Loving the Lost: Chapter 2

Story by tigera117 on SoFurry

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#2 of Loving the Lost

Loving the Lost

Chapter 2: Dreams and Reality

I awoke the next morning and sat up slowly, my scaly brow covered in sweat. The dream I had still haunting my mind. In my dream I saw fire, nothing but fire, but in the distance I could see the girl obscured by smoke and flames as she called my name over and over, but being powerless to do anything to save her. I had never had a dream like that and it worried me as I cleaned myself and walked to the dining hall for breakfast.

The dining hall was a large room, decorated with the finest furniture and filled with the greatest food in the kingdom, prepared by my father's hand-picked chefs. There was nothing they couldn't make and their food never failed to satisfy. I kept mulling over the dream as I walked inside, the scent of food filling my nostrils and reminding me I hadn't eaten in half a day. So I decided to push my thoughts aside and eat my fill.

I ate in silence as the servants rushed to fill in any empty space on the table as we ate. My father sat at the head of the table and watched me, while my mother sat to the side drinking a cup of tea. This was the normal sound of a family meal, silence mixed with the sound of servants rushing to and from the kitchen. It wasn't a bad thing, but it wasn't a good thing either. After the meal we all went our separate ways, I was heading to the training grounds, my lesson for the day about to begin.

I walked inside the dojo only to find it empty. I looked around wondering where everyone could be, when I sensed something behind me. I dodged instinctively to the left as I saw the tip of a wooden sword swing right by my head as I fell to the floor. I looked up to see my Sensei laughing as I picked myself up. He was an older fox who had served with my father in the war, rumored to have killed 100 men alone on the battlefield. He definitely had the scars to prove it, including the one across his face that took his right eye.

"Your reflexes are improving Lea" he said as he extended his hand down to me

"Thank you Jin-Sensei" I replied as I stood

"You need to work on your recovery though, falling like that on the battlefield could get you killed"

I nodded and grabbed a sword as we began our daily routine, Jin had no equal when it came to the sword and was intent on teaching me everything he knew, he didn't hold back with me so it was either learn fast or go home covered in bruises and a headache. After a few quick sparring matches he handed me a blindfold and asked me to put it on.

"You need to learn your instincts and see with your mind, not your eyes, because the eyes can deceive you"

"But how am I supposed to defend against what I can't see Sensei?"

"You figure that out yourself Lea. Trust me it'll come in handy, especially at night or any situation where your vision is obscured, just clear your mind and let your instincts takeover."

I nodded and tried to do as he said, but I couldn't get her off my mind. I wanted to be with her again, to hear her heavenly voice and to look into her beautiful eyes once more. Just then I was taken out of my thoughts when a blow hit me square in the head, making me reel back in pain. I lifted my sword to block and was hit in the gut, knocking the air from my lungs, as I fell to my knees I felt the cold wood of the blade resting on the back of my neck, a sure sign that I had lost.

"If this was real, you'd be dead Lea" Jin said as he sighed "I thought you'd do way better than that."

"I know Sensei, I just have a lot on my mind" I removed the blindfold and stood, trying to catch my breath as I looked into his disappointed eye.

"Well then, maybe we should talk"

"I'd enjoy that Sensei"

We sat down at the small wooden table off to the side as he poured us both a glass of herbal tea. I really enjoyed his tea, it was able to calm and soothe while keeping you alert and awake, with a taste that was hard to describe, yet perfect in its own way. He looked me in the eyes and asked to me to begin, so I told him everything about the day before, about the dates, and the girl, and the lecture while he listened intently. I finally finished and he smiled warmly.

"Well Lea if I didn't know any better, I'd say you love this girl."

"Maybe, I don't know, we just met."

"But the ways you talk about her makes her seem like an angel, like she's all that's on your mind."

"You're right on that one Sensei"

"My advice is to go see her again, I think you're doing the right thing, I had a chance at love myself when I was your age and I passed it up, I still think about her today and how much I regret making that decision"

"But my father is always watching what I do. I have no breaks at all"

"Well I can help you with that, if anyone asks where you were, tell them I sent you on a training exercise, I'll keep your secret safe" He said as he grinned "You only get one shot at true love, make it count, don't make my mistakes."

"I guess I should be off on my mission then Sensei" I said smiling "Thanks"

We said our goodbyes and I left as quickly as I could, heading straight for where I wanted to be. I ran through the forest as fast as I could, the branches breaking and cracking around me. Eventually I reached the shrine and I looked around as I tried to catch my breath. I walked inside and found her inside sweeping. She saw me and smiled before walking up to me slowly, the broom still in her hands.

"I thought you wouldn't come back" she said as she smiled softly

"And why would you think that?"

"Because no one ever comes back'

"Well I keep my promises, no matter what"

"I....I...I'll go get you something to drink" she said as she hurried off blushing deeply

I explored the shrine and saw that there was really nothing there to make it livable, not even a bed for her to sleep on. "She must sleep on the floor" I thought as she came back with a glass of water.

"This is all I really have, I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all" I replied as I began to sip from the cracked glass

I watched her as she swept, she was barely surviving, her fur all dirty and dusty from the floor, if all she had to drink was water, I wondered what she ate. She was kind of skinny, and that worried me, I wanted her to be able to live a comfortable life.

"Must be hard living here" I said looking towards her

"I survive"

"It looks like you barely do, if you wanted, you could stay with a friend of mine, he has room, and food he could share with you, plus it'd be easier to get into town to sell your kimonos."

"R...R...Really? You'd do that for me?" She said as she stared at me in shock

"Of course, pack up what you need for the night and I'll take you there, we can pick up the rest tomorrow"

She smiled and left the room, leaving me to wait and think while I waited. I didn't think Jin would mind the extra company and assistance around the dojo. He'd always been there for me before and he was a nice guy despite the rough exterior, all the kids loved him and he'd always help a person in need. Eventually she came back with a small bag and told me she was ready to go.

The sun was setting as we left and she clung to my arm as the forest darkened around us, she probably hadn't of been out of the forest at night and was really nervous. We eventually reached Jin's dojo and I told her to wait outside. She sat on the step while I walked inside, candles lighting the room. I found Jin sitting at his table drinking a glass of tea and reading. As I approached he looked up at me and smiled, motioning for me to sit with him.

"So how'd the mission go Lea?"

"Well about that Sensei, She kinda needs a place to stay and I was hoping she could stay with you"

"Hmmmmmmmm, I do have an extra room, can she cook?"

"I think so. She also makes kimonos and sells them, so she can pay for what she needs herself"

"Well then I guess I could help you, bring her in and I I'll get her set up"

I went outside and told her to come in and that she could stay. She hugged me gently and blushed as she walked inside, bowing in front of Jin and thanking him, before gasping in shock at his empty eye socket, causing Jin and I to laugh.

Later in the evening Felicia and I sat in her new room, talking about life in general, when I saw it was getting late, the moon had risen in the sky and the stars were shining brightly. I told her I had to go but I'd be back in the morning. She hugged me once more in response and thanked me again for getting her a place to stay before I slipped out of the dojo and back towards the palace.

I got back inside without a problem and no one stopped me as I made my way to my room, obviously word had spread about my "Training Exercise" and no one felt like bothering the weary prince, which I was thankful for as I undressed and relaxed. I was glad I had a friend like Jin. I knew he'd always be there for me no matter what. He was who I wanted to be like. Noble and caring, not emotionless and stern like my father. But I was still grateful and thanked him silently as I fell asleep, knowing that Felicia was closer to me than ever, and that she'd be safe and taken care of until the morning where I would see her once again......

To be continued........