Jackie-The-Junior Raid

Story by Slatepaws on SoFurry

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#12 of Jackie-The-Junior

Well, here we are. The event hinted at in the past couple of chapters. Based off of real life events that happened in the first American Civil War. Where raiders from slave states would cross the border to kidnap whomever they could grab and sell them in the markets.

I figured it would happen in this world too, after all, one or two Bio-Morphs could net you the average middle class net salary if sold to the right reseller.

Anyway we get a short bit with someone from the first book. I also tried something different here, I jumped the point of view from different characters to get a more complete view of the events. I hope you like it.

The epilogue will be edited next and I'm debating releasing it in parts based on the time jump's in it.

In the first part anything in [ ] is recorded, in the second it's pack instinct disorder Christine.

As for what's in it; the return of some old friends, redemption for someone, followed by the truth of what damaged Christine.

Post marked extreme just out of caution.

Jackie-The-Junior Chapter 11-Raid

Yawing, and Stretching I reach over to kill the stupid alarm clock, it and my movement seems to have also woken Christine. Sitting up I glance over at the window curiously, it's Monday, and I was expecting something other than the early morning light on a clear sky to greet me.

'Kinda anticlimactic, isn't it Jackie?' Christine looks over at the window, then yawns as she stretches. We do a quick brush down of our fur and pull out clean school uniforms for the day.

'Yea it is.' Looking over at Christine as I tuck my blouse into my skirt with a sigh. Every morning wish I could wear pants to school rather than this, thing. We grab our backpacks and after filing them with what we need for the day, minus our lunches, we head downstairs.

Mr. and Ms. Tanner are already taking Flint out the front door as Christine and I head for the dinning room table. A breakfast of pancakes awaits us it seems by the scent. Takes our seats we fill our plates before Mom sits down in front of us with our lunches in sealed containers, pushing them forward to us.

Smiling, Christine and I put them in our backpacks.

"Instead of just dropping you off this morning we're going to have to find a place to park. Because as you take your morning classes, I'll be meeting with your afternoon teachers. Then while you two are at the assembly this afternoon, I'll be meeting with your morning teachers. Then I'll take you two home, sound like a plan?" With a mouth full of pancakes I nod once.

'Okay Mom.' Christine verbally answers for both of us while I swallow.

With breakfast over, we quickly brush our teeth, then pile into Mother's car for the trip to school. I get to sit shotgun again as Christine takes the back seat right behind me like normal.

Not even five minutes later the general conclusion of all three of us is that we should've left with the Tanners earlier in the morning. The amount of parents having to come with their kids today results in a traffic jam en-route to the school.

It doesn't help that there's a construction crew set up at the intersection going into the school, digging through the asphalt and ground on one side of the street, closing the turn lane into the school. They must be repairing it as it was a bit cracked.

There also seems to be some school busses from a different district trying to get into the school grounds as well, making the line even longer.

"They could've waited till the weekend at least." Christine sighs, and I nod to her verbal complaint. Eventually we do manage to enter the parking lot, followed by a frantic search for a spot to park the car. We end up all the way in the back of the lot with everyone else who didn't come earlier.

While Mom has the luxury of being able to walk at a sedate pace, Christine and I have to jog as fast as these damn skirts allow us to. So we can get into the building, then Mr. Mathew's class to make it in time and not be counted late.

Last thing I want is having to deal with that bitch head secretary over being late.

"You didn't have to dash in here Jackie, Christine." Mr. Mathew walks up to us with a smile as we hastily sit down in our seats, lightly panting.

'What do you mean?' Tilting my head I look up at him. Christine does as well, while I take out what we need for class from my backpack, the school tablet and paper.

"They posted a notice last night on the school social web-site that due to the expected increase in traffic for the parent-teacher day and construction, attendance rules have been relaxed." Neither Christine nor I checked the site over the weekend, well, Christine used it for the email service only, bypassing the main page.

I closed the site as soon as Christine finished using it, not bothering to check the news on the main site.

Further driving the point home, the start of class tone plays while other students more casually continue to enter the classroom without a care.

'We were busy this weekend, and didn't check the site Mr. Mathew.' Christine replies as she takes out her own tablet and some paper. Mr. Mathew smiles to both of us.

"Guess it was a good kind of busy if you skipped the normal gossip girls your age normally use it for." I nod and so does Christine, Mr. Mathew smiles again, then heads to his desk to start class as the last few students finally make it in.

I would like to correct him that I don't like playing the gossip game, even online, but that would go against the whole fake history we have to keep up, so they don't know we're runaway slaves from the States.

Class goes okay, Christine and I are given semi college level work to keep us busy during the hour. The rest of the class has to do work out of the text book. All the while Mr. Mathew walks around the classroom, observing the students and helping them on a math problem if they need it.

"You and Christine seem to just fly through this stuff." Mr. Mathew comes to a stop next to my desk as I write an answer to a problem on the tablet with its stylus.

Placing it to the side for a moment I look up at him with a toothless smile.

'It's not that hard.' Mainly because I already know what he's trying to teach, learned it on my own, but I'm not going to tell him that.

"Well this cements it, I'm going to ask your mother when she sees me this afternoon if she would agree to put you and Christine on the college track. Sure, it's mainly for Seniors and you're still a Junior. Yet, with both of your grades and demonstrable grasp of the subject, I think the school administration will make an exception for the both of you." Honestly, I don't know what to think about this.

I appear to be a smart student because I already know this stuff he's teaching, I'm sure it will change if I get material I don't already know. Yet, college is still in consideration and earning credits while in high school would lessen the cost and time it would take to get a degree, if I need one that is.

'Alright. I'm not sure I'll go to college anyway.' Mr. Mathew gives a small nod.

"Fair enough decision for someone your age, the credits will still be there anyway if you do when you graduate High-School." Nodding back, Mr. Mathew continues on walking through the class and helping others until the tone rings for the end of class.

Christine and I pack up everything and head for our next class. The one with the nut job Ms. Alice teaching it.

Upon entering her classroom we're surprised to see that not only most of the tables and chairs gone, the only ones left have paper placards on them saying who can sit there. Of course, our names are not among them, in fact most of the class like us has to find a place on the floor to sit now. I think I can guess the reason.

"Those of you I've allowed to sit at a desk like civilized people, congratulations, I'm going to enjoy talking with your parents about your education in being and bringing justice to the world." And... I'm correct in suspecting this her punishing the kids in place of the adults who don't want to be subjected to her ranting.

Or her nut-job ideology that should've died years ago.

"The rest of you can sit on the floor for tricking me into thinking you were listening to what I was saying and learning what I was teaching." Needless to say, Christine and I are not the only ones who sigh or groan at her power trip today.

So we sit, on the floor like most of the class, and deal with Ms. Alice ranting her entire allotted time about this and that. It doesn't make much sense other than she is somehow a victim, or some other group of people are, and they're being oppressed by white men or some other group of people with vague proof. She walks around flailing her arms like she should be frothing at the mouth, but she isn't.

Needless to say Christine and I aren't the only ones eager to get out of her classroom as fast as possible when the tone sounds. Much to the annoyance of Ms. Alice herself as she glares at us.

Our next class is Mr. Mason's history class. Or lack there of, seems he wanted to take a break today and instead set up a movie for us to watch during the period instead. Not that good of one, and it's about the nearly one hundred and fifty year old conflict of world war one both at the war and at home.

In fact, it's boring enough I pull out the phone Valerio got me and poke about on it as the movie plays on the whiteboard.

I've never had one of my own before, despite repairing a few in my time at the jobless center. So I do know how to navigate the operating system, somewhat. So I look through the installed applications.

Web browsing, media playing, recording both video and audio, messaging and an application to get other applications. Other than that there seems to be a few social media site applications, none of which interest me right now.

Though I do recognize the names from the gossip I've had to listen too.

Silently sighing I close the phone and stick it into my backpack, laying my head down on my hands as my elbows rest on the table, I'm mindful of my breasts, so I don't give anyone a show for the rest of the period. I close my eyes for a bit and listen to the movie.

I'm half asleep when the lights com back on after the movie ends just before the end of the period. Yawning I gather my things and stand with Christine behind me.

'That was boring.' I hold the door open for Christine along with a couple other students behind her. She waits next to me for them to pass before I let the door close on its own, and we head into the mass of students in the hallway.

'Eh, it was a bit, but also kind of interesting Jackie. I liked that they showed how different things were back then.' With only half the student body here today, we can actually walk side by side and not literally rub shoulders with others.

Not to mention we can walk side by side on our way to the overflow room for the cafeteria.

'A bit, but that narrator. His voice was so emotionless and monotone it nearly put me to sleep! I'm surprised you stayed awake for it Christine.' She shrugs.

'Well the subject was interesting enough to get around the narrator. I mean, I didn't know they had to do so much work around the house!' Yea, housework was a full time job back then.

Glad it isn't that way anymore it would be an absolute pain to not end up doing that all day.

Opening the door to the overflow room, I let Christine enter first, with some coaching on my part. I'm just being polite to my sister and it's not a show of who is subservient to whom. Something Christine is going to have to get used to if I'm not around.

Sitting down at one of the tables together we ignore the other people in here and take out our lunches. About halfway through the door opens and in walks Diane. I'm not that surprised about her showing up, frankly I was expecting this.

It looks like she just walked out of a salon with how her fur has been done up though, and that surprises me. I have to wonder if she even went home last night or spent the night at one of her Beta's homes before coming here.

Walking up to us, Diane pulls out the chair directly across from of us before sitting down, she crosses her legs while folding her hands on her lap.

'What do you want Diane?' Barely even glancing over at her from my sandwich, she even has a grin on her muzzle as she looks at us.

'I'm here to make sure the two of you keep the last part of our 'agreement'. We still have some time before the assembly, so enjoy your lunch.' Flicking my tail in annoyance, it hits Christine's which is whipping back and forth in anger.

Reaching over I place a hand on her shoulder to calm her down before she does something stupid.

'It's technically mandatory, we'd have to go there anyway Diane.' Diane just lets out a snort while glaring at me.

'While I haven't told you what's going to happen I know for a fact you're smart enough to have pieced together it won't be good. I'd also bet money that you'd skip it and take the heat rather thank keep your perfect record.' Her grin doesn't go away as she moves her hand, motioning for us to continue eating our lunch.

I do it anyway, Christine though, seems to have lost her appetite.

'Lets go, you two have an assembly to attend.' Diane stands and glares at us as soon as I finish eating.

Sighing I give a nod to Christine to tell her we should follow her as we pack up. We're going there anyway, might as well not make a fuss about it giving Diane ammunition against us. Christine sighs and nods in return, we shoulder our backpacks before following Diane out of the room.

Even with all the of Bio-Morphs and few humans in the student body heading for the auditorium. The Bio-Morphs move out of the way to allow Diane to pass and by extension, us. No wonder why Diane acts the way she does, this kind of power would even go to my head.

The doors to the auditorium are already open upon our arrival, students like us are streaming in at a steady pace and other than the less comfortable seating, it kinda looks like a normal movie theater only with a larger stage.

'Go sit anywhere you want, just don't leave until you're told to.' With that, Diane heads down to the stage via one of the isles, then behind the stage. Remembering what Ms. Henderson told me, that the east side has an exit to the same hallway that leads to her locker room. I lead Christine over to the right side of the auditorium with the intent to sit as close as possible to the door.

'Why are we trying to sit so close to the front Jackie? Shouldn't we be in the back, so we can slip out with no one noticing?' Shaking my head I point to the now visible double door exit, also labeled as a fire exit, that was hidden by the stage from where we entered.

'Ms. Henderson said this door connects to the back hallway, the same one our gym classes use to head outside.' Mouthing the word 'oh' Christine nods vigorously.

Helping me find us a place to sit just a few rows away from the stage and only a couple of seats away from the door. Said seats at least have tail holes thankfully, it means we won't be sitting uncomfortably for whatever is going to happen soon.

Christine takes the seat on my left, leaving two unoccupied seats between us and the doors for the moment.

Speaking of which, we're still waiting for this assembly to start several minutes later, while more students continue to pile in, filling the auditorium to near capacity. Luckily, the two seats between us and the door aren't chosen by any of the larger breed Bio-Morph students. In fact, I think one of the students is the Cardinal girl from my gym class, she sits down in the last seat of the row, with a panther guy taking the seat between me and her.

They seem to be friends, avidly talking and gossiping a bit, mostly on the girl's part. With nothing else to do, I take out my phone and start fiddling around with the user interface options a bit.

'Hey, is that the new anniversary razor?' Blinking, I look up and see the Cardinal breed Bio-Morph girl looking over at me and my phone as well as the panther guy. Considering the airy sound and pitch of the voice it was the Cardinal girl who asked.

'Um, yea it is. I just got it over the weekend.' If she could smile, she would from the looks on the portion of her face that isn't a beak. But I can see it in her eyes as I look at her.

'Neat. Anyway, I've seen you in my gym class, but you're always with Ms. Henderson and rarely do anything other than stretch your legs or sit and wait.' Politely smiling back in return I lay my phone on my lap.

'Yea I've seen you there too, trying to keep up with everyone. As for my leg, it's because of an injury I had and the school not exempting me from Gym for at least the semester as-per the doctor's orders.' The cardinal girl nods and then looks at the panther guy between us, wordlessly they switch seats, so she can sit next to me.

'Heh, you try running when you have a toe sticking out of your heel. Name's Marion, you're Jackie right? At least that's what the rumor mill claims your name is.' Nodding I politely reach out to shake her hand for a moment. Unlike mine with the short fur and the paw pads on each finger, hers is hard, scaly and each finger ends in manicured talons, while short red downy feathers start at her wrists.

'Whatever the rumors claim about me Marion, it's not true. Diane just hates me for some reason I don't get.' Marion seems like a nice girl so far, I feel sorry for having to lie to her like this.

It's almost comical to hear a snort coming out from her beak.

'Bah, she and her pack are bad news, don't pay her any mind. I've been meaning to say hi to you, but' Marion shrugs. 'You've either just went into the teachers office or headed straight out of the locker room after class.' I have a feeling it's more to do with the fact she'd be seen by Diane's pack members and get bullied.

I don't fault her for it though.

'It's okay, I just find it easier to change clothes in Ms. Henderson's office, so I don't have to deal with locker issues.' Marion nods with an understanding look, then glances to the stage before looking back at me.

'To be honest Jackie, I'd rather be home than sit here for half the day. I already know what college I'm going to and what I need to do to get in. This is just a waste of my time.' Smiling, I put my phone in my backpack since I won't be paying attention to it right now.

'Good for you. As for me, I'm still thinking about going to college and from what I heard about these, I agree with you. I'd rather go home than sit here for the next few hours.' Not to mention that it would mean I wouldn't be here for whatever Diane and Flint have planned to happen.

'Exactly! We're just going to be sitting here and listening to that old man Principal along with the weird head secretary talking for the next few hours. Along with boring promo video's from colleges that may put you to sleep Jackie.' I tilt my head at this.

'Aren't you a Junior like I am Marion?' Marion's beak opens and shuts in the best impression of an 'oh' that it can do. I feel sorry for her because of this, humans and Bio-morphs must have a hard time guessing her mood.

'Yea I am, but I have friends who are seniors who went through this last year Jackie.' Should've guessed that.

'They could've at least made the chairs a bit more comfortable. I mean they have a tail-hole but not much padding. Especially if we're going to be here for a few hours.' Marion shakes her head with her best attempt at a frown.

'Jackie, you do not know how much worse it is with a feather duster for a tail rather than that fluffy one. Oh sure, I can't feel the feather's themselves. Except, they attach to a big bundle of nerves, which just makes the whole thing more annoying when a feather gets pushed out of place.' I wince at the thought. My tail is just a long rope end of my spine thus a direct highway for any sensations to my brain.

I guess I can imagine how bad it would feel, not as bad as being shot, but I guess worse than sitting on my tail?

All four of us turn to look at the entrance behind us, the sound of the doors suddenly closing cutting off our conversation. Then we look to the stage as the lights over the audience dim, while the lights over the stage light up. This is followed by the overweight head secretary waddling onto the stage from behind the curtain, followed by the principal, a frail looking elderly man.

His eyes through, from what I can see here his eyes are vibrant and full of energy. He seems to be the embodiment of the saying that the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.

The head secretary pulls out a remote from somewhere on her, I would rather not know where, and points it to the ceiling.

Looking up, a projector lowers from the ceiling as a screen slides into place behind the head secretary. Completing the set up for the presentation.

"Welcome everyone to our annual Junior and Senior assembly. For those of you who were not here last year as Junior's, the goal of this assembly is to inform you of your college options and the specific classes you Junior's can take next year to get a head start. Only if your grades qualify you." Add a rich and healthy voice to the Principal, so he must only look his age.

The head secretary, and her eternal scowl, looks over the audience as the principal talks. Pointing the remote at the projector to turn it on. The screen behind her and the principal lights up a bright blue for an instant before your standard desktop's shown.

I watch as the principal fiddles with his phone before the screen changes to a power-point slide.

"For the seniors here today, this will be a refresher about local colleges in case you've not decided on one yet." The principal again fiddles with his phone, then looks at the screen behind him then the phone again.

Apparently they were wanted to move on to the next slide, but it didn't for some reason.

The head secretary looks over to him before joining him at the podium to look at his phone, then the screen as well. They're quickly in a heated discussion pointing at the phone then the screen as the students start talking among themselves.

Then someone behind me lets out a frustrated groan.

'Hey, my signal died! I was recording this to my web-drive, to watch it later.' Then another person near him complains they lost their signal as well. Glancing over at Christine, I hear Marion next to me take out her phone.

'I'm not getting any reception either, what about you Jackie?' Looking over, Marion shows me her phone, it says 'no service, no emergency service'. Pulling out my new phone I flip it open and find it too has no signal while displaying the same warning.

'Same here Jackie.' Christine shows me her phone, something weird is going on here.

I know for a fact that even if you can't get data, the towers have to let you connect for emergency services.

"Please everyone, can you quiet down. We seem to be having some technical difi-" Some doors behind us, and to the sides violently open. I can't see who's entering the auditorium from behind but I see the male human gym teacher, Flint's teacher, strolling in wearing what looks like swat gear with no police logos on it from the door near us.

He's followed by a couple of people that I don't recognize and whom are too old to be students. Once all the doors close he pulls out a two-way radio saying 'do it' and a second later the clang of the door locks ring out silences the entire room.

It is then I notice that he, and looking around, everyone who entered with him are fully armed.

Aggressively strolling up onto the stage and over to the principal, The coach stares him down. With the mic off I can't hear what he's telling him, but a moment later the coach rips the mic from the principal's shirt and violently shoves him to the floor. As he attaches it to the outside of his armor I make the decision that I'm going to make a run for it.

Slowly I place my backpack onto my lap with my stuff in it, Christine seems to be doing the same while Marion stares at the stage, stunned.

"Attention!" The gym coach yells into the now active mic, I have to wince at the volume. Which was probably intentional.

"None of you are going anywhere except with us! We've jammed the cell reception in the area, cut the data and phone lines of the school. Preventing you from alerting the police. We've also put the building into lockdown making us the only ones that can open the doors now. Every Bio-Morph in this room will be coming with us across the border or be silenced." if his voice was loud, the uproar, followed by several of the armed men firing into the roof is even louder.

Then the rounds they fire silences the room as I lean closer to Christine's ear.

'I'm... Going to try to get help. Those are fire-doors, they can't be locked down in case of a fire, so they won't be locked. I'm going to slip through them and then try to get out of the building to find a working phone.' Christine instantly grabs my arm and shakes her head. Her face show's she's scared. Not to mention she must think it's a bad idea too from that same look.

I understand it's not the smartest idea, the best choice is to stay here and hope someone else called for help. After all, they could shoot at us if we try, yet, I know that 'someone' has to try to get help, otherwise no one will.

It also means, I'm going to have to run like hell once I'm out of the building. I won't be able to keep her near me, I won't be able to keep Christine safe if anyone comes after us. I'm going to have to leave Christine here, and hope I get help in time before they take everyone away.

It also means I'm going to have to find something to wear other than this skirt and blouse. I can't run in this.

Wait, the same hallway leads to the locker room. I can change into my gym pants at least, and that will allow me to run as fast as I can once I'm outside the building.

"The few humans in here will have a choice! Stay seated, sit quietly, and you'll be fine. Choose to help these animals..." Christine and my attention's drawn back to the stage as the coach pulls back on a lever of his rifle. The coach faces the principal, who's still on the floor and points the rifle at the principal's head.

"Consider this my letter of resignation." The shot echo's through the auditorium and the speaker system as he murders the principal. Chambering another round he turns to the head secretary, ignoring the screaming in the crowd.

"Do you know what you get when you and your ideology treats people like me as scum you bitch? Your inane rambling about your mental disorder and privilege this and oppression that. You get what you deserve!" Utter chaos erupts, students are screaming, many are running to the main doors to get out, but they won't open.

His cohorts are quick to use their batons and the butts of their guns to get the students to back off.

'I hate to do this to you Christine, but I can't get help to stop this while keeping you safe at the same time. So please as your Alpha, I'm ordering you to stay here, try to stay safe and keep Marion here safe as well. Don't give them any reason to hurt you or her, please. Help will be here soon because I'm personally going to go get it. Do you understand?' Christine's eyes dilate as I use my power over her, as her Alpha-Female and via her p.i.d. followed by a sliver of disappointment on her face.

If I could keep her safe as I run for help, I wouldn't have done this. Giving her another person to keep safe will hopefully also lessen the impact of this hasty order of mine. One I immensely regret doing, but it's necessary.

'Yes Alpha-Jackie, I understand.' Christine's tone of voice is like a stab in my heart. Oh, god, I hope she doesn't think I'm trying to save my own skin...

Sliding out of my chair silently while slipping the backpack on, none of the armed men notice. Christine instantly takes my seat and grabs Marion's arm with one her hands. This causes Marion to wake up from her shocked state. She doesn't scream, because Christine's other hand is holding Marion's beak shut.

Now out of my seat, I make my way on all fours to the fire-doors.

Momentarily glancing back, I can see the armed men the coach brought with him bringing order back to the crowd here, forcing them away from the main entrance to give them room. Room that they need to bring in large containers with something in them.

Seeing the open doorway, a Bio-morph still tries to make a break for it, and in response, they're fired upon. I feel sorry for whomever that was, but I don't let this second round of chaos go to waste. Using the uproar to cover the noise as I push open the door just wide enough for me to slip through.

I'm not religious, but after the door closes without bullet holes, I make a silent thought and prayer for Christine to be alright. Also, when this is over she'll forgive me for ordering her like this when I know she desperately wanted to follow me.

The still and untouched hallway stands in stark contrast to what just went on in the auditorium in my mind. I carefully walk down the hallway as to not make any unnecessary noise. The pieces fall together in my mind as I make the short journey to the locker room.

This was being planned for weeks, if not months. The running through the halls was a way to train Flint's class as additional help, possibly to round up any stragglers and prevent escapees. I start hugging the wall and straining my hearing for anyone approaching from ahead or behind of me.

The work crew digging up the street must've been them, instead of the city at the front entrance to the school, crap, there goes my first idea. Running to one of the stores just across the street to get them to call the police on a land line.

Where else can I go in a short enough time that they don't take everyone?

Distant footsteps reach my ears as I'm about to round a corner, glancing about frantically, my eyes fall on the alcove of the large Bio-morph men's locker room back entrance. Just a few feet back the way I came and on the opposite wall. It'll have to do as a spot to hide.

If it wasn't for the fact my paw pads would slip on the linoleum, I'd have ditched my shoes. So I have to move slow enough to not make any noise, yet with enough speed to make it there before whomever it is rounds the corner and sees me.

Once in the alcove I push myself as much as possible into the blind corner from the direction of the footsteps. I'm forced to look down to the floor to keep my muzzle hidden as I hear whomever it is approach. You know, the linoleum doesn't look that slippery...

No, pay attention to what's going on.

The person I hear approaches where I am at, and thankfully passes me by, but not before I get a look at the side of his face.

He has scars across the side of his face, and he looks kinda familiar. I think he's the person Christine clawed across his face after disarming him as we were escaping the hic's hunting us. At least that's what I remember. Some specifics at that point are a bit hazy as that's when the infection was taking hold in my leg.

He's here, that means the people who hunted us are here. They're really going to try to take everyone back to the states and into slavery. THESE are the people Diane was working with?

I have to hold my muzzle shut to prevent myself from making noise as he passes me by. He doesn't even look into this nook, some solider he is. Even I know from movies to do that.

Fuck it! Slipping off my shoes, the cold floor instantly makes me want to whine. Fiercely fighting that urge down, quickly and quietly I leave the nook and head around the corner. Then down the hall for Ms. Henderson's locker room.

All while that guy heads the other way, for the exit.

Quietly walking up to the door for the women's small breed locker room, I realize, how am I going to get in? Checking the door, the handle loosely turns showing the door's locked like every other one in lockdown other than the fire-escape doors...

Wait, my key card! Mr. Mathew added me and Christine to the list of authorized users to open these locks so Ms. Alice couldn't lock us in again. If they simply just removed teacher access, and we're not teachers, I may be able to open the lock. This could work?

Carefully and slowly, as I may still be within earshot of the patroller. I fish out my key card, then wave it in front of the reader. The click sounds like a sledge hammer to my ears and I have to quickly but still kinda quietly open the door and slip in before shutting it behind me.

Oh god, I hope that guy didn't hear that.

My heart pounds as I face the door, leaning against it, expecting any moment to hear the human in the hallway shouting or bullets hitting it. Only to nearly have a heart attack as I turn around and see Ms. Henderson standing there with a surprised look on her face, and a baseball bat in her hands ready to hit anyone coming through the door.

Lowering it, she grabs me, and drags me into her office. Shutting the door behind her and locking it. Two other Bio-morphs who are in here, a male and female mouse breed, the latter of which is wearing a fancy dress. Push Ms. Henderson's desk against the door as further insurance. What was on it seems to have been hastily put on the floor nearby.

'Jackie! What you doing!? What happening!?' Ms. Henderson lets go of me, allowing me to back up and lean against her office wall, before slipping down onto my rear end. My backpack falls to the floor as I do this. I need a moment to recover from the shock she gave me, so I hold up a finger and try to calm myself down.

To my surprise, It takes me a few minutes to do this rather than a few seconds.

'A large group of armed men are in the auditorium, led by the human male gym coach. The construction crew in front of the school is also working for them. They cut the phone and data lines and are using a cell jamming device to prevent anyone from calling for help.' I pause for a moment, remembering the extra school busses in the parking lot.

'Ms. Henderson, they're going to use those extra school busses in the parking lot to transport all the Bio-Morphs in the auditorium back to the states and sell them into slavery.' As soon as the words leave my mouth the mouse breed couple gasp in shock and the well-dressed lady bolts for the door.

Only to be grabbed by Ms. Henderson and her husband.

'Calm down! We'll think of something, I won't let them take our daughter.' The husband tries desperately to get his wife to calm down, I stand after catching my breath and go about what I came in here for.

So as Mr. Weaver and Ms. Henderson calms who now I realize is Ms. Weaver, the mother of the Mouse girl in my class. Someone who I don't even know her first name. I exchange the school uniform for the gym uniform, so I can run better. Because damn this skirt.

'Wait, what doing-' Ms Henderson's question's cut short as the sound of locker room door handle jiggling echos in the room. The patroller from earlier seems to be checking to see if it's still locked. I only have my gym uniform shirt on and was just putting on the shorts as I'm grabbed by Ms. Henderson and shoved down bellow the windows, joining the weavers on the floor.

Everyone in here seems to be holding their breath as the door opens, and a flashlight quickly scans the room before he closes the door.

'To put it bluntly Ms. Henderson, I'm going to go get help. Since they cut the phone and data lines, and are jamming our phones, I'm just going to make a run for a nearby business and call the police from their landline. The only problem is these god-damn school uniforms for girls makes even jogging 'hard'. So changing into my gym uniform was the only answer, other than in my underwear.' Pulling up my shorts I take out my key card.

'How get in though Jackie? Rear door, fire door, can open from inside. But teacher card can't open front door in lockdown anymore.' Smiling I hand my card to Ms. Henderson.

'I'm betting it's because I'm not listed as a teacher in the system. They only looked for teachers to remove their control and since I'm not one my name didn't come up. Mr. Mathew earlier added the rights to my card to open locked doors though. It was to prevent Ms. Alice from locking us in a classroom again for one of her 'detentions'.' Ms. Henderson sits down on the floor in front of where they put her computer, and she waves my card over the reader.

'I no longer listed as teacher nor have rights to alter things. But, can read data in database. You indeed have flags set for permission to open doors in lockdown. Not supposed to, but glad you have right now. Not need to exit building due to fire-codes but this allow me to get trapped people out to safety. Can I keep?' She doesn't have to ask, because I would've given it to her for that anyway, but, I'm glad she did.

'Keep it. The only question is, how am I going to get out of here? I'm betting the reason that asshole checked in here was he found my shoes I left in the nook to walk more silently.' Shit! Thinking about that brings back the fake cold sensations in my feet. No! I have to ignore it... 'I'm sure hiding in a nook out of sight won't work a second time unless he's that dumb.' Ms. Henderson pockets my key-card and taps the floor with her claw idly in thought.

'Um, you have a phone right? I have an idea if you do.' Mr Weaver speaks up as he moves to sit down near us, Ms. Weaver in tow.

'Yea, but no signal. Not even the standard connection for emergency services.' He shakes his head with a smile.

'Granted, I saw this in an old movie. But, I think it should work regardless. You should record yourself faking that you're trying, and failing to get through the front doors over there.' He points to them.

'Then we hope that human is still nearby before setting the phone to delay playing it back and putting it on the floor in front of the rear doors. You then go hide in one of those nooks out of sight. He won't hear the compression artifacts because he's human and when he passes your hiding place by on his way to investigate, you make a run for the exit. Making it there, hopefully, before he realizes he's been tricked.' My first thought is that won't work, and I am already opening my mouth to say so.

But I close it a split second later, because on second thought, it might actually work.

He's not a trained soldier, even I know they're trained to look in every possible spot someone can hide in when going through a building. He would've found me earlier if he knew that.

If he's also the same person Christine clawed, then he's only a little older than I am now. Just without the advantage of actually being older and more level-headed mentally. So I take my phone out of my backpack and head out of Ms. Henderson's office and to the front doors of the locker room.

Five minutes later I have a recording of what may be the worst acting anyone has ever done, but it should be enough to convince that hic I'm trying and failing to get into the locker room to get away from them.

I'm also lucky the media player has a delay setting otherwise this wouldn't work.

Deciding to store my backpack in Ms. Henderson's office for safe keeping, I watch as she slowly opens the back door and peers outside. A tense moment later she closes it a little, but keeps it from completely closing with a couple of her fingers.

Ms Henderson nods, indicating she still smells him out there. So I quickly set the media player to start playing in about a minute, and then to do a gap-less replay of the file.

Still ignoring the feeling of the bare floor on my feet I quietly slip past her and place the phone on the floor in the inside corner of the alcove so it's not spotted from a distance.

With haste and conscious to not let my claws hit the floor, I quietly dash across the hall to the next closest alcove in the direction of the corner in the hallway, but not past it. The main blind-spot for someone rounding the corner.

Turns out it's the large breed female Bio-morph locker room. Without delay, I push myself into the alcove and out of sight and wait.

Holding my muzzle shut I force myself to NOT whine and hop between my feet as the cold sensation of the floor screams at me to get something to wear. This is NOT the time for a god-damn freak out! Then my ear twitches as the recording starts to play.

[Come on, open up!] followed by the sound of me acting like I'm trying to open the door.

I have to fold my ears back at the compression artifacts that I know 'I' can hear, but he won't. It doesn't make them any less grating against my hearing.

[I know you're in there Ms. Henderson, open up! They're going to kill me!] Followed by banging that I hope sounds desperate and real.

Hearing the sounds of boots hitting the floor, and by any higher power I'm thankful they're coming from around the corner where I'll be in a blind spot. This might actually work!

[For the love of god, please open up!] Followed by more fake banging. Now I wonder if I over acted the part.

The boot-falls round the corner and I see it's the same guy as before, he pulls out a two-way radio and more or less says he found a stray in the hallway. Raising what I can only tell is some kind of rifle he slowly walks in the direction of the door to the female small breed Bio-Morph locker room. Completely ignoring the alcove I'm in and not even noticing me.

This is it!

Tensing up and letting him get a bit closer to my decoy, I quietly step out of my hiding spot and dash silently around the corner. A couple of yards later I break out into a full out run.

I'm going to make it! I'm almost to the exit!

The retort from a three round burst of semi auto fire echo's through the hallway, along with the shattering of glass as the rounds miss me while hitting the window next to the first set of double doors I'm running for.


Instinctively dropping to all fours, I push myself to go even faster for the last few yards to the first set of doors before shouldering my way through. Leaping up to grab the push bar, I use my body weight and momentum to open the outer doors and dash out of the building.

The sound of another set of three rounds, this time tearing through the metal door just where I was a moment ago echos while I feel a light sting on my back, but I ignore it.

I know it's shrapnel, but I'm too focused on flat out running on all fours and ignoring the protest my leg is giving me for doing so. My only hope is to get across the large open field between the school and the small high rise buildings on the other side of the street.

The only problem is that it's a long way away, and that asshole is on my tail considering I hear him kicking open the doors I just went through. Strangely it's devoid of traffic noise out here.

I'm just about to enter the baseball field when the ground about a yard ahead of me erupts and showers my head with dirt causing me to shake it to keep it out of my eyes, then the retort of his rifle reaches my ears.

They're that desperate to not get caught he's still shooting at me out in the open?!

My paws slide on the dirt a bit as I change my trajectory. Taking off in a different direction, only for where I just was to erupt when his next three round burst just misses me!

I again have to change direction as second base's shredded by his next burst of fire only a yard in front of me. In the panic for me to get away only a bit of my mind register's his aim is getting better as each burst gets closer.

The street is in view, and I can see why there are no traffic sounds. Should've realized it before, a jamming device powerful enough to stop anyone within the school from using their cell-phones to call for help would reach beyond the school.

Self-driving cars that lose cell signal default to park so traffic has-.

My muzzle takes a nose dive into the grass and dirt mere yards away from the street as screams, and that asshole's rifle retort echos into my ears. What a fucking great time to trip, I gotta get u-.

Searing pain! Lancing up my left arm from just above my elbow while I can't feel anything bellow it, strangely it seems familiar. Pushing myself up with my right arm I can't help screaming when I take a look at my left to see why.

That bastard didn't miss with that last three shot burst. My left arm's shredded from just above the elbow down, it hangs there, limply with the torn flesh underneath bleeding and exposed.

Looking back, he seems to be struggling with changing the magazine of the rifle, it spurs me on through the pain along with the thought of him killing me and failing Christine.

Working quickly, I tear off my shirt, then with my right hand and mouth I tie it tight over the wound to try to stem the bleeding. My vision goes white with pain like the last time I was shot, but I fight through it to stay conscious.

I won't fail her! Getting to my feet, I now have to get help, not only for myself, but for the rest of them.

Forcing my staggering walk to a light jog, I continue in the direction of the street. Behind me, I hear the bastard throw the rifle onto the ground in frustration and run towards me, I don't look back to confirm it.

Everyone in the street has either run away in the few moments after I was shot, or are cowering in their cars, like the one I jog past near the middle of the road.

The human cowering between the front and back seats doesn't look up as I pass by. Hearing the bastard's boots hit the pavement as I reach the other side of the street confirms my suspicions about his motivations.

If I stop moving, he'll kill me.

The first store I see has their open sight up, but seems empty. Trying to open the door show's someone's locked it. Ignoring the bloody hand print I leave on the door I continue on. They must've locked up upon hearing the first shots.

"Get back here bitch!" Not on my life!

Panting heavily as I push myself into a run to make it to the intersection before he gets to me, I turn right, aiming for the next building. Only to see something that makes me change my plans as I unwillingly slow to a jog as a wave of fatigue flows over me.

The hotel Valerio is staying at is only a block away. I've just, got to push myself a little more because I know they'll be open.

Shaking my head I try to force myself to start running again, trying to ignore the protest my leg is giving me and the lancing pain from where I made the makeshift tourniquet. I don't know where that asshole is and it's scaring me.

I'm not going to waste time looking back to see where he is, so I just hobble into a half jog to the hotel. Expecting to be grabbed by the guy at any moment, but I'm not.

As I see the automatic door ahead of me I'm having trouble catching my breath, and I start to feel a bit light-headed. Must not focus on that, can't focus on that. I have to get inside and have them call the police first!

Slowing to a walk I approach the doors, and they of course open for me. Surely he won't follow me inside, right?

Something's wrong, I walk though the inner set of doors, and as they open and my ears start ringing blocking out all other sounds. Stumbling inside the lobby I see the people inside rush over to me as my legs start to give out against my will.

I don't even feel any pain when I'm lifted by someone and put on some kind of furniture, then that same someone raises my legs and sticks something underneath them.

With my legs propped up, the ringing in my ears subsides, allowing me to hear the sounds of a fight going on behind me. Reminding me that the bastard who shot me was following me.

I need to get away!

As I try to get up, I'm gently pushed back down by someone who looks like she's an employee of this hotel. She seems to have a belt in her hands, what's that for? I look at her face as she looks down at my left arm.

Next thing I know, a lighting bolt of white-hot pain lances up my left arm. It returns clarity to my thoughts that I didn't even know I was missing. Panting and unable to catch my breath I glance around the room, whipping my head back and forth.

That same employee is kneeling there next to me, her hands covered with blood, and she's looking at me with a worried smile. I'm laying on some kind of cushioned seat without a back and the coppery tang of blood overwhelms my sense of smell.

On the other side I see several men, some in suits kneeling and holding a person down on the ground. Near them lay a knife and a pistol. Behind them, through the glass automatic doors I can see the red and blue flashing lights getting closer.

My sense of hearing's filled with the sound of the sirens as I lay my head back down. The clarity leaving me and I'm suddenly feeling kinda tired now. It would be nice to rest a bit.

Wait, I have to tell them!

Even though my head feels like lead, I turn to look at the lady next to me. Opening my mouth, I try to say something and I find I can't seem to find my voice.

"Shhh. Don't try to speak, save your strength, but don't close your eyes!" her words feel, distant, but I can hear them. I have to say something for Christine! I have to tell them, If I don't tell them I'll never see her again.

Opening my mouth to try to speak again results in the woman to using her hand to close my mouth, so I can't.

"You'll... Be okay." There's a hesitancy in her voice. "The paramedics are here, while the police should be heading for the school in case there are any other shooters." I did it? I got help like I promised I would?

Forcing my head to move, I see and ambulance parked just outside as police cars pass by on the street with their sirens on. Hearing and seeing that I actually succeeded, despite being shot robs me of what little strength I have and I slump down onto the cushions.

With the wave of exhaustion that flows over me I lay my head back. Only for this woman next to me to slap my face hard enough that it stings as I hear footfalls approach. Did I close my eyes? Didn't even realize it.

She did say not to, but my need for rest makes me not care.

My muzzle's slapped again, but not by that human woman. Instead, it's a leopard Bio-Morph male. For some reason he seems, familiar. I'm also not on the cushioned seat thing anymore, but on a gurney? I'm higher up then earlier that's for sure.

'Try to stay awake miss.' I feel something poke into my right arm followed by a cool sensation flowing into me. The ringing in my ears quickly stops not long after.

'Can you tell me your name miss?' everything around me moves as he speaks. No, I'm the one being moved. Back to the front door and then outside, the sound of distant sirens cause me to fold my ears back a bit.

They to feel so heavy.

'Ja... ck... ie...' I manage to squeeze out of my mouth. It feels like it's stuffed with cotton and every syllable is a struggle to say.

'You're a lucky young woman Jackie to still be conscious.' A slight bump travels through my body as it looks like I'm being lifted into the back of the ambulance. My eyes follow him, this leopard Bio-Morph as he looks to his cohort, a male human EMT.

'Female Bio-morph, Vulpine breed. She Looks roughly fourteen to seventeen years old.' His partner seems to be entering it into some kind of terminal attached to the wall of the cab as the doors close. Followed shortly by the opening and shutting of the driver's side door in front of us.

The engine roars to life a moment later as we drive off with the loud sirens audible inside.

'Patient has catastrophic damage to the left arm just above elbow from what appears to be a bullet wound. Suffering from major blood loss. An IV of saline's been started...' Something's wrapped around my right bicep, followed by an even tighter attached around my left arm.

'Application of a medical tourniquet to her left arm to stem the bleeding. Her blood pressure is climbing back up as a result, attaching the heart monitor patches for heart rate.' If I had the energy I would protest him cutting off my bra, followed by the snipping of my fur. A moment later I feel the cold sticky patches applied to a few places on my bust and lower chest.

'Heart rate's elevated compared to the average for her breed, but it's falling back to normal as the saline is raising her blood pressure.' He turns his attention back to me, then looks down into my eyes. A warm comfort in his greet mine.

'Can you feel this?' Blinking at him, I am wondering where he's touching because I don't feel anything. The leopard Bio-Morph deeply frowns before looking back at his partner.

'Complete loss of sensation from just above elbow and down the left arm. I suspect severe nerve damage from the gunshot wound.' What!? Trying to sit up only results in him gently pushing me back down.

'Please lay still. I don't want to have to strap you down onto the gurney Jackie.' I feel the ambulance come to a quick but controlled stop as he speaks.

A moment later the back doors of the ambulance open, showing two human nurses who grab the gurney I'm on and pulling me out. I hear the legs click in place as the leopard EMT follows me out. Placing the heart monitor on the gurney and helping the nurses transfer my IV to the mobile one they brought.

He repeats to them what he had his coworker enter into the computer while wheeling me into the emergency room, then a smaller room inside filled with gear. I'm hooked up to said gear a moment later.

'Jackie.' I turn my head to the leopard Bio-Morph EMT rather than focusing on the doctors attaching me to the various machines. 'They're going to rush you into surgery to see if they can save your arm. That was a smart idea to use your shirt as a tourniquet. You would've bled out before reaching help.' Well, that's good to hear.

Doesn't stop the embarrassment of having my clothes cut off, and only a few sterile heat trapping foil blankets for modesty they just used to cover everything but the arm they're going to be working on.

I also see them roll in a larger machine with large tubes.

'Jackie! You're going to be okay.' Seems he knows I saw it. I get the feeling they're letting him stay to help keep me calm.

Honestly, It's working. I just have the feeling I saw him somewhere else and I can't place it.

'I know all the machines in here are scary, like that one.' He nods to the one they brought in. 'Its job is to keep you breathing. You've proven yourself a brave young lady considering what you did so far. So what I need you to do is open your mouth for me, please. This will be, uncomfortable for just a moment. It's better for them to do it while you're awake rather than under anesthesia.' Turning my head I see one of the other people in here approach me with a tube and an apparatus they took out of a sterile bag.

'Jackie! Just focus on me please. Look at me and open your mouth. Can you do that?' I turn to look at him, then I do as he asks. Opening my mouth as wide as I can.

The tech I was just looking at, gently grabs my jaw. Holding it open with one hand as they skillfully insert the tube down my throat. My gag reflex causes me to cough for a moment, but it passes instantly when they get it down the right pipe into my lungs.

That leopard Bio-Morph EMT smiles and gently pats my head as the other tech finishes up by sticking some kind of soft rubber device over my teeth, then gently tapes my mouth shut over the tube.

The respirator springs to life and I feel body temperature air fill my lungs, followed by it being gently being sucked out a moment or two later.

I instantly don't like it, but I can't fight it and breath on my own with it in me.

'Good girl.' One of the other people in here hands him something and a moment later, he places tinted plastic shades over my eyes. Turning my whole view a deep sepia-tone tint.

'This is just a pair of glasses to protect your eyes Jackie. Sometimes Bio-morphs don't close their eyes when we're under anesthesia. This way the bright lights in the operating room won't blind you.' The leopard's hand keeps my right arm down as I try to reach up for them.

They pinch my muzzle a bit, like they weren't made for muzzles.

'You're doing well Jackie, I'm proud of you. Now, they're going to inject the anesthesia drug into your IV. It'll feel like something cold and tingly being forced into your veins. You'll then start to feel tired afterwards and want to sleep. Don't fight it.' Not even a moment later do I feel an icy shot into my right arm as someone injects the drug into the IV bag behind him. My arm feels tingly and heavy as it flows through it.

'Just, focus on me please Jackie and let the respirator do its job.' Looking him in the eyes. I try to make a mental note to thank him later as I start to feel, more exhausted than I ever have.

'That's good Jackie, just stay calm and relax. When you wake up, all will be better. I promise.' He has a somewhat strained but honest smile on his muzzle as my eyes start to feel, like lead.

I blink once, then twice, then the world goes blank...

A short while earlier, back in the auditorium.

Jackie, who's going to protect you out there if not me? I wonder and watch as the door my new sister slipped through closes behind her. The sound masked by the commotion elsewhere in the auditorium.

[Our Alpha female gave us an order Christine. We are to keep this Marion and ourselves safe while she gets help for everyone.] Glancing over to Marion, the Cardinal Bio-morph whom I have one hand on her beak to keep her quiet, and the other on her arm to keep her calm, while smiling to show her it will be alright.

'We'll be fine, my alp... I mean my sister will get the police and this will be over before you know it.' I hope that's the case, without me I don't know if Jackie can get out of the building...

And that Marion doesn't somehow detect my own doubt on the matter.

'I'm going to let go now, please don't scream. I think it would be a good idea to stay quiet and not draw attention to ourselves. Just go with the flow and hopefully they won't shoot us before Jackie gets back.' Marion locks her eyes onto mine, she then her nods as much as she can with my hand on her beak.

Slowly, just in case she plans on screaming, I let it go. Not the one on her arm though.

'But your sister, Jackie, was it a smart idea to do that?' I honestly don't know...

[Yes it was a good idea Christine! Out Alpha female is strong and smart. Do not doubt her reasoning in having to go alone and follow her orders.] What if someone tries to shoot her again?

[And what would we do other than possibly get shot ourselves and slow her down? We 'both' know two targets makes it easier to hit someone than one. Do not doubt our Alpha's orders!] It's not that I doubt her! I'm worried about her!

'Are 'you' alright? Christine is it?' Marion's looking me in the face. God-damn P.I.D. causing me to space out!

'I'm fine. I just have a mild case P.I.D.' Despite Marion lacking lips, I can tell from her eyes she's upset and scared now. Great. 'I'm not a danger! I can keep it in control and I just don't listen to anyone in authority like others!' Marion does seem to look a little reassured.

'Everyone! My name is Diane Cobbler! I am the top Alpha female of this school! I order you all to listen to these people and go with them without any resistance!' Our conversation's cut short as my attention's ripped from Marion, to the stage.

So that's what Diane's role in this is. I need to learn a new slur than bitch to describe her!

[That bitch! She's not OUR Alpha female, who gives her the right to order us around?! Our Alpha female is superior to her!] Yea you neither have to yell nor to tell me that.

What surprises me is that after that simple statement, more than a few of my fellow students, including her own pack quiet down and sit in their seats.

[They are weak, following an inferior Alpha when they know she means them harm.] No, I think they're just scared and confused. [You are scared, yet you aren't listening to her.] I'm not confused and Jackie is more than twice the Alpha-Female she is!

The gym coach's Militia friends drag the containers up to the stage before opening them. Collars! So that is what is in them, they have those tracking collars that I heard about as a replacement for the bracelets Jackie and I used to have to wear.

Merely having them visible riles the crowd back up.

'Quiet down and do what they say! This is an order!' Diane loudly growls out, silencing them. Her words cause her to not notice the coach walking up behind her with something in his hand.

[We will not follow this order!] That's what I plan on doing, you can be quiet and stop interfering! [Make me.] I will!

'Christine, are those what I think they are?' Marion glances over to me, the fear hasn't left her eyes.

'Yes, they're tracking collars Marion. As much as I hate to have something like that on me again, if it keeps the both of us safe till Jackie gets help, I'll endure it.' Marion tilts her head a little.

'Again? That means you had one on before?' God-dammit! Bad Christine! Bad girl! You shouldn't slip up like that!

'Similar to the old tracking bracelets, but not exactly like them. It's a story for lat-' The crackling of electricity reaches my ears drawing my attention back to the stage.

Diane is convulsing on the floor as the coach stands above her, holding the weapon at the ready. Only to realize why I could hear this in the first place, the auditorium went silent other than the coach's militia friends taking out the collars.

"If I understand you animal's primitive minds correctly, knocking Diane out makes me your Alpha now because I've bested her." The coach kicks her once before kneeling and holding his hand out to one of his cohorts.

"Like I would let her have anything other than this." Taking a collar from one of the other armed men handed him, he yanks Diane into a sitting position.

With one swift motion he closes the tracking collar around her neck. Unlike the one I had before, this one loudly beeps when shut, then shrinks to snugly fit her neck. Looking like it leaves little room between it and her skin.

Grabbing Diane by her head, the coach yanks her up and the same militiaman man who handed him the collar hands him a metal muzzle, he slips it over her head. Then they both zip tie Diane's hands behind her back.

"My men here will do this with each any every one of you animals. Resist, and they'll shoot you! And a reminder to the human collaborators here, try to stop us, you'll be shot too. Once you're all restrained, we're going to put you in some busses, and we'll have a nice quiet ride to the states. Behave, and we might sell you onto the pet market rather than the general one. Believe me, you'll prefer the pet market." Silence, utter silence from everyone as the scent of what I suddenly recognize as fear fills the auditorium.

His militiamen friend's work quickly, and in just a few minutes they have the top two rows of seats 'emptied'. Each Bio-morph student is collared, muzzled, and restrained. They're then yanked to their feet and marched through the door.

A gunshot that rings out a moment later as they kill a resister, forcing me to stifle a whine.

Dammit, I can't wait for Jackie to get help anymore... [NO! You mustn't disobey our Alpha. Alpha Jackie will get us help and her word is law. Just do as she ordered, stay calm, give these humans no reason to hurt us and protect Marion!] Marion's hand grasps my arm as 'that' side of me speaks.

'What should we do Christine? I don't want to be a slave... I know, how about we run the same way Jackie did? They're too distracted taking everyone else.' Yes that's a goo- [NO! We will not disobey our Alpha! Do no betray our Alpha Female Christine!] I am NOT, I just don't want to be restrained.

'No, if we run like Alpha-Jackie did, we'll get shot for sure. Jackie will get us help, we'll just have to behave.' Marion glares at me and I can understand why.

God-damn Pack Instinct Disorder.

[Marion doubts our Alpha's wisdom Christine.] If it wasn't for you I'd doubt it too! They're getting close to our row, and we're losing our chance to run.

[Do your duty as Alpha-Jackie's beta and carry out her order!] Oh come on, they're almost here! [Do it Christine or I'll do it for you!]. Marion glances at the door, then back at me. I don't want to fail Jackie, neither do I want to get shot, yet, this is our last chance.

My body moves on its own, latching onto Marion's arm. Pinning her to the seat as she lets out a surprised squawk. Marion's friend, the male Panther bio-morph whom I don't know the name of decides he'd rather take the risk and make a run for it.

He only makes it halfway to the fire-doors before the armed man a row behind us opens fire. His three round burst tears through the Bio-Morphs head and neck. Swallowing hard, I watch as he hits the floor, having thankfully died instantly from the shots. Marion screams at the sight, but is cut short. The same militiaman knocks her unconscious with the butt of his rifle.

He hops over the now empty seat and points the rifle at both of us, the acrid scent of smokeless powder wafts into my nose. They don't seem to care that we can see their faces as he's not wearing a mask. He's not young, but neither does he look old, he looks about middle-aged.

I ignore his short beard and focus on his hate filled eyes.

"You, bitch!" He points the rifle at me. "Hold her up for me!" Pointing it at Marion next. He's close enough that possibly, I can have my jaws around his uncovered throat and rip it out before his cohorts can do anything.

[That would mean disobeying Alpha-Jackie's orders Christine. Do what this human says and don't give him a reason to hurt you or Marion.] Shut up! Fine!

Gently holding Marion up, the militiaman first puts on the tracking collar around her neck. Up close, it's different to the bracelet I used to have on. Sleeker, thinner. Like the one put on Diane, as soon as it snaps shut the device beeps and constricts till it's snug against Marion's neck.

Next he zip-ties her hands behind her back, but her beak presents a problem. The muzzle restraint he's carrying won't fit her. So instead, I watch as he uses a couple of extra zip-ties to the same effect. I hope Marion can't feel from her beak, otherwise that is going to hurt.

He then approaches me with the rifle pointed at my head.

[Remember, do not give them any opportunities to hurt you Christine. That was our orders from our Alpha-Jackie.] It takes control of me, so as much as I want to resist the militiaman.

I'm unable to as I let him collar, zip-tie, then muzzle me like everyone else.

Hauling Marion up onto her feet with one arm he motions for me to get up using the barrel of his rifle. I'm then marched up the auditorium to the back entrance while he drags Marion behind him by her zip-tied arms.

Outside the Auditorium and in the main hall Marion's handed off to someone else, a younger militiaman. Then I'm prompted to go with the other Bio-Morphs forming a row and being marched out into the main lobby and then out of the school.

Then I see Flint, in full football armor along with the rest of his team, all brandishing the same rifles as the militiamen as they 'help' Bio-Morphs into unmarked buses idling in front of the school.

Seeing him here makes me regret not tearing his throat out when he was about assault Alpha-Jackie on her first day in our new home. I make my displeasure known as I pass by him with a loud guttural growl. He counters with a sneer, but then stops as a look of realization dawns on his face.

The last thing I see of him before I'm pushed into a bus, dragged and tied to a seat is him heading back into the auditorium. Marion's tied down next to me.

[Bastard knows Alpha-Jackie isn't here. Hopefully it's too late for them to do anything.] Yea. I'd wish Jackie would hurry up, I think we may be almost out of time.

[Alpha-Jackie will get us help, do not doubt her!] Shut up! Shut UP! [You can't make me, I'm a part of you.] I'm still going to try.

Looking about I see they've almost filled the entire bus with us tied two to three to a seat.

Three of the armed climb aboard, one of them hands his rifle to another before sitting himself in the drivers seat. The diesel engine of the bus roars to life, forcing me to fold my ears down. Marion lets out a small chirping moan in response, good she's waking up.

One of the remaining two militiamen strides down the isle to the back of the bus, braces himself against the seat, and pulls back the lever on his rifle, arming it. The other seems to do the same at the front as the door closes.

When the bus starts to move, I realize, we're out of time and...

Sirens! Police sirens, suddenly filling the air and causing everyone in the bus to look around for where they're coming from. We've barely pulled away from the curb when half a dozen police cruisers pull into the parking lot sirens blaring. Behind them larger vans police marked vans.

Of all the busses they brought, only two make it out of the parking lot, speeding through the exit before the police close it off, trapping us in. A few of the cruisers peel off in hot pursuit.

"Shit! The police!" The armed man in the front of the bus yells out as he aims at them through the window. Glancing behind me I see the militiaman in the back of the bus doing it too. Outside the bus, the police set up barricades between them and us with their cars, taking out heavy firearms, and letting the swat teams get set up as they exit the vans.

[Stop looking around Christine and get to the floor!] Again, control's wrested from me. Using my legs I knock Marion and me to the floor of the bus. Hitting the floor jolts Marion awake, looking about I see that other students did the same as my P.I.D. made me do.

An Instant later the two militiamen open fire at the police, shattering the glass windows, showering us with the debris. Thankfully they're made from laminated glass and not tempered glass.

The militiaman in front seems to be shooting in three round bursts by the sound of things, while the one behind goes full auto out the rear window. As the militiaman in front reloads, the sound of pistol firing replaces the rifle's, must be the driver. Between retorts of their weapons, the sound of their friends in the other busses firing echo's in as well as the demands from the police to stand down and surrender.

The police are not firing back because they fear hitting us...

I hear canisters smash through the remaining glass and hitting the floor or the seats. It seems to draw many of the student's attention as well as the militiamen.

"Flash bangs! Cove-" Debilitating sound and light slam into me, screaming out in pain find I can't hear myself. I'm sure others are experiencing the same, and by the smell, at least one relived themselves...

Shaking my head violently helps to force my sight and hearing to return, once I'm able to see. I'm greeted by the sight of the bus, which was already crowded is now more so with half a swat team in here restraining the militiamen. They're dragged out and a moment later normal police enter and help us students out of the bus one by one.

A short while later I'm helped up to my feet and so is Marion, who seems a bit groggy. We're guided off the bus a moment later and taken behind the line of police cars as a line of ambulances pull up to the school.

"Nod your head if you're injured." The middle-aged police officer who helped me out of the bus is suddenly in my face, so I shake my head. Then I try to nod my head to Marion to indicate she is. The policeman nods, then directs Marion to a different group of students. The wounded ones.

The sight of some of them being treated for gunshot wounds makes me worry about Jackie, I hope she's okay. I'm taken to a group sitting on the grass nearby.

[Alpha-Jackie is strong. She will be fine. Do not doubt her abilities.] Oh, just shut up. [Without me, you'd be over there with them. You were gawking naively at the scene, I had to make sure we didn't disobey Alpha-Jackie.] I'm not going to thank you.

[I don't need your thanks.] Hmmph.

Another Police officer walks through the crowd I'm in and uses a knife to cut the zip ties from our wrists before removing our muzzles. I tap on his leg to get his attention after rubbing my wrists once I'm free.

"Hello. Is something the matter miss? I'll help you over to the paramedics if you're suddenly not feeling well." I shake my head.

'I just wanted to ask a couple of questions. Why aren't you removing these slave collars, and, Have you found my sister, her name is Jackie Stradder?' The police officer kneels in front of me and politely smiles.

"I'm sorry, but the collars they put on you are new, and we haven't seen them in person before. We're trying to find someone who can remove them safely. As for finding anyone, I'm sorry, but we can't do that right now. We're too busy having to secure the building and make sure we have all the culprits in custody first." Sighing, I let him continue to free the other Bio-Morphs around me.

Curious, I wiggle a finger between the collar and my skin, only to feel some electrodes on the inside of the collar. Suddenly I'm glad Mauri's didn't have these, only the ones stuck to your arm that you couldn't remove and if you tried, you'd get florescent dye.

This kind seems made to deliver an electric shock.

'Don't release her!' My ear's twitch at someone yelling.

'That Bitch deserves this!' What's going on? Turning my head I look over to the male and female Bio-morphs yelling out.

All the way at the other end of the crowd sits Diane, another police officer's frozen in confusion as the previously released Bio-Morphs swarm him and try to non-violently stop him from cutting Diane's restraints.

[Hmmm, you know what? Alpha-Jackie didn't give us any orders pertaining to 'her', now did she?] My thoughts exactly. [Knew you would see it my way.] Not hard considering who we're talking about.

Alpha-Jackie may be forgiving to Diane for some things, but I have to say I wasn't to anyone who wronged me, if I could get away with it that is. This situation gives me an opportunity to both get at her, and protect our Alpha-Female in the best way possible. Completely and utterly ruining her shit without lifting a finger phsyically.

Standing, I make my way over to the crowd as the Police officer has resorted to speaking into his radio to his superior for directions.

'Mr Police officer?' Speaking over the crowd and the radio to get his attention, my voice laden with some false innocence. The crowd instantly quiets, looking at me as said officer tells his superior to hold on for a second.

[I think they know we've opposed Diane in the past and are now looking at us for direction.] Possibly.

"Yes Miss?" Good, I have his attention.

'Are you aware of the laws regarding how an Alpha's allowed to treat his or her betas?' Not surprisingly he shakes his head, then relays the question to his superior via the radio.

Who then recites them in a quick summery for all in earshot to hear.

Diane instantly tries to bolt only for everyone next to her to physically restrain her.

Jackie told me that guy's just fight it out, that she doesn't get why girls gossip and peddle information. Even finding 'playing the game' to be boring. I'm sad she's not here to see this.

She'd see why we do.

[Yes, it is a weakness in our Alpha Female that we have a duty to correct.] We will at a later time. Right now I point at Diane.

'Officer, I think everyone here will put themselves on record as witnesses to Diane Cobbler abusing her power as an Alpha female to her own pack-mates and non-pack-mates. Toady alone she used that power to order them to sit down and cooperate with the people who carried this attack out.' Leaning down a little I give Diane the same Shit eating grin she gave me and Jackie for the past few weeks.

Standing back up I look at the officer again.

'This is on top of using her position for material gain, which I know is also against the law.' Smiling the moment those words leave my lips, causes the 'exact' reaction I wanted from the crowd.

'Yea, that bitch demanded I give her part of every one of my paychecks!' One of the others calls out. Someone I instantly recognize as being in Diane's pack.

'I had to use my allowance every month to buy her stuff to keep my position!' A male Bio-Morph calls out.

'I had to beg and plead with my parents for a credit card because she wanted one not tied to her parents! Now my own parents are mad at me because of all the money charged to it!' A female Bio-morph yells out.

More chime in and add their peace to the conversation. The officer on his part, and I feel sorry for it, looks even more overwhelmed than before. That is until his supervisor though arrives with another officer, whereupon he unloads this mess on him.

"Are you all willing to offer a legal statement about this. Keep in mind that if you're lying you'll face legal charges?" The superior officer speaks, and I add my voice to the cacophonous yes that follows.

He nods to his flanking officer's who pull Diane up to her feet, then replace the zip tie with a pair of handcuffs.

"Diane Cobbler, you're under arrest for physical and material aid to terrorists and various other charges." Much to the joy of everyone present, Diane's taken to a squad car and placed in the back.

Swat officers meanwhile place all the militiamen they have so far, minus from what I can tell, Flint and the Coach into holding vans.

I'm about to sit back down onto the ground with a pleasant grin on my face when the doors to the school burst open. All the parents of everyone present rush out of the building, then right to us.

Someone must've deactivated the lockdown allowing them out.

[What are we going to tell Mother-Alpha-Female? Maria won't be happy we let Alpha-Jackie go like that.] Well, Alpha-Jackie obviously got help so it will be fine.

[That is up to Mother-Alpha-Female to decide, not you.] You asked me, don't complain if you don't like it. [Shut up!] Heh.

"Jackie! Christine! Where are you?" Speaking of her...

I raise my arm and wave my hand back and forth. A moment later Maria has me in a near bone crushing hug I am sure cracked one of my ribs from the sound I made.

[Properly greet your mother-alpha Christine!] Come on, we're in public. [Do it or I will.] I will not let you gai...

My condition gains control, thrusting me out of the drivers seat and makes me do it anyway. Rubbing the bridge of my muzzle under Maria's human chin before I can speak.

Before I can tell her I'm fine, but she soon notices I'm alone.

"Christine, where's Jackie? Please tell me she wasn't on one of those busses that got away?' I'm allowed to shake my head as my condition drops me back into the drivers seat.

[Do what you should do and I won't have to take control.] Here I thought we'd come to a semi agreement on this.

'Jackie ran to get help once they showed up in the auditorium. I haven't heard from her since.' Maria frowns at me, only for both of us to look over to the crowd as we hear Anthony Cobbler calling out for Diane.

Xin is with him, but the reaction of the crowd is not positive. The same students who allied with me against Diane, calling out her crimes, now go after her parents. It gets to the point the police have to pull them out of the crowd for their own safety.

Maria, not wanting to let go of me, holds my hand as we walk over to a different part of the front lawn of the school to meet up with them.

'Anthony, Xin?' Sitting down next to them as Maria walks with the police over to a different area to talk with them. Most likely to try to find out about sis. Considering she's listed as me and Jackie's mother, they'll give her a straight answer.

"Christine? Do you know where Diane is? She should be here unless she was on those two buzzes" Xin for her part is still activity looking around from her spot to try and see where Diane is, deeply sighing I nod.

'Diane... She was arrested. After those militiamen showed up she came up on stage and ordered her pack members in the room to cooperate with them. Then tried to assert her authority over everyone else to do the same. Only for the male human football coach to hit her with a taser and tie her up with the rest of us.' Of course, I'm going to leave out my hand in this.

I don't want to get Jackie or Anthony mad at me. Diane still deserved it.

Both of their attention's fall squarely onto me. Anthony seems to be crushed with disappointment and possibly some anger, I can't tell exactly how much. I'm better at faces than Jackie, but some things I know I once knew instinctively still elude me. Replaced with similar things about ear and tail movements.

For example, like how Xin is staring at me, her face and body language telling me, she suspects more went on.

[No, you cannot do this. Anthony is Alpha-Jackie's Father-alpha-male. Making him one of YOUR father-alpha-males. WE DO NOT LIE to our Alphas!] SHUT UP, shut up, shut up!

I'm not going to tell them the truth after we agreed to go after Diane! If we're going to use this analogy of a drivers seat now, then I'll dig my claws into the seat to stay in control.

[We both know he would find out anyway. Diane still deserves it though.] We agree on that thankfully. [Yes, except our Alpha's do not deserve to be lied to. So TELL them or I will Christine!] I can fight you, I've fought you off before!

[I've won more than you have.] Try me!

[So be it Christine. We are their beta.] Control's yanked from my grasp like what happens when ever this fucking condition gets the better of me. All I can do is watch, through my own eyes as I fall to the ground whining loudly. Baring my neck at Anthony while slightly tearing open my blouse with my hands, so he has complete access to it.

Anthony stares at me shocked as Xin just nods once, as if she expected this to happen.

'I'm sorry Alpha-Father-Anthony and Alpha-Step-Mother-Xin. I'm petty, and a vindictive beta, and when I saw the police untying everyone I saw my chance to get back at Stepsister Diane for slighting me.' Anthony's shock turns to surprise, but Xin's hand grabs his shoulder before he can say or do anything rash as I continue to look up at them.

'Anthony, hun. That's not Christine in control. Remember, she has P.I.D. Or rather, her condition is now fully in control, before it was showing the signs of her lying by controlling her ears and tail.' Xin knew I was lying? And you were controlling my ears and tail?

[They're mine too you know.] No you're a disorder!

Anthony shakes his head with a sigh, then kneels down. Gently he bites my exposed neck, but maintains as much even pressure as a human mouth can for a few minutes.

Getting back up he wipes his mouth a bit to get loose bits of fur out of his mouth.

[Our Alpha-Father-Male has seen to forgive us Christine, rather than punish us by ripping our throat out, which was his right to do. Now, thank him properly!] Shivering with goosebumps I'm suddenly thrust back into the driver's seat.

Pulling myself up to my hands and knees, I crawl the foot of space that now separates us and instantly start whining again while I rub my muzzle under his chin. Continuing it until Anthony reaches up and gently grabs me, gently pushing me back in front of him into a sitting position.

"I'm... not mad at you Christine. If it wasn't you who informed the police, it would've been someone else later as they interviewed people. From there her other crimes would've come out. Ones I should've done more about to stop. For nearly two years she's been acting like this. Then for the last year Diane was coming home with things I know she didn't buy, and seemed to have funds beyond what money I gave her. I knew something was up but I convinced myself she 'couldn't' have done that... That my angel couldn't have stooped so low. I was wrong." As he speaks, he leans against Xin as the situation seems to wear him down.

I'm about to say something but the sound of someone running towards us stops me.

Only for Maria to come to a stop next to me, yanking me to my feet.

'Wha....' Maria's face is a mixture of fear, worry and determination.

"Jackie's been admitted to Winnipeg general for a severe gunshot wound. She's in surgery as we speak!" Instead of her dragging me to the car, I drag Mom to it. As I do, I can only thankfully hear Anthony and Xin following us. I knew I should've gone with her!

[If you did you'd be shot too, or dead] Would you just shut up!

Thankfully, if Maria didn't unlock the door to her car, I would've broken the window to get in. Everyone else piles in a moment later, and we're off to the hospital.

Only stopping for a moment to leave our contact information with the police in case they need to ask us questions.

A short while earlier on the two busses that got away.

"We only got two busses out? How the fuck did the police get here so fast!" My coach yells out to all the animals we stuffed in this bus with the rest of my football team.

"I don't know! At least we got out of there!" I have to grab onto a seat to keep standing in the walkway as the driver not only replies but floors the accelerator. We can all hear the sirens approaching from behind as the bus I'm in and the one in front of us speed and weave through the mid-day traffic.

One of the militiamen that my coach partnered with roughly pushes past me, then throws one of the animal's onto the floor of the bus from the back seat. So he can use the seat as cover.

He breaks the back glass out with the butt of his AR-16a and opens fire at the police car on our tail. The animals in here whine in protest from the retort of the rifle.

"You, You and You!" Coach points to some of my team-mates. "Just don't just stand there! Use those rifles I gave you! Take positions on the sides of the bus and shoot any cop car that manages to pull up next to us." Maneuvering around them I make my way up front as my coach grabs the radio from the driver.

My team-mates do what the militiaman in the back did, they shove these animals to the floor to make room and take positions on the empty seats, holding the rifles at the ready after busting out the windows.

"Coach. The animal who got out, the one your militia kid didn't stop. I think it was the slut my brother was plowing. She most likely got to a place to call the police on us." My coach lowers the radio and gives me the stink eye.

"How would you know?" Glancing at the animals and then back at him.

"Her beta was in the group we pulled from the auditorium, but not her. The two are so close I swear they fuck each other too. They were seated near a fire-escape. The only doors we couldn't lock down in the school." I realize instantly I shouldn't have said anything to him.

He punches me across the face and only by grabbing the side of a seat do I not fall on my ass.

"Then this catastrophic setback is on you!" The animals on the bus erupt in barks and whines as the police start shooting back. Glass windows break, and holes appear in the metal frame just above seat level.

Small favors I guess, if they didn't care about these animals they'd have taken us out already by shooting through the flimsy metal. The bus wobbles shortly after as a police car manages to try to use the pit stop maneuver on us.

"Hey! It's not like I could do anything!" Using one hand to stand back up while I rub my face with the other. "Patrick would've floored my ass, not to mention what my parents would've done." He glares at me, then raises his radio.

"Bus prime to bus one. Head to the Highway, we'll try to lose the cops there. If we can get out of the city they won't have time to rally the Royal Mounties to catch up before we cross the border! Until then, try to keep the road ahead of us clear, and we'll try to keep them from coming from behind." He points to the rifle slung across my back before cocking his.

"If you can make yourself useful and not fuck up again, I'll let you keep your share. Go to the back of the bus and cover that blind spot! So they can't try to pit-stop us again!" Not my fucking fault the bitch got out!

Besides, I was planning on buying her with part of my share, I wanted to see her face as I came in her rather than Patrick.

Pushing my way to the back of the bus I grab the cowering mouse breed female roughly by her clothes, then throw her to the floor. It's still funny hearing a mouse yelp like a dog no matter how many times I hear it.

Breaking the glass with the butt of the rifle, I switch off the safety and turn off full auto mode. Seeing a couple of police cars approaching us I take aim at the tires and engine of the one in front. Two three round bursts puts that car out of commission forcing it to swerve away.

I duck when I see the passenger of the police car that takes its place leaning out of the window with a pistol in his hand. Bullets riddle upper part of the bus, just about where my head was.

"Shooting at the police and getting shot at wasn't part of the plan coach! I want a larger share!" One of my teammates from a few rows up yells the obvious.

"Neither was having the cops show up at all runt! You'll all get your fucking money, just do your fucking jobs!" My coach yells back, then fires down the stairwell, out the side of the bus. The police car that was approaching swerves away with screeching tires.

"Hold on!" The driver yells out. Grabbing the seat as a moment later the entire bus violently bounces up and down as we jump a curb to avoid what looks like a police spike strip set up just before the on-ramp as we pass by.

The engine then roars louder as he floors it to gain some speed. There are other vehicles on the highway, but it seems emptier than it should for this time of day. It doesn't feel right.

"Alright, we're on the highway now. Just keep calm and shoot any police cars, or any cars you think are unmarked police cars that get too close. We'll be out of the city soon and out of the city cop's jurisdiction. Then we'll be home free." Nodding once I get back up and aim out the back again. Just in time to see an older model police car flying down the neighboring lane.

I miss my shot as it comes up to our side and opens fire on us. The animal's scream again as my teammate, the one who just complained, falls to the floor dead from a pistol shot through the head.

The police car breaks and swerves away as we open fire on it.

"Well, good news everyone. Your share's just got bigger. Now next time, shoot the damn pigs before they can shoot back you useless fucks!" This was supposed to be simple!

Tie up the animals, put them on busses, take them to the states, and sell them all for so much money everyone here would be rich.

Two more police cars are coming up on the opposite side. I know the driver sees them via the mirrors as he, but not the bus in front of us swerves into the lane to cut them off from pulling up alongside us.

The militiaman on the seat opposite me rises up and opens fire, the front police car of the two peels away from losing the front right wheel and engine. Only for him to collapse dead, then fall onto the now screaming mouse breed girl with a hole in his head.

Shit, they used the same trick as before. Using the front car as cover while the passenger in the car behind them took aim and shot him. I instantly duck, as more shots hit where I was again.

I refuse to get back up even as I hear more police car's coming. If I get back up, they'll kill me! All I wanted was money, not to die!

"You worthless assholes, do your damn job!" my coach yells as I hear him fire his rifle as those same police cars roar past us as my remaining team-mates cower for their lives too.

"Getting killed is not part of what I singed up for!" Yelling back at him as more shots hit the bus, this time towards the wheels. The bus then violently swerves back and forth and the sound of metal grinding on concrete drowns out whatever he replies to me with.

They shot out our tires, then the bus slams against the concrete divider for the highway.

Gravity shifts a moment later and I'm violently thrown against the side wall of the bus. Only seeing the pavement through the window as the bus slows to a screeching stop.

Realizing we must've flipped onto the side, I try to ignore all the screaming and moaning animals in here. At least I had my football armor on compared to them, I think that prevented me from hitting my head or breaking a limb unlike the animals and militiamen in here.

An alarm suddenly blares, cutting through the noise. Meaning someone opened the rooftop hatches, each one making up a section of the roof allowing a quick exit in case the bus flips over. Which means...

"Drop your weapons! Put your hands above your head where I can see them!" Several police officers in full body armor swarm in, I don't know who said it. Not caring who did, I comply and throw the AR-16a away not knowing or caring if it hits anything.

My coach doesn't.

With his head covered in blood, he raises his rifle and unloads a full auto clip into the first police officer coming through the hatch near him, killing the officer. He's dropped a moment later when nearly twice the rounds impact him, all along his torso, spraying the animals behind him with his blood.

Another officer grabs me by my hands and drags me violently to the pavement outside the bus. From there I see that no one got away as not much farther down the road the other bus, now tireless, has been stopped nearly perpendicular to the barrier between north and south bound lanes.

With a violent yank, they pull my arms behind my back and cuff me, then tear off my football armor looking for any other weapons. The sound of more police cars, and ambulances fills the air as I'm yanked to my feet, and aggressively marched by no less than five police officers to one of the nearby police cruisers and held there at gun point.

When a large armored van pulls up an indeterminable time later, I'm dragged to it, and chained to a spot inside. Others are brought in with a similar lack of care along with a third of my football team. Some are covered in blood, the rest are just a handful of the militiamen coach invited for this raid.

After the last person is chained inside, the doors close, and I feel the vehicle start to move. Most likely to take us to the police station.

Sigh, mom and dad will be pissed...

Hospital room, several hours later.

Sigh, the last time I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping I found my leg all stitched up. At least I can feel everything this time as I take a deep breath, then cough at the roughness of my throat. I'll take a sore throat since they saved my left arm considering I can feel it. Thank you modern medical science.

Movement to one side of me, and the scent of Christine, draws my attention. Turning my head in that direction I force my eyes to open.

"Good, you're awake. Figures you'd do so the moment your Mother and my daughter step out to take a break. I'll go get them." Valerio's here? Why? Valerio stands, then places his hand on my right shoulder upon seeing my confused look with just enough effort to keep me still.

"I'm here instead of Patrick because he's dealing with his parents. As I said, your mother and my daughter had to go take a break, they've been in here all night since they brought you out of surgery." I can tell he's nervous about something as he looks me over. His eyes staying a little too long at my upper body, before he continues.

"Just, lay back down and rest. Try not to move and I'll be right back." Rest? I was knocked out for several hours, I don't feel tired at all. In fact, I feel pretty good.

The instant I move to sit up to reach for him and get him to stop, he gently but firmly keeps me in place. So I reach for his arm....

Everything bellow the lower bicep on my left arm's GONE! I stare at the bandaged stump. Swearing just a moment ago I could plainly feel my arm and hand there! Valerio sighs, letting go of me.

"I was, hoping that it would be your family who broke the news, mainly your mother. Not someone who you only met a day before." My strength leaves me as I slump back down onto the bed as my heart monitor beeps faster, showing my distress.

I just move what's left of my left arm around.

"Look at me Jackie!" Valerio's voice gains an authoritative edge. It works in tearing my attention from the stump to look up at him.

He's removed his prosthetic arm and has the connection point on the stump plainly visible for me to see.

"You'll be fine. Losing a limb is not the end of the world, no matter how much it feels like it. Also, considering how you lost it, with how close you came to death, I would consider this a small price to pay to be alive. That kid could've easily of hit you somewhere else." Wincing at the clicking sound that's made as he reattaches it.

Valerio moves his arm and shoulder in a few circles, then sits back down onto the chair with a sigh as he looks at the door for a moment.

"I guess it might be a good idea to tell you what happened to me, considering I don't think it would be a good idea to leave you alone for the moment." Using my right arm I push myself up a bit and stare at him.

What is he implying?

'Why?' My voice is quiet and horse, I could use a drink of water, but I don't see any glasses to get water from the faucet I see.

"Because I panicked like you did. The car crash knocked me out, then I woke up in a hospital room like this. I'm guessing that when you regained consciousness, you still felt your arm there, right?" I nod slowly.

"Same with me. When I saw I was missing an entire arm, and most of my leg, I well, the nurses had to put me back under for a short while after I freaked out." Okay, so maybe it was okay for him to do this, he did know it meant his political career. I had no reason to panic earlier.

'Sorry.' Valerio smiles back at me.

"It's okay. I'm still getting over losing my limbs too." Understandable.

'Why... are.... you... here?' He lets out a small sigh.

"Well, since my daughter adopted you as her sister, you're part of my family. Something I didn't fully realize until I was down in the lobby earlier in the day." He was down there? I didn't see him.

Then again, I wasn't actually fully there myself thinking back to that.

"I was on the balcony of my hotel room eating lunch since it was a nice day out, when my cell-phone's reception died. Thinking nothing of it since I was above the cell towers and out of full line of sight for full reception. I just figured I lost connection and waited. Only to hear distinct pops like fire crackers but louder coming from a distance. As I was looking around for the source, I noticed a Bio-Morph running flat out from the school in the rough direction of the hotel, shortly followed by someone else." He takes out his phone, opens the photo gallery application, and shows me.

"I've already sent the pictures to the police, but this is what I captured." That must be me running, but with the digital zoom and the distance I'm not exactly easy to identify due to how fast I was running.

The hick kid that shot me though, since he was standing still as he aims at me, his face, scars and all are detailed enough to make an identification from the photo.

"When I saw him raise his rifle. I tried to call the police, but my reception was still out. So I quickly grabbed my wallet then made my way down to the lobby. They had a landline I could use." Valerio sighs, and puts his phone away.

" A short while later you stumbled into the lobby in a half conscious daze, your shirt tied around what was left of your left arm. It was soaked in blood and dripping onto the floor. The main receptionist and I pushed together a couple leg rests and laid you down as the assistant receptionist called the police. Just as I was taking off my belt to be used as a proper tourniquet, and she was putting pillows under your legs to keep you out of shock. That bastard burst into the lobby with a knife in one hand, while trying to take out the pistol from his side." Holding his prosthetic arm up I now notice a large gash in the fake skin.

"After handing my belt to the main receptionist, me and a couple of other people quickly subdued him. Not before he tried to stab me. Luckily he hit my prosthetic arm." Valerio lays his arm back down and sighs.

"The sound you made, that kneeling yell of pain as the receptionist tightened the belt to stop the bleeding hit my heart as if Ashley was the one there bleeding out. At that moment I knew you and my daughter were a package deal. Which makes you as much my daughter she is." Valerio smiles at me.

I don't know how to feel about that.

"After they put you in the ambulance, I figured they'd take you to this hospital. Unfortunately, since I'm not part of your family, officially that is. I had to wait in the waiting room for your mother and my hysterical daughter to arrive. They had you in surgery for three hours as they removed your arm and tied off all the blood vessels. Upon my insistence to your mother, they attached connectors to your nerves so a 'proper' prosthetic can be attached later." I raise the stump up to look at it for a moment. Why am I ending up like mom?

Then my ears twitch as I hear footfalls.

A moment later the door to my hospital room opens up. Followed by a gray fox bolt who is Christine as she inserts herself onto my right side before nuzzling my neck repeatedly.

Mother follows her into the room at a more sedate pace, taking a seat next to Valerio after dragging a chair over.

"Figures you'd wake up the moment we leave. How do you feel?" Gently pushing Christine back a bit, so I can sit up. Valerio helps me by gently pulling Christine back to give me room.

'Like... Shit... Now...' I manage to push out of my sore throat.

"Considering what happened to you Jackie, I let your language slide." Mom sighs. "Why do you keep ending up in the hospital like this?" I shrug while Valerio looks at my mother with a look that he's puzzled by her question.

'As we escaped from the United States Jackie got shot in the leg. By the time we made our way into Canada, it had gotten infected, and she had to be hospitalized.' Christine explains to her father. Then turns to look to me.

'You said you'd be alright Alpha-Jackie...' Her tone says a bit angry but mostly worried. This results in Valerio placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't think Jackie expected nor counted on this happening." Mother nods to Valerio, causing Christine to humph. She settles down again as she makes herself comfortable on the bed next to me.

Despite the bed being not as big as the one at home, thus lacking room for two.

'Water... Please...' I look over to mom after I pat Christine a couple of times. Maria, ohs and jumps to her feet, then grabs a disposable cup from around the corner fills it in the sink. Carefully handing it to me I take I lap it up eagerly.

The cold water soothes my aching throat. With that taken care of, I can ask the one question that I should ask. The one I need to know.

'Was I in time? I mean, you're here Christine, but what about everyone else in the auditorium? Marion, etc?' Mother looks to Valerio, who in turn looks to Christine. She looks back at both of them.

They all look like they're trying to decide who should answer the question in a non-verbal fashion.

Mother sits back down, rubbing the attachment point on her prosthetic arm while Christine starts to fuss about how I need to rest, so she should hold the water cup.

For the moment I don't argue with Christine and let her hold it.

"Just barely Jackie, If you took any longer they'd of been on their way south with half the Bio-Morph student body." Mom voluntarily takes the short straw.

I almost didn't make it? Shit! Looking down at Christine with a smile I pat her once, at least I didn't fail her, my Beta and sister.

'To bad Diane left before they tried. I know, she must've of known it would happen. Still, I would like to hold over her head I saved her in the end, right?' Christine, Mom, and Valerio look at each other, then at me again with the same look as earlier.

I get the feeling there's something they haven't told me yet.

"Jackie, hun. The reason your father isn't here right now, it's because Anthony and Xin are having to deal with the police giving testimony. Diane's been arrested and charged with helping those terrorists." Mom pauses and frowns. "Among other laws she's been breaking for a while." I stare at my mother. Christine though stays silent and looks away.

I know she was involved with it, I know she was claiming that she would be earning a lot of money from this. Yet, I didn't think once I learned this whole thing was an attempt by slavers to sell us off into slavery that Diane was working with them directly.

Granted I didn't have much time to think about anything else but getting help and running for my life. Thinking back I probably unconsciously assumed that she must've offered us and some of her beta's to them, so she could save her own skin at the least.

To out right help them though, I didn't think Diane would go that low.

Lying back down against the bed at this news, it hits me hard, Why anyone who grew up free would stoop so low?

'I take it Patrick isn't here for a similar reason?' Mom nods.

"Flint's been arrested too for similar charges, and attempting to kill police officers on top of that. He was in one of the two busses that got away from the school. The police stopped them on the highway 'almost' out of the city. Not without a few causalities among everyone involved." Sighing, I hug Christine as best I can with one arm after having another drink of water from the cup she's holding.

'So, what's going to happen now Mom?' Maria and Valerio look at each other, he shrugs and motions for her to speak.

"Valerio will be paying for your hospital bills if that's what you're worried about, since this won't be picked up by the state like the last time. Other than that, I was told that once you woke up, the doctors would do a once over before releasing you to go home." Idly, when mother mentions being released, I let go of Christine and check under the bedsheet covering me.

Thank goodness to small favors, no catheter this time. Getting one pulled out the last time was enough.

'And my arm?...' Holding up the stump causes mother to wince. I lower it taking the hint she doesn't like seeing it.

"I'll be paying for that too. A newer model compared to what your mother has." Valerio decides it's time for him to join in the conversation.

"Based on what I went through, for the next month at most, depending on how fast you heal. You're going to have to learn how to manage with only your right arm. They'll only attach the full base and fit the arm to it after that. Lowers the infection and rejection rate. A few days of testing if the connectors on your nerves took, then you'll have use of your new arm. After that Jackie, you'll be in the same boat I'm in. Waiting for a year or more for the nerves, your new arm, and your brain to sync up." Valerio holds up the now trembling prosthetic arm, maybe it wasn't a good idea for him to take it off earlier?

"As for school, it's been canceled for the foreseeable future. The entire building is a crime scene and the police have to go over with a fine tooth comb." Mom adds.

I just shrug in response, school is rather low on my priority list right now.

Speaking of doctors, there's polite a knock on the door, followed by a young woman entering. Seeing Maria, she pulls mom aside, and they spend several minutes talking. The doctor lays out in more medical terms what they had to do and why.

Seems skin and fur was the only thing holding my left arm on when I got to the hospital. The rifle rounds pulverized bone, muscle and nerve alike the moment they hit. There wasn't any hope of saving it. Other than that I had a minor shrapnel wound on my back that only needed a couple of stitches.

The Doctor outlines the needed steps to take care of my wounds at home. Including signs of infection or rejection of the nerve terminals. You know, other than the normal pain I'll me in. She gives mother an RX for some pills in case I need it.

With the that out of the way, the Doctor removes my IV, then hands me what's called a Jane doe dress and underwear. Considering what I was admitted was just my bloody gym shorts and panties, it's needed.

Checking under my blanket again, yep, I was right in remembering they cut off my bra and removed my bloody clothes. It's either this, or I go home naked.

I reluctantly accept the dress.

Valerio politely excuses himself upon insistence of his daughter, before Mom and Christine fret over me as I get my first lesson in living with only one arm. Getting dressed.

At least the Doctor is quiet and isn't giggling at my expense like Christine.

Speaking of, Christine never lets go of my right hand as Mom leads me out of the hospital room on my stiff and sore legs. Valerio who was waiting just outside, walks next to Christine as we head for the front desk. He then stays next to her as Mom and I fill out my discharge papers.

At least it's not the sheer volume of paperwork like last time due to having to mint a fake identity.

With that out of the way, and after we're given a care package consisting of bottled water, bandages, and over the counter pain pills. We're free to go home. For Christine though, it means a goodbye hug with Valerio as they have to go separate ways. He has to go back to the states, while we take a shorter trip home.

He seems a bit uncertain at what to do at first when Christine hugs him, just above the waist as she lays her head against him. With a non-verbal prompt from Mom, he hesitantly, then fiercely hugs her back while petting her head.

The breeze from her tail shifts the Jane Doe dress a bit.

Letting go, Christine walks back over to me, taking my right arm, and helps me to mom's car as Valerio heads to his own.

'What do we do now?' Breaking the silence on the ride home, I stare at the stump of my left arm curiously. If I focus on it, I kinda can still feel my arm and hand.

"What do you mean?" Mom looks over from her copy of the discharge paperwork and my care instructions while Christine just stares out the window from the back seat.

'Well, considering Diane was bullying me and Christine specifically these past several weeks. It's going to come up in the courts during her trial, assuming her abuse of her Alpha status is one of her charges.' I pick up, open, and lap up some water out of the water bottle given to us by the hospital.

"It is one of her charges. As for that, I think, we'll just have to try to stick with the story and hope her defense attorney doesn't go digging. It's not like we can just come clean in front of the court." Sighing, I realize Mother makes a good point.

Staring out of the window as an uncomfortable silence falls over us until we pull up to the house.

There's a police truck parked in mother's normal spot, so she has the car park alongside the curb with a press of a button. Christine hops out of the car the instant it stops, opening my door before I'm even able to unbuckle my seat belt.

'I'm still able to do things Christine.' She smiles at me and shakes her head.

'Jackie, just let me help you for a bit. I already have my condition screaming at me because you get injured.' Sighing, I relent. Letting her help me to my feet as I get out of the car.

As Christine indulges her P.I.D., I notice the police are removing boxes of items from the house. Most likely stuff from Flint's room to be cataloged as evidence. Oh right, they'd have to do that because of what he did. At least the officers are polite, allowing Christine and I through the house to my room.

Once inside I can put on some normal clothes.

At least I try to do it myself, I could get my panties and shorts on well enough with one hand, despite Christine insisting she has to help. When it came to putting on a bra, I relent and let Christine put it on me, along with a t-shirt. I was tempted to not put on a bra, but I remember what it's like moving around without one.

By the time I'm presentable, the police have already left with what they wanted.

Curious as to what they took out of Flint's room, I head down the hall to take a peek. Of course, I knew they would take his computer, the desk drawers from the desk it sat on are empty. Lying in a pile in the middle of the floor. Along with most of his clothing from his dresser and closet.

They even flipped his bed over and looks inside the mattress and spring box.

Sighing, I glance over at Christine as she leans against the door frame.

'Just leave it be Jackie.' Shaking my head, I walk over to the drawer pile. The place reeks of Flint's scent and it bothers me, but I push through it. Patrick and his parents, they've both been through so much today. I feel sorry for them and want to help in any way I can.

I wasn't exactly Flint's friend back in the Jobless center as Patrick and I grew up. We were friendly to each other though, I don't know when he changed or if he was always like this. All I know is he has been hostile to me since I arrived like this and his behavior has been putting a strain on their family.

This is the least I can do to help Patrick and the Tanners.

The drawers for his desk are just lite enough I can pick them up with my right hand. So one by one I insert them back into his desk. With that done I look back at Christine.

'Just, please help me Christine. It's the least we can do for them...' She huffs and stomps into the room like a child. Yet she helps.

First by doing something I know I can't do nor help with. With a loud grunt Christine moves the spring board, then the mattress back to almost where they were before judging by the divot in the carpet.

Then she helps me pick up Flint's clothes and bedsheets, folding them up before placing them onto the bed in neat piles for the Tanners. Afterwards we go about picking up the hangers the police tossed about, putting them back in the closet.

In a few minutes the room looks less like it was ransacked for evidence, and more like someone moved out in a hurry and left most of their wardrobe behind. Either way, I know it won't hurt Mr. and Ms. Tanner as much to go through it to donate or toss stuff, as flint will have long outgrown it by the time he gets out.

If he does.

On the way downstairs Christine suddenly stops, gently grabbing my shoulder and wanting me to turn around and look at her.

'Why did you do that? If it wasn't for my condition I wouldn't have helped. Why do something so nice after what he tried to do to you, to us.' lowering my ears and tail I sigh deeply.

'When I saw the mess, I realized. On top of not only hearing what happened. Then finding out Flint not only helped but actively participated in the act. They'd have to clean that mess up. It was a stark reminder of what he did and a further slap in the face. Patrick, and his parents, they shouldn't need to go through with that and to be honest the police should've not torn the place up. Cleaning it up was the least I can do to help even with my current condition.' Christine's own ears and tail fall, I think she realizes my point of view.

She goes quiet, following right behind me the rest of the way downstairs and into the living room. Mom's sitting on the couch and I don't spare a half second of a thought, I sit down next to her. Laying my tail against her.

Then I fully lean against her side. Christine takes the other side of the couch and similarly leans up against Mom. Barely even acknowledging the television is on a news channel, of course it's covering what we went through.

I doubt I could find a news channel that isn't covering it tonight other than slave state controlled media.

"Jackie... Christine..." Mom whispers at us, and both look up at her.

"Both of you... You both did good today. Just, for god's sake Jackie don't try to play hero anymore. Same goes for you Christine. I don't think I can handle what I went through today again. I'm not getting any younger." Christine and I take turns nuzzling Mom under her chin as a nonverbal reply.

'Yea, I don't plan on copying you any further mom.' She looks down at me with a curious look on her face. So I just hold up my now stump of a left arm.

Deeply sighing, she playfully pushes me off of her before booping my nose once.

"Yes, no more 'like mother like daughter' stuff!" She laughs as Christine shakes her head.

"Raising you alone was hard enough, I don't want either daughter of mine." She looks at Christine too to make sure she's included. "To follow me into single parenthood. If either of you have kids, you damn well make sure you have a dependable husband first. No more single parent families in my family if you can help it or I will make you regret it." Christine lets out a giggling yip.

'Mom, I don't think you have to worry about it with Jackie. Have you seen how she fawns over Patrick? I'll bet you they'll get married the day Jackie turns eighteen.' My ears blush at this, yet I do not deny it.

At least the fawning part. I will not go as far as marriage until Patrick is on board with it. Alpha Males are equal partners, and considering what I am. My instincts won't settle for anything else.

Our lighthearted banter's broken up by Mom, she pulls us into a strong and firm hug. We more or less stay like this for the rest of the day. To the point of her ordering takeout after Patrick and his parents return.

They look defeated and downtrodden, so they join us in our hug late into the night.