Dana's Elusive Trick

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Submission to Writer's Crossing prompts by Royal Serperior.


Dana is trick or treating by herself this year. Upon opening the door, she finds someone willing to offer more than just the usual treats as long as she is able to traverse their haunted house filled with frightening traps and hidden mysteries.

A young zorua moved through the lamplit street with her equally young trainer. The faux zubat wings tied to her back felt awkward, flimsy. She constantly shifted the strap around her belly to keep them from drooping. As for her trainer, she was dressed in a creative mimikyu costume with a silly mask and shadow tendrils for arms to 'scare' all the kids into delighted giggles. It really was an amazing costume for an amazing trainer.

There was only one problem: her trainer did not exist.

Dana liked the quiet of the suburbs. With less bustle than in the city and fewer humans to run into, though on this particular night the kids didn't seem to get the memo. They were everywhere, dressed up in all kinds of outfits for Halloween, laughing and playing as they went door to door for treats. Her heart raced as she weaved around their legs, trying not to bump into any of them.

Despite her nerves, she kept her tail high, feigning confidence even as she was convinced she was about to bumble things up. What she was doing was risky. So risky that she was close to calling it quits before the night had truly even begun. If she were discovered, well, a pat on the back and a belly rub would not be on the menu, that was for sure. Impersonating one of their own? Especially a little girl? She shuddered to think of the punishment.

"Okay, girl, act natural," Dana whispered as yet another kid commented to her trainer on how adorable she was with her little zubat wings.

Yeah, right; her costume was super uncreative. She could have made an illusion as awesome as the mimikyu costume, but managing two major illusions at once was already so taxing. Especially for her age. Zubats wings were the only thing she could steal on short notice.

"Stay cool," she whispered again, uncaring about all the humans nearby. They couldn't understand her anyways. "You're Rosie's pokemon, she's your trainer. She's silly, but also shy and mute. Play your part. You need that candy."

Dana had been planning this for months now. Living on the streets gave her plenty of opportunities to practice her craft. From snatching food from the markets, to making herself seem pretty and fluffy so no one suspected she was a stray, and even occasionally masking herself as someone's pet in order to snooze in a warm home for the night. And that was scratching the surface.

One thing she hadn't done was mascaraque herself as human. An attempt wasn't even made. At least, not as herself. Instead, she made a purely visual illusion of a random little girl she saw a few months back. It wouldn't hold up to scrutiny. Not touching, and most definitely not smelling. Who would sniff a little girl? Humans were kinda stingy about that sort of thing--not to mention their sense of smell was atrocious.

Which led her to this moment, standing outside a door decorated with Halloween decorations. She bounced on her paws, her illusion mimicking the motions. All she had to do was get the girl to press the doorbell. And then she had to pretend the girl was mute as her 'cute little zorua buddy' said 'trick-or-treat!' for her. Not that the human would understand her words, but if she got the tone right...

She licked her lip. Her tail twitched. Her zubat wings drooped further, and she had to adjust the straps. "You can do this. It's not difficult. You practiced. Focus on the fingertips. Pretend it's your paw. Press the button." It would be one of her first tactile illusions. Like a ghetto version of telekinesis. Either way, she knew she could do it.

If only the physical strain was the issue, not the fear paralyzing her rump to the porch.

Her illusion pressed the doorbell. The classic doorbell ding-dong pierced her ears, making them go flat. The door opened a few seconds later, and greeting her with a wrinkly smile was a kindly old lady with a glameow perched on her shoulder. Excitement coursed through Dana's veins, and before she could lose her nerves she sang, "Trick-or-treat!"

Her ears fell when the glameow sniggered at her, eyes gleaming with mirth. Her mood made a comeback when the lady smiled and dropped a handful of candy in her bag--which was balanced on her back, nestled between her zubat wings--with a soft plonk. She looked at her illusion with a kinky old smile. "What charming little costumes you both have! And how sweet of your zorua to be your voice. Are you mute, dear?"

The illusion nodded shyly. Because shy girls didn't get questioned too hard.

The glameow sniffed the air, nostrils twitching, a confused expression growing on his grumpy face. Dana's heart skipped a beat. He didn't notice a discrepancy between visuals and scent, did he? She tried to remain calm and stoic, even when he turned to glare down at her.

Eyes narrowing, he gave here a low hiss. "I despise tricksters like you." Contempt oozed from his voice. "If you're planning on harming my master, so help me--"

"Naughty kitty!" the nice old lady chastised with a bop on the glameow's snout. His eyes went crossed. He seemed absolutely astonished by the discipline. "What's gotten into you, hissing at this little girl's poor pokemon? You're not like this! Shame on you! No treats tonight!"

"But she-- I--" He groaned and buried his muzzle into his trainer's hair. "Whatever." He pulled away to give her a haughty look. "This isn't over, trickster."

Taking that as her cue to leave, Dana had her illusion wave at the lady, who waved and smiled back before turning around and walking away.

"That could have gone worse," Dana murmured as the door closed. As she left, she noticed the glameow in one of the windows glaring daggers at her. Feeling smug, Dana lifted her tail high and confident in a display of dominance. To further the insult, she marked her territory on the lawn right in front of him. The glameow's glare deepened into something dark.

Okay, that was maybe sorta too far... Yeesh, he's pissed. I am never returning to this neighborhood!

The rest of the night went very well. No one else saw through her illusion, or they weren't hostile about it like that cranky glameow. Her bag was fat with candy, and she was beginning to quite enjoy the attention and occasional pat--and one belly rub!--from apparently being so cute.

Walking with the bag increasingly became a struggle, meaning her night was nearing its end. One more house and she would go home to gorge on her feast.

She scanned the neighborhood for something special. The nicer the house, the better the decorations, and the higher quality the candy. Her eyes widened as a particularly large house caught her attention. But more than that was the extensive haunted house jutting out from the backyard.

"Wow. Did they really build that just for Halloween? No way that's real."

The haunted house proved even more impressive as she got closer. It towered above her like a blight on the landscape, out of place in such a clean neighborhood. She squinted. The more she looked, the more her intuition struck true. Until the illusion became obvious right outside the yard's gate.

Well, obvious wasn't the right word. She still couldn't see through the illusion or anything, there was simply this feeling. Like a tingle at the back of her mind. But noticing the illusion couldn't take away from it being the most wondrous illusion she had ever seen.

She was so busy scrutinizing the haunted house that she completely missed the human standing guard at the gate. "Hello, missy! Are you here for the haunted house?" She jumped at the voice, and the middle-aged man laughed at her. Her cheeks burned. "Ha! Your zorua is quite the skittish one, isn't he?"

He?! The nerve! I'll show him a 'he'!

_ _

Before Dana could subject the man to a few cross words in pokespeak, and maybe an aggressive flashing or two to show him how much of a _he_she really was, someone else popped into view. As if sliding in from the shadows. She looked up at the towering, furry bipedal, her billowing mane swinging down to her hips and fastened at the base with a lovely blue pearl.

"Ignore my trainer," the zoroark said while casually leaning against the fence. "He's only human. Couldn't scent a female if one were sitting on his face."

Her anger evaporated into a round of giggles. "Right?! I once got caught by this brainless kid who thought I was a boy even after peeking under my tail! What are they teaching these humans?" Too late, she noticed the man worryingly snapping his fingers in her illusion's face. "Oh shoot," she cursed.

Quickly, she had the little girl gesture to her neck and shake her head. The man let out an "oh" in understanding. Then he said something about the haunted house being really spooky, and asking if she was sure she wanted to go in. She had her nod, and that was that.

"Impressive illusion," the zoroark observed after the exchange. Her ears perked up at the praise, only to fall upon realizing the jig was up. "Especially for a kit."

"I'm not a kit!" Dana whined in a manner that most definitely did not help her case.

"Uh-huh. Have you even had your first heat?"

Was she blushing? She hoped not. "I-- I totally have! See? I'm not a kit!" She left out the fact that her first heat was only last month. It was a pretty terrible week, all things considered. The constant need to flag her tail for every male--and the occasional female--was ridiculous. As if the itching and swelling hadn't been bad enough. She was not looking forward to her next one. "Thanks for the compliment, though. I worked really hard on her. You're not going to rat me out, are you?"

She pawed awkwardly at the ground. She felt like she could trust the female--and not only because she was pretty--but you could never know with pokemon these days.

"Of course not." The zoroark stepped forward to run her claws through her mane. She wanted to pull back at the sudden contact, but she leaned into it instead. It was nice. "It's rare enough to meet another of my line, let alone one as cute as you. We tricksters have to stick together." The zoroark nudged her, pointing a claw at her illusion. "Speaking of. Your human is staring forward like a zombie again. Might want to deal with that before my poor trainer has a heart attack."

She winced. The man was freaking out. "Oops."

After taking care of that, the man opened the gate and gestured for her trainer to walk through. "Be careful. It's very spooky in there! My pride and joy Elusive," he ruffled the mane of the zoroark in question, who grumbled in response, "did outstanding work this year. Dare I say, it's spooktacular!" Both pokemon groaned at the wordplay. He shrugged. "Tough crowd."

"Elusive, huh?" She felt the beginnings of a smirk. "Fitting. Very illusion-y. My name is Dana."

Elusive smirked back. "Cute. Well, Dana, you and your trainer have a haunted house to explore. If you can complete it without soaking yourself, I'll give you a special treat in the final room of the house." She winked at her. "Be there. Do not be late: if you're not there in half an hour, you forfeit your treat."

She couldn't possibly be implying... she is! Oh my gosh! But doesn't she think I'm a kit--even if I kinda still am? Could we really? If she means it? She is pretty cool, with that sleek fur and powerful, lithe stance. Oh, Arceus, I do like her, don't I? She'd never done anything sexual before. Especially not with another female.The most experience she had was humping an eevee plushie she stole to satiate her heat. It was pretty great. Soothed the burn of need until it flared back up again a few hours later. That poor eevee got a lot of use that week.

Her mouth felt dry. But she had to look cool. Act confident. If she didn't, Elusive might think she wasn't mature enough for the treat. "I accept!" she declared with one paw held up in a pose. "See you later, Elusive! I have a treat to get!"

She walked through the creepy gate beside her human, tail raised high with confidence. It was also raised for an entirely different reason. Her cheeks burned. She hoped Elusive was looking.

"Good luck," Elusive said to her retreating form. "See you _very_soon."

The haunted house wasn't nearly as creepy as Dana expected. Oh, sure, it appeared to be a decrepit old mansion well past its expiration date, with hanging chandeliers and an entryway filled with cobwebs, but knowing it was an illusion sapped away some of the magic. She walked down the halls with her tail still raised. Had to look confident even when alone. Helped build character. Or so she heard on the TV once.

"Spooktacular my butt," she said after dismissing her illusion. She was alone now, no reason to keep it up. With how taxing such a small illusion was, the effort to sustain a whole mansion was unimaginable. "This place isn't spooky. I've seen spookier things in a trashcan!"

Something in the corner of her eyes moved, and she swiveled toward it. She stared, blood thumping in her ears. There was nothing but a dusty old cabinet with its dressers pulled out. She let out a relieved breath...

...only to scream as something yanked her tail.

Dana's mind worked on autopilot as she scampered over to the dresser, her hind claws scraping against the floor in her haste to get under. Hidden and safe, her heart fluttered as if she had just ran ten miles.

Feminine laughter echoed throughout the room. Dana poked her head out from under the dresser only to be greeted by the smug face of Elusive. Her cheeks burned. "Aww, look at you! You're so adorable when you're scared!" the zoroark cooed, making a face that she did not approve of at all. She sniffed at the air. "And you didn't piss yourself, either! Such a big girl."

Dana had never felt so silly. Ears flattened against her skull as she left the dresser, she whispered, "I'm not scared. You just startled me. Wait a minute, aren't you supposed to be outside?"

With a dismissive wave of her claw, she said, "If you must know, I left an illusion with my dear old trainer. He's none the wiser. But enough of that, let's go somewhere comfortable."

Dana cried, "H-hey!" as the zoroark grabbed hold of her by the scruff of her neck.

"Hush, dear. Good girls get their _treat_s early." Dana went limp in the zoroark's claws. How could she not with _that_promise hanging over her head. Her imagination ran wild with potential treats the older pokemon could give her.

Oh, gosh, I hope it's lewd! Maybe her pussy? I think that's what the humans call it... Yeah, pussy! Ohhh, that would be so awesome! Tonight is going so well! I get a bunch of candy and a cookie, hehehe!

Speaking of candy, Dana noticed a distinct lack of weight on her back. She quickly located it on the floor, turned over with its guts spilling out. Guts of candy, that was. "My candy!" she blurted, squirming in Elusive's grip. "Treat later, it's getting dirty!"

Elusive followed her gaze and hummed. "Candy isn't that healthy for you, especially when you're so small."

"Too bad!" she declared, struggling harder. "It's food and it's free, that makes it mine!"

"You lost your little zubat wings," Elusive observed, ignoring her fit. Rude. "How sad."

Dana honestly didn't care. They were itchy anyways. Huffing, she said, "I look dumb in them. It's just my disguise for the humans. "

"Dumb? You look adorable in them!"

"I don't care." Managing to dislodge herself, Dana fell to the floor. On her rump. "Ow."

Elusive sighed as Dana rushed over to her bag and began the annoying task of shoving the candy back in. "Is candy that important to you? And here I thought you wanted to fuck. I'm not usually into pokemon so... young, but when someone as cute as you lifts their tail, teasing me with their virgin spade, how could I turn you down? I won't tell if you don't~"

"Be patient, jeez," Dana grumbled, not really paying attention. She needed that candy. There wasn't a lot of good food in the trash these days, and she couldn't afford... Her ears shot up, candy forgotten as her distracted mind finally processed what the zoroark had said. "Wait, back up. You want to f-fuck me?"

"Aww, you can't even say fuck without stuttering and becoming all flustered!

"I'm not, um--" She clamped her mouth shut at the knowing look Elusive gave her. Pawing at the ground, she said, "How'd you know?"

"Please, you are barely weaned."

"I'm not that young," she grumbled.

"And your vulva looks tighter than a skitty." Was that a compliment? She'd take it as a compliment. "I'd be shocked if you've mated already. Now, do you want to suck my pussy, or do you want your pussy sucked first?"

Dana squeaked at how direct that was. "U-um! Don't I have to finish your haunted house first?"

"I'd rather you finish in my other haunted house instead." She paused, expression contorting as if she had bitten into a lemon. "Yeesh, that innuendo sucked. Makes it seem like I have cobwebs in my vagina. Ew. It hasn't been that long since I've mated."

Despite how fast things were going--which was perfectly alight in her opinion--Dana managed to snort at the joke. At least, she thought it was a joke. Adults could be weird.

"Anyhow, I'll carry your bag and wings for you, and then we can head to my room. Unless you wanted to finish the haunted house first?"

She thought about it for all of a second. "Nope! Your room sounds great!"

The promise of juicy zoroark spade was too good to pass up.

After getting her candy back in its proper place, Elusive, bag and zubat wings in claw, led her through a wall. The illusion of the creepy haunted house melted away, leaving only an empty yard. She could sense that the haunted house was still there, just... not for them. Wow, she's good. How could I miss us being outside?

_ _

Dana found herself staring at Elusive as she walked. The zoroark's hips swayed, likely on purpose, every wiggle gifting her with glimpses of a tight black spade and an even tighter looking tailhole. Though, without an actual tail, could it really be called a tailhole?

She would miss her tail when she evolved...

Elusive led her through the backdoor and into the house. It was warm, but that was about it. There was furniture she didn't care about, lights that were too bright, and a TV she kind of was interested in, but Elusive quickened her pace and Dana struggled to keep up on her short legs.

They arrived at a door, and when Elusive creaked it open, she was struck by how her it smelled. She couldn't help but sniff the air, taking in the feminine aroma infusing the room. It definitely belonged to the zoroark, all right.

"Wow, your room smells nice," she said as she walked into the room. It was pretty sparse, honestly. A bed, a dresser, and a few stuffed pokemon, one of them being a tiny zorua half her size. It was rather cute.

"Thanks." Falling onto the bed with a happy sigh, Elusive patted the spot next to her. Dana took the invitation and hopped up. She was struck by how soft it was. "My trainer may have been kind enough to set up my own space, but what he doesn't know is that I never quite got rid of my more feral tendencies. I mark sometimes. Just a little. Not enough for a human to smell, but, well, I need it to smell like me, you get me?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Totally! I once forgot to mark a new den," Or more accurately, a cardboard box, "and I woke up the next morning feeling all weird."

Elusive hummed. "I have a surprise for you. You're the virgin here, so you get to decide what we do first. Anything you want." She leaned back on the bed and stretched, casually raising a leg. This put her thighs, and the treasure nestled between them, on prominent display. "Nothing is off-limits."

Dana gawked at Elusive's crotch. It felt as if she were lost in a desert, and that dark squishy mound of feminine flesh was her only source of water. She nervously licked her muzzle, lips dry and chapped, a contrast to the lips between her own thighs. "N-nothing?"

"Nothing," Elusive confirmed, continuing to show off, twirling a claw around the edge of her glistening slit.

Her face burned. Was this really it? Her first sexual experience, with someone so much older than her, and who was allowing her to do whatever she wanted? It was almost too good to be true. "What if-- what if I wanted to," she swallowed, "s-suck on you? Um, and you lick me too?"

Elusive opened her thighs wider, scooting backward to give her an even better look. "A classic. Go for it. Nurse my pussy. I'll be sure to return the favor."

Dana was excited, but also horribly lost. Was this actually happening? Could she really do this? What if she messed up? What if she didn't like the taste? "O-okay," she said, heavily embarrassed but so wet it hardly mattered. "I'll, um, I'll just climb on your stomach and point my tail in your face, then?"

"That is a good way to do it."

Blushing, Dana climbed onto Elusive's belly. She hurried forward until her face was mere inches from the zoroark's y-shaped slit. Knowing that her own spade was on equally prominent display had her breaths quicken. This was her first good look at a female other than herself, urging her to stare, burning the sight into her memory. She noticed a slick sheen to those otherwise dark folds, moisture dribbling into the creases, revealing just how excited the zoroark was.

Dana leaned in until her nose nearly brushed the soft mound's raised tip. She inhaled deeply, getting a good whiff of Elusive's scent at the source. The feminine fragrance tickled her nostrils. She gave a shuddering exhale, and said, "You smell so good."

Elusive was breathing deeply herself, and she realized that the zoroark must be sampling her scent too. It was freeing to know she wasn't the only one so into this. "So do you. Arceus, you're younger than I thought. Your scent... it's so new. Maybe even young enough to be my kit!"

Her ears lowered. Dana sure hoped they weren't related. Imagine how awkward it would be if Elusive turned out to be her mom, especially with the whole 'abandoned for as long as she could remember' thing. Adult jokes are weird.

Gulping, Dana leaned in and stuck her tongue out.

"How long have you been by yourself?"

She shut her trap with a start. "Uhhh, what?" Peeking above Elusive's inviting spade, Dana caught the zoroark's eyes. They looked conflicted, like she hereself didn't know why she was ruining the mood. It was a total bummer.

"You're all by yourself," she repeated, more firmly, more sure of herself. "An orphan. I didn't want to bring this up until after we had some fun, but I couldn't stop thinking about it." She gave her an apologetic smile. "Call it maternal instincts." Reaching down between her legs, Elusive grasped Dana' chin in her claws, propping her up. It was an odd gesture when her clearly aroused sex was almost brushing her chin. "Again, how long?"

Is this really happening right now? The first time an adult decides to care, and it's right as I'm about to eat my first pussy... Ugh. It's always something.

Tension built in her tummy, and it most definitely was not the kind she wanted. "No offense, lady, but if this is your way of trying to get me captured by your trainer, it's not very good. I live alone, and I'm doing just fine, thanks!"

Elusive grunted as she sat up, unfortunately throwing Dana off her stomach and onto the bed. "Sorry, dear, but we can finish this later. It thought I could get my rocks off, have some fun with you first, but I can't. It reminds me too much of--" She stopped, eyes distant. "Trust me, I'm surprised myself."

Getting onto her haunches, she glared. "Well, don't be worried. My life is just fine!"

"Uh-huh." She folded her arms. "Then why are you so scruffy under that illusion of yours?"

Dana nearly choked. How'd she know? My illusion is perfect! Oh... right... zoroark. Dang it! Internally panicking, and knowing she couldn't lie, Dana attempted to keep her voice steady as she replied, "I'm not that scruffy. It's just so the humans don't think I'm a stray and snatch me up, that's all. "

There was a pop she more felt then heard, and after she recovered from a brief lightheadedness, she felt naked. Looking down at herself revealed unkempt fur, a scruffy mane, and patches of dirt she totally would clean later. Totally. Her ears fell, and she couldn't stop from whining at the smug look Elusive gave her.

Dana pawed at the sheets, feeling exposed and icky. "Uhhh, this is embarrassing. Maybe I am a bit scruffy."

"A bit smelly, too," Elusive replied with a wrinkle of her snout. "Come on, you can use my bath."

Dana stepped back skeptically, butt bumping into a pillow in the process. "Don't you mean your trainer's bath?"

A grin spread across Elusive muzzle. "I know what I said."

Realization struck her like a hammer. No. Way. "Wait, he isn't..." Elusive winked, making her gasp. Her suspicion, her anger, even her nerves evaporated under a wave of awe. "No, way! Seriously? He's an illusion? You're kidding!"

"It wasn't easy, trust me," she told her. "A lot of work goes into making an autonomous illusion, mostly math." Dana grimaced, and Elusive giggled. "Imagine how I feel! It has to fool psychic types: I simply cannot afford half-assed illusions. So? What do you say? I know how it feels to be alone, to have to scrap by for every meal. To live without a--" she clamped up, though the implication was obvious. A mother. She was going to say mother. "It's crushing. So please. Humor me. If you feel like leaving after our bath, I won't stop you."

Dana's perspective on Elusive shifted. The only thing holding the zoroark back before was her being a pet. Pets weren't something she respected. She could understand them. Who wouldn't want a cozy living with an easy life? But respect? No, not at all. Total subservience to another wasn't her idea of deserving respect.

Ears perked and leaning forward, Elusive looked so hopeful that Dana couldn't say no. Besides, she was right. Being alone wasn't a walk in the park. She still missed her mother. So, so much. Her memories of her were foggy, but the feeling of a mother was hard to forget. The warmth of her body, the scent of her fur, the comfort of her arms.

She never understood why she was left alone, and probably never would, but for the first time she had a chance to simply not be alone.

"O-okay," Dana whispered, rubbing her eyes with a paw. _Gah, stop it, girl. Don't cry! Not in front of her... "_I'd like that. But don't mother me,, got it?" She narrowed her eyes, trying to cover just how moved she was. "A bath does sound nice, though. And maybe some food, if you have some?"

Dana's ears lowered and she ducked her head. She was pushing it, she knew. You don't ask for more when someone is being nice, that was the easiest way to get kicked out. Her thoughts changed when Elusive gently cupped her chin. "Of course," she said. "Thank you for trusting me." Jumping off the bed, the zoroark gestured with a paw for her to follow. "Come on, there's leftover magikarp in the fridge with your name on it."

Her ears shot up and she rushed to the edge of the bed. It had been too long since she'd had a good meal. _Maybe this won't be so bad after all. _