RH3 Incoming

Story by Otter Ennui on SoFurry

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I am hard at work editing the flippin' heck out of Rabbit Heart part 3. It's very near to completion, but I want to make sure I get it all as clean and polished as I can before I start posting. The massive revisions required for parts 1 and 2 were frankly embarrassing, and a hard lesson in the importance of the editing process that I won't soon forget. Downside is, part 3 is taking much longer than I thought it would. Upside is, it should be much more well-crafted before posting so no need for heavy revisions after posting.

I've already dropped the prologue so you can whet your appetites, but the rest of RH3 will be here soon! Maybe even as soon as next week?? We'll see!

Until then, stay safe and be good to each other! ^_^