stores, with Chloe buying a rather nice pair of shoes, along with a few pairs of knee socks. I couldn't recall if I'd seen her wear them before, though naturally I'd very much like her to. Unfortunately for me, she didn't have to try them on, simply scooping a few packets off a display rack and buying them without a second though.

"Here! Here it is!"

Were it not for her sudden burst of excitement, I wouldn't have noticed it at all. The only notable feature of the facade were the large, embossed letters sitting above the entrance. 'Jupiter'. Odd name for what appeared to be a clothing store, though a slightly closer inspection showed it wasn't so much clothing as lingerie. So this is what she had meant when she said she needed a male opinion. At least, I very, very much hoped this is what she had meant.

Without even waiting for me, she bounded through the entrance, her fluffy tail wagging madly behind her as she pranced up to the counter.


"Oh! Hi Chloe! Welcome back."

So, she was a regular here. The sales assistant was a rather striking, and admittedly quite elegant, cheetah who looked to be in her early to mid thirties. As slender as they come, her outfit was surprisingly subdued considering she was surrounded with everything from one piece bathing suits to g-strings that could hardly be said to be clothing at all. Long, black pants and a long-sleeved black shirt revealed little, though it did serve to trim down her already lithe body.

I didn't mind.

"What will it be today, honey?" the cheetah said, smiling warmly at my cousin.

"I've got a big list here!" Chloe responded, shoving a crumpled up piece of paper in the feline's paw, "do you think you might be able to get some of those for me while I have a look around. Oh, and. . . um . . . I'd like to use the changing rooms. Carter is going to help me out a bit."

The cheetah raised her eyebrow, "Chloe, you know the rules, I can't. . ."

"Pleeeeease! He's just my cousin."

She looked over at me. I tried to make myself as small as possible, pretending that I was only mildly curious in the store's various offerings while shooting back a meek smile. Her face twisted into a mild scowl, and she cast her eyes back to the dog bouncing expectantly in front of her.

"Well . . ."

"Yes? Yes?"

The cheetah sighed, a paw drifting upwards to her face and rubbing at the bridge of her nose.

"I know you spend well, Chloe, and I can't exactly turn down business at the moment. Alright, you can use the change rooms with your. . . cousin. Just don't cause any mischief, got it?"


From that point on, Chloe was a whirlwind. Seizing my paw in her own, she tugged me about the store, piling all manner of lewd and lascivious lingerie into my arms until I lost count. Every time she barked with joy, or eagerly held up an item for me to inspect, I couldn't help but imagine what she might look like in it. More specifically, I imagined what she might look like changing into it. Pulling a pair of panties a size or two too small up and over her slender, toned legs and nestling it snugly upon her pert, tight ass. A wag of her tail, a cheeky grin back over her shoulder. I was almost there, almost within striking distance of those very same fantasies. Surely this was my day. Why would she bring me all the way here if not for this?

I had nothing to worry about

My arms almost overflowing with her haul, she finally tugged me towards the changing rooms. The cheetah hadn't been lying, business was noticeably slow; no-one else had entered the store in the fifteen or so minutes we'd spent browsing. Perfect.

"Oh, nice!" Chloe again piqued up with an excited yap.

A well-arranged pile of lingerie items had been left just inside the entrance to the changing room booth. It would seem that they were items too suggestive and erotic for even this establishment. A bikini top that was little more than two postage stamps connected by strings, and an assortment of panties including. . .

"Crotchless?" I asked, depositing my own armful next to the existing pile, "don't tell me you're really going to try those on?"

"Not here! No!" she stuck her tongue out at me, "they're just for a bit of fun. I might mail them to a fan, tell them that I've used them."

"Do you do that often?"

"No, but I thought I might try. How much do you think people would pay for a pair of panties like that?"

"You mean used?"

"Yeah, used." she responded, her paws shooting to either side of her head and making an air quote sign.

"I don't know," I said honestly, "I'm not exactly up with the going rate for used panties."

"What would you pay?"

I replied without thinking, "are you saying I couldn't have them for free?"

You could practically feel the silence pressing in on us. I stared at her. She stared back. Our faces, matching black and white fur patterns with a hint of red and brown, slowly tended more towards the red. Mine more so than hers. Yes, there had been a bit of teasing; she'd said a few things, and technically we were on a date. . . of sorts. This, though, this was that one little extra step. Used panties. Bathed in her scent. The scent of what was between her legs. We both knew it.

"Would you. . . want. . ." she started, casting her eyes towards the floor as she tried to combat the exponentially rising awkwardness.

"Yes!" I responded, eagerly, "Yes. . . I. . . I think we should see how you look in some of these!"

"Ah! Yeah!"

Oh, goddamn you, brain! Why? Why now?

It didn't matter. My ability to rationally consider the situation, along with my common sense, and indeed any sense of decency at all, were instantly and near totally driven from my mind. Chloe's paw slid down to the side of her skirt, her delicate fingers flicking the clasp and allowing it to fall freely from her body, crumpling on the floor around her feet. Without a concern in the world, she stepped from them and struck a pose in front of me, canting her hips to the side, paws now resting just above her pelvis.

"Don't look so surprised, Carts!" she said, bumping from one side to the other, "it's nothing you haven't seen before!"

"Yeah! But. . . not for like ten years!"

"Exactly! Now you're all mature and grown up, so it's much easier to deal with. One sec"

It wasn't easier to deal with. Not at all. Her skirt now discarded, the polo shirt followed. Pulling it up and over her head, she paused for a moment at the top, giving me an exquisite view of her soft, white belly fur, perfectly framed by black markings running down her sides and flanks. A final tug and the shirt joined the skirt on the floor. With a kick of her feet, her sandals were tossed aside too, leaving her standing in front of me, as bare as I had seen her since we were pups.

It was incredible.

She had worn the cutest, most innocent pair of panties imaginable; pink with a little bow tie just above her crotch. The bra matched, naturally, and held her deliciously portioned chest in place. The rest of her; slender legs, thin waist and flat, toned stomach, was an absolute feast for my eyes, all covered with the most luxurious, well kept black and white fur.

With just a hint of brown and red.

And a thigh gap. Holy shit she had a thigh gap. The fur of her inner thighs didn't quite touch, leaving perhaps an inch of space between them, just below the crotch of her panties. Her form, athletic yet svelte, looked oh so delicate to the touch. How soft she must be. Fur like silk.

"Ta da!"

She twirled, bringing her ever-raised tail enticingly close to my nose. Her scent hit me, feminine and soft, though at the same time exotic, spicy and. . . lusty. Really? Did I just smell. . .

No. Couldn't have been.

"What do you think? Cute, aren't they?" she shook her hips a few times.

"I. . . yeah. Really cute. Goddamn, Chloe. You really okay with. . . showing me this?"

"Of course! Time for the first piece. Turn around"

I blinked.

"Uh. . . d-didn't you," I stammered, "didn't you say you were okay. . . with me seeing?"

"Gah! Perv! I meant the outfits. Are you saying you want to see me strip?"

My face started to burn again.

"Well. . . yes." I said, in spite of myself.

Chloe paused, still standing in her underwear in front of me, still bearing all that amazing fur, seeming taking the time to genuinely consider my request. Of course she'd say no. She only brought me to comment on the lingerie, nothing else.

"Okay then."

I almost choked.

"Really?" I spluttered. Just a bit too eager.

"Yeah." she replied, all concern having evaporated from her expression, "I don't see why not. Nobody else is in here, and we're on a date after all. But just from the back, okay? I know you like staring at my ass, so. . . get yourself a good eyeful! Sit."

I did as instructed, planting myself on one of the benches that surrounded the edges of the changing booth, and got myself comfortable.

Chloe turned around, facing her back to me and shooting a rather sultry gaze over her shoulder. Again, she stuck her little pink tongue out, winking as she did. A moment and a few shakes of her butt later, and her paws slipped to her hips. Dainty little fingers hooked under the waistband of her panties and slowly, slowly pulled them down. He tail sprung free almost instantly, hiding absolutely nothing now that the fabric of her underwear had been removed from her posterior. Her ass was perfect. Beyond perfect. The most sensual sight, pert and round, and perfectly sized, as if each cheek was made to exactly fit into one of my paws. Just a tiny bit of bounce in it as she stepped, About halfway down her thighs, and much to my frustration, she paused.

"This is kinda dirty, Carts. . ."

She didn't wait for my response. Instead, she turned herself slightly to the side, tail still wagging as she continued to push her panties, inch by seductive inch, down her legs.

She wasn't just getting changed here, she really was. . . stripping.

And, like a stripper, it was mostly teasing. Chloe bent forward, pressing her butt out as the garment passed her knees. If I had been seated just a few feet to the left, she would be giving me a completely unobstructed view of her pussy. I'd be able to see it. I'd be able to see my cousin's cunt.

Fuck, how I wanted to.

I tried to shift left, tried to crane my neck over to catch a glimpse of her slit. It wasn't any use. She completed her disrobing motion and stepped out of the panties, squishing her thighs together before again turning to present her back and butt to me. That gap, though, the one between her thighs, I could. . . shit, I could just see the outline of her lips, poking out from her short-cropped crotch fur. No colour was visible, no pink, and certainly nothing lewd, but. . . I could see them.

And it was hard. Very. More than I'd been in as long as I could remember. Why I had worn jeans when I was almost certain that I'd be sporting a raging hardon at some point during the day, escaped me. Stupid choice, and quite painful, now that the denim was pressing down on my length.

I was so fixated on everything below the waist that I hardly noticed as she unclasped her bra, slipping each strap in turn over her shoulders and dropping it delicately to the floor to join her panties. Automatically, her arms snaked across her chest, covering herself in spite of the fact that she was facing away from me. It was almost more enticing that way. I'd not be able to see her tits anyway, her arms would easily cover them. Chloe wasn't amazingly well endowed, but what she had was firm and pert, and perfectly sized for her overall skinny build. Just how I liked it.

"Enjoying the view, Carts?"

She had finally spoken, catching me a little off guard. No doubt I looked like a horny idiot, shamelessly ogling her like I was a teen who'd snuck a Playfur magazine into his room.

"Y. . . yeah. . . I am. Fuck."


"Yeah, Chloe. Fuck. You're. . . really nice."

She smiled, innocence returning to her face despite her complete nakedness.

"Aw, thanks!" she said, "but as much as I'm sure you'd like me to stand here in the nude, we've got a few things to try on!"

Chloe set about picking out the first piece of lingerie to try on. A yellow set, skimpy little side-tie panties and a boob tube top. Watching her slip into it was almost as enticing as watching her erotically strip from her previous underwear. The top went on first, a simple boob tube that didn't quite show off her chest as much as I would like, followed by the bottoms, sliding up those divine legs and hugging snugly about her ass. A snap of the straps and she twirled about, arms stretched out and face a broad grin.

"Well!" she beamed, "what do you think."

I leaned forward, taking all the time in the world to allow my eyes to drift over her body. Every inch of it. It certainly looked good on her, no denying that. A little tight, the way her fur stuck out from the edges of the panties and top was electrifying, hinting and something really special just out of sight. She must have kept her crotch fur very well trimmed; the panties fit smooth and close against her nethers, though not so tight to show the outline of her lips. I let my eyes remain fixed to that spot for quite some time before looking up at her.

"Very nice. I'll give it an eight out of ten."

"Only eight?" she almost sounded offended, "why!? I thought this one was really cute."

"It is," I agreed, "but yellow kinda looks a bit weird against your fur. Black and white already contrast really strongly, so you might want something a little more. . . well I guess I like darker in colour, not quite as bright."

"Well, well, look at you, monsieur fashione critique. Using words like 'contrast'. Have you done this before?"

I did my best to fake a look of annoyance.

"No," I said, calmly, "but you did ask for my opinion. How about this. If they've got that in a dark red, it would be perfect. Maximum points from me."

"They do! Well, more of a burgundy."

"I wouldn't know the difference."

She stuck her tongue out again.

As before, I got to enjoy the delicious sight of her shedding the garments from her svelte little body, though this time she didn't make quite as much of a show of it. The next few pieces were broadly similar, two-piece sets in mostly striking primary colours, though she did select a particularly exotic looking zebra striped one-piece. That one I gave a solid ten to, even if it did hide a lot of what I'd like to see. To be fair, I didn't really care that much for the particulars of the clothing, I was just enjoying the show I was getting. My hot little cousin, stripping over and over, showing off her near-naked body time after time to me, posing in all sorts of ways; hips bumped to the side, arms outstretched above her head or crossed behind her back, paws clasped and tits pressed out. A front row seat, private and personal, with nothing to distract me. Holy crap, this was incredible.

Then came some really, really obscene outfits.

"C-carts. . ." her voice was. . . trembling? Just a little, but she did sound almost nervous.


"This one is. . . a bit risque."

"Show me. I'm sure it will look great on you."

As before, she put the top piece on first, a very, very erotic looking single piece bikini, without shoulder straps. This particular piece seemed to be designed to show off a good deal of underboob, and it did. You might get the idea by now, but her tits were a nice little pawful to me eyes, pert and firm, without a hint of sag, and that gave me the perfect show of the delicately furred underside of her mounds. The bottoms went on next, and that was where my mind almost short circuited.

A g-string.

There was no other way to put it. It was a black, skinny and insanely lewd g-string. Chloe tucked the rear strip between her cheeks, pulling it tight and tugging the material firmly into her ass and crotch. This time, she wasn't trying to hide anything; no shying away. The white patch of fur that so enticingly framed her mound was presented in full before me, flanked by patches of black. Nothing was hidden from the rear, the strap disappearing between her cheeks and allowing me to see exactly how amazing my cousin's rear assets were.

She twirled once. The front wasn't much better, the fabric coming to a stop a good deal before her hip bones. The first immediately above her mons pubis was slightly thicker than that directly between her legs, but it was still immaculately kept, and as white as driven snow.

She twirled again, the motion bringing her a few steps closer to me.

"Is this good, Carter?" she used my full name for once, "do you like it? Does it excite you?"

"Yes." I was drooling.

"Is my big, fuzzy cousin excited by my soft little body?"

Oh fuck, why was she speaking like that?

"Y-yeah. . ."

It wasn't just her voice, now dripping with sensuous, luscious tones, it was the way she moved. Gone were the cute, excitable bounces and twirls, replaced now with far slower, more deliberate movements. The g-string left practically nothing to the imagination; there was no hiding, none at all. Rather than pose, or jump from one foot to the other, she gyrated her hips, swirled her body about, every movement taking her yet another step closer to me.

"You seem to like this one. Make sure you get a nice. . . close. . . look."

Chloe stopped less than a foot from me, standing between my legs, my eyes level with her belly. With a seductively slow motion, she turned about, placing her feet slightly wider than shoulder width and, this time, fully brushing her fluffy tail across my face.

The scent hit me like a freight train, carrying another freight train. If that was even a real thing.

I simply closed my eyes and inhaled. Imagining that the g-string wasn't there. Imagining that she was lowering those gorgeous hips onto my face, her own expression one of sexual longing, begging for pleasure, begging for the contact I was about to bring her. Her feminine essence, enticing and electrifying, filled my senses. I took another breath. Then another, all the while her tail continuing to trace itself across my muzzle.

"Carter? Does this cover enough?"

I opened my eyes. Holy shit.

"N-no. . it's perfect, C-Chloe."

I'd rather it cover nothing at all. Chloe stepped a little wider with her feet and bent forward, as slowly as she could manage, paws contacting her thighs and running down her legs as her hips lifted and brought the crotch of her panties, the tiniest piece of fabric it could have been and still counted as a covering, within inches of my face. I stared, I stared directly between her legs as she thrust herself towards me, every slow, sensual motion of her ass mesmerising me, keeping my view squarely fixed upon her panty clad pussy. The g-string was tight, and this time, I could clearly see the outline of her lips. Delicate little petals, parted ever so slightly beneath the black material, a tiny bead of moisture leaving an almost imperceptible damp patch square in the middle.

I inhaled again. My loins stirred, blood rushing to my engorged shaft, begging for attention, and demanding that I take this needy little bitch.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her voice almost a moan, "I want to make sure this is a really good one. I'll only buy it if you like it, Carter."

"I"m . . pretty sure, Chloe."

Her ass moved another inch closer, her nethers almost touching the end of my nose at this point.

"Let's take a picture, Carter!"


She pulled herself away, turning around and swiping her phone off the ground.

"A picture. I think it would be nice to have a little fun memento."

Before I could protest, she walked right up to me, again practically pressing her bellyfur against my nose.

"Duck your head a little."

I did as instructed, lowering myself down until I was looking between her sexy little gap. What I absolutely was not prepared for, though, was what came next. Chloe pressed her hips forward, sliding my muzzle between her thighs, running the fabric of the g-string along the bridge of my nose until my forehead connected with her and my lips stuck out just under her tail. The heat of her pussy pressed down on me, and that damp patch, the one that I suddenly found out was very, very real, oozed just a little nectar onto my fur.

She was, for all it mattered, straddling my muzzle like it was a bike seat. I couldn't see anything; my eyes were pressed squarely against her belly, but I could smell her. Holy crap, I could smell her.

"Hold still."

The camera clicked a few times, and she pulled herself back, allowing me an unwanted gasp of fresh air.

"There you go!" she proudly proclaimed, shoving the screen into my face, "what do you think?"

I had to admit, it was a pretty enticing image. Chloe had obviously reached her phone behind her and taken a picture of her rear. Her butt was front and centre, everything immaculately displayed. My muzzle, nestled between though silken thighs, stuck out from just under her crotch, a goofy grin spread across my lips. Go figure. It was the type of image you might see on the cover of a men's magazine. Lewd. Teasing. Highly suggested, though technically safe for work. Technically.

"It's nice." I said, failing to think of a better word, "what's it for?"

"Oh, just for my. . . I mean, I guess I kinda wanted it. Just something a bit different. Don't worry, you can't recognise either of us from it."

"Well, I like it. Can you send me a copy?"

Chloe gave me a cute smile., "sure, but. . do you. . .d-do you. .. want to see a bit. . . more?"

One of her tiny paws appeared at her hip, sliding down over her bare fur and stopping just before the criminally thin strip of fabric still covering her shame. A single finger slipped under, exactly where her clit would be. Chloe teased the digit up and down the edge of the fabric, never pushing it far enough in to suggest that she was doing anything. . . inappropriate.

"Show me. . ." I pleaded

She let out a tiny, cute giggle, "Well, if you say so, Carter, tell me if you. . ."


Chloe jumped a full three feet in the air, wrenching her rump and nethers from my view in a single, savage motion, and yelping as loud as she could. I all but fell over backward, letting out a bark as my paws scrambled for purchase on the bench.

"I. . . s-shit!" Chloe was scrambling to cover herself up, still alarmed by the sudden intrusion.

"Was he. . . about to perform oral sex on you!?"

It was the sales assistant. She stood at the entrance to the changing booth, paws clasped over her muzzle and eyes wide.

"No!" retorted Chloe, rapidly pulling her polo shirt back over her head, "he was just. . . helping me out, that's all."

"It looked to be a little more than that from what I saw!"

"It wasn't!" she continued, now fighting to reattach her skirt, "it was just a little fun. We're on a date."

"You're dating your cousin!? Chloe, I. . . I don't know what to say!"

I picked myself up, taking a few steps and positioning myself between the cheetah and husky.

"It's not like that," I said, raising my paws, "we're not really like. . . romantically dating, and all. It's pretty boring, so we just decided to have a day together. A bit of fun, like Chloe said. It was. . . uh. . . I guess a bit of a game of chicken. I was about to back down, I swear. I'm not going to do anything here in the store."

Her paws fell from her muzzle, though her expression didn't change much.

"I. .. see," she said, "And I suppose you're going to pay for all this stuff for her?"

Oh I see how it is. Older guy bribes younger girl by lavishing her with expensive clothing. Jokes on you, I work at Starbucks!

"No." I said simply.

"I'm paying!" interrupted Chloe, now fully dressed, though still wearing that insanely revealing g-string underneath her skirt, "I'm not taking advantage of him or anything, if that's what you're thinking. I just wanted some company while I was shopping, and for a bit of input. He's still a guy, you know, he can tell me if something is cute or not."

"I'm not concerned about cute, Chloe," the Cheetah replied, "you know this sort of thing might get you banned from the store?"

"You'd lose your best customer!" she bounced a little, trying to play the whole thing off as a joke gone just a little too far.

"I suppose I can't argue with that. So, what will you be buying?"

Chloe gave a sheepish grin, "um, all of it?"

We sat without talking for several moments, the silence broken only by Chloe's occasional ruffling through her assortment of shopping bags. Truthfully, I needed a few moments to calm myself down, and was glad for the brief respite. Seeing what I had just seen, being so. . . close to it all. Watching her as she had repeatedly undressed in front of me, ever so casually, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to show herself off to her cousin, it had put me in a state of excitement I was having trouble dealing with.

And then the picture we took, oh gods that picture. My muzzle, my nose, it had been right there. Right there. between her thighs, a place I had so long fantasised about, lusted over and wished for more than anything. Again, she had been so casual about it, though I could have sworn there had been the slightest waver in her voice as she had said "hold still." And then there was the haul of clothing, lewd and risque, which now sat upon the floor of the pickup.

What was going on here?

Perhaps she sensed the combination of excitement and anxiety rollicking over me. Her voice came in soft, though that nervous waver was there again, stronger this time.

"C-carts?" she said, shuffling in her seat just a little, "Is everything okay? I. . . I didn't take things too far for you, did I?"

I shook my head in response, "no, nothing like that. It's just. . . I mean, I had fun today, Chloe. It was nice going on a date and all, even if it was. . . well, a bit like that. I don't want to say fake because. . ."

She leaned a little closer, "Hmmm? Because?"

I finally spat it out, "because you're really cute and sexy. I know you're my cousin, but it was just something I don't usually get. You gave me a real show there and. . . and I was kinda hoping we could do it again sometime."

She narrowed her eyes on me, muzzle breaking into a grin. The awkwardness was suddenly replaced by a tension of a different kind, one far more heated and. . . electrifying.

"You liked what you saw, Carts? You liked perving on your little cousin?"

"Hey!" I shot back, "You offered! And you were the one shoving your ass in my face, don't go and give me some holier-than-thou attitude. You enjoyed it too, Chloe!"

"I did!" her grin broke into a broad smile, "And having you there really helped! I've got a whole bunch of awesome stuff here!"

I cast my eyes to the moderately sized pile of shopping bags sitting in the footwell of the pickup.

"Yeah. . ." I said, slowly picking out my words, "about that. . ."

"About what?"

This was it. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. There was a lot of stuff here. A lot. More than you'd expect from a regular shopping trip, and certainly more than you'd expect a girl barely out of high school to buy.

"Chloe," I continued, still cautious, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but there's like. . . eight hundred bucks worth of panties and bras here. I know you don't have a job, how the hell do you afford all this?"

"I j-just. . ." she stammered, ". . . I just saved up cause I missed you and wanted us to have a fun day together."

I was honestly a little flattered to hear that. She'd missed me. I'd missed her, absolutely, but to hear it reciprocated was music to my pointed ears.

"Well, I missed you too and all," I said, clearing my throat and trying to lighten the mood, "but you spent almost a grand. Come one, you know you don't have to do that much to impress me. A movie would have been enough."

"It wasn't. . ." she suddenly stopped, mid sentence, face rapidly reddening.

"Wasn't what? Wasn't for me? Some other guy? A boyfriend?"

Her denial came thick and fast.

"No!" she shouted, "nothing like that! I don't have anyone at the moment, this is. . ."

". . .is?" I continued to push for an answer.

Her furred shoulders dropped, and she hung her head, shooting me a defeated sideways glance. Feeling suddenly very guilty, I reached out and placed my paw on her shoulder. I hadn't meant to upset her, and I certainly didn't want to see her cry. If she wanted to come out and spend all this money just to make me feel special, or even if it was for some other reason and I was just along for the ride, that was fine by me. Really, I couldn't have imagined a better. . .

"I have an OnlyFurs account."

I blinked. My jaw fell open.

"That's how I made the money," she continued, smiling sheepishly up at me, "that's what all this stuff is for."

I couldn't believe it. Chloe was bubbly and a little bit flirty, but she was still my sweet, innocent cousin who just happened to have an absolutely killer ass and pair of tits on her, but to imagine her. . . doing that sort of stuff. No. That wasn't something I was prepared for.

"Y-you. . ." it was my turn to stammer, ". . . you make porn?"

"What!?" she sounded almost offended, "No! Gods no! Not porn or anything! Well, not really. Not exactly."

I felt the rapidly forming lump in my throat disappear. Thank heavens for that. Knowing that would have shattered almost a decade of fantasy.

"Well," I asked, "what sort of stuff then. OnlyFurs isn't exactly a family friendly site and all."

Her ears perked back up. Emergency over. Perhaps she had been expecting a more disgusted reaction, or maybe anger. I wasn't about to give her either of those.

"It's all pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff that girls do on that site," she said, "I do a lot of gaming and streaming. Guys seem to like to see a girl play video games in her underwear."

"So you do tease a bit. . ."

"Well, duh, that's the whole point of it. Unboxings too, my fans send me a lot of stuff to wear for them. Cosplay stuff, sexy outfits, that sort of crap. Some of it is kinda weird, but it makes money. A few other things too, just. . . you know, a titty flash here and there, a bit of dirty talk. Birthday gifts."

I tilted my head a little, "birthday gifts?"

She nodded eagerly, "yeah! If it's their birthday, I write their name on my butt and flash them. They go wild for it."

I couldn't help but laugh, "you can write on your own butt? How long did that take to learn?"

"A few months," she replied, joining in with a cute little chuckle of her own, "but it was worth it. Twenty bucks for a birthday butt, and it takes about two minutes to do."

"Do you sing them happy birthday as well?"

"Sing for them? No, I'm a terrible singer!"

I smirked and leaned back in the driver's seat, "so where was my birthday present, Chloe? Can you write 'Carter' on your butt for me?"


"Hey," I said, "I'm not the one with the OnlyFurs account here. So what's the deal with all this stuff anyway? Some event?"

"Oh!" she said, her irrepressible bounce returning, "once a month I do a shopping trip and buy a bunch of lingerie for a special stream. It's the highlight of my channel! Lots of nice sexy panties and bras to try on, and I. . . well I change into them and show them off on stream."

The lump in my throat returned, "wait, so you do show full frontal and all?"

"Uh, not really, not quite. I mean, they might catch a tiny bit of slit, but I turn around and give them plenty of ass and a bit of titty while I change, and that keeps them hanging on. You know, kinda like. . . like what I did for you just now. What, you think I go and use toys on myself or something?"

"No, I didn't mean to suggest. . ."

"You'd probably like that."

"Who wouldn't?"

She blushed. Got her! I might not be the best with girls, but even the few extra years I had on Chloe was enough to give me an edge when it came to wit.


The blush intensified, the silence again returning, and awkwardness increasing.

"I'm sorry," I started, "I didn't mean to say anything gross."

"No, Carter! I'm not upset, I just. . . um. . . my account name is HollyHusky."

It wasn't just a lump in my throat this time. My heart skipped a beat. Or three.

"H-HollyHusky? C. . . Chloe why are you telling me this?"

Why indeed, but at the same time FUCK YES! Titties? Ass? All belonging to my most perfect cousin, available to view on demand? Count me in. If what I'd seen in Jupiter was anything like what she showed off online, I'd be one happy canine. My tail was already wagging.

Again, it was as if she could read my mind.

"Because, Carts," she said, "you're a guy and I know you'll go and look it up anyway, now that you know. I don't mind you watching me, and. . . it was nice to hear you say I was cute and sexy. Just, don't tell my parents, okay? I'll text you a free VIP pass so you don't have to pay."

"Wow. Thanks. I kinda wish I'd done more to deserve it."

A paw, warm, delicate and oh so soft, brushed across my forearm. Fingers played with my fur before dainty little fingers interlocked with my own, followed by a slight, almost imperceptible squeeze. I squeezed back, though I again found myself too nervous to say much, or to even look her in the face.

"Carter," her voice was soft and loving, "don't be like that. You're a great guy, and we're family. It's just a bit of fun on the internet, it's not big a deal. I was. . . I was. . ."

This was doing my head in. She went from confident and sexy one second, to cute and vulnerable the next. She'd not done this before, at least not when other people were around. It was only here, alone in the pickup, just the two of us, that it came out. I knew I displayed this sort of behaviour in spades, mind you, so I could hardly ask her to stop. With that said, though, it wasn't lost on me that she became markedly shy when she was about to say something. . . embarrassing.

I squeezed her paw a little harder.

"It's okay, Chloe," I said, trying my best to sound reassuring, "I'm glad you told me, it must be hard to open up to someone about it."

"Yeah, a little. It's easier online though, it's all anonymous."

"Why HollyHusky?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Obviously I'm not going to use my real name."


"Anyways," she continued, "it sounds a bit stripperish, and it gets people clicking. But. . . um. . . I was going to ask you. . . if you. . ."

I finally summoned the willpower to look her in the eyes. They were wide, pleading and beautiful. An amazing, deep blue, practically shimmering. Looking directly at me.

"If I?" I urged her to finish the sentence.

She shut her eyes tight. Her face was as red as I'd ever seen it.

"If you'd. . . like to come on my next stream with me!"

A few more skipped beats.

"You. . . y-you mean, you want me to watch your stream? See you try on all this stuff? I mean, I already watched you when we. . ."

"I mean participate!" Gah! Come on the stream with me."

I could have had a heart attack. Imagine that. Twenty four. Husky with a touch of red and brown. Dead. Cause of death - incestuous fantasy overload.

"Oh. . . um. . . I. . . I. . ."

"Come on, please?" she practically begged, "it's not like you'll have to do much."

She was pleading with me. She wanted this. She wanted me. This was as close to coming true as my fantasy was ever going to get.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, we're related and all. Is that. . . just a bit taboo?"

Fuck you, common sense!

"That's the point!" she replied, "half of the dirty stuff I say for people is brother-sister role play, or father-daughter. People love it. You and me, we have the same fur pattern, the same eye colour, you. . . well you're honestly kinda hot, you know. When they find out that we're actual cousins, we're going to make a killing! We Look, I'll give you thirty percent, how does that sound?"

"W-wait? You think I'm. . . hot?" This was a surprise.

"Yeah, Carts, it's not hard to figure out. You've got a really nice look about you, and a pretty nice body. And. . . you're a really nice guy too. I really enjoyed today with you. I don't know why you don't have a girlfriend yet."

Again, she leaned over, this time bringing her muzzle to within a few inches of my cheek. Her voice was low and sultry, barely above a whisper.

". . . I'd date you."

Holy fucking shit. She thought I was hot

"No, no, no," I spat out, "But not about the date! We already had one and. . . uh, I mean. . . another one would be nice and all. Um. . . but. . . I don't want to take your money. It wouldn't be right of me. I just. . . I'm just surprised, Chloe, it's a bit to take in."

I was making a complete ass of myself.

"What would I have to do?"

Regrettably, her paw left my own and clasped together with her other.

"It's simple!" she said, "Just sit there, wear a tight t-shirt and some loose shorts, and hand me panties to try on. Pretend you're super into me. Pant a bit."

"I don't think I'll have to pretend. . ." I muttered.


"Nothing, nothing. But why me? Why not do a collab with some hunk of a wolf or something? Don't people enjoy that sort of thing more?"

She rolled her eyes, "yeah, some do, but that's not really my fan base. You're not some jacked up jerk, you're. . . well you're non-threatening, and cute. Sorry, I mean kinda hot. Regular hot. Cute-hot, how about that? You're not going to intimidate anyone."

I took the string of compliments for what they were worth. Cute-hot? I could do that. I knew I wasn't exactly a bodybuilder, but I could run with cute. And hot. Had to be at least a little bit of hot thrown in.

I guess that made Chloe cute-hot as well?

I shifted again in the seat. For all the nervousness and near-heart attacks this little exchange had brought my, I was again at full attention downstairs. Someone wanted to have a little fun over this, even if he'd probably end the evening attached to the bluest pair you'd ever seen.

I pressed on, "is intimidation a problem?"

Chloe sighed in response, "maybe, but I can just ban people who are jerks. Basically, you don't look like the sort of guy who is going to 'steal' me away from all my fans. They like their little fantasies about me, that's what this is all about. I let them have it, they tip me. Easy work. Come on, don't be so worried, you'll do great! I bet we could even set you up with your own channel!"

"What! Oh no, no way! No way in hell!"

"Why not? You know how many girls. . . and guys. . . would pay to see a skinny and cute little husky like you beat their meat? Think about it, paid to jack off!"

"Nope. Not for me," I said with an element of finality, "wait, are you saying you've. . ."

"I've had offers," Chloe started counting off her fingers, stopping at four, "two hundred bucks for a fifteen minute private show. They wanted to see everything. I got up to flashing my tits before I chickened out. Couldn't do it. Decided against private shows from there on, even if they were offering a lot of money. It's not like I'm some whore, Carts, I'm not going to completely submit myself to someone for a bit of money. There's got to be a bit of fun in it for them and me. What I do, I. . . uh. . . well, I enjoy it. Beats working at Starbucks!

"Don't remind me."

I didn't sleep well that night. All I had on my mind was pussy. Pussy, ass, and tits. Specifically, Chloe's pussy, ass, and tits, though I'd only really seen her ass. Ass alone, under all normal circumstances, would have been enough. These, though, were not normal circumstances, and the prospect of joining her for one of her OnlyFurs streams put the other two very much in the spotlight. I wanted to jerk myself to the idea, envisioning all sorts of things, but it seemed a waste, as if I was somehow doing myself a disservice.

And so, instead, I had tossed and turned until I'd finally fallen asleep a little past three in the morning.

The following day came without so much as a hint from Chloe or the rest of her family that anything had happened between her and myself. We ate breakfast together, discussed meaningless things, and made ourselves scarce for the day. Her father, my uncle, and her mother, my aunt, were busy with family friends, and the rest of her siblings were heading out and about to do whatever stupid crap young pups did these days. That left just the two of us in the house.


Despite the time of year, it was surprisingly warm, and the two of us had decided to spend the better part of the morning out by the pool. I wasn't much of a swimmer, though of course I wasn't going to pass up the chance to have Chloe prance and splash about in her bikini. She seemed as eager as I was, having already changed out of her sleepwear and into a suitable revealing bathing suit before the rest of her family had even left.

"Don't go drowning yourself!" her uncle had said, "and take it easy with those drinks!"

That comment had given me pause. He knew. Well, of course he knew. We'd stopped off at a liquor store on the way back from the mall, where I had purchased Chloe the drinks I had promised her. A few sugary wine coolers for her, and a six pack of imported beer for myself. I'd not taken much time or effort to hide them, and so naturally we were found out. It didn't seem to bother him, even if his daughter wasn't yet old enough to purchase alcohol herself yet.

Mind you, it wasn't as if I was planning on getting her drunk. As much as that might allow me to take advantage of certain things, there was no way I would be able to bring myself to do such a thing. Not to my innocent, cute little cousin.

"Carts! Get out here!"

The sound of her calling out to me was followed by a tremendous splash as she jumped, without so much as a single ounce of grace, into the pool, sending water cascading up and into the surrounding pavement. I'd already watched her down two of the coolers; I was only just starting on my first.

"Sure, sure, hold on." I called after her.

Rather than join her in the water, I was content to deposit myself into one of the deck chairs surrounding the pool. Wearing a loose fitting pair of swimming trunks and nothing else, I relaxed and sipped at my beer, enjoying both the mid-morning sun upon my fur and the sight of my cousin doing lazy laps in the pool. Though it was a far cry for the sexually charged excitement of the previous day, it was nevertheless nice. Simply spending time together, enjoying a drink and each other's company, though still showing enough fur to suggest this was just a bit more than a casual encounter.

"Hey Carts?" she called out, now floating on her back and staring up at the sky.


"Watchya thinkin about?"


Normally, that would be the honest truth. It was perhaps the most prominent thing that females failed to understand about the male brain - the nothingness of it all. The ability to sit back, beer in paw, and just think about. . . nothing. To simply exist.

"You sure?"

I grinned, taking another sip from my beer, "no."

She paddled up to the edge of the pool, crossing her arms over the lip and resting her head on them.

"Then what are you thinking about?"


"What about me?"

"What not about you, Chloe. I still kinda have yesterday on my mind."

She grinned back, "hmmmmm, me too."

"It was. . ." I was feeling nervous again, "I had a lot of fun."

Chloe didn't respond. Rather, she locked her eyes with mine, again suggesting she had some manner of mind-reading powers as my nervousness built. Her smile broadened, fangs coming into view as the silence continued to bear down upon us. A moment approached where I swore she was about to burst into laughter, as if this was all some giant tease for her. It may well have been, but that's not what happened.

"Carter, do you like me?" she asked suddenly, tilting her head to the side.

That question, I was not expecting.

"I. . . well. . ." it hadn't done much for my heart rate, "well of course I do, Chloe!"

She rolled her eyes, "not like that. You know what I mean. Do you. . . you know. . . like me?"

I felt heat rising in my cheeks as I spoke, "oh. . I'm not really sure what to say about that and all."

"I like you."

The conversation didn't progress past that point, at least not there and then. Chloe kicked back from the edge of the pool and set about lazily floating about, nose and ears sticking up and out of the water with the rest of her submerged. I could have watched her all day, and it seemed likely that I would. We had the house to ourselves, the weather was nice and there wasn't really anything else to do. A movie once the sun went down, perhaps.

I fetched myself another beer and continued my admiration of her petite, slender form.

As much as it was an enticing sight, a combination of alcohol, the warmth of the sun and just the general laziness of the situation had my eyes feeling heavy after another fifteen or so minutes. Chloe had taken to paddling about in a circle, occasionally diving under the surface and to the bottom of the pool. Deciding that a short rest was in order, I cranked the deck chair backwards and allowed my eyes to close.

It wouldn't have been more than twenty minutes before the sound of Chloe hauling herself from the pool roused me.


I opened my eyes to see her smiling face beaming down at me.

"Hey back." I replied, propping myself up.

"Still thinking about me?"

"You know me too well."

She sat herself at the end of the deck chair, her paw reaching out and tracing a line up and down my calf, leaving a slight damp trail in my fur. Her own fur was, of course, soaked. Letting out a cute little chuckle, she turned her body slightly, pressing her breasts together and giving me a rather nice view to gawk at.

"I. . . was thinking of you too, Carts," she said, looking bashfully away, ". . . last night."

That got my attention.

"Uh. . ." I couldn't find the words. How was I supposed to respond to that? My imagination, naturally, went haywire, imaging the sight of her on the bed, legs spread and paw working at her cunt, fingers plunging in over and over. . .

. . . and her moaning my name.

". . . thanks."

That got her laughing. The chuckle she had let out returned, and she threw her head back, letting herself go at my awkwardness. I blushed, as if having her sit nearly naked right next to me wasn't already enough to get my blood pumping.

"Aww, you're so cute, Carts," she continued.

And then stopped.

Her expression changed. She went from glee and happiness to something almost worried, maybe even a little sad. Her paw, having made its way to just above my knee, stopped tracing out partners and fell still, though she did give my thigh a gentle squeeze.

"What's going on here?" she said, eyes now fixed to mine.

"What do you mean?" I tried my best not to look away.

"I mean. . . with us. . . I can't. . . I can't believe I asked you on my stream!"

That one hit me.

"Chloe," I started, placing my own paw atop hers, "do you not want me here?"

She shook her head, "yes! I mean no, of course I want you here! I've wanted to see you again for so long, it's just. . ."

"You're having second thoughts about the stream? The whole OnlyFurs thing?"

She shook her head again, "no, not exactly. I guess I'm a little worried that I forced you into it. You seemed really. . . I don't know, almost kinda scared, back at the mall. But then you'd go and make some joke like it was all no big deal. I just don't know what to think of it. I think I've done the wrong thing here."

I squeezed her paw, sitting upright and bringing my face within a foot of hers.

"Chloe!" I said, "You haven't done anything wrong. I"m just. . . really awkward, that's all. I still want to do that stream with you. I think it will be fun. And. . . well. . . yeah, I like you too."

She finally smiled again, "Aww, Carts, you're going to make me cry!"

I leaned forward and pulled her against me. Without hesitation, she returned the embrace, wrapping her arms around the back of my head and burying her muzzle in the crook of my neck. The smell of chlorine filled my nostrils, and her damp fur started to do the same to mind. No matter, I'd take any chance to hold her like this.

She let out a contented sigh.

"You're the best cousin," she said, low and soft.

The embrace finally ended, and we found ourselves staring into each other's eyes. Perfectly blue, just like my own; round and full of kindness.

I risked a slight smirk.

"Just a cousin?" I asked, giving her arms a little squeeze.

"Weeeeeeeeeell," she responded, making a show of touching a finger to her chin, "maybe just a teeny tiny bit more than a cousin."

"Then what are we?"

"I don't really know, but I like it."

The next few days turned out to be a nice change of pace from the high energy antics I had started my stay with. Chloe and I hung out, watching movies, played video games, and generally just acted like, well, cousins. It was nothing unusual; we'd always been close, and with all the time in the world and little end to the lockdown in sight, we were presented with an opportunity to thoroughly explore and enjoy each other's company.

We'd gone out a few times, first for lunch, then on the evening of the following day for dinner and a movie. Despite the social distancing requirements, nobody seemed to care all that much that we sat right next to each other. There were only three or four other people in the theatre, anyway. We chatted, laughed at the stupid jokes and drank oversized sodas. It was nice. Sexual tension aside, it was genuinely enjoyable to spend this time with her.

It was on the way out of the cinema that Chloe slipped her paw into mine. I was used to her occasionally grabbing at my arm, or giving me one of her crushing hugs that I admit I craved on a nearly daily basis, but not this. Of course, I accepted the invitation and interlocked my fingers with hers, tugging her a little closer towards me. And so we walked, looking to anyone who might see as any other couple. A couple with nearly identical fur patterns, that is.

She had simply smiled up at me and fluttered her gorgeous eyes, followed by immediately and loudly greeting someone whom she knew. We walked past a few more storefronts, Chloe excitedly pointing things out to me, as if my mind was on shopping. At times she'd tug me along, at other's she'd practically glue herself to my side, head rested on my shoulder and muzzle split into a broad grin.

I'd almost forgotten about the stream.

"Uh, hey. . ."

"Hey! Come in!"

It struck me that I'd never actually been into Chloe's room for quite a while. In fact, the last time I remembered was back when she was a pup, and I was on babysitting duty, come to bring her a glass of milk and tuck her into bed. How things had changed since then.

Her room had changed too.

Of course, it was no longer a little girl's room. No pink decor, no plush toys scattered about, nothing of the sort. Her small single bed had been replaced by what appeared to be a king size. I only had a double at home! The rest of the room was quite minimalist, almost spartan in appearance. A set of wardrobes built into the entirety of one wall, complete with sliding doors and full length mirrors. A small set of drawers next to a modern looking dressing table, far cleaner than I was expecting. The most striking feature, however, was the huge computer desk located against the wall opposite the foot of the bed. Sat upon it was an exceptionally expensive looking PC, sporting dual screens and a very large and very professional looking webcam. None of that $30 Logitech crap. The chair, too, was of immaculate quality. A full, high back and wide, comfortable looking armrests. Probably a few hundred bucks right there.

"Wow." was all I could say.

The room smelled nice, too. Delicate and feminine, as I would expect.

"Like it?" Chloe beamed, "I put this setup together a few months ago. One monitor for whatever I'm doing, one to watch the chat feed. I've gotten the hang of it now, so you won't have to worry about anything. Just grab the chair from over there and pull it up."

"I. . . um. . . wasn't talking about the room."

Did she really think I was complimenting her sense of interior design? No way. My eyes were eating her up. She had dressed in that same short skirt she had worn to the mall, though the polo shirt was replaced with a tight-fitting t-shirt, sporting a shooting star across the front, right where her tits were. It didn't quite come down far enough, leaving a few inches of her midriff exposed. Perfectly flat. Completing the look, she'd tied her hair pack and into a ponytail, giving her an almost schoolgirl appearance. Nothing else. No shoes, no socks. Nothing. Plenty of fur visible.

"Thanks, Carts! I picked these all out just for you!"

I swallowed. Already nervous, her bubbly, flirtatious comments did a number of my nerves.

"For. . . me?

She nodded eagerly, "Yep! I figured you liked these after the way you reacted at that mall, so I. . . you know. . . wanted to show off a bit for you."

She blushed just a little as she spoke.

"Well," I continued, rubbing the back of my head with my paw, "it really does look good on you, but. . . but I thought we were here to impress your fans?"

"Oh don't worry about them, that's what all the other stuff is for. This is for you, now that it's just the two of us, at least for now. Mum and Dad are out late, not that I'd do any of this while they were at home. We've got plenty of time, Carts."

With that, she took a step forward and hugged tightly about my torso, pressing her face into my chest and letting out a cute little bark. My own arms closed around her, keeping her held close.

"This means a lot to me, you know. . ."

"It does?" I asked, rather surprised by the sudden admission, "Uh. . . why?"

"Because it's you! It's not some fan, not some drooling guy. It's you. It's someone who cares for me. Who will look out for me. You always have, Carter."

Goddamn I, I could have cried right there.

We just held each other. Probably no more than a minute or two, but it could have gone on forever as far I was concerned. She was so, so soft. She smelled amazing. She made me feel. . . wanted. Loved, even. This really was something special, even if we were about to engage in lewd and crude internet shenanigans.

"So, uh. . ." I was hesitant to break the moment, ". . . how is this going to work out, and all?"

Chloe pushed released me from her embrace, taking a step or two towards her computer and clasping her paws behind her back.

"It's easy!" she said, "there isn't a script or anything. Just like I said; pant a bit, look like you really want me, and hand me cute outfits to try on. People in the stream will vote on which ones, or they can tip for a special request."

"How much for a request?"

"Oh, to try on a particular outfit, usually twenty bucks. I'm not greedy."

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Sometimes," she replied, "all pretty tame. The worst would be flashes. Tits and maybe a bit of ass, but that's it. Forty for tits and thirty for ass. Oh! Maybe you might get a few requests too! Feel up to showing off your butt?"

"Why would anyone want to see my butt?"

"Hey, don't judge! Plenty of the in there guys are bi, and I do get a few girls on the stream as well. You even dressed like I asked!"

I had. What I was wearing was pretty plain, but more or less what Chloe had asked for. A white t-shirt a few sizes too small, and some loose fitting, grey running shorts. It looked casual, and while I didn't exactly have the figure of a Greek god, it did enough to show me off. If you like skinny guys, that is.

"So, I just sit here for now?" I made my way over, dragging the chair that Chloe had pointed out behind me and depositing myself off to the side of her PC."

"I think so, just let me check. . ."

She flopped into her own chair, performing a full revolution before her paws shot to the keyboard, bringing the computer out of sleep mode and lighting up the room with LEDs."

"Yep. . . yep, looks good," she said after a few clicks, "you're just to the left of the frame. The focus will still be on me. You don't mind if they see your face, do you?"

I shook my head. Simply seeing my fur pattern next to hers would drastically narrow down my identity if anyone who knew me was watching. If I was going to be found out, then at least I'd be found out next to a smoking hot husky girl. That didn't sound so bad. What would people say? That I got to hang out with someone so cute? Oh no. The shame.

"Great!" Chloe continued, opening a few more programs and making a final adjustment to the webcam, "we're due to start in just a few minutes. Looks like. . . like I've already got about forty people queuing in the stream. Awesome!"

"How many do you normally get?"

"Ah, maybe twenty or thirty for a regular stream? I'll usually top fifty for these ones, though. Maybe we can break a record today! I think my most ever was seventy or something."


She giggled, "oh, it's not that much, Carts. Some of the girls on there get thousands of subs. You gotta be willing to go all the way to pull in those sort of numbers, though. Ah! Time to start!"

A few more clicks and the screen flashed over to a large 'OnlyFurs' logo. A few seconds later and a prominent button, displaying the words 'Start Stream' came up, That, and. . .

"Uh, Chloe?"

"Hm? Carts?"

I pointed at the screen. Specifically, at the thumbnail she had selected.

"Is that," I asked, my heart suddenly racing, "is that the picture we took at the mall?"

It was. Unmistakable. My muzzle poking out from between her soft, creamy thighs. She'd done a little editing, captioning the image with the words 'special guest!'

"Yeah. . ." she replied, bashfully, "I figured it would get a few more clicks if people saw it on the main page. Sorry, I meant to ask, but. . . well I just wanted to give people a little preview!"

I shrugged. It was a little bit surprising, but the image itself didn't give anything away. No big deal.

"It's okay." I said.

She gave me a final, cute smile before clicking the button once more. The webcam flickered into action, a small beep sounding, and a red light illuminating. Both screens swapped over; the left now showing a chatlog, and the right popping up with what the webcam was broadcasting. Sure enough, Chloe sat front and centre, the frame panned low enough to show off her short skirt and thighs, with myself sitting just behind and to the right of her. It was always weird to see myself in a video feed, or even a photograph. I guess I didn't look too bad. The dim lighting in the room certainly helped.

"Hey there!" Chloe started, beaming widely and throwing her arms out to the side, "I'm baaaaack and I've got all sorts of goodies to try on today! I've missed you all! Sorry about being late with the last one, I'll make up for it today with some extra special outfits."

<FennecPaws33: Hey babe!>

<Jerry887: yo>

<DoctorDaddy: We missed you too Holly!>

"Awww, thanks guys!"

<CedarCatGurl: Looking tasty today, sweetie. . .>

"You know it, C-Cat!"

<CedarCatGurl tipped $0.69>

"Hey! Perv!"

Now that I saw it, it all looked so. . . natural for her. She was acting as if she was just chatting with her friends. I watched the words scroll up in the chatlog, seeing each greeting, every compliment, every smiling or winking face emoji. It strangely put me at ease. This wouldn't be so bad.

<CedarCatGurl: you know my offer is always there, sweetie!>

<BrockTheBear: DO IT!>

<Jerry887: DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!>

"Sorry guys!" Chloe said, waving her finger at the webcam with a suggestive smirk, "you'll just have to use your imagination. Buuuuuuut. . . I do have a special guest here today!"

She reached out, tugging me forwarded and into the centre of the frame, both her paws wrapped firmly about my upper arm.

"This is Carter!" she said, "He's my cousin!"

<WillieWilde: Holy shit!>

<BrockTheBear: Dude she's not lying, check out their fur patterns!!1!>

<CedarCatGurl: he's cute>

<Jerry887: have you two fucked??? in the ass? fuck her in the ASS!>

<Jerry887 has been banned.>

"Come on guys, play nice. He's a really sweet guy, so he'll be helping me out today with the outfits! You can make extra requests of him if you reaaaaaaaaaally want, but you might have a hard time convincing him. He's shy!"

I waved to the webcam, cracking a meek smile.

"H-hey there," I said, failing to hide the waver in my voice, "nice to be here."

<CedarCatGurl: oh this is too good. Just for you, cutie!>

<CedarCatGurl tipped $5>

"See!" Chloe exclaimed, giving me a little shake, "I told you people would like you! Isn't my cousin kinda hot, everyone?"

<IshiahMax_85: smokin'>

<FennecPaws33: I'd do him, and I usually like bigger guys.>

Chloe turned to face me, "I'm not the only one who thinks you're hot, Carts."

"T-Thanks. . ."

Goddamn, I was already screwing this up!

"But, looks like C-Cat got a tip in for him. What's he going to do for you?"

<CedarCatGurl: let's just have a look under that shirt!>

"You got it! Come here, Carts!"

Chloe didn't really wait. Her paws reached out and grasped the bottom of my shirt. It was already rather tight about me, and she wasn't able to pull it up, though it didn't seem that that was her goal. Instead, she just raised it up, maybe six or eight inches, giving everyone on the stream a view of my own midriff, exposed as hers was. My fur was of course the same; white on my belly with black markings running down my sides. Now, if I was to have one physical asset that I could show off, it was abs. A six pack, no less, and fairly well defined. People sometimes asked me if I worked out, did sit ups or crunches or anything. The truth is far less impressive. I'm just skinny. That's it. That's the secret to having abs. You can be as strong as you like, if you pack on more than a few extra pounds, and you're not going to see anything. Me? I had hardly any fat on me, and while that left me without anything in the pec or shoulder department, it did mean that my stomach remained nice and toned.

"Ohhhh, look at this. Carter, you've been hiding this rock solid body from me all this time?!"

<IshiahMax_85: super smokin'>

<400_Raptor: I want some of that!>

<VixyQuest: Oh my word! PM me your number!>

"Isn't he nice?"

I gasped as her paw made contact with my belly. Her fingers rubbed through my fur, palm sliding across my musculature. It was electrifying. This wasn't a friendly hug, this was. . . intimate contact.

<IshiahMax_85: lower!>

<IshiahMax_85 tipped $2>

"Ohhhh not today Ishiah!"

<IshiahMax_85: ;_;>

Chloe removed her paw.

"I think we're going to have a lot of fun today. Don't you, Carts?"

I nodded, "y-yeah."

"Alrighty then!" she continued, "time for the first little bitty piece of husky! You know what the first tip gets you, don't you?"

<FennecPaws33 tipped $1>

<420_WolfMonger tipped $1>

"Come on. . . I'm not thaaaaat cheap!"

<420_WolfMonger tipped $10>

"Ah looks like wolfy wants to see! Ten bucks will do it!"

Ten bucks for what? Fortunately, my curiosity was almost immediately sated. Chloe swung both of her legs up, parting her thighs and hooking her knees over the armrests of the chair. Despite being spread-eagled, the skirt she wore dropped down, covering her shame.

For all of two seconds.

"Here you go!"

In a smooth, practised motion, both her paws fell to the hem of the skirt and flicked it upwards, completely exposing the crotch of her panties.

"Blue today!"

Bright blue. It wasn't quite a g-string, but it was certainly skimpy. Not the sort of thing you'd wear unless it was a. . . special occasion. She had, as I already knew, trimmed her fur down so as to leave very little to the imagination. What a sight. What an amazing sight to behold. Though I had completely forgotten her instructions, I was panting. I was drooling. My eyes were fixed to her crotch, the image burned into my retinas, and into my mind. Goddamn, this was fucking amazing!

<IshiahMax_85: damn boy! I think carter there likes what he sees! Tell us if you can smell her!>

"Chloe threw her head back and flashed me a grin, "do I smell nice?"

"A-amazing. Holy crap. Incredible." I croaked, my muzzle hanging open.|

<DoctorDaddy tipped $5>

<400_Raptor tipped $3>

Chloe quickly replaced the skirt and brought her legs back down.

"Enjoy the view, guys? Plenty more of that! What are we trying on first?"

<DoctorDaddy tipped $25>

"Looks like the good doctor gets to pick! What's the go?"

Chloe held up a few of the outfits to the webcam, showing off each one in turn.

<DoctorDaddy: I want Carter to pick.>

Without pause, she turned to me, a skimpy little piece in each paw.

"Well, Carts," she said, grinning ear to ear, "which one will it be?"

It was hardly a fair choice. Each would have looked amazing on her. Did I want the bright green piece, or the zebra stripped one? Each would show plenty of fur, and either way, I'd get to watch her slip her tight little body into them.

"The green one," I said, pointing at it.

"We have a winner!"

<DoctorDaddy tipped $25>

Chloe turned back to the monitor, "oh, are you not happy with that one?"

<DoctorDaddy: No, it's perfect. I just want your cousin to help you get changed. Make sure it fits properly.>

Again, without the slightest hint of hesitation, Chloe pushed herself up and out of the chair, kicking it out the side and giving her audience a twirl.

"You heard him!" she said to me, handing the lingerie over, "let's get this shirt off first."

I gulped. This was more or less what she had said would be happening, though I hadn't expected to actually do the undressing myself. Clearly the whole cousin thing was working really well. A few more tips rolled in. We were already up to over one hundred dollars, and all she'd done was flash her panties.

"Sure." was the only response I could give. The panting, of course, was coming naturally.

I stepped up and shuffled across the carpet, positioning myself just behind my cousin. She was gently swaying her hips, putting on a little bit of a show for her audience. Her paw reached down, grasping about my wrist and bringing it up, pushing it under her shirt until it came to rest just below her breasts. Throwing the last bit of trepidation I had to the winds, I contacted her fur, running my palm through the silky strands, though never reaching quite high enough to feel her directly. I was already in heaven, though it was about to get much, much better.

"His paw feels reeeeeeeally nice, guys."

I decided I'd get in on the commentary, "you feel even better. . . Ch. . . Holly. . ."

"Hmmmm, undress me, big boy. . ."

Those words, dripping with sexual energy, her eyelids fluttering closed as she continued to gently sway and gyrate her hips, had my heart racing in a second. Not to mention a drastic increase in blood flow to a certain location.

I didn't need to be told twice.

Attempting to make it as sexy as I could, I slowly brought my arm up, this time taking the opportunity to run my paw across the fabric of her bra. Chloe gasped, raising her arms and allowing me to slip the shirt off. Though she was still wearing a bra, it didn't cover much, and having her so close to me, baring so much fur, was sending jolts of excitement through me.

<420_WolfMonger tipped $10>

"Hmmm?" Chloe pouted at the camera, "something you need, wolfy?"

<420_WolfMonger: Let's get Carter's shirt off too! I want to see the both of you.>

Wordlessly, Chloe turned about, her paws again dropping to the hem of my shirt. Slowly, she pulled. The material inched up, first exposing those abs I talked about, then drifting higher. As she had done, I raised my arms, allowing the top to slip over my chest, then my neck and head, and finally, with a flick of my pointy ears, it was completely off. There I stood, topless in front of both my cousin and an audience whose members I'm sure had their paws already snaking into their pants.

<VixyQuest tipped $2.50>

"Isn't that better?" Chloe cooed softly, quiet enough that only I could hear it.

Before I could respond, she turned around and thrust her chest out to the webcam.

"Time for the top!" she said excitedly, dropping the momentary softness she had just displayed.

<IshiahMax_85 tipped $6>

Admittedly, I hadn't had a lot of experience with unclipping bras. The few times I'd found myself in such a situation had proven awkward and time consuming. A thundering heart and surging adrenaline didn't help me in this instance either. Still, I pushed. I went for it. My fingers worked over the clasp, pulling and prodding until I felt a sudden release of pressure in the elastic bands.

This was it.

Chloe slipped the straps off, one at a time, keeping herself facing the webcam. Her muzzle curled into a seductive grin, her hips still moving ever so slightly and tail wagging gently behind her. I just watched. Though I couldn't see directly from behind her, my eyes were glued to the screen, watching every single movement in the recording window.

For a fleeting moment, though one that burned itself into my mind, her delicious, pert breasts sprung into view with the tiniest little bounce. Glorious, soft white fur. Hard, pink little nipples poking out, already aroused and erect. The most gorgeous, alluring sight, and one I had longed for.

"There we are, guys, the puppies are out!"

She mashed her arms forward, pressing her breasts together and accentuating her cleavage for the camera.. At the same time, she pressed her ass rewarded, connecting with my crotch and giving me the slightest little grind. After a brief display, her arms shot up and covered her chest, leaving the rest up to the imagination of her audience.

<DoctorDaddy tipped $2>

<CedarCatGurl tipped $5>

<IshiahMax_85 tipped $1>

<400_Raptor tipped $1>

"Skirt comes next," she said, "go for it, Carts."

Again, I did as instructed, reaching my paw down and unclipping the clasp at the side of her skirt. She didn't give as much of a show this time, just a wiggle or two of her cute little butt, and the garment fell away.

"Panties next. I know Carter has been looking forward to this one, haven't you?"

I nodded. I panted. My tongue was hanging out.

"Y-yeah! Of course!"

I was eager. Shamefully so. Still nervous, but so very, very eager.

"Hmmm, he's such a sweet guy. Maybe he deserves a little extra show? Something just for him? What do you guys think?"

<400_Raptor: Yeah yeah yeah!>

<FancyFox: Show him more!>

She threw a glance back over her shoulder at me.

"Want to help me out of these panties then?"

I dropped to my knees behind her. That perfectly sized, perfectly founded ass was right in front of me. Her tail was wagging more vigorously now, swishing past my face and giving me quite the sampling of her wondrous feminine scent.

"Go ahead. . ."

My paws reached out. I was shaking, my whole body trembling as adrenaline, nerves and plain old single-minded lust crashed over me. I first contacted her flanks, about halfway up her thighs, where black fur met white. My fingers gripped and groped over her, feeling her nicely toned and enticingly slender legs. I rubbed at her for a moment, savouring just how soft she was, just how silky and smooth her black and white fluff felt under my paw pads.

I inched up.

Maybe I took thirty seconds, maybe more. Chloe was thrusting her ass in my face, waving her hips back and forth, and brushing my nose with her tail. My mind was screaming a thousand things at once; warnings, encouragement, hesitation, eagerness, though I didn't pay any attention. Not at all. This wasn't a moment for common sense.

"Oooohhhhhhh. . ."

That moan did it. She put it on for the camera, certainly, but simply hearing my cousin voice something so. . sensual, broke that last little bit of trepidation in my mind. I hooked my fingers up and under the elastic of her bright blue panties and slowly dragged them down. I wanted to make a show of it. I wanted everyone to see that I was purposefully removing this last little piece of clothing from this stunning husky girl. First they slipped down over her ass, with her giving a little wiggle to help me along. Inch by inch, ever so slowly, I continue to pull.

Chloe leaned forward, pressing her ass out just that little bit more, just enough to part her cheeks a tiny fraction.

I saw it. It was a lightning bolt straight through my brain, jolting down my spine and straight to my now thoroughly hard shaft. Her tiny little pink slit, spread ever so slightly and framed ever so perfectly by the luxurious white fur between her thighs. I just stared. This was Chloe's pussy, right in front of me. Right there. A few inches from my muzzle.

I could smell it.

I could have sworn I could feel the heat coming from it.

Facing the camera as she was, they could of course see her tits and face, and the shape of her hips, but not this. This was a sight just for me. The most erotic sight I had ever seen, her delicious looking cunt. All for me, and just for me.

She giggled.

For a moment, I poked my head out from behind her, exposing what was almost certainly a awe-struck, or maybe love-struck expression to the audience.

They were going wild. Bonkers. Totally nuts.

<FennecPaws33: Eat her out!>

<DoctorDaddy: Lick!>

<CedarCatGurl: go for it cutie! Eat eat eat!>

<IshiahMax_85: holy fuck>

<400_Raptor: eat her!!>

<VixyQuest: get some snatch! Use that tongue!>

<420_WolfMonger: eat her cunt!>

I could do it. It was something I'd obviously fantasised about, and now here it was. Chloe gave me a few more gyrations of her hips, each one parting those thighs and giving me a fleeting glimpse of her pink petals, every so slightly moist, ever so delicate. Her intimate flesh exposed to me, spread and wet, and hopefully. . . willing.

"Sorry guys," she said, "not today. You don't want to go and give Carter a heart attack, do you? Enjoying the view back there, cousin?"

I panted out my response, "oh yes, f-f-fuck yes! You l-look so g-goddamn tasty!"

<400_Raptor: see how much he wants it, Holly? Give him a taste! Don't be mean!>

<400_Raptor tipped $69>

Chloe sighed, her voice immediately dropping in pitch

"Thanks, Raptor, but you know the rules," she said, then immediately turned her bubbly charm back on, "we're a fashion show here! Let's go for it! Carts?"

I scooped up the green bra and panties, the ones I have picked out but, understandable, forgotten about in the moment. Without further comment, I held out the panties, letting Chloe step into them before I pulled them up, sliding up her legs and fitting them nicely about her ass and hips. She stood upright this time, preventing me from getting myself another glimpse of her pussy.

I did, however, dare just a little.

"Let's see how these fit," I said, trying my best to sound assertive.

At the very least, she didn't stop me. I ran my paws around the waistband, pulling the fabric tight and smoothing out any ruffles, finishing in the small of her back, I slipped a single paw down and grabbed one of her firm, pert and shapely ass cheeks.

"Oh! Carter! Naughty!" she giggled.


Pushing the contact just that little bit further, I gave her rump a light slap, causing her to yap and jump a little.


<DoctorDaddy: someone's getting frisky!>

"He is! He really is!"

"I am. Do you want me to stop?" I countered.


I gave her another smack, a little harder this time.

<FennecPaws33 tipped $5>

Not wanting to go too far, I set about helping her into the bra. As it turns out, there isn't really any sexy way to put a bra on. It was slow and awkward; my paws fumbling with the clasp for a good minute before I was able to finally secure them about her chest. The end result, however, was absolutely worth it.

She looked stunning.

More than stunning. Skimpy, with plenty of fur showing off, and a perfect contrast to her naturally mellow colouring, the outfit was practically a work of art. She twirled about, showing off her hips and butt to the webcam, wagging her tail madly from side to side. Next, she bent forward, letting her audience see down her cleavage, accentuated by the tightness of the material pressed about her chest.

"Like it guys?"

A flurry of tips followed. I just starred and did what I had been told to do. Pant and pretend I was really into her. Of course, this was not an act. I was into her. More than I ever had been in the past. I was practically going mad with lust. The shorts I had worn, loose and now without the benefit of a shirt, did absolutely nothing to hide the massive hardon I was now cursed with. A tent in my pants that everyone on the stream could see. I guess that was the point.

Chloe blew a kiss at me.

"Next one!"

And so, that's how it went for a good forty five minutes. I helped her in and out of various pieces of lingerie, swimsuits and the occasional cosplay outfit. Each time, she would strip to naked, though without thrusting her cunt in my face as she had done the first time. She adopted what you might call a modelling pose, with her arms wrapped about her chest and one knee placed slightly in front of the other, hiding her crotch. It was certainly sexy, and I could help but eat her up with my eyes. Visually devour her every curve, every pattern and shade of her fabulous fur, and of course, her ass, tits and constantly moving tail. She giggled, bounced and twirled, showing off her body and getting an avalanche of tips in the process.

We did a few birthday requests as well. The first one, she wrote on her own butt before pressing it close to the camera, giving the lucky birthday boy or girl a full-screen shot of her rump. The next two, though, she passed the marker over and had me write out the names. My writing was awful, made even worse by just how much my paw was trembling with excitement. Grasping the opposing cheek, much to her giddy enjoyment, I penned the names of the people who had tipped the required amount, before Chloe bounced up to the desk and proudly displayed my handiwork.

I probably was going to have that heart attack at this stage.

"Aaaaaand that's the last one." Chloe pronounced with a note of finality. She was, at this point, wearing a jet black one-piece with a sizeable cutout centred on her midriff. The legs were cut high, showing off plenty of her flank. Almost an 80s style of leotard, the type you might see one those lame aerobic workout shows from back before television was good, though far sexier.

<CedarCatGurl tipped $15>

<DoctorDaddy tipped $10>

"Aw, thanks everyone! I really had fun today, hope you all enjoyed my little show!"

<CedarCatGurl: it was amazing, sweetie. You can show off to me anytime!

<FennecPaws33: you're so hot

<DoctorDaddy: Do we get to see more of Carter next time?"

"Oh, that's all up to him. He seemed to have fun. I think you all might have noticed there has been quite a bit going on downstairs for him. Poor puppy, he's going to be so worked up!"

<FennecPaws33: maybe you can help him out with that?>

"That's private!"

<FennecPaws33: you saying you might just. . .>

"Not saying anything!"

<<FennecPaws33: =3?>

"But you all know the drill. I'll have another stream in a few days, we'll just have a bit of chill fun, then another big buy-up! Carter's stuck here because of this stupid pandemic, so he might be around. Think you'll be up for another show, Carts?"

"Oh. . . I. . . well, yeah. It was great today. Thanks, guys, I h-had a lot of fun."

<VixyQuest: He's just so cute! Look at him! You really should send me your number if you need some help with that rock solid rod you've got there! ;)>

Instinctively, my paws shot to my crotch, hiding my shame. Still, who could blame me. I'd spent the better part of an hour obsessing over a nubile young husky girl, my cousin no less. The room smelled of eroticism and taboo, and I didn't think my willpower would hold out much longer.

"Hey!" interjected Chloe, "He's mine! Paws off! Get your own!"

She bounced up and down for a few minutes, saying individual goodbyes, as well as giving a few more twirls and paw-smacks across her rump.

<400_Raptor: Hey Holly, sorry for earlier. I got a bit carried away.>

"Hey, don't worry about it, it's all just for fun! And thank you so much for the tip."

<400_Raptor: You're welcome, babe. I was thinking, though, you guys look really cute together. I mean, like, really cute. You're just cousins, so it's not really too big a deal. How about you give us a little kiss? The two of you.>

<DoctorDaddy tipped $5>

<CedarCatGurl tipped $2>

I expected her to laugh it off like she had some of the lewder requests from earlier. She didn't. Not this time. Instead, her face went just a little bit redder than usual, her minor crimson colouring flushing out just that little extra bit. She looked down, clasping her paws together and replied.

"You. . you want me to kiss my cousin? You want me to kiss Carter?"

<400_Raptor: Well, maybe not just kiss, like, make out with him. Look at him, the poor guy needs something, doesn't he?>

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. It would be kinda weird, wouldn't it? Unless you guys are all into that?

<IshiahMax_85: Hell yes!!!>

<400_Raptor: how about it?>

Chloe's eyes darted back and forth between the screen and my own rapidly reddening face.

"Seems like it might be a bit too much." she said, not exactly sounding sure of herself, "Why don't I just promise you guys something extra special next month instead?

<400_Raptor tipped $200>

My eyes went wide. Chloe's too. That was. . . huge. This guy really wanted to see this. Him and everyone else in the stream, that is. Kissing cousins? Wasn't exactly the worst thing you'd find on OnlyFurs. It wasn't even explicit. What it was, though, was exceptionally agreeable.

I turned to face Chloe, not caring if I appeared eager, terrified, or likely some combination of the two.

Her eyes met mine. Blue on blue.

She took a step closer, "Carter. . ."

I hadn't yet replaced my shirt, and was standing in front of her, and her audience, in nothing but a pair of tented shorts. No shirt.

Her paws reached out, each palm softly contacting my chest, gentling rubbing through my fur as she closed the gap between us to mere inches.

"C-Chloe. . ."

I had said her real name, though barely above a whisper. Truthfully, I didn't much care if the webcam had picked it up, and it seemed that she didn't either. Her hips and chest pressed up against me, our fur now in directly, sensual contact. Her paws continued to roam over my torso, joined now by my paw fingers as they tentatively ran up the sides of her legs, tracing out circles across her hips.

Our eyes locked together, burning intensely into each other, the chatlog and stream now completely forgotten. A few puffs of her breath tickled at my nose as I leaned down. My own breather was sharp and shallow, my heart thundering in my chest, pulse pounding in my ears. I could barely think. Our muzzles inched closer, eyes closing as our lips touched.

"C-Carter. . ."

For a few, agonising seconds, we held in place, mouths barely touching, her little button nose pressed with an almost imperceptible softness against mine. A few seconds, but no longer.

My paws wrapped around the small of her back and all but crushed her petite form into me. We both relented without hesitation, that light touch instantly disappearing as our muzzles locked together, tongues shooting out, twisting and twirling about the other's as we devoured ourselves in a savagely passionate embrace. A flood of emotions crashed over me, all my fantasies coming to the fore, now born out in that moment. Her paws reached up and behind my neck, pulling us in closer, deepening the intertwining of our maws as we wantonly and lustily made out. I dare to place my own paws a bit lower, feeling across the fur of her ass, gripping tightly and pulling her up and into me. In response, her right leg shifted between my own, and she started to grind her crotch against my thigh. For the life of me, I swore I could feel wetness, even through the fabric of her lingerie and my own fur.

I would have gasped her name, and I'm sure she would have done the same were it not for how single-mindedly we were consuming the other, minds hazed over, a pent up tension and honest-to-god desperation now overflowing in the extreme. Nothing would have stopped up there, not her parents, not the fact that the stream was going wild, not even an earthquake. The room was filled with the sound of wet canine tongue on wet canine tongue, interspaced only with the occasional gasp.

She tasted divine. However good I imagined this moment to be, it was better. Soft, wet, the feeling of her tongue exploring my own, and mine returning the favour, her enthusiasm for this taboo encounter matched even my own. If there had been any doubt as to just how much I had been attracted to her, this would have put it to rest. It was obvious. I wanted my cousin. I craved my cousin.

And now, I had my cousin.

We continued shamelessly to make out, paws roaming across each other's fur, pinching and grabbing, touching and feeling. My body was getting hot, my enlarged, rock-hard member begging for attention. I wanted more than anything to take this all the way, and perhaps I could have. Perhaps.

Eventually, though, we broke for air, trailing a line of saliva between us. Our attentions remained on each other, faces flushed red and eyes staring longingly into each other's gaze. I grinned. Chloe giggled.

"You're a really good kisser, Carts!"

"You're not too bad yourself."

I gave her another quick peck before returning my eyes to the screen.

<IshiahMax_85: wow>

<400_Raptor: goddamn>

<FennecPaws33: you guys must reeeeeeeaaaalllllly want each other. . .>

<DoctorDaddy: more more more!>

<CedarCatGurl: fucking hot!!!!!>

<VixyQuest: awww I'm so jealous>

<420_WolfMonger: Just wow. I don't think I've seen any two people as into each other as you guys are. Cousins. Hot hot hooooot!!>

"Hmmm, guys," Chloe said, her voice low and sultry, "that was soooo good."

We hadn't broken contact yet. I continued to hold her, gently running my paws and up down her arms. Her fingers worked over my chest, casually playing with my fur.

"But seeming as how. . . worked up. . . this has gotten me, I think it's time for this little husky girl to sign off! I'll be back next week, guys, and maybe Carter will be too! For now, I think he and I want some. . . private time."

She shot a wink to the webcam and blew her audience a kiss, before resting her head on my shoulder.

<420_WolfMonger: I hope so! We want more of the both of you!>

<VixyQuest: bye bye!>

<FennecPaws33: I'll miss you babe!>

After the goodbyes had been said, including one last request for a titty flash, to which Chloe eagerly obliged, she flicked the webcam off and ended the stream, spinning about to face me, a sheepish green spreading across her muzzle.

"Um, so, Carter, I. . ."

I was on her before she could finish. I all but crashed into her, my paws shooting around behind her and grabbing, lifting her up and depositing her rump on her computer desk. She didn't hesitate, not for one second. Now freed from the need to put on a show, her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me in and grinding my still-hard member into her obviously damp crotch. Our muzzled again collided, tongues resuming where we had left off with a vigorous invasion of each other's maws. This time, I felt her ass without pause, kneading her flesh and fur, every grope of my paws sending her cunt grinding against my shaft. Three layers of fabric, that was all that separated us. Just three. Dare I?

"Fuck. . . Carter!" she panted in between kisses, "Fuck. . . fuck. . . oh jesus fuck!"

I bit at her lip. She bit back. Harder.

"Chloe," I responded as best I could, unwilling to ceasing making out for the second or two it would take to form coherent sentences, "I've. . . fuck. . . fuck Chloe, I want you!"

More. MORE.

"What's. . . what's going on h-here, Carts?"

Changing tactics, I ran my tongue up the side of her neck, She shivered. I could feel it rollick through her whole body. Her legs clamped tighter about me, hips now bucking and thrusting, dry humping me as I continued to work over her.

"I. . don't know," I responded before again sealing my lips about hers.

"We. . .fuck. . . we should stop. . ."

"Do. . . do you want me to?" I asked. Stupid question.

"Fuck no."

From there on, I simply lost track of time. The stream was forgotten, the audience now a distant memory and notion that we were doing this for any reason than our own incestuous lust rendered utterly irrelevant. It was just myself, a black and white husky with just a hint of brown and red, with his muzzle locked firmly with that of his cousin's. His exceptionally hot and exceptionally horny cousin. It was a dream come true.

We moved to the bed.

Pressing down on top of her, arms and legs sprawled out to either side as pinned her down, tongues still lashing over each other, it seemed almost inevitable where we'd end up.

"Are we. . . are we just going to make out all night, Carts?"

It hadn't occurred to me, but I was getting tired. I wanted to keep going, more than anything. I had of course played out in my mind any number of ways this could end up. Some, naturally, I wanted much more than others. The bed was a good step.

Then came that common sense. Fucking shit cunt fuck of a time! Reality hit. It often does.

I looked down at Chloe. Her tongue was hanging out of her steadily panting paw, with both of our fur coats slick with sweat. This wasn't just some fantasy. We were family. This was, by all accounts, wrong, though we just didn't care. Fuck it, let's see where this went.

All I had to do was reach down, place my paw between her legs, feel her a bit, and invite her to continue with me. I don't think she would have said no at that point.

My heart skipped a few beats.

My paw trembled. It moved slightly lower.

I felt tight in my chest.

"C-Chloe?" I stammered.

"Hmmm?" she seemed far less concerned than me. Her paws were now wrapped about my neck, and she gently pulled me down into another kiss.

"What are we going to do?"

Yet another kiss, slower and more loving this time, was laid upon me by my cousin.

"Well," she started, grinning up at me, "I don't know if you heard the car come in, but Mom and Dad are home. It would look pretty bad if you walked out of my room wearing that, wouldn't it? Kinda suss."

"Y-yeah. . . I guess it would."

"Sooooooo. . ." she continued, "I think it would be best if you just spend the night here, with me."

It was music to my ears.

"I'd like that."

"And. . . and if you're okay with it. . . um. . . maybe we can do another stream together? No rules this time. . . just. . . whatever we feel like."

"I t-think I'd like that even more."

* * *

I can honestly say that waking up the next morning was the most blissfully joyous experience I could remember ever having. A warmth was spread across the entire right side of my body. A warmth, and an incredible softness, breathing gently.

I opened my eyes and looked down.

Chloe and I were in the exact position we had fallen asleep in; my diminutive cousin having cuddled up next to me, her head resting on my chest and body sprawled out atop me, her leg raised up and over my own. My arm was wrapped around her, and despite being thoroughly numb after spending the night with her admittedly slight body weight pressed down on it, I wouldn't have moved it for anything. We had worn the same clothes to bed that we had finished the stream with. My chest was bare, and the shorts that did a poor job of hiding my excitement last night were now making an equally poor attempt and concealing my morning wood. Morning wood that was made all the harder and more attention-seeking by the fact that Chloe was of course still wearing that insanely skimpy outfit, a certain item of lingerie, that she was the previous evening during our passionate make-out session.

She stirred.

I squeezed her gently against my side, my free paw drifting over and petting her between her ears as she let out a yawn and opened her eyes to meet mine.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I said with a smile.

"Mmmmm, woof, morning Carts. Hmmm, you're sooooo warm."

I sighed with contentment as she rolled over, now facing away from me but pressing her butt against my crotch. A classic big-spoon-little-spoon position, one which I willingly embraced. My arms encircled her, pulling her closer still and brushing across her barely covered breasts.

"I can tell you're excited. . ." she said, grinding her ass into my hardness.


"What are we going to do about it?"

I took the plunge and snaked one of my paws up her stomach and onto her breast, squeezing the soft orb gently and earning myself a few further movements of her pert, round ass against my now thoroughly engorged member.

"What do you think we should do, Chloe?"

Though her eyes were once again closed, I could see her grin.

"Say something dirty to me, cousin." she whispered.

I found myself at a loss for words. Simply dealing with the rollercoaster ride of thoughts, emotions and sexual energy had rendered my already meagre ability to flirt nearly non-existent. I'd managed a few quips here or there, but being put on the spot? No! Help!

"Um. . . I. . . your. . . t-tits feel really nice, Chloe."

"Squeeze them harder."

I did so. They felt wonderful. So soft, and a perfect fit for my palm.

". . . under the bra, Carts."

That was an invitation and a half. I trembled, my whole body shaking with excitement. My fingers teased along the strap before slipping under the fabric and pressing slowly across her chest. I found her nipple, already rock hard and sticking out so perfectly from her silky smooth fur. I fully embraced the contact, feeling her breast directly, squeezing and kneading, every motion of my paw met with a similar movement of her hips into my crotch.

She moaned.

"That's really niiiiiiiiiiice."

I continued to feel and grope, adding my other paw to the mix and feeling up both her tits.


"Y-yes, Chloe?"

"I masturbated last night."

I stopped my ministrations, my paws simply cradling her chest, a furred orb in each.

"You. . . um. . . what?"

She wiggled her hips again.

"I masturbated. You sleep really heavily, Carts. Watching you there, no shirt, all nice and. . . toned, it got me. . . it got me h-hot. So I. . .. masturbated. My panties are still wet."


"You've probably had girls masturbate while thinking about you before. You're a hot guy, I told you so!"

"Um, thanks? Maybe?" I replied. What else was I supposed to say?

"Have you jerked off and thought about me?"

My throat suddenly felt tight. I knew the answer, and I'm fairly sure she knew as well.


"Hmmmmm, perv."

We spent the next hour and a bit wrapped in each other's arms, cuddling and caressing, sharing the occasional kiss or cute little comment. It was something of a departure from the lust-filled escapades I had been expecting, and admittedly hoping for. Still, it was nice. Nice, even, on a new level. A closeness far beyond what we already shared.

Though, there was that ever-present feeling that this was wrong. We were practically acting like lovers. Would this get old? Stale? Would we burn out this suddenly ignited flame between us before my time here was up? I hoped not.

Eventually, Chloe's parents left for the day, followed by her siblings. With the house now left to just the two of us, it was safe for me to finally leave her room. It was mid-morning, and her scent still clung to my fur. It would have raised more than a few awkward questions should any of her family members had detected it.

I needed a shower. You don't need much of an imagination to figure out what I spent the next half hour doing. . .

Half an hour to relieve myself, then another week to build all that tension back up. Chloe was quick to tell me over lunch that she was planning her next stream for exactly seven days time. Usually, she said, she would do two or three a week, but following what had turned out to be her most viewed and most tipped stream ever, she seemingly wanted to tease her fanbase. To build up a bit of anticipation. I asked a few questions as to what we might do. All she said was what she already told me. No rules. I had played those words over in my head time and time again.

No rules. . .

On that subject, though it was unspoken, it would be safe to assume that when you visit your cousin, stay in her house, under the same roof as your aunt and uncle, that you refrain from activities such as shamelessly making out with her. Not something you'd expect would need to be explained.

Chalk me up for a rule breaker.

In that intervening week, we did all the things you would expect, much as we had the previous few days. Movies, outings, and just generally lounging about. We did, though pay a visit to some of her friends, so "show me off" or something like that. She'd again taken the opportunity to suggest that we had a very special sort of relationship, and didn't shy away from hugging my arm to her chest at every given opportunity. She thoroughly enjoyed it.

It nearly gave me a heart attack. Number two hundred and seventy six.

And, of course, we spent every moment that we had even a fleeting amount of privacy with our muzzles firmly locked together, tongues dancing over each other and bodies intertwined. Our paws roamed, feeling each other, caressing fur and grabbing pawfuls of ass and tit. When the coast was clear, and time didn't permit a kiss, Chloe would flash me, either a wonderful eyeful of her bare chest, or with a tug of her panties and skirt, giving me an equally enticing view of her pert, shapely ass. If I was lucky, she'd throw her panties at me before taking a shower.

We spent every night in the same bed, lovingly embraced, falling asleep in each other's arms.

It was almost becoming normal. I hadn't really had any serious relationships before. A few flings, a few one-nighters, sure, but nothing that felt like this. I supposed I was getting used to it. I could certainly do with this sort of thing long term.

Used to it, that is, right up until the seventh day ticked over.

* * *

I woke up that morning as I had every morning that week; with Chloe wrapped in my arms, warm and soft. We share our morning kisses, a little more passionate and long-lasting this time in light of what we were anticipating that evening. As before, I waited until the coast was clear before darting from her room and directly into the bathroom across the hall, making as if I had just woken and was after the shower. This time, I spent a good hour soaking and cleaning myself, and it wasn't until her younger brother bashed on the door, demanding he be allowed to piss, that I relented and decided it was time to dry myself off. I was squeaky clean. All the better to later dirty myself.

Later, though, felt far too distant. The hours ticked slowly over. A few crappy midday TV shows, a light lunch and some mindless internet surfing did little to hurry things along. Noon passed, then one, then two. Tick tick tick. It wouldn't be until much later, likely past nine when her parents were scheduled for yet another dinner engagement, that we'd have the chance to stream.

I was going mad.

Chloe too, seemed anxious. It was unlike her usual, bouncy self. The glances she shot me were shy and fleeting, rather than the flirtatious grins and winks she had been giving me all week. We sat at far ends of the sofa, got our own snacks, and didn't lock lips even once, despite ample opportunity to do so. It's this sort of situation when you might say the tension could be cut with a knife. Sexual tension, that is.

Well, in our case, you'd need a chainsaw.

Finally, after an agonising wait, I heard my uncle's car pull out of the driveway and take off towards the centre of town. I doubted I could have gone much longer without some much needed self-relief. My eagerness and excitement overcame me, and I all but sprinted for her room. She had casually mentioned some half hour prior that she would be going to "get herself ready," and that I should just relax until we had privacy. Now that we had it in spades, I was ready to break down her door.

Of course, my eagerness gave way to another sudden bout of nervousness, and instead, I simply knocked. A few raps of my paw.


No response. I knocked again.


"Come iiiiiiiiiiiiin. . ."

I pushed the door open.

"W-wow. . . goddamn!"

Chloe had transformed her room from that of a typical suburban teenage girl to something. . . else. The lights were off, and in their place were a number of lava lamps, scattered about the room and glowing a variety of exotic colours. Her bed, too. A luxurious looking, deep crimson duvet now covered it, with the petite husky girl sitting cross legged in the centre, smiling excitedly up at me. Pillows had been replaced with plush looking cushions, and she'd discarded the posters that had previously adorned the walls. It looked almost like a movie set, for a very specific type of movie.

"Like it, Carts?"

"Oh, hell yeah!" I said, taking a few steps into the room, "but I like what's in it more."

Her giggle returned, and she rolled onto her stomach, propping her head up with her paws.

"I thought we'd make it extra special tonight. I wanted to wrap myself up like a gift for you, but I couldn't really tie the ribbons."

"Can I still unwrap you?"

"Ohhhh Carter! Perv!"

I flopped down on the bed next to her, planting a quick peck on her cheek. I'd worn the same clothes I had last time; a tight fitting t-shirt with loose shorts. I'd not worn anything under them this time. According to Chloe, more than a few of the people in the steam enjoyed seeing just how aroused I got. A little embarrassing, maybe, but all in good fun.

She too, was wearing a similar outfit. A skirt and polo shirt, much like what she'd put on for our first date, with her hair now hanging loosely by her sides. Very much a schoolgirl look, and very, very sexy.

I gave her another kiss.

"So," I started, feigning an all-business manner, "how are we going to do it this time?"

Chloe again rolled over, almost falling off the bed before gracefully jumping to her feet and bounding across the room to her PC. A few clicks and keystrokes and the same OnlyFurs user interface flashed up on the screen.

"This one is really easy!" she said, positioning the webcam, "it's requests only today. People tip, and we do what they want. You can say no to anything, though. Everyone knows that there are no promises. Don't sell yourself cheap, though! You've got a hot body! Make them work for it!"

"I. . . uh . . you said no rules?"

She happily nodded in response, "yep! That's right! Normally I have a bit of a no-go with certain things. You know how it is, I tried a few private shows once, it didn't turn out so well, so I keep everything in the stream. People don't seem as eager to ask for the really nasty stuff when they know it's public."

That ever present and eternally cursed common sense forced its way to the front.

I started stammering, "I don't want to ruin things. . . with us. Between us. I kinda like what we've got going and all."

She shuffled across the floor and to the foot of the bed, taking my head in her paws and cradling me gently to her midriff.

"Carter," her voice was soothing, almost motherly, "I've loved every moment we've had together since you showed up! Don't worry yourself so much about all this, it's just a bit of fun and a cool way to make a few bucks. It's nothing important."

My heart dropped. Was that all this was in the end?

"But. . " she continued, her voice lowering even further, almost to a whisper, "I'm still really glad this is all with you. I really mean it when I say I wouldn't do this with anyone else. Carter. . ."

She slipped a paw under my chin and raised my head up, so that I was now looking directly up at her, staring her in those beautiful blue eyes.

". . . I don't really care about the site or the tips or any of that bullshit. I. .. um. . . I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you and. . . do a little bit more! I thought you might think I was gross or something. I don't know, it was weird. I had this weird feeling that I was doing the wrong thing. Like I was using you, even if I really, really wanted you here anyway. C-carter, I'm sorry, we don't have to do the stream, I just. . ."

I rose to my feet and cut her off with another kiss.

"Chloe, do you think I'd be making out with my cousin every day for a week if I didn't think she was the most amazing, cutest, funniest and most kickass girl in the whole world?"

She returned my affections eagerly, savouring the flavour of my muzzle with her tongue for a few, intense moments.

"You sure? She asked, "I'm not some weirdo who just got you to do these videos?"

I grinned at her comment, "I think we're both weirdos here."

She smiled softly back.

"So. . . you mean it? You actually want to do all this stuff with me? For a bunch of pervs online?"

I nodded, "I do. I'm the perv here, anyway."

"You really are."

"I'm a perv who just can't get enough of this cute little husky butt!"

She barked and jumped as my paws shot to her rear, giving each cheek a firm squeeze before running up the length of her ever-raised tail.

"Jeez, Carts, leave some for the stream!"

"No rules? As much ass as I want?"

"No rules, and all the ass in the world. Is that what we are, Carter? Just a bunch of rule breakers?"

To that, I shook my head.

"No, we're a pair of weirdo cousins about to make an absolute fucking killing streaming to a bunch of pervs on OnlyFurs. They're going to see just. . . how. . . much. . . I. . . WANT YOU! They're going to get really jealous, because they know that you're all mine!"

We shared another quick kiss.

"Tell me that I belong to you!"

"You're mine, Chloe. All for me. Your ass. Your tits. . . your p-pussy. Mine!"

"I'll be yours. . ." her voice dripped with sexual energy.

"Let's show them."

Her chair was pushed to the side this time around, leaving an unobstructed view from the webcam to the foot of the bed, where I was now seated. A few further clicks and the telltale light blinked red, indicating the camera was filming, and that the stream had started. She rapidly bounced her way back over to me and sat down as close as she could manage without actually depositing herself into my lap. Her paw found its way to my thigh, gently rubbing my fur just above the knee.

"Hey everyone!" she started, delivering her typically bubbly greeting along with a stunning smile, "thanks soooooo much for waiting all week for another stream! I've really missed you all!"

<FennecPaws33: Babe! You're back!>

<CedarCatGurl: I missed youuuuuu tooooooo!!!1!>

<420_WolfMonger: Carter's here too! WOOT!>

<420_WolfMonger tipped $10>

"Awww, we're eager today, aren't we! Well, you all know what the first tip gets you!"

As she had done one week ago, she threw her legs out to the side, though this time that meant directly across my lap.

"Why don't you show them, Carter?"

Doing my best to grin suggestively for the camera, I teased my fingers along the edge of her skirt, stopping for just a moment before lifting it up and exposing her crotch.

"Black today! Carter picked them out for me!"

I hadn't. They were nice, and I absolutely would have picked them out, but that was all just dirty talk for her fans. A pair for tight fitting, though relatively plain looking black panties.

<400_Raptor tipped $2>

<VixyQuest tipped $1>

<DoctorDaddy: Did he help you get dressed too, cutie?>

"He did!"

<DoctorDaddy: And have you two had a bit of fun together?!>

"Not telling! That's private! Why, are you guys. . . interested in seeing a little more of us?"

<FennecPaws33: Hell yes!>

<DoctorDaddy: oh gods yes yes yes!>

<VixyQuest: please sweetie? That would be so good! If I can't have Carter I at least want to see him!>

<IshiahMax_85: YEAH!>

"How badly do you want it?"

<IshiahMax_85 tipped $15>

<FennecPaws33 tipped $25>

"Oh, wow! Guess you really want a show then! Well, I have some really good news for you guys! Carter is such a sweet guy, he agreed to come back because you all loved him so much! He makes me feel extra, super-duper good and we decided we'd do a very, very sexy show just for you guys today. One-time only, we're going with. . . well. . . anything. Anything goes today. Any and all requests!"

<IshiahMax_85: Strip strip strip!>

"Come on, guys! Where's the fun in that? We've got to make it a bit more interesting than just. . . taking my clothes off. I do that for you anyway!"

Her paw continued to trace out tiny little circles in my fur.

<DoctorDaddy: I think you should let Carter have his way with you, look how much the poor guy needs it!>

True. I really did.

"Hmmmm, that's a little better. You want to see my cousin do all sorts of naughty things to me? Is what what you're all here for? Just a little bit of incest?"

<DoctorDaddy tipped $50>

"I guess that answers my question!"

Without waiting for instructions, Chloe pressed herself against me, her tits mashing into my chest and her lips sealing about my own. As we had done before, we furiously made out for our enraptured audience, moaning into each other's muzzle, panting each other's names between tongue lashings.

Her paw sunk to my crotch.

I felt something I had so longed for, so dreamed off all these years. Chloe's delicate little fingers closed around my rock hard erection, grasping my member and giving a slight tug. Though the shorts were still in the way, they were thin, and without any underwear in the way, it was easy to see just how aroused I was.

She pumped me a few times. I couldn't even return her kisses, instead letting my head fall backwards and letting out a guttural sigh.

"Ohhhhhhh FUUUUUUUUUCK! I've. . . wanted this sooooooo bad! FUCK!"

She was finally touching me. My petite little cousin was finally, after all these years, lavishing my cock with attention. A pawjob, sure, and through the fabric of my shorts, but a thunderous crashing of lust and longing as far as I was concerned. Better than any of the few pawjobs I'd received before. Better than my own sessions of self-pleasure by a mile and a half.

I growled again, letting out some choice cusses as my tongue rolled from my mouth.

"Ohhhh, looks like puppy likes this," her voice was almost vicious in its seductiveness.

<400_Raptor: Damn! Don't tell me you guys haven't fucked yet! It would be criminal to not!>

<VixyQuest: ohhhh I knew he had something nice under there.>

"Want to see?"

I didn't even care that Chloe had just offered to expose me for her audience. It just didn't matter. Her paw was in my crotch. On my cock. Stroking me. She was showing me off like some prize, telling her fans that she was hot enough, wanted enough, an object of desire so heavenly that she could charm her own cousin into craving her with this contact alone.

If only they knew how long that craving had been building for.

<VixyQuest: show us!>

Chloe briefly stopped the motions up and down my member, but kept her paw in place, squeezing and kneading.

"Show you? But you all have to earn it. And I'm not just talking about tips!"

<VixyQuest tipped $10>

"Ah, don't get too excited just yet! I know that you're thinking, but you really do have to earn this one! Who wants to see more of Carter?"

<CedarCatGurl: We all do, sweetie>

<FennecPaws33: I just want to see more of you, babe. Carter can join in, but you gotta do something for us! You going to leave us blueballsed??!!!?!>

"Of course not, pawsy! I was just thinking. . ."

The squeezing stopped. Her paw drifted to the waistband of my shorts, and she slipped a few fingers under the elastic.

". . . of how we could make this a little more fun. If you. . . hmmmmm. . . if you can guess how big Carter is, you get a free request. Anything you want. Anything. . . at. . . all. . ."

She narrowed her eyes at me. Not at the camera, not at her audience, at me.

"Anything. . ."

<400_Raptor: nine inches>

<VixyQuest: ohhh I hope he's more than ten>

<420_WolfMonger: eight>

<CedarCatGurl: 6">

<IshiahMax_85: sixteen and a half centimetres>>

<FennecPaws33: I'm going with seven and a half>

<DoctorDaddy: just a bit more than seven I reckon>

This was something I, of course, knew. Which guy hadn't measured himself at some point? I knew who would win. . .

"Any more guesses?" Chloe asked, her paw slipping further and further into my shorts.

"No? Alright then! Stand up, Carts!"

I did as instructed. The tent in my shorts was stupidly obvious; you'd probably be able to guess just how long I was from that alone. This was nerve-wracking. I'd never done anything like this, never shown myself off to anyone other than the very few girls who I'd been with up to that point, and even then only in absolutely private, one-on-one situations. The ever-increasing number on her PC screen indicated that they were a little over two hundred and fifty viewers, with a new one joining every ten seconds or so. Two hundred and fifty pairs of eyes about to see my bare, rock hard cock spring out in front of them.

A sudden bout of what I could only describe as madness hit me.

My own paw shot down, gripping my length through the shorts and giving everyone the clearest possible view of exactly what they were seconds away from seeing anyway.

Chloe giggled.

"He's eager, guys! Shall we see what my cousin has been hiding from me all this time?"

The response was predetermined, and Chloe wasted no more time in giving her audience what they wanted. With both her paws now fidgeting with the elastic of my shorts, she slowly, slowly tugged down. My tip got caught on the band, though only for a second before she finally yanked the garment down, over my knees and to my feet. My cock, pulsing and as hard as it had ever been, sprung out, front and centre. There was nothing to hide anymore. Everyone could see that I was about as aroused as it was possible for a male husky to be, bright red and knot swollen, all for my cousin.

"Holy shit, Carter! Look at this!"

I did my best to make it sexy. I grinned for the camera, flashed my fangs, made it look like I was confident.

Of course, what little confidence I could fake immediately evaporated as I felt a warm, soft paw closed about my base. I looked down.

"You're. . . big," Chloe's face was grinning up at me, her muzzle inches from my tip.

"You're really big. . .."

Her paw started to move, just a tiny at first. Just a fraction of an inch up and down. She was, if only for the benefit of her audience, jerking me off. I strained every muscle in my body, thrust my hips forward to eagerly offer her my shaft, all but begging her to go faster and harder. I relished this, so, so much.

"So, let's see. . ." she said playfully.

I felt her second paw join in the first, though with this one she walked her fingers up to my tip, delicately prodding my flesh every step of the way.

"Eight inches it is! Looks like Wolfmonger wins this one!"

<420_WolfMonger: woot! Give him a kiss!>

I expected to see her face in my rapidly blurring vision, followed by a cute little smile and a locking of our muzzles. I didn't. Not this time.

A bark escaped my mouth as I felt something soft, warm and ever so slightly wet press itself to my tip. I knew what it was; I knew just where that kiss had been delivered. Chloe lingered in place, keeping her lips pressed to my cockhead for a few agonising seconds, before withdrawing. A lash of her tongue swept across my tip as she pulled back, rewarding her and the audience with a tiny spurt of pre.

"Ahhhh! Ch. .HOLLY!! PLEASE!"

<DoctorDaddy: the poor pup is begging. Holly, you gotta take care of him?>

"Hmmm? So what should I do? Wolfmonger gets to pick."

I chanced a glance at the screen.

<420_WolfMonger: I can't bear to see you two all pent up like this! It's soooooo obvious how much you want each other. Tell Carter to lay down on the bed, then get on top of him. He gets to do whatever he wants to you, but you gotta tell us how it feels!>

Chloe finally did stand up, her paw releasing my base and knot, and whispered in my ear.

"Lay down, Carts. Let me take care of you and. . . um. . . d-do what you want to me. I don't mind. . ."

Gently, she placed both her paws on my chest and pushed, urging me to fall backwards and onto her bed. This was it. There was only one place this was going. I wanted this. Falling back, with my legs hanging off the end, I gave the audience a fantastic view of my stunningly hard erection, sticking straight up, red and pulsating. Ready. So ready.

"Please. . " I begged.

I heard the sound of Chloe shuffling around, followed by her sweet voice.

"Skirts gone, guys! Do you like my panties? Should I lose the shirt too? No? Awww, thank you, Raptor! I guess the shirt is coming off after all. . . and. . . tada! No bra today! Titty time!"

All I'd need to do is look up, just raise my head and I'd see my deliciously sexy cousin in nothing but her panties. Nothing else, almost bare. It was right there.

"Oh. . .ohhhhh," she continued, feigning surprise, "you want me to do what, wolfy? Like that? That's how you want me to do it? That's really dirty! Do you think Carter will like it? Oh come on, you really think so? Well, alright!"

I heard her pad her way to the side of the best, and felt her sit down. Her paw again found my cock, grasping softly and giving me a few strokes. Up and down, from base to tip.

"F. . . fuuuuuuuck. . ."

I felt a blast of hot breath on my length, and heard a giggle.

"Chloe. . ."

A leg, softly furred in black and white, swung over my head, and Chloe's crotch came into view, settling a few inches above my face. Legs parted and black panties barely covering her sex, I strongly suspected that Wolfmonger had asked for something between the numbers of sixty eight and seventy.

Her tail wagged madly back and forth. I could smell her. Heavens to fucking Murgatroyd I could smell her. It was wonderful. Angelic. Divine. Sexual, sensual and so overwhelmingly feminine, everything I wanted and enough to send my mind spinning. The sight, too, holy shit. Panties stretched tight across her obviously soaked cunt. She was wet. Wet for me. Fuck! How did this happen!? Had I died?

My paws reached up, coming to rest on her hips and gently, slowly pulling her crotch down, inch by inch, sinking her searing pussy towards my face.

"Ohhh, guys. .. he's goooooooing for it!"

I slid a paw down, running it slowly across her ass and dipping a single finger under the edge of her panties. I felt wetness. Wetness and warmth, and the glorious realisation that a horny young teenage husky was right here, for the taking.

I pulled Chloe's panties to the side.

Pulled might be the wrong word. I peeled them from her soaked cunt. Strands of her nectar clung to the fabric as her glorious pussy came into view. Not the peek I had been given at the mall, not even close. An obscene, wanton display, lips spread and utterly coated with her feminine juices, perfectly trimmed white fur framing the sight for me, from her love tunnel to her perfectly round little clit, poking from under the hood. The most delicate pink, the most delicious looking, intimate flesh splayed before me. It was perfect. Better than any I had seen, or any that I could imagine. Every piece, every little fold of flesh, ever drop of liquid, absolutely exquisite. No protruding labia, nothing stretched or in any place other than exactly where it should be. Chloe had the most amazing, most wonderful, most insanely arousingly, sensually sublime pussy on the planet. I was sure of it. An eyeful of sweet husky cunt like nothing else on God's gay Earth. Fuck anyone who said otherwise.

"Hmmmm, he can seeeee me now. He's got an eyeful of my pretty little pussy!"

She bucked her hips, thrusting herself backwards, and spreading her petals just that little bit more for me. With husky cunt so close, my mind and libido went into autopilot.

What did occur to me, moments before I lost all control, was the fact that she had positioned herself facing the camera, with her ass and nethers pointed in the other direction. It was a show just for me. Only I could see this. Not her audience, not all those drooling, masturbating pervs, just me. Her cousin. Her thoroughly obsessed cousin.

I gripped tightly about her butt and slammed her hips down, my muzzle pressing against her snatch, and my tongue instantly snaking out, running deep between her folds in a long, luxurious lick.

She tasted like heaven.

Tangy. Sweet. Musky. Wet. Feminine. Horny. Words meant nothing as I devoured the eager and willing pussy now smearing itself across my face. I went to work like I never had before, sliding my tongue from her clit, dragging it through her folds all the way to her entrance, teasing about before tasting the first inch or two of her innermost place. Even better. Heated and a little salty, but maddeningly, savagely delicious

"Oh. . . OH MY GOD. . . C-CARTER!"

Her voice quivered, urging me on.

"F-fuck. . . that f-feels. . . INCREDIBLE!"

At that point, I could die a happy canine. Hearing her moan my name, telling me that she was loving the vigorous cunnilingus that I was now delivering between her thighs, was all I had ever wanted.

I kept going, licking time and time again, each swipe of my tongue pressing through her pristine folds, gathering her essence, smearing it across my muzzle. She moaned with each pass, pressing her hips down in a manic attempt to grind out more pleasure from my oral attack.

"Hhmmm, guys, his tongue in my cunt feels sooooooooooo fucking gooooooood. Oh. . . ohhhhhh. . ."

I sealed my lips about her clit and sucked. Hard.


A few more lashes of my tongue down the length of her slit.

"Do you all l-like this? Watching my face as my c-cousin eats me out? Do you? Oh? More? W-what. . . f-f-f-fuck. . . what else shall I doooooo?"

I placed my thumbs on either side of her slit and spread her even wider, all my tongue-fucking her now. Dipping it in and out. She was dripping, her juices running down my chin and staining my chest fur. My sense of smell was overwhelmed, though I was sure the whole room reeked of cunt.

"In my m-mouth?"

Oh gods. Please. PLEASE GODS YES!"

"Y-you want to see this cock in this muzzle here? Awwww, he's. . . hnnng. . . he's doing such a g-good job, I think we can reward him."

A second passed.

Then another.

I had to stop my ministrations between her thighs for a fleeting moment as my cock, all eight inches of my painfully hard length, was suddenly engulfed in the wet, warm confines of Chloe's muzzle. In one motion she took me in, slurping her way to my base, not even stopping for my knot, taking in everything I had to offer her. Her tongue worked over my tip, slid down my shaft, teased over every protruding vein, before curling about my base.

And then back up. A suction bringing me to howl mindlessly into her nethers.

And then, a longing. Though only a few seconds had passed, a crushing feeling overtook me, telling me that I was no longer so intimately connected with her as I had been not moments ago. My muzzle again rammed forward, sinking again into her pussy and resuming my frantic, starved licking. I ate her out like it was all that mattered. Right there, sixty-nining like there would be no tomorrow, I decided that this is how I wanted to die. Drowned in cunt.

Her head started to bob up and down, each suck about my member coming faster and more vigorously than the last. I doubled my own pace to match her, furiously lavishing her lips as she committed to completely smothering my face with her pussy. Her thighs clamped around my head, and my world became nothing but her scent, her taste, and the electrifying sensation of her muzzle and tongue working their magic on my canine cock.

"Ch. . " I tried to cry her name. I just wanted to say it.

"Carter.. . fuck. . . you're so. . . you taste amazing. Why. . . why did we wait so. . . so long to do this?"

I couldn't even begin to imagine what the stream was doing. It didn't matter. We could have made one million dollars and it would have paled in comparison to finally, after all this time, having her. Taking her. Tasting her.


Her hips started to buck with a frantic need, an almost maniacal humping of my muzzle. She drove her cunt back and forth to meet the efforts of my tongue, still shamelessly sliding between her folds, licking and suckling at her most sensitive spot.

"C. . ."

Her juices flowed freely.

"Ohhhh. . "

Her feet clamped behind my head.


Here I was, muzzle buried between my cousin's thighs, and my cock rammed down her throat. Pleasure rocketed through our bodies, welded together in the ever-intimate sixty-nine position, nerves frayed and minds ablaze with endless lust.

"C. . "

Her whole body tensed. The suckling about my shaft stopped.

"CUMMING! H-Holy shit, he's making me cuuuuuuuuuuuum!"

In a final, desperate act, I jammed my tongue against her slit as hard as I could, tracing circles as her tunnel clamped down a split second before my muzzle was filled with a sudden, heated rush of her nectar. All I could do was seal my lips about her pussy, my tongue continuing to work between her folds as I lapped her essence up as if I were dying of thirst.

". . . fuuuuuck. . . Caaaarter. . ."

Chloe moaned my name as her cunt spasmed and gushed, waved of pleasure crushing all notions of reasonableness, destroying the innocence we had shared our whole lives and completely, utterly enveloping us in this depraved sin. All I could do was ride it out, continue to lick her, continue to eat her out and lash my tongue across her folds, press down on her clit, and ride this peak with her into sexual nirvana.

Whatever crazed thoughts were flowing through Chloe's mind seemingly overcame her near inability to move in the wake of her orgasm, and she once again devoured my cock, tongue setting to work with a renewed fervour, sucking my the the last few inches to my own impending, earth-shattering climax.


I had said it loudly. Loud enough for the neighbours to hear. I screamed. I howled. I barked and thrashed as my rock-hard, bright red cock sent my entire body into overdrive, nerves burning as every thoughts, every feeling and every fibre of my being was overwhelmed with the orgasmic result of the most mind-shatteringly intense blowjob I had ever received. She didn't let up, sucking harder and faster as my tip spurted my seeding into her throat. She eagerly gulped it down, pressing her tongue against the base of my member to guide it even deeper down her throat. Her nose was bottomed out in my fur, her little black button pressing against my balls as I continued, spurt after spurt, jet after jet of my thick, white cum.

She didn't spill any. Not a single drop.

Whatever overcame me at that point, I cannot really remember. All I can recall is that the helping of her pussy that I had feasted upon to that point was woefully insufficient. Craving cunt, I again set to work on her folds, probing the heated, puffed and now thoroughly drenched flesh with my tongue and lips as I built her up to a second, and then a third climax. She screamed throughout, not talking to her audience, not whispering the perverted, dirty things she had been. Just screaming. Screaming my name. Begging for release. Begging for more. Begging for me.

It was an hour later that she finally rolled off me. The both of us were wet with our juices. She'd had three, I'd had two. My second practically put me into a coma, her expert tongue having worked over my well past my peak, sending me into a haze of orgasmic bliss.

For five minutes, we lay there, panting and taking in the enormity of what had happened. The stream had ticked up well over five hundred viewers and one thousand or more in tips. Irrelevant. Utterly irrelevant.

Finally, I summoned the energy to spin around, bringing my head to the foot of the bed to join hers and face the webcam. She was still on her back, hair flowing over the edge and eyes still half-lidded, gazing lazily into the stream, the chat still ticking along. Her panties had long since been discarded, as too had my shorts.

"Hmmmmm. . . Cater. . . that was aaaaaaaamazing. Your tongue is soooooooo good. Hehe. Woof."

I planted a kiss on her neck, "you're incredible."

And then, I did something I didn't think I had in me. I turned and grinned at the webcam, taking the lead for once.

"Did you all like that?" I said, confidence suddenly brimming, "You know she's mine and all, right?"

<DoctorDaddy: that was the best thing I've ever seen. You two deserve each other.>

<CedarCatGurl: awwwww! I wanted some!>

<IshiahMax_85: fuck man, go for it.>

<400_Raptor: you're getting more pussy later, bro. For sure!>

"Well, guys," Chloe continued, hauling her naked form from the bed and pacing over to her PC, "I'm going to give you one last little gift before I sign off. . ."

With that said, she spun around, shooting me a wink before bending over and presenting herself to the webcam. Her paws snaked around and grasped her cheeks, pulling them apart and giving a whole unobstructed, up-close view of exactly where my tongue had spent the past hour.

She looked directly at me, eyes locked with mine, as she spoke, "see how good he made my little puppy pussy feel? It's still all wet and dripping, and I still want moooooore!"

As quickly as she had given the obscene display, she ended it, though not without a final flash of her bare breasts.

"Bye for now! Looking forward to next time!" she said, and ended the stream with a final click.

The room suddenly felt empty. Devoid of sound. Almost oppressive, dark and reeking of feminine arousal.

She slowly turned back to face me.

"Um, wow, Chloe," I started, sheepishly rubbing my neck, "that was kinda wild, I think we might need to. . '

I stopped the instant I saw her face. Tears streamed down her cute face, running down her cheeks and dripping off her chin.

"Chloe!" I practically cried, running over and pulling her into an embrace, "Chloe, what's wrong?"

"I'm an abusive bitch!"

"What?! No! No you're not!"

"I am!" she was bawling her eyes out, face pressed against my chest, "I've been so c-caught up in all this! I thought it would just be some fun, but. . . but I made us d-do all that stuff together! For money! Just so I can buy more dumbfuck swimsuits."

"Don't be like that! It was great! You're amazing, Chloe!"

"I know you said it was all okay, but I. . . I just can't. Not like this."

I delivered a soft, loving kiss to her forehead. Was she in shock? She'd all but fucked her cousin, in front of an audience of several hundred, no less. It was hard enough for me to deal with. Plus, I'd said her real name.

"I'm sorry I. . sorry I said your name. I kinda got carried away and all."

She finally seemed to gather her composure enough to look up at me.

"Chloe," I continued, "I wouldn't have done any of this if I wasn't deeply, seriously attracted to you. You're sexy as fuck, and any guy would give his left nut to do what I just did with you. Abusive? Are you kidding? This has been the best day of my life. I've. . . wanted.. . y. . ."

I cut myself short.

We just stared at each other. Ignoring the smell, ignoring the fact that we were both naked. For the next few minutes, neither of us spoke, content to simply lose ourselves in the moment. She wasn't just cute, not just sexy or hot. She was beautiful. Like an angel, right her in my arms, as if heaven could be so lucky.

"Carts," it was her who spoke next, "what am I to you?"

"I. . . you're my. . . cousin," I forced myself to respond, "W-what else am I supposed to say? You're a lot of fun. I've already said everything else, I d-don't really know what to add."

She shook her head, finally breaking into a small smile, though with a few tears still running from her eyes.

"No, silly, not like that. How do you feel about me? The last week has been. . . um, well you can probably figure it out."

"Figure what out?"

She stood up on the tips of her toes and planted a kiss on the underside of my chin.

"Come on," she pressed the issue, "how do you feel about me?"

"I. . . well. . . uhhh. . ."



"I love you."

All the tension left my body. Every muscle relaxed, from the shoulders, down my back, through my legs and to my feet. Everything felt. . . lighter. My heart most of all. Those words. Three sweet, caring, kind words that held such immeasurable value for me. Chloe had said them.

"C-Chloe," it was my turn to tear up, "can you say that a-again?"

"I love you, Carter. I've had a crush on you since we were puppies, and now I know why. I love you. You've always been there for me. I love you. I love you so much!"

She again pressed her face into my thick chestfur, the tears returning.

"Chloe," I said, trying my best to not break down under the emotional weight of her admission, "I've. . . I've wanted you for so long. You were the only one who paid any attention to me, and you've always been so. . . so nice. I know it's some stupid childish thing, but I really. . . really wanted this. I've wanted you. I love you too, little husky girl."


"Really. I love you too. I want to be with you."

She blinked a few times, clearing the tears, "like. . . a girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"Yeah," I replied, blushing furiously now that the words had been said, "I know it's weird and all, but. .. I need you in my life. We'll figure something out and. . ."

"Oh Carter! Yes!"

Her interruption, combined with a redoubling of the embrace, sent us both tumbling back onto the bed, still damp with our sexual juices. We shared a kiss. Not a furious, mad dance of tongues, though. This time, it was slow and sensual. Passionate and deeply loving. This wasn't a lust filled tryst. This was two lovers sharing an intimate moment.

"Carter," she said, breaking her lips from mine, "I. . . want to have sex with you."

Remember how I talked about a freight train carrying another freight train? Well, if there was something even heavier than that, those words hit me like whatever that thing was. A cruise ship? An asteroid?

I started to tremble.

"Um, I'd. .. love to do that, with you."

"Can we make love, Carts? I want you to be my first. No stream or anything. No-one else is even here. I just want you. I only want you."

Her first?

"Chloe, I. . . really want to do this, but. . . um. . ."

"I'm on the pill."

"No, not that. Um. . . your first?"

She nodded, grinning and giving me a quick kiss, "I saved myself for you. I always imagined my first time being with you. Have you. . . um. . . done it before?"

"A few times. I mean, well, twice. I haven't exactly been lucky like that, you know."

Another kiss.

"I don't mind," she continued, "I can't expect you to have kept yourself all this time."

"But. . . you kept yourself for me."

Holy fucking shit, just saying that, simply knowing that she hadn't let anyone else touch her because of me, because of how much she wanted me to be the one to sink my cock into her for that first, unforgettable encounter. How could I possibly have deserved this?

"I did." she said, "and I'm so happy now. I'm so happy, Carter. I want to feel you inside me. Please, I don't want to think about anything else. I want to be yours. Your girlfriend. Your little sex puppy. Everything in between."

That settled it. I was going to fuck my cousin, here and now.

"Chloe. . I. . . I can't tell you. . .you're. . . you're the most important thing in the world to me right now. I love you."

"Fuck me."

I rolled her soft furred body off of me, gently pressing her down into the bed sheets. Gently, but firmly. She opened her legs, a single paw slipping down to rub at her eagerly awaiting folds for a few moments before spreading her cunt open for me, a finger either side. Her eyes, blazing blue sapphires, were full of love, lust and unrestrained desire. Inside me, I felt something rise. As worn out as our hour of oral sex had made us, I summoned up a titanic, craven want, a desire so overwhelming it had my cock hard again, knot once again swollen. It was as hard as a rock, pulsing with every beat of my heart and more than ready to take the willing young husky girl splayed out before me.

My paws found her wrists, pulling them over her head and holding her down. Chloe muzzle darted upwards, her tongue licking along my neckline and across my collarbone. She squirmed under me, body writhing with need. Her pussy was right there, still spread, still leaking juices, as if no amount of pleasure would ever be enough.

"Yes. . . Carter. . ."

I pushed my hips forward.

"Yes. . ."

My tip pressed to her folds. Heat seared across my sensitive red flesh. Knowing where it was, knowing what it was touching, that alone brought upon me a near-orgasmic sensation.

". . .please. . ."

I pushed forward.


My tip slipped through her petals and parted her entrance, just the tiniest fraction of an inch at first. I savoured that moment, burning it into my mind, burning that sensation into my memories as I slowly sunk down. Her warmth and wetness spread over my cock as inch after inch slipped into her depth. She was tight. Holy shit, she was tight like nothing else. Tight, smooth, but so fantastically horny that I slid into her effortlessly. I wanted this moment to last forever. The luxurious, lascivious and outright filthy, of her walls pressing over every ridge and vein in my member, had my eyes rolling back in my skull and my mind running what might as well have been cannon fire through every thought I had. Every thought, that is, apart from the fact that I was now bottomed out in my adorable cousin.

"Oh fuck. . . OH FUCK! CHLOE!" I joined my own cries of joy in with her own.

There had been no pain on her face, no breaking of that barrier that I had neglected to expect. It didn't matter. She had been an athlete, and had likely torn it as was so common. How well I fit inside her, how deep I was able to push and still bring both of us unimaginable pleasure, it was as if we had been made to commit this exact indecent, incestuous act with each other.

I started to pump, my hips first moving slowly, getting us both accustomed to the sensation of the other, though steadily growing in speed. Every thrust sent a thunderous crash of raw pleasure through my entire nervous system, radiating outwards from my loins, and brought a gasp of equally unrestrained bliss from Chloe. I pushed into her depths as far as I could, crushing out hips together in a vain attempt to milk every possible sensation from our forbidden union.

"Oh gods, Carter, CARTER! I want to feel you cum inside me!"

My hips were all but a blur, positioning my cock in and out of her wet, begging cunt with a fervour I would not have been capable of were it not for the near infinite sexual desire coursing through my blood. Chloe's face was twisted into a nearly impossible expression of sheer, mad ecstasy. She was absolutely loving this, screaming my name time and time again, begging to be fucked harder and faster. However much she needed, I summoned the will to give her.

"I love you. . ."

What else was there to say.


Her walls clamped down on my shaft, her body tensing beyond how twisted and contorted it already was under my weight, and she came. She came and made the orgasms she had received by my tongue seem meaningless in comparison. Her muzzle clamped down on my neck, tears streaming down her face and legs locking behind my rump as I continued to ram my cock into her. I could feel her cunt exploding with wetness, gushing over my fur, soaking us even further and completely, totally and utterly consuming every thought we had.

There was only each other.

"K-keep going. . ."

My own peak hit seconds later, again sending my seed jetting from my tip. This time, though, I was buried to the hilt inside her. She took it all, grinning stupidly as she felt the oozing warmth spread throughout her nethers. I growled and barked. A few tears, of joy and of pleasure, rolled down her cheek.

For a moment, the intensity subsided, as if we were in the eye of a sexual storm. Her paw reached up and gently caressed across my cheek.

"Carter," she said, her voice soft, "that was amazing. Everything I could have wanted. Can we. . . can we have more?"

My spent balls be damned, I was going to do this!

I gave her a kiss, slowly started the motion of my hips again. Slowly parting her folds to once again accept my length into her still needy cunt.

"As much as you want."

"Hehe, woof, cousin fucker. . ."

* * *

This was my life for the next few months. Sex, dates, and all sorts of couply behaviour. It was a few weeks before we decided to come out about our newfound relationship to her friends. The lack of surprise from them, in itself, should not have been surprising. A few gasps, some awkward questions, but mostly just a sense of "yeah, no shit. You guys were all over each other." Strangely accepting. Oh, and there was the offer of a threesome. One of Chloe's friends apparently had a bit of an incest kink, and really badly wanted to join in. I was all for it, but I wasn't about to push it.

We kept her parents and siblings in the dark for now, though perhaps they wondered a little about our closeness, or the fact that we seemed to routinely disappear from view at the same time. If they suspected anything, they nevertheless said nothing. I'd imagine that they wouldn't be thrilled to learn that their daughter was getting nailed by their nephew, but hey, not their call.

Eventually, I was able to secure a flight back home. Lockdown or not, I couldn't stay here forever, as much as I might want to. Of course, I was told I was welcome for as long as needed. Politely, I declined. I wasn't sure I could keep up the charade of innocent familial behaviour with Chloe for much longer. We were bound to be found out, and that was not a conversation that I wanted to have.

Naturally, this didn't do much for a mood, which was subsequently made even worse when Chloe decided to disappear for almost two whole days, keeping herself confined to her room, or spending hours chatting away on her phone.

Imagine then, my surprise, when she wandered into the guest room one morning, less than a week before I was due to return home.


I propped my head up from the pillow, "hmmm? Chloe?"

She made her way to the foot of the bed, sitting herself down, though avoiding eye contact for the moment.

"Um, I've been doing a bit of thinking," she continued, her paw playing with a few strands of her hair, "and. . .if it's not too big a deal, I'd. . . like to move in with you."


Shitty response, I know. I made it sound like she'd just said something insanely stupid.

"I'd really like it if we could be together like that. Live together. I'm old enough to leave home, and Dad kinda suggested that I should start thinking about college."

"He said that?"

She nodded, shuffling across the bed towards me.

"Yeah," she replied, "and so I did. I looked around a bit. There's a good community college close to your place where I could go. I've already made an application and. . . uh. . . they accepted me. I just need a place to stay."

The only response I could give her was to launch myself across the bed and pull her into a warm, enveloping embrace. We shared a long, passionate kiss, taking a few minutes to simply enjoy each other intimately before I replied in full.

"Chloe," I said, "I'd love that. I'd really love for you to come and live with me! Are you sure your parents would be okay with it?"

She nodded eagerly, "yep! They seemed to think it was a great idea, that I could save on rent and have you drive me around! Don't worry, they don't know what's going on."

"I only have a one bedroom apartment, you know. Just one bed. . ."

"Hehe, woof, I might have left that part out. . ."

A few more kisses later and we were discussing the specifics of it. How it would work, how we'd move her stuff, how I should probably look for a better job. Starbucks just wasn't going to cut it when I had a cute little girlfriend to take out on dates. Chloe said she'd find something part time. Of course, we could still use her OnlyFurs account to put on raunchy shows for a bit of extra money when we needed it.

Or, just when we felt like it. She was mine! I could show her off to the world. I fucked my cousin, what of it?!

Her parents, for their part, seemed pleased that I had so willingly agreed, thinking that this was nothing more than a continuation of our long standing cousinly friendship.

Suddenly, the few days left until we both flew out seemed far too long a time to wait. We spent it packing, mostly, and arranging to have her larger items sent via ground freight to my apartment. Two weeks, they said. She said her goodbyes, holding a rather raunchy goodbye party in which myself, Chloe and twenty or so nearly naked young girls pranced about the family's pool in their bikinis. Or less.

The trip to the airport and flight back were the longest few hours of my life.

And so here I am, walking out of the arrivals hall into a mostly deserted street at a tick past midnight, my cute little cousin bouncing along beside me, tail wagging madly behind her as we strode into our new life together. We looked the part of a couple. Hugs, holding paws and kisses, and it was all genuine. Our fur colouring, of course, suggested something just a little taboo to anyone who gave us more than a cursory glance.

Black and white, with just a hint of red and brown.