Story by wellifimust on SoFurry

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#4 of Zap Faps

Jasper's a camp counselor for a college sorority on the night of Halloween. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Special thanks to my proofreaders, psydrosis, Patrigue, DukeFerretand stokerbramwell!

Happy Halloween, my dear audience!


Ghost stories get hard cucked when a ten inch erection is threatening to stab through your shorts. The six-foot-three werewolf lay bundled in his sleeping bag inside the abandoned cottage as he waited for his trouser spaghetti to uncook, but his head was boiling with anxiety. Dark everywhere, shadows doused every corner like paint; nothing but a crisp October night, and the thick air reeked of uncanny warmth...something unearthly.

Hell, he thought, something had to be brewing that day. Two words he couldn't stop repeating..."mercurial retrograde". An illusion when the planet moves backwards, reigning chaos on the world. Flight delays, robberies, cheating...god damn. Couldn't help but check the red dot in the sky just left of the moon again, closing one eye and pinching an empty space between his thumb and index finger where their distance was. A millimeter short, he thought. Was it true? He checked his watch; about an hour since he last looked. That must've been a lot of ground. Was that even a thing to be worried about? Was it nothing at all? Trust issues, ghost stories; one and the same in his mind; though he'd better make a choice before that puddle of pre cum gets any wider.

"Jasper! Our like, totally hot camp counselor! Come outside! The fire's ready!"

And there Miranda went again, that valley girl voice that'd been talking up a storm all day. He grumbled, but he wasn't mad. College babes always had that habit, and well, Jasper was a good listener. Her lithe body frame leaned on the doorframe, fur of her waist barely showing over her drooping shirt, the dip of her waist showing her growing impatience. He spoke in his voice like the broad end of a shovel:

"All right, all right, I'm coming!"

Springing up, he let his features show: black marks like a blindfold that looped around his ears, rocking the muscle shirt and gym shorts--neither of which he felt like taking off. He was a beast next to the narrow-eyed, unsteady red fox, rocking the pink, duck spotted pajamas with a chocolate stain on the right thigh. Out from behind the door frame popped three more vixens, one short, one fat, and one looking like she'd climbed out of a coffin, all wearing pajamas varying from preppy shit to basic workout clothes. Gonna be one of those nights.

Sticks and leaves crunched under their feet as they approached the campsite, amber-silver-white rows of twelve busty campers gathered round chatting, laughing in an almost telegraphed way, half of them with skewered marshmallow sticks propped between their legs. Rows of colored streaks through their straight hair looked like candy corn rainbows, some over the bangs, others painted it in thirds of the color scheme. Jasper looked to the far side of the curve and saw the cyan flag with yellow sigils flowing above their heads: Gamma Tao Sigma - the highest scoring students of the sorority from Vulpio University.

Nerves churned his insides, but he had to ignore them. Witch's whispers, nothing more. Fire crackles. There's another way to soften up a ghost story: have a ring of people roasting marshmallows over an open fire to kill a solid ten percent of the feeling. Humble turnout, though still an itch. The urge to check the red dot was still on his-

"You girls look comfortable," Jasper spouted. "Haven't felt anything...strange lately?"

"Don't be dumb!" Miranda replied. "We've been out here like, all day and nothing's happened."

"Yeah, don't let superstition ruin your night, dude," Laura said, bumping her fist on his shoulder. "Just roast a marshmallow and have some fun for once!"

She had a point. Jasper shrugged as he picked a big stick up from the bordering woods. One of the girls held up a bag of marshmallows, and he reached in and skewered a single white puff through his claw. He cracked his neck and brought it to a large branch and twisted it over the flame.

"Just stay calm, Jasper," he mumbled. "It's all in your head."

A jolt in the fire engulfed the marshmallow, lighting it ablaze, so he whipped it out. He froze when he held it up, the tail of the flame helixing, leaving an unsettling glow in his eyes. A whirlwind rocked the creaking trees to bend in every angle--a cold front from all directions. No source. Oh my god. A shrill gasp was all he could let out before the worst came to pass: the flames danced down the stick like a line of gunpowder, shooting up his arm, shoulder, neck, engulfing his body in flames.

Shrieking, tumbling, all the girls gasped as his body thrashed and rolled on the ground. Miranda rushed by to fill up the empty pail by the creek nearby, skidding her heels as she dashed back towards him. Her footsteps approached him, but the closer they got, the more the flames went down, down, down, down...somehow, it simmered to nothing in a matter of seconds. Jasper breathed hard and looked down to his ash and soot covered body where his clothes used to be.

But he felt no pain. No burn marks. No terror. Ashes in a circle 'round his body, the new breeze brushed over his fur. A puzzled Jasper sat himself up, scratching his head. The cacophony of surprised, girlish laughter set the stage. Mouth wide open, he brought his legs in and tried to smile meekly as if it were a coverup. His words were silenced fast by the sudden roar of the fire.

It was like nothing had sparked it. At first, he thought the wind had caught it just right. Though it was flaring in wisps, embers the size of hail spewing out. Something was terribly wrong. In an instant, the flames from the firepit blasted up, a tumult in his stomach, swirling in a vortex before him as it shot up to an obelisk, gracing the edge of space with its fury.

Two palms to the floor and half a lung to breathe, it seemed, he looked to the sky, the stars, the full moon; then froze as a thin veil of clouds filmed the surface. The pillar of flames still protruding from the pit rapidly approached it. Pupils dilating, large swipes like werewolf claws slashed across the surface, three, four, an undulating orange-red-orange-red engulfing the surface until that's all it even was.

A rumble from the deep made a blur to the skies, and just like that, a blast of crimson energy scattered through the woods; faster than the snap of a thought, the midnight respite swallowed by curtains of dark red cataclysm. Jasper hyperventilated as the red dot pinching its way to the left glowed with tremendous energy next to the corrupted moon. And the treetops shook, warped, their leaves dissolving from the top down into a red mist, the naked branches like javelins in the crimson sky. Desperate for help, he caught his breath and looked around to the vixens, but their eye contact alone merely ripped the oxygen away.

Silence quaked. Ashes fell. The U-shape of vixens stared him down, eyes now pools of blazing light, their velvet coats now gleaming off the tips of their fur. Undeterred by the wind, expressions blank, unmoving, a chill of his spine implying it's far too late to run. Jasper opened his mouth to scream. Then, in exact unison, they reached their frail arms to him. Beams of light blasted from their fingertips at Jasper. He winced and flinched, his bones locked like jigsaw pieces in place. His head lay back, teeth clenched, though given just enough mercy to move his jaw:

"What's happening to me...?"

The glowing, roiling pulse around his body began to change as the women turned their wrists, fingers lifting until the beams made tangible leashes from their hands. Now he was beginning to feel light in the head. He was overtaken by the new high screaming through his bloodstream, like needles and sugar, so horrible, so terrible; his length grew in the wake of it until it was hard, exposed, standing in attention. A smirk came from Miranda's face before she threw her arms in an X, and then vanished into thin air. A spark of confusion lodged into Jasper's emotions, but the feeling of someone's presence by his head beat his gasp to the punch.

"Now, we begin the undoing," Miranda's voice echoed like a siren, "Come, my disciples! _Scourge_the semen from the heretic!"

"Oh god, no!" Jasper cried out. "Wait, what?"

All the women rose from their chairs one by one in slow motion. Pumpkin spice, vanilla perfume, finger licking, slits soaking; the college girls approached him like he was an implosion, until their hands stroked through every notch of his muscles.

"Oh, okay, okay, wait, this is perfectly fine, keep going!" he moaned.

He took one last breath before the sweet taste of Kayla's pussy shut him up. Dick already snug in a vulpine mouth, saliva dripping down the shaft, the sex cocoon overtook the werewolf's senses. Close chatter sounded distant as his cognitive functions tossed in the gutter while he gave into it all like magic. Their fingers ran along his abs, his obliques, his thighs, and grabbed at his balls while Miranda swallowed his dick further and further. Jasper moaned into her loins as he circled his tongue through her walls, inundated with pleasure, feeling another hand latch around the base of his hard cock.

Blue energy pulses transgressed to white as his mind went blank; no less than three seconds later did he cum, two spurts in her mouth before she took it out and let the rest of it shoot, landing in one of the foxes' face and hair. Hot sparks ignited his bloodstreams with pleasure while his dick twitched in spurts, their witchlike fingertips dancing up and down his shaft. Though he couldn't even see it with Miranda grinding up against his lips, leaking hot juices out the sides of his mouth, a warning for what was soon coming. Jasper's ears lay back and let it all happen.

She moaned out loud and dialed back, squirting a crop top across his chest, finally giving him one hearty inhale. Her shrill moans played like a tune in his ear. Now he could finally peer forward at four of their leering heads over his still erect cock. They began to rub it in unison, the snow white one gliding her tongue around his tip with a seductive glare. Jasper winced so hard he almost forgot what her name was; then realized, no, wait, I have no idea who this girl is, and then a finger to his lips to his promptly silenced him.

"Four remaining," Miranda boomed.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked.

"The pentagram nurtures in equilibrium to its subject," she spoke. "The void calls for five consecutive orgasms."

** ** Jasper beamed. "Really?! That's awesome!"

"You are supposed to be scared."

** **"Uh...aah?"

So much depended upon the blushing red wolf glazed with his own cum beside the three arctic foxes, who licked their lips in preparation as the middle one stepped over him. Lips to his head, she slipped down his cock and bucked up and down. The tightness was intoxicating, swirling in pleasure while the ladies felt his biceps, playing with his nipples. Satanic energy coursed through his body, his skin as sensitive as an edged cock as it flared up every strand of his fur like internal static energy. All the while, his massive dick was milked by the arctic fox, bringing him closer to the next climax.

His fluids erupted out her vagina down his shaft and over his balls, dousing his grey fur as strings of it stretched from her still-bucking hips. Even as she pulled out, he was still busting, and like robots, two other arctic foxes jerked his shaft. They turned their eyes to Miranda.

"This is taking too long," they hummed in unison.

"We must amplify our efforts," Miranda said, appearing to agree. "Take evasive measures!"

The twelve witches spread out their palms and legs and slowly levitated, floating backwards until they were in a wide circle. He was stuck in the center, still unable to move. He watched as they locked hands with each other and seemed to tense up in their grasps. Suddenly, he felt a pulling force on the wet parts of his fur...seconds later, he was wrung like a sponge, and all the cum he'd released before rose higher and higher, seeping away from the women as well. He looked up in wonder as it collected into an orb directly above him.

Silt beneath him trembled. Out of nowhere, a column of wind flowed up from the ground, rippling their pajama pants and cleaning the sweat off of his fur. The underground rifted, and up came the glowing, red star of a pentagram, his heartbeat quickening as he realized he was in its center. He was frozen, mind blank and disoriented, now beginning to think he'd never see anything more confusing...until he felt a ring of heat down below.

An ethereal circle of energy had appeared around the base of his cock, rapidly spinning like a top. He stared at it, confused and horrified as the ring brought sparks and tiny wisps of smoke to his pubic hair. But the longer it persisted, the harder he felt. His dick rose higher, obsidian hardness, the head raging with pleasure like Hades himself was edging him.

Oh fuck...oh fuck...It feels like my dick is growing bigger, Jasper thought. I can't...I can't....

The ring spun faster, faster, the wind tunneling, more, more, and it was not until the clarity in his sight turn to nothing did he figure out what would happen next:

Cum exploded from his cock in his third orgasm, twice the amount as before, painting the stars like a constellation. Demons were singing below him as his comatose body flashed in pleasure, fangs fully visible as he yelped his soul out into the corroded sky.

As he tingled to his toes with pleasure, he took another glance at his cock. His eyes immediately widened. His stiff man meat now grew to nearly twice its size; it looked like an illusion, but he could feel the magical, stroking pleasure across every single inch. Mercy was in order, but the girls kept chanting, the ring kept spinning, the wind kept ringing through his ears until even his balls started floating in the scathing, orgasmic energy of Satan.

His whole body banged as his propped up cum cannon blasted again, his whole body jolting like an electric shock to the asshole. His eyes were burst open, mouth wide open, nearly unable to withstand the force of the jetted semen firing out his reddening urethra in huge globs. The ropes spewed thirty feet in the air and culminated in a pooling white sphere above. And still his cock was stretching further, now to impossible lengths, a spear in the nighttime air.

Even when he was done cumming, he couldn't stop moaning. Unfathomable pleasure corrupted his mind to only want more, more, more. The gyroscope around the base teetered in its force, forcing his breath to quicken. One last one to go as pins and needles pricked all throughout his body. Time seemed to meld into clay like the feeling of his muscles as he snapped his eyes shut, anticipating the insane pleasure of his final, most unholy orgasm:

He yelled to the sky as the sound of his cumshot was like firing a cannonball, the resulting sonic boom shaking the witches' clothes and surrounding trees. It was like his balls had emptied entirely in the hurricane of his orgasm: frothing, thriving, almost painful in how good it felt, the spire of cum shooting out of his twenty-five inch cock for a solid twenty seconds before it finally calmed down; he'd done it.

Ears ringing, the dirt rose from the ground around him like igneous rock was opening to the claws of Satan and he'd slip right through at any moment. Jasper's mind ran wild though the fuzziness as he wondered if he'd punish him for that, slit eyes watching the bowling ball of cum above him absorb the spunk he'd just unleashed inside of it.

It was clear from the air that the pact had been sealed. As the white ball of summoning collected the last snake, the orb glowed into a brilliant red, playing an ear-splitting tone. And for a moment, the whole forest seemed to be silent. Then, in unison, all twelve of the sorority sisters hummed out a demonic note. Their voices were tendrils that would crush the world in one flex of the muscles, the high pitched tones pulsing in and out; Jasper frantically wondered the consequences of his sacrifice. High off of pleasure, pain, and absurdity, he looked back to the red dot near the moon, then back to the frothing ball of cum, both inching further and further towards each other. The wind howled. His eyes widened. The eclipse was complete. The orb began to froth and slop faster and faster until a rumble by the firepit turned to a rift.

Explosions of purple flames spurted beneath the logs of the once depleted campfire, embers shooting into the sky and hailing down in a cone. Panicking, Jasper motionlessly thrashed in confusion, helpless, his cock still fully erect and towering as he squirmed in the confines of his own body. Flames roared as if it had a mouth of its own and pillared up to impossible heights, nearly twenty feet tall, tongues of it curling and sparking like they had their own tinderboxes. The witches' chants drowned out from the noise as the blue base of the flames rose higher, higher, deeper, until it was brushing the center. Jasper gasped, breathing harder, not knowing what would happen next. And as if on cue, the trapezoid parted to an oval that took place in the fire's center, progressively getting darker in the middle.

The clawed foot stepped through, three toes with one in the back like a bird, but fleshy, deep red, punching a crater into the ground beneath its step. Jasper watched it grow, the calf, the thigh, pelvis, it stepped through; the ripped, ten foot tall baron of Hell showed its ugly frame, giving a mighty, ear piercing roar to the sky. An insignia of a glowing red orb lay across his pecs, his eight pack abs chiseled to insanity, and his huge, uncircumsized penis hung at least thirty-two inches flaccid. His veins pumped with magma blood as he straightened his body, his horns now gracing the treetops. Jasper's mouth hung open, speechless, gasping for breath, helpless to find even the words to describe what was in front of him. The demon looked around with his piercing, triangular, orange eyes, glowing with fury as it scanned the premises, showing his gleaming claws. As the world coiled and the trees bent backwards, his whole body seemed to freeze at the sight of one single bag.

The demon promptly took the bag of marshmallows and stepped back inside the portal, the flames reduced to nothing half a second later.

The sky had turned back to its calm indigo. Jasper flexed his muscles, finally able to move. Though his cock shrank down to his usual ten inches, he still felt the tingles of his multiple orgasms as if it was still that tall. He'd read it before, when looking up mercurial retrograde. Phantom penis syndrome was among the most common phenomena of a terrible curse.

He peered down at himself, both eyebrows raised in absolute disbelief.

It was hard to refute. He looked at the circle of girls around him, all looking off in every direction but his. Their pajamas were back on, and their eyes were not glowing. More confusing, still, his cock was still fully up and erect. It looked like the demon's spell hadn't quite worn off.

He raised an eyebrow. "What the fuck was literally any of that?"

It finally caught the eye of the girls.

"Oh hey, Jasper lost all his clothes!" Kayla pointed at him.

"And he's hard as fuck!" Violet added.

"We should fuck him for the rest of the night!" Miranda said, turning to him. "Is that okay?"

"Uh," Jasper said. "Sure?"

It was the perfect response. Jasper knew it for sure: this was exactly how women worked. In a matter of minutes, the sounds of slurping, rubbing, moaning and otherwise absolutely fucking grotesque noises filled the forest. All night, they kept stroking him, petting him, interlacing their fingers through every curve in his flaring muscles. And the whole time he lay baffled, prostrate, a question mark so stiffly above his head they could've jerked it off, too.

The candle in the jack-o-lantern of the night had died down. The night was still, smelling of oak and sex as Jasper submitted to the heavens. Thoughts of when the sun would come were just a passing phase. Thoughts at all were dust from the beginning. Much like the chaos he'd fear would swallow everything. It came, and now it was gone, like the blink of an eye. So he gave in, let it take him, came again, finally realizing that the whole ghost story spiel at the beginning was just some shit I made up off the top of my head.

Thumbnail: 1st of May by Jonas A.K.A. Nakedpenny