Core’s Opportunity—Chapter 2

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#2 of Core's Opportunity

An innocent day at work grows into a sexual adventure that ends in a huge climax.

An innocent day at work grows into a sexual adventure that ends in a huge climax.

Core's Opportunity--Chapter 2

By: Lucien Quinn AKA Zmeydros AKA Alexi Tishen

Written in collaboration with: Exvarn ( He contributed many of the ideas for this story and helped me develop some great characters. Core Cappertail belongs to him.

Core's relieved when he gets into the coffee shop and finds that he's only a few minutes late. There are no customers in the shop and Marisa is behind the counter. Core looks at her tousled mane and her large gray eyes. She is a rather average horse and Core has never really thought about her as anything other than a coworker. One thing that he does often notice about her, however is that she is an inch taller than him.

He dashes to the punch clock and punches in before he walks over to Marisa.

Her soft voice calls out to Core. "You've never been late for our shift change before. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can take over for you now." Core fidgets with a loose thread on his gray button-down work shirt.

Marisa smiles at him. "Please do. I've got some homework I've got to--" She interrupts herself to sniff the air, and something she smells causes her eyes become sultry. "I should get going."

Core tilts his head in confusion as he watches her punch out, pick up her backpack, and head for the door. "See you later." He waves at her.

"See you." She almost walks right into the door while her eyes are fixed on Core's crotch. Then she looks at his face longingly before she exits the shop.

He knows that she likes him, but what was that all that about? A quick sniff of the air reveals two things. The smell of his cum is not completely gone and a smell that reminds him of Marisa is present, but there's something about her smell that has him feeling warm. Great. He's going to smell like his cum for the entire evening. He'll have to avoid getting too close to customers--especially the ones that show up toward the end of his shift.

For the next couple hours his shift goes normally. Then the lull in customers that he's been expecting comes. After he cleans the espresso machine, the counters and the floor, he leans on the counter, waiting. He sighs softly and just stares toward the back of the coffee shop. His pants are really tight today...

Maybe he's been a virgin for too long and his penis is threatening to fall off. Ever since his parents gave him that infamous sex talk--where they told him he could get STD's by taking off his pants in the presence of another fur and that he'd go to hell if he had sex before marriage--he's been a bit afraid of sex. Well, that and the couple times he got beat up by his parents for going on a date before he was twenty-one. There was also the fact that someone might find out his secret if he got into bed with them... Yep, he's probably going to be a virgin forever.

He knows now that he can't get STD's from taking off his pants and that having sex before marriage is not a guaranteed trip to hell. Very few people would be in heaven if that were the case. Even knowing that his parents were misleading him doesn't help. The thought of having sex with another still causes him to feel anxiety and fear.

Marisa would probably go out with him if he asked her, and she might even be willing to have sex with him, but what would he say to her? Want to have sex in my crappy apartment? Heck, he could even take that Bengal tiger up on her offer if she shows up tonight... It's just too overwhelming to worry about it now when he's barely making ends meet--thinking about this isn't getting him anywhere.

Three hours pass and only a few customers break up the monotony. When he sees a group of scantily clad furs start to filter in, his ears perk up. Anything is better than complete boredom. He recognizes every one of them until a red dragoness with black horns walks in.

He's read about dragons in his ancient books, but he's never seen one in person. They have magic running through their veins and can cast spells that no one else can cast. Their lifespan is almost double that of a normal fur. For years he has wanted to meet a dragon, and in all that time he never imagined that they would look so... sexy. He marvels at the way her red scales glisten, barely hidden by her black dress, which is somewhere between scandalous and formal. It covers her large breasts just enough to keep her from getting stopped for indecent exposure.

"Cutie? Cutie! Hey, cutie! Over here!" shouts his ignored customer. "I know Millie's a hot hot hottie, but kitty needs her coffee before you go back to gaga land." The Bengal tiger that asked him out the other night is looking him in the eye.

A deep blush is on his muzzle. "Ah, umm, I..." He's got to focus. "What'll it be?"

"Decaf vanilla latte on ice with extra sugar." She bats her eyes at him. "Please."

"Coming right up." He manages to make the drink with only a few glances at Millie the dragoness. Her hips are so round and her lips are so full. His heart is starting to race. She's the last in line and he's going to have to not stare at her if he wants to do his job.

"That'll be three seventy-eight." He sets her drink on the counter.

The tiger pulls a twenty-dollar-bill out from between her breasts.

He doesn't care. That dragon is the only woman in the room he wants to see more of. "Here's your change." He hands her the change without counting it out.

"Thanks." She turns around gracefully and walks to the back.

Core doesn't even notice the other customers as he makes them drinks and takes their money. Soon the dragon is in front of him staring at him with her piercing red eyes. He pulls at the collar of his shirt. "W-what would you like, miss?"

She puts a finger to her lips. "Hmm, what's the best drink for a day like today?"

That's an odd request. "Oh, ah, I'm not sure. A smoothie?"

"Sounds good... Well, I like all the flavors you have listed. Just pick a flavor for me, hun, and don't tell me what it is so I can guess. She winks at him. "Oh, regular size please."

"J-just pick one?" Picking drinks for customers is something he does very rarely and it's always annoying, but this time he feels as though the customer knows what she's doing.

"Go ahead." She folds her hands in front of her and puts on a reassuring face. "I promise I'll drink it and won't complain no matter what. And I'm going to turn around until you're done so it's a surprise." She turns her back to him.

Out of all the flavors they have, he thinks a mixture of mango and raspberry is the best. He makes the smoothie like he's creating a work of art. For some inexplicable reason he wants to impress this dragon. Is it because he thinks she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen? Is it because her scales have a faint otherworldly glow? Is it her gorgeous scaly tail? He shakes his head--she's out of his league. Just give her the drink and forget about her. He sets the smoothie on the counter. "That'll be four thirty-two."

She turns around and pulls a license and a credit card out of her black purse. "Here you are."

When he grabs the cards from her she lets her hand brush against his. He feels a wave of heat wash over him. Something about her touch is sensual. Pulling his eyes away from her, he makes sure the names on the cards match. For an order this small, most people wouldn't show their license... She's thirty-three years old--definitely out of his league. He runs her credit card and then hands both cards back to her with a receipt.

"Do you need me to sign?"

"You don't have to sign if it's under fifty dollars." He tries to stop staring at her and fails.

"I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me; I'll have to check that out and train my staff. Less hassle for the customers is always good." She puts her pointer finger and thumb together to make a circle then motions up and down with her scaly hand. "Do you have any thicker smoothie straws? It's hard to suck thick creamy stuff through thin straws."

Her statement and gesture cause him to blush. His pants are getting tighter. "A-actually we do. They're over by the silverware."

She leans closer. "Now I'm going to be sitting at that table over there." She points to a table in the middle of the shop. "I want you to come visit me when you have a free moment. I have a proposition for you that you may find very attractive." The dragoness emphasizes her statement with a toothy grin.

No way! Why would she be interested in him? He's over ten years younger than her. She can't be planning to ask him out. It has to be something else, but he has to find out what it is. "Oh, okay. I think I'll have time."

"I look forward to it." She struts over toward the silverware and her long tail accentuates her motions.

About fifteen minutes later he's ready to talk to her. The moment he steps out from behind the counter he sees her stare directly at his crotch. His heart is racing and his pants feel even tighter. He walks over to her as confidently as he can. Dating someone again would be scary, but if it's her it might be worth it. No, he can't date again, not now. He'll just have to tell her he isn't interested. But this might be his only chance to go out with a goddess. Why does this have to be so hard?

"Have a seat." She gets up and pulls a chair out for Core.

As he sits in the chair he fumbles awkwardly due to the stiffness in his pants.

She sits in her chair and looks into his eyes. "Mango and raspberry."

"Umm, what?" He blinks.

"The fruits you used for the smoothie. You put more mango than raspberry in it. The mango was frozen and the raspberries were fresh." She points at her drink.

How did she do that? "S-sorry about the frozen--"

"No need to apologize; it was very good. Well, now I know I got the mango part right, what about the rest?"

"You're right about everything. You must have a really good sense of smell and..." He watches her long tongue slither down to lick the rim of her cup; his eyes are then drawn to her cleavage. "...taste."

A smile forms on Millie's snout. "Good. I was pretty sure I got it right. I used to train bartenders, after all."

"I bet you were pretty good at it." He's starting to feel a little more comfortable.

"Oh, I was." She puts a finger up to her lips and takes on a thoughtful expression. "What is a stunningly attractive young fox like you doing working in a coffee shop?" The words "stunningly" and "attractive" are emphasized by something touching Core's bulge.

Normally this would bother him, but the way he's being touched is so sensual, so practiced. He can feel himself becoming aroused and his pants are feeling extremely tight. A blush starts to form on his muzzle. He focuses on answering her question to distract himself. "Jobs are hard to find these days. This job had good hours and pretty good pay so I applied for it."

She takes his paw in her hands. "I think you've been overlooked all this time and I want to do something about it." Slowly she brings his hand up to her snout. For a moment he feels her hot breath on his paw and it sends a shiver up his spine. She kisses the top of his paw tenderly. "These paws should be performing, not serving coffee."

In an attempt to avoid getting any more aroused he tries to pull his paw out of her grasp. She responds by massaging his paw pads--her scaled fingers feel wonderful as they press and prod his pads. Normally this kind of treatment would relax him, but something about the way she's doing it causes a rush of warmth that runs up his arm. Soon the tightness in his pants becomes unbearable. "I, ah, have to go to the restroom for a moment."

"Sure. I'll be waiting right here." She releases his paw and grins. There's a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Core awkwardly runs into the bathroom and goes into a stall. He unbuttons his pants and gasps. His penis is standing at fourteen inches tall. Without his magical item he can't return it to its normal size... Oh crap! He takes a couple deep breaths to calm himself. No need to panic. There has to be a way he can get it to fit. After trying a few different arrangements he settles on one where the head of his penis is sticking above the waist of his pants, but it's under his shirt. He looks in the mirror. Well, it isn't blatantly obvious. He walks out of the bathroom and returns to the red dragoness.

She looks at his crotch again and her face takes on a look of lust. He can see her visibly trying to regain her composure.

He sits back in his seat and tries to ignore how horny he feels. This is a test of his control over himself. He must make it through this. "You were saying?"

"If I told you that I have a job were your unique--" She gives him a once over. "qualities, would be admired and celebrated, would you want to pursue it?"

Relief and disappointment well up in him. "Umm, what qualities?"

She tilts her head. "You look disappointed. Did I say something wrong?" The concern on her face is genuine.

"Well, I kinda thought you were going to ask me out." He looks at the tabletop nervously.

She puts a hand under his chin and pulls it up so that he's looking into her eyes. Then she kisses him on the lips and his eyes fly open as his arousal grows. She parts lips with him. "I was going to ask you after I offered you a job, but this will work too. Want to go on a date? I should warn you that I mainly enjoy flings and I prefer to stay unattached."

He is adrift in a hazy warm sensation. This wasn't at all what he expected. The fog in his mind clears a bit as his fear of sex asserts itself. Having sex without even being in a long term relationship is way outside of his comfort zone. For her he might have to dismantle his comfort zone, but it's not a decision he can make right now. "Um, ah, I'll have to think about it." If she ends up being his boss it could get weird.

"That's fine, but I want one more kiss." Millie leans in before he has time to react and plants a luscious kiss on his lips.

She sticks her long tongue into his mouth and intertwines it with his. The kiss seems to last forever and at the end of it his mind is swimming in a vast ocean of bliss.

"I can wait for a fine specimen like you. Here, take my card. I own a club. A little map is on the back of the card. Can you meet me in the evening sometime in the next week?" Her face is inches from his and she is speaking in a soft sexy voice.

"Yeah, on Monday night. When do you want me to arrive?" He grabs the card and sits back in his chair. Being this horny should be illegal.

A wide smile forms on her snout. "Eight PM would be a good time."

He watches as her eyes zero in on the bulge in his shirt. "See you then..." Something about her smile scares him. It's the smile of a predator about to catch her prey.

Her entire visage changes. The light air of seduction in her body language becomes a gale force wind. It's as if she's become a different person--one that wants to yiff him right here on top of this table. "I just can't ignore the monster you have under your shirt anymore. I want to play with it so bad and your smell is making me amazingly horny." She leans in, looks deep into his eyes, lifts his shirt up and grabs his shaft. "Why would anyone want to hide such a marvelous cock?"

His blush is so strong that it feels like his face is on fire. Before he can reply she strokes his shaft and he grabs onto the arms of his chair for support. A stifled moan escapes his lips right before she kisses him again. No one has ever touched his shaft and his mind is swimming. He can feel each and every scale on the palm of her hand as she strokes him. Some pre dribbles down his shaft and the added lubrication heightens the experience.

She gently clasps his paw with her free hand, guiding it under the tight fabric covering her breasts. His breath catches in his throat when he feels soft yet firm flesh. Her hand leads him to a swollen nipple and he feels it with his fingers. This causes her to start moaning into the kiss. An alarm goes off in Core's head--he's feeling up a customer in front of other customers. What would his boss think if he found out?

The reality of what he's doing hits him hard he breaks the kiss, pulls his paw out from under her dress. A cold wave of embarrassment washes over him when he sees that everyone in the coffee shop is watching him. Some of them have their paws in their pants. "M-millie? I'm sorry, but I'm n-not ready for this. I still need time to think--"

She reluctantly takes her hand off his shaft. "We can go to the back if you'd like." With slow erotic licks she laps up the pre on her hand. "Mmm, this is even better than that smoothie."

It feels like a cold knife has been stuck in the small of his back. The muscles there are twisted with anxiety. This gorgeous woman actually wants to have sex, with him, right now! She just licked up his pre like it was whipped cream on a hot chocolate. How can he deny her without ruining his chances with her? "G-give me till Monday. I want to be sure about this." A couple disappointed groans from the back can be heard.

Her eyes are wide with surprise. "I'm not used to being turned down..." She starts to fiddle with one of her dangling silver chain earrings as she looks off into the distance. "Very well, I'll just have to wait until Monday."

"Sorry about turning you down. If I was any other fur I bet I'd be going back there with you right now, but I can't. Sex isn't something I take lightly." He looks at the floor.

An grin forms on her face that makes her look like a demon. "I don't take sex lightly either. I work hard to have as much of it as I can." She stares longingly at the bulge in his shirt. "Well, I think I should go and give you some time to cool down." She looks across the coffee shop. "Let's get out of here and give this fox some time to himself."

"You're their boss?" It does make some sense that she would be their boss. So these people work at a club of some sort. That would explain a lot.

"I'm more than their boss. I'm their advocate, their friend, and their mentor," she says with a proud smile. "I take good care of the people that work for me." She quickly stands and addresses her flock once again. "You all heard me. I think he's had more then enough for one night. I know full well I can be a bit of a pawful--"

The wolf that rubbed against Core the other night interrupts her. "You're more than a pawful." He holds his paws out in front of him and pretends to squeeze her breasts. "Each one of your tits is more like two pawfuls." A few of the other employees snicker.

With a piercing glare she points at the wolf and then points at the door. "Oh and William, you're going to be the first out the door." Her expression softens. "I do appreciate the compliment though."

Core watches in surprise as the wolf obediently tosses his cup in the trash and heads out the door.

"Now the rest of you. I'll be along shortly." She turns to him. The other furs make disappointed noises as they leave the shop. "Before I leave I want to tell you something. Do you know the reason why my employees keep coming back to your coffee shop is you? Before they found you they would scatter when their shift ended. Do you have any idea what they see in you?"

For a moment he pauses, not sure how to reply. What could be so special about him? He may be cute, but he couldn't be attractive enough to cause them to come back night after night. "Is it, umm, I'm good at making drinks?"

"You're being too modest, hun." She points across to the table where women are packing up their things. "You see that Bengal tiger wearing the tight miniskirt?"

With a guilty look, he glances at the cute tiger girl from the other day. "Yes, I've seen her around."

"She adores you and told me that I had to offer you a job. This plea aroused the curiosity of my other employees and and one by one they came to your shop looking for the--how did she put it? 'The most adorable fox butt in the world.' After noticing that nearly all of my employees were coming here when their shift ended, I asked them all and they agreed with her critique. That made me curious enough to visit the mystery fox butt." She slowly walks forward and puts a slender hand on his shoulder leaning down to his ear. "The very second I walked in that door and saw you for myself I knew I had to add you to my stables."

How could his average appearance be why they keep coming back? All of them are far more attractive than he is, aren't they? What kind of job would rely so heavily on his looks? He tilts his head. "What job would I be doing at your club?"

She gives him a mischievous grin. "I don't want to give up all my secrets." She grabs her purse. "Besides, I don't want you to judge the job before you see my club." Her eyes glance around the shop. "Well, looks like everyone's cleared out now. I'm going to go but I'll see you Monday." Millie puts a hand under his chin and kisses him passionately. After she breaks the kiss she stares into his eyes for a moment before she heads toward the door.

With a gentle whip of her tail, she turns. "Goodbye, sexy."

He looks up blankly--the shock from Millie's erotic kiss has left him in a daze. With a fuzzy intoxicated stare he watches her hips and tail sway. Her luscious curves bounce enticingly as she leaves the shop.

As his senses finally return, he finds himself sitting alone in an empty store, not sure of what just happened. A random woman he has never met, flirted, kissed, and even played with his tool tonight. How could something feel so good and so wrong at the same time? He never imagined anyone would find him so handsome or want him like that. All those pickup lines and cat calls were actually not jokes? And her breast--his face starts to glow--felt so warm and soft in his paw.

With a shaky paw he traces the incredible bulge in his pants. He moans and reaches toward his bulging khakis with his other paw. The sound of Millie's business card hitting the floor interrupts him.

With a groan he retrieves the business card. "Millie's Menagerie" is written in stylized red letters that are on a black oval background with little horns coming out on either side of it. The line below it reads, "Exotic Spaces, Races, and Tails." He blinks. What does that mean? Does she run a furniture store or something?

The phone number, address, and email address are also on the front. He flips the card over and sees that it has a rather detailed map on it. This place isn't that far from the coffee shop. He takes out his wallet and puts the card in it before he puts it into his pocket. Time to think about something else... What does he need to do before close?

He sees that the back tables are covered with Millie's employees' trash. Jumping stiffly to his feet he bolts over to the bussing station for a cart, thinking about what his boss would do if he saw this mess. He blazes through the shop, picking up various messes and spills. His efforts are hindered by the bulge in his pants. Thankfully they left less behind than they normally do. Probably because they were self conscious about Millie being there. Now that he's done with six of the tables he is finally able to bend a bit.

A yellow piece of paper catches his eye. He picks it up and reads the overly flowery handwriting. "Hey cutie, this is the Bengal tiger chick that licked your neck the other day. My phone number is on the back. Give me a call after you visit Millie at the club. I want to know how your visit went. See you round, Victoria." Her note is followed by a few X's and O's amongst some crude drawings. He sticks the piece of paper in his pocket.

Eventually the coffee shop is clean and sparkling. Core can move freely now and he doesn't have to worry about his boss finding a mess when he opens the shop. Now he has to do his least favorite part of his job, cleaning the bathrooms. Grabbing the cleaning cart and a mop, he goes into the women's bathroom. It's not that dirty today. As he cleans it he can feel his penis rubbing against his pants. By the time he's done he once again has a throbbing erection.

His thoughts start drifting from the uncomfortable tightness to warmer and softer thoughts about this tiger girl... Then to that luscious dragon chick. What was her name? It started with an M. Millie. The vivid memory of her hand on his his penis comes back to him. Her supple touch, her masterful strokes. He purrs deeply as thinks about the feeling of her scales. No! He must focus on his job. He shakes his head and tries to put Millie out of his mind as he moves on to the men's bathroom.

Trying to finish his job before his cock drives him insane, he hastily cleans the men's room. Once he's finished he heads for the door. His eyes widen when he feels something stirring in his crotch. What the hell? Without thinking he pulls his pants down to see all fourteen inches of his erection standing proud. His balls feel like they are so full of cum that they are going to burst. They even look a bit larger. A throbbing sensation comes from his cock as waves of pleasure crest within him. His shaft looks like it is getting bigger. How is this possible? He doesn't even have his magical item. His sense of balance goes wild when his balls start to throb. The pleasure is so intense that he can't see straight.

He stumbles back into the restroom--his balls rub against sensitive areas with each step. Trying to find a position where his balls are not stimulating sensitive parts, he only makes things worse. A moan escapes his lips. He takes a deep breath and smells his own scent. It's so strong that it causes his crotch to grow wetter and wetter while his shaft continues to grow.

The feeling of Millie's touch invades his mind. His free hand is compelled to reach under his shirt and grab his rock hard erection. Pre is now trickling down his shaft. What is he doing? What if a customer sees him? His mind races as he tries to regain control. But his erection is so hard and his balls feel so full. If he doesn't do something about this erection he'll give any unsuspecting customer that comes in an eyeful. His eyes widen and he howls as his cock shoots a large glob of pre onto the floor. No one comes by at this time on a Saturday night anyway.

The button on his pants pops off as his penis gets even bigger--it is no longer willing to be ignored. His mind is now screaming for him to fuck and his balls ache to be emptied. His need and his reason fight violently in his mind right before he feels like he will be torn in two. He falls onto his back and his cock slaps him in the face--it's over twenty inches long now!

His pulsing black penis throbs in front of him, taunting him. Groaning, he raises both paws and starts to stroke his shaft, gasping from the intense pleasure coming from his sensitive flesh. His paws and chest are now soaked in pre. Every stroke on his shaft feels like fire--his feral side pushes his rational mind into the shadows. He starts to hump an invisible vixen over and over without noticing that the head of his cock is now being thrust in and out of his own maw.

Suddenly the vixen morphs into Millie. She rides him like a prize stallion as his massive cock can be seen stretching her from the inside. Her tail follows her movements as her large breasts bounce with each shift of her weight. He thrusts harder, wanting to push more of himself into her. To take her like a vixen. To make her moan in ecstasy as she has orgasm after orgasm. His hands are playing her like a violin, searching for the most pleasurable positions. His mind starts to drift away from Millie toward his most private memories.

His loins and cunny start to burn. Quickly his lust-filled mind tries to make sense of this feeling, only to have a memory from his last heat start playing in his mind. In the memory he wanders aimlessly through his apartment as his sexual need grows. Eventually his need is too strong to be ignored and he runs his paws all over his body. His touches become more and more erotic until he finally releases his throbbing erection from his pants. He strokes himself and starts to moan, then puts a paw on his swollen cunny. Its juices soak his paw as he rubs his clit.

The memory continues. Pleasure ricochets through his body as hips start to grow wider and his shoulders narrow. His nipples become tender and grow in size while the flesh around them becomes bare. Then his chest starts swelling into breasts. His breasts continue to grow until they are nice and plump. His mind is so clouded by sexual desire that he becomes a mindless slut thrusting, humping, lusting until finally his memories are nothing more than hot flashes of pleasure.

As if insulted by his mental detour, Millie makes herself known again by showing off her luscious body. His maw is now sore from being fucked by his enormous cock for the past ten minutes. Pre is oozing out of his mouth all over his chest. The fantasy grows even more intense. Oh, God! Her red scaly cunt is taking all of him--his mouth tightens around his shaft--and her tail is wrapped around his waist. She's pleading him to cum inside her--he moans as he feels his shaft start to pulse. His cock explodes and ropes of cum start filling his mouth. Soon his mouth is filled to the point that his cheeks are inflated and his seed sprays out the sides of his mouth.

His growls of passion echo loudly in the bathroom and his body shivers in pleasure. The orgasm doesn't stop and cum continues to pour out of him. His mind becomes numb as he releases his cock from his mouth and lays on the floor. The orgasm is still resounding in his mind. Minutes later it's finally over and he's staring at the now white and musky bathroom. It takes him a couple tries to sit up with his exhausted and sore body.

"Crap!" He winces in pain--it hurts to speak. Now he has to clean up this mess. Seeing this much cum in one place is unbelievable.

Not letting his lust take control of him didn't work out very well... It was fun, but now he has to clean the bathroom again. His enhanced balls have an unbelievable output. Luckily most of the cum is not on him. He starts to clean it up and he notices that he feels much better. It's like he needed to cum twice today to make up for all the time he neglected his need.

By the time he's done cleaning it all up he's half convinced that this is a dream. There's no way he would masturbate at work. Millie's hand on his cock certainly wasn't a dream. He shakes his head. No more sex today. Time to go. He turns off the lights and locks the door.

His clothes are still wet, but at least they're not soaked in cum. Maybe they'll keep him cool on his trip home.