Silver and Gold – Fight – ch 2

Story by poneyboy on SoFurry

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#2 of Silver and Gold

"Jayson it's time to get up for school!" my mum called out from somewhere in the house.

"Kay I'm up"

I yawned and stretched as I slowly got out of bed, the throb of my morning wood directing me to my own bathroom, one of the upsides to moving. I gave a gentle squeeze and stroke as I had done for many morning since I had 'come of age' in that respect, feeling the newly lit flame of pleasure and lust fill me once more, feeling to soft glow of the morning sun hit me as I walked past my window.

I froze in fear and as the shock of reality hit me, there in the morning sun a clear and noticeable print on the window. A very large nose print of a dog was clearly seen on the outside of my window. I stumbled backwards falling over one of the knocked over boxes from last night making it all the more believable that it actually happened.

I sat there on top of a crumpled cardboard box with a rapidly reseeding erection staring at the mark in the window in horror as if it was the actual creature that had made it. What was it, a creature like me, a mutant, no their two of them, were they werewolves but the first one was a normal looking dog until it went jumbo. Where they weredogs?

"Jayson are getting up or what? Schools in an hour and I can't drive you there" the sound of my father snapping me from my little shock induced trance.

"Yeah sorry"

I quickly got up from the remains of my box and walked over to my bathroom trying to shake off the memories from last night and trying to rekindle what I was doing only moments before but my mind and body wouldn't let me stop thinking about those teeth, the scent, and the eyes.

As I rinsed the water from me still confused by last night's events, images and thoughts of last night just kept being played over and over again in my mind's eye as I got dressed. One thing I did know is that they seemed as shocked as I was to see them as they to see me, maybe they weren't as bad they seem. But I'm still keeping the window shut and I am most defiantly having an early night to night.

"Good morning" I said as I walked in to the kitchen, putting my bag down in one of the chairs around the table.

"So are you looking forward to your first day?"

I stood at the sink looking out the window for any signs of my new 'friends', wondering what they were and why they were around here.

"Jayson are you ok" my mother asked pulling me into a warm hug making me jump slightly as she did so.

"Yeah sure, sorry I was miles away that's all" I hugged her back gently



"Come on it'll be ok, I know you will make some new friends and I'm sure school will be different but fun none the less."

I didn't say anything back but just tightened my hold on her slightly, I wanted to be back in my same old home, going to the same old college and seeing the same old faces.

"I better get going, love you"

Giving mum a quick kiss, picking up my bag and pinching the last piece of toast from my dad's hand as he was just about to bite and getting the normal reaction of playful shouting and something thrown at me and always missing and walking out the door.

I almost dropped the pieces of toast as I took in the first breath of air from the outside, the air was heavy with the scent of those dog things from last night but the scent was old, quite old as it had lost most of its tang but it still worried that they knew where I lived. I pushed through my fear, shock and started on my walk to school thinking about why they were wondering around but most of all why I had to go to school on a Friday, wouldn't it be better if had a longer time to settle in and adjust rather than be thrust into the perpetual hell that is the first day of a new school.

I could tell I was getting closer because the number of teenagers and the overall amount of traffic, the people and chaos was just shocking. I managed to find my way onto the school grounds and headed to the reception to pick up my time table and anything else I needed to do or need. I tried not to attract too much attention to myself as I was dressed in a pair of loose fitting blue jeans, dark blue button up shirt that had a black tribal pattern going from the bottom right to my left shoulder, my old and worn but much loved shoulder bag and pair of flip flops. I hated wearing shoes they just felt so stuffy and uncomfortable, thankfully it was only the middle of May.

I could see people watching me as I walked, they seemed very interested in the 'new boy, I felt like a chunk of meat or one of those poor antelope that was being eyed by a group of lions. I quickly found the reception and found the person that was supposed to help me with all the information and mumbo jumbo that went with a new school.

"So that's all you need to know, we've gone over the time table and lessons, I think you are all set for your first class."

I thanked the lady and made my way to my first class of the day biology, I was a little late but I had been given a note. I felt a little nervous standing in front of the rest of class but it seemed that I had been put into the higher end of the spectrum of the students as they all seemed to be concentrating on the subject when I entered and what they were learning was a little more complicated.

"So you're the new boy everybody has been talking about. Why don't you intrudes yourself"

"Well my name is Jayson, as you can most likely tell I'm English, I moved here only a couple days ago because of my dad's job" I left out the part about the fire as it was not really needed, I continued to talk about myself for minute or two.

"Just to put you on the spot, we have been learning about the sex cells and how they are made, I was wondering if you could tell us what you know?" he had a smile as he spoke as if waiting for me to back out or give the incorrect information.

Unfortunately for him I love these types of questions and I spent the next 10 or so minuets describing in great detail meiosis and the difference between it and mitosis. From how I remembered the defences too what happened in each stage that the cell split from what could cause problems and genetic faults in the DNA of the cells themselves.

The teacher just gawked at me for a moment along with the rest of the class as I stood there, I had gone on for a little too long but it was a very confusing subject and I think that's why he asked. He waved me over to one of the empty seats still gawking at me but quickly regained his composure and continued with the lesson. The other students around me spoke to me quietly as the lesson went on, I actually found myself making some friends and having a good time.

The next few lessons went in a similar fashion, introduce myself, get gawked at, talk, make a new friend or two in each class and have fun. I was all too pleased when it was time for lunch, I went to the lunch hall finding it rather spare of people which suited me right down to the ground, I found myself an empty table and started to eat but I quickly found myself surrounded by some of the people I had met and talked to in my lessons with some of their own friends in tow as well.

Conversation started and subjects ranged from lessons and their teacher too them all saying that they love my accent, which made me blush profusely. The laughter was infectious and I was having a great time talking and sharing stories. Terry was talking about how the 'jocks' where going to be in his next gym lesson which I found out that we would also both have gym together and was not looking forward to it.

"What's a jock? We don't have them in England" they all laughed.

"That's a jock" Terry said and stood and pointed to one of the groups of people in the now full haul.

They was well built like myself but ware very tight fitting clothes showing it all off, they had a look about them that said they were better than all of use, and that the hole group of people around seemed to mirror that fact. I could hear them make snide comments as others walked by and laughed at their misfortune, one of them would often look in our direction when we laughed loudly and gave us all a look as if disapproved but mainly at me.

"Ah I see! What's his problem anyway? He has been giving me daggers all the time I have been sitting here and the times I have seen him in the halls?"

"That's Kristopher he is acutely one of the nicer ones, he isn't too bad but I guess his rich mummy and daddy wouldn't let him have his way so he feels all sad and unhappy" we all laughed as Terry started to pretend to be a jock, acting all stupid and snobby.

Sadly the time came for us to depart to our next lessons, I managed to get some directions for my next lesson in the art block. I started to walk to my next lesion with time to spare.

Something caught my attention that made my muscles tense in the memory of it that scent from last night, from that dog. It was getting stronger, it was moving through the school air conditioning, but still it was getting stronger, I stopped to look around me but all I saw was other students make their own trek to their destinations but it still got stronger.

The same group of jocks I saw in the lunch hall came towards me, they where following the boy that had been giving me the evil looks during lunch. I moved to the side to let them pass but the scent kept getting stronger but it was different somehow, it smelt like is was being masked or covered by something stopping it from being so noticeable.

As I continued to walk they purposely blocked my path, I stopped and kindly asked if I could get through but they just looked me with a mix of confusion and hate.

"What do you think you are doing in my territory and who is your ALPHA?" The Kristopher asked who I assumed was their leader.

That word 'alpha' why did he use it, it was the same word that the dog used last night! And that scent it was coming from HIM! I felt my muscle tense as I waited to see what happened but nothing they just all stared at me; I knew the game they were playing all too well. They were trying to see if I would let myself be dominated by some complete strangers, if backed down now that would show weakness and mean that they were able to dominate me whenever they wanted, just like with animals. First impressions count here!

"Look I haven't got clue what you are on about and to be honest I don't want to! So if you and your friends don't mind get out of my way!"

I push my way through the wall of muscle, half expecting something to start but nothing happened. I continued to walk to my next lesson fuming about the way he talked to me, I don't care who or WHAT he is no one talks to me like that, especially when I have done nothing but be nice and polite. I am not the type of person to fly off the rail or to over react but you just don't talk to someone like that and expect them to back down least of all if you don't know them.

Taking a deep calming breath as I entered my next lesson which was followed by the complementary awkwardness, introduction and talking. When I was not talking or concentrating on the lesson I was thinking about the dog thing last night and the way Kristopher was acting towards me but most of all that scent he had.

Was he the weredog thing or did he own it thinking it was just a normal dog that had a little of something else to it? What if he was the weredog and what did it mean for me? Would he keep trying to have a go and asking strange questions?

I was not able to continue my mental flurry of questions that I could not answer as I had to go to my next lesson, the only one I had been dreading for the last hour or so, gym.

I quickly made my way to the gyms changing rooms which was not that hard as the gym made up a large part of the school buildings and found that my locker was right next to Terry's. There is a god.

I did not like the fact that I had to get changed in front of all the other students especially since I only knew one or two of them but I guess I was going to have to get use to it along with several other things, I hate exposing myself in public.

"Damn Jay your buff" Terry remarked.

"What? Pardon?.............. Oh um thank you.....I think." He was just staring at me, one of the reasons I hate wearing tight clothes and getting changed in open places. I quickly got changed in to my gym shorts and shirt as others turned to look at the 'buff new kid'.

"Why so modest Jay? If I had a body like yours I would go around naked!" the group around us started to laugh as we walked to the gym.

We did some warm ups but we did it in two separate groups and the jocks/athletes from the higher year which the boys I had 'met' earlier where in.

The teacher or coach came out he told us that we're doing something a little different than normal in that we would be watching some of the older athletes doing some different types of sports other than their normal foot ball, soccer, etc.

"Thompson I hear you're from England?" I nodded, "what sports did you play?"

"I mainly played rugby, it kind of like your football but you don't wear all the padding and stuff and it is much more 'hands' on" I explained that I played for the college team, the difference between rugby and football, and what position I played, Lock but they all laugh at the hooker position.

"Damn that sounds like a rough game! If you don't mind one day do you think you show us how to play?"

"Yeah it's rough but very fun, it keeps you on your toes the whole time, I'm the only one that was on the team that had not broken anything and yeah it would be my pleasure to show you"

The coach gave me smile and started the lesson/practise, most of the other students where either talking to me or about the game rugby which they seemed to find very interesting, much to my amusement. But the whole time it felt like I had a pair of eye or more watching me and what I was doing, I got odd glimpse of the boys from earlier talking very quietly to each other whilst looking at me.

The coach called us in and told us that we would be doing some martial arts courteously shown by the older students, every one immediately started to talk about it quite loudly until we got shouted at and were told to go over to the bleachers and watch. I don't know why they are called bleachers.

Some of the older students started to show us some moves, techniques and different styles. The group I was with started to quietly talk about some of the moves they have seen with lots of fighting and how they would love to try some. After they had finished showing us what they knew they offered to see if any of us wanted to spar with them and most of them did apart from me, as I knew what would happen.

They all went up one by one with a cocky smile to only came back rubbing certain parts of their bodies and muttering that it wasn't fair.

"Kristopher why don't you come and show them how it's really done and you can pick someone as well" he walks over to the sparring area and pointed directly at me. How did I know he was going to do that?

Not one to back down or to disappoint I got up and walked to the arena to be met by the cocky smirk of my chooser and opponent.

"As you're new Jayson let's say best 2 out of 3" the coach said as he gave us the rules, no head/groin shots, etc.

We got to our side and waited for the coach to call to start. He came at me with amazing speed, I blocked one chest high kick to the side but missed the next to the other side, being slightly winded he gave another kick the middle of my chest which sent me crashing back to fall out of the sparring area. The coach called to his point as I got up and bowed, he was quick but I had figured out what style and technique he use. A series of fast kicks and punches with a lot of power behind them, Karate.

"Do you want to go back to England or get ass on the floor again?" I was the only one that must have heard it as no one else reacted as he gave me smug look.

I said nothing as I got ready for the next round, standing in a much better stance and waiting for coach to call out. He just continued to stare at me as if he was looking for something inside of me, coach called out and I waited for his first move.

He kicked out at side of my chest again, I blocked with better speed than last time he quickly span around trying to kick the other side of the chest like he did last time but I was waiting for it. I blocked his kick, taking hold of his foot and lower leg and kicked his remaining leg from out from under him slamming him in the ground below, when he hit the floor I swiftly move and put him in a whole body lock.

The coach hesitated before he called out that I had won that round, my group cheered loudly as he did so, I quickly released him and stood up and offered a hand which he totally ignored, I swore I heard him growl at me.

"Where the hell did that come from Jayson?" coach asked as I got ready for the next round.

"It was just a bit of Judo, I have been doing it for about 6 or 7 years, it keeps the mind active as well as the body" coach just stared at me.

I got back into a my stance and waited, this was going to be interesting with one style against another and the fact that we both were quite evenly matched in skill and strength and he looked pissed!

Coach called out, he flew at me with such speed that I almost failed in blocking his kick and a series of punches but stood my ground not faltering with each block and move, I went on the offensive after he sprang back, not giving him the chance to think. I came at him with a mix of punches and kicks, he caught my foot in my last kick and did the same move I had done on him in kicking out my other leg, forcing me to land on my hands. I kicked him squarely in the chest to send him flying backwards to leave me in a handstand which I quickly righted myself.

He managed to catch himself and came back at me with a lot of power as he looked really mad, I dodged and blocked a large amount of his attacks with only the odd tussle we held onto each other arms and trying to take out each other's legs. This went on for about 5 or more minutes continually blocking, dodging and grazing each other with kicks and punches as we danced our way around the fighting area trying to trip, pull or push each other in-between each kick and punch.

We both starting to flag as we continued to move, dodge and block each other, trying to get the other to weaken and falter first but I was not going to go down that easily. I moved with strength and control while watching, waiting on his every move planning my next move to his, looking for an opening in his speed and power looking for a weakness, his feet!

I stated with low kicks forcing him to move back or change is stance making his movement awkward and unsteady, he tried to regain his control over the fight but he was running at of space and time. I continued my advances trying to break his concentration, his form and ease of movement, I stayed low as I went, I did not have to block many of his attacks as they were losing their power and speed as I stayed low to make my centre of gravity lower thus making it much harder to topple or unsteady me.

He saw what I was doing and tried a last ditch attempt to keep me at bay, he put all his strength and power into one last kick trying to take me out with one last blow, this was not a fight for the faint hearted nor the foolish this was a fight for dominance, a fight for ones right to be who they are. Not that I knew about it, that is.

His foot came at me at an alarming speed but that is what I had been waiting for, pushing for and hoping for him to do. I took his foot in hand as it moved closer and I swung out my left leg out knocking his other out from beneath him, causing him to fall on his chest while I still held his leg. Moving with extreme grace and speed as I move my legs under and around him bringing the outside of each foot to rest on each of his shoulders forcing him down into the ground and unable to move to get free, using each hand to push down onto the back of his ankles keeping his legs still and in my control. It had ended and I had won.

Coach called out, I quickly released my hold and moved out from under him and stood, he seemed too hesitated to stand as if he was in some sort of shock induced trance but he quickly stood and turned to me as if to say something but froze. His eyes were not the straight hazel that they had been but a golden hues of hazel and amber just like the Doberman's from last night, I quickly shook that thought from my head as I remembered my manners and where I was. I gave him a deep bow and walked back to the sound of my cheering group.

"Dude that was amazing!" the sound of Terry's voice brought me back to some sort of reality, as I just smiled and caught my breath as it had felt like I had been holding the enter time.

Everyone was commenting on my fight as we walked back to the lookers, the older group also commented but from what I could tell some of them were Kristopher's friends and they did not look happy in the least. Something else was going on here something I did not understand or see.

Everyone was still talking about it when we were getting changed saying that I should go pro and the like, not my cup of tea thank you and not me.

"Aren't you hitting the showers Jay?" Terry asked holding nothing but a towel

"No thank you, getting changed is one think but showering in public is another and to be honest I just want to go home and have a nice LONG bath" I said as I put my normal clothes in my gym bag.

"You English are strange" he said laughing and headed to the showers as I walked out of the gym and head home.

I guess I had not been the only one with that idea as I saw Kristopher talking to an older man and pointing me out to him as I walked, he looked like Kristopher in height, build and the same dark brown hair. I could only assume it was his farther he was talking to.

"Jayson!" I turned to see them both walking towards me. Oh great what now?!

"Can I help you Kristopher?" his eyes where back to their normal hazel colour, his father had a rather confused expression and he seemed to sniffing the air looking and trying to work something out.

"Who's the leader of your pack and what are you doing here?" Kristopher's father spoke to me in a hushed voice, his scent was similar to his sons in that it had strange tang of something else but also it was much more muskier.

"Oh my god! Look I have no idea what the hell you two are on about! I don't have an 'alpha' and most certainly don't have a 'pack'. I have only been in this crazy country for about 5 days and I am still getting over stress of the moving from one continent too another because of my dad's new job but most of all the home I grew up in went up in flames. So if you don't mind I would like to get home have wash and finish unpacking what I have left" they just looked at me shocked and stunned as I turned away and walked home.

I am not one to snap or have a go at people but after having a rather stressful and exhausting day both mentally and physical, I was in no mood to be asked strange and rather rudely asked questions, that fact that they both gave me an uneasy feeling did not help in the least.

"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" god I hope I have got the right house.

"How was your first day? MY god you stink!" mother said holding her nose.

"Thank you mother and I love you too and on that note I'm going for a bath!"


Quickly moving to my room and dumping my bags I went to my bathroom and started running my bath, I undressed and as I did so I got a strong waft of my myself as I took them off. It was the normal teenager BO smell but this time it had a strong earthy smell to it which was slightly odd.

"Uh I need a shave" I said as looked in the mirror feeling my chin and side of my face "I'll do it tomorrow"

The bath was nice and hot just the way I like it, feeling the hot waters sooth my large muscles right to the bone as well as my soul. I spent the next couple of minutes just soaking and then rubbing the shampoo into the slightly tanned skin and jet black hair from head to toe. I slowly pulled myself out of the warm soothing heaven and pulled the plug without looking at what was left in the tub, not that I wanted too, needing my skin and the muscles blow with nice soft towel was the icing on the proverbial cake.

Letting out a content sigh as I walked back into my room, I started going through the box of clothes looking for something to wear, picking out a pair of long blue shorts with matching boxers and a loose white shirt, I gathered all the clothes I had worn today including my gym clothes and took them to the washing machine and fired it.

"Ah that's better" mum said as she sniffed the air around me.

"So how did today go then?" my father ask as he sat at the table.

"I had a fight and I won"

"WHAT! WHY?" I knew that would set my mother off, I love winding her up!

"Don't worry it was during gym, we were doing some martial arts, this other boy that did karate chose me to fight him, not that he knew I did judo and I won"

"That's my boy!"

"Mark don't encourage him! You know I don't like the idea of him fighting be it controlled or not"

"Mum that's why I chose judo because the word judo basically means gentle way and you know I'm not like that" she gave a disapproving look but gave in as it was dad's idea for me learn some way of defending myself so I chose judo to try and make everybody happy.

"So what else happened? Did you make any friends and what are your lessons like?"

I sat down and started to tell them what I did, who I met and just generally what happened, dad had a fit of laughter when I told him about the little lecture I gave in biology. I told them about some of my new friends and what they were like, which seemed to make mum happier that I was starting to fit in and make some new friends. I also told them the strange questions Kristopher and his father had been asking, both my mother and father had worried looks when I finished talking about them and the way acted towards me.

"Hay don't worry about me, you know I can look after myself and anyway I think it's just some miscommunication or something like we know one meaning for a word or saying and the America meaning is different or something like that"

"We know you can look after yourself but we still worry, it's our job"

"Then you're fired!" the laughter set the mood for the rest of the evening, talking about how things are different from home and we started to wind mum up about her cooking fortunately which she had not cooked tonight as we had a nice and simple pizza which I had not made.

"I'm knackered! I'm going to bed, night. Love you." I said as trudged from the kitchen to my room, hearing the 'good nights' as I left.

There was one box left for me to unpack, there was not much in it but for some reason I just hadn't unpacked it yet, I guess in some way I was hoping that we might move back home and if I unpacked the last box it would mean that we would be staying thus mean the hope and the chance of moving back would be nil.

Putting the random objects from the box in their desired locations around my room in turn emptying the box and the hope of move back to England, sighing to myself as I collapsed the box and put it with the others that had been emptied seeing that I had not brought much with me because of the fire but I was grateful for what I had.

"Welcome home Jayson" I said as collapsed onto my bed.

It was getting dark outside, I did fancy a walk around but I thought it might just chance fate a bit too much considering my day. So I lay there thinking about the fight but most of all those eyes. They were so beautiful in the way they almost glowed, they had so much power and emotion in them but something else something that felt so right like a memory of something I had forgotten.

But why where they asking who my alpha was, I have never met anyone else like me but all I could do is change into a wolf, I had tried changing into something like a werewolf or just trying to get bigger but no just a big black wolf.

When I was trying to figure out what I was I had read that normal wolves live in packs and had social hierarchy that consisted of a alpha male and female, a beta and the rest of the pack the younger the pack member the lower the position in the pack, but I had never come in contact with wolves.

The weredog thing was different, yes feral dogs form packs but they are just not the same as wolves but I had never heard of a weredog in all my time I had been looking for answers, did it have a pack? Was it an alpha? What was its connection to Kristopher?

Was he the weredog? That would explain a few things, well a lot of things but why was he so hostile and questioning? I was not a threat or a rival, I was just alone in that respect, I did not want a fight or to be a part of a pack I was quiet happy how things where. To have a relatively normal life, maybe find someone I could love and trust enough to show them and maybe have a kid or two and if that was not possible then we could always adopt, but what if I could never show someone what I could do or not find anyone to love or that loved me.

That thought worried me most, I had always loved kids and hope that I might find someone that might want them with me is them male or female, I just wanted to be loved. Yes I know I am loved by mum and dad but that was different, I needed to be loved by someone like me in some way.