
Story by Kael Duranus on SoFurry

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#6 of K and M

Alrighty, well, after a VERY long bout with writer's block, I am very pleased to offer this chapter. This was the first chapter I have ever written where it actually needed very little editing, before I felt it was good enough.

And here, at last, we depart fully from my own bad experiences. If you enjoy it, please let me know, so I can keep giving you what you enjoy, and if you see anywhere were I can improve, please let me know that too.

*edit: I thought it looked a little weird when I uploaded it, and I finally realized why. Somehow the usual spacing didn't happen this time, so my apologies on that one. I have since corrected it.*

Continued from 'Catharsis'...

Unable to resist the call of her heart, Michiko leaned in again, her muzzle meeting Kael's eagerly while her hands dragged the shirt up the length of his torso, baring the white expense of his belly fur to her gaze once more. The pair paused in their kissing just long enough for the panda-fox to pull the garment up over his head, the wolf obligingly raising his arms to remove it completely, the look in his eyes hungry when she could see their beautiful blue depths once more. Her gaze was no less hungry as she looked at him in return. She had seen him without his shirt so many times over the years, it should have been unremarkable, but there was something different about the sight this time. This time, it wasn't just her friend she saw; this time, it was something far more. Leaning in close once more, Michiko buried her face in the warm fur of his chest, her fingers caressing the muscles of his stomach, tracing through his fur. Breathing deep the heady aroma of earthy cinnamon, now distinctly tinged with a note of heated spice she couldn't even come close to naming, but knew at once, the knowledge sending an excited thrill down her spine.

Nuzzling his chest once more, she traced her hands around his body, making the wolf shiver, his tail twitching eagerly as she ran her dull claws through the pelt of his back, tracing upwards on either side of his spine. While her hands explored his powerful frame, she met his eyes once more and the wolf smiled, the smile more than pleasure, more than joy, more even than desire. It was all of them, combined into one, and merely his looking at her that way touched off the raging flare of arousal in her guts. But this wasn't the small element of warmth she had felt before with her previous lovers. It wasn't even the sensation she had felt the night before and this morning when they had lain together, their bodies displaying the desire they hadn't indulged. This bordered on the raging, impossible flame of being in heat, but also lacked something of that yearly trial. This lacked the familiar desperation, the instinctual need, though, to judge how rapidly her skirt was tenting as her hips pressed in against Kael's, it was no less potent.

Raising her head, she kissed him once more, accompanying the motion with a grind of her hips, the tent in her skirt pressing against the no less hard bulge in the wolf's shorts, and then it was her turn to be teased. She felt the wolf's hands, trembling in anticipation, slide through her fur at the midriff, making her shiver in turn, her whole body sensitive as the wolf traced the lower edge of her shirt, then slid right up under it to trace the line of her lacy bra. The sheer intimacy of the gesture made her break the kiss, gasping softly as his hands outlined her undergarment, clinging to him. She was half tempted to strip the shirt off herself, wanting the wolf she desired so much to touch her all over, to know every inch of her body with his touch, but Kael would not be hurried. Moving with almost exaggerated care, despite his obvious excitement, the wolf knight slowly traced his hands down the length of her spine, his fingertips expertly tracing the sensitive nerves at the base of her tail where the fluffy appendage poked through the skirt. Almost glaring at him as lightning seemed to spread through her lower half at his touch, she saw the little confident grin on his lips, obviously knowing precisely what he was doing. But there was something else there as well, something almost hidden beneath the surface, something that made her heart skip a beat.

The wolf was nervous, she realized with a jolt, which was hardly something new for her, considering, but as she felt his warm hands slide back upward, finally catching the edge of her shirt, she suddenly understood what she saw in his very blue gaze. It wasn't that he was nervous because of what she was, which was how it had always gone before; Kael was nervous because he wanted this to be perfect. It was so clear in his every motion, now that she saw it, every act precise to his purpose. And then, as he gently slid the shirt up over her ribs, his fingertips seeming to find every nerve, every sensitive spot, she felt the same desire spring to life within the fire in her chest. She didn't want the things she had fantasized about, didn't want the things she had read about. She wanted to give him more than that. Raising her arms up over her head, she let her gaze be broken by her top as the wolf slid it up over her head, tossing it aside so it landed on his own.

Then, almost without a pause, Kael's fingertips were tracing their way back down the length of her arms, even as she lowered them once more, and this time the shiver was one of anticipation more than pure sensation. As his delightfully talented fingers reached her shoulders, tracing their way around the edges of the lingerie bra, she shuddered, her breath coming quick as she anticipated the touch she had dreamed about. The wolf's fingers moved around her sides, tracing the underside of the bra, and then, with a moment's hesitation, the wolf slipped his hands up, under the lace and supporting wires, and she gasped, her whole body quaking, a sound muffled a moment later by the wolf leaning in for another kiss, gentle but hungry. Michiko almost clung to Kael's frame, practically holding herself up with him, surprised at her own reaction, her eyes closing in exquisite delight as the wolf cupped her breasts in his hands, his fingers wrapping gently around her mounds, then trailing outward so his fingertips stroked her erect nipples, the unfamiliar sensation making her almost moan into his mouth, her tongue finding his eagerly. Her breasts had never been particularly sensitive before, the stimulation in the past that came from having her chest teased more about the idea than the execution. But this felt so good, she didn't want him to stop.

Then Kael finally broke the kiss, lowering his muzzle down, nuzzling into her neck, and she could feel the enticing sensation of the wolf breathing deep of her own scent, his exhalation of the breath a sigh of utmost satisfaction, his fingers tracing their way back behind her, coming out from under the bra just in time to find the clasp in the middle of her back. A single, deft motion was all it took for the wolf to unclasp it, the lacy garment falling free for the second time in as many days, the alluring garment tossed aside to land with the others and Michiko gasped as Kael kissed her throat before he leaned back once more. This time, both of them paused, panting, and Michiko found herself watching Kael's eyes as he drank in the sight of her half naked form, basking in the absolute desire of his gaze. He didn't have to say a word for her to understand what he thought of her, his expression one of amazed desire and joy. No one had ever looked at her like that, especially not with her making no attempt to conceal her assets. The pause lasted another glorious moment, then Kael leaned down, his muzzle meeting hers for another hungry kiss. But this time, his arms didn't simply embrace her. Instead, he broke off the kiss after a moment, stooping to put one arm under her knees as he scooped her off the ground, lifting her with what seemed little effort, already walking without haste back down the short hall, headed for the bedroom and Michiko giggled, putting her arms around his neck, nuzzling under his chin as he carried her.

The display of easy strength was more alluring than she had expected, the panda-fox's heart hammering in her chest as she was carried through the threshold, and into the room where they had spent a chaste night together, the knowledge that this was going to be anything but making her whole body heat up, matching her fur colors with its flame. Kael stood, framed in the doorway for a moment, his powerful arms tense, but not straining with holding her up and she allowed herself to indulge in the glorious moment, one hand stroking through his long hair, the other tracing the line of his right shoulder with her fingertips. Then, with similar ease, Kael lowered her legs to the ground, allowing her to stand as he reached back to shut the door on the rest of the world, leaving only them and this room. To her surprise, this time, when Kael stepped close, pulling her to him with his left arm, his right went low and she shivered, feeling his fingertips caress the bulge in her skirt, the complete lack of hesitation intoxicating by itself. And now was the moment she had long desired. She reciprocated the touch, feeling the outline of his sizeable member through the cloth that still concealed it, and she kissed him, gently gripping the shaft through his clothes and she felt him quiver, his breath catching, and she knew he had dreamed of the moment as well.

Finally, as the kiss broke, Michiko reached out with both hands, the button coming loose, the fly letting go and she heard the white wolf's sigh of anticipation as she slid one hand down his belly, finding the top of his boxers before slipping finally beneath the cloth, seeking what lay beneath. Kael let out a shuddering gasp a moment later, his hips giving a little buck as she finally caressed his wolfhood. He felt longer and thicker than she had imagined in her fantasies, but he seemed much more sensitive as she delicately trailed her fingers along his shaft, exploring his distinctly canine equipment. The wolf panted as she teased his flesh, memorizing the shape in her mind, from the tapering tip all the way down to the slight bulge of his knot, still in his sheath. Then, with one hand reaching even further down, caressing his pouch as well, she used her other hand to unclasp the tail clasp, the shorts falling free as the wolf let her do what she wanted, his hands twitching on her upper arms. Then, she saw the desire in his eyes, an almost pleading need and finally, reluctantly, she withdrew her hand from his underwear, tracing it up his belly once more. Not yet.

She couldn't miss the tremble in Kael's hands as he reached for the clasp of her skirt, surprised that he managed not to fumble with it as he undid it, holding tension on the cloth for a few moments, prolonging the exquisite anticipation a few heartbeats longer. It was absurd to feel nervous about this, silly to feel any anticipation at all. Hadn't they spent the night dressed in not more than this? Hadn't they already seen each other aroused like this? But this was different than even the few minutes before when they had lain together. This was Kael, the man she loved, the man she wanted as a lover, undressing her. The idea was maddening, the desire intense. And now, finally, the skirt was falling free and she felt the flush once more as she stood, her own member standing proudly erect beneath the lacy cloth of her panties, bulging out the cloth despite its accommodating design. Despite herself, she glanced at Kael's face, the last waning fear out of the past seeking some sign, some flash of disgust in his gaze, no matter how small. But it wasn't there. There was nothing in those very blue eyes save a hungry, admiring desire. And in that moment, before his hands touched her waist again, the truth finally battered aside the last of the fear induced barriers that had tried to hold it at bay. Kael wouldn't tolerate her extra pieces because he liked one or the other. Kael wanted her, all of her, exactly what she was. And she wanted to give everything to him.

And then such thoughts were blasted out of her mind as Kael's fingertips dipped into the white fur of her belly, sliding downward, under the elastic band that strained to keep her confined and it was her turn to gasp, a shudder racing through her as his talented hands once again seemed to find every sensitive spot, caressing her shaft gently, only his fingertips touching her. This was better than she had imagined it would be, his touch electrifying as he explored her nethers, fingertips gently caressing the shape of her hybrid shaft down from the slightly tapered tip, then back up in a gentle, teasing stroke when he encountered the knot at its base, the last gift of her vulpine father's ancestry. Then, his fingers slid back down, over the furred pouch with its twin orbs and lower still, eliciting a heavy moan from Michiko's throat when he outlined the lips of her slit, the folds slicked by her desires. She felt her eyes half close with pleasure as his touch slid upward once more from the bottom edge, her body jerking in surprise as he barely brushed against her clit on the way back up, tracing her shaft once more and she looked up into his eyes, seeing the pleased, teasing light in their depths. That was no accidental brush. That was him giving a her a taste of what was to come. But, as his fingers trailed their way back up, almost to the tip of her shaft, she sucked in another deep breath filled with the heady scent of aroused wolf. Again, she felt his hands leave her nethers, leave the confines of her sexy underwear entirely, but only for a moment.

The half step forward towards her, their nethers grinding against one another surprised her, but she knew why he had stopped his teasing a moment later when his hands trailed around the edge of her hips one more time, this time, slipping under the band at her back, caressing both sides of the base of her tail while his lips sought out hers, his hands dipping down further to caress her backside, making her moan again into the kiss. Something about the way he did that made her whole body quiver, and suddenly, the fire within her nethers grew past the point of heat, the wolf pushing every single one of her buttons. She was ready to move on, ready to do something she had thought about often. Unsteady with need, her fingers caught the edge of his boxers, easily negotiating the garment past the aroused organ they protected, sliding them down to join his shorts on the floor, and finally she broke off the kiss, glancing down to see if what her fingers had told her was true. The glance became a stare that she didn't try and hide. Kael wasn't huge like the more ridiculous romance novels tried to insist a male should be, but he was in no way small. But he was so much more than her mind had tried to fill in, and she felt her hands caressing him without her conscious input.

Sinking down to her knees, Kael's hands sliding out from her underwear, tracing up the length of her back when she did so, Michiko leaned in, breathing the source of the spicy scent that seemed to enhance the wolf's natural aroma. Leaning in while her hands continued to caress him, she nuzzled against his base, taking a breath in anticipation of what she was about to do, marveling at the scent that seemed to fill her nostrils. The wolf's normal earthy cinnamon was never more concentrated than it was now, but there was an undeniable quality of heat, spicy like peppers. It smelled of desire, of anticipation, and her body responded to it like a moth to a flame, her own arousal only getting more intense. She had to taste it, had to taste him, and she didn't hesitate any further. Opening her jaws, she softly licked the wolf's shaft, trailing her tongue up the length of him, all the way to the tip, catching the droplet of his pre that had collected there and he moaned, his hips pressing him eagerly against her tongue. The taste was everything she had expected it to be, and at the same time, nothing like anything she had tasted before. She paused only a moment, looking up in satisfaction to see the wolf's eyes rolling back in his head before she lowered her muzzle, sliding the tip past her lips, and bobbing downward, taking the majority of his shaft into her maw.

Sucking gently, she moved her mouth back up, her tongue swirling against the underside of his shaft, pressing the top into the roof of her mouth and Kael twitched, his whole body giving a jerk. His hands were gently squeezing on her shoulders while she bobbed her head, occasionally jerking and twitching as she sucked, the white wolf's groan as she dipped a little lower, taking another inch into her mouth music to her ears. Backing up slowly, she allowed his tip to slip out of her mouth, reaching down with one hand to gently squeeze the wolf's balls, licking her lips for a moment, savoring the taste that lingered on her tongue. Then she leaned forward and licked along his shaft once more, teasing her way up the length, planting a kiss here and there as she went, drawing another moan from him, his breathing coming quickly, ragged as he drew close. Moving back up to the tip, she gave it one last kiss before sinking her head downward once more, and this time, Kael's body gave a grinding motion, not quite a thrust, but making his desires clear as he pressed himself into her mouth. The motion didn't surprise her, for she had been ready for it, but what did surprise her was the moment when his knot emerged from his sheath, engorging as he got closer to his climax. She hadn't expected him to be getting close already, but she was torn. More than anything, she wanted to make him happy, but at the same time, she wanted to prolong this moment, make it last a little longer. Bobbing her head along his shaft a little faster, she felt him shudder, his muscles tensing up, and she knew he couldn't last much longer.

And, even as she knew it, even as she was tempted to ease up, to keep teasing him, she knew that she didn't really want to keep him from his peak. She wanted him to cum, wanted to taste him fully. And finally, as she reached the base of his penis, his tip against her throat, she circled her fingers behind his knot, squeezing it gently, pulling with just enough pressure towards her, the way she had done so often while playing privately, mimicking the tie. At once she felt Kael jerk in surprise, his whole body shaking as he resisted the pressure for a moment, then two, then she saw his jaw clench, his balls jumping upward and she felt it, the first jet of hot seed blasting out of his tip into her mouth, his breathing quickening. She continued to suck, swallowing as he came, another pulse, and still another, the wolfhood twitching in her muzzle. The peak lasted a few more seconds, a few more jets, then she felt his body relax, the tension in his frame subsiding as he came down from the peak and she swirled her tongue along him a little longer, coaxing the last of his seed from his penis. Finally, she withdrew, pulling off of him, and smiling in satisfaction as Kael seemed to slump before her in relief. While she rested back on her heels, licking her chops, she contemplated the lingering taste on her tongue, the ever-alluring taste of the wolf, coupled with the salty maleness she had experienced before with others setting her own body on fire.

Starting to rise back up to her feet, she was surprised when Kael took her hands, helping her to rise, his expression of relief mixed with a look she had never expected to see on his face, especially not after a climax. It was almost feral, a wild look of need and desire that made every nerve in her body stand up and take notice. His penis was still at full mast, the fake tie keeping it that way a little while longer, but even so, she could see that he wasn't finished in any way. Moving to her, he pulled her into another hungry kiss, their tongues meeting once more, and Michiko moaned into his muzzle, the sensation of his naked arousal standing proud against her belly making her shiver. Then, to her surprise, Kael began walking her backward, slowly, but insistently driving her back until she felt the edge of the bed against her calves and when he tipped her back, his intent obvious, she went, allowing him to lay her on the just soft enough surface.

When he broke the kiss, the feral gleam in his eyes more than simply attractive to her aroused mind; she was ready to give herself to him, fully and completely, to truly join with him. But, to her surprise and delight, the wolf had other plans. With her lying on her back, he lowered his head, nuzzling her neck, donating a pair of soft kisses to her throat, a nip with his front teeth to the hollow of her neck, just enough for her to feel the sharp tips against her skin, beneath the fur. That was something wholly new that she had never experienced before and it sent another flare of arousal through her, something that, to judge from her lover's grin was exactly what he had intended. Moving further down her lithe frame, the wolf kissed the center of her chest, his hands caressing her ribs through her fur. Then, a moment later, she felt his lips close around the nipple of her right breast, her back arching up against him as his warm mouth teased the nub of flesh, making her moan once more. She couldn't understand it, couldn't grasp why it felt so good when he did that, and not when anyone else did, and she also did not care. Shuddering as he gently sucked on her breast, one of his hands slipped down the length of her abdomen, caressing her aching bulge through her panties once more. Now she was panting, excitement making her heart flutter as he teased her body.

After a few more moments, Kael lifted his head from the right breast and with steady deliberation, letting her feel the anticipation, he lowered his head to repeat the process on her left, her hips giving a thrust up against his teasing hand as his lips once more embraced her. She was panting now, every breath a gasp, though she knew she was no closer to peaking than she had been before, her body reacting like she had never been touched in her life. Finally, after a few more moments, she forced her voice to work, speaking the first word she had spoken since this began.

"Please." She whispered, almost squirming beneath him as he teased her. She heard the soft chuckle in his throat and finally he released her chest from his maw, laying his chin on the white furred patch of her belly, looking up at her between the mounds of her heaving chest, the devilish grin on his lips only serving to increase her need.

"As you wish, my lady." He whispered in reply, his voice rich and seductive to her ears, sending a shiver down her spine. A moment later, he scooted back yet further, down the length of her body, then she was startled to feel his teeth again, this time just above her hips and she raised her head, looking down the length of her body to find him delicately taking the elastic band of the top of her underwear in his teeth, dexterously tugging it up off her stomach, then pulling it down, his cool canine nose brushing along the length of her shaft as it was revealed, the wolf almost huffing in pleasure as he scented her. The gesture would have been quite silly on any other occasion, but now, today... it was more exciting than she could have imagined. A moment later, he released the band with his jaws and tugged it down further with his hands, Michiko raising her hips off the bed to help, her long ringed tail thrashing in excitement beneath her.

Then, after a moment's hesitation, Kael dipped his head down, his tongue touching the base of her shaft, like she had done only minutes before, slowly licking up the length of her to her tip, one long lingering taste and she moaned, pressing her hips upward. She was so ready, she didn't need to be teased anymore. She felt like she was liable to burst if he did that one more time, but he didn't, not right away. Instead, he gently lifted her shaft off her belly with one hand, holding it erect while he kissed the base softly, just the once, before moving further down. While he gently caressed her shaft with his hand, he licked her scrotum, teasing the other half of her maleness with a nuzzling kiss, first one, and then the other, gently teasing them in way she had never thought of doing. But he wasn't done yet, not even close. Suddenly, her whole body jerked as his warm tongue lapped lower, going up the length of her slit, a soft lick that made her moan once more, her eyes losing focus as her brain was immersed in pleasure. Now, Kael reversed the process, swirling his tongue up the length of her slit again, but continuing right on up, over her balls and the growing bulge of her knot, which was making itself known by sliding free from the sheath, and on, all the way up to the tip of her penis once more, coaxing more pre from her. But this time, he lowered his muzzle, taking her shaft into his mouth all the way to the base, making her shiver, her hands landing on his head on instinct.

The white wolf didn't stop there though, one of his hands now teasing her slit, delicately caressing her sensitive flesh, occasionally brushing against her clit, the dual pleasures of his fingers and his mouth bobbing along her shaft sending her brain into confusion. She was shaking now, her whole body reacting to the unexpected combination, and she let out a moaning gasp, her hips urgently thrusting upward without her input, seeking the release she could feel building. But, even as her hips rose, Kael softened the pressure of his suckling, pulling back until her tip left his lips, loosing a gasp of protest from her that was quickly replaced by a moan of even greater pleasure as his mouth returned to her slit, his tongue pressing harder than it had before, dipping into her slightly to hit sensitive spots there as well with each lap of his tongue, his hands once more teasing her shaft, keeping her peak simmering and she gasped, her hands trying to find purchase as the pressure in her womanhood built steadily, coming close to the orgasm she wanted, the wolf's talented tongue seeming to be everywhere at once. And then, just when she felt like she was poised on the edge, he pulled back again, moving upward, her tip parting his lips and he sunk back down onto her member, and now she understood what he was doing. He was clearly going to drive her crazy, bringing her right to the edge over and over again.

She moaned in defiance, trying to buck her hips with enough of a rhythm to reach the peak quickly, but her body didn't seem to want to obey her. But then, she raised her head, desperately staring down the length of her body, and she found her eyes caught by the blue of the wolf. His gaze silently asked her to trust him, to let him do it, and, though she desperately wanted to climax, wanted the teasing to stop, she relaxed her hips, settling back down as much as she could into the soft bed and she saw the grin on his lips as he bobbed his head along her shaft one last time, her member twitching and jumping in his maw as he withdrew it. She was so close, so very, very close, but he wasn't done yet, clamping two fingers against the base of her shaft, just above the knot, not enough to trick her body into peaking, but enough to keep her body suspended, barely holding back the orgasm. And now his tongue was back on her slit, but something was different this time.

He wasn't holding back, being gentle and teasing. Instead, he pressed his tongue into her with a mission, the warm, wet organ seeking out her sensitive spots in just the right way. Michiko felt her body tensing up, her breathing laboring as she came right up to the edge with both sets of genitals, and she prepared for her lover to back off as he did before. Only this time, he didn't. This time, he curled his tongue against her clit, dragging the whole length of the appendage slowly against the sensitive nub and Michiko's eyes went wide, her breathing becoming a series of short gasping moans as she finally came, the peak slamming through her entire body, her hands clenching convulsively on the bedspread. But, even as his tongue finished the curl, coaxing the last rolling waves of pleasure from her vagina, Kael shifted once more, smoothly engulfing her shaft with his mouth once more, and this time, he gripped behind her knot exactly as she had done to him, and she felt her eyes bulge as her male orgasm followed right on the heels of her female one; for a few incredible moments, both were hitting her at the same time, and she felt her shaft buck into the wolf's mouth, her seed spraying into his jaws even as her vagina continued to spasm. Her eyes squeezed suddenly shut and the panda-fox heard her voice raised in an inarticulate sound that was almost a howl, the shattering double orgasm wiping every thought out of existence for a few moments.

For a few long blissful seconds, her world was nothing but mixed pleasures, her member pulsing with release, her slit quivering in time, and then, reason returned, slowly, rising out of the pleasant fog. She was past the height of the peaks, the waves of sensation subsiding into satisfying warmth and she felt her whole body relaxing, the tension leaving her muscles with the last vestiges of the climax, her fingers releasing the handfuls of cloth they held. Gradually she opened her eyes, staring lazily upward, feeling like she wasn't lying on a bed at all. Instead, she floated on a pleasant sea of warmth, every slight feeling pleasurable. Everything else was vague and unimportant. Well, almost everything. Clear and distinct were the sensations washing over her still sensitive nethers. Something warm, soft and gentle was playing against her, its touch now soothing rather than arousing and slowly, she forced herself to raise her head.

Down past her chest, still heaving as she tried to catch her breath, she saw that Kael was still at it, still licking at her privates. At first, she thought he was trying to bring her to another climax, which would have utterly destroyed her, but then, as she felt him methodically shifting where his tongue reached, she realized he was cleaning her up, lapping up the remnants of her climax and she grinned, finding the strength in her arms to reach out, taking his hands in hers. The wolf pulled back at last, licking his chops with a satisfied grin and allowed her to pull him towards her so that he was lying beside her, almost lounging on his side.

"I..." She started, not knowing what she was even going to try and say. "Never... Not... How did you..?"

"Well, I would love to be able to say that I came up with that technique on my own," Kael said, a teasing grin on his lips, "But I might have done a little...research, just in case."

"Research?" Michiko asked, grinning at the way he put that. She might have been bothered by the implications of what he said, but there was no place for any negative thought in her head after experiencing the fruits of his efforts. Rather the opposite, actually. She was flattered that he had cared enough to even think about it. Rolling up onto her side so she lounged only inches away from him, she smiled teasingly in return, "Don't tell me you went looking for porn about this."

"No." He said with a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "That would hardly have been helpful. No, I found a couple articles on an erotic discussion site about pleasing someone who has both." He actually looked embarrassed then, and she felt the grin on her lips grow, "I wasn't sure if I could pull it off, and I think I might have rushed it a little bit."

"Kael," She said, exasperated, reaching out to caress his cheek with her fingers, "Trust me. You didn't. That was beyond amazing." Michiko couldn't help but smile at the expression on his face when she said that, her heart aching at the pleased look he was giving her. No one she had ever been with had cared enough to figure out how it could be different for her, always going with what they wanted. Already, he had been better than them and they hadn't even gone beyond foreplay. She had to wonder what he might have in store for the next step as well. Then, to her own surprise, she felt the familiar warmth of arousal heating up in her nethers, despite the fact that she had just had the most intense orgasm of her life. She hadn't yet scratched the itches that had plagued her for as long as she had thought about the handsome wolf that way. Biting her lip at the thoughts that were already swirling through her, she looked down and saw that though Kael's knot had shrunk back down to the barely noticeable size it had had the first time she had seen it, he was still clearly hard, still aroused and she knew they weren't done, not yet. Maybe not ever. Reaching out, she gently caressed his shaft with her fingertips once more, making him shiver in surprise, a soft breath leaving his lips in a quiet rush. "So, Sir Knight, tell your lady, do you have more... techniques, to try out?"

"One or two." Kael replied, panting slightly at her touch on his sensitive flesh. A moment later, even as she gently teased him, she felt his touch upon her still sensitive shaft, sliding down the length of her. With an ease she was coming to expect, the wolf's fingers expertly traced sensitive spots upon her, making her shudder, each small sensation of pleasant electricity making her fur stand at attention all over, her tail twitching behind her in mere anticipation of each new touch. Kael's teasing fingers trailed over the side lobes of her knot a moment later, her body reacting to the faint ghost of the tie that hadn't happened by her hips giving an involuntary thrust towards him, a gasp leaving her lips as his fingers lingered for a moment at the base of her shaft, gently gripping, her heart picking up the pace of its beat at what he was doing. But that taste of sensation was only a moment, just a simple tease that made her lose track of what she was doing, her hands still upon the wolf's equipment. But he did not seem to care in the slightest.

Without breaking the loving gaze between them, Kael almost casually slid his fingers further down, barely touching the crimson fur of her pouch, and finally, he traced the sensitive folds of her slit once more, eliciting a gasp from her. It should have been too soon since her last climax, her body always having been too sensitive before. But there was no trace of the usual discomfort, his fingertips soothing at the least, exciting at just the right moments. She shuddered as his fingers outlined her passage, not yet sinking into her, and she glared at him. His response was to smile, leaning in for another kiss, his fingers never stopping their teasing and now her body was answering once more, the fire of need that had been dampened by the earlier foreplay surging once more when she felt him shifting closer to her, his shaft once more pressing into the white fur of her belly, brushing along her own shaft.

Michiko was surprised a moment later when she felt how slick she had become, the wolf's coaxing fingers having done their work. She was already panting with anticipation, sucking in hurried breaths through her nose, knowing what had to come next, what she wanted to come next, more than anything. Breaking off the kiss, Kael met her aspen green gaze one more time, and it was like he had spoken, her body obeying an instruction as ancient as life itself. She tipped backward, moving so she lay on her back once more, but this time, Kael moved with her, sliding over so his hips parted her legs, almost resting on top of her, his arms to either side of her chest. But that lasted merely a moment, the wolf scooting backward, his tip sliding down her crimson fur, beneath her pouch, and at last, she felt the sensation she had wanted so much, the feel of his tip nestling into her slit, grazing the sensitive nub at the top on its way past. The panda-fox gasped as he paused there, the anticipation, the hot feeling of need and desire making her heart hammer in her chest so hard she could feel it in her ears.

Then, with a motion as steady as it was gentle, Kael pressed forward, driving his hips against her and she let out a gasp as his shaft slid into her, parting her passage with its girth. It felt nearly as good as the climax of moments before had, and she arched her back, pressing her hips up against him, welcoming the whole length of him into her. An exquisite moment later, she felt the increase in size as the small bulge of his knot slid past her labia and he was hilted inside her. Reaching up with both hands, she cupped his chin with her hands, raising up to kiss him once more. The kiss was quick, neither willing to linger now that they were so close to it, and when she settled back onto the bed, she felt Kael's hips move back, his wolfhood slowly sliding from her and that too was intensely pleasurable, eliciting another gasp from her. But this time, the wolf's motion was quicker, more forceful, his penis hitting all the right spots once more and she moaned.

This time, when he pulled out and thrust back into her, building the steady rhythm her body knew, she thrust her hips up at the same moment, altering the angle just so, making his penis rub just that much harder inside her and she quivered, a ripple passing through her entire body as the tip grazed a sensitive spot inside. She saw Kael's smile at her reaction, heard his breathing slowly picking up once more as his hips thrust away into her, matching her own quickening breath as the pressure built within them both. She could feel his knot steadily growing with the pulsing of his heartbeat, the increase in pressure at her opening sending little jolts of sensation through her with every thrust, awakening another, different itch within her desires. Of the lovers she had had, she had never been with one gifted with a knot before, and though she could feel the familiar peak building within her, the one that came wholly from the inside of her passage, she suddenly wanted to hold off, wanted that one piece of ultimate intimacy.

And the opportunity wouldn't be long in coming, she could tell. She was close, and judging from the tenseness in Kael's frame, she knew he was getting close too. And then, when she looked up again and saw Kael's look of concentration, she knew that he was tempted to hold back, to wait until she was climaxing, and fake the tie once more, to stop her from feeling the unaccustomed stretch of a fully formed knot within her, keeping any remote element of pain away. And that simply would not do. Suddenly determined, Michiko changed the motion of her hips, driving them a little harder upward, getting ready to clench down as her instincts demanded, hearing Kael gasp as the change drove him closer. Looking up, she saw the surprise in his blue eyes, the question in his gaze.

The question she answered a moment later, reaching up and pulling him into another hard kiss, the motion dragging him down, hilting him inside her once more despite the sizeable girth of the knot. The moment she felt it, felt the quiver in her passage of the coming climax, she clenched upon him, and it was no longer a choice. At once, she felt the increase in pressure at the opening of her slit, the feeling of his impressive length increasing as his knot swelled. Then, as the tie was completed, Kael's hips pressed suddenly tight against her and she felt his balls leap against her opening. And then, the combination of sensations she had so desired was completed as Kael grunted into her muzzle, the first pulse of his shaft within her sending her over the edge. She felt her passage rippling as another climax hit her, this one far more intense than when he had only licked her. The pair broke off their passionate kiss as she moaned, gasping for breath, her eyes wide, meeting the deep blue gaze of her lover's eyes, the passion and desire she still saw there prolonging her orgasm, every pulse of the wolf's seed spreading into her sending another wave of pleasure through her.

But, even as she luxuriated in the warm feeling, the thing she had wanted for so long, Michiko was surprised when Kael slid his arms inward, underneath her back. Then, with a surprisingly languid motion that belied the intensity of the shared orgasm still rushing through them, Kael rocked back, pulling her upright so he was sitting back on his ankles with her resting in his lap, joined tightly at the hips. The change in angle sent a spasm though her nethers, making her shiver and she rested her arms on his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him once more. The wolf returned the kiss, but even as he did so, he gave a rolling grind upward with his hips, shifting his knot within her and making her gasp in surprise. Then, she was surprised to feel his left hand slide down from her back, his fingertips trailing through her fur until he dipped down to her butt, his teasing turning into a caressing grope of her surprisingly sensitive flesh. She didn't know what he was up to, but it became very clear a moment later when she once again felt his lips on her right breast, the mound even more sensitive than before and she moaned.

The moan turned into a startled exclamation a moment later when she felt the thumb of his right hand slip under her pouch, pressing gently against her clit. Michiko felt herself arch against him as he gently rubbed the sensitive nub, pressing it against the bulge of her tightly stretched nethers. She shuddered, her body quaking at the sudden assault of sensations, completely unprepared for more stimulation. Tilting her muzzle to the ceiling, she didn't protest as Kael continued his teasing, his groping hand pressing her hips gently against his, increasing the pressure of his other thumb, his lips alternating between her breasts and incredibly, despite every motion being nearly orgasmic already, she felt the pressure building quickly, and her hands clenched, holding tight upon Kael's back. Every panting exhalation from her lips was a gasping moan and she felt her hips rocking against his in time with the swirling rubbing of his thumb, almost grinding herself on the tie within her, and then, like a sudden lightning strike, the peak was on her. Her eyes squeezed shut, her muscles clenching down on the shaft still locked tightly within her and she came, another inarticulate howl of ecstasy filling her ears. Her body felt tight, every muscle coiled in pleasure, pleasure that wasn't going away, and suddenly, she felt herself tipping on the edge, poised for just a moment. And then, without even a slight hesitation, she let go, wallowing in the intense sea of sensations she had never experienced.

She couldn't see anything, couldn't feel anything except a glorious pleasure and relief, a delicious warmth like the feeling of coming into a warm room after the cold of winter. She scented the scent that would never cease to please her, clean earth and cinnamon, mingled now with her own flowery aroma, the sharp must she instinctively knew as satisfaction twining the two together. Finally, after a timeless forever of that feeling, tingling sensation came back to her body, as if her limbs were asleep, but all over. No, it wasn't quite that, not the prickly tingling that came with lack of circulation, more like a pleasant static electricity that she only wanted to get stronger. At last, she opened her eyes a little ways, the blurry wall in her vision telling her nothing of where she was. And then, when she heard and felt the quiet, familiar breathing and the sensation of warmth that surrounded her, her mind finally got into gear and she remembered where she was, remembered what had happened.

She was slumped limply in Kael's arms, her chin resting on his shoulder, the pair still joined at the hip, but he was holding her close against him now, soothingly stroking her back with his hands, something that felt indescribably wonderful. She wasn't even surprised to realize that even while she had been unconscious, the second climax pushing her beyond her limits, her body had molded itself against Kael, the wolf replying in kind. She didn't want to see if she could move yet, but she sighed instead, something that made the wolf squeeze her gently in his grasp, the motion all the encouragement her arms needed to return the embrace. Nuzzling her head against his, she managed to shift slightly, adjusting the position of her legs so she wasn't clenching his waist with her thighs and she let out a gasp of surprise, her nethers still so sensitive that she knew her unconsciousness had only lasted a little while, perhaps a minute or so and she could feel the grin on the wolf's lips as he spoke in he ear, his voice soft.

"You alright?" He asked and she nodded.

"Mhmm." Michiko mumbled dreamily, gently nuzzling against his neck, slowly shifting her weight off of his legs, leaning back slowly so her rump rested on the bed, Kael shifting his legs outward to make room. The motion still sent sensations running through her, the slight tugging on his knot unavoidable, but actually kind of pleasant in itself.

"I've never made anyone pass out like that before." Kael commented, with an amazed note to his tone, almost what she might call smug satisfaction and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Was that another one of your 'techniques'?" The hybrid girl asked, putting enough emphasis to show she meant the last word to have quotes around it.

"Actually," Kael replied, this time definitely sounding a little smug, "That is one of my own ideas, though not one I have had the opportunity to try. I was sort of saving it."

"Saving it?" Michiko asked, leaning back just enough to look him in the eye again, finding an earnest look in his return gaze, the wolf helping to support her so she didn't put any more pressure on his loins, taking the weight with his arms. "For what?"

"For you." Kael said and she chuckled this time, not because it was funny, but more because the way he said it made it clear that he really had intended to make this everything she could wish. Much more than she could have imagined.

"Kael..." She began, caressing his cheek with the fingertips of one hand and shaking her head. "You are the most wonderful person I have ever met, and I always wondered how anyone could possibly not hold onto you. But if you were holding tricks like that back..." She could feel Kael's laugh though her hips and she giggled at the odd sensation that made her body jerk and twitch in pleasure.

"Well..." He said, leaning in to gently kiss her once more, moving to her to hold her in a hug once more, rather than pulling her upright again. "I think it was worth holding onto."

"Well, I can't argue with that." Michko replied, allowing her weight to sag backward, pulling Kael with her as she lay back on the bed. Then, as if they had agreed on it before hand, they both shifted over, rolling so that Kael was beneath her, the panda-fox laying her head on his chest, nestling into the warm fur she found there. After they shared a few silent breaths, she said it again, a warm whisper, a statement of fact. "I love you Kael. I'm not sure I have ever really loved anyone except you."

"I love you too Michiko." The wolf replied in the same soft whisper. "And I know I haven't loved anyone, not the way I love you." Michiko smiled into the thick white pelt of his chest, letting herself almost doze in the sweet afterglow of their love making, adoring the sensation of being joined.

It was a few minutes until the spell of that sensation was broken, a distinct sensation of lessening pressure in her passage signaling the shrinking of his knot. It would be another minute or two before they could even think of separating, but the slight shift was enough for her to realize just how fully she had been filled by him. Now that the tie was loosening, it felt like every last tiny space within her had been occupied, and, even though the easing pressure had a pleasure all its own, she didn't want it to stop. She liked the feeling of being linked to him, liked to feel the uniquely intimate sensation of being unable to pull away. But finally, when she lifted her hips upward, allowing his length to slide from her, she shuddered, toppling over sideways off of him, surprised at how she felt. There was an odd emptiness within her, but also a pleasant, liquid warmth she knew could only be an illusion, the knowledge of being filled with his seed, and it having had nowhere to go except deep within her. But then, her gaze was drawn elsewhere and she felt her eyebrows raising. Her member was still erect, only very slightly wilted from not having been directly stimulated for a while.

And then, she looked over at Kael, the wolf lying back beside her and she saw the curving outline of his muscles, the distinctly masculine lines of his body and she realized the illusory warmth within her womanhood wasn't the only warmth she was feeling. Incredibly, despite the incredible, intense sex she had already had, she was still aroused, still felt the itch for him. But this was a different itch, another itch she had never scratched. She tried to put it aside, tried not to think about it, trying to remind her body of what she had just experienced, the pleasure that was still strong within her. But that wasn't helping. And at once, she realized her mistake, realized why she was still hard. She had indeed just spent a wonderful few minutes with him tied inside her, had finally experienced the sensation of that moment. But, she had only experienced half of it. She had always wanted to feel it from the other side as well, to really tie with someone. She had always held back from it, her partners never wanting to experience it the way she did. But maybe... No. She wouldn't ask that. He couldn't possibly want to... But then, hadn't the way he looked at her been nothing but hunger, no hesitation, no reluctance at any part of her? She warred silently with herself for a little longer, then she finally looked up at his face, biting her lip, uncertain. She was surprised to find him looking at her, a question in his gaze and, swallowing against the uncertainty, she forced the question out, before she could reconsider.

"Kael?" She asked, the quavering hesitation and desire plain in her voice. To her surprise, she saw Kael take in her member, standing proud, and understanding at once broke in his gaze.

"Do you..." He started to ask, and she was almost shocked to hear an eager note in his voice. "Do you want to try?"

"Yes." She replied, a hushed whisper that made her heart lurch in her chest. She actually said it, had actually admitted it out loud to him.

Then, she was surprised to see him roll over, away from her for a moment, reaching into the drawer of the nightstand, his tail wagging eagerly. As he fumbled in the drawer, searching for something in particular, she couldn't help but stare at the smooth, toned curve of his butt, the luxurious fur of his winter pelt only adding to the allure. She felt herself stiffening in anticipation, her surprise at his obvious willingness making her even more eager than she already was. Then, Kael withdrew his hand from the drawer, a bottle of lube in his grasp and she realized what she should have understood from the beginning. Kael had been in a relationship with another guy. Why had it never occurred to her that he might want this? Suddenly, she was a little ashamed that she had assumed his preferences. She wouldn't do that again.

With a clear familiarity, Kael rose up to his knees, squeezing a dollop of the clear gel onto his fingers, then reaching back beneath his tail. Rubbing them around, she saw him dip inward, the wolf leaning forward, his tail raising at the penetration, his semi rigid penis already stiffening back up at the stimulation. Michiko licked her lips nervously at the display, her own eager anticipation returning, and she felt her member twitch, erected once more, ready to do its job. Then, when her lover was satisfied, he looked back at her and grinned, holding out the bottle to her. When she took it in hands that trembled, he settled on his hands and knees, his tail raised, offering her his target. Squeezing some of the lube onto her shaft, she shivered, the cool gel warming as it touched her and wrapped a hand around her shaft, spreading the gel around until she was slick and recapped the bottle with her other hand, her eyes glued on Kael's sexy backside the whole time. Moving up to him, she set aside the lube, his tail brushing almost teasingly against her neck.

With her heart hammering hard in her chest, she guided her member into position, still not believing that this was happening. Then, as her tip touched the base of his tail, grazing against her target, the wolf let out a soft exhalation of anticipation, his hips pressing back against her and she paused for a moment, taking a deep breath in preparation. Oh yes, this was happening... with the same steady pressure that Kael had used with her only minutes before, Michiko pressed forward with her hips, feeling the slight resistance of his flesh, resistance that gave way quickly with the slickness of the lube. Kael let out a exhalation like a panting sigh as her tapered tip slid inside, past the ring of flesh, and she matched it a moment later as the rest of her shaft slid into the welcoming warmth of his body. After a couple of seconds, Michiko felt the resistance again, as the unformed knot pressed against him, but Kael didn't clench down to keep it out, making no secret of what he wanted. A moment later, she was hilted inside the wolf, the top of her sheath pressing against the base of his tail and she held still, panting, savoring the sensations, and the knowledge of what she was doing.

It was so different than her other lovers, his passage's grip upon her penis almost silky, and so warm, almost hot, but it wasn't just that feeling. The fur beneath her fingers as she gripped his hips was warm and soft, their paired scents filling her nostrils, the sharp, omnipresent spice of arousal intensifying as they paused, joined fully. Kael really did want this, really did want her, and that was all the permission she needed. Leaning her body forward, she matched her lover's stance, pressing her breasts against his back, his tail tucking itself to the side, out of the way, and when she was finally in position, she wasted no time. Pulling her hips backward, she withdrew from his butt, pulling almost all of her out of him, only the tip inside, then thrust herself forward, her body knowing the motion and she heard Kael moan beneath her, arching his frame to press against her as she hilted herself a second time.

The rhythm was the same, but that was just about the only thing that was familiar. The masculine scent that filled her nostrils with every breath was exciting in a primal way, as was the panting gasps her lover was making as she bred him, sounds matched by her own moans of pleasure as he gripped her. She could feel her pouch bouncing against Kael's with each thrust, the odd feeling almost making her jump, driving her deeper by instinct. She could feel her knot growing rapidly, her climax approaching faster than she expected, and once more she was torn. She wanted that peak, wanted the tie that would accompany it, but more, she wanted the wolf's pleasure as well, to repay him for his performance while she had been on the receiving end. But then, as she thrust into him once more, she felt the wolf clench his insides around her and the sudden explosion of pleasure within her loins tipped the balance. Knowing she wasn't going to be able to hold back for long, the panda-fox wrapped both arms around Kael's torso, her hands finding purchase within the thick fur of his chest, her pace picking up, her thrusts becoming shorter and harder. Then, she felt her member jerk, her hips pressing hard against Kael's butt and she got her wish.

She felt the burning pressure of the approaching climax within her loins for a moment, then, suddenly, she could feel Kael's passage getting tighter around her as her member swelled. It was pleasure like she had never experienced, nothing like the fake ties she had had before. The real thing was like an ongoing explosion, pleasure that made her almost cry out with every rapid breath as she pulsed and twitched, her balls leaping up against her sheath, pulsing jets of her seed spreading into Kael and she felt him gripping her tightly, his heartbeat suddenly plain to her, transmitted through her member. She could feel the excitement in him, the pounding of his heart and the knowledge that he was enjoying the moment as much as she was only pushed her to greater heights of pleasure, the orgasm getting so intense that she clenched her teeth, her body tensing up with it, with her long ringed tail lashed around behind her in excitement. Once more, she was coiled like a spring, but to her relief, Kael didn't do anything that might have pushed her to another shattering experience like the first two had been. She wanted to experience everything about this moment, not pass out from too much once again.

Even as her body calmed back down, riding the climax to its end, she felt an odd, new need spring to life within her. It wasn't born of fantasy, or anticipation, but rather instinct, ancient and primal. She had always enjoyed the afterglow of sex, but this was something else entirely. She wanted, no, she needed, to hold Kael close, to mold herself against him, to never let go. And then, Michiko felt Kael moving beneath her, not quickly, just slow enough to avoid tugging on the tie that locked them securely together. To her surprise, she felt the wolf lying down on his belly, carrying her with him so she lay full length on his back, her limbs matching the position of his own like a blanket. For a strange reason she could not understand, that act made her grin, a chuckle washing through her. She could see Kael's answering grin as he turned his head, but she was surprised to see a playful cast to the look. A moment later, she understood, a gasp of surprise accompanying the wolf tensing his muscles just so, moving his hips in time, pulling her just a little deeper, grinding against the tie, working it within him, waves of pleasure washing through her. It wasn't arousing pleasure, her loins already within the refractory period, but that didn't diminish the sensation in the slightest.

Kael let his muscles relax, easing the sensation, then he did it again and she shuddered, her claws digging into his pelt at the shoulders as he tugged on her. She saw the pleasure on his face as he lifted his head off the pillows, sucking in a breath as her member stroked some sensitive spot within him and she got into the act as well, pressing and grinding her hips into his teasing motions. They went on like that for a few minutes, teasing one another on and off, until the hybrid girl felt the decreasing pressure on her member, knowing the tie was reaching its end, and she shivered, feeling Kael relax his muscles completely at last, and Michiko lifted herself slowly off of her lover, pulling her wilting member free from the silky confines of his passage. When her tip slid free, she actually shivered, a wave of tingling sensation washing through her as her sensitive flesh met air again. Then, she slid to the side, sprawling on her back and staring up at the ceiling. For a long stretch, she just breathed, luxuriating in a curious wealth of satisfaction she had never experienced more than a fraction of before. This was better than every fantasy, every dream and every story she had ever read. Turning her head, she found Kael watching her, a smile on his face that held a quality she had never seen before.

Admiration was there, a look that made her heart soar in her chest, like he was seeing something so beautiful he didn't ever want to look away. Satisfaction was there too, the knowledge that he knew without being told exactly what she was feeling. And over all, there was love, a quality that she now recognized had been there for a long time, though she hadn't known what it was. Then, the wolf pushed himself up on one side, facing her once more and she answered his grin with one of her own. Had she known he knew so many tricks in the bedroom, she wouldn't have hesitated the night before, would have dived headlong into loving him. But, this was better, she knew. The chaste night spent snuggled in his arms had primed her for today, made it all the more special to be with him now. Her gaze was drawn inexorably down the length of his chest, admiring the lines of his frame, reveling in the simple knowledge of what he represented. But she was surprised a moment later to see that his member was still at full mast, and it occurred to her that, though he had obviously enjoyed being taken by her, he must not have climaxed. That bothered her, though it shouldn't have. He had made it clear, repeatedly, that her pleasure was what he desired, and the look on his face was as satisfied as her own.

But, as she looked at him, marveling at his stamina, she felt the familiar heat of arousal within her as well. It wasn't nearly so strong as it had been all morning, more like hot coals than raging flame, but still, she knew if he wanted more, she would be happy to oblige. And she knew too, that he wouldn't ask. But she had to be honest with herself as well. Her nethers were sore, the good kind of sore, but sore nonetheless. Her slit ached in faint protest as her arousal stimulated her sensitive spots, the same being true of her loins. She had never peaked so often, so intensely, in rapid succession before. And still, she wanted Kael, wanted that last climax from him. Then, one last, untried itch rose in her mind, one last thing she had only ever done while playing privately, and that rarely. One more thing she wanted to experience from both sides. Biting her lip, she wondered if he would want to do it, but that thought was swiftly banished. She had a feeling that no matter what, if she wanted it, Kael would give it, even if he was at the end of his strength. Reaching out, Michiko touched his chest with both hands, caressing his ribs and she felt him tremble in pleasure at her touch.

"Do you..." She started to ask, licking her lips nervously, and she felt Kael's smile at her tone, the gesture encouraging her to go there, to ask. "Do you think you have another one in you?"

"For you, I think I do." Kael replied in the same tone, his hands gently caressing her chest with the same loving care he had before, avoiding her too sensitive flesh in favor of other places he had only barely brushed before. She saw his member twitch as she slid her hands lower, and she took another breath to prepare. Wordlessly, Michiko took one hand from her lover's chest, reaching behind her, searching for the thing she needed. When she found it, she brought the bottle of lube around between them, and she saw Kael's grin turn almost feral once more. She shouldn't have worried. He was obviously more than willing to do what she had in mind. Squeezing a dollop of the gel onto her fingers, she reached down between her legs, past her slit and the seed that oozed from it, rubbing them against the ring of her tailhole, relaxing as she had when she played with herself, the slick material warming as she prepared. While she gently worked the lube into her butt, Kael took the bottle and rubbed a coating onto his member, the lewd sight making her aching privates heat up despite their soreness.

But, even as she slid one finger into herself, then two, slightly stretching her passage, she was surprised to see him spread another layer of the lube onto himself before setting the bottle on the end table. And as she removed her fingers from her passage, the panda-fox realized that he was ensuring that it was easy on her as possible, a moment of consideration that fit him so well, she had accepted it without realizing what she was doing. Not hesitating any further, Michiko turned over so her back was to her wolf, looking back over her shoulder, watching him as he tucked himself against her. She shuddered, letting out a gasp of anticipation as he guided his tip between her legs, missing her sore slit like he could see it, nestling it in the center of her ring. He paused there, holding still, his left hand sliding beneath her head, over the shoulder she rested on, holding her chest, the other taking hold of her hip. Then, with an even, steady pressure, he pressed against her, the hybrid girl trying to relax despite her excitement. Her body resisted the penetration for a little while despite her eagerness, but the lube did its work, and she gasped in surprise when he slid into her, the first inch of his hefty wolfhood passing inside in a moment.

It stung a little, despite the slickness, her body not used to having someone inside her tailhole, and she hoped Kael wouldn't push further, not quite yet, her body tensing to endure that. But she needn't have worried. The wolf didn't move, despite the trembling in his limbs that betrayed how eager he was to continue. Michiko breathed a few breaths, pain easing rapidly, overcome by her desire, pleasure winning out instead and she felt her passage relaxing, the wolf clearly feeling it as well. As soon as he felt the easing, Kael pressed with his hips once more, slowly working himself deeper and she moaned, the wolfhood hitting something inside that sent a shock of pleasure through her, Michiko pushing her hips backward against him, welcoming the feeling. A moment later, she felt the bulge of his knot slide past the ring and she shuddered, her tail twitching as she knew he was hilted in her once more. Both luxuriated in the full depth of penetration for a few moments, Kael's hands once more finding their way to her chest, cupping her breasts in his hands, the gentle pressure making her arch against him.

Then, with the same steady motion, Kael withdrew, slowly sliding from her, the friction making her member stand back to attention despite her being sore. This time, when he thrust back into her, she gasped, his hips slamming against her making her whole body shake. The feeling as he built the familiar rhythm was wildly different than regular sex, both sets of genitals heating to the sensation, the nerves stimulated from a different direction. Soon, she was squirming in Kael's grasp, grinding her hips against his, guiding his member to sensitive spots of her passage and she was gasping, his hands expertly caressing her erect nipples. Michiko could feel his knot swelling against her opening, and she bit her lip, knowing that if she wasn't used to the size of his shaft, that was going to be incredibly intense, but at the same time, that was exactly what she wanted. Moaning as she felt him getting close, another climax building swiftly within her as well, she reached up, clasping both of his hands in hers, gripping him tightly, and when he picked up the pace, she knew he understood.

The sensations were changing again as his pace reached a fever pitch, and suddenly, her body clenched down on instinct, and her eyes went wide, Kael's knot swelling large once more, filling her passage beyond anything she had imagined. And, as she felt him twitch and jerk against her tightly stretched insides, the pulsing heat of his seed spreading deep once again, Michiko felt a sudden explosion in her loins. It wasn't like when Kael had brought both her slit and her member to their peak with his muzzle, nor the intense sensation of regular sex with him, but somehow halfway between her male and female orgasms. Moaning loudly, she felt her member twitching, cum oozing into her belly fur as her prostate was pressed tight against his knot, but at the same moment, she felt her vagina spasm, peaking as something deep inside her was stimulated from within rather than without. The panda-fox clutched Kael's hands tightly as she rode out the odd climax, her heart hammering once more, pressing and writhing against him in ecstasy. And then, at last, it was over, the waves of pleasure subsiding, and she felt her muscles relaxing all over her body, going limp once more, her fingers releasing their tight grip.

Even if she had had any idea how Kael had managed to use his muscles to work her member while inside him, she wouldn't have had the energy to reciprocate now that their positions were reversed. Not that she thought she could take clenching down on his fully engorged wolfhood. Even relaxed, she was tightly stretched around him, and besides, moving anything below her waist, even her tail, would have meant putting pressure on her nethers, and she doubted she could stand another assault of sensation down there, that last climax having left her too sore to move on her own.

Of course, Michiko reflected as Kael gathered her to him with his arms, once more molding himself to her so they were spooning, that would require me wanting to move. And that, she knew, was not what she wanted. She was right where she wanted to be, and moving could only take her away from it. Luxuriating in the feeling of utter and complete satisfaction sweeping over her, Michiko couldn't imagine how she could possibly have thought she knew the feeling before. This is what she wanted, what she had wanted for so long. To lie here in his arms, every itch and urge fulfilled by a single lover. Smiling, she managed to link her fingers through his again, nestling her head gently against his chin. And then, as the fuzzy afterglow fully settled on her, uninterrupted this time by the itches of different desires, she realized her plans for the weekend hadn't fallen through after all. With that comforting thought in her mind, listening to the quiet breathing of the wolf who held her, she let her eyes drift closed once more. She wasn't drifting away towards sleep, no, it was far more pleasant than that. She was just drifting in his embrace, not trying to do anything more, the radiant afterglow settling in like a thick blanket. It was so worth the wait...