Chapter 1: Access granted

Story by Tsociety on SoFurry

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#1 of The hack book 3: The Citadel

Finally got book 3 started, I will be uploading around once every two weeks and will be having fewer uploads overall due to my schedule. Anywho, enough of my rambling this is chapter 1 and hope you enjoy!

Six years after the hack of Furon...

"Remind me again on why we are going to Nevada when we could be enjoying a Christmas with snow?" Kit asked.

"Because we booked a tour of the largest data centre in the world called The Citadel and that Jake got a job there so we will also be congratulating him," Trent said as he was getting slightly annoyed over being in an airplane with Kit.

"Still don't see why since we can have a video chat to congratulate and just research on that facility," Kit as she looked out the window to see the airport where they would be landing.

"Six years and twenty therapy sessions but you still haven't changed," Trent said as he chuckled to himself and leaned on Aron's arm.

"Well at least we don't have to worry about much anymore," Aron said as he ruffled Trent's fur.

"True, I do wonder how Anthony is doing," Kit asked.

"Probably trying to find a girlfriend, he's been acting a little jealous at Jake ever since has been with Kate" Trent replied.

"Really? I thought he was ace" Kit said as the plane landed at the airport.

With Jake...

"Hey Kate, have you seen my laptop?" Jake asked as he turned over the sofa cushions and used his thermal camera to find the laptop's heat signature.

"No, have you checked the safe?" Kate asked as she was setting up their home server.

"Nevermind, I found it," Jake said as he pulled out his toughbook from under the bed.

"Good timing too, We've got to go in fifteen minutes," Kate said as she grabbed her bag with her and Jake leaving their house.

With Trent...

"Um, where is the hotel?" Kit asked as she, Trent and Aron were lost.

"I believe its two blocks then a left" Aron said.

"No, I'm pretty sure its two blocks right then a left," Trent replied.

"Or its behind us, listen we will not get anywhere at this rate so just ask a freaking local. I don't care if it makes us look like tourists, we can't use Google maps after the FBI has started to hunt all of the tsociety hackers so just ask a local." Kit said as she was annoyed that they were nowhere near the hotel.

"Fine, excuse me, do you know where the Bellagio Hotel is?" Aron said as he asked a grey otter wearing a dark green shirt and light bue shorts.

{About 6 1", clothes were folded quite tightly judging by the crease on his shirt, and uses a-LIbrem 5? } Scient said as he analyzed the otter.

{I thought that they were sold out for quite a while after we revealed the NSA was actively spying on fifty-seven million citizens with xkeyscore} Trent told them.

{Maybe he found one on ebay? Or they have it back on sale} Felix commented.

{Probably} Trent replied.

"Got some directions, its three blocks down and then a right" Aron said as they walked to the hotel.

After fifteen minutes of walking and half an hour of exploring the hotel, they eventually reach their rooms and unpack their stuff along with a EMP device to disable any cameras or listening devices.

"I don't see why we need six different sim cards" Kit said.

"Because if we ever know one of them is comprimised, we can just switch them out and destroy the other one to cover our tracks," Aron replied as he switched out his sim card.

"Alright then, should we go shopping now?" Kit asked.

"I don't see why not, just don't overdraw the Furcoin accounts again" Trent reminded her.

"Says the one who nearly got us caught when transferring over ten million US dollars to a single Furcoin wallet" Kit snapped.

"Also says the black hat bitch who stole twenty million pounds from a company that was spying on its clients" Trent shot back.

"Touché" Kit said.

"You two will never change," Aron says as he pulled out a camera to take a photo of the view from the window.

With Jake...

"God, that will take some time to get used to," Jake said as he climbed ten fights of stairs to reach his level since the lift was out of order.

He walked to his cubicle and saw a fur who was supposed to be in the battery room judging by the landyard he was wearing.

"Excuse me sir" Jake said to the fur, he was a black laborador who was holding an Iphone.

"Yes?" The dog said.

"Sorry but you can't be here" Jake said.

"Excuse me but I work here" He replied.

"Not on this floor though, excuse me could you please escort him off this floor?" Jake said to the security guard.

"Why did you do that?" Brandon, his colleage asked.

"Its a security issue to have someone who doesn't work on a floor go there, they could have used it as a social engineering tactic," Jake said as he opened his terminal and did his weekly pentest on the servers.

"Cool, oh and you have to do a presentation to Mr Zhang, he will be arriving in an hour and its probably best if you maybe double checked the server files since we got a DDoS attack recently" Brandon said as he left for his lunch break.

"Great, now I have two more things to worry about" Jake said to himself as he was not only supposed to make sure the servers were secure, but to also convince his managers and supervisors to use a bit more funding into their servers since the security, while quite decent, was also due for an upgrade. That along with the fact that they still use paper records instead of digital ones which can be backed up in minutes makes the security even more of a priority to him.

He got his slides ready and brought his laptop into the meeting room as he set up the cables and decrypted his files to use as examples.

With Trent...

"Fuck it, we'll just call him," Trent said as they tried to find their way around the place.

"I told you to do that in the first place," Kit said.

"Still cocky as usual," Trent said as Jake picked up the phone.

"Hi Jake" Trent said.

"Hi Trent, are you lost? I can hear the traffic around you," Jake said over the phone.

"Yeah, do you know how to get to the Citadel? We're currently at a bus stop and the map is cryptic as hell," Trent said as he looked at the map.

"Aren't you taking a tour? There should be a bus coming soon for that judging by the timing," Jake replied.

"Oh, nevermind then see you there!" Trent said as he hung up and waited with Kit for the bus.

"Wonder just how good their security is, I know they are pretty much the hard drive a silicon valley, but every system has its flaws and Jake can't stop all of them," Trent said as Tsociety was still closely monitoring Ghost Code in the event that they ever came back. Six years seemed like a long time so everyone thought that they were gone.

"Well we'll find out when we take a tour of the place later," Kit said as she put on her headphones which looked like they were holding onto air with her cat ears.

{I still don't get why she doesn't just use earphones that can fit in her ears,} Sine said.

{She prefers headphones since they better isolate sound,} Trent replied as he sat beside Aron and leaned on his shoulder.

With Kate...

'The security here needs some serious work,' Kate thought as she was typing on the server's terminal and fixing an exploit she had found in the File Transfer Protocol of the servers.

'At least the pay is good though, I wonder how Jake is handling the meeting,' she thought as she finished up the update and installed it on the servers.

'That's one exploit down, now to work on the other two' she reminded herself as she worked on fixing the other exploits and bugs she had found over the weekend. Kate eventually completed the updates and grabbed her bag to get into the battery room which was what powered the place in the event that the solar panels were cut off or there was no mains power.

"Hi Juliet" Kate said as she sat on a chair behind one of the control panels.

"Hi Kate, how's Jake?" Juliet, a orange vixen asked.

"He's having a meeting to get some upgrades and switch all those paper records into digital ones" Kate answered as she checked the readings of the batteries.

"Sweet, let's hope that they finally upgrade the firmware, it's looking to be dangerously old right now" Julliet replied.

"They should, have you seen that video about Tsociety breaking?" Kate said.

"Yeah, seems like that will finally some to an end," Julliet said while eating a chocolate bar.

"Looks like it, and aren't you on a diet?" Kate asked as she pulled out a chocolate bar of her own.

"Well fuck it, I like chocolate and I should be able to enjoy myself," Julliet said after taking a large bite of her chocolate bar.

"And that you are eating something that was most likely the product of child labor?" Kate asked while taking a bite out of her chocolate as well.

"And what's to say that you are any better" Juliet said while slowing down, clearly losing her appetite.

"Because mine has a label that indicates that the source is most likely not from child labor," Kate replied.

"Whatever," Juliet said as she finished her bar and went back to her laptop to look for other vulnerabilities.

With Jake...

"And by converting all of the paper records into digital ones, we can not only cut down on shipping cost but also have transfers being completed in mere minutes with our fiber connections and save printing and materials cost while we're at it," Jake finished.

"Your really ambitious I'll tell you that, but I've got another meeting so how about we do this another day, alright?" His supervisor said with a smile. This made Jake pissed but he knew that this was how things were really like, they care more about business than the security that keeps the business safe.

"Very well," Jake said as he grabbed his toughbook and walked out of the room. Little did his supervisor know that Jake had also grabbed his other laptop which was used since the beginning of his hacking days.

He went to his cubicle and booted his laptop which was running parrot OS instead of Kali, but had all of the tools he needed.

ParrotJak $ cd tsociety

ParrotJak $ python

<Tsociety toolkit>

1)Info tools

2)Password tools

3)Stress tools

4)file encrypter

0)Update toolkit (still in developent)


It said on the terminal as he typed in the password cracking tools.


2)Entrophic password generator

3)Kit password cracker

4)hash encoder



Jake typed in the info about his supervisor and started to generate the list of possible passwords. When that was completed, he used the kit password cracker to decrypt the password from the hash he got from the servers.

'12345six' it said as he cracked his incredibly simple password. He logged into his messaging accounts and email and found one email that would be great to show to the police.



Subject: Comeovergirl

Hey babe, I heard that someone got a promotion, why don't send some of those pics that you always took.


Jake nearly gagged that his supervisor was doing this with another woman when he was already married, his wife will definitely want to see this Jake thought as he sent an anonymous tip to the police and an anonymous tip to his wife.

Jake closed his laptop and then prepared to get ready for his next meeting with Mr Zhang, he travelled all the way here from China in order to see the security of the place for himself and was also going to generously send some Furcoin to remain good relations while also having a larger database for his files.

After getting his laptop ready, he went into the next meeting room where he would also be seeing the head of security there along with some other important furs. When he entered the room, he saw the head of security there and was typing on his phone, Jake went to start setting up and had also saw that he was typing out his password, Jake was not able to see the entire password but go the first few letters to be 'dalla27' and with two other characters.

Jake booted into Kali linux from his flash drive with no one noticing since they thought he was just setting up. He used the crunch tool in the toolkit to create a list of the possible passwords and was able to crack it in a few minutes. Since he was the head of security, his password had admin access to just about everything Jake would ever want from the place.

JakieKali $ ssh deb@

Jake typed into his terminal and used his server to start getting as much information about the servers while also downloading some data he had been trying to get this hands on. He let his servers download the data as he saw Mr Zhang enter the room.