The hack: Chapter 2 (Trent)

Story by Tsociety on SoFurry

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#2 of The hack: book 1

This is chapter 2 which is from Trent's P.O.V, he will now have to explain to Aron as to why he has to code the malware and answer to the voices in his head.

'Shit, I forgot to close the Protonmail window' I said to myself.

'Well we're screwed' Sine exclaimed.

'No shit we're screwed' said Scient.

'Hold on maybe he might be joking?' said Felix.

'You should listen to yourself' Scient said.

'Everyone we can argue later, right now we have a lie to make' I told them in my mind.

Sine, Scient and Felix are the voices in my head, they have been around with me since i was into hacking which was when i was thirteen after i was adopted. Their names in Latin directly translate into sin, knowledge and happy respectively. They represent each part of my personality, Sine is my psycho or insanity, Scient is my logical side or intelligence, while Felix is simply my positive side or the part of me that wants to be nice or have justice.

Though I have other issues to worry about right now as Aron had found out about the malware and next probably tsociety.

"So? you going to explain yourself or just stare off into space like in history class," Aron questioned.

I mustered up my courage and hoped that he would not tell anyone or we would be dead.

"Aron, if i tell you, could you please not tell anyone," i pleaded as if he did not agree then all 26 people in tsociety is screwed, including Kit.

"I will tell you weather i will keep it a secret if you tell me why you have to send the malware" replied Aron.

'Shit, he pulled that move now i have to tell him' I sighed.

"Alright i will tell you, the malware is going to be used for a hack we are doing on 11th of may or 5 11 like Kit was saying, R.W. stands for Ransomware which is a type of malware that my friends need to perform an attack on a company called Furon which is a cloud storage company that is used worldwide by all sorts of businesses due to its low cost, high transfer speeds and advertised 'encrypted database' which is partially true as they do encrypt but the encryption key which allows you to access the files, however they never said who has control of the encryption key. "

"We were able to buy some encryption keys on the dark web and have full access to personal files of some furs, passwords of multi-billion dollar companies' websites and who knows what other files."

"This is what the ransomware is for, it will infect their servers and encrypt the entire system properly with them having to pay the ransom or in our case reveal that they have sold private data on the dark web to the authorities and hence giving people their privacy and not being used to make a quick buck in order to get the decryption key to gain access."

"So this is why you are making the ransomware," said Aron who found out about the malware.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" I ask nervously as all it takes now is a phone call to end this operation and send 26 furs to jail.

"No i will not tell anyone" he says.

I breathed a sigh of relief as tsociety can still perform the attack.

"To be honest I think what they are doing is sick and broken, which is why I want to join tsociety to help bring them down" he said.

'Wait, WHAT?!' Sine said, I almost forgot that she was there.

'This is dangerous even if he is able to keep this a secret, he is still going to be in danger as he could easily reveal everything or even get caught by who knows what on the dark web after the attack if they can find out' Scient said.

'Maybe he really can keep the secret, he seems like a nice guy and we are more than capable of keeping him safe, especially with Kit's knife collection' Felix said trying to make them reconsider.

'Alright you clowns we are letting him join tsociety and that is final' i told them.

'What!?' Scient and Sine said in unison.

'Did you leave your brain in school or something?' Sine said questioning my decision.

"Aron I will let you join tsociety, but on one condition" i said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"You need to wipe your social media clean"

'Okay you better code that malware fast now that you have to clean him off the internet' said Scient who was not happy to say in the least about my decision.

'Relax, i will be done with it in half an hour, fifteen minutes if I am able to listen to music' I reassure him. I clicked play on the music player program and set it to my playlist.

'Alright" I tell myself 'Lets go'.

'step 1: Identify target and their flaws. There are always flaws in every system, I learnt that from my first hack on the bully Eric who tried to beat me up earlier today. It was nothing too special, just got ahold of his instagram password and used it to post a photoshoped picture of the principal and the math teacher holding hands and text which said that they were dating, he got in trouble with the teachers and was suspended for a week. Or to me sweet revenge.' i told myself while typing furiously on the keyboard.

'step 2: code the malware and prepare the attack. As of now the malware's encryption code, encryption key code and Protonmail message is done, the code is now being wrapped with the GUI or Graphical User Interface. This gives it the message that they have been hacked and the way to deliver the ransom, along with some 'visual flair' i found on the internet which is a mime trying to shove a large carrot in its mouth, you get the idea. The code is wrapped like a Christmas present and is seconds from being ready. I live for this shit (and yes that was a line from a show called Mr Robot). Competed now to test run.'

'Database encrypted' the message shows on the screen which is to indicate that the code works on my virtual machine, which is a simulation of what will happen.

'step 3: Make it infallible. Inside the code is a logic bomb, malicious code that will do what i choose it to do under certain conditions that i have coded. Should someone try to get a hold of a copy of the malware and is run on a virtual machine or is not run on their Linux servers it will automatically self corrupt or in other words, explode.

'Step 4: convert the java program into a Unix executable and code the polymorphic virus that will spread it myself. What is a polymorphic virus? Its a virus that changes its code in order to stay hidden from antivirus programs and be able to spread much more effectively. Why code it myself? Because its how I learned and its how I know that it will do what i want it to do.'

'step 5: export the code. This feels just like my first hack, it was just embarrassing a person at first and getting them in trouble. Tomorrow night I hack the world to make it safer and finally bring justice.'

"Trent, you ok?" asked Aron as he had just finished his shower.

Not bothering to look at him i said "Yeah, why?"

"Cause you were muttering to yourself when i came out of the shower and was coding the malware" he said.

'Shit, you've got some explaining to do' said Sine as I was caught in a pretty embarassing situation.

"Um, sorry about that I sometimes talk to myself when i am really engrossed in something" I said sheepishly.

"That's fine, I was just curious" Aron said.

"Though, when can I meet tsociety" asked Aron.

'You're on your own' said Sine.

"Ummmmm... probably tomorrow as we will have to meet up for the hack" i replied.

I let Aron sleep on my bed as i try to wipe him clean off the internet, you can't actually remove all traces of someone on the internet especially with how education systems store legal documents, IDs, health records and who knows what else, but you can make it really hard to find out about someone or make them look like a regular person in a sea of millions. That is what i am doing though it is very hard and it will tire me out. Its still worth it though as it could be the difference to being locked up or being hunted down by Furon.

After wiping his profile on the internet I felt incredibly exhausted as it took two whole hours to get his profile wiped clean and make it look like every other obedient zombie. I sent the news to the rest of tsociety and let them have a heated debate on whether i was insane, though I already knew the answer.

Wondering why I had chose to let him be in tsociety I sat on my bed and lied down on it and hugged my pillow wondering why it was a little heavier than usual and still softer.

'Alright now is the time to argue weather you left your brain in school, hey! don't you dare sleep on m-"'I fell asleep before Sine finished her sentence with the last thing I noticed was something wrapping itself around me.