Looking for a post-apoc artist who can draw characters kind of like Twokinds!

Story by Lonelyauthor1ofof3 on SoFurry

, ,

Date: Approx. 14 years after the war


Health status: UNKNOWN

Relative data: UNKNOWN

Species: UNKNOWN


Tracker chip status: Damaged







He woke up, but he wished he hadn't. The wolf he had patched up the day before was driving, much to his surprise. He had expected for him to run when he had the chance. Maybe his whole amnesia story WAS the truth. either that, or he was so wounded he couldn't run. The wolf drove through the empty streets, swerving around old cars and Zombies, who, according to himself, still didn't get along even as Zombies. Human and Furred, they never got along. But, if it weren't for the Zombies, he might have died in the war.

The wolf coughed, a bit of blood leaking from his wrapped wound. Jek had found him bleeding out in a pharmacy, chest torn open and a gun barrel with a super deformed end, covered in blood. The wolf claimed it had been IN his chest. This wolf was a fighter though, even in his delirium he fought. He had grabbed the gun barrel while Jek was patching him up and tried to knock out Jek. Thankfully, Jek had sedated him before that was possible.

Still, Jek doubted this wolf even knew why Jek needed him to drive. He couldn't help that he was 2 when the apocalypse started. He could see the building he was headed for, an old tour agency called Tour Core. It was an old skyscraper. He was surprised that, 14 years later, it still stood. His friend had told him he'd set up camp at the top, away from the Zombies. Hopefully the Humans as well. Jek never had a strong taste for them, they were, after all, responsible for the liquidation.

He pulled himself out of the sleeping bag, which rested in the back of the truck. It had one of those bed caps, enclosing the back from the wind. Winter was coming after all. He snagged a can of spam as he climbed through the window into the front, where the wolf had started coughing again.

"Morning" said the wolf through coughs

"Morning. Remember anything?"

"Wish I did." said the wolf, frustrated with himself

Jek scratched the side of his muzzle

"How much longer?"

"Bout' a day or so" Said the wolf, eyeing the clouds. The pain in his gut tore into him again, forcing more bloody coughs.

"Pull over. I need to patch you up again" The wolf obliged, pulling the truck into a deserted alley. Though in entire honesty, this alley wasn't much different from the city itself. Jek peeled away the bloody bandages, the wolf wincing at the lightest touch.

Man, it gets worse every time. Had life gone as normal, I'd never have to see this! I'm 16! Not a doctor!

This is the teaser for an ongoing webcomic, similar to twokinds, but in an a apocalypse

If you are interested in the position, I cannot pay upfront, but I offer all proceeds from the first six years, whether it be from a Patreon, hard copies, or an art raffle. that term may be extended upon negotiation.