Broken Dreams Chapter 4 (clean)

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of series1

Chapter 4

Camping with my best friends. The only thing that could have made this better would be if my parents were alive and here. I still find it hard to believe, but at least now I can accept it. Tiamara, Timothy and I were getting ready to go white water river rafting.

"What all do we bring?"

"Seriously? Haven't you two ever been camping?"

Tiamara shook her head, "Nope."

"Wow. Um... put the walkie-talkies in my water proof pack and the food in yours. Timothy, can take the emergency pack. And that should be it."

Timothy looked up, "Which one is the emergency pack?"

"The one that says 'Emergency Pack'. Don't worry, the first time I went camping I didn't get it either. But I went when I was five."

"Ha ha."

After ten minutes of trying, Timothy got the raft inflated my mouth.

"You do know there's a cord you pull for automatic inflation, right?"

"Of course I do. I just wanted to blow it up like this."

When I turned around I heard him say, "I'm such an idiot."

We pushed the raft to the water and climbed in.

"I don't like this. It's not solid."

"Oh, Tiamara, you're such a pussy."

"No, just preferring living to drowning."

"You got on a life vest?"


"There you go. Besides these are the baby level rapids."

We set out at a slow pace. Tiamara and Timothy actually enjoyed the experience. The biggest thing was when we went off a ten foot waterfall. Then Tiamara sunk one of her claws into the bottom of the raft and we had to go back to camp.

"I said I was sorry."

"It's ok. I'm not mad. We were getting close to the big dog rapids anyway."

"Ok. What time is it?"

I looked at my watch, "ten-thirty."

"Holy shit! That really took all day?"

"You two didn't wake up 'til noon."

"Oh, right."

We stayed up two more hours making smores and telling ghost stories. I was the only one of us that actually owned a tent so we had to squeeze in there. Rafting was the fourth thing on our five-day camping trip. We had gone hiking, biking, and mountain climbing already. Tomorrow we are going to go trail riding. Mike had bought us go-buggies for this. That's what we drove out here.

You may be wondering how I could do all of this with a broken arm. Well, first off, the doctors were mistaken. My arm was only sprained. And second, I was able to get major pain pills before the trip.

About five-thirty I woke up and made some coffee. Timothy came out of the tent shortly after.

"Mornin'. Tiamara still sleeping?"

"Like a rock. Coffee?"

"Freshly brewed." I poured a cup and handed it to him. He must have liked it because he was back for seconds in seconds.

Tiamara came out for coffee too.

"I should make breakfast." I put bacon and eggs in my skillet and set it on the fire.

We ate and then head out for the trail riding. The trail we went on was one of my favorites as a pup. Only a few

things changed about it, nothing major.

I took the lead.

"Hey, guys, stay right on my tail. This trail has so many twists and turns, it'll be easy to get lost." I radioed.


Everything that day was perfectly fine. We stopped for gas once before lunch and filled up then too, and then once after. We didn't have to back to the campsite because we had everything with us.

One of my favorite paths was blocked.

"Forget the sign. I'm going through. Follow if you want. If not the radios have GPS." I tore through the wooden sign. The trail seemed fine enough. Tiamara and Timothy did follow me, but not that close. I got about three turns in and suddenly I was looking into the side of a huge rock slide. It was too late to stop so I braced myself for impact.

CRACK! I slammed into the rocks. My seatbelt couldn't restrain me from truly breaking my arm this time. Luckily I wasn't thrown from the cab. (It wouldn't be Broken Dreams without some kind of tragedy).

"Crystal Sky! Crystal Sky, are you okay?" Tiamara had gotten out of her buggie and rushed over to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I really did break my arm this time though."

"Let's get you into my buggie."

"Why I can drive."

"Your front sway-bar snapped and a tire fell off." Timothy said.

"So." I retorted.

They finally convinced me to ride along with Tiamara and I was rushed to the nearest hospital. My dad chose this camp because it was so close to the hospital in case of an emergency. This one is better than the one I went to a few days ago.

"Well, Miss Daneson, it seems like you are accident prone. It says here that you were in a car accident about a week and a half ago. It says you had a concussion, a broken arm, and three cracked tailbones. The broken arm was false, not now apparently. But now you have that and a fractured shin. I want you off of your feet for a while. No ifs or buts about it." This doctor was an old friend of the family and knew me.

A nurse came in. "Miss Daneson, your brother, Mike, is on line two."


"What were you thinking, going rafting, trail riding! Crystal Sky, are you trying to kill yourself? Stop being so reckless."

"Mike, chill. Me and the guys just wanted to have a little fun. I never tried to get hurt. My life is starting to get back to the way it was. I don't want to fuck that up."

"Still...Anyway I've been reassigned. I can work from home. I'll see you in a month. And he hung up.