soul of a man

Story by BanditSoftpaw on SoFurry

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what can change the sou of a man?

Won't somebody tell me, the inescapable truth, won't somebody tell me, what can change the soul of a man?

I have always believed that love, was the most powerful force in the universe,

I grew up with the same stories as everyone else, how love can move mountains, topple kingdoms, how it can be the power for someone to cross an ocean, or to simply reach for the starts, Love would enable someone to do anything even the impossible, love could turn the most hateful being into something tender and kind.

But love, can NOT change the soul of a man.

Using love, under false pretends, never actually loving someone, but making them believe they are so very loved, giving them hope, giving them plans for a future, making them move mountains, and placing even bigger obstacles on their path, watching and waiting for them to conquer it all. applauding them. approving of their actions.

and when they finally do get there, when they are finally WORTHY of the love, you take it away, you tell him it was all a lie, you show him the truth and rip out his fantasies.

That will change the soul of a man, it will reflect outside, all the struggles he carried within. it will change him, and there is no telling what he will change into.

But there is one thing that is certain, he will be more powerful than love can ever be, perhaps more vengeful, or more at peace, nobody knows, not even the soul itself.

What rests us, but to warn anything and anyone in his path, this soul is changed, and we do not know what it can do, we are afraid, and so should you be.

For the change is evolving, the stars are in his reach, the mountains have crumbled before him, the sees have been turned to wastelands, and he sees nothing as an obstacle anymore. as he has faced it all before.

The only advice I can give who reads this, do not try and change the soul of a man, for you will be the first to see what it changed into, and should you live, you live the rest of your days in fear.