Echo Leo ending c

Story by Dragonlover45 on SoFurry

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#3 of Echo

This is it! The Leo ending c! Much better then my previous attempt!

I know maybe this is weird that I've done this, but I just can't accept the cannon ending!

Leo didn't deserve all that emotional pain, and to be left with nothing to live for!

So I'm thinking of submitting this to Echo project to be made cannon!

...In the distance I can see the lights on the train, slowly winding its way toward us." At this point dawn is just breaking. Somehow, it's only been one night, even though it feels like it's been several weeks. "Alright, for whatever reason that train is moving pretty fucking slow. We should just be able to hop it." Flynn says. The train wails in the distance again, much closer now. "I thought I was gonna have to drive alongside it with you all in the truck bed, honestly." The train does seem to be moving pretty slow, but as it gets closer, I realize that it's not exactly going to be a jog to run alongside it. I might be able to catch it at a full sprint. "Alright, here's what we're gonna do; I'll get on first, along with Kudzu, and we're gonna pull the rest of you on, alright?" Flynn explained. Carl fidgets nervously, and says, "I dunno if I can run that fast." "You will, now--" Flynn begun. I feel a paw land on my shoulder and turn me around. It's Leo. "Hey Chase." "Hey, what is it?" I reply looking back at Flynn, wanting to hear what he's saying, but Leo talks over him. "Listen to me. Everything you said at the house...did you mean it?" "Huh? What did I say?" Leo looks impatient as he replies. "What you said about loving me, wanting to be with me forever, you meant that, right?" "What!?" I have no clue what he's talking about! I see that the train is approaching, we have maybe a minute." "What the fuck? Why are you acting like you don't fucking remember?" Leo bristles, teeth bared, eyes narrowing. "Oh my god, Leo, let's get out of here first!" I start to back away, toward the others as they continue to discuss jumping on the train. "No!" Leo says as he grabs my shoulder, looking me right in the eye." He makes an effort to calm down, closing his eyes a moment before opening them. "Then tell me now...are you going to stay with me when this is all over?" "We can talk about this when we get on the train." I glance at it again, almost here! "No, I wanna know before." Leo replies, still holding my shoulder. I see Kudzu looking at us and it looks like he's about to head over. "Just tell the truth. That's all I want." Leo asks. I think for a moment, maybe we could work something out? Or I could tell him it's over between us! I can't believe what he did and how he's acting! Then it hits me, Leo has the hysteria! He's not in control of his actions! If I ever loved him, he should get another chance! I look into his eyes and I see something wrong, he won't get on the train. If I leave him again, he'll just be hurt more! I have no choice if I care about him at all. "Leo, I'll stay here with you!" I feel Kudzu tug on my shirt. Leo glares at him and steps forward. "Kudzu get on the train, run! Leo won't hurt me, go!" I give him a little push. Flynn yells, "run" as he shoves Carl foreword. The train is here, it only has five cars or so, they won't have many chances. "Kudzu!" Flynn yells and points at the caboose. I watch as he jumps up onto a set of little stairs that go down from a platform at the end of the caboose. He scrambles for a moment trying to get a hold, when he does, he grabs Kudzu and helps him up. Next Carl almost trips as Flynn and Kudzu practically lift him on bored. Jenna reaches out her paw to Flynn, he grabs it and she easily hops abord. I see TJ slow down suddenly and I fear he won't make it. Flynn gets a hold of him, but he hesitates several times before Kudzu gets a hold on him too and he steps up. They all look back at me with concern as the train takes them away.

Suddenly large paws grab my shoulders and turn me around again. "Chase you--you really do love me!" I look up at him, his face fur is matted with blood and tears. What do I feel when I look at him? I love him, but do I trust him after what he did? "Leo, I love you, but we should get inside". "Yeah, I'm so happy you're here Chula!" He takes my paw in his. His grip is rather firm, but it doesn't hurt. He could break my paw if he wanted to! As we walk towards his house I think, is this really what I want? Can I really trust Leo? Can I forgive him? If he goes back to normal, I'd want to stay with him forever. But what if he doesn't? Would he hurt me? It's too late to change my mind now, I just have to hope he stays calm. I look up at him, he looks tense but when he catches my gaze he smiles and says, "something wrong?" I gulp, "N--no just nervous out here. We should talk when we get inside. I have some things I want to tell you and ask you". "Sure thing". He lets go of my paw and quickly puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me close. It feels good to be close to him as we reach his house. It seems we left the back door open, not that it matters since the front door was smashed by Brian. I shudder to remember what that bear did to me. "Chase you ok?" Leo looks at me concerned. "I've just... been through a lot." "I'll take care of you, let's get you cleaned up". As he leads me to the bathroom and I see the sun rise, I wonder if the hysteria lasts only one night? Is Leo going back to normal, or does he just not see any "threats"? As we walk into the bathroom, Leo abruptly stops and looks around. He must remember what he saw last time we were in here, he never told me what it was. Leo gently lifts me up onto the sink like before. I'm unnerved by how strong he is! Am I afraid of him? Until I'm sure he's back to normal I think I am a little bit. "Ok I think I should clean and wrap that arm". Leo gets some disinfectant and gently cleans the long cut in my arm. It really stings! Is this what you're supposed to do to a cut like this? Leo takes out a bunch of bandages and begins wrapping my arm up. Why does he have so many bandages? Does he get cut up in the repair shop? We have so much we need to talk about, but I've never been good at saying what I need to! But this is Leo, I can talk to him, right? I look at him as he's bandaging my arm, he looks roughed up and now that I'm in an enclosed space with him, I find that he kinda stinks! I must look and smell like hell! "Hey Leo, I think I should take a shower. I don't have any muskoff...." "Nah, you should keep the bandage dry, and your musk never bothered me. I've missed your smell..." "Leo, we really need to talk." "We do! I'm still hurt about what you did... Let's go". He picks me up like I weigh nothing and carries me out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind us! "Leo what did you see in the--" He cuts me off, "not now, other things first!"

He takes me to his bedroom. Honestly it feels nice to be carried by him, or maybe I've been touch starved? He sits me down on his bed and then sits next to me. He's right up against me so I lean on him. I glance at the holes he punched through the wall. I swallow, what I'm going to tell him will make him angry, would he hit me that hard? Leo speaks, "alright Chase what was up with you? We were in here and you said you loved me, and that you would stay with me, and you were sorry about what happened. Then you suddenly fucking don't remember? What the hell Chase!" "I wasn't there! Brian had me! You where hallucinating! That's what this hysteria does, I don't know what the hell causes it but it just does! While you were talking to nothing, Brian took me to the mine and was digging my grave! He had a gun to the back of my head and was just about to do it when the monster attacked him! It was the same thing we saw on the road! It ripped him to sheds and I don't know how I got away! Flynn found me and took me back here! And Leo, how can I trust you now? How could the others trust you if they knew? Lying to them like that is so wrong that it hurts! ("You hurt him plenty") And how you acted last night! You were going to kill Clint, you where going to kill Kudzu! You terrified TJ and Carl! You scared me Leo! When I got back, the way you talked to me, and when you hugged me, it didn't feel like you! It was a total stranger! And those holes scare me! I know you get angry, but you've been extreme! We always used to argue so much! If you got angry at me, would you punch me like that? You realize it would kill me! I understand hating Clint, but Kudzu was trying to help! He saved both our lives and you treated him like shit! And Leo he was there for me, he cares about me, I admit I started having feelings for him, and if I had chosen him over you, that should be my choice and you should have respected that! But when I looked at you, I remember growing up with you, all the fun times we had and the love I felt for you! I'm giving you a second chance Leo, I forgive you!" ("What! Seriously? I don't believe it.") I feel tears running down my face. I look up and Leo, his face is wet too. "I'm sorry Chase! I really am! I'm sorry for not protecting you the way I should have. I'm sorry for doing shady things behind your back. I just wanted you back so badly! I love you Chase, I swear I'll never hit you! I can't imagine doing it! I missed you so much, I missed holding you, I missed the feel of your fur and I even missed your smell! I-I never felt this way with anyone else! Since that night when you came out to me, I've never even talked to my fuck buddies! When you left I--I hooked up with Fynn, but he isn't the same! Please Chase, I'll do anything to regain your trust, but you haven't treated me right either! Why did you pull that prank? You really didn't think it would hurt me? Did you know I couldn't breathe when I thought it was real? And then when you left, I felt like you never loved me, that it was just a joke to you! I was building a life for us Chase; I would have provided for you and taken care of you! I would have always been loyal to you! But you just left me without giving a reason! Then you started texting me saying how you missed me and still loved me. It got my hopes up that you would come back to me someday, and you did! But all this happened..." Leo stops with a sob and looks down. I put my arms around him and hug him tight, I smell the musk in his fur and it's familiar and comforting. "Leo, I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't think about how bad that prank was! I'm sorry for leaving you without telling you I just needed a brake from you! Leo I've never been with anyone else this whole time! You're the only one I've ever been intimate with! I've done something behind your back too. Leo, please forgive me, we can still work this out!" Leo returns my hug and puts his head on mine. "You haven't had sex in three years! How are you not super pent up? Oh, Chase I forgive you, I just want you back, you're the love of my life! But what did you do?" I gulp. "Y--you promise you won't hurt me?" "Puchica! I need you to trust me! I promise however mad I get, I'll never hurt you! It can't have been any worse than what I did to you." I take a deep breath and say it, "Leo I looked through your internet history and saw the otters". "Really Chase why! First my phone and then my computer!" I don't tell him it was the other way around. "Did you search my house too? How about public records of me? I'm disappointed Chase, but I'm not mad at you." "I'm sorry Leo! But now I have to ask, do you really love me or has this all been an otter fetish?" "Chase, I love you, I really do so much! If I just wanted otter ass, there are otters in Payton I would have gone to them! I don't want just any otter, I want you! If you stay with me, I really will care for you and provide for you!" I rub my face into his chest. "I'll stay with you, but can we leave Echo? It's cursed and almost drove us apart forever! Please Leo, we could get a place in Payton." "Alright, we'll do it! I'll get my van fixed and we'll see about your car. I don't have much stuff here so I can move pretty easy." ("What!? How can this be? Nothing ever worked out for me! This town destroyed my friends and ruined my life! Is your love for this wolf really so strong as to overcome evil?") I hear sirens and a buzzing sound. "Looks like the county police are here with rescue workers!" Leo says, looking out the window. I hear that buzzing again and realize it's my phone! I let go of Leo and start looking around. "What's up?" "I hear my phone; the others must be texting me". "Oh, that's what that sound was!" I see the charging cord trailing under the bed, I reach under as Leo is putting his gun away. I forgot he had it! I find my phone. I see messages form all four of them. "They made it to Payton, their all fine. Jenna's getting a ride back here, their all coming back! They where worried about us and the messages just got through!" I start texting them back. "What are you telling them?" Leo tries to see my phone screen. "I'm telling them that your back to normal and took care of me." I stop texting and look at him. "Leo let's make it official, do you want me to be your boyfriend again?" Leo looks me in the eye, "Only if you want me". I think for just a moment and say, "then we're a couple". ("I don't believe this shit!") Leo looks like he's going to cry again, he grabs me in a big hug! I hug him back and we stay like that for a long time. I finish my group text message with,

-me and Leo are together again-

"Hey Leo, so I have no idea where my camera is, my project is ruined! I probably should go back to Pueblo and see what I can salvage of my classes. But I promise at the end of this semester I will come back for you! I don't think I can pass, so I'll be moving in with you". Leo moves closer to me. We look at each other for a moment, and then move in unison. We kiss, it's just like I remember it. Leo's huge tongue pushing into my mouth and overpowering mine! He hugs me tight, and it feels right! We brake off when someone knocks on the front door. "Must be the police wanting to check on us". I say. We rise and walk across his house. I know everything will be fine, my friends got to safety and I got Leo back! I have a small feeing that something still isn't right, that Echo still won't let us go. But for now, everything is good.