Finding Ones Place, pt 1

Story by Dragon Ell on SoFurry

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#1 of Finding Ones Place

Note: I reliaze the this will not be an excellent piece of work as it is the first attempt at writing and I welcome any and all helpful critizism and pointers you wish to share thank you for taking the time to read my work and look forward to your opinions. Thank You


I stand gazing into the mirror as the light refracts off of my metallic blue scales that cover my body aside from the two horns protruding from my skull. Just another sleepless night it seems as I look at my blood shot eyes which would nomaly be hazel with every color exploding together all at once.

As I step aside and slide open the shower door I find my face blasted with a wave of refreshing moisture. I step into the shower ensuring that I rap my tall around behind me as I shut the door. I feel a rush of ecstacy as I feel the cool refreshing water slide down my scales and make a slight tapping sound as they land on the bottom of the shower like the sound of rain falling on the roof in a thunderstorm.

My how I love the water. It seems like its the one escape I have in my life. I feel so at home when it surrounds me. If I could live in the water I'd never leave it but alas only the fish are so fortunate it seems.

I on the other hand have a appointment this morning as much as I would like to stay in the shower all day it just doesn't fit my schedule. With a heavy sigh I grab the soap and begin to scrub clean.

Having gone though this same rushed routine over and over agin, I manage to get scrubed cleaned, rinsed, and dried off, aside from my dark hair that never usually comes completely dry no matter how long I try to dry it.

In a short time and proceed to make my way to my closet. I rumage though my closes to find a decent outfit to wear, not that it is all that diffucult since my wardrobe consists of basically all the same cloths. Black sleaveless shirts and black carpenter pants and my usual black overshirt. Its always the same it seems.

My life just drags on. I stroll into the kitchen of my little two bedroom apartment feeling the usual emptiness of its barren space. My how lonly it gets living alone. Never to have someone to talk to or be close with. To have the solitude bearing down upon ones self without any chance of escape.

Oh well no sense in dwelling on it. I proceed to the fridge and grab a soda and grab my keys off the hook and make my way to the door.

I make the usual routine check to see if I have everything: cell, pocket knife, wallet, keys, spare change. Yep thats everything and out the door I go double checking to ensure I locked it.

I leap over the balcony railing and jump down to the first floor. My apartment resides on the second storie of the complex and its easier to simply jump down then walk over to the stairs. After all whats the point of having wings if one never gets to use them.

Not that its that big of a drop for me. I stand at six foot four inches when I slouch. I'm not sure just how tall I really am when standing straight up since I never am standing straight up so I fugire whats the point in finding out. Though I may be the tallest one in my family I still find myself to be of about an average height. Maybe just a hair over average at best.

I stroll over to my ride in the hopes of avoiding detection from the old lady who resides below me. She tends to give me dirty looks though I don't know why. I am quiet, reseved, never have parties, never turn the music up loud (not that I would want to with my sensitive hearing), and am always polite, however, she tends to glare at me like I'm the most vile being to walk the earth.

I make haste to my ride, a red suv, climb in and take off before anyone has a chance to see.

I love my car because its just the right height. I don't have to climb into it nor do I have to crawl in and out of it like when I catch a ride with some of my friends. All through high school I had been climbing in and out of small little cars and gererally ended up in the back seats of them where I would have to rap my wings around my body and try to keep my tail from getting into anyones face.

There arn't to many dragons where I live so I usually tend to stick out pretty badly. But after high school I found a few others in college though still not to many. Its like there is a shortage of dragons in this region though I asume thats because I live in the middle of nowhere in probably the most barren and boring state in the United States. But its home I suppose.

I pull out of the complex and take off down the road in the hopes of not being to late. After all I never arrive on time for anything. It just doesn't fit my life and if I were to be on time for once I'm afraid it might give someone a heart attack. As I smile inwardly to myself and make a sharp turn down a side street as I make my way toward down town.

As I park on one of the side streets I am greeted by my best friend Shadow. One of the few other dragons who risides in this town.

Shadow is slimmer than me and built more for track which he used to run in back in high school. He is a onyx scaled dragon who stands about half a foot shorter than me with kind of a dirty blond hair. He moved here in the seventh grade and we have been best friends ever since.

We both come from less than ideal families and share many of the same interests. We are practically brothers one could say. Or at least he is the closest thing to a brother that I have found. Granted I actually have a little brother but he is ten years younger than me and I have an older half brother but I never see him and when I do its usually just in passing and he is either stoned or drunk. Generally I don't seem him though since he is in jail or hiding somewhere most often. So I simply consider Shadow to be my brother and we share a bond of friendship that is as close to family as one can get without actually being born into it.

"Hey there Drake, What kept you?" Shadow exclaimed as I exited my vehicle.

"Good morning Shad. Whats up? I thought you had to work this morning?" I ask with a bit of exasperation in my tone.

"Nothin. I requested the day off when I heard about this and figured I would leave it as a suprise for you." As he gave me a big toothy grin.

I love Shadow to death but he can be the most irritaing individual I have ever met. He feels it is his personal responsibility to know everything that I do, when I'm going to do it, and where it will be at. He's like a mother hen who doesn't get the hint that its time for the chick to leave the nest.

Not that it is always a bad thing since he has saved my tail many a time from my bitting off more than I can chew. I have always lived my life in more of the shadows than in the light and have met some very...unsettling...people thoughout my dealings.

Not that I'm a bad individual or anything but I tend to be a 'enforcer' for hire as it where. I am a weapons expert with a prefrence with the sword. I am rather large and broad and I use that to my advantage. But everyonce in a while I get involved in more than I can handle and whenever I need him he is always there to back me up. Granted I've saved his bacon more than a few times myself.

"So are we going in or what?" Shadow asks looking at me as if he had every right to be with me.

"You know I don't quite remember asking for you to be here today there bucko." I comment with a raised eyebrow.

He just looks at me with his head cocked slightly to the side "And just where else would I be?".

"Oh I don't know at work, at home, anywhere but here just about." I say with an icy tone.

He regards me with a hurt look. One of those 'I can't believe you would say such a thing' looks that he tries to guilt trip me with all the time.

"Look" I say with him trying to look at me with his big saddest face he can make, which I must admit is pretty concincing and would probably work on just about anyone but me.

"I appreciate the support but I don't need you to hold my hand for this. I mean for crying out loud its a bloody job interview. What do you think their going to let you come into the office with me and and sit next to me while they go through the interview? I seriously doubt it."

He looks at me with his grin showing all of his pearly white teeth, " Sure they will, after all I'm practically one of their best coustomers. I might as well have my own private shelf marked, SHADOWS FAVORITE MOVIES, written on it."

I look at him with an amused glance," You know just cause you say it doesn't make it true."

As I proceed to walk up the steps to the entrace to the video store. He gives me a look of indiffence as he follows me up the steps.

"Very well while you go do your thing I'll look for a movie to watch tonight while we celebrate you getting the job."

I stop before opening the door and just stair at him for a minute, shake my head and head into the building with him right on my heels.