It is Time.

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#4 of Spyro's Growing Up.

Hay, all. For your liking, chapter 4. I know it's annoying but I have to say everytime that if you are underaged, please don't continue.

Dedicated to Whisper, who is my inspiration.

Those simple, ten words struck her like a wet fish. She was frozen in surprise and, dare she think it....happiness?

Spyro, taking her prolonged silence as a no, turned away and said 'Oh, OK. Well, let's find you a pla-'

'I'd love to Spyro!', she said, cutting across him. 'Lead the way!'

Spyro lit up like a Christmas light, and bounced down the path, Ember happily trotting alongside. As they walked along, they continued their previous conversation where they left off, Spyro saying, 'Ya know, I always thought that the flame teacher was a bit edgy...'

As they arrived at Spyro's cave a short twenty minutes later, Spyro was gripped by sudden nerves. What if she didn't like it? What if she thought it was disgusting? What if-

'Oh, how cosy!' cried a delighted Ember as the cave came into view.

Spyro, relieved, said 'Really? You like it?'

'Course I do silly! It's yours isn't it?' and at that, she leaned over, kissed him on the cheek, and started running there, saying 'Come on, race ya!'

Spyro laughed and started running, but with her headstart she was unbeatable.

As he entered the cave, he saw her lying by the stream, laughing and panting.

He walked over, still chuckling, and ducked his head for a drink. When she didn't join him, he wondered what was wrong, and thought embarrassingly 'Oh, scales! I didn't ask her!'

'Would you like a drink Ember?' he asked, and gestured to the stream.

'Thank you', she replied, and ducked her head to the stream, centimeters from Spyro.

As they both stood their crouched their, stealing an occasional glance at the other, a thought crept into Ember's head, that made her blush with embarrassment, and also inspired a strange, though not unfamiliar warmth at her tail-base. She decided to take her time doing this, seeing as she had not yet drunk half her fill, and Spyro was slightly larger than her, and also that if she got her timing wrong, things could be disastrous. She watched Spyro's tongue, watching it go out, lap up some water and go back into his mouth. Out, in. Out in. Out....she moved.

Her lips clamped onto his tongue and drew it into her mouth, a look of surprise, though happiness on Spyro's handsome face. As she entwined her tongue with his, she felt his mouth open up against hers, and before they knew it, they were locked in a fierce, no holds-barred, passionate kiss. They stood there, sometimes eyes closed in bliss and sometimes gazing into the others, for a full six minutes, just enjoying it. Then, as if on a signal, they both broke apart, breathing heavily, joy etched into every scale on their faces.



They said each others names with love, and at that moment, they both knew it was true. They were in love. Undeniable, irreputable, beautiful love.

They grinned, and locked into another kiss, not as long but with just as much meaning. As night fell, they continued talking, as they had for hours before, as they had so much more to talk about, and that they now had a charge behind their words, each one fused with love. They decided to call it a night when Ember yawned widely. Ember made for Spyro's bed, but Spyro made for the other side of the cave, near the stream.

'Spyro, what are you doing?' Ember asked, with a quizzical look on her face.

'Going to bed', he said, yawning and shutting his eyes,'Good night, Ember.'

Seconds later he felt something pulling his tail, and yelped in surprise. He looked behind him and saw Ember pulling him towards his bed, an amused smile on her face.

'Ember, what are you-'

'Spyro, we're in love now, I think we can share a bed. Besides, it's the best way to keep warm, it's a cold night', and at that, she pulled him into his bed, and laid down herself, facing away from him. She cracked a happy smile as she felt a paw across her stomach, pulling her in close. He draped his wings across her, and pulled her in so that they were touching head to toe. She felt rather than saw him smile behind her.

Minutes later, close to sleep, she felt Spyro swallow hard behind her, and she felt his whole body tense up. Stirring herself to ask him what was wrong, she suddenly felt a pressure building towards her lower back, and understood.

She turned her head and met Spyro's, which happened to be blushing furiously.

'Ember, I'm so sorry....', he said, shuffling away.

'Shhhhh.....', she silenced him. 'It's's normal....'

'B-b-but', he stammered, 'But that means I want to....ya know....'

She gazed into his eyes, into his soul.

'I want to as well.'

And at that, she turned to face him, and melded her body against his, feeling his significant bulge press against her own swollen heat. She locked her mouth onto his, and that was the kiss that started it all.

As they drew further and further into the kiss, they could feel their bodies reacting. Their paws had a mind of their own, searching the others body. Spyro was slowly rolling himself onto Ember, never prying himself from her. Again, neither had any idea what to do, save for vague descriptions from their old school classes, so nothing was happening expertly, but these two had more love for the other than any expert had ever had, or ever would, through all eternity.

Ember lost herself in bliss, melding herself to Spyro's slim but muscular frame, and feeling quite content that she was about to mate with the most famous hero in all the realms. But above all was the love she was feeling, the love that pulsed through a heart that was beating in syncronisation with Spyro's.

Spyro was expieriencing similar sensations to Ember, feeling never-before used muscles kick into action. He felt a building inferno hiding behind the patch of scales between his back legs, desperate to be realeased. On a particularly painful pulse through his engorged tail-base, he broke the kiss and lost himself in Ember's eyes. As he opened his mouth to speak, Ember nodded in response to his obvious though as yet unspoken question.

Relaxing his lower body, he felt himself slide loose, and into Ember, with simultaneous groans of pleasure from both of them. felt like nothing either of them could was amazing. Ember was slightly stretched from within, and Spyro was slightly squeezed. As he slowly drew himself out, she let out a gasp of frustration, which turned into a moan of pleasure as he thrust back within. He kept up this pace for several minutes, in, out, in, out. Earlier than either would have liked, they felt themselves speed up, felt their heartbeat quicken. Spyro felt Ember squeeze and relax her insides erracticly, and quickened his pace in response. Seconds before they reached the end of their wild ride, they kissed deeply and each whispered 'I love you.'

With two roars that could wake the dead, Spyro and Ember felt themselves release. Ember felt wave after wave after wave of hot liquid get shot into her, and she tensed herself, massaging Spyro for all he was worth. Spyro was holding nothing back, giving everything to his female, emptying himself inside of her. On the last wave of pleasure, they both let loose with white hot tounges of flame, which coerced in mid-air.

As they collapsed, exhausted, beside each other, both quickly loosing consciousness, the smoke curling up from their maws melded in mid-air, and formed a perfect heart above the two lovers.