ch 32 deadline (part 2)

Story by silvereyed_foxninja on SoFurry

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#32 of Rukario Romance

not mine i am uploading this with the permission of XD385

copyright shit

lucario and pokemon (c)game freak

other car. (c) xd385

i do not care if your 18 or not because even if i say dont read this you probly still will.

Ruby kneeled before Ash as he slept. Seeing what she was doing, Ashton called out, "Um... Let's give these two some time alone, shall we? Everyone hide." Taking Ashton's word for it, everyone present ducked behind the fallen pillars that littered the area. However, as Ho-Oh was simply too large, Ashton climbed onto her back and made a hand sign. "Be still, my lady." A moment later, the two were engulfed by a puff of white smoke. Ho-Oh whispered, "Are you certain they can't see us?" He nodded, "As long as you remain still." To the eyes of everyone else, Ashton and Ho-Oh seemed to be a large boulder. Ruby then took a deep breath as she gently caressed her lover's face. "Ash... Please, wake up... Let me see you smile again..."

She nearly did not believe that Ash would ever wake up. Yet, as Ruby nudged him, Ash slowly began to stir. After a moment more, the eyes of the Devil of the Eternal Flame opened as if for the first time. Ruby was at a loss for words as he gazed up at her with eyes filled with life. "I can't believe just how much I missed looking into those eyes..." Ash glanced around lazily, "I feel so stiff..." Ruby replied, "Well, you've been dead for a month. It's only natural that you'd feel uncomfortable at first." But after a moment, Ash sat up and looked at Ruby with the very same pained expression as the night he died in front of her. However, the young mother covered his mouth with her hand, "Before you say anything..." She then leaned forward and held Ash in a tight embrace, "I love you..."

Ash remained almost perfectly still as Ruby held him in her arms. "You can drop the act now, Ruby..." But the Lucario shook her head, "I'll say it a thousand times if I have to. I love you. And I'm sorry for the hell I put you through." However, Ash sighed, "Stop lying... It hurts." By then, Ruby was in tears and pushed herself off of him, "Do I need to prove it?! Look around you! Where do you think we are?!" Ash then shivered, "Now that you mention it, I feel really cold. Where are we?" Ruby replied, "We are on the very summit of Mt. Coronet in the middle of the Sinnoh region. It was nearly impossible for us to get up here. We could've easily have gotten killed before reaching the top!" She then grabbed Ash by the shoulders, "We have spent the past thirty days searching for Ho-Oh in order to bring you back. And I was there every step of the way." She then began to cry, "Is that enough proof for you?! Have I proven myself worthy for your love?!" She then collapsed in a heap at Ash's feet, crying her eyes out.

With a sigh, Ash helped Ruby to her knees. Ruby shuddered, "Did I...prove myself?" Ash looked away for a moment before looking back at the woman who fell in love with him. After a moment, tears began to pour from his eyes. He then smiled gratefully, "I... I really missed you... Ruby..." Without warning, the Trainer tackled his lover to the ground as he kissed her passionately. Ruby blushed in shock and embarrassment as Ash had never made the first move with such vigor before, but she was quickly lost in the moment as she embraced him and pressed into the kiss as well. Nearby, Ho-Oh blushed, "Oh my... Such passion!" Ashton added, "I wasn't expecting them to bury the hatchet so quickly. Anyway, I think now's a good time." With a hand sign, Ashton canceled the Transformation jutsu and jumped off of the phoenix while giving the signal for their companions to come out of hiding.

As the two lovers pulled away from the kiss, Ash and Ruby gazed into each other's eyes. But just then, Ash looked up and found that familiar faces surrounded them. "Whoa... You're all here too?!" Without warning, Ash was tackled to the ground by Shadow and Pearl. Shadow wept, "I missed you, big time... Can' now..." The Lucario warrior silently sobbed in joy while Pearl grabbed Ash's face. "You can't even begin to understand how much I missed you... Pucker up!" Without another word, Pearl tearfully kissed the boy she loved. Ash, also glad to see her, pressed into the kiss as well. Chiara blushed as she giggled, "I never get tired of seeing this." Once Ash and Pearl broke the kiss, the three Lucario helped Ash to his feet. But he soon noticed Ashton standing right behind him. "Hey there, Ashton. How're you...mmf?!" The viscount grabbed his descendant and held him in a tight embrace. Everyone present remained silent in surprise, having never seen Ashton show such affection towards one of his more distant descendants before. Ash muttered to himself, (Sheesh, it's like being hugged by a big brother.) Just before releasing his grip, Ashton muttered, "So good to have you back."

Upon backing away from Ashton, Ash turned and saw Kazeerah standing a short distance away with Lucy beside her. "Kazeerah? You're still here?" The Blaziken nodded, "You saved mah hide from that lowlife Hunter J. I had an obligation ta pay ya back. And..." She then nudged Lucy towards him, "Lucy really wanted ta see ya again. Right, sis?" Lucy blushed a very deep red at her sister's comment. But Kazeerah nudged her even closer to Ash, "Go on. Give the guy a hug." Slowly, the Lucario maiden approached the Trainer. When she was standing right in front of him, Lucy froze. She could only gaze up at Ash, her heart burning with anxiety. The darker voice of her mind urged her on, "What are you waiting for? Tell him." Almost in tears, Lucy muttered, "Ash.... I.... I....." He then dropped to one knee so that they were eyelevel with each other, "Yeah?" After a moment of preparing herself, Lucy blushed, "I.....really missed you..." She then threw her arms around him, the darkness in her mind scolding her for not speaking her true feelings. Ash smiled as he hugged her, "I'm glad to see you too, Lucy... Really glad."

After releasing Lucy from their embrace, Ash heard a voice behind him, "Have you been well after all this time, child?" Surprised, Ash turned to face the source of the voice. He then staggered back at the sight before him. "Hey... You're..... Ho-Oh!" The phoenix nodded, "I am." Ash then jumped in excitement, "Oh man, I can't believe I'm actually seeing you in person! Wait until Morty hears this! He'll totally freak!" But Ashton then tapped his descendant on the shoulder, "That will have to wait. Right now, we need to get back down to the others. Your children are waiting for you at this mountain's base." Ash gasped, "Oh man... Lucash? Sapphire?! What happened when they found out about me?!" Pearl replied, "That's the thing. They didn't. Neither is truly aware that you were dead. Thanks to Ashton, they thought you were just ill with something that made you unable to talk or make anything more complex than simple movements." Ash breathed a sigh of relief, "Whoa... I owe you one, Ashton." The viscount smiled, "Not a problem." Kazeerah then spoke up, "Now, how're we gettin' down from here? I found some tunnel ovah there that led down inside the mountain, but I hit a dead-end with some weird symbols on the wall." Ashton chuckled, "That's not a problem. We're taking the shortcut. All we have to do is jump!"

Kazeerah let out a laugh, "Jump?! Without bungee cords?! Yer off the hook, Ashton!" But the viscount explained, "Not quite. Chiara will provide the cushion with her psychic abilities before we can hit the ground." The Lugia brought a hand to her chin, "Clever idea, Ashton. Clever, yet bold." He then turned to Ho-Oh, "However, we will need some extra force for it to work. If we aren't far enough away from the mountain, we'll just crash into the side near the bottom. Lady Ho-Oh, this is what we need your help with." The phoenix nodded, "I understand. Allow me." A moment later, everyone was lined up side-by-side while facing the western edge of the summit. Ho-Oh stood behind them with her wings spread wide. Lucy gulped, "I'm not so sure about this..." However, Kazeerah patted her on the shoulder, "Don't get cold feet now. It'll be a snap!" Shadow snickered, "A little too late for us. It's freezing up here! All of our feet are cold!" Before anyone else could add his or her input, Ashton shouted, "Enough! Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded. The viscount then looked back at Ho-Oh, "It's all up to you, my lady. And thank you for all that you've done for us." The phoenix smiled, "It was a pleasure, child. May we meet again someday." Ashton then looked back towards the edge of the summit and spoke, "All together now. Let's go!" In unison, everyone ran towards the western edge of the summit. As they sprinted, Ho-Oh flapped her wings forward, creating a Tailwind at their backs. The eight companions jumped just as they reached the edge of the summit, the Tailwind blowing them a good distance away from the mountain before they could start to fall. Before their descent could begin, Ash looked over his shoulder and waved goodbye to Ho-Oh. The phoenix smiled, "Take care. My Angel and Devil of the Eternal Flame." She then turned to the east and made a swooping dive before flying away.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!" Lucy screamed as she tried to keep her eyes shut while she plummeted through the air. "What're ya talkin' about?! This is awesome! Extreme base-jumpin'! Wooooo!!!!" Kazeerah shouted as she nudged her sister. Ash grinned, "Kazeerah's right! It's not every day you get to skydive off a mountaintop! Too cool!" Shadow's teeth chattered, "More like too cold! This wind-chill is awful!" Chiara replied, "It will get warmer as we descend. Just be patient." Pearl then let out a giggle, "The kids will go nuts when they see us drop out of the sky! Chiara, make sure none of us fall on Rukaria's weapon if she has it sticking straight up when we get there." Ashton became a little blue in the face, "Ooh... Yes, that is an ugly thought..." As they fell, Ruby reached out and held onto Ash's hand. She smiled, "Let's get through this together, dear!" Ash then smiled, "Ever wondered what it'd be like to get married while skydiving?" The young mother grinned, "We can?! Awesome!"

It did not take long for them to reach the snowstorm that ravaged the uppermost reaches of Mt. Coronet. Fortunately, Chiara's psychic influence had yet to lose effect, so there was no danger of being blown into the mountainside. Ruby pointed, "This was the area that was hardest to get by. Normally, there's a terrible blizzard blowing around up here that can send you flying off the mountain." Ash gulped, "Well...hopefully, we'll never have to come back." Ruby smiled, "Very true." Moments later, they passed the frigid layer of air and could now see the vast forests and occasional rivers that covered the area west of Mt. Coronet. Shadow smiled, "That's better. I can feel my nose again!" Kazeerah laughed, "The only problem with skydivin' and base-jumpin' is that they never last long enough! I think I can already see the others!" Lucy shuddered, "Feels more like they don't end soon enough for me..." Just then, Pearl noticed something gleam below them as the sunlight was reflected off of something. "I'll bet that's from the blade of Rukaria's weapon. That means they're right under us!" Ash laughed, "Looks like we're literally dropping in on short notice!" Ashton then looked at Chiara, "It's all up to you, Chiara. Timing is everything." The Lugia smiled, "I will stop us from hitting the ground by one foot. No more. No less." Lucy shrieked, "ONE FOOT?! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!" The Lucario maiden flailed about hysterically for a moment before simply covering her eyes, praying for a miracle.

"Grandma, when is everyone coming back down?" Lucash asked with a hungry gaze. The Zangoose sighed, "Not sure at this rate. It's been a while since they went up there." But after a moment, Sapphire pointed upwards, "Wow, what's that?!" As Zandria and Rukaria looked upwards, eight figures could be seen falling from the sky. Zandria yelled, "HOLY HELL!!! They fell off! We've gotta find a way to cushion their fall! You! Get that thing outta the way so they don't get impaled on it!" Rukaria readily nodded, "Yes, ma'am!" The blind maiden tossed the Hyup Do to the side and stood ready to catch someone. As the eight figures drew closer, Lucy's screaming became louder. Ashton's voice soon shouted, "CHIARA!!!" A moment later, the eight companions froze in midair just a foot off the ground. Chiara smiled with her eyes glowing a bright blue, "One foot off the ground. No more. No less."

Once everyone was back on their feet, Lucy wobbled over to Ash and held onto him for balance. "Ugghhh...." She constantly shuddered, her legs feeling like butter. "Whoa... Didn't like it, huh?" Lucy only shook her head in silence. Meanwhile, Zandria was scolding Ashton, "What the devil were you thinking?!" Ashton chuckled, "I was thinking as long as we have someone with strong psychic powers, what's the danger of jumping off a mountain?" Zandria shook her head, "You really are aloof sometimes..." Just then, Sapphire and Lucash called out, "Daddy!" As they ran over to Ash, he smiled, "Hey! How're my kids doing?" Sapphire grabbed her father in a tight embrace, "You're all better! I was getting worried that you'd never talk to me again!" Ash muttered to himself, "She's as soft as ever, I guess..." With Sapphire being somewhat taller than him, Ash's head was level with her breasts. Lucash then pulled his father away and hugged him tightly, "Daddy, what happened up there? Did Ho-Oh make you all better?" Ash nodded, "Yeah, she did. I was in bad shape, but she fixed me up." The Lucario child grinned, "I really missed the old you, Daddy."

After being greeted by his children, Ash was suddenly tackled to the ground by Zandria. "Oof! Mom?! What're you doing?!" The Zangoose cried, "That's it. Let me hear your voice. Talk to me." Ash held his ancestral mother up, "Um... What's wrong?" She then pleaded, "Come on! Smile!" As instructed, Ash gave her a nervous smile. Zandria grinned, "I was starting to think I'd never see it again." She then tightly embraced him, "Anything you want for dinner tonight? Soup? Pasta? Meat?" Ash shrugged, "I guess I am kinda in the mood for a hot bowl of soup." The Zangoose smiled, "Soup it is! I'll get started as soon as we set up camp!" But before he could sit up, Ash grabbed Zandria by the shoulder. "Mom?" She replied, "Yeah?" In response, Ash gave his mother a quick kiss on the lips, "I missed you." With a blush, and tears in her eyes, Zandria tightly embraced her son, "I missed you too, boy... You're my pride and joy and you always will be."

After letting go of his ancestral mother, Ash smiled, "Hey, Rukaria!" The blind Lucario maiden smiled, "Yes?" Ash then walked over to her, "Did you miss me too?" But she then gave him a firm embrace, "You bet I did!" Ash gasped, "I think I heard a rib crack there..." Kazeerah laughed, "Easy there, girl! Don't snap the kid in half!" Ash groaned, "Seriously! I can't...breathe..." Hearing Ash gasp for breath, Rukaria released her grip on him while blushing, "Sorry... Got caught up in the moment." After checking to make sure all of his ribs were intact, Ash walked over to the Hyup Do and picked it up. "You dropped this." He then held it out to her by its blade. As she took the weapon in hand, Rukaria smiled, "Thanks, Ruko." Ash raised an eyebrow, "Ruko? My name's Ash! Don't you know that by now?" Realizing her error, Rukaria blushed, "Uh... Oops! Sorry. Old habit..." But she soon thought to herself, (He really does remind me of him...)

Zandria held out Ash's backpack to him, "Now that you're back on your feet, it's time you started pulling your own weight again." The Trainer smiled, "Thanks for hanging onto this for me, Mom." Once he was wearing his backpack again, Ash asked, "So, where to next?" Ashton shrugged his shoulders, "I thought we came here for your Sinnoh League challenge." Shadow then added, "About that... There's a Gym in Oreburgh City." Ash smirked, "Then I guess we'll start there. Anything else you know about it?" Shadow nodded, "Yeah. The Gym Leader seems to specialize in the use of Rock type Pokémon. That should give me an edge." Ash nodded, "This first Gym specializes in Rock types? Just like Brock and Roxanne. Let's get going then! We're way behind schedule! Which way to Oreburgh City?" Kazeerah pointed southwest, "We need ta get back on the main path first. We're way off course now. Follow me." The Blaziken took the lead as she led her companions through the trees.

Hours later, the group decided to set up camp while still a good distance from the main route to Oreburgh City. Zandria smiled, "My boy wants some hot soup tonight, so that's what we're having!" She then opened her collapsible pot, "I need to make certain this pot is a mirror sheen before I use it this time. Anyone know of a river or something to wash it in?" Lucy raised her hand, "I know of one that's close by." She then took the pot in hand, "Allow me. It's no trouble." Zandria smiled, "All right then, Lucy. I'm counting on you to handle it." Ash then set his hand on Lucy's shoulder, "Mind if I tag along?" The Lucario maiden nodded, "Sure! Follow me." She then led Ash northwest through the forest as Ashton ignited a small campfire.

After a short walk, Lucy and Ash came to a wide stream that was shallow enough to walk across. Lucy approached the water with Zandria's pot in hand, "Just as I remember it." Ash asked, "You sure know your way around Sinnoh, huh?" Lucy nodded, "Kind of. Kazeerah and I did a lot of traveling a while ago, so I'm pretty familiar with most of the region." She then proceeded to wash the pot as thoroughly as possible in the water. "It's already pretty clean. This won't take long." Ash watched from a distance while glancing around as if to watch for any intruders.

Lucy shook the pot several times to dry it out. "That should do it." But as she turned to Ash, he spoke, "Lucy... The reason why I came with you is..." The Lucario maiden cocked her head to one side, "Yes?" Ash gulped, "It's about Outcast." Lucy hesitated for a moment before asking, "What about him?" The Trainer sighed, "He told me he.....raped you..... Is that true?" Nervously, Lucy shook her head, "No, of course not! What a terrible thing to claim!" But at these words, Ash became very red in the face. "....ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He stomped his foot, "Are you saying I got myself killed for nothing?! That I died because of a lie?! Man, what a jerk!"

Ash raved on for a moment as Lucy watched. But as she listened to him vent his frustration, Lucy remembered something from the night she watched Ash die. She sighed in shame before reaching out and touching Ash on the shoulder. The Trainer looked down at her with a clearly irritated expression. Lucy frowned, "I'm sorry..... I won't lie to you anymore." Ash asked in surprise, "Lie? About what?" Lucy set down Zandria's pot, "I had planned to never reveal this to anyone. But I shall tell you and ONLY you." But before Lucy could continue, she gave Ash a very stern stare. "Ash, promise me that you will never reveal what I'm about to say to anyone. Not even Kazeerah. OK?" He slowly nodded, "All right. It'll be our little secret."

Ash and Lucy sat at the water's edge with their feet soaking in the stream. Lucy began, "Ash..... Outcast was not lying. It's true. I was......" She then shook her head, "No, I'll start at the beginning. I was born into the Skydiamond can, as you know. However, I have no memory of my parents. I was orphaned at a young age." Ash listened with deathly silence, never speaking a word as he heard Lucy's confession. "Due to my lack of combat skills, I never took part in the clan's hunts. I was occasionally harassed by other maidens in the clan, probably out of jealousy or as a means to test themselves. However, Outcast took it upon himself to train me how to fight. But after weeks of training with no results, he....." Ash gently set a hand on Lucy's shoulder, prompting her to look at him. She saw a most deep understanding in his eyes as well as compassion. She did not need to actually say it for Ash to understand. He knew then that Outcast was being honest when he admitted to committing rape against Lucy.

Ash sighed, "Lucy... You don't have to say anything else..." But the Lucario maiden shook her head, "No... I'll tell you everything. It was because of...that incident that I chose to leave the clan. But....." She sighed, "I was not captured by a Trainer after only a few weeks. That happened.....a few years after I left the Skydiamond clan behind. Some time after I left, I was cornered by a few scouts from my clan who attempted to capture me by force. It was then that I met Kazeerah and she drove them off. We bonded afterwards and traveled all over Sinnoh. But just a week or so before I was captured by that roaming Trainer, Kazeerah and I....." After a brief pause, Lucy continued, "All I will say is that Kazeerah and I were separated, and I feared she was dead. I didn't see her again until we found the two of you outside of Sandgem Town." She then sighed, "...There. I said it. My past. Just please...don't pity me..."

Ash remained silent for a moment before speaking, "Lucy..." The Lucario maiden looked over at him, "Yes?" She was then surprised as Ash held her in a warm embrace, "I don't blame you for wanting to keep that a secret from me. That was a terrible thing you went through." He added, "And since it looks like you've gotten over that...incident, I won't pity you. But Lucy..." He then looked her in the eyes, "I won't let anyone do something like that to you again. OK?" Lucy shyly smiled, "Thank you, Ash... Just don't mention this to anyone." He nodded, "I promise. This is just between you and me."

After Ash had put his shoes and socks back on, he and Lucy turned and headed back towards the campsite. But before they could enter the forest, Ashton emerged from it. "Huh? Ashton?" The viscount smiled at Lucy, "You go on ahead and get that pot to Zandria. I need to have a chat with our friend here." Ash gulped, "Really?" Lucy nodded, "All right. Don't be long." The Lucario maiden disappeared into the trees, leaving Ashton and his descendant alone at the riverbank.

Ashton stood before Ash, who seemed to be slightly unnerved by his ancestor's presence. He gulped, "Uh... What did you need to talk to me about?" The viscount replied, "Quite a bit, to be honest." He then sighed, "Honestly, Ash. How could you allow yourself to be done in by a lowly thug?" At this, the boy took a step back, "What're you talking about?" Ashton shouted, "You are the Devil of the Eternal Flame! Wielder of the molten blood of the earth itself! How in the world did that Lucario assassin kill you?!" Ash shuddered, "How could I use that power.....after what I did to you and Lucy?!" He held back tears, "I almost gave in... Almost let my rage get to me... But I won't let it happen... Not again..."

Hearing Ash's response, Ashton raised an eyebrow, "Hm? Almost gave in? You mean...?" Ash nodded, "I felt it while I was trying to stop Outcast. But I held it back." The viscount sighed, "So you suppressed it." He then grumbled, "A foolish error." At this, Ash shouted, "Foolish?! What if you guys were there too?! What if I attacked you after I was done with him...OW!!!" Ash was sent sprawling across the ground as Ashton struck him across the face with the flat side of the Flamberge's blade like a paddle. "How many times must I say it?! Soul Edge is no longer in control of you! In fact, it no longer exists at all!" Ash looked up at his ancestor while rubbing the side of his face. Ashton continued, "The Eternal Flame is not an evil power. It is only as evil as you are. If you are in control of yourself, then we have nothing to fear of you. To that..." He then placed the Flamberge on his back, "I shall teach you how to harness the Eternal Flame within your soul."

Ash staggered to his feet, "No way! I couldn't control myself last time! Even when that Soul Edge thing wasn't awake yet!" With a sigh, Ashton spoke, "Ash, all of us have been keeping this a secret for now, but I'll tell you." He then explained, "I was not the one who slew the Blackflame Five. You were." Ash gulped, "Then those five Lucario from my dreams... They were just..." The viscount continued, "Even though the first time a host of the Eternal Flame harnesses its power is always the most difficult time, you restrained yourself from harming Lucy and even spared Pearl's life, despite the fact that she was your enemy at the time. Even with Soul Edge influencing your actions, you displayed commendable awareness of your actions toward others." He then smiled, "I have no doubt that you will remain in complete control of yourself when you harness the Eternal Flame's power."

After hearing Ashton reveal the truth of his past actions, Ash sighed, "OK... I'll take your word for it. Maybe I will be just fine. But..." He then shrugged his shoulders, "I...uh...don't know how to actually use the Eternal Flame." Ashton brought a hand to his chin, "Hmmm... Well, last time you started to tap into it, you were fighting desperately to defend Lucy from Outcast, were you not?" The Trainer nodded, "Yeah." Ashton then smiled, "Then I probably have just the means to bring your latent potential to the surface." He then made a pair of hand signs, "This is the only genjutsu I have ever perfected, but it should suit our needs perfectly." Ash gulped as he took a step back, "Hang on... Is this gonna hurt?!" Ashton shook his head, "Of course not. Genjutsu affects the target's senses. Genjutsu means 'Illusion Technique' for a reason, you know. You will not suffer any harm. However..." He then gave Ash a most serious gaze, "This will not be a pleasant experience." Before Ash could object further, Ashton spoke, "Demonic Illusion: Death Mirage Jutsu."

A flurry of leaves began to swirl all around Ash as if they had been summoned from nowhere. He felt himself freeze, as if he was too dizzy to move. A moment later, the flurry of leaves vanished. Ash then saw that Ashton was nowhere to be seen. "What the... Hey! Where'd you go?! Ashton!" But at that moment, a voice spoke from behind him, "I would be more concerned about myself if I were you right now." Ash froze as he heard a voice that he had not heard in months. "You... But I thought Ashton... No... It was I who..." He then turned to face the owner of the voice, "Killed you.... Thanatos."

Standing before Ash was a male Lucario with a terrible burn scar covering his left eyelid, forever sealed shut from the loss of his eye. Ash then glanced down and froze as he saw a bloodied and beaten Lucash trapped under the Lucario's foot. The child was clearly unconscious as he did not move, but was still breathing. "Lucash?!" Ash shouted in fright. The evil Alpha male smirked, "Your violations of my clan are well overdue to be punished. And your children will be the first to pay the price." Thanatos then gathered strength into his right hand for a Focus Punch as he prepared to crush Lucash's skull. "Just remember, boy. You're next!" As Thanatos plunged his fist toward Ash's son, the Trainer made a desperate lunge for them as his eyes turned a vivid pink, "STOP!!!"

"Ash, that's enough! Relax!" Ashton shouted as his dispelled the genjutsu. Ash glanced around in confusion, "What the?! Where'd he go?! Where's Thanatos?!" Ashton replied, "Probably still scattered about the battlefield where he met his end in Hoenn. Everything you saw just now was an illusion." Seeing no sign of Thanatos, his son, or even a puddle of blood where Lucash used to be, Ash began to calm down. "Phew... That was a scary moment..." But the viscount nodded, "Perhaps so, but it worked. Take a good look at yourself." Ash glanced down at his hands and found that they were coated in flames. To top it off, a pair of long black claws had extended from between his fingers on each hand. "What the... Is"

Ash found that a thin layer of flames that took on the shape of a Zangoose now coated his body. "Whoa... I have fuzzy ears on my head? And a...tail?" Ash reached behind him and brought his bushy tail of flames in front of him. "It feels like fur!" He then started to rub it and even nuzzled it with his face. "Man, that feels soft. I'm already starting to like this." Ashton then spoke up, "Just a moment now, Ash. How do you feel? Are you thirsty for blood? Do you want to rip someone open?" The Trainer looked over at his ancestor, "Um... Now that you mention it... I feel no different than I usually do." The viscount smiled, "There, you see? The Eternal Flame is by no means an evil power." Ash smiled, "What a relief... But...what do I do about these?" He held up his claws. Ashton shrugged his shoulders, "Don't look at me. I never had them. Try experimenting." Ash looked down at his hands and started to flex them along with his fingers. After a moment, he tried extending his fingers as far as he could while keeping them straight. In response, his claws retracted into his hands. "I guess that did it. Maybe I can get used to this." Ashton then crossed his arms, "From now on, use this power whenever the need arises." Ash nodded, "Will do."

After taking a look at his reflection in the nearby stream, Ash glanced around. "You smell that?" Ashton sniffed the air, "I smell nothing worth noting." Ash turned towards the general direction of the campsite, "Mom's already cooking dinner!" But Ashton replied, "How can you tell?! I don't smell anything!" But the Trainer smirked, "I'm not missing out! See ya there!" Ash then dropped down on all fours and dashed into the forest. Ashton chuckled, "Seems he's gained the senses of a Zangoose as well." Not wanting to be left behind, Ashton ran after his descendant.

A short while later, Ash burst out of the forest and came to a stop at the campfire. "Is it ready yet?!" Everyone jumped in surprise at Ash's sudden arrival. Kazeerah cracked her knuckles, "Gone off the deep end again, Ash? I'm ready ta scrap if yer in the mood." But Ash threw up his hands, "Whoa, easy there! I'm not here to hurt anyone! I'm just hungry!" The Blaziken raised an eyebrow, "Really? Yer not gonna try ta eat us?" Ash let out a laugh, "Of course not! I just want some soup! Is that OK with...huh?" He then looked behind him as Zandria hugged his tail. "I never get tired of this thing. What a luxurious tail!" Ash blushed, "Mom... Not in front of the others, please." But Lucash walked over to his father, "Daddy, you look so cool! Can I touch it?" The Trainer nodded, "Sure!" The Lucario child began to feel along his father's cloak of flames. "It's really warm. And you feel furry!" Sapphire smiled, "Furry?! Let me feel!" Before Ash could object, he was being firmly embraced by his daughter while she nuzzled his face. "Mmmmm, this feels really nice. I love this new look, Daddy." Just then, Ashton emerged from the forest. "I take it everyone is becoming accustomed with the Devil of the Eternal Flame's real personality?" Shadow nodded, "Yeah. I don't know what you did to help him stay in control, but it worked."

As everyone sat down for dinner, Zandria began to hand out bowls of soup. But as she handed the first bowl to Chiara, Ash suddenly snatched it from her hands and started to slurp it up. Chiara frowned, "How rude! Ladies first, Mr. Ketchum." Ashton brought a hand to his chin, "Hmmm... It would seem that Ash becomes more impulsive when the Eternal Flame is active." While Ash enjoyed his soup, Zandria took the time to hand out more bowls of soup to the others. But as she was about to hand out Kazeerah's serving, Ash finished his current bowl and snatched Kazeerah's soup away from her. "Hey! Steal mah dinnah, will ya?!" In retaliation, the Blaziken threw a quick jab at Ash's head. But the instant Ash looked out of the corner of his eye to see the fist coming, he leaned backwards, causing Kazeerah's fist to fly by his face. Kazeerah paused for a minute, "....What the... How'd ya dodge that? Ya didn't even see it comin' until the last second!" What was more, Ash evaded the blow without even spilling the bowl of soup. Lucy asked, "Ash, how did you do that?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know... I don't even remember thinking about doing it." Ashton pondered to himself, (He saw Kazeerah's fist only half of a second before it could strike. That evasive maneuver was done entirely out of instinct. Seems that the Devil of the Eternal Flame functions more on instinct than thought. This could make him an exceedingly difficult opponent to strike. It takes time to think out plans, but actions made on instinct are decided in an instant.) Before Kazeerah could complain further, Ash chuckled, "Uh... Here ya go." He handed the bowl to Kazeerah. The Blaziken smirked, "Mighty polite of ya, Ash. Thanks."

As everyone enjoyed their dinner, Kazeerah smiled, "Hey, guys? I need ta tell y'all somethin' important." Everyone stopped eating and looked towards the Blaziken. She continued, "Once we reach that fork in the road up ahead, I'll be headin' north." Ash then replied, "But Oreburgh City is south of there." Kazeerah nodded, "Yeah, but I'll be headin' ta Eterna City instead. The only reason I stuck around this long was ta make sure Ash was back on his feet." She then added, "Sorry. I know y'all are gonna miss me. But I'm a drifter at heart. I prefer ta go wherevah I decide. Nothin' personal, all right?" After a moment of silence, Ruby nodded, "It's all right if you need to part ways with us. Everyone has their own needs and goals." Ash sighed, "It was fun while it lasted. And I'm...touched that you stuck with us so long for my sake." Kazeerah then threw her arm around Ash's neck for a playful hug, "Ya really do remind me of Lucy sometimes. Relax. It's not like we're sayin' goodbye fer good. I'm sure we'll bump inta each other again someday." Ash hugged the Blaziken back, "I'm glad ta hear that. Yer pretty cool, Kazeerah." But after a few seconds, Ash gagged, "Guh?! Aw man! Now you've got me talking like you!" Everyone present let out a laugh.

Over the course of four days, everyone steadily approached the fork in the road where Kazeerah would part ways with them. And every evening, Ashton would train Ash in harnessing the Eternal Flame's power more effectively. On the morning of the fifth day since Ash's resurrection, the telltale signpost came into view. Shadow pointed, "There it is. We turn left for Oreburgh City." Once they were standing before the signpost, everyone turned to Kazeerah. She smiled, "It was really fun, guys. But this is where I go mah own way." Ashton nodded, "It was indeed a pleasure, Miss Kazeerah." Hearing Ashton speak, the Blaziken pointed at him, "Don't go thinkin' I fergot! Ya still owe me a sparrin' session!" Ashton smirked, "Yes, I have not forgotten. I reside near Pallet Town in the Kanto region." Kazeerah then pulled out her journal and jotted down a note. "Pallet Town, Kanto region. Got it."

Kazeerah turned to Lucy, "Well, Lucy? Ya decided on who yer goin' with?" The Lucario maiden looked back at all her new friends, remembering that they had discussed the matter with her. Ruby, however, seemed very distraught. She was trying not to cry, but was keeping a straight face somehow. Lucy gazed up at Ash, finding it difficult to choose whom to remain with. He smiled, "It's OK. Choose whoever you trust more." Lucy glanced back and forth at her companions and sister. After a moment of careful thought, she walked over to Kazeerah. "Just like old times. Right, Kazeerah?"

The Blaziken gave her sister a firm hug, "Man, I can't wait ta get back on the road with ya! It's been too long!" Lucy hugged the Blaziken back, "I really missed all those times too." Once they had released each other, they turned to face their friends. Kazeerah smiled, "Thanks for takin' such good care of Lucy fer me. I really appreciate it." But at this, Ash walked over to the Blaziken. "Kazeerah?" She nodded, "Yeah?" The Trainer then threw his arms around her and held her in a tight embrace, "Promise me you'll watch out for Lucy." Surprised by Ash's heartfelt approach, Kazeerah smirked, "What's this? Does this mean I have a new lil brother now?" Ash's eyes went wide, "Uh..." Before he could let go, the Blaziken caught him in a very tight embrace, "Yer such a sweet kid! Don't worry! I'll take good care of 'er." Ash blushed as his face was pressed against the Blaziken's belly. (Man, her stomach muscles are really firm!)

After goodbyes were said, Ash and Lucy shared one last gaze with each other. Ash smiled, "We'll see each other again someday, right?" Lucy nodded, "Definitely. You are all some of the best friends I have ever known." Kazeerah smiled, "Take care, guys. Let's go, Lucy." With her hand on Lucy's shoulder, the Blaziken led her sister north. But as they walked, Lucy looked over her shoulder one last time at Ash. In the depths of her mind, she heard her darker half scold her, "You are not being true to yourself..." One by one, Ash's companions began to head south. In the end, it was Ash who turned away last. When he caught up to Ruby, he whispered, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise..." The young mother sighed, "It isn't your fault..."

As they walked, Lucy and Kazeerah chatted about all that had happened since they were separated. But after no more than fifteen minutes since leaving their friends behind, Lucy could hear her darker half scolding her in the back of her mind. "What are you doing? Why did you leave him?" Lucy tried to ignore the voice as much as she could, but the voice began to shout, "Have you forgotten all that he has done for you?! That he even died to protect you?! How can you even consider that he does not love you after that?!" Struggling to remain focused on her conversation with Kazeerah, Lucy listened to her sister the best she could. But her darker half then threw the deathblow. "The two of you are the perfect match. Do not forget. The bouquet."

Hearing the darker half of her mind mention the moment when she grasped the bouquet of flowers thrown by a bride at a wedding in Oreburgh City, Lucy froze in her tracks. Kazeerah noticed Lucy's abrupt halt, "Huh? What's up?" Lucy brought a hand to her chest as she felt a powerful burning sensation there. Her darker half spoke, "You know it as well as I do. He loves you. And if you give him the chance, you just might even become husband and wife someday. But if you walk away now, you will forever be left wondering what could have been." Lucy felt tears beginning to fill her eyes as her darker half spoke, "You know what it is your heart truly desires. Now, go to him!!!"

Lucy staggered around for a few seconds as she regained her senses. Kazeerah caught her before she could fall, "Whoa, what's wrong?! Ya eat somethin' spoiled fer breakfast?" After a moment, Lucy looked up at her sister, "Kazeerah..." The Blaziken replied, "Yeah?" Lucy then stood up, "I'm sorry... I'm going back." Kazeerah gasped, "Lucy... Ya serious?" The Lucario maiden nodded, "I'm sorry. It's just... I mean..... I don't know how to put it into words." But the Blaziken smirked, "Oh, I can tell whatcha mean. Ya got the hots fer someone?" At this, Lucy blushed, "No! Nothing like that!" Kazeerah laughed, "Just messin' with ya! But seriously..." She then rested a hand on her sister's shoulder, "It's OK. If there's someone ya hold dear ta you back there, go." Lucy sighed, "I'm sorry. We've been apart for so long..." But the Blaziken smiled, "Relax. I know where ta find ya. Pallet Town, right? I'll drop in and visit now and then, all right? We'll meet again." Lucy then gave her sister a firm hug, "Thanks for understanding..... I'll see you again someday. That's a promise." The Blaziken patted her sister's head, "Ya better count on it. Now, get goin'! Go ta yer friends! And tell 'em I said hi." Lucy smiled, "I will. Goodbye, Kazeerah. For now." With a tear in her eye, Lucy turned and ran south. Once her sister was out of sight, Kazeerah opened her journal and began to write, "Looks like Lucy's found that special someone. But who could it be? Guess I'll be finding out next time I bump into them."

Ash lagged behind his friends, as he could not take his mind off of Lucy. "I already miss her so much..." But after a moment, he could hear a voice calling his name from somewhere behind him. "!" Hearing his name, Ash turned to face the north, "Huh?" Much to his surprise, Lucy was running right towards him, "Ash!" He smiled, "No way... Lucy?!" He then dropped to one knee and held out his arms. As she neared him, the Lucario maiden leapt into the Trainer's arms. The two embraced each other tightly as everyone else noticed Lucy's return and ran back to them. Shedding tears, Lucy spoke to herself, (I can't tell you just yet.... But someday... Someday, I'll tell you everything, Ash. Someday...I'll say it..... I love you...)

To the north, the Skydiamond Oracle smiled in relief. "It would seem the worst is behind us." At that moment, Tia approached the Oracle, "What's the current situation with the Angels of Hope and Doom?" The Oracle replied, "It would seem that the heart of the Angel of Hope has been mended. The Angel of Doom is in no danger of seizing control now." Tia's eye went wide, "Really? What could've caused such an abrupt shift in her balance with the Angel of Doom?" The Oracle replied, "I honestly can't say. But... I sensed a new power appear a few days ago. And..." The Oracle paused for a moment, "It is very similar to that evil presence I sensed about a month ago. The one that rivaled the Angel of Doom. Only... The evil is now gone."

Tia brought a hand to her chin, "It has returned? But it is no longer under an evil influence?" The Skydiamond Oracle nodded, "Yes. Its power is great. And while its demeanor is wild, and possibly even ruthless, it is a...honorable spirit." The Oracle turned to Tia, "I sincerely believe that this entity will become a most valuable ally against the demons of the world." Tia smiled, "At the very least, the worst is over now. But remain on the lookout. The struggle between Doom and Hope never ceases." The Oracle nodded and closed his/her eyes while Tia returned to the center of the Skydiamond clan grounds to organize a hunting party for other demons. The Oracle muttered, "Born in sorrow. Die in sorrow. But.....can this destiny be altered?"