Future sight part 1

Story by Keirebu Ookami on SoFurry

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm getting out of my bed and dressing in my usual clothes for school with the burst of excitement as I looked at the date, it was august 1st and my Cousin Keirebu was coming home from America with his boyfriend whom he was going to get married to.

I looked in the mirror to see my white fur and golden hair with my 2 feet long tail wagging in happiness I had missed him and now I get to see him. I walked into the living room to see my Auntie crying on my mother's shoulder and my father in the kitchen making coffee.

As I walked into the room my mother looked at me ready to go to the airport and all she could get out was

"I'm sorry Kai he" she trailed off.

My heart just sank as I realised what this all meant, I could feel tears filling my eyes I ran from the room to my dad yelling and crying

"It's not true tell me it's not true"

His head just fell in sadness as he knew how I felt about Keir.


was all I could get out as I ran upstairs and locked myself inside of my room and turned on my PC to check my e-mails to see if anyone had tried to tell me. As the e-mail popped up all I could do was cry my heart out

<Dear Kai,

I know how you feel about me as your best friend and family member but I have to end this now, I killed him, I got drunk and drove him to his death, I am sorry for this but I have to end this, I have bought a gun from a pawn shop and some bullets, this will be the last message from me forever

Love Keir>

I screamed and threw the computer screen at my mirror and cried to myself on my bed just wanting to wake up from this bad dream but not waking at all.

Next week

It has been a week since the death of my cousin and his body has been bought back to Australia for the funeral. I had bought a new black t-shirt and black jeans I knew they weren't very formal but he would have liked them.

We sat at the front of the group to get a good view of him and the big hole in his head where the cursed bullet had gone, all I could do was cry, all my feelings washing over me as I saw him, I just wanted to run to the hills and never come back but I knew it would be disrespectful of my cousin for this was his day.

I knew almost everyone at the funeral except for John's mother and father; I could tell it was them from the pictures he had sent me while he was there.

The 2 foxes came over and hugged Aunt Jasmine as they both said there apologies and then they looked at me

"We are sorry you lost your cousin you have our Pity"

"No it is me who gives you my pity" I choked out

"it is your son who dies first and my cousin just wanted to be with him" I said after

They both nodded and walked off, it was then I saw someone else who I didn't know sitting in the front row in a black funeral tuxedo.

He was a folf about my age with chestnut brown eyes and blood orange fur before I could stop myself I had gotten out of my seat and was standing next to him; I wanted to lock myself away for what I said next.

"Who are you; you didn't know my cousin so PISS OFF"

"How dare you say that to me I knew him very well he was going to be my brother in law"

I had never gotten pictures of this folf from Keirebu and hadn't heard of him either but I could see the small resemblance of him and his brother but nothing on this boy looked like his father.

"I I'm sorry I am just in shock"

"We are all in shock"

"S sorry" I ran off back to my seat and didn't talk to the folf for the rest of the funeral until we all went to Jasmine's house to be close to one another.

I sat on the couch the whole time just drowned in thought before the folf from earlier sat next to me

"He talked about you a lot it was John, John, John or Kai, Kai, Kai"

"How did you know my name?"

"He showed me a picture of you"

"What else did he tell you" I shrunk in the seat for only Keir knew my secret, the one thing I had never told anyone

"Come with me and I will tell you everything he told me about you" he pulled me away from the couch and into the backyard over to the swinging seat.

"So what did he tell you?

"he told me you were gay and that you are lonely and needed someone to cheer you up, in the message he sent me after he did what he did was" the Folf took out the note

<Dear Dan,

You know what has happened so you will know why I am doing this,

I am going to kill myself tonight but by the time you get this it will be too late,

Please look after my cousin Kai and I know that you are gay too I saw the porn I know you didn't want me and John to know because we would tell everyone but I didn't please look after him for me

Love Keir>

"So your name is Dan" I asked

"Yes it is and I will do as he asked me and take care of you as your friend but only if you want me to"

I burst into tears after re reading the note and Dan took me in his arms to comfort me. This was going to start something Keir wanted and I think he knew that I would find Dan attractive and cute but I was too sad at the moment to have a relationship.

End of part one and yes I know my last story wasn't in parts but this is going to be longer than the last one and I want to keep going on with it