Inner Struggle-Chapter 15- Rest and Reprisal

Story by furcenary on SoFurry

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#22 of Inner Struggle

Warning: This story contains homosexual situations between fictional anthropomorphic characters.

Chapter 15- Rest and Reprisal

Jim: I wasn't going to let the fact that I had a girlfriend stand in the way of my goals. I spent time packing my bookbag with rope. I grabbed a baseball bat and took off on my bicycle. I don't know where the gang's headquarters are located, but I know where to find their leader. I biked my way into the worsened side of town and made my way in his house. The leader was just an ordinary wolf who was wearing an eyepatch. While he was getting hammered and watching tv I sneaked up behind him and started wailing on him with the bat. After a few seconds, he stopped resisting and caved in. I tied him up to a nearby chair using my rope and I asked him about the murder. He replied to me that his gang doesn't condone the murder of another fur.

Jim: thats complete bullshit, I know you killed this boy I just want you to admit it! *pulls Garrot's picture out of backpack.

gang leader: you can continue beating me into a pulp but I promise you we would never cause damage beyond repair, thats not what we stand for.

Jim: don't mind if I do

Jim: I swung the bat with full force straight into his chest.

gang leader: why would we even kill an innocent pup

Jim: one of your gang members saw us kissing nearby the intersection of 5th and mane.

gang leader: Let me let you in on a little secret.

Jim: the leader grabbed me by the chin and closed in on me with his lips. He forced his tongue down my throat causing me to drop my jaw, and my guard.

Jim: After pulling back slowly he told me softly I can assure you that I had nothing to do with this.

Jim: Im truly sorry for....

gang leader: no problem just don't let the word get around

Jim: I fell to my knees dropping my bat. The primary thing that kept me going after Garrot's death was that I knew who was responsible for it, and now that the suspect had been cleared I wasn't sure how to feel. I wanted someone to pay, but now I just felt like an ass. I helped the wolf back onto the couch and started cleaning him up.

Jim: he forgave me and told me that his gang wasn't originally created to cause harm, they were a nice bunch of people until the corruption of the city bore down upon them.

Jim: I asked him why they changed their gang symbol to the one that was currently on their leather jackets. He then spit out the water he was drinking and said "what?".

gang leader: What did the logo look like?

Jim: A pyramid tilted back a little bit so that you could see the bottom.

gang leader: okay, that tears it. That symbol represents our rival gang. They leave it on victims of any brutal beating. If you can find their hideout, I can dispatch members of my gang to "take care of 'em". Just don't try to take things into your own hands.

Jim: okay.

gang leader: By the way, my name's Chad. If you ever need a favor you know who to ask.

"well I gotta go, thanks for all the help Chad"

Chad: no problem.

"I've spotted the pyramid logo spray painted across the city but haven't found one lead as to where the gang resides. I'm not sure how I will react if I find them, but I know that retribution will be sought after and found in my lifetime. No boy deserves to die the way my boyfriend did."

As a car pulled into the driveway, he finished wrapping up his story.

Chase: if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here.

Jim: thanks Chase.

Martha pulled into the driveway in the big suv. When she came in the house she greeted Jim with a kiss.

Martha: what you boys been up to?

Jim: just gaming.

I guess Jim doesn't like to talk about things with Martha. Jim went back into the bedroom and laid down on their bed for an afternoon nap. It wasn't but a few minutes later Martha approached me.

Martha: Chase, I know that you two weren't playing games in there. The system was completely unmoved from what I last saw. From the lack of activities we have in our house I can only assume that you and Jim spent the whole time conversing. Since Jim won't tell me what is eating at him, It must have something to do with our past. I don't really want to know what it is, but I would like you to remind Jim that he has my loving support. Chase, I once dated a guy that was always happy and within a swift week or so, he ended up in the clutch of a casket. I cherish the time Jim and I had together, but I know that all things come to an end eventually.

{how does she do that}

Chase: I'll talk to him about it later Mrs. C.

Martha: thanks

I rode with Jim to go pick Kevin up later. Jim was acting like his cheery old self again. It was just amazing to watch him go from his saddened state to his usual giant ball of happiness.

Jim: how was work sport?

Kevin: unusually dull.

Jim: well that just sucks.

We stopped by the library on the way home to return some books and while they were browsing for new ones I took this time to check my email. Apparently Tom had emailed me and he had big news. Tom's dad was out on parole. When I first glanced at the message, I was worried for Tom. Further down the page it said that his dad had changed, so I take it he was doing alright. I finally got Tom's number, so once again I could stay in contact with him. I waited till the next day to speak with him on the phone.

Chase: mind if I come over today?

Tom: not at all.

I asked Kevin if he was up for a trip to Tom's but he just grunted at me. Kevin hasn't had a good days rest in awhile so I left him peacefully huddled up on the living room sofa, and bummed a ride from his parents.

When I arrived at Tom's dad's house, I sensed the spirit of change. Thankfully Tom still had the same personality but he appeared differently from how he looked before. He had a job and now dressed completely "white collar". We spent the whole time talking, and he introduced me to his father. His father had been through changes as well, he had disbanded any criminal activity to which he had participated in the past. Dinner was served at Tom's house, but I only had a plate because I knew that Martha would skin me alive if I didn't save enough room for her cherry cobbler tonight. Not too long after dinner their house phone sounded off.

Mark: Hey, Tom.

Tommy: yes dad?

Mark: I just had the phone line installed recently, you wouldn't happen to know any numbers by the 8675 area code would you?

Tommy: Not that I know of..... wait. Thats our area code.

Mark: Lets just wait for the answering machine to pick it up, then we'll find out who's calling.

I heard Kevin's lovely voice saying "how's my favorite boyfriend doing?" over the answer machine.

Before I could take claim to the number, Tom burst out saying "god dammit why won't those queers down the road stop patronizing us".

Tom: Its bad enough that I can't even speak my mind about those faggots when I was in school, but they have the audacity to prank call us. I hope those damn tail-raisers yiff in hell.

What came out of Tom's mouth had me sitting on the edge of my seat.

Mark: Don't worry son, I'll phone up the telepole company and have them block that user's number. Hopefully those homos will get whats coming to them.

"Please have him call me back, I would like to hear from his cute little voice again" -said the answering machine.

Tom took my hand and dragged me off to his upstairs bedroom, then told me "I'm sorry that you had to hear that Chase"

Tom: My dad is extremely intolerant of your kind. If he even knew I was associating with one of you, then he'd go ballistic. Be thankful that Kevin chose his words carefully, my dad is wiser than he acts. There is a good chance that he suspects something is odd here, but he may suspect that I am... well.. gay. If he suspects me, its not really a problem because I can prove I'm not and I've got his natural sympathy because I'm his son. However if you're the one to be suspected then, well... lets put it this way. He's not afraid to go to jail a second time.

I cowered at the thought of what Mark would do if I found out. Snapping me out of my thought, Tom clutched both my shoulders with his paws and looked at me straight in the eyes and told me "promise me that you'll stay in the closet when you're around me Chase, promise". His eyes were roving wildly between mine and remained like that until I stumbled upon a response. Relax Tom, I can play it straight for now.

We both sat on his bed trying to figure out how to kill off the remainder of the day. Tom gave me a basic rundown of what I missed since the last time we were together (which wasn't much). Tom then pulled out the shotglasses and booze and made our conversation a lot more interesting. After we sobered up Tom drove me home in his new sports car. It took longer than it should have, but we arrived there in one piece.

I sat Kevin on the sofa to talk to him about our buddy Tom. "Kevin, I know its not your fault but calling me earlier was risky. Tom's dad got out of jail and is prone to homophobic behavior. If you would've chosen the wrong words we could've ended up getting Tom in a heap of trouble. Unfortunately Tom now has our number blocked, so we won't be able to contact him as easily." "Don't worry about it, we'll find a way to contact Tom when the times just right."

I was a little distraught and Kevin was wide awake so he lulled me to sleep in his arms when nighttime came around. Even though he had a nap earlier, he enjoyed comforting me and trying to fall back asleep.

With a goodnight hug and kiss (and a few minutes of staring at my eyelids) I was able to enter a deep sleep.

Chase: goodnight Kevin.

Kevin: goodnight love.