Twokinds - Would you Sleep With Willow?

Story by Tokamak_Providence on SoFurry

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#9 of Twokinds - Quick and Dirty Stories

Did something a little different here and wrote this in first person, something I've not done before. Theo's species is deliberately left ambiguous, so fill in the blank! Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

(Image belongs to Tom Fischbach, shared under Creative Commons)

"O-oh! H-hello there! Who are you?"

Who am I? I'm just a traveller. Well, more accurately, I'm a lost traveller. An ill-conceived idea to avoid the various bandits and brigands that patrol the more heavily travelled byways led me down the path to a somewhat wooded area. This somewhat wooded area turned into a full blown forest, thick and dark. A few hours of stumbling about in the murky twilight, panic ever increasing and no shortage of gruesome thoughts as to what might become of me to keep myself company, had resulted in. . . this.

"Me?" I responded to the strange looking creature, "I'm. . . Theo. I'm kinda lost, though."

"Lost?" the creature took a few steps towards me.

This thing, as far as I could tell, was some sort of keidran, though not entirely. Snow white fur, a long and slender tail ending with a tuft, and some manner of bound hair flowing down either side of her face. And it was definitely a her. With arms clasped behind her back, and seemingly no notion of shame, her attractive, lithe body was presented before me, slight and slender. A nicely shaped set of breasts were prominently placed upon her chest, unabashedly thrust out to entice my eyes. Hips that flowed flawlessly from her slim waistline into long, slender legs completed her form. The fact that I rather liked what I saw wasn't exactly the first thought through my mind, though it wasn't far behind. How could I not? There were certainly creatures about far harder on the eyes.

Of course, keidran were hardly known for their modesty, clothing being treated as something of an unwelcome addition to their otherwise carefree life.

And yet, this was unlike any keidran I had ever seen.

"You're lost, Theo?" she asked again, now a few paces closer, her head slightly tilted to the side, "how did you get lost? I don't get many visitors in the forest."

I tried not to stare at her tits.

"Oh, well I was just heading for Harrowhall, down the ways a bit, and I thought I'd take a detour. I got robbed the last time I was on the road, and the town guard didn't seem interested in catching those responsible, so I. . . tried to find a different way."

She was now right up next to me, enough for me to smell her. It was a wild, untamed scent. Not perfumed, though neither was it dirty. Floral. Natural. Raw.

I was staring at her tits.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Theo," she continued, her eyes scanning across my own form, "but the forest is dangerous too, especially if you don't have a guide!"

It was at this point that I noticed her eyes, something which in retrospect should have struck me immediately. Jet black. Burning white pupils. Bright blue iris. Set into her exceptionally cute face, they were piercing to a degree I had never experienced, looking me over, as if she was trying to peer into something not so easily seen on the surface. Was it my clothing? I was dressed modestly, a simply traveling cloak, loose fitting trousers and well-worn boots. Surely nothing out of the ordinary for people wandering these parts.

Though she did say that people seldom did.

"I'm. . . I'm. . ." I was mumbling, still engrossed in her physique, my eyes now blatantly admiring her femininity, ". . . probably just going to head back to the main road. If the forest is dangerous like you say, I'll take my chances with a ruffian or two."

A paw grabbed at me, her fingers interlocking with my own and tugging, "Oh no, but you mustn't, Theo! Sundown is nearly upon us! You'll never make it back in time!'

"I won't?"

She shook her head, those alluring eyes suddenly alive and full of concern, "No. You must stay! Stay here in the forest tonight. The creatures of the dark don't bother me. They know better."

I honestly didn't mind the idea of a night with her. Rather sudden, yes, but not an unwelcome proposition.

"Um," I said, trying to hide what may have come across as enthusiasm, "what is your name? And. . . what are you?"

She smiled, "I'm Willow, and I'm . . . a Willow, I guess."

"What's a Willow?"

She bounced a little on the spot, her tail flicking up, "I'm Willow, and a Willow is me!"

"I'm not sure I understand. . ."

She squeezed her paw a little tighter, urging me to follow her. I happily obliged, my eyes now set upon her delicious rear.

"I'm a spirit of this forest. You might say I'm a ghost, though that would imply I was alive to begin with. No, I'm just Willow, and I make sure the forest is looked after, and that the people who visit it do it no harm. And, of course, that no harm comes to them. You have a good heart, Theo, I can tell. I'm happy to help you, and. . ."

She stopped, skidding us both to a halt in a clearing, the last rays of the setting sun filtering through the canopy.

". . . it gets a little lonely here."

"It does?"

She nodded, pressing her body to mine. A ghost, maybe, but her body was very, very real, and very, very soft.

"I don't want to seem so forward, Theo." she whined, her fingers tugging at the collar of my cloak, "We only just met, after all. But. . . I have a good feeling about you. You came here seeking protection, you were scared, I think. Were you?"

"Well," I replied, not quite sure how to continue, "I suppose I was, yes. I'm glad you found me, though!"

"I'm glad I found you too!"

This was getting heavy, and certainly wasn't even close to anything that had been on my mind this morning. At least her own enthusiasm for our meeting made my own seem pale in comparison.

I hoped I wasn't coming across as unappreciative.

She gazed up at me, allowing a silence to slowly creep in before speaking again, "Would you sleep with me tonight?"

Willow's eyes fluttered a few times. Her leg slid up my flank, delicate little toes tracing out a pattern on my calf.


Those words hit me like an avalanche. I had met Willow only a few minutes ago, and here she was, completely naked and squeezing her body against mine, and presenting an offer that any red blooded male would be a fool to pass up.

And even if I was the fool to wander off the ways and into this place, I wasn't that much a fool.

"W-Willow," I was reduced to a stammer, the bulk of my mental capacity now sending my thoughts to far lewder places, "are you sure. I mean. . . what if I'm dangerous too?"

The smile she had been presenting, so sweet and pure, eyes radiant and full of kindness, now formed into a playful smirk.

"If you are, Theo, I'll just have to tame you, won't I? I'm very good at keeping dangerous creatures in check. And you can trust me, I'm not some forest sprite, here for mischief. Come on, I'll show you!"

Eagerly, I followed, still holding her paw as she led me across the clearing. Willow's step and stride were different. More. . . sensual. Exotic. A little slower, too. Her hips swayed left and right, tail now flagged high up and arcing through the air just in front of my nose. I could see her; all the way from her delicate shoulders, down her perfectly shaped back and to her pert, heart-shaped rump. I could smell her too, stronger than before, courtesy of the teasing tail-lift. Was this normal for someone like her? Were all spirits this playful? I wasn't sure, but I didn't care.

My loins stirred.

"Here we are!"

We had arrived at a small gully, set into the side of a larger hill. The trees were thick and gnarled, though the addition of a bewildering array of flowers, vines and soft, mossy undergrowth gave the area an almost enchanted look. Accompanying the vista was an ever-present blue glow, coming from. .

"Woah!" I practically screamed, nearly letting go of Willow as I jumped a full two feet in the air.

"What's wrong?" The concern in her voice was ever so adorable, "Is it. . . oh, oh I see!"

She laughed, light and mirthful, childish even. Her eyes closed as she stretched her paw out above her. The blue glow, softly cascaded about the gully, was emanated from some manner of floating. .. orb, I might call it. A wisp, perhaps. It sunk down, settling upon Willow's tiny fingers.

"This is me!" she said, "This is Willow. This body is just something I made up, it's a vessel of sorts. I use it to walk around and interact with things and people, but this is the real me. Don't let it scare you, it's harmless!"

I relaxed. Seeing her standing there with a magical glowing ball of energy upon her outstretched digits, her free paw still gripping mine and those eyes gazing ever so kindly and gently into my own, it put me at rest. I wanted to simply lay down, enjoy this place, enjoy her, and see what adventures the night may bring.

She said I was safe, and I believed her. I didn't just believe her, I wanted to believe her.

And I wanted her.

"Theo. . ." she had again turned to face me, chest, hips and legs once more pressed hard against my own. Her paws now wandered across my body, feeling my arms, my shoulders, and running down my back.


Her voice was like honey, "let's rest. I'll make sure you're well taken care of until morning comes."

How could I say no? I had already committed, and though I might have given a thought to escape upon first meeting her, the brief few moments I had spent in her presence, enraptured by her beauty, had pushed all such ideas from my mind. The ground here was soft, the air warm and a little damp. The pleasant sound of running water emanated from somewhere nearby, though I could not make out its source. I sunk first to my knees, Willow still gently caressing me as we lowered ourselves to the forest floor. We soon found ourselves on our backs, under a tree and staring up at the now inky-black sky. How much time had passed? For the life of me I could swear it was twilight not a few minutes prior, yet here we had the kaleidoscope of the heavens sprawled out above us, a thousand points of light gleaming down.

And the blue wisp, bathing us both in its radiance.

Willow cuddled up to me, shifting herself across the ground and nuzzling gently into my neck, something of a purr escaping her throat and she let out a contented sigh.

"Theo, it's been so long since I've had company."

I paused, if just for a moment as the last remnants of uncertainty danced about in my mind, before finally moving my own arm around her, pulling her close and returning the loving embrace she has visited upon me.

"It's been a while for me too, Willow."

She smiled again. Very cute.

"Do you have anyone in town? Or maybe someone back home for you?" she asked, "You know, like a. . . wife or something?"

"No. Not for me. Never have."

"Why not? You'd make anyone happy. You're making me happy right now!"

It was something I'd given thought on a number of occasions. Fair to say I wasn't without my charms; having bedded a number of the fairer sex, both human and keidran alike, though naturally an evening with a basitin woman had edluded me. Maybe I was scared of something, or perhaps the notion of a peaceful life didn't sit well with me? I wasn't so sure, but now, laying as I was, the concept of having a partner to share each and every night with didn't seem so bad.

Not so bad at all.

A quietness settled over us, broken only by the gentle sounds of Willow's breathing, along with the occasional purr, as well as the nightly sounds of the forest. Insects, wayward birds and perhaps a few nastier creatures made themselves known through all manner of vocalisations. Still, Willow had been right, nothing encroached upon our resting place. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt as relaxed as I did in that moment.

'She's so soft. . ."


Her voice jolted me from my peaceful musings.


She squirmed a bit, pushing herself harder against me. Almost. . . grinding. Her movements had the faintest hint of sexuality to them.

"This body, I know it's just a vessel. . . but. . . it's a-anatomically correct. Completely. I didn't miss out on anything!"

"I. . .um. . ." I didn't quite know what to make of this. My words stuck in my throat.

"Touch me."

Her paw grasped about my wrist, pushing my palm to her perfectly flat stomach. My fingers sifted through her fur, silky smooth like no others I had felt; the most sensual, amazing softness. My clothing was a crude barrier in comparison, unfit to be in contact with such fairness and grace. I relished the sensation, rubbing up and down, engrossed in her form, wanting nothing more than to touch every single inch of her, feel every part, leave nothing to the imagination.

I pushed downwards. Slowly.

"That's it, Theo, feel me. . ."

She was on her side, hips snuggled pressed against my waist and crotch hidden. Such a situation simply didn't seem to interest her. She lifted one leg, raising it high into the air, arcing it up and over until it practically touched her shoulder, leaving her nethers completely and shamelessly exposed.

It was a motion that cascaded her scent, fiery, primal and irrepressibly intoxicating, over my nose, overwhelming my single-minded male senses and telling me that the point of no return had long since been crossed. There was no going back. Not that I would have wanted to. Nothing short of a dragon could have stopped me.

I glanced downward, watching my fingers inch towards her honeypot. Her sex was framed by the most perfect white fur, pink lips poking ever so slightly out. Her glorious, wet cunt was spread wide, begging for my touch, glistening in the starlight.

And the smell. Oh gods the smell.

A tongue licked across my cheek.

"Please. . ."

I reached my prize. Slowly, my fingers contacted her folds, sliding over and running deep, pressing through them, from her clit down through her labia and across her entrance. I savoured every moment on it, the warmth and smoothness of her most precious place. Nectar smeared over my digits as I continued to explore between her thighs, absorbed by my own personal little heaven.

"Hmmmmm. . . yes. . ." her eyes closed and her voice came out a low, soft moan.

I took the appreciative sounds as an invitation to continue, which I did without hesitation. Again I rubbed through her folds, joining a second digit with the first, spreading her lips a little more and adding a slight zig-zag motion into the mix of manual stimulation. A few more times I felt her, circling her clit and pressing down, my ears acutely aware of every cute little gasp she let out.

She wanted more. I wanted more.

I pressed inward. The tips of my fingers lingered at her entrance, teasing at her walls and causing her to push her hips forward, longing for the intrusion. I pulled back, just for a moment, watching as a glistening line of her juices ran from my fingertips to her pussy. She was squriming and groaning, gyrating her hips about, shoving her cunt upwards.

I couldn't resist, not for a second longer. Obliging the horny forest spirit, I plunged downward, her love tunnel parting without question as I pushed all the way into her tight, wet depths. Her walls clamped down on my fingers, holding me in place, her muzzle hanging open and eyes shut tight in a beautiful expression of pleasure.

"More!" she was gasping, begging, moaning. Putty beneath my touch.

And so I curled my fingers upward, touching her insides in a manner I had learned that girls loved. And she did. A moan became a sudden scream, clear and brilliant and likely heard for miles around in the cool night air. She slammed her hips towards me, fucking herself upon my fingers, grinding her clit into my palm, every thrust bringing a slight squirt of her juices.

And again, that smell. She was so pure, so exquisitely sensual and so very decidedly feminine. Enough to make the most petite and lithe keidran girl seem positively brutish in comparison. Forget human girls. . . though admittedly they were still good for a bit of dirty fun.

But this wasn't dirty. This was. . . divine.

Of course, it would be a lie to say my mind wasn't already thinking of where this would go, or at least where I hoped it would go. A thousand times a thousand thoughts swum about in my head, each one more lewd than the last, each one an obscene image of what might play out. Of what I might do to her. Pin her down? Fuck her until morning came? Grasp her firmly by the ears and see if she enjoyed giving as well as receiving.

She very much enjoyed receiving. That was abundantly clear..

As it were, it was as if Willow had read my mind. Perhaps she did; magic was certainly at play here. With my fingers now sliding in and out of her soaked pussy, keeping up a steady rhythm and bringing jolt after jolt of pleasure to her, she suddenly sat upright, trapping my limb under her pert little rump.

"Theo!" her voice was suddenly empowered. Her eyes burned blue. Bright. Like a star.


She lurched herself upon me, paws working with a strength and speed I did not think possible for a creature so small and delicate. My clothes, meagre as they were, were shredded from my body before my mind had time to catch up. I was, naturally, fully erect and very ready for what was almost certainly about to happen. She ran her paw pads down my chest, gasping at me, pricking me with her claws. Electrifying. Sometimes the wait alone is as good as the experience.

This was resoundingly not the case. Not by a long shot.

She burned into my very soul her gaze, eyes burning with blue fire. Her fur rippled and waved across her body, hair suspended and floating in air, frayed and frazzled as if we had already been at it for some number of hours. That blue glow, which I thought came only for her eyes, was in fact a product of her whole being. She almost appeared floating above me, and were it not for the fact that she had taken to grinding her pussy back and forth across my rock hard length, I might have thought that was the case.

Wild. Feral. Savage. Words flooded to me, a pointless attempt to describe what I was seeing.

"Theo, do you know how long it has been?" her voice was inside my head. Her mouth did not move.


"You are my first in a time longer than I can remember. People say they love the forest, that they would treat it well and take only what they need. But none of them, none of them loved me! I have been so long without a lover's touch. So long! I want you to know that, Theo, know that I am giving myself to you wholly, and I want all of you. ALL OF YOU!"

She slid up, pressing her entrance to my tip. I could feel the heat, feel the beads of her nectar that dripped down to my shaft.

"Give me your soul."

She slipped in, just an inch.

"I will give you mine!" she continued, her voice still pure and crips in my mind.

I was in heaven. Even now, with my length still kissed by the cool forest air, I was feeling a sensation beyond any of the trysts I had experienced in my life to that point.

"Make love to me, Theo. Make me feel alive!"

She pressed down. Warmth and wetness, tightness and an embrace that could only be called otherworldly, enveloped my cock. I pressed myself into her, every fibre of my being screaming at me to cum on the spot. I didn't know if I could hold myself back, the crest of a hitherto unknown peak of pleasure was bearing down upon me like a tidal surge.

Willow must have felt the same.More, perhaps. She threw her head back and screamed, roaring into the night. Her paws snaked up her belly and worked across her breasts as she pierced herself upon my shaft, slammed her hips down, fucked herself madly and without pause, with wandon, chaotic abandon.

"WILLOW!" my own voice was drowned out in response.

She thrashed above me, tail whipping back and forth as I reached up and grasped her about her hips. I held on, gripping tightly and pressing her tiny form down upon my hips. I sank into her deeper still, our crotches colliding as we joined ourselves together in this most intimate of unions. I felt myself inside her, buried in her cunt, her essence now flowing freely from her stretched opening. She continued to roar, to snarl. Teeth flashed white in the darkness, and her eyes remained ablaze with azure fire.

"You are all I could ever want, Theo." her voice again sounded in my mind.

"F-fuck!" a criminally benign response was all I could muster.

Somehow, we both found energy and our motions quickened. As I slammed in and out of her pussy, she took to grinding herself back and forth every time I bottomed out, smearing her clit into me, slavishly begging for more pleasure. It worked. She was cumming, though her ethereal orgasm did little to sate her lust. She mindlessly continued to rape herself upon me. Juices squirted out, landing on my chest, and on the ground around us. She didn't stop, and my own mind was devoid of any thought other than the insane, raw pleasure cascading through my body.

Mine hit a moment after hers, though I was already tense and tight, gripping her hips with all I had. I jetted my seed into her, depositing my own essence into her love tunnel and joining her own.

"Willow. . . WILLOW!"


And still, neither of us relented. The fucking just kept going. And going. I lost track of time, my mind crushed beneath the weight of desire. We didn't stop there. After a brief respite, she eagerly sunk to all fours, presenting her pussy to me and begging me to take her again. WIthout an ounce of trepidation I did so. Doggy style, a sixty-nine, missionary a few more times then another wild ride of cowgirl. Positions she didn't have words for, but whole-heartedly wished to experience. With me.

"Only with you, Theo."

"Only with you. . ."

Though time was meaningless under the canopy of the trees, bathed as we were in her blue radiance, eventually sleep overtook us both. Reeking of sex, our juices plastered upon the other, yet each of us thoroughly contented to melt into each other's arms, we slept. Pleasant dreams and a warm, loving embrace kept with me for the remainder of the night, until the singing of birds woke us and the first rays of dawn trickled down through the leaves.

"Good morning, Willow."

She was still at my side, head rested upon my chest, her breathing light and soft.

A strangely feline sound, and a few stretches saw her own eyes, now devoid of the previous evening's burning blue passion, fluttered open. That same kindness, the care that she first showed me when I stumbled upon her, flowed over me.

"Good morning, Theo. Did you sleep well?"

I hugged her close, again lavishing myself with her soft form, wanting the moment to never end. Naturally, she returned my embrace, burying her face into the crook of my neck and sighing softly.

"I did," I replied, "best I've had in ages. I could get used to this, I just might have to get lost more often."

She locked her own eyes with mine, starting wordlessly for what seemed an eternity before doing something she had neglected to do during our lovemaking. Something that, with the benefit of hindsight, seemed odd to have missed.

She kissed me.

A delicate touch of her lips to mine at first, but making way to a full and passionate intertwining of our tongues.

She broke off after far too short a time, "you're always welcome in the forest, Theo. I'll always be here to take care of you. You're kind, and you've shown me something I have longed for."

She took a few steps backward, pausing to twirl about on the spot, her tail flicking up with legs ever so slightly spread, giving me a last view of her glorious rump and perfect pussy. A suggestive glance she shot back over her shoulder at me, eyes half lidded and lips curled into a playful grin.

"Don't forget about me, Theo. Be careful on the way out."

She bounded the last few steps to the edge of the clearing, the wisp in tow. A final step and she disappeared behind an ancient tree. Immediately I was after her, tearing about the base of the trunk, leaping roots and diving through the undergrowth. Of course, she was nowhere to be found. Neither trace of her footsteps nor the sound of her moving through the brushes met me. A fruitless search, but one which my pounding heart had spurred me to undertake.

She was gone.