Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 7

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#7 of Werefox's Dillema

Something to keep in mind is the fact that the other form was able to keep control over the body for a full week. And I will fully admit that when I was writing this story I really did not ever figure out what the main character's real name is. I always called them Other because that is the name Song gives them.

Friend bark back at me from not here, worried why I bark. I bark reply. Friend no know why I want Other's things back. No need know why. I huff in anger. I very mad. Wind comes in different direction. I smell Bad Smell. Bad Smell close, hear me scream. I need leave. I come back when sun up again. I turn and bolt, running away from Bad Smell direction. Why Bad Smell still here? Thought Bad Smell was just going not here. Other wakes up, expresses confusion. I comfort Other. I know what I do. I keep safe. I stop outside Friend's area. In another like self's home. I can smell it. I am thirsty. I eat some snow but not enough. I go look for lake. I follow tracks. They know where water is. Most tracks human. Humans move confused. No sense of purpose. Growing annoyed I follow not human track. I find water quickly. I dip my mouth in and drink. It very cold but I be all right.

Another shows up, stares at me. I bark at it. Human lights let me see clearly. Like self but not self. No need fight over water so stay calm. Not like Friend. Fur no like ground. Fur like self. Not self barks back, gets water. No need fight over water. I move on. I find place near human place big enough to fit and sleep there. Other wants back in control but Other be mad if I no have Other's things. I no want Other mad at me. I sleep. I dream. No find dreams out of normal. I wake up, feel rested. Sun not up yet. I sleep good. I step out and stretch. Body feel good. I shake fur again. I no hungry, still good from rabbit last night. Snow partly gone now. Be mostly gone by time sun goes down. No scent of Bad Smell. Is good thing. I walk to stretch out more. Maybe play with Friend again. That was fun. I find a mouse while walking. I pounce and I eat. I remember Other's stuff. I go to human den and see still no motion. I come back again later. Humans sleep long time. I smell Friend and go say hello. Want to play again.

Friend happy to see me. We rub heads again and begin running again. Play fight some now and then. I better fighter. I win fights. Sun up high and we go other ways. I return to human den, hear motion. I bark at human in home, want Other's stuff back. Human sees me and steps out to look at me. I try demand Other's stuff back. Human makes sounds. Quiet sounds. Not meant for me. But I hear. I no know what said but I hear. I get mad. I scream at human, move closer. Human runs back inside. Flat thing closes. No see human again. Why human no know what I want? Humans are stupid. No sense of decency.

I go in front of flat thing, try dig way in. No luck. Too hard. I piss on flat thing again. I leave not happy. I find cat near. Cat no like me. I amused. Cat fat, smaller than me, slower than me. No threat unless I let be threat. I play with cat. Run around and come close from behind, half pounce at cat. Make cat mad. Is fun. Cat have enough, run away. I have enough fun with cat. I let go. I pant. I am happy. I see some humans. I no pay them mind. I see dogs. I play with dogs but no trust dogs. No get close. Other have fun when I play with cat but no with dogs. I make sure I play with cat again later. When run along fence with one dog, human flashy thing my. Make eyes hurt. Next few days similar. When I hungry I hunt. Some get away. If I catch I eat or bury. If I find food I eat. Cats and dogs safe. No hunt hunters. Feels wrong somehow When I thirsty I drink. When I sleepy I sleep. When I see cat I tease, make mad. When I see dog, I run along with dog.

Rest of time spent speaking with other fox in area, exploring area and playing with Friend. Like playing with Friend. Much fun had. I make sure I check on human home often. Always call, demand Other's stuff back. Stupid human no give. Throw food at me few times. I no eat. No trust. No stuff. Other wants self back. I no want give till I get Other's stuff back. Is harder to not give body back each day. On night it snow I go back to human home. Find door open. Other want self back hard. Hard to resist. I slip in, try find stuff. I sniff around. Self scent no here. I find anyway. In room to side I find large thing. Look like Other's stuff. I nudge around, find all Other's stuff here. No self scent on stuff. Why human remove self scent? Human want Other's stuff? I mark stuff as mine again. I know I no can bring outside by self. I decide let Other take stuff outside. I feel body shift, stuff grow longer, I grow bigger, I fall asleep.

I open my eyes, finally back in my own body once again. Finally I'm able to actually have control over what this body of mine can do. My first impulse is to try and find out what the damage is from slipping. I give my body a quick once over, feeling all parts of it. My whiskers are back to full length again, my muzzle and ears a bit larger than they had been. Finally the layer of hairs covering my entire body has gotten significantly thicker. As loath as I am to admit it that last part might actually be at a big advantage for me, especially when we start getting into the really cold weeks of winter that are still coming up. I notice that all of my clothing seems to be right in front of me. Though I don't really remember much of what happened when the song was in control but I do know it was likely a full week that I was transformed, running around as just some animal and yet I'm now right here inside of a building with all of my clothes right in front of me. What's strangest about it all is that the shirt and pants almost look like they've been dry-cleaned. Shrugging and not really having anything to do else I go and put everything back on, the shirt being a lot tighter on me due to how much thicker than I had been. I do notice that I don't have anymore money in my pocket, so whoever cleaned them and held them obviously stole all my money, which is certainly annoying.

I don't put my bindings on right now, mainly because that can wait and I'm in too unfamiliar territory to feel safe. I grab everything and make my way to the door, disappointed by not having any money anymore. When I get to the door, though, I find my escape completely blocked off as the door is shut before my eyes by a human woman that is pointing a gun at me. I panic, react out of reflex and skid to a stop before jumping to hide behind a wall, to put anything between me and the gun.

"I figured that would work. Now this is only here for my own protection from you," she comments, not really being all that convincing to me. "Now all I want is an interview from you. You give that to me and I'll let you go. Now I want you to go and sit down in that chair there, where I can keep a good eye on you."

I hesitate, refuse to obey right away, trying to stay hidden while trying to figure out how to get out of here safely and without getting shot. This is by far the worst situation I've had to deal with. Damn it song, what did you walk me into?

"Sit down at that table or I will shoot you and given where you are I can easily claim to be defending my own life from a mugger. You can speak, can't you? If not I can always just call the cops and wait for them to come. Even if you do get past me I do know exactly what you look like and are wearing. Shouldn't be too hard for the cops to catch you if you're on foot. Or you can give me an interview and I'll let you go. So what'll it be?"

I frown and consider my situation. There are a lot of things that can go wrong if I try to escape and I need to live long enough to gain my humanity again, which I can't do if I'm dead or gravely injured. Feeling no choice I decide to speak, not something I do often due to the fact that my mouth is no longer designed to enunciate human words. Without a lip or the ability to use my lip some consonants are completely out of my abilities and some others I can manage with some difficulty. On top of that my vocal cords are no longer as skilled as they once were so speaking makes my throat sore after a while. Overall my voice has a very rough if not husky tone and I have to think through each word to try and say it as best I can.

"I steek, dut no cone out. Don't trust you nuth," I comment.

"So you can speak. Well that's good. Means you aren't just some dumb animal to deal with and can see reason. So, I guess we should start with some introductions," she states, moving further into view as she sits down on the table and places the gun in front of her on the table as well as a thin black thing that she turns on. "This is just a recording device, nothing to be afraid of. Sit. I promise I won't shoot unless you make a move against me. That reminds me," she comments, getting up and pulling out a small steak from the oven and placing it on the other side of the table. "This is for you, to pay you for your cooperation."

"Day with ny own noney. You stole it."

"And I'm sure you stole that money from somewhere else, just as you probably stole everything you had."

"No steal," I growl back at her, causing her to grip her gun tightly for a few seconds. Though some of the money was stolen, the vast majority was still from what I found in the pocket. "Was in coat athter I duy. Is nine. Want dack."

"Fine, how about this. You come sit down and I'll give you your money back when we're done. Okay?"

I grumble, not wanting to leave myself all that vulnerable that close to someone with a weapon. But knowing I will probably need my money again I relent and step closer and sit down in the chair, having to turn it around backwards so I can sit without my abominable appendage being uncomfortable. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out stack of bills and places it in front of me. I grab and quickly count out in my head how much she gave me. It's more or less the same amount. She seems to have skimped me out of a few bills but it's close enough to not complain. I stick it back in the pocket it belongs in.

"So let's start over. I'm Elizabeth. And you are?"

I refuse to answer, looking somewhat uncomfortable with the question. The last thing I want to do is give this person my real name but don't want to lie since I don't entirely know if this form can lie at all convincingly.

"Cannot say. Nouth no work well nuth."

"Well you have to be called something. What else am I going to call you?"

Not knowing what else to say I go with one answer I have that should suffice enough. "Song call ne Other."

"Song? Who's that?"

I place one hand on my chest, my nose tantalizing me with the stench of the steak. It is certainly an enticing meal. But I don't want to eat and make me seem too eager. Though I am fairly hungry I can ignore that need for the time being. Though I know the song would be demanding I placate my hunger if it were away but one of the effects of transforming back is that song will be completely quiet for a few hours while it sleeps.

"Song within ne. It want change ne, nake ne like aninal," I pat my chest once more.

"So the animal is a separate entity entirely? That's certainly interesting. Though it didn't take long to figure out what you were. A thing with a tail runs out of my home and when I follow the tracks I find empty clothes and when I take them back home I find a fox repeatedly coming at my door. I'll admit it did take me a few days to figure out what exactly it wanted. After that it was a simple matter to lure you into this trap."