Wolf E. - Chapter 3

Story by Shinetroll on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolf E.

When the bell rang to signal school was out, many students ran to their cars as fast as possible, wanting to get out of there fast. But E. had other things on his mind. He had been thinking about Anistasia all day since that encounter in the hallway, and he wanted to see if she would want to be friends with him. He meandered over to where his bicycle was parked and started to walk it out of the parking lot, all the while scanning the crowd for her face. He spotted her walking off campus and hurried toward her to walk his bike alongside her.

"Hey, Little Red. How'sit goin?" he asked cooly. She turned to him and smiled.

"Oh, hi Edward," she replied. "I'm good. You?"

"Wonderful," he answered. "Today has been a really good day for me."

"You write any more of your rap?" asked the girl.

"Well... no, not really. I just kinda been thinkin about other stuff today."

"Oh..." They walked along in silence for a few moments, before E finally got the courage to ask,

"So... umm... I was just kind of wondering if maybe you might, umm..." He paused.

"Go on."

"Well, maybe you might wanna hang out sometime?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously and braced himself for a letdown. Truthfully, he hoped he wasn't coming off as too stalker-ish. But when he looked at her face she was only smiling that friendly smile again.

"Sure," she said. "I'd like that. Just when and where would we go?" E. smiled.

"Oh, I dunno. I was kinda thinking maybe we could just go for a walk and chat a bit. ya kno, get to know each other."

"Sure then. That's fine." They stopped at a fork in the road, where E. had to go one way and Anastasia the other. "So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," he said. "Tomo-" but he was cut short.

"E!" It was Albert's voice. "What are you doing?" E. turned to see his brother in his car right behind them. The look on his face was even sterner and crankier than usual.

"I was just walking my friend home," he replied defensively.

"Quit wasting time and get in the car!" the older wolf demanded. E.'s ears lay flat back against his head, but he obeyed. Nothing was worse for him than getting on his oldest brother's bad side.

"Seeya 'round, Little Red," he said as he got into the car. She waved back at him, a slight look of concern on her face as Al drove away.

"Geez, Al, what was all that about?" E. demanded. Albert's eyes were like blue flames, so hot with anger.

"You wanna explain to me what you were doing walking a girl home?"

E. didn't get it. He didn't see any harm in what had happened.

"Gawhd, dude, what is your problem?"

"Answer my question!"

The younger wolf took a deep breath. "She's a girl in my class, her name is Anastasia, and I just met her today. She's really nice, and she actually likes my rap," he said, adding under his breath, "unlike most jerks in this town." Albert ignored his last comment.

"I'm not going to get started on the whole rap thing right now," he said, "but what I'm curious to know is just why you thought it would be a good idea, since you just now met this girl, to try to walk home with her? You know, Edward, that's the kind of junk that gets talk started, rumors spread about us. It's bad enough we're the only furries in this town, you don't need to get people thinking you're a pervert too!" After this last statement, he seemed to cool off a bit, but still remained hardened. E.'s eyes were slightly moistened as the stinging hurt in his brother's actions and words sank into him like teeth.

"So that's what you think of me, isn't it?" he accused. As they pulled up in the driveway to Granny's house he got out of the car, and said, "Well, I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you, brother!" before slamming the door as hard as he possibly could. He didn't even look back to see his brother wince at the possible damage to his precious treasured car. He stormed passed Granny without even saying hello and went to lock himself up in his room.

And that is where Wolf E. stayed for the rest of the afternoon and night.

The next day was Saturday, so E. slept in late and woke up around lunch time. His brothers were already all gone to do whatever they were doing that day, so it was just him left alone with Granny, which he really didn't mind. It gave him some time to think. He fixed himself a ham sandwich and started out the door.

"Granny, I'm gonna go hang out in the park! If you need me, you can call my cell-phone!" he yelled through the three rooms that separated them. He listened carefully so he could hear her faintly calling back,

"Alright, dear! Just be back for supper!"

"Okay, Granny, I will!" And then he left the house, meandering down the driveway to get his bike. He quickly wolfed down the rest of his sandwich before climbing onto the bike and taking off, pedaling down the road.

Once he reached his destination, he parked his bike under a shady tree and walked down to the grassy area beside the pond to sit in the soft green. He pulled his spiral notebook out of his backpack and gingerly removed the torn out rap lyrics that had been crumpled the day before from its hiding place between the good pages in the notebook. He unfolded the paper and looked at what he had already written and then at the note Anastasia had added to the bottom. He closed his eyes and let the words come to him. Finally, his thought was complete, and he added the last stanza to his rap:

i wish i were a creature that knew a right from wrong

i wish that i could sing the whole worlds favorite song

i wish the wings of wisdom would toss me to the sky

cuz all i really want from lifes a reason not to cry

Once he was done, he read back over it. It didn't really seem all that rap-ish now, but he wasn't going to change it. It was written from the soul, and he liked it that way. He smiled and closed the notebook, then just sat there, watching the ducks on the pond fighting over bread crumbs.

"Is that the rest of your sugar and salt rap?" asked someone over his shoulder. He turned his head to see Anastasia standing there.

"Hey, Little Red," he greeted her. "Um, yah, this is it, I think. How you doin'?" She sat in the grass next to him.

"Oh, I'm good. You?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied.

"It's just that yesterday I kinda got a little freaked out when your dad pulled up to get you. He acted like something was wrong." E.'s mouth hung open. He couldn't believe she had thougth Al was his dad.

"He's not my dad," he corrected her. "I'm a foster kid. That was my brother, Al. He can be a real jerk." He drew his knees up to his chest and stared out at the water some more, trying to forget Al's hurtful accusations from the day before.

"Oh," she said. "I'm sorry..." She placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"It's okay," he said. "There's not much anyone can really do about it, ya know?"

Anastasia nodded. "So what was your brother so mad about then?" E. hesitated before speaking, but finally got it out.



"He thinks I shouldn't hang out with you."


"Cause you're human. He's afraid people will think I'm a pervert if I spend too much time with a human girl." He looked down at his reflection in the water and thought about all his imperfections. His skinny arms, flabby tummy, and short stature were only a few of the things he was ashamed of. There were other parts of him as well that he knew were entirely unimpressive, but he didn't want to think about it, so he just felt sorry for himself for being stuck with such a crappy life. No wonder he had been abandoned as a baby. He didn't blame his parents for not wanting him. Then he felt bad for being so self-absorbed. Surely there was something in the Bible that mentioned how it was bad to think about yourself so much? He couldn't remember, but he knew he'd heard it somewhere.

Anastasia sighed a sad sigh. "Do you want me to leave so you don't get in trouble?" she asked.

"No," he said. "I want you to stay. I like you." She smiled.

"Aw, sweet wolfie." She rubbed him behind the hears, and he smiled and wagged his tail.

"Thank you," he said happily.

"For what?" she asked.

"Everything. Thanks for being my friend." He smiled at her and she smiled back.

He lay back in the grass, and she started to rub his tummy. Wolf E. sighed the most contented sigh as he thought, surely this is the best day of my life.