a Long night (Draft) (Inspired by "The Pack" by Kandrel)

Story by Wolf_dog321 on SoFurry

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It was 10 pm I couldn't sleep for some reason, I felt like I had to do something not playing video games not doing homework (which I already did) it was summer I had to do something that I liked. I recently bought a Camcorder to record the things that would happen in the forest, I've heard a group of little kids being bitten by a stray wolf, poor guys next time they should think before getting close to stray dogs. Those kids lived near me and I've been noticing some weird stuff in the night, every time at 11 pm I'd hear howling coming from the forest, so that's the reason why I got the camcorder with a Night vision feature which I'm probably gonna use a lot in the forest when it's dark, my parents were sleeping, they were super exhausted so I planned my search in the forest, I got my hoodie, wore my favourite cargo pants, adrenaline shot, in case something chases me or I have an injured limb I know I should not use it because I'm 14 but I'm only gonna use it in extreme cases and finally my camcorder. I jumped out of the window in parkour style and landed safely on the ground, I vaulted on the fence and started my journey. I turned the flashlight on but then realized there was a guard in the forest and I could get spotted easily by the light, so I took the camcorder and turned on the night vision. I walked on the trail, it was pretty dark, there was little light from the moon but it wasn't enough to give a full vision of the forest, well at least I had my camcorder with a pretty good infrared light, I heard sounds of a truck approaching and got behind a thick bush, it was pretty spacious inside so I got in it. The truck passed and I was about to get out of the bush but then I heard a very close howl and saw the sound of a tree falling, I got out of the bush and saw a tree falling near an abandoned cabin, the noises came from there. I clicked the Rec button and approached the cabin, there was a broken window with a blanket covering it, there was a light inside the cabin so I could see the shadows I turned off the night vision and recorded the shadow, the door was shut opened and saw a girl getting thrown at a wall but she quickly stood up and said: "Everybody gives him some space he's transforming...". "Transforming? Transforming into what?" I got in and saw 3 kids circling on another kid, I could see fur spreading in his arm and was yelping in pain, I got the camera out and started recording, the kids did not notice me get in the kid got on his feet and was fully transformed into an anthro wolf, and it was twice my height, he turned around and saw me and said, "Wait... who are you?" I made a little chuckle because the phrase reminded me of a meme, the other kids turned and one of them said, "How did you find us?" they didn't seem to be hostile to me and I said a bit in fear "Uh, I saw a tree falling and heard some screaming. But hold on are you those kids in the news that were bitten by a stray dog?" a girl responded, "Yes, it wasn't a stray dog, it was a Wolf and he bit us one by one". Then another kid said, "Wait, are you recording?" I said trying to be serious "Uh, no?" the Wolves looked at me ready to kill me because if I were left alive, I would tell to the world they were werewolves. I rushed to the door and closed it, while they were smashing the door I climbed on the roof trying to hide from them, I watched from the roof and saw the 4 werewolves running away from the cabin thinking I ran out the door and ran away, good thing they didn't catch my scent or.... a werewolf jumped at and yelped in fear. I did a 4-meter fall on the ground and grunted in pain, I stood up and started running, my house was near the forest, I was in pain, in lots of pain at my stomach the werewolf started running but then tripped over a rock and whined in pain. "HAHA fuck you..." I said and coughed some blood out of my mouth while talking, that wasn't a good sign I had to go to the hospital. I vaulted over the fence and rushed to a nearby hospital. It was 11 pm so the hospital was still open. I got there and feel on the lobby's floor in pain, I felt a lot of heat in my stomach and coughed blood again. A nurse rushed to me and said: "Call the doctor the kids bleeding from the inside!". I grabbed my camcorder and opened it and gave it to the nurse before fainting. I woke up on the hospital bed and mom and dad were there and said "You've got a lot of explaining to do" they said with a frowning expression. I knew I was in trouble but then said. "I know I'm sorry ok? But I kept hearing weird noises in the forest. I recorded everything there please trust me where is it?" My dad responded "The Police looked at all the clips and what you were saying about those kids turning into werewolves was true... but that doesn't make you a hero." I responded, "No I didn't want to act like a hero I wanted to know what was going on and... and...." I looked down and saw my hands or should I call them paws with claws I touched my face and I also grew a muzzle. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2 am and the moon was up, my parents then said "We have to tell you something that will probably traumatize you... we are werewolves." Everybody knew that those kids were werewolves you probably didn't hear all of the news. Almost everybody are werewolves in this city. You just didn't know. Then I said "But why I never heard wolves howling and weird things happening in the forest?" they responded, "Because you always went to sleep very early, dear".

I looked at my hands again and felt pretty bad. I felt sorry to have recorded those kids turning I invaded their privacy.

I'm such a piece of shit.