Jaiden's Special Stream

Story by yuribears on SoFurry

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Hey everybody, Yuribears here with another story for all of you. Fair warning, this story is fairly different from the other ones I've uploaded so far. Famous Youtuber Jaiden Animations has a member's only stream where she gets nasty with not just a lucky fan, but her dog too! Hope you guys enjoy!

Edit: Wow! It's only been 4 days and this is already easily my most popular story. Thanks a lot to everyone who's faved & rated it, it means a lot.

"So that'll be all for today's stream guys! Hope you all enjoyed - thanks so much for the superchat, WeekendSauce! Remember, in half an hour I'll have a super special stream for all my loyal members. It'll be starring my dog, Rex, and - drum roll please everyone - one very lucky fan! Until then, I'll catch you guys later."

Turning off the stream, Jaiden leaned back in her chair and let out a long sigh. She closed her eyes, allowing herself only a couple minutes rest. Her anxiety always reared it's ugly head during her usual streams, though it was strangely absent during her special streams. A fact she chose not to look too deeply into. Her heartrate slowed, anxiety bleeding away, only for her rising anticipation to speed it right back up. She'd been looking forward to this stream all week.

She stretched out as she stood up, working life into muscles grown tired from sitting for five hours. Another sigh escaped her lips, this one tinged with satisfaction rather than exhaustion. Time to get changed.

She stood in front of the full body mirror in her room and watched herself run a hand through her chestnut brown hair. She was wearing her usual outfit: tight purple T-shirt and black pants. Certainly not unattractive, she mused, but far too casual. Not at all matching the tone of the stream. The shirt soon found itself taken off her and carelessly tossed to the floor, her bra not far behind, exposing her breasts. They were the same milky white as the rest of her body, making the rosy pink of her nipples stand out all the more. Her pants & panties met the same fate as their upper body brethren, leaving her completely naked. Her ass was rather similar to her breasts: shapely, and just large enough to be a handful. She mussed her hair again, not satisfied until the brown locks draped across her ivory shoulders just so.

Almost ready. She wasn't going to stream completely naked after all; that would be far too lewd! Looking in her closet, she took her time before finally deciding on the perfect strap-on: black leather harness, complete with 8 inch long, three inch wide purple cock, replete with thick veins and ridges. Looking herself over in the mirror one last time, she nodded. Perfect.

The knock on the door was immediately followed by the loud, deep boom of Rex's barking.That must be him. Jaiden ran to the door and opened it, uncaring of her near complete nudity. The man behind it, to his credit, gave only the briefest of starts at seeing his favourite youtuber naked so suddenly.

"Well, looks like this is gonna be a fun stream."

"Ha ha, you know it, man," Jaiden laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "Come on in, make yourself at home! We'll be starting soon."

Jaiden wasn't especially subtle about checking him out as he walked by her. She'd said the fan selection was purely luck, that she was just picking one at random, but the truth was quite the opposite. She'd made sure the one she'd picked was a guy, and one who was her type as well. She bit her lip ever so slightly as she looked him over. He was taller than her by a few inches, and had the muscle to match the frame, with skin the same bone white as hers. He was older than her, perhaps in his late thirties, and had a gruff, untamed look to him. Both his hair and stubble were salt and pepper coloured, and she was hoping for something similar down low.

Rex rushed over to investigate this newcomer, vigorously sniffing him to make sure he posed no danger. Once satisfied, he sat back and smiled as Jaiden gave his head a good petting.

"This is Rex, my rottweiler. He'll be, ah, _participating_in the stream with us."

Jack just raised an eyebrow. He'd been a fan of Jaiden for quite some time, and with all the member's only streams of hers he'd watched over the years, suffice to say this level of depravity was closer to the rule than the exception.

"Well, looking forward to working with you buddy," he said, patting the dog on it's rather large head.

"Come on then boys," Jaiden beckoned. "The bedroom awaits."

The room was large, girly and sported two separate streaming setups; one was a camera hooked up to her computer for her usual streaming, the other required much more space: a larger, higher quality camera was set up on a tripod in front of a large open area backed almost entirely by body length mirrors, allowing viewers to see the stream from all angles. Just outside the camera's view was a desk, every inch covered in sex toys of every kind imaginable, from butt plugs to whips to vibrators and everything in between.

"Take a look, grab whatever you like," she gestured nonchalantly. "But don't take too long, we're starting soon."

Jack looked through her vast collection, his eyebrows shooting up more than once. He liked to think he was rather savvy when it came to tools of a carnal persuasion, but Jaiden made him look like an amateur. Hell, some of the stuff here he'd never even heard of, let alone knew how to use. In the end he chose two he was used to, toys he knew how to use very, very well.

Jaiden's face lit up when he showed her his choice.

"Oh I just knew you were the right one. This is going to be so much fun!" Checking the time, she clapped her hands once. "Ok, stream's starting in just a minute, so really quick, here's the game plan. Me and Rex here'll kick the show off, really get the blood pumping in the chat. While we're getting busy, you get prepared. Get your clothes off, get the toy prepared, all that. There's lube on the counter there, use as much of it as you need. When I give the signal, you come in. While I introduce you, I want you to join in on the fun however you want. Me, Rex, doesn't matter. He's a good boy, he'll do whatever you want. When we're done with Rex, it'll be just you and me having some fun. We'll finish it off with reading the superchats, give everyone a big thanks for tuning in, then we're done. Got it?"

Head somewhat reeling from information overload, Jack nodded.

"Awesome." Jaiden gave a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't be nervous. You'll do great. Alright Rex, let's get this show on the road."


"Hi everyone, thank you all for coming! If you're new to these streams, welcome. I hope you enjoy it. If you're not, welcome back. I hope you didn't miss me too much. I missed you guys, and Rex did too. Didn't you, boy?"

Rex barked. Jaiden giggled, and then suddenly her cutesy, relatable demeanour was gone, vanished like so much dust in the wind. In it's place was a far more confident, far more sensual Jaiden.

"But you guys didn't come to see me make small talk, did you? No, I know what you guys want. You want me to play with Rex, don't you?"

She squatted down, running her fingers against Rex's course brown fur, trailing her hand down his strong back. Rex smiled, his tongue flopping out.

"Actually, maybe "playing with Rex" isn't quite the right phrase. Let's go with "absolutely wrecking Rex's tight little dog asshole."

With vicious speed, she rammed two fingers up Rex's asshole, grinning as she heard him yelp in surprise. She paused only a second to enjoy the tight sensation around her fingers, the pulsing heat, before she grabbed his ears with her other hand and yanked them back, making him look into the camera as she started finger fucking him at an increasingly fast speed. Very soon the room was filled with the sounds of the dog whimpering in both pleasure and pain mixed with the moist sounds of Jaiden's finger assault on the large dog's anus.

It took everything Jack had to not start masturbating. His cock was hard as diamonds from seeing such degeneracy in person, but he managed to hold out. He was going to last as long as possible when his turn came, and if that meant not being able to relieve some pressure as his idol fingerbanged a dog, then so be it.

Abruptly, she pulled her fingers out of Rex with a loud, wet plop. Leaning toward the computer, she read the chat as she lovingly licked her fingers, savoring the bitter, heady taste of Rex's asshole like a delicious popsicle.

"ChainsawManRulez, thanks so much for the superchat! "That's so hot. I'm surprised the dog didn't run away." Oh hun, you're definitely new here. I trained my Rex very well. Look, I'll show you some of the tricks I taught him. Beg."

Rex laid on the floor and raised his ass in the air and wagged it side to side, giving everyone a good view of his asshole. It was gaping open, and puffed out like a delicious, dark donut.


Staying in the same position, Rex bounced it's ass up and down in a crude facsimile of a woman riding a dick.

"Roll over."

This one was actually rather similar to the normal command. Rex rolled onto his back, his genitals on full display. He had fully unsheathed during the rigorous fingering he'd received earlier, and now a single drop of precum was leaking out the top of his dark red, bulbous cock, trailing down past it's large knot and landing on his large, furry testicles.

Kneeling next to him, she gently grasped his cock and began stroking it with soft, slow movements. It was readily apparent she knew just how to please him, just where to touch to give him the most pleasure. A pinky here, a wrist movement there, and in less than a minute he was frantically bucking his hips, desperate to increase the pace. She allowed it, for once being generous to him, right until she felt it begin throbbing beneath her hand. He was about to cum.

"No cumming for you," she said, and, tightening her grip until it was a vice, began brutally pulling and tugging on his cock with all her strength. Rex whined and yelped with agony, desperate to escape. But there was no escape to be found. Jaiden kept pulling harder and harder, teeth bared in a vicious snarl, until even Jack was sure she was going to rip the poor dog's dick off. And then she stopped, just moments before the damage would become permanent. She gave one last pinch, right on the tip of it's cock, then straightened, smiling as innocent as can be.

"Time for the real fun. Beg."

Rex obeyed, perhaps even faster than before. Anything to avoid the horrible pain it had just felt. Unfortunately, the night was far from over, and she had more plans for the dog. Taking hold of the large purple cock between her legs, she dribbled some spit onto it - enough to just barely moisten the very tip - and rubbed it in. With one hand she placed the tip of her dildo against his ass, with the other she took firm hold of his hips.

There was no foreplay. No slowly sliding the cock in, no pausing to make sure there was no pain. This dog was her personal fucktoy, and she did it how she liked it. And she liked it rough and fast. So, with a wink to the camera, she thrust her hips forward and rammed half of her cock up it's ass.

Jaiden had trained Rex's ass, of course. Hell, she tormented and played with his juicy hole practically every day. But she'd always been extra careful to keep him relatively tight. Even on the days when she'd gone too far gaping him, like that one double fisting Friday, she'd made sure his hole was back to normal by the end of the day. Not because she could really feel it - after all, all the pleasure she was getting from this was via the tiny nub on the inside of the strap-on rubbing her clit. No, it was simply because that moment where she completely broke him in was far too delicious to only experience once.

Were it not for the soundproofing she'd had installed in her bedroom walls, the whole block would have heard Rex's pained howl. The feeling of Jaiden's massive cock widening it's guts was a familiar pain, but a terrible one nonetheless. The sound only spurred her on: the moment she felt resistance, she pulled back almost to the tip and slammed in as hard as she could again, and again, and again, until finally she felt her hips smack against his backside.

A low, guttural moan escaped Rex's lips, pleasure finally mingling with the pain as she smashed her cock into his prostate. Laughing, Jaiden reached up and pressed his head down into the ground, smothering his whimpers and moans in the ground as she fucked him deep and hard. Her pace was completely erratic: sometimes she would use long, deep thrusts, slowly pulling out nearly the entire length before brutally ramming it back in, sometimes she would fuck as fast as she possibly could, her hips practically a blur and the sound of her hips slapping his furry backside constantly reverberating through the room.

It was the hottest thing Jack had ever seen. It wasn't his first time seeing her rape a dog's ass before - Rex was something of a recurring guest, and even some animals she didn't own and hadn't trained had found themselves the special guests of her streams - but something about seeing it in person made it infinitely hotter. Seeing the small details like how Rex's dick oozed a little more precum every time Jaiden went balls deep, smelling the sweat and the hormones emanating from both of them, feeling the raw, sexual heat even from across the room; they all elevated the experience to a whole other level.

Just as Jack was about to break his rule and touch himself, he caught Jaiden gesturing for him to come over.

"Now, mmnf, without further ado, mmnf, let me introduce the winner of the contest," Jaiden announced as she continued pegging Rex. Pounding her dog into the ground, she gestured to him as he walked into the camera's view. "Meet Jack, everybody!"

Slightly camera shy, Jack waved to the camera, before turning his focus to the woman and beast before him. He couldn't help but focus on Rex's large rump, wondering what it must be like to fuck it the way she was. Jaiden looked up, followed his eyes, then laughed in understanding. With a loud squelch, she pulled out of him, her dildo covered in his ass juices.

Squatting down next to Rex's ass, now gaping wide and throbbing, she hooked a finger in both sides and spread him open even further.

"Get over here and rape my dog's ass, big boy. I've got him all warmed up for ya."

Unfortunately for Rex, Jack's cock was no smaller than Jaiden's strap-on; in fact, while fairly similar in length, he was actually a little more than an inch wider. If that wasn't enough, Jack had put on one of the toys he'd gathered: a large, studded cock ring. Removing her fingers, Jaiden did him the courtesy of grabbing his cock - she couldn't even fully wrap her fingers around it, she gleefully noticed - and aimed it right at Rex's gaping donut.

Jack took a different approach than Jaiden had. It was his first time feeling a dog's ass engulf his member, and he wanted to savour it. So he slowly, yet steadily, pressed forward. Rex's already worn out anus gave only the slightest resistance before giving in, Jack's bulbous head pushing in with a sudden plop. Jack couldn't help letting out a deep moan. God, it's so fucking tight! It's so hot!

_ _ Firmly grabbing the dog's hips, he pushed forward. He was so slow, but unstoppable. No amount of protest or whines from the dog could stop him, not even the high pitched yelp as he forced the cock ring through, nearly ripping it's asshole.

Jaiden bit her lip, then moved around to the front of the dog. Looking down at her colourful cock, she clicked her tongue in feigned disappointment.

"Just look at the mess you made of my cute purple cock. Now it's all covered in your ass juices, Rex. I think we both know you need to take responsibility for this, don't we?"

Standing, she placed the tip of her cock against his closed mouth, slowly rubbing the tip against his lips and smearing his juices all over his lips.

"Time to get this good and clean. Kiss."

Rex leaned his head forward to lick her dildo clean, but Jaiden wasn't in the mood for a slow tongue bath today. As soon as his tongue made contact, she roughly grabbed his ears and used them as handlebars to shove her cock past his muzzle and down his throat. She'd trained him orally, of course, but nobody's ready to have eight inches of cock suddenly rammed down your mouth, and he gagged and sputtered furiously.

The two of them reached an unspoken agreement. When he thrust in she pulled out, and vice versa. That doesn't mean they were slow, far from it. They were fucking the dog as fast as they possibly could; Jack from pure pleasure; Rex's asshole was pleasing him in ways he hadn't thought possible, and when he gagged on Jaiden's dildo it made his hole writhe and squirm as well, massaging Jack's cock as he railed it; Jaiden from the thrill of domination, from the sick thrill that rushed through her body as she marveled in the utter depravity of what they were doing. No matter how many times she did this, the thrill never went away, never lessened.

The spot below Rex was growing damper by the second. Precum was dripping from him like a facet. Jaiden would force him to lick it up later. Rex didn't mind, the only thing his animal brain could comprehend was the pleasure constantly building as Jack smashed against his prostate and stretched his ass farther than he thought possible. The lack of oxygen was also starting to heighten the pleasure even more: Jaiden had been raping his mouth for more than two minutes now, and she had yet to give him a moment to breath.

Over the next fifteen minutes the two spitroasted Rex, using him like an especially furry fleshlight. All three of them were getting close, but it was Rex who opened the floodgates first. One particular thrust of Jack's happened to hit Rex's prostate in just the right way to send him right over the edge. Thick white cum sprayed from his cock and splattered beneath him.

His orgasm made his ass spasm all over Jack's thick cock, and just like that he was over the edge too. Torrents of hot cum flooded Rex's ass, splashing over Rex's prostate and making him cum again. Jack pulled out of Rex with a content sigh, his now soft cock plopping out of Rex's wide open ass allowing the cum to seep out onto the floor.

With a panicked cry, Jaiden pulled out of Rex's mouth and buried her face in Rex's ass. Without hesitation buried her tongue inside his asshole, scraping every possible surface and tasting the delightful combination of cum and ass. With expert scoops and strokes of her tongue she sucked every drop of cum out of her dog's ass, only pulling away when she was absolutely certain every morsel was in her mouth. Turning to the camera, she opened her mouth wide, displaying her playing with the cum with her tongue, then finally swallowing it and matching Jack's contented sigh with her own.

Jack couldn't handle it anymore. Dog's were fun and all, but it was Jaiden he wanted more than anything. He grabbed her and, gently but forcibly shoved her down to her hands and knees, her head against the ground and her ass raised in the air. She swayed her butt gently, waiting to feel his big cock ram into her pussy.

But Jack had different plans. Cock was fun and all but, contrary to his gruff, macho appearance, butt pleasure was always his main love. Jaiden hadn't seen it earlier, but his ass was actually the slightly gaped, slightly vertical shape of someone well acquainted with the pleasures of the ass. But just because he enjoyed the pleasures of the back more than the front didn't make him submissive, not one bit. It actually did the opposite: to his mind, there was no sexual thrill greater than dominating a woman's hole with his own.

So came into play the second toy he grabbed before the show began: an enormous, 15 inch long double ended dildo. 5 inches thick, and riddled with thick veins from one end to the other. He gave his end a generous coating of lube and, with much less effort than anyone in the chat thought, shoved 9 of the inches in himself. He groaned, then turned his predatory eyes on the beautiful girl on the floor, still waving her ghostly pale rear at him, the light pinks of her pussy and ass splashes of colour in her otherwise monotone body. He looked down at the rest protruding from his backside, and in a moment of inspiration, slid his cock ring off his actual cock and onto his new one.

One firm, strong hand grasping her ass, he gave her a sharp spank as he lined up the other end of the dildo with her tight pucker. Her gasp was threefold: for one, she'd been expecting his real cock, not one of her biggest dildos; for another, she'd been fairly sure he would want her pussy, since he'd just had a good dose of anal - she wasn't especially inexperienced in anal, but she was usually the pitcher, not the catcher; lastly, and this was the one that scared her the most, she couldn't feel any lube on the head of that dildo.

"Uh h-hey," she stammered, some of her nervous energy making a resurgence. "y-you wo-GRRK!!!"

Her words cut off sharply as he rammed 8 inches of unlubed cock up her ass in one thrust of his powerful muscles, stopping just before the cock ring entered her. Spit flying out of her open mouth, eyes rolling back in her head and body trembling, her mind practically broke as she felt what she thought was her being split in half.

Jack reached over and grabbed a handful of her hair, roughly yanking it back so she was looking at him.

"You like that, you fucking whore? You like feeling my ass wreck yours? Well here's where the fun begins!"

With deliberate, cruel slowness he forced the rest of the dildo into her, relishing her screams of agony as the cock ring forced her ass open even further. The moment he literally bottomed out, the bottom of his ass cheeks touching against hers, he began fucking her like he hated her, slamming in and out of her with quick, furious thrusts. Using her hair as handles he pulled her to him at the same time, forcing her to take the dick even faster and rougher.

Jaiden said nothing. Jaiden could say nothing. Her brain was mush, turned into a gibbering wreck as this stranger raped her ass with his own. All that escaped her lips were low, guttural, animalistic grunts and screams, and Jack loved every second of it. With every thrust he made, the dildo smashed against his prostate, flooding him with pleasure just as it did her.

Jaiden's ass was turning a bright red from how hard and frequent Jack was smashing into her, and her pussy was a veritable waterfall; a puddle of pure pussy juice had formed beneath them. Jaiden loved it rough, and this was a whole other world of rough that she'd never experienced: brutal sex just shy of rape. Beautiful. They were both getting close, and they could both feel it. Jack roughly tugged up on her hair so she was practically upright against him, where he wrapped one arm around her neck, slowly squeezing the air out of her lungs, and the other around her hips.

"You wanna cum whore? You want to squirt from getting your assraped like the dirty slut you are?" He growled directly into her ears.

With her breath slowly running out and her brain barely able to form thoughts, it was a miracle she was able to say a single word.


Jack reached down and shoved two fingers up her tight pussy, grinding his palm into her exposed clit all the while. They came at the exact same time. She bucked hard, her entire body spasming against his as she squirted so hard it splashed against the camera. His ass spasmed against his end of the dildo as he fired rope after rope of hot cum, painting her white from her ass to her shoulders. As one, they collapsed to the ground, massive dildo still in their asses.

They didn't bother to remove it, they simply lay near each other desperately trying to catch their breaths. After a few minutes, Jaiden finally spoke, as casual as can be.

"So yeah, you're definitely going to be a recurring guest."