It's Eyes were Yelow

Story by TheWinterStar on SoFurry

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#7 of Writers Prompts

It was supposed to be for this months writers prompt, but submitted a day late. (drat)

Miss Catherine Brookes seems to be seeing things....

Lythra County Police department, Lythra, IL

Incident Report #80073276

Report Entered: 12/25/2017 13:21:34

Case Title: Missing Person (Catherine L. Brooke)

Investigator: Officer Jackson K. Stewart

10/14/2017, 02:31 Lythra County Police department was called out to Ms. Brookes home at 416 North Dogwood Drive. Ms. Brooke reported that she had heard odd noises in the woods surrounding her home, and that something had tried opening one of her windows. Officer Clark Kent reported dirt on the sill, but no other signs of entry. He presumed a wild animal had jumped on the sill looking for food and been frightened away.

10/20/2017, 01:54 Lythra County Police were called out again to Ms. Brookes home. She demanded that something had tried breaking through her back door. Upon investigation Officer Nathan Backstar reported no damage to the door.

10/24/2017, 03:41 Lythra County Police were called out to Ms Brookes home where Ms. Brooke showed the officers pictures of dark colored fur in her house and odd paw prints outside. Officer Clark Kent collected these photos (Report #80073190, Item #1-7).

10/28/2017, 02:27 Lythra County Police were called to Ms Brookes home where Officer Nathan Backstar reported Ms Brooke was looking sleepless and frightened. She claimed something was watching her through her windows and trying to capture her. Broke into her house and slept outside her bedroom door. Officer Backstar offered to take her to the hospital, worried for her well being. She agreed and was taken to New Hope Hospital where she was later taken home by her father. Officer Backstar reported the backdoor was undamaged but there was a dirt trail through the house. (Item #8-13)

11/6/2017, 10:32 Lythra County Police were called out to Ms. Brookes home by her employer Mr Nakamura who reported she had not shown up to work all week, and it was very unlike her. Officer Nathan Backstar requested backup upon arriving at Ms. Brookes home.

Compiling reports from the seven officers at the scene report that Ms. Brookes home had been broken into through a window in the living room. The home was noted as tossed and there was believed to have been a fight. Bullet holes were found in a number of boards in the hallway and stairs (Item #14-19). A jammed 9mm handgun was found upstairs on the floor in Ms. Brookes bedroom (Item #20). There were dirt trails through the house, and some blood splatter. (Item #21-23). Dark hairs were also located around the house. Samples were taken for forensics to identify.

11/6/2017, 23:00 Officers and Search and Rescue volunteers began scouting the woodlands near Ms. Brookes home. Unusually large paw prints were found leading away from Ms. Brookes home (Item #24), and several pieces of fabric presumably belonging to Ms. Brooke were found. (Item #25-33)

11/7/2017, Lythra County Police continued their investigation and located a Diary (Item #34), presumably belonging to Ms. Brooke, on her desk. Officer Jackson Steward read through the diary, listing a number of concerning entries.

Ms. Catherine Brookes Diary Entries.

September 13th.

Finally moved in! This is a dream home for sure, I can feel it! The woods around the house are nice and dense, perfect to keep noisy neighbors far away, and perfect for starting that 'back to nature' lifestyle. Already seen a bunch of cute rabbits and birds, no more street rats and ugly pigeons like New York. I'm so excited I could hardly finish unpacking one room before I moved to the next! I can't wait to get outside and enjoy some fresh air!

September 14th.

The walk was fantastic! Though a little buggy, think I should have done more research before going out. The mosquitos about carried me away! I'll have to remember to buy some bug spray the next time I'm at the store. Not even the home remedies are working for these bites. Think I'll forgo the walk tomorrow and just stay in and finish unpacking.

September 15th.

I woke up to some weird noises last night, I feel like I hardly slept because of it. I tried to just keep in mind, 'Cathrine, you're in the woods, it's probably a deer or a racoon' but something was just... eating me. I just laid in bed and its so weird, it sounded like it was walking around the house! ... I'm sure it's nothing, could be a little coyote for all I know.

September 20th.

Living in the woods is harder than I thought. Aside from bug bites, there's dirt everywhere! It gets on everything. I've had to go outside and sweep the window sills of dirt and mud just to keep them looking nice. And there's weird dried water spots on the windows, oddly reminds me of a dishwasher that doesn't quite dry right. Maybe I'm just imagining it.

September 28th.

Living in the woods is scarier than I thought. I feel watched. I swear it feels like someone or something is staring at me, and every time I check the window something moves. A shadow always at the corner of my eye. It's always downstairs too, so I've been trying to spend more time upstairs just so I feel safer. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy...

September 29th.

I've been noticing some paw prints in the yard around the house. They're really big, bigger than my hand. I've looked them up and they're some kind of canine looking paw, but they still don't quite look right. Research says depth is important too, if it's deep it's probably a big animal. Bear comes to mind, but... There aren't bears in Illinois right? Not this time of year, right? They should be going into hibernation or whatever... Right? Maybe I'm just going a little nuts. Been away from home for a while now, maybe this nature is just making me jumpy...

October 1st.

I saw it! Or... I saw something! I was in the kitchen and I could feel it watching me while I was making dinner. I walked into the hall and peeked around the corner, and it was there! It was dark so I didn't get a good look, but it was just staring in the window with these big yellow eyes. It saw me and ran off. I read bears are super easy to spook, maybe it'll stay away now.

October 14th.

I know it's been two weeks since my last entry, but I've been so busy with work. I have noticed there's still always dirt on the window sills, and I keep finding prints in the yard. I followed some earlier today since it was daylight out. They led right into the woods, but there's no way I'm going in there. I don't know if the prints are new or old, or if the dirt is the yellow eyed animals fault or just... nature, but it hasn't cut back any. I haven't noticed the animal looking through any windows, but I still feel watched. I called the police about it but they think it's just an animal.

October 16th.

I woke up to some howling, and I thought maybe a stray dog had wandered into the area and was howling at my door to be let in, but it was like no dog I'd heard before. It was deep, loud, and it terrorfied me. Then I thought, maybe it's a wolf! Maybe a wolf was lurking around my home looking for food. I got up and sneaked down stairs as quietly as I could, but by the time I got downstairs, the howling stopped. It was early, but I turned on my porch light just as a shadow ran into the woods. Once the sun was up I went out to go to work and there was a dead rabbit on my welcome mat.

There wasn't much in the way of blood, but I didn't know what else to do with it. I put on some gloves and picked it up in a trash bag and threw it away. Ended up late to work because of it, but they seemed to understand. I guess that's normal around here.

October 19th.

Another rabbit. This one was still warm, and I could have sworn it was breathing. I left it until I had to go to work in the morning just to make sure it was dead when I picked it up and threw it away. Dogs don't leave gifts, so maybe it's some local kid trying to play a Halloween trick on me. That would make more sense. A local kid picking on the new person in town, when you've got nothing better to do in the woods, why not? They'll get bored eventually.

October 20th.

I saw it! I saw it again! It's that same yellow eyed creature from before! I even called the cops again, I think they scared it off. It was banging on the back door and I could hear it growling and throwing itself against the door. It stopped just before I heard sirens. There's no damage on the door, so the police are thinking it's nothing. I'm not crazy, I know something was there!

October 23rd.

I need to make sure to double check all the locks before dark. I found some dirt on the carpet from the back door. I could have sworn I locked it, I hardly use the door anyway, and I don't track dirt through the house... It wasn't me... God I hope it wasn't that yellow eyed monster. I'll grab a camera while I'm at work tomorrow and take a few pictures when I get back.

October 24th.

Bastards. I had pictures of hairs in the house, they even saw them. I showed them the paw prints and gave them pictures and they kept dismissing it of some animal roaming around. 'It's more afraid of you than you are of it.' Bullshit. That monsters peeking through windows and trying to get to me! I just need to get a picture of it, a good picture so they can do something more than tell me I'm nuts.

October 25th.

I swear it's all over the place. Every window it's peeking through. I can't even shower without hearing it beating on a door or howling at a window. Why won't it leave me alone? Am I crazy? Am I imagining it? Am I just some city folk going nuts in the country? Maybe after this holiday I'll head to dads. He still lives in the city, maybe the 'fresh' air is making me see things...

October 26th.

I think it's the yellow eyed monster leaving rabbits at my door. There's no way some kid would be up so late, be so quiet and be alone. These aren't pet rabbits, they're brown and grey like the rabbits I'd seen in my yard. I've also noticed a lot of animals aren't visiting my yard anymore. Usually I have a few rabbits come through for veggie scraps I throw out, but now they get left to rot. I haven't seen a deer in my area either. Maybe I'll talk to the locals at work, maybe they can tell me what's up...

October 27th.

Found my first deer... I think it was a buck, it had antlers... They're bigger than I thought. It was laid on my porch, bleeding from its mouth and from teeth marks on its neck. I saw the drag marks from the woods, across my driveway, and up the porch steps. I don't know if that thing out there is bringing me presents or trying to threaten me... But I'm scared. I screamed when I saw it and ran inside. I went to get my camera, to take pictures and show the cops, but by the time I found it and ran back outside, the deer was gone, dragged away to god knows where.

I need out of these woods before I drive myself insane.

October 28th.

The police are useless. Yesterday that yellow eyed bastard showed up again, stared at me through the living room window like some sick staring contest. I was frozen stiff, I didn't move for an hour, just standing there staring into its yellow eyes. I could just make it out, some kind of big dog, wolf came to mind, but almost bear in size. It just stood there, dirty paws on the window sill, watching me... It looked away for a split second and I ran upstairs, terrorfied it'd have burst through the window after me. I hid in my room, locked the door and cowered against the wall armed with a pocket knife. What else could I have done?

In the morning I called the cops, they came out, didn't even look around and just asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital. They gave me some hard drugs to put me to sleep but I had a nightmare of that thing getting me. If the bastards can't be bothered to listen to me then I'll get a gun myself! Dads coming to get me, he said he'd take me to his place, but what if this thing follows me? I won't endanger my family too...

October 29th.

I got a 9 millimeter pistol. It's really heavy, but I spent most of my afternoon at the firing range practicing with it. I feel ready, and I know I'm scared, but I feel numb inside. I want this over with. I want this monster gone, and I want to move back to the city. I've already started packing up again. As soon as I can get out, I'm leaving. But I can't risk this thing coming with me.

October 30th.

It's curious. It's been moving around more than usual, following me from room to room, not caring if I notice it or not. But every time I get near my camera, it hides. I've heard it, testing the windows that are locked, pushing on the doors, jingling the handles. This isn't some animal. This thing is smart, almost human in intelligence, but looks nothing like a man. What do they call them? Werewolves? It's not a full moon though, aren't they supposed to be wolves on a full moon and common men during the rest of the month?

Doesn't matter anymore. This isn't a movie or a story, they probably don't follow some made up Hollywood rules. I'm terrorfied, but it seems worried. I think it knows I plan to leave and doesn't want me to. Tough luck. First of the month my paycheck hits the bank and I'm out. I'll leave with nothing but the clothes on my back if that's what it takes. I'll never leave the city again, mother nature can go fuck herself.

Final entry of Cathrines diary was sent to forensics as it was next to illegible and had what looked like blood smeared on the page.

Forensics Report from Illinois State Police Forensic Science Laboratory.

Case Number: #80073276

Report Date: 12/15/2017

Report Time: 23:34

Forensic reporter: Miranda J. Keyes

Item #14-19 were bullet holes made by a 9 millimeter magnum fired from the jammed handgun found at the scene (Item #20). Fingerprints lifted off the handgun match many others believed to be Ms. Brookes.

Item #21-23, samples were taken from the scene. All 3 samples match an unknown breed of Canis Lupus. Samples and paw print molds were sent to Lythra Wolf Sanctuary for further study.

Item #25-33. Pieces of clothing believed to belong to Ms Brooke were found in the woods during the investigation. Skin samples were taken that belong to Ms. Brooke. There is evidence of a struggle, but there is no evidence of the fabric being torn by an animal or person, or signs of mortal injury. Blood found on the cloth are consistent of being caught on thorns.

Item #34A. The last entry of the diary that was found was found to have gunpowder residue and blood matching Ms. Brookes medical records. Forensic team estimates the blood was not from a mortal injury as none of Ms. Brookes blood was found elsewhere. Included below is the transcribed undated, hastily written, last entry, believed to be written October 31st.

"The bastard broke through a window I shot it but it just kept coming If I die Im taking the bastard with me Trick or Treat mother fucker"

In further report, Ms. Brookes family has taken care of her home and Missing Persons posters with her image have been posted. Neighbors report no unusual happenings in the woods, and can not confirm the howling Ms. Brookes claims in her diary.

Officer Clark Kent however did note that Mr. Markus Lycan, head of Lythra Wolf Sanctuary, recalls the behavior abnormal for a wolf. The size referenced too great to be any wolf and likely exaggerated by the un-knowledgeable. The blood samples were likely contaminated grey wolf, and the paw print stretched by the wolf slipping in mud.