Apocalypse: Chapter Six

Story by Red Ferret on SoFurry

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#7 of Apocalypse #1

Apocalypse: Chapter six

We decided to wait until the next day to head through the city. Its seemed like the more mutated zombies came out at night. We all slept in our vehicles, not wanting to get caught out in the open if any zombies wandered up.

We woke up around dawn to the sound of vehicles approaching. We took up ambush positions on both sides of the road and waited for the vehicles to pass by. There were two transport trucks marked with Chinese flags on the sides.

The trucks pulled alongside our vehicles and several troops hopped out heading towards them. A Large panda hopped out of one of the trucks and walked over to the group of soldiers. After a few quite word the troops fanned out searching for something.

I suddenly realized they were searching for us. I carefully took aim at the panda's head and squeezed the trigger. He didn't fly back like in the old movies. He just fell down, like he had tripped. The Others took this as a signal and opened fire on the troops.

Most of the troops were out in the open and got cut down almost immediately. The rest dove behind cover as several more piled out of the trucks taking up defensive positions and firing blindly into the fields.

The gunfire stopped abruptly as the soldiers realized we had stopped firing. A few of them left cover and headed off into the fields to make sure we were dead. One of them was heading strait for me and Alex. I couldn't tell if he know we were there or not. He walked right to the edge of the crops trying to see between the rows.

A scream echoed from across the road. The soldier near us turned to look in that direction and I took the opportunity to grab him and pull him back into cover with me knocking him out as I did.

"Keep him quiet." I whispered to Alex.

I crept along the edge of the field staying just out of sight. I was only a few feet away from another soldier. This one was some kind of rat. He was muttering something in Chinese to another soldier next to him. I leapt out from behind cover using my razor sharp claws to slit their throats. Their blood prayed over me as they fell and I ran back into the field.

I could hear the other soldiers talking fearfully. As I got closer I could see three of them standing back to back. The one facing the field was shaking in fear. I pulled out my glock and put a round between his eyes before leaping onto the other two and snapping their necks. The firefight started anew as the remaining soldiers caught sight of me. The rest of my group opened fire with deadly accuracy killing most of the remaining soldiers.

Only five were left, cowering next to one of the trucks. I snuck around to the other side of it and crawled underneath just far enough to grab one of them and pull him under it screaming. I'm not sure what was happening but I couldn't stop myself. As I pulled him out the other side my jaws clamped down on his neck. I twisted my head and yanked back tearing a large chunk of flesh free. I spit it out and threw his writhing corpse to the ground as his blood dripped from my muzzle.

The other soldiers dropped their guns and held up their paws in defeat as I walked around the side of the truck. One of them turned to run but Adam cut him off picking him up and throwing him into the others.

"Fuck man, you losing it or something?" He asked.

"Maybe a bit but what's new?" I replied.

The Others came out of hiding and started searching the trucks for any clue as to what Chinese troops were doing in on U.S. soil. We tied the five soldiers together on the flatbed so they couldn't move. All their documents were in Chinese and none of us could read them but we decided to keep them anyway. We scavenged what we could and headed toward the city.

We drove along the highway past row after row of houses. We finally started Passing a few taller buildings. We pulled off for awhile and talked about what to do next. After an hour of discussing it we a building we could barricade and make into a temporary base while we scavenged supplies from the area.

We split up and headed off into different areas of the city looking for the right place. Me Alex and Jess

headed downtown. The area was completely deserted. We passed a few office building the might have worked but the ground floors of all the building had floor to ceiling windows.

"Hey everyone I think I found the perfect place for us to hold up for awhile." Jake said over the radio.

After we managed to find out were he was everyone headed for his position. It was just outside downtown. Jake had chosen the perfect spot. It was an old firehouse that had a wall around the outside and an automated gate to protect it from any vandals or arsonists who might get funny ideas. Luckily for us all the engines were out and the gate was wide open.

Jake had already backed the flatbed into on of the engine bays and was patiently waiting outside for everyone to arrive. I backed my truck into the second bay and we all hopped out and walked over to Jake.

"You been inside yet?" I asked.

"No I was waiting for some backup to help me clear it out."

We chatted for a bit longer before the others showed up. Nicolai pulled into the third bay and Adam pulled into the fourth. That left Ace to park his stryker on the overgrown lawn. Adam managed to force the gate shut while we all geared up and got ready to clear the building.

We stormed in from three entrances at once. We quickly cleared the two story structure and started unloading our supplies. Nicolai even managed to get a generator working and Adam found an underground storage tank full of diesel. The pumps in the engine bays still worked too. Me and Alex fixed up a room for a jail cell and locked our prisoners in it after giving them a small dinner.

We settled in and got ready for our first night in our new temporary home.