Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 11

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#11 of B&C 2

You want to hear the tales of Sarnai Silverpaw do you? How did I get to this point, and where shall we go from here? These are all fine questions...I will gladly take you on a trip through the past. Perhaps, you will learn a thing or two. As to the future, only the gods can tell you of that one, my dear.

I know the rabbit before me was a bit more...salacious in her tales. I shall try to accommodate, but remember; I am no Mistress of the night. My story will have love and lust, but it will be fraught with blood as well.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 11:

The best is yet to come

The moonlight basked down over the swaying blades of grass in the small clearing. My ears were folded as I listened to the ghostly babble of the small brook that cut through the area. This was one of my favorite locations on our property and one of the last places we made love before we parted.

His scent reached my nose before I heard his approach. I turned to face him, folding my arms over my stomach as he stopped several yards from me. We stayed like that for several quiet moments, just staring upon one another. We had shared small tokens of affection since that night, some hand-holding and a few kisses, but nothing substantial.

"Alice, Katrina, and even our brother. You partook of so much love while I remained in my solitude of madness." I placed a finger to my chin as I spoke the words. I wore some blue jeans and my faux leather jacket, with sturdy looking boots. It was obvious I had not requested his presence for a romp of lovemaking in the grass.

"I have no excuses, nor do I apologize for my actions. I still thought of you every day and longed for you." The white fox growled the words, his own arms folded over his strong chest. He had assumed the point of me calling him here, his own attire of sturdy denim pants with a t-shirt and boots.

"Did you think of me while you made love with them?" I showed my teeth, growling the words as my eyes narrowed.

His own eyes narrowed as he shook his head. "I would not disrespect them or you like that."

The answer satisfied me and I nodded. "Things in me have changed, Elias. I feel desires and emotions I've never so firmly grasped." I looked away and clicked my tongue. "I intend to speak with Lorelai about long-overdue feelings between us."

"That's a reasonable thing to do." He nodded and shifted to move his hands into the pockets of his jeans, staring upon me intently.

"So you give me your blessings in that venture?" I gave him a curious look, my ears lifted to peaks.

"I did not know you needed it." He shrugged and flicked his snow-white tail a few times before setting me with a strong look. "You are your own fox, Sarnai. What kind of husband would I be to restrict you, especially after finding myself in the situation I am in now with multiple lovers."

"You say husband, but do you see a ring on my hand?" I held my palm up to show my ringless finger to him.

"So return it to its proper place," The fox spoke the words casually as he pulled the two necklaces he wore out of his shirt, one was a small maroon gem encased in gold, the other a set of two golden rings on a small chain.

Ears folding I frowned at his display. "How long have you worn that?"

"Every day since you had Lorelai return your ring to me," Elias spoke the words confidently before looking upon me and tilting his head. "Are you surprised?"

"In truth... I am not." I growled and pushed my palm to my face, shaking my head. "Elias... I've changed so much..."

"As have I in this last half-century or so. However, my love for you has not," He growled the words and clenched his fist. "I've never given up on you Sarnai, and that includes my marriage with you."

I shook my head and gave a bitter laugh. "The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?" Thrusting my hand out I growled the next words towards the fox, "What if I only agree to it if you cast the others out? Isn't marriage intended to be monogamous?"

"Would that truly satisfy you, Sarnai?" Elias tilted his head curiously.

"Just answer me, Elias!" I barked the words and set him with a glare.

"I won't. I have given them my love and dedication. All of my partners have another besides myself, but I could never cast them away," He spoke the words in absolute confidence towards me, giving me a dead-serious look.

Shaking my head I grinned and lowered my gaze from him. "Ha... in truth I would never level such a demand... I would have no respect for you if you cast them away, especially given I was the one that left."

"You left to protect me, I understand that. That time is past and-"

"And here we are!" I bark out and shove my hand out towards him, black flames rolling off my fingertips. "I have wronged you, wounded you deeply, and yet... you foolishly ask me back into your arms as your wife. Are you stupid?"

"Perhaps I am, but I love you, and really... is there anything sane or logical about love? I know that was not you that tried to harm me, and I know you parted to protect me." He barked the words and I watched his stance change slightly, his blue flames showing at his ears and tail.

"Elias... What are your terms to this relationship? Will you have me and then expect my loyalty while you enjoy the little harem you've built over the years? Expect me to be the dutiful wife that waits for her ration of affection?" I sneered the words, my own stance shifting, flames flying from my fingertips as black shadows crept over my ears and tail.

"Do not make light of my bonds with them, they are not some fun diversion." The fox barked the words, clearly showing irritation at me calling them a harem. "I care not whom you lay with so long as it is out of your own desire and love. So long as I am your only husband, I am satisfied with that."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his words, thinking of what my mother had told me he would say. I ran my flaming fingertips through my hair, leaving red and black flames trailing through it for a moment. "Prove it... we are warriors, my love. We both know there is only one way to resolve this."

"If that is what it takes..." Elias snarled the words, his blue flames shifting to white as he lowered his stance.

"Yes... like lovemaking... some things words cannot express," I shouted the words and thrust my hand out. I threw the shackles off and let my power pour forth. My eyes widened at the intensity of it, power like I had never felt even when I faced an archangel.

Elias visibly winced from the force of my will, then clenched his own teeth as he obviously opened the tap upon his own will. I felt the rush of energy, his flames feeling more intense than I had ever witnessed them in the past.

I sprang from my feet and blurred towards him. My mind raced with the memories of my own madness and the pain I had wrought with it. His palm caught my thrown punch and I showed my sharp teeth as he reversed my momentum and shoved me chest first to the ground. Red and white flames spread out from the impact, grass burning to ash in the wake of the wave.

With a furious snarl, I rolled out from under him and swept my leg, bringing him toppling down to the burned and displaced earth below. I dropped my heel at his chest, only to have him catch it, and heft me from my feet, slinging me across the glade as he righted himself.

"Come on, Sarnai! Do I need to hold back for you?" He spat the words at me mockingly as I found my footing after tumbling several yards. I howled out furiously and whipped my tail before bounding at him to close the distance.

"Do not dare mock me, husband!" I spat the words into his face as we locked, both hands clenching one another's shoulders.

"It's the only way to get you to take it seriously!" He grunted as I shifted and refocused my will, my red flames starting to overwhelm his white ones. I saw the fox give me a focused glare before shifting to pivot my momentum against me.

Feeling the shift I set my jaw and rolled with the throw, coming up before drawing my fist right against his own jaw. The impact sent a wave of force with it as the white fox rolled and tumbled away in the burned grass. I gave him a sharp nod as he picked himself up and flexed my fist. "How's that for serious?"

Elias clenched his jaw a few times, grabbing it and setting it back in place before shooting me an unamused look at my words. Bending at the knees he blurred forward and threw his own punch. I pivoted from the strike and sent another punch of my own, this time aimed at his midsection. The blow landed and the fox barked out, blood erupting from his mouth before I dropped my elbow on his head. The resulting blow slammed him to the ground in a heavy impact of pressure and flames.

"I never realized how weak you were, Elias. Tch... as if you could handle being my husb-"

I yipped out as he silenced me with a roundhouse kick as he sprang from the ground in a swing of his leg. The blow slammed into my jaw as I staggered back, then he was atop me. My eyes widened as he hauled off and delivered his own punch to my stomach, knocking the proverbial wind out of me.

Blood spilled from the corner of my mouth as I staggered back, then another swing of his foot came towards my head. I jerked away, feeling the tip of his boot brush my bangs before I lunged forward, sending a jab into his jaw, forcing him back several paces.

We exchanged several blows and parries with one another. Each strike a little weaker than the last as we kept the flames burning at their brightest. "Is this what you wanted... my wife?" He panted the words as he wiped his mouth of blood, staggering away from me a few steps.

"Yeah... I guess I'm old fashioned... flowers and chocolates don't cut it for me!" I barked the words as I sprang upon him as he launched forward as well. Both of our fists connected, hitting one another in the jaw and making us pivot away from the dual blow.

I staggered and slumped backward, feeling his back to mine as he had done the same, the blow having turned us both. We stood there a moment, panting, bloodied, and bruised while back to back.

"Asshole... you're supposed to hate me!" I huffed the words as I staggered forward and faced him, feeling the drain of pulling so heavily on my powers.

"Well, I don't!" He snarled the words, facing me as well, his tongue lolled slightly in a pant of his own, his own body looking worn out.

"Hate me, damn it! Tell me I'm the worst! Tell me I don't deserve you!" I howled the words out furiously, slamming my fists into his chest with as much strength as I could muster. The fox barked out from the strikes as he staggered back slightly with each blow.

"Like hell! I will!" He barked the words, sending a left and right swing into my jaw, making me backpedal a few paces with a yip.

"S-stupid.... Stubborn... bastard!" I grabbed his torn up shirt and headbutted him. I call it a headbutt but it was more like a light thump of my forehead to his while I panted and heaved.

"Vainglorious... bitch..." He snarled back, gripping my jacket as he glared back into my eyes, our foreheads pressed together.

"A bitch... am I?" I weakly growled the words, rearing my head back to shove my forehead to his own with another thump, my fires long having guttered out.

"Yeah... but you're my bitch..." He panted the words back while clinging to me.

I stared into his flaming blue eyes and shook my head, feeling my vision blur. "Yes... that's... right..." I folded my ears while panting the words, my lips brushing his own as I spoke.

"Did we really... need to beat the hell out of each other, to get to this point?" He growled as he pushed closer, now embracing me as my hands moved to his chest.

"Yes, now shut up and kiss me." I barked the words and then felt him push against me in a deep, hungry kiss. I felt his will flood into me and pushed hard against his mouth, my fingertips moving up into his white hair.

I clenched at his hair and pushed my tongue forward, feeling his own meet it. We flicked and teased at one another while kissing, tasting the mingling blood, then he brought me down to the ground. My ears folded as he pulled from the kiss and went straight for my jeans, tugging them open to reveal the blue panties I had worn.

"I thought... you were at your limit... you have the energy for me?" I panted the words, watching him glance at my panties before giving me an amused look. I cocked a brow at his look but then he withdrew a small flask from his back pocket. The fox took several gulps from it before passing it to me. I fumbled with the small metal container and quickly turned it up, finishing the half of the blood he had left me.

I tossed the small flask aside and lolled my tongue as he wrenched my jeans down, leaving my boots on. The fox then went for my panties, peeling them away to expose me to him for the first time in over half a century. He left my panties ringed upon one ankle before forcing my legs apart and moving right in. I moaned out blissfully when I felt his mouth against me, his tongue eager to taste the wife he had waited so long for.

"Elias... I'm so... sorry... ngh..." I moaned and sobbed out the words, feeling my hands tangle into his hair, rubbing his ears as he lapped and worked at my sensitive pearl, my vision blurry. His head shook and he kept dragging his tongue against me. It didn't take long before I shuddered and let out a weak bark, my ears folded as I gave in to my husband's mouth, feeling him lap at my honey while I whimpered.

"Sarnai... don't apologize... I love you..." He growled the words as he moved over me, tugging his own pants open and withdrawing his length. He was obviously eager, he swollen and rigid, precum dripping from the tip. I bit my lower lip and nodded at him, moving my palms to rest at his shoulders, feeling him push against my slick folds.

My teeth clenched and let out a needy yowl of pleasure as I felt him fill me after a few moments of teasing. I shook my head, panting as he spread my walls and didn't stop until he was deep inside, against my core after so long. Blinking up at him, I gave a nod, then huffed out as he gently ground inside me, his tip prodding firmly. I had missed the sensation of him so deep and throbbing inside my body, my vision still blurred with tears as I whimpered while he took me. "Yes... I love you... I don't... I don't deserve you... I don't deserve-"

"Shut up with that talk..." He growled the words before silencing me with his mouth, kissing me with confidence and strength. I groaned against his mouth and nodded, my tongue meeting his own once more while he ground against my smaller body.

I wanted to relish this moment, but both of our bodies were desperate and hungry for one another. I broke from his kiss to cry out while folding my ears, digging my nails into his shirt and chest, feeling myself give in to him after just a few moments.

"Yes... that's what I wanted... Oh, I've longed to feel you again, my wife..." He sighed the words and pushed deep into me, his thrusts growing more eager.

"A-and I... you... please, Elias... my husband." I panted the words, my mind feeling numb and my body weak as the larger fox took me, our tails brushing one another, wagging furiously while we mated.

He took me for several minutes like that, my weak and battered body eager for each release he gave me. I could feel he was close, his movements and sounds all too familiar to me. My tongue lolled and I panted up into his face, staring into his eyes while clutching his shoulders.

His teeth clenched as he gave my smaller body a deep labored push, then I blinked wide upon him as he jerked at the necklace he wore, breaking the chain that held the two rings. He didn't have to say anything as I quickly offered my hand towards him.

I couldn't help but grin as he fumbled with the ring while trying to hold himself back. Finally, after a few moments, he slid the small ruby inlaid band upon my finger once more. I took his own ring and moved to slide it over his finger then hesitated, giving him a coy smile as I clenched against him, grinding my hips teasingly.

The fox gave me a cute yelping gasp as I tortured him, keeping the ring near his finger but not on him. "You want to give in as my husband eh? Fill your wife as my fox?" I cooed the words playfully, panting out as I felt his hips grind as he whimpered and tried to hold back.

"Yes!" He barked the word, panic in his voice since he was at his limit already. I gave him a playful smile but didn't want to ruin his moment. I slowly pushed the gold band back into place for him, showing him an excited grin.

"Oh thank the gods..." Elias whispered the words and then I lifted my ears sharply as his heat filled me. I barked out and bit my lower lip hard, feeling his fire pour deep and heavily while he bucked gently against me.

"T-that's it... ngh... fill me, my husband... every drop... for your wife..." I moaned the words of encouragement while wrapping my arms around his neck, grinding my hips. I felt my body give in one last time, milking and clenching at him as he yipped out cutely for me.

My orgasm eased and his finally tapered off as well. We laid there for several moments, panting and looking upon one another before I drew him into a deep loving kiss. He returned my gesture and we embraced, kissing with a desperation I had never felt as if we had to do so.

"I love you, Elias..." I panted the words against his lips before pushing to them once more.

"And I love you, Sarnai... it's like a dream to have you in my arms again." He sighed the words, kissing my lips again and again while I giggled.

"It does my heart good to see you so happy, my husband." I grin at him, my eyes staring into his own, feeling my heart thump heavily in my chest.

"Likewise. I will never let you go again, Sarnai..." He nuzzled at my throat while growling the words.

I frowned and folded my ears. "Won't I mess things up with your current life though?"

Elias showed me a cocky grin as he looked down upon me, pressing his palm to my cheek. "No my wife... I believe the best is yet to come."


"Well... it's been an exciting week for us hasn't it?" My twin hummed the words casually while we sat together on the balcony of the old home in Ceuta.

"So is this how it's going to be now? You just pop out in my dreams while I sleep and we have a heart to heart talk?" I sipped on my tea, using my will to actually taste the flavor.

"So accusatory. You were the one that willed this meeting, sister." The shade of me shrugged her shoulder. "You had questions about your powers after that little makeup session with our husband."

I pursed my lips at the 'our husband' part. "I do, but before that... What are you exactly?"

She perked her ears and tilted her head. "I'm you, Sarnai. One hundred percent part of you, no added fillers or preservatives."

With a bark of a laugh, I gave myself an unamused look. "I find that hard to believe, why would I willingly torture myself for centuries?"

Setting her own cup down, she stood and looked out over the scene, watching the ocean crash against the shore, the harbor in the distance filled with ships moored in it from the sixteenth century. "I would like to see Ceuta again, see what's changed in the years we've been away."

"I will see what I can do, now how about my question?" I growled the words, my annoyance obvious.

Her brown eyes shifted to my own and she casually ran her fingertips through her long flowing raven hair. "The night you were turned, the power carved a part of your soul off and formed me. I had no thoughts of my own. It was like the frenzy you would feel when you fed. My intent and drive were set before me. I was an animal acting out on my own instincts. I did what I felt was my purpose."

"So you were born of me, simply to torment me?" I drummed my fingertips on the small side table, musing over the concept.

"That's right. I had no will of my own until nearly a century of being with you. Even then it was glimpses of thought but the instinct remained." She shrugged again and put her hands on her hips, turning to look upon me.

"That makes no sense... Why even go through all this, to begin with?" I showed my teeth and set her with a glare, my confusion starting to annoy me.

"It's called a curse for a reason, sister." The doppelganger shrugged. "That's a question for the eldritch powers that made our kind, not me. I know as much as you do."

"So, that little stunt with Alice. That kind of pulled you into the present and made you start thinking?" I tilted my head curiously.

"That seems to be the case. I do not believe I was ever intended to be drawn forth, then again chimera were probably not accounted for." She nodded to me and moved to take a seat before me once more. "Regardless... I have shared in your life for nearly the whole time. Your victories and shortcomings, they were mine as well."

"That's really hard for me to comprehend," I mumbled the words as I collected my teacup.

The fox lowered her ears. "How do you think I feel, sister? I sort of just mesh with you when we wake up now. My thoughts are yours, my desires are yours. Likewise, mine apparently influence you. We are the same side of the same coin."

"So essentially, I'm just talking to myself right now." I barked the words dryly.

"Well, they say you're fine, so long as you don't start answering your-" She put a finger to her chin. "Oh, shit... well, I guess we're crazy."

I laughed out and grinned, looking towards the sea. "So nothing has changed, eh?"

"We are happier and... well, a lot seems to have changed. We have Elias back, we also seem to have a few irons in the fire to deal with now. Lorelai... Katrina..." My twin gave me a smile, her hands resting upon her lap.

"Indeed... more to the point... The hellfire in me... also, why did it not hurt me as much to touch mother?" I settled my own hands into my lap, giving myself a curious look.

"Did you not feel the divine energies coursing through us when we made love to her? Do you not recall what our mother warned us about with her?" She gave me a small smile. "My thoughts are yours, you already considered this. The rabbit regularly lays with divine beings, we are being infected so to speak."

"I thought as much... she even spoke to me of it a little. How about the hellfire though?" I cocked my brow curiously. "That is a question I do not readily have an answer for."

The fox shrugged and gave me a bored look. "Imagine if a part of you split off and was left to grow on its own for centuries, it grew and harnessed the same powers you did..."

I grit my teeth and lifted my ears. "And then... suddenly it was reunited with me..."

"Bingo. When you welcomed me back into yourself, you brought in my own power I had cultivated through the years. It was not as potent as yours, but still..." The fox drummed her fingertips on the table. "Laying with the rabbit and others will strengthen us further, you felt Elias was doing the same thing Alice did, on a smaller scale but it was there."

I peaked my fingertips while lost in thought. "This is getting so complicated..."

My twin gave me a pleading look. "Sister... for the first time in centuries, we are truly at peace and happy. Why don't we simply enjoy the ride for the time being? We both know nothing lasts forever. Let us enjoy our new found love and friendships, let us train with our husband again, learn new tricks from the others in the house."

"You, we should... yes." I folded my arms and nodded to myself, literally.

"Lorelai... I want us to see her again soon." She gave me a childish look as she spoke.

"She may be furious with us for trying to kill her girlfriend," I growled the words.

"We both know how things would have ended. Alice and the others were in no danger, Jeremy would have kept his word. Also, we both know she had a hand in orchestrating this encounter along with the celestials and magi."

"Yes, all three of them... I wonder if it was simply for the rabbit, or if other powers are at play here." I tapped my fingertips together in thought. "The mages, the celestials, our own kind, and even some of the lycanthropes... factors are at play here. That rabbit, that chimera... she is at the center of it."

"So much to consider..." She stood and gave me a lazy stretch before setting me with a hungry look. "Sister... she has sparked something in us."

I gave myself a knowing grin and nodded. "Yeah, we are getting worked up pretty easily these days." I barked a laugh and stood as well, looking over the scene one last time. "I will see if Lorelai can meet me in Ceuta... for old times sakes."

"That sounds wonderful, say... what about the wolf and retriever?" My twin gave me a devious grin.

"Hey... we're not succubi, let's reign it in a little bit." I gave my shade a playful grin. "If anything, we should go out and find our own partners too, I don't want to just be piggybacking off the rabbit's lovers the whole time."

"Really? The females are a lot of fun... but I wouldn't mind laying with a strong male." She gave me a pout. "Are you sure we could not consider the wolf?"

"Ha... I'm arguing with myself about who to lay with. I really have gone mad all over again." I put my hand to my forehead and laughed before setting my twin with a sympathetic look. "Joking aside, you've seen how he and the celestial look upon one another. I do not think they are open to such a thing, I feel Alice is most likely enough for them."

"As you will, my sister. The dusk approaches and we are ravenous. Perhaps we should go speak with Katrina once more now that we have settled up with our husband." The fox gave me a playful grin as she reached her hand out towards mine.

"Perhaps so... her or Alice..." I grasped her hand and gave my own grin.

"Or both..." My twin hummed the words and faded from my sight. I felt the familiar rush of energy as if I were whole once more and then Ceuta slowly faded away as I woke from my slumber.


A soft knocking came at my chamber door, reinforcing my rouse from sleep. I groaned and pulled my head from the pillow, a bit of drool hanging from my tongue. My body was still sore from the romp with my husband last night and hadn't gotten used to sleeping so deeply yet.

The knock came again and I growled before calling out. "What?!"

"Beg your pardon Mistress Sarnai. The lady of the house instructed me to tell you she wishes your presence at your convenience." The young male servant called out politely after cracking my door enough to speak into my room.

"Understood. Inform her I will be there after I rouse myself and clean up. Also, please fetch me something hot to drink." I mumbled the words, hearing the door click back into place. I took a few moments to compose myself before finding my feet and padding over to the window, pulling the curtains open to see the sun had mostly dipped out of sight, the horizon basked in deep orange and reds.

I winced as I bent down to pick up my discarded panties from the floor and tossed them in the hamper. Elias had brought me to my room after our session in the woods and after some doting, he threw me to the bed before ravaging me like a dog in heat multiple times. The rabbit had definitely improved his sex drive, or perhaps it was simply his longing for me.

My ears lifted as the servant knocked once more before cracking the door. "I've your drink, my lady."

"Leave it upon my dresser, thank you." I called out as I slipped into the connecting bathroom to wash the stink of fox sex off me.

Once in the hot water, I sighed blissfully to feel the heat rush over me. Of course, it would do nothing for my aches like the blood outside would, but I still found hot showers refreshing and therapeutic. Especially given how many centuries I had to make do without plumbing and proper sanitation. Elias and I had always held our family to a high standard of grooming and cleanliness, even when sanitation was challenging at times. It's one of the reasons we always chose homesteads near streams or rivers.

I came out a handful of minutes later, a towel wrapped around me, another wrapped around my hair. Damp tail wagging I quickly collected the small mug of blood that had been left on a warming plate. I made a mental note to praise the servant to Alice for his foresight while I eagerly drank down the crimson liquid.

A groan of pleasure escaped my throat as I felt the blood get to work, easing my aches and pains from the rough lovemaking of yesterday. Finishing my drink, I set upon getting dressed for the night. The summons didn't seem to be formal so I opted for a simple maroon skirt that came down to my knees, paired with a black tank top and tennis shoes. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and checked myself in the mirror. The shoes along with the rest of the attire made it look as if I were ready for a round of tennis. I contemplated if I should look into using the court on the property later.

Satisfied with my outfit, I slipped out of my room and made my way to the study. Alice was sitting behind the large desk when I entered, giving me a playful smile at my approach.

"You called for me, my lady?" I folded my hands at my stomach and gave her a polite quick bow.

The rabbit gave me a grin and I watched her casually eye me over, seeing her focus on how the top hugged my breasts. "Are you wearing a sports bra under that, Sarnai?" She cooed the words, staring upon me intently.

"My eyes are up here, Alice." I gave her an amused grin as I put my hands upon my hips. "And no... it's a regular one, should I?"

"Well if you plan to go play tennis, it would be advised. I mean if you were my size, you might be able to get away with it, but with what you're packing?" She gave me another grin and made it a point to shift her blue eyes up to meet my own.

I felt my cheeks darken as we locked gazes, the last talks I had in my dream coming back into the back of my mind. My tongue clicked as I spoke out pointedly. "It's just something I threw together, though I wouldn't be opposed if you're offering."

Alice gave me a cute smile and lifted her ears. "Would you enjoy that, my fox? You know Katrina and Gloria aren't half bad either. We could form doubles, me and Gloria against you and Katrina."

I folded my arms and cocked my brow. "Why that team set up?"

She gave me an apologetic smile. "Because if you accidentally bumped into Gloria, it might hurt you a little."

That was not the reason I had considered and I nodded. "Speaking of which... are you the reason touching the divine is less painful to me now?"

"I am. Did you find that out with Rachel the other day?" Another cute smile crossed her lips as she seemed to be analyzing me for a reaction.

"Something like that..." I growled and looked away awkwardly.

"I'm happy for you Sarnai... I'm really happy you two could reconnect like that." Her words came to me and I could tell they were pure and sincere.

"M-me too... at this rate, I will never be able to pay off the debts I owe you." I gave her another bow, my ears folding.

"Don't be dumb, my fox. You owe me nothing but to be happy and enjoy your life." She set me with a wide grin and leaned back in the large chair, folding her hands on her lap. "Speaking of enjoying life... even after his shower, my Master came to bed stinking of you yesterday."

My teeth showed in a grin and I brushed my bangs from my forehead, sticking my nose up in the air. "Yes... he was quite rough with me, I'm still a bit sore."

"Noted. I will have to be gentle with you then." Alice hummed the words as she peaked her fingertips together.

"So you simply assume you will have me today?" I folded my arms and gave her a challenging look, my ears perking.

The rabbit gave me a childish smile. "Yes. I'm a sex demon Sarnai, I could smell your desire the moment you walked in." She gave me a lazy look and moved a hand to casually twirl a stray lock of her blonde hair with a finger. "I mean if you wanted to deny your urges and reject me to prove a point... I suppose I couldn't stop you."

I pursed my lips and felt my cheeks darken. "No... you're right. I woke up thinking about you and-"

"Katrina?" She spoke out with a coy grin.

I barked in surprise and narrowed my eyes. "How did you know that?! Another trick I'm not aware of you can pull off?"

Alice gave me a coy grin. "Nothing so grand as a power or ability, just a hunch. I saw how your eyes widened and your stance changed slightly when I mentioned her earlier."

A growl bubbled up in my throat as I folded my arms. "You're too perceptive for your own good, rabbit."

"I get that a lot." She gave me a cocky grin and hopped up before moving over towards me. "I'm more than just a good fuck, Sarnai. I like to think I'm pretty good at reading people's emotions."

"You cheat and get in their head," I growled the words dryly, despite her scent and proximity starting to make my heart beat excitedly, my tail wagging now.

"That's not true. Why... I don't think I've ever been in Alex's dreams or..." She paused and put her hand to her cheek in thought. "Lorelai's..."

"Does that bother you that you've not been in such an intimate space with her?" I tilted my head curiously.

"As crazy as it sounds? Yes... Lorelai is... uhm..." I watched the rabbit squirm on her feet and blush as she chose her words. "Very special to me..."

"Really? Even more so than Elias and Katrina?" I felt myself growing fascinated with this topic and how she was responding.

Alice put her palm to her cheek and shook her head. "That's not how it works, Sarnai... I don't divvy my love into little piles and decide who gets the larger ones. It's just kind of there... It's all the same and it's all different."

I folded my arms and frowned. "Sounds complicated..."

She set me with a pouting glare. "It's simple and crazy complex at the same time..."

Perhaps I did it out of curiosity, but I wanted to see her reaction. "Speaking of her, I plan to speak with her soon about my unresolved feelings..."

Alice's ears sprang up and she snapped her gaze right to me, her eyes shining. "Really?! That's wonderful news." She gathered up my hands into her own and gave me an excited grin, her ears wobbling. I could feel her will and energy pouring into me as if she were encouraging me.

I barked at her touching me, still unfamiliar with that rush of energy she always gave me, but my hands grasped hers back. "Yes... you're not upset?"

She gave me an amused smile, her eyes shifting to maroon. "Silly fox... two of my partners whom I care about very much may finally kindle a long overdue love? Why in the god's names would that trouble me? I'm excited and hopeful for you both."

Once again she reminded me of why so many had fallen for her. She really did represent an unbiased love that wanted nothing, but for her partners to be happy. In that moment I found her irresistible all over again. My hand tugged from her grip and moved to her cheek to draw her face closer, then I pushed my mouth to her own in a forceful kiss.

There was no hesitation, she threw her arms around my neck and pushed into the kiss eagerly, her small tongue finding my own. I snarled against her mouth, my hands reaching back to grab her rear and haul her up off the ground. I felt the rabbit wrap her legs around me and hug closer, refusing to part from my mouth.

I walked her forward and set her down upon the desk, my tongue rolling and playing with her own before I pulled from her. She gave me a cute huff when I pulled away, her small pink tongue still slightly showing, her eyes full on red like my own. "Sarnai... that's the most aggressive you've been to start things with me..." She cooed the words, moving a hand to rest upon my shoulder.

"I just found you so beautiful and amazing... you're so thoughtful and..." I couldn't focus my thoughts, I just let my body act on its own as I quickly moved my hands under her skirt, snatching her panties and peeling them away.

Alice bit her lower lip and lazily kicked her feet while I peeled the blue fabric from her legs, seeing they were already quite damp with her eagerness. I felt a moment of clarity fill my mind as I saw her panties and tilted my head. "What is your favorite color of panties, Alice?"

The rabbit gave me a hungry grin and leaned back on her palms, planting her heels on the desk and spreading her knees, the skirt rode up to show off her slick soaked folds. "Tell me yours first..."

I shook my head at the view of her and quickly moved between her legs. "Red..." I growled and shoved my mouth to her folds, my tongue quick to lap at her pearl, her blissful groans of pleasure filling my ears.

"Oooh... my good dog... such a dutiful fox..." She moaned out happily while I lapped at her, tasting her eagerness, and even my husband faintly upon her.

She clenched her teeth and tangled her fingers into my hair and ears, gripping them as she shuddered. I listened to her moan out in an excited groan as she gave in to me. "Ha... S-Sarnai... ooh... they're blue... I usually... wear blue..." She panted the words, rubbing my ears and cooing as I lapped upon her, tasting the honey she had given up for me.

Now I understood that look he gave me yesterday. I had my answer but it meant little at this moment. "Blue looks good on you..." I growled the words as Alice lazily watched me reach beneath my skirt, tugging away the crimson panties I had put on not long ago, the crotch of them also visibly soaked.

"Katrina also enjoys red panties you know..." Alice huffed the words as I pulled her from the desk and brought her to the floor with me.

"Is that right? Perhaps I should have her show me some time..." I hummed the words as I moved into that awkward position we had been in a few days ago. It took me a little fumbling to find it, but I managed to emulate the position.

"You should... you really should. Then peel them off her and do this to... ngh! H-her..." She groaned as I shoved my folds against her own partway through her statement. I wasted no time and put my hips right into motion, bracing on my palms as my tongue lolled.

Alice folded her ears and closed her eyes, grinning wide as we had one another on the floor of her study. "Yes... yes, my fox... I know you've been starving for this..."

I barked out and nodded, clenching my teeth hard as I felt her will push into me as I gave in for her. My tongue lolled heavily and I shuddered in relief, feeling the euphoria fill me from my orgasm.

"Such a good dog... both of you are so good to me... you and Elias..." Alice sighed the words, circling and jerking her hips as if coaxing my release while building me to another at the same time.

"I could... I could say the same for you two..." I panted the words and looked at her, seeing her grin up at me, her cheeks dark as her red eyes sparked. I felt my own cheeks grow dark at the look she was giving me and huffed out. "Alice... Y-you look at me as if you were in love!"

"Do I?" The rabbit hummed the words, then shuddered in relief, her tongue lolling as she gave in once more to me. "Oooh... I certainly love your body and what it does to me..."

My teeth gritted as her hips seemed to grind more intently and her will pushed through me, circling and churning in me like a storm. I could feel the divine energies as well as so much more filling my very soul. I couldn't keep my focus for long before my tongue lolled once more and I felt myself give in once more. "Ngh! F-fuck... huff... you drive me crazy..."

"I could say the same..." She hummed the words as she kept working her hips in time to my own.

We took several more passes before our frantic lovemaking calmed at last. I found myself sitting up on the floor, my back to the front of her desk while she laid over me, pushed to my chest, and hugging me possessively. My hand was tangled into her hair, lazily stroking it and scratching at her scalp.

"Sarnai... I like it when you start things... makes me feel you like me and want me..." Alice cooed the words, nuzzling my chest while hugging close to me.

"I do like and want you... you're a hell of a rabbit, Alice..." I hummed the words while stroking her ears then chuckled. "So much for that doubles match, eh?"

She gave me a lazy smile and shook her head. "Just give me a few minutes to enjoy this time with you... then we can get cleaned up and I will summon them. If they are not interested, I will play with you alone."

"Cleaned up huh? Why do I have a feeling that entails us taking a shower together?" I grinned as I patted her head.

"Of course it does," Alice spoke the words childishly and climbed over me, giving me a quick kiss while smiling. "Naturally we have to have sex in the shower too."

"I'm pretty sure there is nothing 'natural' about that conclusion," I growled and leaned in, kissing at her cheek and moving along her throat. "Though I'm not complaining."

Alive giggled as I kissed her throat and then moved her hands to cup my face and draw my gaze to hers. She huffed out and I saw her cheeks darken before she gave me a focused look. "Sarnai... I like you."

I blinked into her blue eyes and found myself lost in them as I would sometimes get with my husband. "Ah... W-well I like you too-"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She spoke the words with a childish grin.

It took me a moment to process the request and I found myself smiling at the innocence of the question. "Well... I don't know, Alice. Shouldn't you have asked me this over at the see-saw, or passed me a note in class?"

The rabbit's cheeks darkened heavily and she pushed off my chest while pouting. "F-Fine! Nevermind!"

I barked a laugh as she pulled away and grabbed her wrist pulling her back to me from behind. Her back hit my chest and I felt her fuss and squirm in my grip. "Let go of me, you jerk fox, I don't need you teasing me over it anymore!"

I wrapped my arms tight around her and hugged her to me, enjoying the scent of her and the warmth she was giving. "Yeah... I will be happy to be your girlfriend."

Alice perked her ears and relaxed as she looked back at me. "Really?"

"Sure... what am I? Number twenty-seven?" I showed my teeth in a cocky grin.

The rabbit glared at me and fussed in my arms. "I take it back!"

"Ha... too late now... I've got you," I growled the words in her ears, then blinked as I felt myself catch up with the scene, trying to process what I had just said while my heart thumped in my ears.

"You promise?" Alice looked at me out of the corner of her eyes, gripping my wrists while I held her.

Did I mean it? Was I just caught up in the moment? I shook my head as I plucked my thoughts, then gave myself a nod while holding her. "Yeah... I do. I promise, Alice. I've got you and I won't let you go." I huffed the words into her ears, as much saying them to myself as her.

She gave me a small nod and relaxed in my grip. "You don't have to stay you know... I will miss you, but you've been free of your torment for almost a week. If you wish to return to Silverpaw I won't make you stay."

"Jennifer and Jeremy are handling things just fine for now. I think... no, I know I want to stay with you and everyone here, at least for a little while longer." I hugged her tight before climbing to my feet and helping her up as well.

Alice gave me a bright grin and flicked her small fluff of tail. "Well then, let's get cleaned up and work on building some more bonds with your family."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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