The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 5

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#218 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 5

He soared across the sky gracefully, rising as high as he could, on this altitude he could almost sense the delicate graze of fluffy clouds on his back, Nature's wondrous foam. This scratching however was only a bonus and not the main reason why he always flew so high.

There were two other reasons for that.

Naturally, like all creatures in this world who tasted how life feels like he too possessed a dose of hypocrisy he didn't like to show, hypocrisy that unveils itself whenever you are alone, distancing yourself from pretense and judgment, this is where the charade ends and true honesty begins.

Mortality was so fragile and predictable and yet he too fell succumbed to its aura, no matter how hard he tried to be above it.

Life teaches us all a lesson.

Ignus was correct in this regard, still the old drunk doesn't have to know he was right, as long as no eyes are there to see him, he can remind himself that mortality is his companion as well, a needed one in fact, history already tells what happens without it.

But this was also a bonus, a personal one that is beside the rules of the game.

The official reasons now.

One was rather simple and an obvious trait of his personality. Flying so high was fun, not for the joy of freedom of course, but for the fact that up here he looked tiny for everyone that decided to raise their sight to the clouds. To them he was just a soaring, overgrown bird, at least at first glance, the swinging, long, black tail was a giveaway though.

Nevertheless whenever he was sighted he never caused any sort of tremendous fear, even though he was recognized as a dragon, a black one in fact, people still didn't feel any fear. It is all about subconscious, animals don't fear things that are smaller than them, scale and perspective were such fantastic things to manipulate.

In the end it was just an illusion naturally, usually he descended when the pit of tranquility was filled to the brim, the moment he touched the ground was when all the parade of innocence shattered, revealing the harsh truth.

A massive, dreadful black dragon teeming with Dark energy. It was then when the most powerful surges of Fear occurred, surprise had the potential to even overcome the terror of war or loss of a loved one. It was a short spike of course, outlived in the end by the others, but the surge was worth it.

He had his personal, favorite dish too, nobody can blame him for succumbing to the craving every now and then.

Better this than the other one.

It was easier to prepare too.

Bad reputation and superstitions were so fun.

The second reason was more precious however, it rivaled pain in its influence on him, becoming stronger with each passing year while pain was becoming weaker as time passed. He was adapting and so was Hunger. In the future he will have to find a different solution, the sweet cleric was a perfect response to his needs, a force of purity that doesn't influence him directly, a desirable mystery.

A memory of something long gone.

A substitute he could find right here, high in the air near the clouds where the currents of air were strong, nearly ravaging his wings.

Here Wind was the strongest.

Its influence however was direct and very, very dangerous, a narcotic he didn't want to admit being addicted to, a frail rope holding him over the pit of emotions that when snapped would sent him tumbling down into the oblivion of feelings.

Food for Hunger, an entire buffet to be devoured. Memories and emotions are a very dangerous diet, both are so delicious, their priceless flavor noticeable after eons of separation.

The world tasted the result many times over already, it would be like starting everything from the beginning again. The chase after life lasted so long already, to repeat it all again would be catastrophic for everyone included, even Hunger, even me, an unending spiral of decadence.

How many worlds would it take again for the stars to align perfectly to give birth to exceptional parents once more? How many worlds? How much planning and toys spread over generations to make everything work? Was it even possible to commit to such a work again? You can outplay Fate once, two times it won't allow the unintended to live among mortals.

It took him years to realize that this life is a game that isn't played by his own rules, his influence is tremendous, yes, but the final move always belonged to Fate. This time he keeps it away, but the tiniest slip is enough for it to slip through and ret it reclaim its, all in all, rightful throne.

He was aware that they didn't belong here, he finally could accept it, but there was no way he was giving it up now that he finally knows how life tastes like, in and out. As dangerous and boring it might be sometimes, it still is far better than the Void, even with all the struggles he has to deal with.

Sorry Wind, it was fun, but I have to keep you away.

He beat his black wings and dropped down, leaving the wondrous taste of harsh current behind, from the dispersing fog around the ground he spotted smoke rising in the air. Chimney smoke.

A village appeared on the loving earth.

Danox grinned.

Speaking of struggles, the funny part about them was the fact that they don't only poke at him, he was the one that stirs them in others and seeing them fight was always so much fun.

Especially when it came to old acquaintances.

There weren't many of them left, if any, he didn't hope for much when he threw the bait, but home did not disappoint, whenever mortality is troubled it always seeks comfort where it feels the most safe.

He couldn't wait.

For a second he even considered dropping directly into the village, spreading Fear around he would find what he was searching for in a matter of seconds. One heartbeat down there would resist the forced speed he demanded.

He had to hold back his desires though, bad reputation had also its hindrances and if he would storm the village he would cause very problematic recoil for himself, something he wouldn't care about much truth be told, but also the consequence of his action would affect Cynder.

It was too early for her to deal with that.

There will be enough crying and blaming after Warfang recovers from the shock of being invaded by Darkness. Scared people will look for a scapegoat and their eyes won't have to travel far to find one.


One drama was just over and mortals are simply too oversensitive to appreciate a wicked joke so soon. It was better to introduce himself, he waited for so long, he can wait for a bit longer.

Seeing the startled, angry and dumbfounded eyes of the people will make it up for him, taunting is part of his charm after all. Besides he might learn some interesting things, he was curious to find out what tricks Hope had used to remain invisible for so long, just like him, she would have troubles blending in.

Oh Hope, you were always interesting.

He folded his black wings, pressing them tightly against his back and dived down, speeding towards the earth like a projectile shot from a cannon. Wind kept lashing at him fiercely, yet here, on this altitude its effect was unimpressive for someone like him. In a matter of seconds he was near the ground, he opened up his wings fiercely, making two powerful beats, timing the flap perfectly with the descent.

His paws smashed into the earth, making the ground sink underneath his weight, dust was kicked in the air and tremors were sent across the grass when the soil recoiled from his touch.

He landed right in front of the village's main gate, the shaking he caused immediately drew the attention of the patrolling guards, many of them lost their helmets as they sprang when noticing him, several of those figures sprinted from the palisades, most likely announcing his arrival to their superiors and the entire village.


Somewhere inside a young girl's ears perked up and tail stiffened, sapphires on the tiara glowed brightly while a trowel slipped from her hand, sinking into the freshly dug earth like a sharp blade into flesh.


Danox sauntered towards the gate, obsidian eyes reflecting the panicked figures of the guards running back and forth across the palisades. Black tail making calm swings from left to right.

He made only a few steps before a figure far more confident than the rest appeared on the barricade, the cheetah was wearing a horned helmet and fierce shoulders protected his body, clearly a chief who just dressed up for show or had just returned from a hunting trip.

Even from here he could see the feline's eyes burning with mistrust eyes.

"You are not welcome here!" Prowlus roared, his deep blare echoing loudly in the valley

The soldiers surrounding him gripped their weapons tightly, eager and reluctant at the same time to use them.

Bad reputation, black scales, they spit and curse you when you can't see, spinning tales of how they will gut you, yet the moment they get to face you all that boasting is gone since then realization strikes, telling them that this bad reputation wasn't earned by accident.

Danox smiled pleasantly, his pearl white teeth gleaming sharply in between the black lips.

"Heard those words so many times that I started to sing them through sleep!" he shouted back, breathy voice vibrating with cheerfulness, matching the aura of his smile

"What do you want dragon?" the chief clearly didn't welcome his humor, sounding far more aggressive than at the beginning

Danox waved his paw defensively, stopping in his tracks"

"Not here to pillage and plunder I assure you! Came here to visit a friend!"

"Dragons have no friends in this village!"

Danox grinned widely, presenting the guards and their supervisor a predatory smirk.

"I know that"

A moment of confusion was birthed between the cheetahs and himself, wrapping the encounter in a hug of anxious tranquility.

Then suddenly a wolf howled, the sound so strong that it might have came from the village itself.

The guards gasped, springing up, some dropped their weapons when the unexpected noise startled them, he could hear their hearts pounding even from here.

There was tension hanging in the air, so thick that one could cut it with his claw if he wanted to.

Prowlus growled when he smacked one of the nearby soldier's across the head, making him turn towards the gate, not before shoving into his arms the weapon he must dropped. It hit his chest so roughly that Danox could see tears building up in his poor fellow's eyes as he struggled to contain a cough just to not disappoint his chief again.

"Be gone lizard or you will taste our spears!" Prowlus commanded, shaking his fist threateningly

His keen black eyes spotted some of the cheetahs on the towers nocking arrows.

"Did the news not reach you my friend?" Danox leaned back, propping himself on his hind legs while he spread the front ones wide "I was granted an official leave from the Guardians as a reward for my heroic deeds during the recent crisis. My visit will be as short and temporary as the decree I assure you!"

Prowlus spat on the ground before the gate, his saliva seemed to eat away at the soil, hissing like acid as if the hatred was not only corrupting his soul.

"Orders from that blind pit of decay have no power here! Dragons protecting dragons, even after all this murder committed by your kind! A charade and nothing else!" Prowlus unsheathed his sword with one swift motion, pointing the sharp tip right at the black drake before the gates

Every guard rose his and hers weapon, pointing blade and arrow at the dragon.

"Leave now or we will hang your corrupted hide from our walls!" the surroundings cheetahs roared after their leader, flushing away birds from the nearby trees with their loud battle cry

Danox dropped his paws lazily on the ground, tail hiked itself up with the tail tip dropping downwards, the tip of the scythe touching the surface of his rump. The end of his tail started making delicate swings, tilting from side to side like a hypnotic lens, tip drawing and enlarging a red cut on the black rump that was created after the first motion.

If you only knew little chicken that you cannot stop Death.

Danox smiled warmly, he could hear some of the weapons rattling in the quaking hands, it was always fun to see calm politeness being more intimidating than typical screaming.

"My friend, if we want to accept progress we must cast aside bias and superstition. I won't take long, you won't even know when I leave"

"I will know because you will be going back the way you came, right now" Prowlus flashed out his sharp fangs "Last warning"

"Let's all calm down!" a different shout came from behind the barricade, without anger in its tone the voice stood out from the growls like a lit lighthouse in the night

Seconds later another feline figure appeared on the palisades, dressed in light, common clothing the cheetah had his arms outstretched, pushing down the weapons of the two sentries he could reach.

"We had enough of troubles already! The Realms don't need any more in such a short notice!"

"Don't interfere Meadow!" Prowlus roared at the cheetah, his eyes and weapon, together with the snarling snout remained locked at the black dragon however

"Take control of your fury Chief"

"No!" the commanding cheetah slammed his fist against the railings, weapon clanking against wood, the wrinkled in fury face turned towards the younger feline "You won't coax me Meadow! Not this time! This is not a purple dragon we could give any benefit of doubt, he's a black one!" he slammed the fist against his chest, the thud that echoed almost sounded as if he would crack his own ribcage "And I'll let the crows eat my guts first before I allow a black dragon to put its tainted paw in the walls of this village ever again!"

Meadow's ears flattened against his skull, before when Spyro and Cynder got here he managed to somehow convince the grumpy, persistent fool to put his anger away, but he was certain that it worked because Spyro was there too and despite Prowlus' distrust towards the drakekin he knew what honor is and letting a hero of the Realms to dine with them was simply a matter of good cooperation.

They have served together under the same banner after all.

This black dragon had no such arguments to support him, one participation against Darkness that according to Prowlus he might have started by himself was not enough to convince the stubborn Chief.

To have the Realms living in perfect unity and harmony, he doubted he had enough years left to see it happen.

"I understand, but you said so yourself that you want this dragon gone didn't you not? Arrows and spears might chase him away, but eventually he will be back, dragons are stubborn like that"

"I'm not letting this wraith in Meadow" Prowlus pronounced sternly, his throat rumbling with a building up blare

The younger cheetah shook his head.

"I don't ask you to, but perhaps we might arrange the meeting outside the city gates with the one that Danox seeks? I doubt he would lie about his companion and I'm sure you would be interested to know who among the villagers holds close relations with dragons, especially black ones"

Prowlus growled, he hated to admit it but his friend had a point. While he was aware that he can't force people to mingle with the dragons, this is not a prison after all, he himself is interested in finding the one who speaks with dragons. He would know on who to keep an eye for

Another Hunter is not needed here.

"Who are you looking for lizard?" Prowlus shouted, eyes remained locked on Meadow, radiating nothing but disappointment

Nevertheless the younger cheetah smiled, disappointment in Prowlus' case was as close to agreement as it can get.

"Hope" Danox said

Both arguing cheetahs from just a moment ago frowned deeply, both unsure if what they heard was correct.

"Who are you looking for again?" Meadow asked this time


"Someone like you won't find Hope anywhere wreck!" the Chief snarled, pointing his weapon again on the dark scaled dragon

"Stop testing me dragon! I granted you a great privilege and you mock it!"

"I am not" Danox replied calmly, looking unhindered

"There is no one living by this name in our village" Meadow explained "And we know everyone here"

Black eyes rose up, gazing at the tree leaning over the edge, looming above the village.

How mistaken you are chickens, Avalar was right there and yet you don't see him. Not in the way he would wish for anyway.

Hope was hiding, she did not reveal her presence to the cheetahs, she was as careful as she could be, she knew what happened, she realized that she traveled in time.

She knew he would be looking for her.

Clever girl.

"No recent arrivals? No new refugees in recent time wanting to settle in?"

"This fool doesn't even know who is he looking for!" Prowlus exclaimed in disbelief

"None by that name, everyone that moved here were people we already knew from the nearby towns" Meadow responded to his question

They weren't lying, he could not hear their heartbeats changing pace, they were unaware who was living under their roof. He would even believe that he arrived in the wrong village if not for that small bait he planted.

Bait that no longer was on the hook when Hunter returned from his trip to his home.

"Who occupies Hunter's house right now?"

"Of course!" Prowlus threw his arms in the air in annoyance "Where there is a dragon, there has to be Hunter. If you told me at the beginning that you were interested in that shack I might even let you in, as long as you get rid of it"

Danox scratched his neck thoughtfully. The Chief is leery beyond belief, actions hectic and ruled by anger, some of it aimed at his favorite feline scout. If he so despised Hunter one might think he would take the house apart at the first possibility.

Meadow extended his hand, pumping it in the air gently, clear gesture of asking for calmness.

"The house stays empty, some wolves live there and a garden is sprouting. Every now and then an elder nourishes it"

The dark, purple claws froze on the gold neck scales, two peeling a piece of scale, letting a drop of blood fall from each puncture.

"Wolves? Inside a village?"

Prowlus' tail made intimidating, sharp jerks as he leaned over the palisade to glare at the dragon.

"You have a problem with that reptile?"

An entire village has no problem living together with wild animals around the so called garden that as well might be a piece of a wild forest. Wolves don't settle just anywhere and especially not in a greenish speck of grass near a household.

Clever, clever girl.

Danox smiled, rising one of his bloodied claws, saucily wrapping his long tongue around it.

"No, no problem at all. I thank you for your cooperation sirs. I will take my leave now, I have not found what I had expected"

Meadow cocked his head.

"Good riddance!" Prowlus waved the dragon away mockingly "Get lost!"

He bowed politely before turning around, smile only stretching wider with each made step, the wounds on his neck sealing themselves in a twirl of dark essence.

"I have found something more interesting" he mumbled quietly and disappeared in a puff of black cloud

Streams of which were quickly dispersed by the wind, accompanied by the sounds of the cheetah guards gasping and wolves howling.

The black tendrils were blown towards the trees, the moment they approached the level of the forest wind had no longer any control over them, the streams circled around the trunks, each picking its own obstacle to slalom around just to direct themselves towards the back of the village, following its side wall.

Eventually the black mists found each other, each approaching from a different direction towards the one in the center. They mended together, forming a single bolt of blackness darting through the forest.

Behind the wall of the village there was a tree growing, scent of wild fur hung in the air.

The little so called garden maintained by the so called elder woman was right there.

The black bolt rose up towards the leafy crowns, it circled around there, waiting and scanning the palisade, looking for a way through.

A squirrel appeared on the branch, squeaking quietly.

The black bolt dived down, piercing the animal and sinking deep into its flesh, the small body bent in unnatural angles, twisting in every direction as if each piece of the skeleton was turned by a different hand.

The body calmed itself eventually, when the squirrel opened its eyes a stream of green acid pushed out of the eyelids, falling down, eating away at the flesh it touched and the wood it dropped onto. The wounds however instead of spurting blood, merely bubbled with a green substance.


The eyes of the squirrel were completely green, twirling around uneasily as if they were pots filled with alchemical, toxic residue.

The squirrel jumped from the high branch, it smashed against the earth ungracefully, crushing sound filled the air when the already broken bones were turned to dust after the impact. Despite it, the bleeding poison squirrel lifted itself up and sped right at the wooden wall, it climbed it with ease and in a matter of seconds found itself on the opposite side.

Right behind the interesting garden.

Canine whimpers vibrated in the air.

The growing tree was still young, some of its branches carried loose wood and planks, fashioned by a constructor. It was clear that the tree was growing from inside the house, ruining it as it thickened.

And yet the villagers found nothing odd about this.

There was still something left of the house though, just enough to serve as a shack to shield yourself from the Nature's elements if they decide to grow impatient.

The holes, even if small were enough of an opening for a small animal to fit through. The oozing poison squirrel leaped at the wooden wall and effortlessly climbed inside the house.

Right next to the den of wolves.

There were five of them and each was standing on its strong legs, growling and barking the direction of the squirrel. The noise the canines made should surely draw the attention of the nearby guards, the protectors of this village could not allow a pack of wild, dangerous animals to roam so close to the city.

One of the many windows had a view on the palisade where one guard was on patrol, he was so close to the house that there was no possibility that his sensitive ears wouldn't pick up the sound created by a pack of wild wolves.

And yet the sentry remained unmoved by the barking and snarling.

The squirrel's toxic gazed turned towards the pack, the rough voice of the wolves lowered its passion, letting whine to resound in the barking, a clear sign that soon the wolves will scatter in fear, they felt what they were up against.

To the squirrel's surprise though the canines remained where they were, the tone of their dog voices regaining their confidence, showing quite clearly that they don't plan to move anywhere.

Their defeat was certain if a confrontation would stir up and yet they were willing to fight.

It was funny how loyal servants and companions are so eagerly following in the footsteps of their mistress.

It took him years to actually appreciate such stubbornness, he always showed respect to those willing to commit themselves fully even when standing face to face with certain end. They got to experience each cycle instead of being devoured by the rebirth.

Of course such privilege was only possible on certain conditions, he didn't meet yet anyone who would appreciate his good gesture.

The squirrel turned its head away from the pack of the nervous dogs, making a step forward, ready to explore the building further.

Its small feet crushed a dry leaf.

And then it spat out a blob of poison when it choked on its own breath.

Out of the shadows sprang a figure, impaling the animal on a spear, the acid that was spilled from the coughing mouth and created wound dropped onto the weapon, rising a hissing steam in the air. Instead of eating through the wood and steal the entire weapon began to glow with a yellow light, each hiss making the protective aura vibrate more lively, making it crack like a broken battery.

Feline, feminine growl filled the halls when the spear was lifted, dragging the bleeding squirrel with itself. The wolves barked more excitedly when the female figure rushed forward, running towards a wall before she thrust the spear forward, impaling the weapon to the wood and pinning the bleeding to it. With a roar she rose the spear high, painting the wall with the squirrel's poisonous blood, the moment it started to eat at the wood a yellow flash surrounded the structure near the animal, from one such explosion a tendril grew, it arched itself over the small animal and slammed itself into its chest, locking itself on it like a choker over a neck.

Holding the bleeding animal tight within its magical embrace.

The squirrel smiled, a stream of poison dripping from the corners of its mouth.

The swirling green eyes of the animal looked down, at the figure that attacked it.

It was a beautiful young cheetah, her orange and white fur bright, strand of her raven mane dangled in between her eyes.

Blue eyes that were burning brightly, energy was cracking from inside them, grazing over the fur on the cheeks like wind does when it blows over grass, the effect empowered by the black marked fur surrounding the eyes. The fierce color supported only by the glowing strongly three sapphires on the tiara she was wearing.

Even despite that her face was crunched by a passionate, angry snarl, it was still obsessively alluring, more so with the fury painted on it.

She was panting heavily, the stress clearly taking a toll on her.

She was wearing barely any clothes, very short shorts reaching barely to the middle of her curvaceous thighs. A common shirt without sleeves, too short to cover her frame, leaving the stomach exposed, more so with each breath she took.

The squirrel's eyes remained locked on her figure, staring down into her cleavage where a pair of voluptuous, well rounded, white furred breasts put the material of the shirt to the test each time her chest heaved.

"Hello Kiva" the squirrel said with a voice far more deeper than one could expect to find in a creature so small

Hope pushed away from the animal with a grunt, leaving the spear impaled in the creature. She clenched her fists, white light built up within her locked hands, she closed her eyes, muttering something quietly, the gems of her tiara glowed so brightly that they were blinding.

The glowing lock around the squirrel also increased its illumination.

Danox kept on smiling.

Hope opened her eyes and fists, rays of blue and yellow magic rushed forward, touching the magical arch and making it explode with a flash of yellow light that completely devoured the poisonous, corrupted squirrel.. Her lips kept moving, whispering an ancient incantation until finally the magic she cut off the released magic.

Intently staring at the wall of light that obscured the animal, eyes cracking anxiously with blue bolts of energy.

When the light faded she was shocked to see the squirrel still there, still smiling.

She gasped, the wolves whimpered after her, it did not work.

She did not banish it.

"You changed" she mumbled quietly, her voice held back by stress

"While you did not, for what I am glad"

"No!" Hope snarled, shaking away the shock, she bent on her legs, throwing her arms to the side, brandishing her claws that were immediately stretched out by magical, yellow light, turning them into long talons so big and sharp that they would cut a golem in half

"I can still wound you! I'll cut you to pieces before you lay your sleazy tentacles on me and then I throw it all away for everyone to see. I show everyone what you are!"

The squirrel's smile grew wider, more poison spilled out of its mouth.

"And expose yourself?"

"I don't care! It's worth it!"

"Let's ponder this songbird. Will the population be more moved by a being they will surely call another incarnation of Corruption, or an Ancestor living among them, especially important for the cheetahs, individuals wielding magic like yourself they called the Blessed Ones? Shade of Corruption in their understanding versus Ancestral magic, which of the two will hold a bigger interest I wonder?"

"I will tell them everything! Make them see what you truly are!"

"I really doubt you will finish, you don't have enough power to stop the whole world from killing me Kiva and you know how passionate people can be when they can rain their depression on the strong and powerful, normally beyond their reach. Without me their attention turns on you, firstly loved and respected, but then blamed for every disaster that occurs, until all the fame of ancestry is gone, turning you into another scapegoat"

Danox chuckled.

"You have the power Kiva!" he exclaimed, turning his voice into a squeaking parade of a cry "Why you do not help us? You are an Ancestor! You must help us! You must, you must, you must!"

Hope straightened up, relaxing her posture, taking a deep breath that rolled up her short shirt a bit higher.

The squirrel cocked its head, eyeing the uncovering belly, the view silencing his screaming better than any command.

The cheetah exhaled sadly, her magical talons vanishing.

"I got your point"

Danox grinned, eyes remaining locked on the exposed naval area.

"You wouldn't be hiding otherwise Kiva if you wouldn't knew"

"You really changed, in more ways than I think I believe. You were never so eloquent and precise"

The squirrel's head rose, this time its toxic eyes looking straight into the cracking with energy blue ones.

"Insert me into your veil and I'll show you just how much I changed"

Hope leaned sideways against the wall, pressing her arm into the wood, she looked at the traumatized squirrel with a brilliant smile.

"I already did. See that? Still got some tricks you can't control. Let's talk, you just hang out there will you?"

Danox laughed heartily.

"Defiant as ever!" the squirrel's small paw touched the magical bracelet pinning it "Allow me to keep true to my promise"

The choker snapped in a flash of light.

The wolves whimpered, huddling in a corner.

Hope's eyes widened, the magic from her tiara and eyes dispersed with a whizz.

"Oh, fuck" she muttered

The squirrel dropped on the ground, its body exploding in a poisonous, green burst. A black mass remained where the squirrel once was, it started to grow immediately, more and more shaping into a draconic figure.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" Hope squeaked quietly, her eyes growing wider while ears kept pushing back against the skull with each tilt of her head, head that kept propping itself higher and higher as it followed the growing black mass

Until it formed the figure of a dragon

"I'm so done" the cheetah squealed, mouth dropping open

The mass solidified into a figure, it was an adolescent dragon, well built but not overly bulky, each muscle toned perfectly, showing their power when they grip you tightly, bulging and veiny. If an ideal draconic male would exist it would be built exactly like that.

Of course, like always the most deadliest of beings have to look like a hot, young dragon. To make a thing like that look like a sack of shit covered worms pouring out of a rotten corpse's ass would be too much of a giveaway.

Danox smiled, black eyes turning purple, his pearl white grin was blinding.

"Hello, Kiva" a deep, breathy voice purred

The dragon's warm breath brushed her exposed fur, making her shiver. The breath seemed to embrace her, making her feel like he was inside her again.

Like they were one again.

As tragic as it ended, the intimate connection they shared was something special, there were times where without it she felt lonely.

"H-Hello..." her wavered voice silenced itself there, her eyes traveled up and down that sculpted figure "H-how they call you now?" she swallowed deeply, looking down at the big claws and powerful toes, toes that could crush you as easily as they could pin you down

"You know my name"

"Yeah..." her eyes made another round along the scaly body, noting every muscle, she clenched her fists tightly to stop the quakes ravaging her nerves "But I think that _Creep_no longer suits you"

The dragon chuckled softly.

"My name is Danox"

"So Danox" she wiggled her shoulders, feeling as if someone would put bags of stones on top of them "You managed to possess some poor draconic sod, a black one no less. Guess people loved you, that's why you are here now, couldn't stand their gratitude I suppose"

The black dragon smirked, purple eyes shining.

"I evolved. This is not possession" he leaned down, lowering his head to the level of the girl, eyeing her closely

Hope jumped back with a hiss, one of her legs kicked itself up in the air, eyes sparkled with energy, her entire fur bristled, strands stretched by magic.

He looked her over, admiring her figure from up close, locking his sight on her chest, adoring her stomach and breasts that he once more forced to work, making the girl breathe harder. He could hear her panting, smell her scent. The sounds she made, the aroma she emitted, she was Life itself, even though he knew now that life was something more, far more exceeding the potential she had, he couldn't deny though that for his understanding of Life, Hope was a missing, important ingredient.

She was exactly as he remembered her.

"Find for yourself, explore me" he purred lustfully, watching her chest heave stronger

The toes on her risen leg curled anxiously, one arm was shaking, wanting to reach out, but held back by facts and past experience. She bit her lip tightly.

"Thanks, but I'll pass, not the touchy type, you understand"

Danox grinned, eyes snapping towards the tiara where three sapphires glowed.

"Hope- Easiness, persistence, failure. This is you Kiva"

"Yeah, in things that don't involve shrinking, prison and abandonment those are some funny traits for experiment. In your case? Knowing how I ended up? That failure part is quite a boomer"

"I know you want it"

"You don't know me that well then"

"Kiva, your view is flawed, tainted with past experience that you ingested, the medallion that Hunter brought here"

"That medallion is me, just for the record"

Danox grinned.

"I know that, how else would I find you?"

The leg dropped, the cheetah made another step back, folding her arms under her breasts.

"I connected with my spirit the moment I got here stupid me, you know that it was stripped from every sensation? It was just an empty husk with terrible memories. You have no idea how much I craved to feel life, to feel Nature when I absorbed it" one hand yanked at her shirt, while the other waved around the room

"I NEED to feel life on every spot on my body now to fill up that void, sense it and watch it, feed that strong loss. If not for the risk of forgetting myself I would run around naked, rolling in the grass and basking in the sun" she frowned, pointing a glowing claw at him "You made like this. Not only that, but you also sent this hunter here, touched by you, besides realizing that I'm fucked because you will find me soon I also noticed that the guy was tainted. You were changing him and into what would you turn him into? Maybe a leaf to keep Avalar company? Probably gets lonely being a tree for the rest of your existence you know. You changed, but there is still a part of you I rather not touch thank you very much"

Danox' eyes widened, all this time he was carrying himself with a cocky attitude, but this time, after her words she could see honest regret wrinkling his scales.

"I have killed you. I did not wish for that to happen. What is a body without your soul?"

Hope with a smile gave her breasts a lift, rearranging them in the shirt and putting them in an exciting jiggle.

"I know right? Sexy package is still sexy, but without content it doesn't taste good enough"

Danox looked at the cheetah pleadingly.

"Feel me Kiva. Allow me to change your mind"

"It might be a trap, you're good in it and wicked enough to do so instead of just offing me directly. Why would I believe you when you sent Hunter here, leaving him tainted like me, exactly like in the past?"

"It was an accident. Hunter touched something he should keep away from when he found me. It was also my mistake, I underestimated Time and fell into an uncomfortable situation. However, when I awoke I couldn't let such an opportunity go to waste, I took advantage of my friend to set my plan in motion, it all worked in the end as expected. Of course, I would intervene, hurting people for no reason is not my goal"

Hope laughed, throwing her head back, when it returned to its starting position strands of her mane draped over her left eye.

"Naturally, you're a walking priest"

"I've made a mistake, the outcome is just a fortunate turn of events"

"You don't make mistakes, you never did"

Danox nodded.

"I always made mistakes, but at the beginning I didn't know how to recognize them. You are the perfect example. Touch and see that I'm telling the truth"

She blew the hair out from her eyes, narrowing her bursting with magic gaze on the dragon.

"For someone with noble intentions you awfully want me to grope you"

Danox laid on the floor, making himself as small as possible in front of the female, as obedient and submissive as possible.

He already forgot how it felt like.

"I missed you Kiva"

She swallowed, the magic puffing out from her eyes, crossing her legs she began to scratch the thin layer of fur covering her heart. People longed for her in many ways, especially those of this time who put so much meaning into symbolism, all of it however was not aimed at her personally, they didn't miss her, but missed what she represented.

They missed hope.

It was always like this, from the very beginning, the Blessed Ones like her were treated as idols, the only company they could ever find was among themselves and even that was shallow and volatile. Each of them wanted to feel special and she would lie that she didn't appreciate worship back then, each of them wanted to be better than the other so even if they managed to form a relationship, the feelings between the Blessed Ones quickly evaporated, it was always a competition.

It all changed when they opened the door to the Void.

Who would have thought that the creature they released, part of which housed itself within her would be the companion who truly cared about her?

Of course it ended tragically, Creep did not know how life works, but in this period of time, her invisible companion was the only one who gave her any honest care, without any struggle hidden behind it.

She always hoped to meet the one she cared for in flesh.

And here he was, all the words he say might be a trap, she really doubted that what they shared in the past remained the same for him in the span of who knows how many years that he threaded over several generations.

Despite all that she missed him too, he was the only one with who she could speak openly.

To hear him admitting that he feels the same, whether its fake or not, was something she dreamed of while being turned into that forsaken medallion.

It was foolish.

But a girl's heart has its own ways of addressing things.

She kept clenching and unclenching her fist, hand belonging to an arm that so eagerly wanted to touch the dragon.

She looked into his purple eyes and when she did focus on the pupil the restraint, maybe even logical one, was gone, she knew now that she will follow his plea and there was no stopping it. This eye was honest and good, if you ignored the black veins pulsing around them you might forget that a creature of the Void was looking at you.

She had seen those eyes before, and there was no denying that the longing Danox voiced for her was honest, those eyes didn't know how to lie, especially when it came to emotions. The feelings there were true as they could be.

She sighed deeply, making a step towards the black head, extending her arm in the direction of the draconic snout.

"If you turn me into a cockroach I swear I will shove myself into your asshole and eat you from the inside"

Danox chuckled.

"Lovely image, but you are too pretty to be turned into a cockroach, too pretty to be turned into anything. I will not repeat the mistake of my past limitations"

"Yeah, we'll see about that" Hope bit her lip, her fingers dancing centimeters from the scaly head.

She was so stupid, she should be running away, planning another strike how to banish the bastard, not stand here, desiring to find out what happened to him.

Heart you bitch.

Her hand dropped, the moment her palm was about to touch the scales her fingers curled leaving only the second one stretched out, she instinctively got reminded of electricity. The things the moles build should never be gripped, especially those charged things or you risk frying yourself on the spot.

But a finger, it should prevent you from turning into roasted beef, it should get you shocked and thrown back.

It should.

She pressed her finger to the top of the magenta line running along the dragon's nose. She tenderly slid down the colorful slope, feeling as if her being was filled with familiar energy.

Danox shut his eyes under her touch, a rumbling purr playing on his vocal cords.

Her tiara flashed brightly, the energy that embraced her was nothing that she remembered, it changed.



The process was stopped.

It got crippled.

By what?

By life.

Created by extraordinary parents.

She had met them.

This was not Creep.

This was Danox.

All the dreams and thoughts she imagined about him becoming real.

He was here.

But not completely.

The flaw was not healed, it was there, beating like a heart, whipped like a prisoner.

Not controlling.

But already holding the lock.

Waiting for it to weaken.

But slippery enough to push part of its desire through the hole.

He did not change that much after all.

She pushed back with a gasp, gripping the wrist of the hand that touched the dragon, the finger that did the exploration remained stretched out, turning slightly blue from the lessening blood pressure due to her hold on the wrist.

Danox smiled warmly.

"Carefree, part of hope. I knew you would do it"

"It's temporary" she mumbled, toned muscles appearing on her exposed belly as all the breath she ever accumulated was sucked back in "A compromise that was never meant to happen. You found what you were looking for, but you did not know what is life, you lost, after so many years you lost and still don't know what life is"

Danox averted his gaze, looking down on the illuminated ground where his shadow stretched, each time growing bigger and bigger.

"You are fighting, all this years you were fighting and you accept it. Accept the limitations" she cocked her head, the stretched out finger joining the rest "Because you run out of options. You would have to start again. You satisfy yourself on a withering strand of life"

He lifted himself up quickly, striding towards the cheetah girl, gripping her shoulder gently, yet his begging eyes betrayed the determination hiding behind.

"Let me renew it Kiva"

She looked straight into his pleading eyes, if she would extend her hand now she was sure she would be able to touch the longing radiating from them. She could see him for what he was and yet the sight from his eyes was honest, he really meant what he said.

And let her stupid, girly heart be damned, she longed for that honesty too, the only one who ever showed her any as devastating as it turned out to be.

Despite it all, it would be nice to feel naïve again.

"You really missed me?"

"Yes" he pressed his nose against her raven hair, inhaling its smell

She shivered.

"I feel you trembling, you missed me too Kiva"

She reached out, caressing the scaly neck.


Cloud of magic embraced them, black together with yellow rose in the air, the magical forces twirling around each other, wrestling passionately. The cheetah's tiara began to burn brightly, her blue cracking bolts of magic. Danox himself began to burn, mists of black flames surrounded his figure.

"Lets become one, if only for a short while" he purred, blowing a steam of hot breath upon her hair

If they keep going the whole house will collapse.

Hope's eyes widened when the thought crossed her mind, she jumped back from the hold and all the magical aura evaporated, leaving Danox standing stiff, dumbfounded.

She shook her head, eyes darting around as if expecting to find someone staring at them.

"Not here, too dangerous" she straightened up, rearranging her clothes "Meet me outside the city, past the forest to the west, I'll be waiting in the valley there. Don't take long or I might change my mind" she snapped her fingers, disappearing in a burst of yellow light

He remained standing in the empty house for a while, even the wolves silenced themselves, not letting out a sound, leaving him alone with his own thoughts.

What he was doing?

Hope is the only being in this world that is aware of all the colors the world and he himself is painted with. Too dangerous to be left to her own devices.

He did not seek her out of longing, but for security reasons, to obscure what should remain hidden.

This was at the beginning.

Before he met Coriza.

In her he found what he forgot about, in her he found comfort.

It was unsafe, but he didn't care, there is nothing wrong in letting the reins of control lash out on their own. Mortals do it all the time.

It was part of life.

And he really did feel alive around Kiva.

It was worth the risk, if exposing himself couldn't be averted now, it was better to do it around someone who understands you.

He really did miss her.

He smiled and just like companion he vanished from the building, the trails of black magic carrying him past the forest to the west.


He materialized outside the forest, having a clear view of the valley, the wind was blowing here steadily, yet its strength subtle. In the distance he had noticed the young girl, she was looking from a gentle rise into the distance her shirt hiked up by the wind, tugged to the side together with her raven hair. Her young, thin fur on display, back exposed almost to the middle.

He automatically started to walk in her direction, nostrils flaring, recognizing her sweet scent carried by the wind, she smelled exactly how he remembered it. All the doubts and thoughts from before were gone, this fragrance was enough to convince him that he was doing the right thing.

A moment of forgetfulness to reminiscence what was lost.

It was worth it.

She was worth it.

He was getting closer, her smell intensifying, making him growl hungrily.

Their connection however was always dictated by him, even despite all of her protests she had to succumb to his desires, there was no other way back then, it was always him and the magic.

But years on this earth showed him that there are other ways of connecting with the ones you care about and lost than magic only.

They are just as passionate and far more pleasurable, especially when the one that holds your attention enjoys it.

It was about time that he committed to this relationship.

He took another deep whiff, tongue making a hungry lick across the mouth.

Her scent was intoxicating.

Something told him that he might enjoy it just as well.

Danox approached the girl from behind, burying his nose into her neck, puffing out a warm breath into her fur. Paw reached forward, groping the exposed midriff, making the girl hack, he caressed the thin fur there for a moment before rising his paw, shoving it under the loosely hanging shirt, groping tightly the perfectly shaped, round left breast, rubbing the sensitive nipple between two toes.

Hope arched her body back.

"Oh my" she moaned, pressing her weight against the strong male body, hand darting up, wrapping itself around the black neck

Danox let out a rumbling purr, his hot breath ruffling the fur.

He leaned back moving his weight to the hind legs, thrusting the tail tip into the ground to support himself. His second forepaw shot forward, diving under the shirt to grab the second breast.

Hope bit her lip, looking down into her cleavage, swishing tail clearly indicating her growing excitement as she observed two strong, draconic paws groping her soft cups.

"I didn't know you were into it"

Danox squeezed the curvy breasts hungrily, making the girl whine faintly, he got lost in the motion, filling his paws with the soft, round shape in steady, strong clenches.

"I'm into you" he growled lustfully, pressing his warm tongue to the neck, sliding it along the wondrous shape eagerly

Hope purred, sinking into his attention, tilting her head she allowed the tongue more room for the caress, eyes shut themselves in pleasure, fingers curled on the black neck, scratching it up and down excitedly.

"Still an unexpected change of heart" she hacked, when the squeeze on her nipples stole a breath from her lungs, her second paw rose up to scratch the cheek of the kissing her snout "Sometimes life really shows in you after all"

His lips moved down to the shoulders, planting passionate kisses along the frail bones.

"Rekindled by a priestess I met"

"Poor girl" she laughed then, the laughter combined with Danox' paws constantly fondling her tits made her arch even farther back, her head tilting together with her silhouette. She let out a wavering moan into the air

Danox purred at the sound.

"For the record" she chuckled, gripping onto the black nose as it moved to nibble at her ear on the opposite side "Girls absolutely love when you grope their boobs while talking about some other chick that made you horny"

He growled playfully, delicately biting into her neck, making the cheetah giggle in wavering hiccups. One of his legs wrapped itself around her bust, squeezing both round orbs as he pulled her closer. The other leg went down, grasping the insight of her shapely thigh right under the shorts.

"You know what I mean"

"Lets see about that" she grinned, squeezing her thighs trapping the black paw between her feminine curves "You really like boobs, so you gotta have a preference after so many years" she puffed out her chest despite his embrace, filling his palm with her soft cups to the brink "Tell me, you like em' small or big?"

Her tease made him grin, through his clenched teeth pushed out another rumbling moan, he pulled himself closer to her, rubbing more scales against her tender frame.

He licked her lovingly across the cheek, stretching out her smile.

"I like only yours"

She giggled, reaching for his horns, turning his head just enough so she had enough room to kiss him on the mouth.

"Good answer" she spread her thighs, releasing the trapped paw, the black, draconic hand immediately rose up to touch her stomach, single claw running back and forth alongside the belt of her shorts as it caressed her midriff, moving until it finally popped the button free

She smiled at the sound while still wrestling with his lips in a passionate lock.

"My girls are the best"

His throat couldn't stop rumbling, the sound only grew hoarser when he sunk deeper into the kiss while his paw slid underneath the loose shorts, toe grazing over the excited lips there, sliding with ease across the moist surface

He laughed, breaking from the kiss.

"No underwear" he pulled her even closer, giving the breasts another solid squeeze "You wanted the same"

She gripped his horns tighter, predatory smile stretched her lips as she dived her head, gliding the hot, wet tongue up the black neck.

"I had a hunch"

The draconic finger started to pump, spreading the velvety lips as it smoothly slid up and down, stimulating them with loving attention.

Hope moaned, resting her weightless body against the draconic one completely, her legs quivering in excitement, thighs clenching and unclenching passionately.

He observed her locked in bliss face, nothing every tiny gasp leaving her gaping mouth, feeding himself on the warm mist the tip of her lolling tongue drew on the air.

He sped up his erotic massage.

Her thighs bumped against his working paw.

Hope whimpered, dragging her head back up roughly, smacking her lips into his, drawing him into a hungry kiss. Her hands joined the dark paw fondling her breasts, slamming against it and assisting it it groping department.

"I love you" he rumbled into her mouth, sliding the tip of his toe into her accepting folds

She gasped.

"No you don't" she licked her drooling lips "You mistake obsession for love"

The toe returned to the surface, climbing back up, spreading the lips apart, making the cheetah breathe faster. His toe remained determined in its stimulation, reaching finally the sensitive bud, pressing it.

Hope broke the kiss with a gasp, tilting her head backwards she bit onto her finger, laughing waveringly.

Danox grinned, clenching his paw around her breasts tightly, tugging at the nipple.

"Does that bother you?"

She growled, her eyes sparkling with energy, she gripped his snout, biting into his neck, purring.

"Not right now" she reached for his leg around her chest, shoving it away before she pushed out from his embrace

She grabbed onto her loose pants before prancing a few steps ahead, she looked behind her shoulder, sending the dragon a seductive wink. She bent down, hiking the tail and thrusting her butt in his direction, her eyes remaining locked on him as she slid her thumbs under the belt of her loose shorts. With a dancing, swaying moves of her hips she pulled the pants down, flashing her exposed rear at the dragon.

Danox thrust his claws into the earth, raking the ground with his blades, smiling he stared right at the round cheeks and displayed intimate parts, her worked up lips gleaming at him cravingly, longing for more attention.

His throat rumbled hungrily, he licked his lips lustfully, already tasting her heat in the air.

Hope grinned at the sight of his hypnotized stare, she straightened up, belly dancing she began to turn, sliding her fingers under her shirt. Legs pumping up and down effortlessly, rounding up her butt each time they rose.

With one move she pulled the shirt through her head, her breasts bouncing down and locking in place after they were freed from the confines of the material. She tossed the shirt away and leaned forward, pushing her arms in front of her, squeezing her breasts together, flushing out their perfect, young shape even more.

Danox' tongue rolled out of his mouth as he stared at the wonderful nipples.

She giggled, straightening once more, keeping only one arm extended she turned her hand around, curling her fingers, leaving only the second one stretched out.

She waved him over with it.

One signal was enough for Danox.

He sprang forward swiftly like a beast leaping after its prey, he jumped, pressing his paws against the girl's shoulders, his weight toppling her down.

Hope laughed when her back hit the ground.

He immediately silenced her by kissing her fervently, spreading her arms he wrapped his own draconic fingers over hers.

She held his paws tightly.

They both moaned as they kissed, the cheetah's legs kicking up, to the best of their ability wrapping themselves around the dragon's body.

He lowered her arms down as he broke from the kiss, keeping his paws locked with her hands all the time though. He stepped back, lowering his head to prop her head up with his nose, exposing the neck, stretched out by the recently swallowed bulge of saliva.

He dived down kissing it fervently, licking and smooching his way down to her collarbone, then pushing even lower, rising on the mounds of her right breast. He slowed down here, squeezing her hands harder as his lips climbed up the round, soft shape, reaching the nipple eventually. He teased it with his tongue, wetting it from each side before swallowing the breast into, sucking at the stiff nipple hungrily.

Hope moaned, arching her back, she couldn't tell if the force that lifted her spine was her own pleasure or Danox' uncontrollable sucking force.

It felt great either way.

The whine she let out made him hunger for her bosom even more, yet he managed to control himself enough to avoid his passion from hurting her.

He let go off the nipple, letting the mound of soft flesh bounce back into position, the standing, stiff nub gently throbbing against his lip as he panted a hot breath into it, rolling out his tongue, licking his way to the other breast.

Hope giggled, grinding her teeth together, her legs curled up, feet crossing over each other, her knees grinding against the strong scales.

Danox' attentive lips found the other nipple, trapping it within confines of his mouth, bestowing it with kisses and sucks.

She pushed her back even further up, succumbing to the dragging tug of his mouth, he devoured her tits so hungrily that it felt like he wanted to milk her.

The feeling was amazing, the glistening with his saliva cup that was left alone right now already started to feel cold and lonely.

She reached out, or tried to, only to find out that her hands were locked with his paws. She looked at them only to realize that it was her that was gripping his draconic palms tightly.

He purred into her breast, she could feel his warm tongue wrapping itself around the nipple.

Hope thrust her head into the ground, giggling away, mouth stretching into a blissful smile, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"You really like my girls you hand holding degenerate"

Danox grinned, sliding his tongue back the wet path, bestowing the previously left breast with more warm kisses.

"It's been many years since I tasted female breasts as pretty as yours"

He sucked cravingly.

Her nipple vibrated inside his mouth, ringing against the teeth. Her legs stretched out, kicking slowly against the air as excited tremors ran through her body. Her tail swished wildly, looking for any support, the moment it felt a paw on its way it momentarily wrapped itself around it, drawing the leg into a tight hug.

The silver tongue were nod needed anymore, he already got her naked, still she couldn't deny that the praising rubbed her female ego the right way, increasing the pleasure.

She moaned when his tongue changed the sensitive mounds, his appetite seemed to be unquenchable.

Mouth stretched into a pleased smile.

"Feel like it has been very long"

"Too long" he purred, breathing a hot breath onto the breast as his mouth parted to voice the words, tongue hanging out, pressing against the stiff nipple

He smiled at the sight of her stretched lips, flicking his tongue around the breast before slurping it back.

"You don't mind?"

She giggled, squeezing her chest, enlarging the mounds a little further, emphasizing their round shape.

"That's what they are for"

It was enough of a suggestion for him, his head immediately dived down, licking, kissing and sucking, jumping from one caressed, wet breast to the other.

She gasped, panting breath wavering after every second lick or kiss, thighs pressing tightly against each other, toes curling in pleasure.

"Surprised you still didn't wreck me yet tho" she hacked, her rasping voice whimpering in bliss

"I want to make you feel good" he unglued his lips from the loving cup, kissing his way down the middle of her chest, reaching the navel and the perfectly toned belly, its fit shape feeling wonderful under his tongue.

His lips moved along the length of the stomach, caressing the white, thin fur, climbing and descending along its length.

Hope trembled wildly, his tongue and lips making the sensitive flesh there itch, the second origin of quakes making her giggle and whimper at the same time.

Her thighs kept bouncing, against each other, burning with excited impatience. All this teasing was driving her wild.

He lowered himself even lower, letting his tongue glide down along her flesh. He let go of her hands, her numb fingers giving away under his gentle pressure. His paws immediately landed on her breasts, squeezing and filling themselves with their soft form.

"...Oh fuck..." she gasped in the air, gripping the grass tightly as his warm tongue caressed the most sensitive and now most demanding piece between her legs

She nearly impaled her thighs on his side horns when he lapped against the vulnerable nub.

She clenched her teeth, hot air whizzing from the spaces in between them, when his tongue slid down her folds, parting them, she felt the tip dancing at the entrance, grazing over the walls, the thickness of his tongue maddening.

And then his tongue was gone, making another, pleasing, yet taunting lick outside.

She let out a long whimper of regret.

How she wanted to feel him inside.

His lips returned to her clitoris, sucking at it fervently.

She cried out, arching her body up, one of his paws moved away from her breast, reaching underneath and holding her back.

The tongue returned to her begging lips, making another, slow deep lick, her body trembling to the accordance of its slide.

The tip returned, ready to pierce.

She held her breath, flexing every muscle.

Danox chuckled, returning to kiss her outside.

The constant teasing, his working mouth and paws, the attention with which he worked her up, their desire to unite and finally his lips eating her out. All of this was too much to bare and at the same time all of this was a command to demand more.

"Danox!" she squealed pleadingly, ripping out the grass, beg as easily to read as embarrassment from a blush

He gripped the girl tightly by her waist and lifted her high, turning her in the air before she could tell what was happening. In the meantime he dropped on the ground rolling onto his back, moving the girl above him, her butt dangling in front of his snout.

He parted his mouth, sticking out his long tongue.

He thrust the girl into his chest, making her feet stomp his shoulders while he rearranged his grip, groping her butt cheeks and spreading them wide before thrusting the ready tongue into her folds with one, strong jerk.

Hope cried out, the surge of pleasure so strong and unexpectedly quick that her eyes rolled back into her skull as her head tilted. When the first phase of the rough tug of pleasure was over her body was pushed forward, she slammed her hands into his chest, driving her claws deep into the small cracks, drawing droplets of blood accidently.

Danox didn't seem to mind, twirling his tongue inside her vigorously.

Her blurry gaze was thrown down along the length of the dragon's sprawled underbelly.

It was more than that.

He greatly enjoyed it.

His purple dragonhood standing at stiff attention, throbbing with each twist forcing her inner walls to clamp against him. The sight of his thick veined pleasure tool dragged the tongue from her mouth, biting onto it she drove her hips into his snout just a bit harder.

Danox pumped into her eagerly, his tongue filling her to the brim, touching every spot that craved for attention.

She moaned loudly, tilting backwards, slapping her hands roughly against her boobs, giving them a solid squeeze, more out of habit of having something holding them she developed through this intimate moment than normal desire of pleasure.

It worked though, her breathing speeding up.

He was eating her out breathlessly, not even once pulling out to catch a breath, twirling around, knocking and caressing with great precision.

Solely focused on her.

Only on her.

She started to shake, her legs slipping from his shoulders, her hands landing on his stretched out paws gripping her ass for support. Her claws latching onto them as her body began to spasm, ravaged by incoming surge of bliss.

He somehow managed to curl his tongue, thickening it pounding at her walls fervently.

She sucked a deep breath, tightly biting onto her lips as her face became grimaced by a taxing force of pleasure.

And then with one final tight clamp against his working tongue she reached her peak.

"Fuuuck!" she roared, the powerful pulse of quaking bliss threw her body forward, she slammed her fists into his gold chest so strongly she could hear the ones rumble, her body was thrown into a fit of spasm, her breath hacking as if she had a hiccup, her entire figure shaking, making her fur bristle, her raven mane dangling in front of her face, swishing against the scales

All this time Danox ate her out, swallowing everything she had to offer while she succumbed to her orgasm.

He retreated from her depths the moment her walls eased their pressure, letting him slide back into the open.

Hope panted heavily.

While he smiled, giving each of her butt cheeks a playful nib.

"Sorry for the rush" she gasped for breath "Been a while since I done it with a dragon"

Danox grinned, licking her lips, swallowing the last bits of taste of her that were left on his mouth.

"Not true Kiva. You just love being pampered"

She pressed her tongue to his chest, giving it a slow, deep lick, scooping up the droplets of blood her claws. Eyes sparkling with blue energy when finally her eyes landed on the standing at attention draconic sexual organ.

"True, but I also know how to be grateful" she crawled forward across his underbelly, on all fours pushing towards the purple pleasure tool

He snatched her tail, making her stop with a gasp.

"Obsession" he purred "You love being pampered"

She cocked her head, did she understand it right? He didn't want her to return the favor?

"Ride me" he pleaded, his breathy voice heating the air

She smiled, he really knew her. She had nothing against pleasuring her sex partner, but since the offer was there that let her focus only on her own needs, well, she isn't the one who could throw it away.

She winked at him, swaying her tail from his grasp before continuing her crawl. She grabbed the penis, pressing it against her chest she kicked her feet off his body and began straightening up, rubbing the thick veined mating tool along her breasts. It pulsed, stiffening a bit harder when she grazed it with her nipples.

She gave the head a loving kiss, teasing it with her tongue, Danox' legs impulsively bucked up, his flared up petals wanting to house themselves in her mouth. She withdrew her head, turning around she gave him a wink, wanting him to remember what he will be losing.

"I want to look at you" his throat purred another request

She held the tip, stepping over the standing penis, looking at him she sat down, guiding the pulsing head inside her. She bit her lip, her walls embracing him eagerly. Danox hacked a breath when she began lowering herself down, accepting more and more of him, slowly, until her hips kissed the knot.

Hope breathed deeply, massaging her pelvis, feeling his throbbing penis sending delicate pulses through her sensitive flesh.

He thrust her paws forward, palms opened, ready to grab.

She smiled, leaning forward, presenting her chest to him.

His paws however didn't go for her boobs, instead they found her hands, pressing her palms against his own, intertwining his toes with her fingers.

She clenched his paws tightly, ears flattening on the skull. Warmth filled her and it had nothing to do with the direct pleasure of being stretched. She already forgot how it felt to be whole again, to be one, united, the sensation almost feral, stronger than any draconic tongue could guarantee.

She rose, holding his paws tight, the second descent was far more powerful than even the surge of penetration.

They both moaned in unison.

Hope caught a rhythm, riding the dragon, her breasts jumping up and down to the rhythm of her butt smacking against the knot. All this time they exchanged stares, eyes of one never leaving the other.

She began to whimper softly, the petals of his draconic head spread out, flapping against her walls as she pulled them up and down with each bounce.

The more pleasure built up in her, the more she needed of him.

She stuck her chest out, leaning as far as she could, using his palms for support while all the time riding the mating tool keeping it tucked in within her walls.

Her round, shapely breasts jingled practically in front of his nose.

Their eyes remaining locked on each other all this time.

She gave him a small nod, beaconing him forward.

Danox leaned in immediately, trapping one round soft cup inside his mouth.

Hope moaned loudly, curling her fingers around his paw, hips flexing with new strength as he sped up her ride, butt clapping against the thick knot.

The kissed nipple wiggled inside his mouth, trembling against his tongue as his hungry, sucking mouth kept it from slipping away. Her other breast bounced freely, Danox kept looking at the hypnotizing movement, each flick of the soft mound making him suck harder on the breast he already kissed.

She kept her pace steady, biting onto her lip with a hiss, pleasure building up again.

He couldn't hold much longer, he spat the wet nipple and immediately glued himself passionately to the other breast, pressing against it cravingly, pushing her entire frame back.

She whimpered a tender scream, his move catching her as she dropped down, her folds stretching wider around the knot.

Danox curled his legs, his rump lifting, shifting the angle of penetration. The base of his mating organ putting more pressure on the embracing lips.

Hope lifted itself up at the increasing feeling of stretch, this time though his penis followed her.

Danox thrust up, slapping his knot against her thighs.

Hope yelped in pleasure, claws digging into his paws.

The nipple straightened against his flicking tongue.

He sucked in the breast strongly, the pressure keeping her steady.

His hips started to work, thrusting into the held girl fervently, clapping against her hips in steady rhythm.

Hope's mouth parted itself in a silent scream.

Danox grimaced, every fifth thrust making his knot sink a little deeper inside the welcoming warmth, the frowned deepened the moment he felt the top of both his orbs getting inside.

He pulled out of her sharply, before slamming back in, the sexual clap sending a tremor running through her tender flesh. He repeated the rough penetration again, this time entering her almost entirely. He pulled out once more and thrust back in and it was the third time when he managed to house himself completely inside her.

Both Danox and Hope groaned loudly, wet nipple popping out of his mouth in a shower of spit.. The surge of pleasure dragging his eager hips back to the ground.

Still moaning Hope leaned forward and immediately renewed her ride, slamming all the way down until her crotch smacked against his. Her breath started to hack with each descent, the fast ride as tiring as it was wonderful.

The sight of his grimacing snout made her more vigorous, just as much as he wanted to get inside her she as much didn't want to let him go. Clamping tight around his length and impaling himself on him with increased, full of lust tempo.

Her jumping breasts slapping against his nose in constant rhythm, his mouth twisted by a groan too much to be able to catch them.

He clenched her hands tighter, she could feel her bones aching under the pressure of the grip. This did not stop her ride though, she kept smacking against him, panting loudly she stared into his twisted by pleasure snout, eyes burning with passion.

Seeing him giving away under her sexual ministrations rubbed her in the right way, being the greatest compliment than his silver tongue could ever come up with.

His sharp teeth popped from under his lips.

You're mine now.

She hammered down, slamming herself into him roughly, all the grace and rhythm was gone, she rose up and slammed down, grinding into him at the bottom. Her spasm like jerks basically burying his crotch into the earth.

After another one of those slaps Danox finally roared, gluing himself to her bouncing breast strongly, blasting the rest of his blissful blare into her chest.

He came, strongly, his warm essence filling her.

Hope cried out, fur bristling harder and harder with each his throb inside her walls that only coaxed more and more of his seed.

Their hands eventually unglued itself from each other, her dropping weight pushing Danox head back onto the grass, hungry mouth releasing the sucked cup with a wet pop.

Hope tilted forward, his penis pushing out of her as she fell face first onto his golden underbelly, the organ behind twitching for the last time, spurting the last rope of semen, splattering it across her back.

They panted loudly, both chests heaving in the afterglow.

"That..." she whizzed, taking a shallow breath "...was fun"

He smiled, rising his paw and burying it into her black hair, petting and scratching her lovingly.

Her own mouth stretched into a pleased grin.

"This feels nice" she purred, scratching his flanks in return "Does it feel nice?"

Danox inhaled deeply, his other paw locating her hand once again.


"Too bad that we both know how it will have to end"

"The path is clear, but reaching the goal Kiva? I'm beginning to doubt"

She looked up, her grin disappearing, she sought his eyes out.

"You know it, just as me, this is only a moment, a fleeting one. The world always found a way, it will end"

Danox blinked, his purple eyes flashing with a dark shade.

If it has to be so, then Time know it that the game will be played according to their rules.

He grabbed Hope by her waist, making her eyes go wide. They both vanished in a puff of black smoke, to appear only a meter next to the trampled grass, with Danox leaping a a tree.

He slammed her into the trunk, making her gasp, his other paw locked her arms together, stretching them up when the other held her by her belly, pinning against the tree.

He licked her face deeply, biting onto the pointy ear.

"This time Kiva, we will say when it will end"

She grinned, biting into his neck.

He thrust forward, slipping back inside her.