Going East

Story by XD-385 on SoFurry

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#88 of The Lost Element

Day 1

So... Um... I guess I should try this writing stuff to. Wait, is it to or too? At least I know I shoud capitalize my I when I'm talking about myself. Writing's still a bit sloppy, but at least I can read it. Anyway... Probably going to make some spelling mistakes here, but o well. Um... Yeah. I guess I should say hoo I am just in case someone finds this and...something has happened too me.

My name is Smolder. I'm a dragon. Yeah. A dragon. But I'm not like those jerks back home. I left that place. And I'm glad I never went back. I live in Ponyville now. It's a really nice place. Lots of ponies live there. And they trust me more than ponies in other places. I guess dragons don't have a good reputation in Equestria. I guess I'm not surprised about that. But there's this little dragon called Spike living there too. He's a really good kid. I guess having him around let the others trust me more when I got there.

But that's not why I stayed there. I met...this amazing guy. And he's not even a pony. He's a...human? I think that's what he called himself? I thought he would chase me away, but... He was really nice to me. So nice. And...I miss him. I miss James so bad.

I guess I shouldn't hide it here. I mean if something happens to me and someone finds this, it won't matter if they know. I... I love that guy. I love James so much. And that's why I'm...

Right, I probably shoud explain everything first. James went away one day a couple of weeks ago. There was nothing weird going on. But he went to work one day and...didn't come home that night. Fluttershy was kind of worried, but we thought he was just staying somewhere else for the night. Poor Gladesong misses her dad though. I had too help get her too sleep that night.

Fluttershy started to think something was wrong and went to see Twilight Sparkle. I was watching Gladesong while Scootaloo was at school. I think I've gotten really good with that cute little thing to. Gladesong calls me her dra dra when she wants too see me. I didn't no baby ponies are even that cute. But she really likes me. And I really like her. I wonder if that's what it'll be like if I have kids someday.

Anyway, Fluttershy was gone most of the day. It was getting late when she got back. I had to take Gladesong for a walk through the woods nearby to keep her from getting too antsy while waiting for her mom to get back. But...

I don't know why, but Fluttershy didn't tell me much. She just said something bad happened and James was doing something about it. Something about...war. Whatever that is. And that a lot of our friends are going away too. I mean Ponyville got really busy for a week later. Lots of those flying boats were coming and going too. Never seen so many of them before.

Things have gotten quiet since then. Not as many flying boats have been stopping by lately, but I've been seeing a lot of them coming and going from that city up on the mountain to the east. I think they call that place Canterlot? But still, it feels like a lot of the ponies I've seen in town aren't here anymore. Even Spike isn't here right now. The library is closed. Rarity's...um...bootick is closed too? There's some ponies I don't know helping out on the farm to the south. The one with all those apple trees. Kind of lonely now... I miss them too. But I don't miss anyone more than James.

I feel like things just aren't the same when he's not around. He's letting me live in his house. It's...nice having a roof over my head. And I try too help out so I'm not just taking up space. The last time he went away, I was sure he wasn't coming back. But he still came back and even went to look for me. I swear... I know he loves me too. But he can't say it. Like...something bad will happen if he does. And I can't tell him either. Not yet. But I found a way to tell him anyway. Rarity taught me. But I haven't said the whole thing to him. Maybe I waited to long to tell him the full message... I don't think he understood what I was saying last time I told him...

Yesterday, I finally decided to ask around too try and figure out what's been going on. Something about...an invasion? Something that was coming out east from the Empty Plains? I remembered hanging out there once. Really wide open and empty, but quiet too. I kind of liked it out there with how clean the air smelled. A lot nicer than the dragon lands I came from. But it was really lonely. That's why I didn't stay.

I couldn't take it anymore... I don't know what war is, but it sounds bad. With all those flying boats coming and going, it feels like something big is going on. And James is out there. What if something happens too him? What if he never comes back? And I...never get to really tell him how I feel?

I decided that i was done waiting around for him to come home. I went and started gathering up a bunch of things I knew I coud use out there in the wilds. I might not be that good at reading or writing yet, but I know how too take care of myself out there. I found a big satchel lying around and tried tying it on. It's a little big, but it's enough to hold all the stuff I need and I can still fly with it.

In the afternoon, I was about ready to head out. And Fluttershy was onto me. She... Wait, how do you make it so someone knows when someone is talking in this stuff? I think James always adds these little dots up here... Let me try. I was right by the door when she said, "Smolder? What are you doing? Are you going somewhere?"

I didn't want her to think I was up to no good. So I said, "I... I'm tired of waiting. James is out there and he's still not home yet. So...I'm going to find him. And we'll come home together. I'll be OK. I know how to take care of myself out there. I promise I'll be fine."

"Smolder... Are you sure about this? It's dangerous out there. Probably more than it's ever been before. Are you sure you can't just wait?" Fluttershy still didn't sound like she completely trusted me. Or that I knew what I was doing. I no I don't understand love completely yet. But I no what my heart is telling me. And I wasn't about to start ignoring it.

I knew I couldn't tell her the truth. I know that...um...for some reason I need to wait until I'm 16 years old. I don't really get why, but that's the way things work in Equestria. And I get the feeling there's a really good reason for it. But I had to say something. "I... I miss him. And I'm tired of waiting for him to come home. So if he won't come to us, I'll go to him."

That look she was giving me... Was she onto me? I started to sweat. I don't think she was buying what I was saying. But she then smiled at me when she said, "In that case... Coud I ask a favor of you?"

"Huh? Uh... Sure. What do you need?" I thought I was out of trouble. Maybe she did buy it.

But... I really didn't expect this. "When you find him... Coud you give him a kiss for me?"

A... A kiss?! Like...the way I keep seeing her and Rarity making out with him?! I coudn't even talk! And was I steaming by then? I must have looked really silly since Fluttershy was giggling at me. "I mean... You don't have to. But...please just tell him how much his family misses him. All right? If you can do that for me, I won't try to stop you."

"Sure! Sure, I can... I can tell him that." I was just in a hurry to get out of there. Just in case Fluttershy knew what was really going on in my head. But before I coud hurry out the door, I heard someone else. And they called out for me by saying dra dra.

Gladesong crawled out of the back room and came right over to me. I think she knew I was leaving and that I might not be back for a while. I...almost gave up right there. That sweet little thing looking up at e. But I knew what my heart was telling. me. I had to leave. But I wasn't leaving before saying goodbye. I picked the little filly up in my arms and said, "Hey there, you sweet thing... Dra dra has to go away for a little while, all right? Your daddy's out there and he might be in trouble, so your dra dra is going to bring him home. Can you be a good girl and wait for us with your mommy?"

Yeah, she totally knew what I was saying. She started to sniffle and moan and cry a little wile she tried to hold onto me. I petted her little head and said, "Hey, I know... I'm going to miss you too. Your dra dra loves you too. But I'll be back. And I'll have your daddy with me too. So... Be patient? Please? For your dra dra?"

I don't know how much baby ponies know how to listen to words, but she still nodded a little. The poor thing still looked so sad. I really didn't want to leave her. I love that little filly. But I knew what my heart was telling me. I walked back over to Fluttershy and handed her baby girl back to her. "Take care of her and Scootaloo for me, all right?"

"I will. Be careful out there. And tell James that we miss him when you find him." Fluttershy said before I gave Gladesong one little kiss on the head before hurrying out the door. I wasted no time in getting myself into the air and flying east.

When I flew over Ponyville, I almost gave up right there. I didn't know how nice living in Equestria is until I got there. I didn't want to go back to being a wanderer out there in the wilds. But I reminded myself why I was doing this. I needed to find him. So I kept flying.

I saw those flying boats coming and going no matter how far I flew. And they were always going east or west. I never thought about it before, but were they going to where James was? Maybe whoever was on them had seen him. But... I had a feeling it woud be a bad idea if I were to fly up to them and try to talk to them. So I just kept flying east. If I followed the boats, I might get somewhere.

Now it's dark out and I've got a little fire going. I think I'm somewhere inside the Empty Plains now. It feels...too quiet out here. Once I'm done here, I'll camp out up in a tree. Don't want to get eaten by wolves while I'm asleep.


Day 2

OK, now it's morning. I forgot how early I always wake up when I'm out here in the wilderness. And I just saw another flying boat flying east after I rounded up some wild fruit for breakfast. How strong do those balloons have to bee to lift something that big? There's some weird stuff in Equestria.

I packed things up and started flying again after stuffing myself with more wild fruit. It didn't compare to the awesome home cooking I've been eating for a wile, but it woud keep me going. I don't even know why I brought that mattress along if I'm just going to sleep in the trees out here.

I forgot how pretty it can be out here in the Empty Plains. I never even knew this place had a name. And those flying boats keep coming and going, but not very often. I can't keep up with them either. They're just a bit too fast for me too chase. But if I keep following them, I shoudn't have any problems.

Some of these places are even looking familiar too me now. These little rivers or brooks winding through the plains. And I saw that old abandoned village with those huts built into the trees. I bet that grumpy bluebird's still there too. I never got close enough for him to see me. I know that people who live in places like this are probably pretty desperate.

I woud write more, but nothing else really happened today. I've had to set myself down and walk now and then to just rest my wings, but nothing else really happened today. Now it's late and it's getting too dark. I bet the wolves will be prowling soon, so I better get myself up in a tree to get to sleep. I'll write more tomorrow.

Day 3

More wild fruit for breakfast. And more flying boats floating by. One almost looked like a big white bird and it had two other boats next to it. I saw it going west. Maybe whoever was on it saw James out there? They can't just be doing nothing out there. I just know they must be stopping somewhere out east before flying back west.

I had some bad memories come back to me at one point. When I was flying high for a wile, I looked south. I could see them over there. The rough craggy dragon lands were way out over the distance. I never thought I'd end up coming so close to my old home. I wonder if my mom and dad were...

Just thinking about them got me so mad. Everything before that day was pretty good. At least when I don't think about it in hindsight. The dragons out there have no idea how much better the rest of Equestria has it. But I was never unhappy. And then they... They just threw me out of our cave. I never saw it coming.

I started crying. I don't even know why I did, but the tears didn't stop coming. I didn't care if they coudn't here me. I just yelled at the dragon lands. I don't care if that was out of tradition. It was wrong! You don't do that to your kids! "I never want to see you again!"

I flew as fast and far as I coud. I didn't want to think about back then. I wanted to find James more than ever. So he coud hold me and tell me how happy he was to have me with him. He always made me feel like I was home. I needed to find him. I...felt like I was missing something when he wasn't around for too long.

I finally stopped crying and stayed focused on why I was out there. Just needed to keep heading east. But then I found a place I remembered. Something that didn't look too weird, but it really stood out. A huge hill covered in forest.

I landed when I remembered what that place is. I got curious and took a peek in that forest once. And there's a village in it. And it's full of ponies, but they're kind of different. I don't know how to describe them. They have snake scales on their backs? Really long tails and horns made of wood. And really bushy long manes. And they're all girls. I didn't see any stallions in there.

It always felt like a bad idea to just walk in like that. I got out of there before they knew I was there. But right when I was going to leave, someone called out to me. "Hey there! You lost?"

"What the...?! Huh?1 Oh, uh..." It was one of those weird ponies! I didn't know they ever left that village. But she looked and sounded friendly. And I'm getting the hang of using these little dashes before and after when someone talks. She didn't look dangerous and was even smiling, so I guess I wasn't in any trouble. "Um... I'm just looking for someone. And I've been following those flying boats to try to find him... Like that one."

Another one of those flying boats flew by above us. Those big propellers sure did buzz a lot when it did. That weird pony said, "Oh yeah, those have been passing by a lot lately. I bet they're just visiting the army that passed by a while ago. Everyone has to eat."

"Huh? Army? What's been going on out here?" I didn't even know what an army is, but it sounded big. Did it have something to do with James?

That weird pony said, "I'm guessing there's something big and bad coming from out east. They didn't stop by the Grove of Silence, but we saw them pass by way out in the distents. They sure looked ready for trouble, but we've been listening through the grapevine and it sounds like they're still all right. Must be going well for them."

"Wow... Guess I've been out of the loop... I was wondering what the deal was with all that was happening in Ponyville..." I said now that I was starting to feel pretty calm around this weird and chatty mare. I was really happy to have someone to talk to who didn't mind that I was a dragon, so I tried to hit her up for some more conversation. "If you don't mind me asking... Who are you...? What are you? I've never seen ponies like you before."

"That's probably because I'm not technically a pony in the first place! The name's Autumn Blaze! And I'm a qirin! Never seen us before? Yeah, not surprised. You won't find us any farther west than this." She said wile laughing a bit. Then Autumn said, "Anyway, who're you? We're heard some really mean things about dragons, but I'm getting some really nice vibes off of you."

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I was lucky to get out of there and find some much nicer people to live with." I said wile trying to not laugh a bit. It felt really good to know I never had to go back home now. "Anyway, I'm Smolder. And... Oh right, I'm looking for someone. His name is James and I heard he..."

"You know James?!" Autumn yelled while just looking really happy when she heard that name. "Yeah, he passed through here maybe ten days ago! Might've been longer... But yeah, he was heading east with Nightmare Moon! Such a nice guy. I don't think there's ever been a human who cares about Equestria as much as he does. You coud just feel it coming off of him..."

"Great! Then you can tell me where he is! I mean... You do no, right?" I was so hyped to know I was finally getting somewhere. I was sure those flying boats were pointing me in the right direction, but now I knew I was going in the right direction.

"Yeah, me and the rest of the ladies have been listening. He's out east. And it sounds like that army caught up with him. If you find them, you'll find James." Autumn said wile she pointed her hoof east. But she then looked at me funny when she said, "Um... You look like you're not to sure of what I'm talking about... Just keep an eye out for a big group of people in one place. He's with them."

It was weird hearing her sound so sure about where James was and who he was with, but I guess those qirin have their ways of knowing what's going on out there in the Empty Plains. So I took everything she said seriously. "Nice, thanks. Now I know what to look for. I better get going. Probably still got a lot of ground to cover."

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking... Why are you looking for him? You look really young to be out here alone... And you don't look like you have any connections to that army he's with..." Autumn said right as I was start to spread my wings. I wasn't sure what to say. I mean I guess it didn't matter if I told someone too much when they live out in the middle of nowhere, but she still noticed that satchel at my side. "Oh, wait! Are you a messenger? Delivering mail for him?"

"Huh? Oh, nah, these are just the stuff I brought along for roughing it out here." I said now that I was pretty sure I coud get out of this without saying too much. "It's just... I really miss him. And I got tired of waiting for him to come home. So I came out here to find him."

"That's it? But...what about when you find him? What if he can't go home yet? What then?" Autumn asked. And I didn't really know what to say to that. I guess I didn't put much thought into that...

I just looked around at nothing. What shoud I say? All I said was, "Then...I'll just stay with him. I'll stick with him until we get back home. There's nowhere I'd rather be than with him."

Autumn Blaze got really quiet. Too quiet. And that look she was giving me... Something weird happened with her horn two. A couple of spots on it began to glow really brightly. But only for a few seconds. She then said something to me really softly. "Wow... You really do miss him... In that case, I won't keep you. It sounds like there's somewhere you need to be."

She was right. I was out there for a reason. I shoudn't be wasting time out in the middle of nowere. But I still smiled at her when I spread my wings. "Right... Thanks for chatting with me. And for pointing me in the right direction."

"Anytime, Smolder! And when you find him, tell James me and the ladies are rooting for him!" Autumn said when I shot up in the air. We waved goodbye at each other before I started flying east again. I knew I wasn't lost by then.

And now it's getting dark again. But I found a really nice spot to rest in. Some sort of hole in the ground like a cave. And I had to climb down some roots to get into it, so I won't have to worry about any wolves coming down here. Even if that way up is the only way out. Now I can get that air mattress out.

The whole place is pretty big and full of plants and flowers. Some of them are even glowing a bit too give off some light, so I don't need to light a fire. It's weird, but...it almost feels like I'm not alone. Like someone is nearby. But I don't feel like I'm in any danger.

Right, I need to get to sleep now. And I need to start being careful how much I write in these. I'll end up running out of paper at this rate.

Day 4

Slept really well. Had no trouble packing up and climbing out of that cave. That was really the best night I've had out here so far. And now I feel like I'm getting somewere. Found some fruit trees, so I had plenty to eat that morning.

Flew a lot tooday. Walked a lot two when I needed too let my wings rest. But nothing much else. Some flying boats flew by, but not much else. And I hated how I had no one to talk to.

I don't care if this uses up my paper faster. Writing this stuff at least feels kind of good. I hate how lonely I am now. I was used to it before. No one to talk too or depend on. But now that I no what it's like to have people you care about...

I miss everyone. But I miss James more than anything. I scratched his name intoo a tree next to me right here. And...I scratched in my name under his. And...

I carved a little heart between our names. I love him... I hate being without him. I hate having to go this long without seeing him... And I hate having two wait! I get there's a reason, but I know what my answer is! I'm not some little kid anymore! I haven't been a kid for two years! I just want to be his... And I want him too be mine... Is that really so wrong?

I miss the sound of his voice. I miss his touch. I miss the way he looks at me... I can see it in his eyes. Even if he can't say it, I know what he wants to say. James... Those eyes. I think that look he gives me is the only thing helping me wait until that day is finally here. Oh man... Please, just let me tell him... Je t'aime toujours... Je t'aime toujours, mi amor...

Now I'm tired. Crying does that two you, I guess. Come on, I just want too hold him in my arms again. And for him to hold me. Hold on a little longer, James. I'll be there soon... I hope.

Day 5

That sleep was awful. Woke up with a headache and needed a big drink from the nearest river I could find. Didn't want to eat. Not hungry enough.

I've been so unhappy today. Writing little bits and pieces now and then when I stop to find a snack. I'm down too my last couple of pages to. And I bet I've been making a lot of spelling mistakes.

I wonder how hard it was for James when he came out here. Did he think about me? Or anyone else who was waiting for him back home? Why is he even out there anyway? What makes him so special?

I mean...he is special. At least to me. I... I woudn't know what to do with myself if I lost him. I had nothing when I was out here alone. I didn't know how much I wanted someone too love me until I had it. I don't think he knows what he's given me. And I don't no if I'll ever be able to tell him. Life without him...scares me.

I feel like I'm getting closer now. Those flying boats... I've noticed that the amount of time between them going in one direction and then going in the other is getting shorter. The place they keep coming and going to must be not to much farther ahead. And I'm down to my last page. Better make it count. No more writing until tonight.

I found something. Some of those flying boats aren't moving and their really close to he ground. One just floated up and flew back west. And that place. It's huge. A really big camp with lots of tents. I see lots of ponies and other weird creatures hanging out in it. There are some buildings to, but there's one right in the middle of the hole place.

My heart is pounding. He's in there somewere. I no he is. But where? The only place I can think of looking is right there in that middle building.

There's two many people out right now. They'll chase me out for sure. I bet some dragons even gave them trouble when they passed by the dragon lands. I need to wait until night gets here. Maybe there will be less of them around by then.

The sun is setting. And I'm out of paper. James is there and I'm going too find him. Just a little longer. Not taking chances until things get dark. Sneaking in tonight.