The hack: Chapter 10 (Kit)

Story by Tsociety on SoFurry

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#10 of The hack: book 1

There seems to be this chapter missing in the book, so here it is and enjoy

"Another day another person to hack" I said as I made my way to school and pulled out my phone to get ready the DOX attack I have planned and went onto my TOR browser and signed into Vimeo to upload the video we have recorded which had links to download their private files and went to school. I sat beside Kate and saw that she was smiling while looking at the window behind her hoodie.

"you ok?" I asked as she doesn't usually smile.

"What? Oh nothing" she said as she stopped smiling and took out her sketchbook and started to draw something that I took no notice.

"Hey! Have you guys seen this?" said someone in the class as he showed a the video that I uploaded.

"What? Why would someone hack Furon?" someone said as I just watched the class ponder on who was tsociety.

"What about my stuff? I have all of my stuff on there"

"Dude you better get it off there"

"Good thing I don't use it"

"Alright class! Lets settle down as you all can talk about that later" Mr Poe said as he put down his phone which obviously had the video playing. We eventually quiet down but during recess we all talked about who tsociety is.

"You think they are right? I mean these are definetly someone's private files and all of ours could be taken" someone said.

"I do wonder who tsociety is though"

"I wonder too" I said out loud as I took my lunch and sat with Jane.

"Do you know why Kate is smiling?" She asked as I looked at Kate who was smiling and did not notice us.

"I don't know, maybe she got all A's again?" I suggested.

"You really are crazy" she said and went back to eating.

"Maybe she found a boyfriend?" I suggested instead.

"Maybe, but who could it be?" She asked.

"Maybe I'll ask her-do you have a boyfriend Kate?" I said as I turned towards her.

"Wha-no" she said and stopped smiling.

"Weird, where's Jake anyway?" I asked.

"He said that he was sick," Kate replied.

"How do you know and he didn't tell us?" I asked.

"W-well, um...he" Kate stuttered.

"He's your boyfriend, isn't he?" Jane asked.

"Y-yeah" she replied.

"Hey" I said and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be too shy about it, and besides you probably would stop getting bullied thanks to him" I said.

"Ok, thanks" she said as we made our way to our class. I checked my phone to see a message that Trent sent me.

"Son of a bitch" I whispered as I had to now get my laptop fromm my bag and went into the toilet to code the raspberry pi to be used to override Furon's internet network since we need that done by tomorrow and I have to meet Terry today. I completed the code and went to class.

"Alright class, we will now be learning about polygraphs" the teacher said which caused the entire class to groan.

When school ended me, Jane and Kate went back to the old arcade and met with Terry.

"Where's Jake?" He asked.

"He's sick today, I'll call him" Kate said.

"Since when did you get his number?" I asked surprised since no one really has Jake's actual number and those who do don't really share his number with anyone.

"He gave it to me last week on Saturday" she replied.

"Well, we will have to now discuss on how exactly you will have to social engineer the people there so that you can get in and install the raspberry pi" Terry said.

"Here it is" I said as I passed the raspberry pi to him which would have a battery attached so that it could be powered when we would use it to remotely access Furon's network.

"Alright, now we will have to teach you some social engineering tricks and then you on your own tomorrow" Terry says as we begin to teach Kate our social engineering tricks.

The next day after school, Kate was with her mother as they entered the building and we were able to see things from Kate's point of view thanks to her phone having a video call and us being muted for now. We watched Kate's mother get inside by scanning her keycard and headed to level 3. We checked our blueprints on the level and found a place that she could plant the raspberry pi which was inside a server box that was nearby and definitely had enough space inside for the raspberry pi. When her mother told her to sit down and wait for her as she had a meeting, Kate took out her earphones and United us so that we would guide her.

"Alright, you should find door 274 which is where the server room is and be able to plug it in to the ethernet cable nearby," I told her as she made her was to door 274 and went inside. She found a port to connect to under the server box and connected the raspberry pi to it and a usb cable that could power it on.

"Now, boot into the raspberry pi py pressing on the green button on the side. The screen on the raspberry pi should light up, when it does connect the small keyboard and type in tsociety as the password," I said as she plugged it in and typed out the password.

"Alright, now check the networks and tell us the one connected by Ethernet" I asked.

"The network is called 'Furon10gig' it needs a password though" I said.

"Okay, go into the terminal and type 'cd Desktop' " I told her as she opened the terminal and typed in the command.

"Now type in 'python network' it will try to crack the network with some passwords we made" I told her as she typed in the command to execute the script.

"Done" she said.

"Okay, now wait for it to crack and tell us when it's done" I said as we waited for about five minutes.

"It's done, it says 'network has been accessed' " she said as the script that Terry coded worked.

"Good, now type in 'python'" I said as I coded that script to be able to remotely access the raspberry pi from any of our computers with the IP address and password.

"Alright, it says the IP address is '' and the password is 'armkalipi' " she said as I logged into the raspberry pi using my VNC viewer and was able to remotely access the raspberry pi.

"Great, now flip the black switch beside the power button to turn off the screen, unplug the keyboard, hide the raspberry pi and get the hell out of there!" I said as now we had everything we needed to start hacking into Furon and Kate did everything that was needed.

"Okay, I-someone just entered the room!" She whispered as we started to panic since if the raspberry pi was found with Kate, we would be traced down and the effort would have been for nothing

"Shit, try to hide behind the server boxes and check underneath to see their feet to tell where they are and quietly avoid them to get out of there" I said as Kate begun to quietly make her way to the door and was luckily able to escape.

"Crap, that was close" Terry said as Kate started to head back to where her mother asked her to wait and exited the call to actually listen to music and be able to get out unsuspected.

I sent the IP address and the password to everyone in tsociety and then started to try and intercept traffic on the WiFi network and also be able to access everything else on their network.

When it was 6 p.m. I went home to try and relax after that.

I arrived home to find the usual chaos that is my family.

"Haha! Let's see if your house can survive this!" Mom said as they were playing Minecraft again and blowing up their houses on the server.

"Don't think that that is the only house that I have" Trent said as both me and him knew that we had multiple bases which had our valuable such as diamonds and netherite.

"Oh hey there Kit" Aron said as he was the only one who noticed me during their game.

"Hi Aron, at least someone has the politeness to say hi to me" I said.

"Oh please Kit, you've been trying to guilt trick me since you were 3" Dad says and continues playing the game as he hears a hissing sound followed by an explosion.

"Damn it! I hate creepers" he said as he had to go and get his stuff where he died.

"I'm gonna be in my room" I said as I went towards my room.

"Oh Kit, could you do me a favour?" Trent asked.

"Well your my brother and Dad's watching, so it doesn't look like I have much of an option" I replied.

"Ok then, could you code some malware for me? I need it for someone at school" Trent asks.

"Sure, when do you need it done?" I asked.

"By tomorrow morning" he said which made my eye twitch a little.

"Okay, I'm going to go and spend the next three hours trying to code that malware, and does it need an interface?" I asked.

"Yes, it needs to look like a free antivirus app which actually bricks them and shows a message that he has been hacked and to meet up at Fenway park" he said which made my eye twitch since making that kind of interface could take one and a half hours by itself for me.

"Sure" I said as I went into my room and tried to contain my rage.

"Sigh, screw it, I'm just going to use an online template" I said and looked online to get a template for coding malware and started to code the malware following a template on a website.