Aftershow afterglow

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#12 of Hypnosis stories

Hey there! Today is Day 3 in Hypnovember and you know what that means! It's time for a bit of fun involving hypnosis stage shows. And a spin-off of my other story, "Completely normal expectations"!

I initially wrote this story for Fauxpawe 's birthday, featuring his character Flint. My idea came from a pic done by Belette (you can see it here: Hope you enjoy it!

"And... wake!"

There was a loud snap followed by a long round of applause. Flint opened his eyes, still feeling a bit groggy, as if his mind had been far away for a short while. The last thought the grey wolf remembered having was "let's hope I do a good job". Had he done a good job? Judging by the people applauding enthusiastically, he must have.

There was a green scaly hand in front of him and he took it. Flint felt a gentle pull as the hand helped him stand up from the chair he'd been sitting in and then he saw the alligator's face again, those beautiful orange eyes included. He was giving him a warm smile and the wolf felt much better all of a sudden. They both took a bow in front of the audience, whose cheering only got louder and louder. The heavy, fuzzy mist in Flint's head was slowly clearing away and he could finally understand what was going on. He'd been embarrassed before all that happened, but now he couldn't find a reason to feel that way. Maybe it was because he was still feeling so comfortable and refreshed.

The alligator - his artistic name was Master Domigator, Flint thought - stroke one of his shoulders and gently guided him to the wooden stairs by the corner of the stage. Flint descended slowly and could hear the reptile saying goodbye and thanking everyone for their assistance. In some kind of autopilot mode, he walked towards the bar counter, smoothed out his apron and took a deep breath in. His coworker was waiting for him near the beer tap, an amused smile on her face.

"Wow, that was quite a show you put on up there," the vixen said, winking one of her eyes. "I thought you said you weren't good at acting."

"I wasn't acting," Flint answered. The more he thought about what had happened onstage, the more embarrassed he found himself. However, he could still keep it under control for a while. "I swear!"

"To be honest, I've never believed in that hypnosis shit, but man, he moved you around like a puppet. You did a lot of stuff I never thought I'd see you do in front of so many people."

"All family-friendly, I hope," Flint said, with a shiver. He walked behind the counter and pretended to wash some glasses.

The vixen held his gaze for a second, then she laughed.

"You mean you don't remember? Wow, that's amazing." She shook her head. "But yeah, nothing you will regret doing. Well. He made you cluck like a chicken at least a dozen times, but I think that's about it."

"Oh, no."

"Yeah! He also made you think you were a cat. That was cute," the vixen admitted.

Flint knew his coworker was trying to mess with him, so he didn't say anything. Instead, he decided to go back to work. Serving tables had never been too entertaining, but at least the job paid well - this was a popular place in their small town - and allowed him to think about what had happened in a colder, slightly more distanced way.

He remembered being asked to come onstage by the hypnotist, who had already put two customers in a shallow trance. Flint had tried to refuse a few times, not because he didn't want to, but because he was working and joining a hypnosis show right in the middle of his shift didn't seem like a wise thing to do. However, the handsome alligator had insisted, promising that he'd speak with whoever was necessary and take complete responsibility. Flint had been interested in hypnosis for a long while now, and while he would have accepted the hypnotist's offer without thinking too much about it under any other circumstances, he was worried that people might end up noticing just how much he liked the idea.

Of course, his trusty apron had been there to keep hidden whatever reactions the whole show might have triggered. That was, unless the hypnotist had asked him to remove it. Flint couldn't know for sure.

He'd accepted when Master Domigator - the name still amused Flint - had asked him to come onstage a third time. His agreement had been received with a loud round of applause and he'd felt slightly self-conscious, but it had faded away quickly. There had been a swinging pocketwatch at some point, he thought, but he wasn't sure if that had been the first induction. The mist in his head still covered some of those moments and he had no idea.

He walked back to the counter, carrying a few empty glasses. His coworker was waiting for him with a wide grin.

"Hey, sleepy boy," she teased him, and Flint scoffed. "There's someone here who wants to speak with you."

Flint followed the vixen's gaze to the other end of the counter and he froze. Master Domigator was there, sitting on a stool and drinking... orange juice. For some reason, the wolf had expected him to have something alcoholic. When the alligator noticed that Flint was looking at him, he tilted his head and gave him a friendly smile. The dark grey and red steampunk-like tailcoat he'd been wearing during the show was gone. Instead, the alligator was wearing a regular white T-shirt, ripped grey jeans and black leather mittens. Flint wasn't sure which version of him he liked more.

"How are you feeling?" the hypnotist asked.

Flint suspected that the alligator already knew the answer, but he came closer to answer him anyway.

"Good," he admitted. "Still a bit hazy, I suppose."

"That's normal. Hope it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or something. I don't want to make your shift more difficult than it is," the alligator said. There was an apology in his orange eyes, but Flint smiled.

"It's okay. Today's a rather calm night, honestly. We've been busier."

"Ah." The alligator looked a bit taken aback at those words. "I guess that means my show's not that good after all."

Flint realized he'd made a mistake, but it was too late.

"Oh, no! No, no! I don't mean it like that. It's just that, you know... it's Wednesday today. Not the best time to go out and drink something or watch a hypnosis show."

The alligator held his gaze and, after a few seconds, smiled.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. By the way, my real name is Dominic. Hope you didn't mind being hypnotized by me."

He extended his scaly hand to Flint, who shook it. The alligator didn't have the strongest grip, but the touch of those smooth, cold scales felt nice on the wolf's fur.

"I'm Flint," he introduced himself.

"Oh. I know. You said that onstage, remember?"

The wolf shook his head.

"Honestly, I don't remember much about it."

There was a weird gleam in Dominic's eyes that stood between playful, interested and knowing. Flint tried to hold his gaze for a second, but then looked away and removed his glasses to pretend he was cleaning them with his apron.

"But you liked it, didn't you?"

The wolf looked up, surprised. Everything was kinda blurry without his glasses, but Dominic's orange eyes were still easy to look at.

"Yeah," he admitted.

The alligator nodded. He looked particularly proud.

"I know. I noticed. When you're onstage you see a few things that the audience doesn't. Guess that's partly why we play with an advantage." He paused there and then added, with a playful grin full of teeth. "Nice apron, by the way."

Flint blushed, knowing immediately what he meant by that.

"There's no need to feel embarrassed," Dominic continued, giving him a reassuring look. "I also like hypnosis. Eh... in that special way, I mean."

"Yeah, I think I understand." Flint was still feeling his cheeks burning red, but now he was curious. He'd never had that kind of conversation with anyone.

"I have another show tonight. Kind of an aftershow. It's a bit more... private."

"Oh?" Flint asked, his ears perking up.

"Mmmhm. For a special kind of audience. With a special kind of taste. Maybe you'd like to be there?"

The question was only a question in appearance - Flint knew that Dominic knew the answer. He put his glasses back on and let out a soft sigh.

"I don't know..." he said, in a thin voice. The alligator had to lean closer to hear him. "I think I already wasted too much time at work today."

"Oh, this is after your shift," the alligator assured him, smiling. "Not right now, but in a few hours. Come on, it will be fun."

Flint hesitated.

"I... I don't want to feel embarrassed..." he admitted, looking up at Dominic's eyes.

The alligator seemed to understand. He placed one of his hands on Flint's paw and squeezed it gently.

"You won't", he promised. "I will only make you feel good. You're an amazing subject and I'd love to have you there."

The wolf bit his lower lip. There were really no other reasons why he didn't want to go. In fact, the more he thought about the idea, the more appealing it was. He didn't usually get to hang out with handsome gators - and the one in front of him was handsome indeed. Besides, the fact that they shared their common interest in hypnosis made him feel slightly... vulnerable, in a good way.

"Alright then," he whispered. "Tell me where you need me to be and that's where I'll go."

Dominic smiled.

"It's always three times with you, isn't it?" he asked, amused.

Flint was a bit surprised when he found out that the audience at Dominic's aftershow was made up of completely normal-looking people. He hadn't been expecting everyone to wear a big sign with the word "hypnokinkster" written on it, but the place where they'd met was another bar's basement and that screamed "shady" in Flint's opinion. He had to admit he was feeling a bit nervous, but so far he was managing to remain still and quiet on his chair.

Calm down, he told himself. It's not like you're doing something illegal. Pornographic, at most, but that's nothing to be ashamed of.

He knew the theory, but he still felt a bit embarrassed.

Dominic appeared on the small wooden stage not too long after the room filled with people. He was wearing his classy hypnotist clothes again and, now that Flint could see him under normal lights instead of the other bar's dim illumination, he had to admit that they made the alligator look way, way hotter.

"Welcome, everyone," he said. His hypnotist voice was also hotter than his usual voice and Flint thought that if he had come to speak to him with that voice in the bar, it would have taken the alligator much less time to convince him. "And thank you for coming here once again. Tonight we have with us a very special guest that has proven to be a wonderful subject. Most of you already know him, because you watched my other show tonight. I'm talking about Flint, that cute wolf over there."

He said I wouldn't feel embarrassed, Flint complained to himself, looking away when he noticed the eyes of the audience turning to him. Guess our ideas of what 'embarrassment' means are quite different.

But he'd known from the beginning that Dominic's proposal involved making him go onstage again, in that shady show of his. That could only mean that he was going to be watched doing way more embarrassing things than he'd done at the bar. And still, he had accepted. That must mean that he'd been willing to do so, right?

Or maybe he's hypnotized me into accepting, Flint thought. He got rid of that idea soon, though. As insistent as the alligator seemed, he didn't look like the kind of person who would force others to accept his commands.

At least, as long as they weren't onstage.

"You can come up here, Flint," Dominic invited him, extending his hand. "I know I promised you weren't going to feel embarrassed, but I can tell that you're blushing. If you don't mind, I'd like to help you with that as soon as we can."

Flint held his gaze for a second, then looked at the open hand. He gulped and, thinking that he had nothing to lose, took the alligator's hand. It pulled him onstage with the kind of strength that would be expected from a reptile Dominic's size.

The alligator chuckled softly as soon as the little wolf was by his side and the sound sent a shiver down his spine. He barely moved as two powerful hands fell on each of his shoulders, but he had to take a deep breath in when he noticed that so many people were looking at him. His heart was beating faster, but he could feel Dominic's chest against his back and that felt oddly reassuring.

"Now, as some of you may already know, it turns out that Flint is very affected by two things that I do." Some people in the audience nodded. Did they watch the show at the bar, then? Flint thought, surprised. "One of those is repeating things three times. Apparently he needs me to insist twice before agreeing to what I tell him. I don't know about you, but I find this extremely cute."

Someone chuckled in the room. Flint looked down, trying to hide the intense blush in his cheeks. I hope he hypnotizes me fast, he found himself thinking. I don't want to make a fool of myself up here.

"The second thing is much more clichéd. Which means it's also way funnier," Dominic added. Then, one of his hands squeezed his shoulder gently. "Are you ready, Flint?"

The small wolf gulped. After a second of hesitation, he nodded. He couldn't see Dominic from his position, but he could have sworn the alligator was smiling.



The sound was sudden and it caught Flint by surprise. His body trembled like a leaf in the wind and he felt a bit silly for getting startled so easily - and he was so busy thinking about this that he didn't realize the familiar mist setting in until it was already there. And when it did, Flint wondered if it had ever lifted at all. The feeling of having every single thought slow down was so familiar and comfortable that he couldn't believe he could reach it with a single snap.


The second one took him by surprise, too. He shook again, but the only reason why he knew that was because Dominic's grip on his shoulder got a bit firmer. That also helped him notice that his whole body was growing limp now, arms dangling by his sides and shoulders sinking down, feeling heavier and heavier. Dominic didn't even have to say those words to him anymore. They had been spoken before and Flint's mind remembered them. Each snap brought more and more of that experience, even if he couldn't really recall what had happened during the first show. His body felt so warm and comfortable and tingly and heavy. He somehow knew what was going to happen next, because now his mind sort of anticipated, but even then, his body trembled with the next...


... and then it lost all strength and collapsed on Dominic's chest like a rag doll. Mind as deep as it'd been a few hours ago. His thoughts were gone. Blank.

He was barely aware that Dominic was holding him close. His mouth was close to his ear, or at least that what it felt like.

"Down you go." Each word came with a hot breath, making him shiver in response. "Still feeling embarrassed, Flint?"

"No..." His voice felt like a little stream getting lost in the vast ocean.

Dominic patted his head softly. Flint could feel himself smiling sheepishly.

"Good. I want you to remove your clothes. Do you think you can do that?"

The question forced his conscience to wake up a little and it was as if everything clicked then. Of course he could. He'd come there with that idea in mind, so why should he even hesitate? Besides, he was feeling so good that there was no reason to fight back. He wanted to keep feeling this good and even better, if Dominic wanted to. He loved being put in this state.

He nodded. As soon as he did that, the portion of his mind that had woken up to answer sank deep into trance again.

Every move felt automatic, as if there was an external force moving his limbs - but, at the same time, the wolf could feel every inch of fur and skin more clearly than ever as he removed his clothes. Each stroke of the fabric against his body sent an intense, pleasurable response to his vulnerable mind and the cold caress of the air when he finally stood naked in front of the audience made him gasp softly and shiver.

Then, his body lost its strength again and he leaned against Dominic's chest. The alligator chuckled. If the audience was still there, they felt very, very far away. Flint doubted they were even watching at that point. He wouldn't have minded if they were, though. His body felt so sensitive that he could feel Dominic's slow breathing under the cold scales of his chest covered by the soft fabric of his tailcoat.

"Look at you. So deep and obedient. I told you before, but you're a really good subject." Dominic's hands stroked his naked chest, his fingers feeling the soft grey fur. His amplified sensitivity made Flint fight the urge to moan, but then those hands moved down across his abdomen and towards a specific point between his legs and he couldn't help it anymore. "So eager already. You really love this, don't you?"

The alligator's hand closed around a very obvious erection that Flint hadn't noticed he had until that very moment. The scaled fingers teased his length for a few seconds and the wolf squirmed helplessly.

"You can't even stand up," the alligator noted. Slowly, his hand moved away from Flint's dick. The wolf was already missing its touch the very moment it stopped teasing him. "But I think you're going to squat down now. Do it so that everyone can see you clearly."

It happened easily. As if his legs had suddenly found a new purpose, Flint could feel them getting strong enough to sustain his body in that squatting position. The rest of his body, though, remained completely limp and relaxed. He would have lost his balance if Dominic hadn't said that he must let everyone see him clearly. And whenever the alligator spoke, Flint followed. It was natural.

"I'm going to share a little secret with you, folks," Dominic said then, turning to the audience. The wolf remained in the same position, his throbbing member already wet with pre, and barely aware of what was being told. "Flint isn't only susceptible to snaps. He's susceptible to loud, sudden sounds in general. Wonder who did that." There was an odd pause, maybe so that someone would laugh at the joke. "Three snaps are enough to send him into a deep trance, as all of you have seen. Of course, he was already hypnotized when the first snap hit him, but the rest helped him become the obedient, drooly mess you're all watching now."

Flint's head rolled back. His neck felt too weak to keep it in place.

"What happens when you clap, you ask? That's a really good question." Dominic paused again. Flint waited for him to keep talking, the silent spaces between words making his mind blank as he expected for new commands to follow. "Claps send a powerful wave of pleasure through his body that would be enough to make him reach orgasm if he was in a shallow trance."

Flint's receptive mind registered those commands, even if he really didn't know what they meant. Dominic was walking around him, but he couldn't really see anything, despite of the fact that his eyelids weren't closed at all, but only half-open.

"Of course, number three is an important number for our wolf, and he'll stop cumming on command once he reaches that number," the alligator explained. "The problem is, however, that poor Flint seems to have forgotten how to count up to three. Isn't that right, small wolf?"

Flint tried to answer, but his thoughts felt heavy and disoriented.

"Count up to three, Flint." This time it was a command. His body obeyed.

"One..." he began, his words feeling sluggish and slow. "T-two..."

That was as far as his mind went before it got completely blank again. He wasn't sure what he'd been doing. Dominic let out a satisfied noise.

"It's difficult to stop yourself from doing something when you don't even know how many times you've done it," he explained. Flint wasn't following his explanation, but he thought he was absolutely right all the same. "I mentioned before that in shallow trance he'd almost reach orgasm. I'm pretty sure all of you can see that Flint's trance isn't particularly _shallow_right now."

The wolf knew those words were aimed at the audience, but they had disappeared from his conscience a long time ago. Instead, he felt his mind's weak attempt to measure the depth of his trance. It couldn't. Whenever it tried to rise enough to know where it was, it just sank down again.

Then, Dominic kept talking.

"And now that he's deeply entranced, every round of applause will make him cum on command!" Someone sounded enthusiastic about that idea. Flint shivered in anticipation. "So let's give him a hand, ladies and gentlemen!"

The wolf's mind wasn't completely ready for it. He'd barely understood what his body was supposed to do when the sudden sound hit his ears and sent an intense surge of pleasure down his whole body.


The quick orgasm washed over him like a tsunami and all he could do was feel it take over him. Flint came hard, his hot seed spurting out of his hard cock like a geyser. His whole body trembled and shivered and he moaned out loud, unable to restrain himself any longer. The wolf was about to lose his balance, too, but somehow his legs managed to obey and keep him in the right position.

"And again!"


It was even more intense the second time. Flint moaned louder, his heavy body about to break from the intense pleasure engulfing it. He felt so aroused and so controlled even as he came all over himself, completely unable to resist. The command had been clear and the audience was clapping. Claps made him cum. Claps made him cum until he reached three.

"And again!"


Another intense clap, another time he felt himself go over the edge in blissful climax. The wolf's legs were shaking and he was panting, trying to regain his breath in vain. There was no afterglow after every orgasm, because the next round of applause always came sooner than he expected. He would stop cumming on command when they reached three, but until then...



"Hmmm... mmmfffff...!"

"And again!"


"One more time, folks!"



A group of three had just arrived. At first, it didn't look like they really wanted to stay. It took them a few seconds to make their mind and finally sit around the table.

Flint sighed, grabbed his small notebook and walked to their table. The wolf, the raccoon and the calico cat looked at him with a smile once he got there.

"What are you going to have?" he asked them, smiling back.

They all asked for their drinks and Flint wrote everything down. Even as he did it, he couldn't help but notice that they were glancing nervously at the stage at the back of the room.

"Are you here to see the hypnotist?" he asked, even though he knew that was probably the case. Hiring Master Domigator on Halloween had been the bar's move to make sure they'd have more customers that day. The charismatic alligator always seemed to attract a bunch of new clients.

"Yeah! Is he good?" the other wolf asked.

Flint noticed that his client's tail was wagging excitedly. His also was, and he felt a bit ashamed. He had been trying not to think too much about Dominic that night.

"Well... I think so. Yeah."

His answer wasn't very believable, judging by the skeptic look that the three friends gave him.

"You don't sound very convinced," the raccoon noted, looking up from his mobile phone.

Flint got slightly nervous. Blurry memories of his experience with the hypnotist began to flood his mind and his cheeks turned red in embarrassment. The calico cat looked at him with a weird interest.

Maybe he knew? Could that cat tell how much he'd liked being Dominic's subject?

"Eh... y-yeah! It was a cool show last time, I promise. But, er..." He tried to find the right words to say. "I was asked to go onstage and things got a bit blurry after that." The wolf lowered his ears. Trying to find something for his nervous hands to do, he put the small notebook back on his apron's pocket. Hopefully, the dim lights wouldn't let the group of friends tell just how flustered he was. "I can't... remember much of it, to be honest." That was enough, he thought. "Excuse me."

He walked back to the bar counter, where his coworker waited for him.

"Well," she said, with her usual wide grin. "Are you going to volunteer for tonight's show?"

Flint chuckled, trying to play it cool. He knew he had no reason to feel embarrassed since none of those people had followed him to the aftershow. Besides, what had happened there had been... great. Or at least, the bits that he remembered.

"Nah," he answered, after a while. "I think I already had enough fun myself."