Junior Year: Day One

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#3 of Junior Year

I walked into my first class and looked around. I knew that Jake was supposed to have his class with me. Jake is my best friend. He's a human, but has been talking about getting the change down for years now. Just has to save up the cash for it. I walked over to him and sat down.

"What's up man?" He asks, presenting a fist.

I pounded it and say, "Psyched for this year bro."

"Did you hear? Vince got the change. He's a skunk now."

Vince has issues with Chronic B.O. Yeah, I know, really fitting right? I laughed a little. "Not surprised at all." I itched my leg and zoned out into my thoughts while Jake was talking. The normal stuff you know? I just kinda started thinking about everything. Life, the universe... Haley Arnold. I've had a crush on her for years. She's about my height, blonde, and the shiniest blue eyes I've ever seen. The totally sucky thing about my liking her though, is her dad is a Southern Baptist preacher. So, he's all about the pure camps. The church has been very strict about letting furs into its arms. At least hers though, others have no issue, so I think he just doesn't want to admit to being a speciesist. It's something that you have to get used to as a fur.

Some human girl walked into the room and sat down next to me, even though there were plenty of empty desks.

"You Brent Phillips?" She asked one hand in the pocket.

"Yeah, that's me... Why?"

"I have something for you." My ears perked up, and my tail lightly wagged. I love getting presents. I think it may even be a fetish. She pulled her hand out her pocket and handed it to me. She pulled her hand away when I touched it. Getting really damn sick of being feared. It's not like I'm a wolf or anything or a tiger. Those guys give furs a bad name. Constantly growling at the humans who stare... one even clawed a freshman last year and got expelled. I've only met a handful of wolves or tigers who weren't total dicks. Just partial ones. The girl stood and went to another desk far away from me.

I opened the paper and saw a phone number with the words 'text me' scrawled underneath. "Wonder who it is?" Jake said, reading over my shoulder. Jake has issues with privacy. I guess cause I normally share everything with him. He's a good guy, but can come off a little strong.

"I have no clue, but I don't think I'm gonna keep it." I balled it up and got ready to throw it but stopped. I was so desperate for someone... For a... For someone to love, I kept it. Jake just looked at me.

"Oh no, not this again!" He facepalmed and sighed.

"Look... I know that you're sick of it... But I just need to fill this whole in me."

"I'm getting really sick of you going off on this. Have you ever thought to just move on? Is it really that necessary?" The bell rung before I could answer. Mr. Richards walked in and placed his bag on the ground. He was a man, probably in his 40's, with brown hair and glasses that hung loosely on his nose. He wore a plaid jacket with striped pants... I was shocked at just how little he seemed to care about his appearance.

"Good morning class." Silence lasted a few seconds or so. "Good morning class." He emphasized a bit more. There were a few muffled answers from the room. Mr. Richards got into the normal day one routine and took roll. He went down the list, and I noticed something. This was the first class in years that didn't have any furs in it whatsoever. Others started to notice this too. They all stared and whispered about me. I picked some things up with my ears.

"Phillips comma Brent?" I raised my paw and he looked up, and straight at me. His eyes glared. I felt as if they were boring into my skull. "Well well... I never knew that one of your kind would be brave or stupid enough to have me as a teacher." He put the clipboard with roll on it down and cocked his head to the side. "Tell me, were you born into this monstrosity, or did you chose it yourself?"

"I was born a fox if that's what you're asking." My eyes narrowed with intensity.

"Ah, so your parents were the ones who messed with God's design." Mr. Richards said with daggers in his words. This is going to be just like eighth grade. Back then, I was bullied as the only fur in any of my classes. The teachers watched as I was abused and assaulted. As I got my jaw broke. As my legs were broken by the brutes I had to deal with. I remember what my Biology teacher once said.

"The fox is notorious for being a coward and a scavenger. A frail, sad creature." I wanted to maul him when he said that slander. I've always had people who have issues with me... but... nothing was as bad as that year. I'm still in therapy for what they did to me.

Mr. Richards walked over and placed his hands on my desk. He stared me down, trying to intimidate me. "Now tell me, why did your parents do that?" He really hit a nerve with that one. My parents never would talk about it. I've heard bits and pieces, but never the whole story. So I did what I do best, I made something up.

"The second they can answer that, I'll answer you." Mr. Richards smirked. He was so close to me, I could smell the rot in his breath. He turned away and continued with roll. Jake nudged me on the shoulder.

"Dude, you gonna try and transfer out?" I considered that. How much easier it'd be to do that. But then I saw the same hateful look in Mr. Richards' eyes, as he looked for Abby White.

"Nah man," I whispered. "I'm not gonna let this guy get to me." I returned the same spiteful stare.

I burst out of the doors that afternoon and enjoyed the warmness of the August sun. It was so nice to have school, and see friends again... But I liked the warmness of the sun. I checked my phone and still hadn't gotten anything from mystery person. Probably just another prank that Chase is doing... Chase is a wolf who prides himself on being perfect. I don't think I've ever met a more self-absorbed kid in my life. I shared a cabin with him one summer at this camp my parents made me go to. Every day he would criticize me, and talk about how great he was. I got sick of it one day, so I punched him in the face. He's had it in for me ever since.

I got into my car and rolled down the window. Time to go pick up the Kit from school. I plugged my iPod and blasted some music. I had the urge to sing along... But I've been embarrassed by doing that before. I try and cut my embarrassment down to a minimum. I drove to Main and Motsenbocker and took a left. I drove to the school and pulled up across the street from it. I remembered vaguely my short time at this school. How people made fun of me. Made fun of my uniqueness, and now, sitting in the parking lot I could see where they got it from. The parents were all staring at me and whispering at me. Whispering cold, mean things at me. I looked down, embarrassed. Such assholes, I'm not an animal...

The bell rung, and I looked up, waiting to find that excited fox bouncing up in the crowd of kids. I waited for a while. Much longer than normal. I glanced at my phone. It had been almost a half hour since school got out, and I still didn't see her. I took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car, locking it behind me. I went in, and looked around for her. I heard crying in the bathroom... Familiar crying. I looked around and thought about how bad it'd look going into the girls bathroom. It's for Sophie... I went in and knocked on the stall.

"Sophie? It's me, Brent." I heard nothing. A minute later she opened the door and threw herself on me, crying. I patted her head.

"Sh... Sh... It's okay." I said as soothingly as possible. "Let's go back to the car and we can talk about it there." She shook her head in my gut. "We can't stay in here much longer. They're gonna clean soon." She shook her head again. I sighed and picked her up, holding her and grabbed her backpack in my teeth. I walked out the door and put her in my car. "What's wrong?" I asked again. She started sobbing again. I pet her head, trying to soothe her like Mom would. She started to stop and sat up. Sophie wiped her fur around her eyes, trying to get rid of the tears before they left a mark on the fur.

"They called me something." She whined. Oh no. I was hoping she wouldn't have to deal with this for a while.

"What'd they call you?" I had a few ideas in mind... None of them particularly good.

"A..." She sobbed a bit harder now. "A furfag." My eyes widened. I clenched my teeth, and had I been a species known for this, I would have growled. Ah, hell. I growled anyways.

"Were they your age?" I asked. She shook her head.

"They were older. Fifth grade boys..." It's always them. They always think they can do that cause they're at the top...

"You know what? Ignore them." I used the same advice that everyone did, because there was nothing else that I could think of that would be a good thing to say. "They're just jealous that they don't have the same wonderful personality that you have." She shot me and I started the car. The trip was silent, but Sophie still leaned against me.

That night, I was interrogated by Mom about school, and everything, but Sophie was sulking during dinner. When she went to bed, I told Mom what happened. She sighed. I never thought that someone could look that old until then. She had endured a lifetime's worth of abuse in 38 years. It was hard to watch her like that. So... vulnerable. I'm so used to her being fierce and determined. It was a little soul crushing to see her cave so easily. We talked for a while. I glanced at the clock.

"Dad coming home soon?"

"He has a meeting again." She sounded upset. I knew why. It was the first of the month... That's all I want to say on the matter. I grabbed my backpack from the couch and started for the basement. "Don't stay up too late." I worried about her.

I laid down and was ready for bed. Day one: Junior year. Over. Wasn't too... Ugh this year is gonna be hell.