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#1 of The Babysitter

The following is a work of pure fiction. It is not reflective of any real world events and is intended for entertainment only. The deeds and beliefs expressed herein are not those of the author, but are part of a fictional account.

Howdy, all! We've got a new story series starting, hope you're excited. Let me know what you think and where you think it's going from here!

Matt swung the car into his aunt's short driveway. It was wide enough that he didn't have to be too concerned about drifting too far one way or the other, but the 15 year old fox still slowed way down, crawling up the drive at less than a walking pace.

Matt could feel his mother in the seat beside him, not that she was impatient or snippish, more that he knew she was thinking that he could relax a little. After all, Matt had driven from their house to his aunt's without any issues, he'd never had any issues driving, but he was still nervous. It wasn't a possibility to be this timid out on the road and Matt knew it, forcing himself to keep pace with traffic and be firm in his decisions, but as soon as it came to an easy part, a fully clear and unobscured driveway of no more than 20 feet, for example, the young teen clammed up.

Matt thought about what his dad would be saying, "Go on, it's the same as driving on the road. Just take your foot off the break. It's fine. Come on, Matt!" Good natured enough, but in a way that always left Matt feeling drained.

His mom knew this and accordingly did much less directing when she was in the car with him, after all she just hoped that Matt would get his license without a fuss, having another driver in the family would make things a lot easier as far as she was concerned. Despite this difference in teaching style, Matt could still hear what an admonishment might sound like and the thought of it was like a physical force, one that was only relieved by the conclusion of his journey, pulling in to park beside his aunt's car. His mother thought that it was much further to the right of the other vehicle and a good ways further from the garage door than necessary, but again, she wasn't going to quibble over something that small.

Quick as he could, Matt set the parking brake, turned off the engine and lights, and was out of the car, needing to get out of the space into less anxious air, at least that's how it felt to him. His mother got out at a more leisurely pace and walked around to embrace her son. The vulpine woman was a kind of brown grey and still stood a head or so taller than her son. The more light brown teen had been growing steadily, but he was still rather short compared to many of his peers. She loved that he'd kept a bit of the roundness he'd had in childhood, not heavyset, not trim. She loved how he got all sheepish when she talked about how fast he was growing up. She loved that despite everything, he was still her baby, and now she pulled him into a warm hug, knowing that despite how well he'd done, Matt hadn't been terribly comfortable driving.

Matt returned his mother's hug and after a moment the two turned towards the door, his mother talking about the things he'd done well on the drive. Matt, however, was no longer thinking about the drive, that was over and done with. Now he was thinking ahead to what he was here to do.

As the two approached the front door it swung open revealing a fox woman, very similar to his mother in appearance, just a touch older with a bit more grey around the muzzle.

"Come in, come in," his aunt was saying, sweeping Matt into a warm hug as he crossed the threshold. "Oh thank you so much for doing this on such short notice. I wish I could have scheduled my work differently, but you know how these things go. Oh, but Kelsey is so excited to see you. She's been talking about it since Wednesday."

Matt didn't really mind the suddenness, he was getting paid, and Kelsey was sweet, plus as much as he didn't like driving he did need to get the hours in. And then there was something else.

As if on cue, Kelsey ran into the room and flung herself at Matt. Kelsey was a grey fox, like her mother, and was a 12 year old bundle of warm, loving energy. One which had just knocked Matt to the ground. Loping after her was the family's dog, Milly.

It was something of an oddity for a canine-adjacent family to have a pet dog. It was far more common to see pet cats in canine homes and dogs in feline homes, but there were always going to be exceptions. As far as Matt had heard it was Kelsey who pushed for them to get Milly. She had been disappointed by the lack of exuberance most domestic cats displayed and so she'd managed to pester her parents into getting a golden lab, and no one could deny that Milly fit the bill when it came to Kelsey. The two were frequently to be found romping in the back yard or laying in front of the TV. By now, Milly was around 3 and she'd mellowed out a bit from when Matt had first met her as a puppy.

Now Matt found himself being snuggled from either side by affectionate muzzles, one a peppered mix of white and black, the other yellow and snuffling. Matt let the two be for a moment, but he was a bit ticklish and it soon became too much. Pushing both off of himself with a chuckle, Matt got back to his feet, only to find himself pinned in by his cousin who did indeed seem quite excited that he was going to be taking care of her for the next few weekends.

Matt looked around to see that his mother and aunt were already deep in conversation, catching up on this and that. Matt's attention was redirected once again as he found himself being dragged from the entryway around to the living room by Kelsey.

"I can't wait to tell you all about my classes and everything. My friend, Jessica had a birthday party last weekend and it was a sleepover, but there were boys there and then they had to go home early, so we stayed up..." Kelsey was well and truly lost in recounting all the things that had happened in her life recently and Matt was happy to amuse her, sitting comfortably on the couch, lazily stroking Milly's ears and nodding along to his cousin's successes and failures. It was always fun to be at his aunt's house as he loved spending time with Kelsey, but in that moment Matt was more pleased that in this sitting position no one could see the steadily growing erection.

He was equally glad that his aunt trusted him enough to simply deliver her reminders from the door - that she'd be busy but reachable by phone, there were leftovers in the fridge and money on the dining table, that she'd be home tomorrow around noon, and that she loved them both very much. His mom was likewise content to send her love from the door as she had other things to get done that day. In no time at all the house had emptied significantly, leaving only the excited tone of Kelsey to fill the space.

And fill it she did. Matt got to hear all about the relationships of her classmates, her own lack of relationship concerns, the squabbles between friends, the funny things that happened in class. By the time she started to slow, Matt felt almost like he'd lived through Kelsey's day to day with her. As the story telling came to a close, it was funny, Matt did enjoy hearing Kelsey talk, but he found himself drawing a blank for how to continue the conversation. They were at different points in life, and while he loved spending time with her and appreciated that they continued to be close, Matt felt like there was a barrier between himself and Kelsey that he didn't know how to overcome.

The matter didn't require much thought in that moment, however, as Kelsey was never one to let a moment hang, unused.

"Wanna play something?" She asked, indicating the consoles.

"Sure, that sounds good! What are we gonna play?" Matt said, relieved that she didn't want to do anything that required standing up. He'd rather not have to explain away the tent he was pitching.

After some consideration they settled on a game that played like fantasy soccer, not one that Matt was familiar with, but fun enough and easy to pick up and learn. As the two kids settled into their game stretching out on the couch so that their legs were becoming intertwined, Milly decided it would be best that she lay across both of them like a blanket with elbows. The combination of concentrating on the game and the feeling of joints jabbing into shallow skin did at least help Matt calm down a little.

In what felt like no time at all the shadows began to grow long and it was time to think about dinner and bed. Kelsey had soundly trounced Matt in every game they'd played, but Matt couldn't help feeling happy nonetheless, or maybe contented with how the afternoon had gone would better describe it.

"You just can't beat me, I'm too good!" Kelsey was boasting as they tidied up the controllers and reset the cushions. It was really more of a good natured ribbing, and Matt wasn't going to fight her on that point, after all she wasn't wrong. "Let's order pizza! We can eat leftovers tomorrow."

Now there was something Matt could push her buttons with, "Oh I don't know, wouldn't it be a better idea to just go ahead and eat the leftovers. If we get pizza this weekend, you mom probably won't let us do it again next week, you know." Matt was trying to keep the grin off his face as he watched Kelsey's drop. "Don't you think the delayed gratification will feel so much better?"

"No! And quit teasing, I know you like pizza more than me!" Kelsey said this with her accustomed confidence, but her expression was closer to desperation. "Come on Matt, piiiiizzzzzaaaaa. Let's do pizza. Please?!"

Matt couldn't keep it up and he began snickering, "Oh you got me. Pizza it is." As he stepped towards the phone he had to shield himself from the volley of blows launched by his cousin. None of them were hard, just play punches, the inevitable, playful reward for that kind of teasing. After all, pizza wasn't a joking matter.

Soon enough the order was placed and the two settled in to wait. Kelsey had some math problems left to do, and unlike Matt, she was the kind of kid who got their homework done in advance. Matt was always hearing from his parents that if he'd just do his work before he went to play or relax, he'd do better and be less stressed, but he'd never really found that working for him, things needed to be unavoidable and looming for him to take the initiative, not like Kelsey.

While he waited and with the couch commandeered in the name of learning, Matt found himself on the floor with Milly's head in his lap, snuffling around while he petted her ears.

"Hey, have you noticed Milly's been acting strange?" Matt asked after a little while. The dog was always friendly, but her level of energy was a bit different, she was clearly excited, but she wasn't up and running around the way he was used to.

"Oh, yeah she's just coming out of her heat. She was wearing a diaper all last week and it was so annoying." Kelsey explained. As she spoke, Matt laid his head back on the couch and turned to look at his cousin. He'd noticed it when he came in, but Kelsey was wearing an outfit he'd never really seen before, shorts that looked like they were for running, high and tight, and a simple light pink top that wasn't much more than an undershirt. From this position he could just about see her panties, splayed out as she was with a book on one leg which hung off the side of the seat and her other hiked up to support her notebook.

It was around that moment that Milly's snuffling began to get a little too personal. Trying his best not to overreact, Matt quickly pushed the inquisitive nose away, shielding his groin from the assault. Kelsey looked over to see what was going on, but everyone was distracted by the ringing of the doorbell.

Quick as a flash, Kelsey ditched her books, running over to the table where the food money lay and then on to the door. Matt listened as she went through the brief pleasantries and transactions with the delivery guy, making his way directly to the kitchen. He grabbed two plates and two napkins, depositing them on the table and taking his seat at the slightly oversized dining room table. It was a big, wooden affair that would comfortably seat 7 or 8 people, but always struck Matt as a little much for a family of 3, especially when it was so often just Kelsey and his aunt around, as his uncle had a commute to work that generally meant that he just stayed in a cheap hotel during the week. Another oddity as far as Max was concerned, but he supposed that whatever his uncle was doing made enough to make that a feasible option.

Just as soon as he'd sat down, Kelsey reappeared carrying two boxes which she deposited in front of Matt. Then, without any apparent thought, she sat down on the teen's lap, scooching back and making herself comfortable.

Matt couldn't think for a moment. He was torn between two realities, the one where he and Kelsey had been sitting together like this at most meals since they were toddlers and the one he was currently in where he had a raging hard-on. That more immediate reality was not being helped by the sensation of her bushy tail rubbing against his cock as she arranged herself, nor was it made any better by the feeling of her pressing up against his stomach so that his shaft sank into the groove of her cheeks.

With no other recourse, Matt started sputtering, his breath hitching in his chest as he tried and failed to find a way out of this situation. Kelsey turned, a look of concern on her face, and in doing so moved off of Matt's throbbing erection.

"Are you okay?" Kelsey was asking, unsure what was wrong or how best to help.

Matt took a beat to catch his breath before huffing in a weak voice, "Sorry... something went down wrong." He coughed again to emphasize the lie. "I'm fine, but can you get off for a moment."

Kelsey seemed to sense that she should leave him be for the moment and plopped down in the chair next to him, sliding it over so that they were hip to hip. The danger of discovery no longer imminent, Matt focused on calming his breathing, and other parts of himself. When he thought about it, discovery wasn't really the problem. He and Kelsey had been practically raised as siblings, and while there was a 3 year gap, they'd both seen each other naked plenty of times. It was more a matter of they hadn't seen each other naked in the last few years, right around the time Matt started going through puberty, and he didn't want to have to answer questions about how he'd changed and what his penis was doing at that particular moment, especially since there was no innocent answer that was likely to satisfy whatever curiosity Kelsey might've had. And he definitely didn't want his aunt to hear about it later. All things considered, it was best that the topic not be breached then, or preferably ever.

With the commotion at an end, and Matt regaining a bit of self control, as much as any teenager could muster in the face of a raging endocrine system, the meal began. Matt steered the conversation towards the math Kelsey had been working on and the two spun off into discussing their various scholarly woes between mouthfuls of pizza. Matt, unlike Kelsey, wasn't an honors student, but he did alright, although based on how she talked about the materials she was learning, it was clear she'd be passing him before long. This was a thing that both niggled at Matt's ego and made his chest swell with pride.

After a while of eating and joking and recounting, the two finished up, clearing out the dishes and boxing up what was left of the pizza. Once the food was put away and the kitchen cleaned, Kelsey went upstairs to get ready for bed. Matt didn't really have anything in particular to do, so he wandered up after Kelsey. As he climbed the steps, Matt could hear the shower kick on.

Once he reached the second floor, he turned to walk towards the guest room when the bathroom door caught his eye. Specifically the fact that it was sitting ajar. As he walked past, Matt could see his cousin through the door. She stood in the shower, a glass walled affair that left nothing to the imagination. Kelsey was turned away, basking in the streams of water. Her fur, generally a touch fluffy, was now slicked down so that Matt could see all the curves she was beginning to develop. He stopped for a moment, taken aback by just how much she'd changed.

Matt's staring was interrupted by a bump to his leg. Looking down he saw that Milly had walked into him and was now staring up at him, an eager look in her eyes. Matt quickly realized that he'd forgotten to feed her and given the stirring in his pants, he was more than happy to flee the scene.

Back downstairs, Matt made his way towards the garage where the family kept Milly's food bowl. Bending down, Matt scooped some kibble out of the container and deposited it into Milly's dish and quickly stepped back. Good that he did, as Milly surged forwards, diving headlong into what must have been a quite delectable meal.

Matt stood by, watching the dog's body shake and twitch with excitement. Matt felt himself twitching with a degree of excitement as well. His cock was still dancing its annoying little dance, calling insistently for him to do something about it. The temptations in this house were likewise insistent. What had excited Matt when he'd learned he would be babysitting Kelsey for the next few weekends was now threatening to overwhelm him. Matt had thought it would be easy to be around her, to simply let things remain the way they had been and continue to have fun in all the safe, appropriate ways. Matt knew himself pretty well, he wasn't going to go out of his way to make things happen, he didn't really have that kind of forceful attitude, but when the object of his fantasies was parading around like this, well he couldn't really say that there wasn't some sort of invitation.

His mind felt both clouded and clear at that moment. Perhaps if Matt had been more in control of his thoughts he'd have done something else, but he couldn't help himself anymore. Matt pulled out his cock and began to stroke, pressing his back against the wall of the little annex that housed boots, jackets, and the dog's food and water. Matt had always been a little embarrassed about his penis, not that it was small, as far as he was concerned it was a good enough size and it did all the things he'd ever wanted it for. No, it was that he didn't have a sheath or knot and he'd always felt like that made him different, made him less of a fox. Of course there wasn't any particularly vehement stigma against this more mundane anatomical feature, he knew from years of gym class that he was far from the only one with such a difference, but he'd always secretly envied kids who had a sheath. Matt felt like that would have been better somehow. Now, however, it didn't matter much, all that concerned him was the lovely sensation of pressure and pulling that he settled into.

As Matt was rubbing himself, his eyes settled on the still feasting lab, quite distracted and unlikely to interrupt his contemplation. Staring down at her from behind, Matt could see more clearly Milly's heat swollen spade. The slightly protruding cone of darker, furless skin was puffier, more noticeable, and of a slightly darker hue than usual. Matt knew that in the weeks after discharge occurred, feral female canines became far more receptive, fertile as they were.

As Matt slowly pumped away, he came to a conclusion. Dropping to his knees, Matt sat behind the distracted pet, eyes still glued to her rear as if hypnotized. Not stopping to let himself consider this further, for Matt knew that the moment would pass if he did not act, the boy reached out, wrapping a hand around the dog's thigh. Milly hardly skipped a beat, continuing to enjoy her food, rather than pay Matt any mind. This was it, the barrier in his mind, the thing that kept him from acting, the impetus had come and Matt was going to follow through.

The thing was, Matt wasn't so much concerned about his cousin. Sure she was pretty and fun and he'd always enjoyed spending time with her, despite their age difference. But what Matt had craved, fantasized about, desired above all else, was Milly. It had started out as an innocent fascination, but as puberty had set in and parental oversight of his computer usage had dwindled, Matt found that he was interested in the golden lab for other reasons. It had started with a cartoon he liked, looking up art and stories set in that world, and then one day Matt found a story about the main character, a young fox like himself, encountering a wolf while out on some adventure. It was a common enough situation, but the author took so much time describing the appearance of this wolf that it was almost like Matt could see it in his mind. And then the story changed. The wolf wasn't attacking, it was rolling over, playing, displaying. And then the protagonist had taken off his clothes and was having sex with the wolf. It was not Matt's first encounter with sex, he'd had some sex ed in school already, but it was the first time he'd found himself feeling so excited when it came up. Sure he'd joke with the other kids at lunch about sex and porn and the like, but he'd always just kind of laughed along, maybe tossing in a safely witty comment from time to time. Now, however, he was starting to see what this might all be about.

That story had sent Matt down the proverbial rabbit hole of the internet and he found that he had a particular fascination for anything involving four legged characters. Eventually he even found some videos, not many, but they were enough to give him ideas, and of course by then Milly had grown up and Matt was starting to hear his aunt complain about heats and diapers and stains. All of this wouldn't have phased him a few months ago, but which now prompted immediate and embarrassing responses. So at night, when he was getting ready to go to sleep, or on the weekends when he was pretending to do homework, Matt was instead reading and watching and all the time thinking about Milly. Matt had known for certain that it was impossible, that he was too nervous, that there wouldn't be an opportunity, that any number of things would prevent him from making this first and greatest fantasy come true. Until, that is, this very moment.

With one hand still holding her thigh, Matt used his other to press his shaft down a bit so that it pressed up against her vulva. Again the unexpected touch gave the dog pause, but she seemed fine and didn't complain. Moving his hips a little, Matt rubbed the front of his tip in Milly's Y-shaped cleft. He could feel the fluids that were coating her pussy, ready and waiting to be used, but he knew that even with that lubrication, he'd need some of his own.

Matt let go of his cock for a moment and brought his hand up to his muzzle. He'd been letting the saliva collect in his mouth, but it was funny, he still felt dry mouthed with excitement. Letting the glob of slippery liquid drop down onto his palm, Matt reached back down and began coating himself with the conveniently slick fluid. It was a pleasant but odd feeling, one that wasn't unexpected, but since he usually just used a dry hand when he was masturbating, none of that hand lotion or KY stuff, it was odd to feel the skin move so freely in his grip.

With his shaft sufficiently lubed, at least Matt hoped so, he again positioned his tip against the dog's spade and began to press. Matt knew from the video he'd found that the first hurdle in navigating a dog's vagina was to press slightly up and in, as the slightly hanging position that the opening normally took wasn't quite in line with where his penis would need to end up. At the increase in pressure, Milly turned to look at Matt. With a little more force, Matt felt his tip slide past some unseen barrier, like a speed bump almost, and suddenly he was in. Milly, for her part, seemed confused, but not upset by the intrusion. Matt felt himself almost slip out for one harrowing moment as Milly twisted around to sniff at this new intersection.

For Matt, the sudden rush of sensations were both exactly what he'd expected and also so much more intense than he'd ever imagined. He was amazed to find that with each twitch and tug, Milly's body responded with rippling waves, contractions that squeezed his cock in ways that his fingers never could. Not wanting to let the moment pass, Matt hiked his leg up and then levered himself carefully into a low squat. Now in a more advantageous arrangement, Matt began to push inwards, but found that the tightness of Milly's pussy was making it difficult to proceed. As he applied more pressure, rather than entering further, Matt found his penis bending in the middle, the kind of folding pressure that was sometimes fun to do by hand in bed when he was working himself up, but which now was preventing him further entry.

Taking a firm grip on himself, and readjusting his hand holding Milly, Matt held himself steady, pulling the dog back and pushing himself forward, until with a bit of a jolt, Matt overcame the friction holding him in place and dove deep into his feral companion. All the amazing sensations that had danced along the tip of his cock were now playing up and down his shaft in an indescribably lovely way. Milly, gave out a whine at the sudden outward pressure pulling her insides in ways she'd never experienced. She twisted in Matt's grip, but didn't pull away, which Matt took as a sign that he wasn't hurting her.

With his cock now truly buried, Matt took hold of Milly's other leg and lifted slightly, pulling the dog up off the ground from behind, only a few inches, but enough to where he could hold the position long term. Then, with a kind of mesmeric regularity, Matt began pistoning his hips in and out.

Again, he found that the tight confines made movement a bit difficult at first, but once he'd developed a rhythm, Matt was sliding in and out with ease along the slick track which became more accepting as Milly stretched somewhat and more lubricating fluids were added to the slurry forming in her rippling passage.

Matt, mindful as he was to not get caught cranking it in his bedroom, kept quiet, only the sound of his breathing and the wet slapping filling his ears. That is until Milly started whimpering. It wasn't a distressed sound, not like she was upset. No, Matt figured that she was building towards the same crescendo he felt rising inside. Matt had little control over his movements by this time. His thrusts were almost flailing in their intensity and lacked anything that might be called subtlety or technique. This was a fast and forceful means to an end, and both boy and dog seemed eager to reach that end.

And all of a sudden, Matt felt that familiar tightness, but different from usual, more concentrated and flung himself forward, pulling Milly up and onto him, striving to drive himself as deep as possible into this excited, drooling animal. With no more warning than that, Matt began to cum, Milly whining and clenching down on him with such intensity that somewhere in the back of his mind Matt knew she'd reached that climax too.

The always pleasant release of orgasm was everything Matt knew from experience, but there were added sensations that made this experience, this moment of exaltation, different from others. It was strange, not the kind of free flowing sensations Matt was used to, spraying with abandon across whatever surface he was pointed at. No, with the grabbing, pulling, continuous inward pressure of Milly's walls pressing along his shaft, Matt found that he had to push his seed into the dog with more force than he'd ever thought would be needed. Bearing down in a way that felt both natural and indescribable, Matt came to realize another difference, the head of his penis always flared when he came, but now it was trapped in the tight, lovely embrace of Milly's pussy. As he dumped his load into the pet, Matt could feel an extra layer of almost too intense pleasure as his sensitive head pushed outwards against its confines and became all the more stimulated. The feelings overwhelmed Matt and he found himself holding stock still, as if any movement would send him careening over the edge.

Soon enough, Matt came back up out of the fog that had dulled his senses. He could again make sense of the sounds, smells, and sights of the moment and he felt a great pride, both at having done this thing that he'd never thought possible, and at the dripping, panting mess that Milly had become through his ministrations. It was also around this time that Matt noticed something starkly unique. His cock, as sore and tired as it was, was still stiff inside the warm embrace of Milly's pussy. Having collected his thoughts, Matt tried an experimental pump and found that he was still hard and ready to go, something that he never was able to manage with just his hand.

Finding himself still wanting more, Matt redoubled his efforts, humping into the far more exhausted hips of the dog below him. As Matt went, he felt all the same sensations as before, the rippling grip of Milly's inner muscles, the exquisite warmth and soft caress of her along his shaft, but he also noticed the increased fluid inside her. The load Matt had dumped inside the panting pet was now sloshing along his cock in a singularly lovely way, creating a kind of warm pool against the tip of his dick, while also sliding along the shaft and escaping the point of their coupling, splashing a little against his crotch and dripping down through the fur to his balls.

It was, of course, not much different from before, but Matt found all the little things he'd missed or added were creating new feelings and greater sensations of joy and ecstasy in him. Like before he plowed into Milly with abandon, using her the way he'd used his own hand on so many occasions, but unlike his hand, Milly responded in kind, letting out huffs, whimpers, and barks along the way, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth and a look of intense pleasure plastered across her canine face.

After a few minutes, Matt again reached that pinnacle and pushed on until he came again with the same intensity, adding to his pool and wondering at the amazing sensations of it all. Along with him, Milly came, this time harder, letting out a small howl at the feelings that consumed her.

Then, without any further pomp or circumstance, Matt pulled out of the quivering feral. His cock reemerged with a long, wet slurp and for just a moment, Matt could see into his recent toy. It was a view he'd never seen in any of the videos he'd watched or the pictures he'd found. It was like something he'd seen illustrated, but now it was here and it was moving and it was exciting. But Matt had also noticed that the shower was off and he knew he'd need a shower himself, so he deposited his companion on the floor, pulled his pants back on and left the room, headed for the bathroom, hoping that he wouldn't have to wait too long for Kelsey to finish drying off.

What he hadn't noticed was the gray set eyes that had been watching him, nor the phone that had been left propped against the baseboard and angled slightly upwards. And so, when Matt reached the bathroom and found it empty, he didn't think about where Kelsey was, after all the door to her room was closed.