beginning anew, past forgotten

Story by kichiki on SoFurry

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"You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those people you can't forget. Those are your 'friends.'"

"Lieutenant Ramsey they have us surrounded. My men and I can't hold off the attack any longer. We need to fall back." "No." "Damn it! Listen to me! A few more seconds and they will be storming the office. We need to go now!" "You listen to me sergeant. there are men here who have risked their life to protect this building. We're not leaving them behind." Fuck this! If you want to die go ahead." "Sergeant, stop right there. I'll have no cowardice in my platoon! Stop! I order you to stop!" Ramsey drew his revolver, aimed, and fired.

Three days later...

"Colonel Mace, Staff Sergeant Green has just arrived. Should I send him in sir?" "Yes, and bring back the recruit roster." "Sir, yes, sir." Sylvain Mace had graduated West Point in the top of his class and had successfully worked through the ranks to become the commanding officer over Forth Talon. He lived up to his heritage of grand leaders even down to his commanding appearance. A lion fur standing six foot, three inches tall. His mane glistened in the morning sun while running around the collar of his pressed Army uniform. Sylvain's eyes were amber, wide nearly all the time creating emphasis on any and all of his expressions. He could have been flawless; however, he carried only four fingers on his right paw from a knife fight in West Point. He refuses to share the tell. Boots clacking upon the white tiled hall caught Sylvain's attention as the Staff Sergeant walked in, saluted, then stood at parade rest. "Ah, Green, please come in. Take a seat." "No sir, I am more comfortable standing." The corporal who had been sent to greet Green presented the recruit roster to Sylvain. "Green, I'm putting you in charge of four new privates. Their names are Ryan Xavier, Jacob Preston, Sarah Yeager, and Benjamin Hong. I trust you will find your new team satisfactory. They are in the barracks if you want to meet and greet."

"So what do you think about the bill passed to allow women in active combat roles?" Sarah asked for the fifth time that day. "For the last time Sarah, we are thrilled , absolutely thrilled that the Women's Rights and Free Will Bill passed. Right Jake." "Don't yall look at me, I don't keep up the depressin' news. Besides Ryan, if you keep swatin' at a naggin' fly it'll still buzz at ya as if left it alone." The old brass doorknob turned as the three snapped to attention. Green emerged from the rather abruptly opened door. "At ease. I'm Staff Sergeant Green, your new squad leader. So who the hell are you?" "Sir, I'm Rya..." "I don't give a damn if your first name was Cock Blocker. All I need is your last name and weapon specialty. Also I'm a sergeant not a sir. You will show me respect, got it?" "sir, ah, sergeant, I'm Xavier, submachine gunner. That's Preston, our light machine gunner. And finally, Yeager; she is our rifleman. Green scanned the three of them. Ryan Xavier was a mongoose and stood no taller than five feet. His left eye was yellow while the other radiated blue. His brown fur shaded into black "mittens" near his hands, feet, and tail. Standing beside him in contrast was the six feet tall fox: Jacob Preston. Brown eyes with dull red fur damaged only by a scar running the length of his face. Sarah Yeager was a white artic fox with cutting crimson eyes. Streaks of ice blue fur split her patches of white, while standing five and a half feet. "where's Hong?" "Sleeping, sergeant."

Green strolled down the barracks until he came to rest at bunk number seven. Therein lied a six foot tall, black wolf: Benjamin Hong. "Private Hong can you tell me why the hell you are sleeping?!" Ben looked up, yawned, then glared with his narrow green eyes at Green. "I was told the barracks were for sleeping, sergeant." "It is two o'clock in the afternoon." "And?" "Alright smart-ass, drop and keep pushing until I tell you can move." "whatever you say." Ben moved to the front lean and rest to start pushing. "What's your weapon?" "fifty caliber gas operated Intervention snipe rifle issue number 7434486. M9 pistol issue number 9063521, sergeant." Startled by Ben's retort, Green decided to test his military knowledge. "what was Forth Talon's last defeat?" "Sergeant, Forth Talon's last defeat took place August ninth three days ago under the command of Second Lieutenant Ramsey in Skylark Laboratory at Alpine Pass. Ramsey was killed. Only one survivor, name and rank of said person is classified, sergeant" "What is Halure's Army" "Sergeant, Halure's Army is a PMC operating under Forty-six year old David Halure in opposition of Forth Talon, sergeant." Sylvain's corporal came running in. "Sergeant Green, Colonel needs to see you in his office right away"