Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 10

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#10 of Werefox's Dillema

And we get some more people, which were designed to be the antithesis of the main character, and have a means to advance the plot.

"We have intruders to the building. It seems that the ones we want have decided to come rescue their friend. Requesting assistance in apprehending them."

My ears pop up in hope at that statement, though I have no clue who would be trying to help me. The soldier behind me quickly steps forward and elbows me in the back of the neck, causing my to cradle my neck with my arms as best I can while restrained to protect myself from further onslaught.

"Don't you go get your hopes up. There's nothing waiting for you beyond being locked up in a lab for the rest of your life, assuming we don't kill you."

"Well, well," the soldier across from me claps before putting the pen and packet away before closing the briefcase. "It seems to me that you have turned out to be much more skilled at being bait than providing information. Joe, you stay here and watch out 'guest," he states, adding a sadistic tone to the word guest, causing me to cringe slightly. "If they manage to get in here or this one attacks you, don't hesitate to terminate."

"Understood," the soldier behind me comments before pulling a weapon and pushing it into the back of my head.

The other soldier stands up and leaves through the door after swiping a card through a slot along the side of it. The soldier behind me responds by my watching that and presses the gun harder into my head.

"Don't you be getting any ideas now. I could drop you far faster than you could move, even if you weren't restrained. On top of that I don't have a card so you're just going to have to be stuck with me."

I frown, and then just ignore him. If I don't give him any reason to do anything further to me then he'll eventually ease off and back up enough that I can maybe figure out something to do to get free and out of here. I can hear gunshots on the other side of the door as well as a lot of shouting. The gunshots more than anything causes the soldier behind me to change slightly. Before his scent was overconfident and angry, of someone with a lot of control over the situation. Once his friend left I can definitely tell that fear has started to build up from within, overriding his confidence and now that there's shots in the distance he's terrified. I'm not sure what exactly is making him so afraid, of if I'll somehow manage to break free and turn him, if someone else will end up turning him or if he'll just be killed. Either way it is definitely not a good thing for me as it means he's going to be far more jumpy and potentially might shoot me by accident. Taking a gamble I speak up at him.

"Stutid hunan. Ain at threat, not at ne," I order him, trying to make my voice sound as in control and demanding as possible.

Having something to obey, even if from his own prisoner seems to calm him down a bit. The stench of fear is still strong enough to make my nose ache but is abating slightly. On top of that he raises his gun and aims it at the door in front of us, and from the sounds of it his breathing has steadied quite a bit. "Shut up! I know what I'm doing. I don't need assistance from some dumb monster."

I wait for something to happen. There's only really two scenarios that I can foresee. Either the soldiers will overcome and capture or kill the people who have invaded this place and then they'll return to having their way with me or the new individuals will win and break me out, putting me at their mercy instead. Of course it's also possible that they don't come for me at all. In any event my fate is more or less the same, being stuck helpless as one group of people or another, and all because I was foolish enough to stay in one place for too long and helped a woman who was being beaten down. If only I had kept to myself. If only I kept to the original plan and never got myself involved with anyone until I had fought my way back to humanity then none of this would have ever happened. If I wasn't visiting her regularly then she wouldn't have been targeted and I would not be in this particular situation. I can hear sounds behind me but don't want to admit it to the person behind me for fear he might decide they're too close and kill me as instructed. I force my ears to focus on the door though I'm unable to keep my abominable appendage from beginning to wag itself.

The soldier seems to notice the change in my demeanor and tenses up but manages to still be aiming at the door. A second or two I'm shocked by a sound behind me, thinking he's pulled the trigger and strain myself towards his position, noting how I can turn a bit further before the pain really starts kicking in. I cannot get a good look but I can see a huge arm burst its way through the one way glass and grab the human soldier from behind. I can see something smaller rush through the opening after the human is pulled back from the other side of the glass, shouting for a moment before a sickening sound stops the noise. The smaller thing moves right up to me and looks almost catlike though what specific species I cannot discern. It grabs the steel chains and rips them out of the table as if they were nothing, even going so far as to tear them apart and freeing up my hands as if just tearing through paper. I can smell it's a female but am too much in shock to be able to realize anything else beyond the fact that she's in the same situation I'm in.

"No time to deal with you, sorry for this," she states before jabbing something into my neck, causing me to suddenly feel very sleepy. I'm vaguely aware of her lifting me off the chair and picking me up as if I was nothing but some ragdoll.

I wake up again sometime later. I'm in a dark room again, this one with a rough crimson look, the look of how the light comes to and fro tells me that the lights are not being done by electricity but rather by fire of some sort.

"You're up. Good. We can begin then," a very deep voice behind me states.

I turn around and see four different individuals around me. All four are in half shapes like I am. The source I'm guessing is coming from a large bear. The one I saw earlier seems to be a lynx. Two more are there, a male deer of some sort and another female, this one a lioness.


The cat rushes in presses against my arm, driving my chest back into the ground.

"Hold still now," she states as she injects something into my body again. "There we go. And now we simply wait for it to kick in."

I turn again, trying to figure out what they're talking about. They seemed to have rescued me but they don't exactly seem to be trying to help me. Instead they seem more like they're waiting for something. After a minute or two the song begins to become louder and louder, my hands rushing to my head against the sound, wanting to fight if off. Yet even as this happens I can tell something is off.

"Chase!" the deer shouts. "Get in here! It's starting."

I can hear huge poundings coming from somewhere nearby and after a few seconds an elephant steps through, dwarfing even the bear. I can feel my body beginning to slip again but I fight it as hard as I can. In such an unfamiliar situation the last thing I want is to let song be in control, especially with so many large predators around.

"Why didn't you call me earlier, jackasses? You should have told me when you arrived. I swear to god I'd have killed you if you had me miss this event."

"We did, lard-ass. You were too busy sleeping. Besides you're here now so might as well take your place."

"What's going on?" I ask, definitely concerned that something is very wrong.

Ordinarily when song wants to take control it is a very insistent about getting it with often a singular purpose in mind. Above all else it is the song's desire to take control that causes the song to become louder and harder to resist. Right now song is shouting louder than ever into my head but I am not getting a single sign of song actually wanting control. If anything song is afraid and apart from running from that eye thing I have never seen song act anything like this. It is like song is being forced to take control without wanting it, as if it's being forced on me to give it up. I spasm and my chest hurts, the wound at my side wrenching open again. My body is slipping and I'm doing everything I can just to hold on. Just the very manner of what's going on tells me that I need to fight this harder than I have ever done so in the past.

"Remember, I have dibs on the heart," the lynx comments to the others.

I moan out as my body is wracked in pain, not used to trying to change and not change at the same time. I pound my arms into the ground, trying to force it to stop, trying desperately to maintain as human a form as I can. But I can feel it is a losing battle. Already I can see my fingers slowly start to thicken up and shrink at the same time. I cry out in desperation, pleading for something to help me with this issue. I look to the other five for help but they seem amused, almost mirthful in my suffering. My body spasms again and my feet fall from below me, leaving me prone and landing hard on my still healing wound. It's like those five want me to change. It must be what they injected me with. It's doing this to me. With that knowledge I try and redouble my efforts and find that miraculously the song is encouraging this effort. Though it is still at a deafening pitch the tone is such that tells me that song is fighting this change as much as I am. With our combined efforts I manage to halt the transformation but not quiet the song. I know that even a minor slip in concentration would continue it and every few seconds I can feel it start to push me back, to take my body from me inch by inch. I cry out again, unable to form words but can still hear perfectly fine, my eyes now clenched up tightly in pain.

"I don't understand it? What hasn't it finished yet? The fox's will couldn't be that strong could it?" the deer demands.

"Of course not," the bear comments, uncertainty in his voice. "No one that falls that far could possibly have a strong enough will to resist this change. Someone must be interfering on this whelp's behalf."

"One of his pets I'm guessing," the lioness spits at me as I continue to writhe on the floor, trying to keep my body my own.

The bear growls and picks me up by the throat, the prospect of choking manages to help distract me from obeying the call of the song but not quieting it enough to let my concentration ease. On top of that my body is still being wracked with pain, every fiber of my being feeling like it's on fire.

"Tell me where he is, right now whelp!" he demands of me, my arms raising to grip at his arm as I try to breathe.

"Let it go, Byron," the elephant stomps at him. "We don't get anything if it dies before finishing."

"Pah," the bear scoffs before throwing me back down, forcing me to skid along the wooden surface.

With air restored the song increases its intensity back to its level before he grabbed me. Being unprepared and reeling from the pain of being knocked back I can feel myself starting to slip even further, shrinking an inch or two before I get myself back under control. My legs have already started to change shape, allowing for a more quadrupedal motion. I keep struggling and with song's help have once again managed to keep it at bay though I know it's a losing battle. Eventually I'm not going to have enough energy to fight it off and I have no idea what will happen to me when that happens. From what I can gather it sounds like they're going to kill me. This realization calls me to cry out again and my body slips a little more, my fingers becoming almost completely paw like. Tears begin falling from my eyes, a gesture I'm sure I'm no longer going to be able to do pretty soon at the rate things are going.

"As amusing as this is I want my power. This isn't working fast enough. I'm using another dose," the lioness growls.

"No!" the lynx shouts in protest. "You promised I'd get the heart!"

"I'll let you get the heart of the next one. It'll be pointless if it hasn't finished before the drugs wear off."

I panic, feeling my body slip even more, my legs no longer able to stand on two legs anymore. As hard as this is I know for a fact that I'd have no chance of fighting off the song being twice as loud as it is. But as I hear something move very close a loud noise comes from nearby and I'm lifted off the ground again before a sudden motion wrenches me from my spot. I try to get free, thinking that perhaps they're about to inject me again. I can't stop the tears nor do I want to as I fight and cling desperately to remain as human as I can. It doesn't let go but I can still feel a lot of motion along the fibers of my skin as well as my whiskers but with my eyes clamped tightly shut I cannot make out what's happening other than a lot of shouting and growling going on. I feel myself slipping even more, probably mostly on my way to being completely vulpine when I feel a hand start to stroke against the fur along the back of my head.

"Shh. It'll be okay now. I've got you," a male voice states, repeating those words to me over and over in a mantra to try and sooth me.

With his touch the song has quieted down completely to the extent that I can no longer hear it. I have no idea what's going on but the only thing I can do is curl up into his embrace and cry.