A taste of Lycorys

Story by samucamon on SoFurry

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A little gift I decided to do for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/blackmist333/ over at FA. Not my usual stuff but I decided to do something more out of my ordinary so be ready cause this one is a good one

https://www.furDisclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between a male and a hermaphrodite, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for another tea store or read some of my other work.

A taste of Licorys

Being a witch hunter was never an easy job, you risk your life and sometimes it doesn't earn you what you wanted, but hey at least it paid well enough to keep one well fed with a little more.

Aohren didn't know what he expected from a night walk, maybe it was stress from the recent hunts or maybe he just needed to enjoy the fresh air, it was curious. However, he stopped thinking about the real reason once he saw the night sky that day, such a wonderful sight it was.

At the nearby town, no matter how many times he tried, it wasn't easy to relax like he was doing now, just strolling through a path in the forest while watching and stargazing , of course he always kept an eye out for whoever could be after him, after all it wasn't unusual for someone to not want a witch hunter nearby.

All things considered, even these peaceful moments he had weren't cutting for him to relax, so he decided that this time it would be the time to try something he hadn't in a while...

Music flowed through town as the shade-dragon made his way while concealing his appearance under a mantle and a simple mask in a roguelike manner. At least that would attract less attention than him with his full-blown appearance out.

But with so many taverns to choose, he didn't know what to choose that night...that was until he saw one particular individual enter one.

A dragon, and not a regular one, he only caught a glimpse of their tail but by that he knew it was one from the distant lands where a lack of adventure was never a problem. A fluffy tail with a purple pattern over it already had the shade dragon going over and only stopping once he saw something in front of the door.

'Tonight's special: Today we're glad to announce we'll be having a performance alongside a buy a drink and get a free refill with it.' This certainly interested him, he was never one to drink too much, but the prospect of saving some coin definitely got him interested alongside the idea of seeing a small show.

The tavern in particular was one he had been to before, more than once had he stayed a night or two at a room and gotten a little info to get around but never had stayed enough to experience something like this,until now that is.

Soon he had a small mug of ale and waited for something to happen while scanning the room for the dragon fellow he had seen earlier but there were no signs of them. Only a couple patrons, the crew setting up a small stage for the performance, and...a wolf who was staring at him alongside his bear partner. Both armed rather heavily with their equipment by their side as they stared at Ao from afar.

It was then that it hit him, bounty hunters, he had realized now that they probably wanted info or just go after him, but he was so close to having a good end to his week...

Before both could get up, however, a loud voice echoed from the stage bringing the attention of all patrons and Ao himself.

"Attention please! Tonight's show will begin, as many of you know, we have the rare chance of seeing a performer from the distant lands and a dragon at that, please stay on your seats during the performance or you will be escorted out...now welcome Lycoris!" As soon as the announcement was over, the dragon stepped on stage and what a sight it was.

From the many eastern dragons he had met before, he was quite surprised by both the size and appearance of the woman, standing at 7'7 feet, wearing a blue dress with a flower-like skirt that sported two coattails that blended in with her own tail. Her mane was well kept, fluffy, and even seemed to shine like snow on a full moon night. That alongside the piercing gaze she sent the crowd with her eyes had Ao forgetting about the bounty hunters.

He became even more entranced as he heard the melodic voice she had, now this was what he always wanted to hear, it didn't sound fake like some he had heard, he could actually feel some happiness from her. Sipping on his mug, he watched as she danced around the stage before jumping into the air, he almost thought she would fall before he saw he float gently down and then take flight again, now dancing into the air and approaching tables as her melody flowed into the air.

She approached every table while singing but never landed, only when it was his turn to see her closer did she do something different, he almost lept out of his seat as she pulled him closer to be face to face. "Why don't you join me for the dance? I can see through that hood you know." He then felt his face flush slightly and remembered the bounty hunters, if he went along there was a possibility of revealing himself but at the same time...he didn't want to let this opportunity pass by.

In a swift movement, the dragon had been lifted up in the air but not before he felt a strange feeling overcome him as the eastern dragoness pulled him close and continuing her melody, spinning him around even as they were in the air, she seemed to keep a close watch on his movements as if she was following his lead instead of the reverse.

If he was being honest with himself...he enjoyed the situation, it certainly was a change from all the adventuring he experienced earlier that week and much more relaxing.

Soon he was led to the ground again as the performance slowly came to halt and stopped, a slight smile over his face but it quickly disappeared once he heard steps coming towards him. He could hear their voices speaking 'Surround him, he can't escape like that', he needed to act fast otherwise he would-

''Hello gentlemen, can I help you two?" She gently spoke in an excited tone while talking to two, now that they were closer, he was sure who they were, the insignia on their clothes was a dead giveaway but he was surprised when the dragoness put herself between them.

"Well we just wanted to talk to that guy behind you, nothing you have to worry about lady." He was ready to make a run for it so he could at least avoid combat but when she tugged him while slapping the bear's hand away and made Ao face them, he almost felt the color drain from his face.

"A wolf" The bear said.

"Looks like one, told you we were wrong." The wolf also seemed surprised.

Ao himself was confused until he noticed the dragoness smirk and then realized what was happening. A dragon performer who could both fly and persuade, it was obvious now that she was a bard and spellcaster one at that. There probably was a spell concealing his face from the two, now what he wondered was why someone would bother to do this all of sudden.

With a rude gesture and gruff voice, the bear and wolf left the tavern while Ao was left to wonder if things were really handled, with his train of thought being interrupted with the excited voice that she had. "So what's your name?"

Despite having just gotten out of a situation where his name was the last thing He wanted to reveal, there was something about talking to her that made him want to be friendly. Perhaps the fact unlike many of his encounters, the two were of the same kind. There was just something about meeting and talking to another dragon that soothed his mood.

He gestured for her to get a little closer and with a whisper, he spoke now with a happier tone "Aohren but Ao works just fine." He greeted her and looking now, she certainly was different from his previous encounters. Standing taller than him while still sporting a melodious voice, Lycoris was a different approach to what one would call an entertainer, while most that followed this line of work cared only for pretty looks, this dragoness was different. Her body was much like his, muscles that were earned from hard work combined with dragonic heritage.

Ao was so caught up on is thoughts that he almost didn't notice a polar bear approaching them, only this one sported a much friendlier look. His outfit similar to the dragoness, it wasn't hard to connect the dots that he was a helper or show partner.

"I take it those guys were after you weren't they? Geez, that guild likes to ruin places" The bear spoke with an annoyed tone while Lycoris nodded in agreement.

"Wait...you two knew about them?"

"We've had our own experiences with them, they ruined our shows once or twice and this time I couldn't let that happen...besides, I wouldn't want a cutie like you to get hurt" He was caught off guard by the last part, it wasn't as if he had a low opinion of himself but when you like to stay on the shadows and be the stealthy one, you don't receive compliments often, specially being called cute.

"Well if you want to give him a room for the night, we have extra."

" Wait what do you mean by that?" Ao said surprised.

"Oh it's just that we normally get free rooms for when we perform at a place, there was an artist who was performing here but he bailed out last second." The bear pointed to the schedule that was written on the wall and sure enough, there was a big X on a name.

"Oh! That's perfect, why don't you join us Ao?" The dragoness almost jumped in place with her excitement. He certainly wanted to accept it however...

"Wait as kind as that is, I wouldn't want to cause more trouble than I already have." With that he gave a polite wave attempted to leave and would have managed if the dragoness hadn't pulled him for a hug, even if he had seen her muscles, she was stronger than he thought, and not only was he pulled but ended up with his face between her breasts. The soft and tender feeling to them had his face starting to change tones, especially considering it took a moment before he focused on what she had to say.

"Trouble? Sweetheart you haven't caused any, I choose to help you for 3 reasons. One, because I'm always willing those in need. Two, because that guild always causes trouble and tree, because I think an adorable dragon like you won't get hurt on my watch like this." Even if his face was already red, he was sure it went somewhat of deeper shade, enough at least to show even on his dark scales. Truly, it had been a while since he had settled down to spend a night peacefully on a bed...

It took just a nod for the dragoness's smile to come back to her face, even the bear had a smile as he waved while giving a polite bow leaving the two. "So want a drink or did that encounter worn you out?"

"I had a rough day of sorts, sorry but I think I'll be heading to bed for today."

"Aww sorry to hear that, I'll join you soon, you better be ready because I have to talk to you." Even though she wasn't singing anymore, Ao noticed her voice was just as melodious, no wonder so many people had come and see such a performance.

After a quick bath and a change of clothes, the dragon found himself staring at outside at the sky again, it still somewhat troubled him someone had recognized him and was after him. Yet his worries didn't come from that, rather, he was still trying to absorb the fact that not only he met another dragon today, they had offered kindness to him.

His train of thought was soon interrupted however as a knock on his door alerted him with Lycoris entering the room, he let out a relaxed sigh as he saw no one had followed her.

"What's on your mind? Even I can see you're troubled." The dragoness spoke as she sat on her bed while looking at the sky with Ao.

"Just a little worried about those guys earlier and honestly, a little throw off you two are being so nice to me."

"That's what's worrying you? You should relax they didn't see your face, I made sure of that and what do you mean by us being kind?" At that point, Ao had gone from just staring at the window to joining the dragoness on the bed as they spoke.

"It's just that I'm not used to receiving a reward without at least a little price, when you live on the road of business it's like that."

"Oh it most certainly can be tough like that, but I like to believe out there some people do offer kindness to others, like I did with you." Those words made Ao think about back to the far and few times that he could remember about such events, truly if he thought about it, in the past he had met other fellow hunters that helped him for no personal gain. "But if it's a way of repaying us that you're looking for...I might just know something."

There was something about her tone at that moment that sent a shiver down his spine, not out of fear but rather excitement. Not only that but he was rather curious, he didn't feel any malice behind her voice.

"Wait really? What is it? I honestly would be willing to pay for the room if it's something like tha-" His voice was cut short once he felt her tail lightly curl against his and from the way she continued that, it could only mean one thing.

"You see...performing can be rather stressful and like I said before...I think you're really cute and even handsome." From the few things in life that had made his face get red, this for sure would take the cake for a long time, especially taking into account he could feel it become so intense it was possible to see even with his black scales.

"I-I....wow, this is quite..." Ao stumbled to speak but as flustered as he was, he wanted this, not out of just repaying her but also due to the fact that he hadn't managed to do something like this for quite some time, although his main focus was to repay them, this certainly was a bonus.

He certainly wasn't expecting when she was the one to start approaching him and putting a hand on his cheek as she pressed their chest together a little.

She kissed a little more, a little deeper, pressing up once another from top to bottom. First, their chests were meeting, purple scales pressing against black ones, then they were snuggling intimately enough that Ao felt his sheath start to stir and harden. It was just a little at first but slowly firming as they fell further into the kiss. Naturally, both had long tongues and Ao felt firsthand how skilled she was with hers. Pressing deeper and wresting against his as the kiss went from a small peck to a full-blown make-out session and it was only turning longer and noisier with each second.

It was then that Ao felt her push him to lay on the bed as she continued to kiss him while staying on top over him, now with this position there wasn't even a need to press in as Lycoris touched around his shoulder's and embraced the shade dragon. His sheath was filling out fast, reaching a thick, turgid state that was already bulging his pants a little, before it was even full.

However, as Ao pressed his own member up, something felt different. There was a certain firmness when he pressed up, his member brushed against something hard and that seemed to be becoming bigger as he pressed again. He had fallen so deep into the kiss that the feeling was taking time to process but eventually when the dragoness stopped, he was able to properly feel what he was brushing against.

Under Lycoris's dress, he could clearly see something creating volume, not only that but was much bigger than his own even as he reached full hardness. His face a mixture of confused but excitement as he still was somewhat light-headed from their kiss.

It didn't take long for the dragoness to connect the dots and finally realize why the sudden change in the shade dragon's face. "...I'm sorry I should have warned you about it."

"N-No, don't apologize, it's just that I...am not too sure what to do now." It was almost as if she could sense his worry, putting a hand on both of their bulges as she started to help him take his garments off.

"In that case, let me take the lead." That was all it took to calm Ao down at that moment. The dragoness made short work of their garments, smoothly and quickly and that was when Ao's jaw dropped. As expected from one look from the outside, Lycoris's body was muscled but still kept a athletic build. Of course, Ao wasn't focused on that, his gaze rested on the large set of balls as well as the large member between her legs.

Well...large was somewhat of an understatement. Ao was never ashamed of his size but she outmatched him by a rather large margin. Even before he had taken a real look at it, the bulge he had felt before already had told him enough. Still, he couldn't take his eyes off of it, leaving him distracted enough for the dragoness to pounce on him.

He had closed his eyes for just a sec before he felt something touch his nose but when he opened them again, he discovered he was face to face with the long and voluminous shaft. With the dragoness being in a much similar situation as him, only she was on top of the shade dragon.

"I'm sure you can figure out what to do next." He certainly did, even if he hadn't been on the receiving end of such a large member like this before. He knew enough to start. Taking a long lick on the tip of the large organ, Ao got his first taste and doubled his efforts just to feel it again. Soon after giving the shaft enough of his tongue, the dragon moved to give the large-sized balls what they deserved.

Meanwhile, Lycoris basked on her partner's work before she herself began her own ministrations. Much similar to what Aohren attempted, she licked the pointed tip of the orange shaft, only that with their difference in size, she was able to not only wrap he long tongue around the member and swallow with ease, she also reached down to massage Ao's sack.

That made the dragon roar but with his mouth busy around Lycoris's gifted pair of balls, it only made the dragoness get harder feeling the dragon suck on harder. It was almost as if the two were competing to who could get the other harder, that was until Aohren felt something start dripping down his face and a different fragrance overtake his senses for a minute. Pulling off for a second the shade dragon finally discovered where that scent came from.

In the space just above her balls, there was a slit that the dragon knew all too well what it was. With his curiosity getting the better out of his mind, he reached out to run a finger over it which earned another pleased moan from the dragoness on top of him, not only that but he could feel just how much harder she had become with just that touch alone. But before the shade dragon could do more, he was again interrupted by an intense feeling of pleasure from within him.

When Ao had touched her slit, the dragon had without knowing ignited a much more aggressive side of her. If he was to have fun with that part, she felt it was only fair to do the same to him, with that she withdrew from his member and in dragged her tongue down until it made contact with Ao's entrance. The shade dragon almost had reached his limit once she pressed her tongue against him but what truly had made his thought stop dead on track was what came after.

Lycoris took her time preparing the dragon, even though Ao wasn't sure which role he was going to take once he saw her member, the dragoness made sure to show she was preparing him for something. Something he knew was going to be quite the challenge for him.

First licking around and then gently pressing her tongue in, she gradually opened the dragon while he was lost in bliss, so much so he didn't notice he had pushed one of his fingers inside her slit which only made the dragoness work harder. Now with the flexible muscle inside and reaching as deep as it would go, she drew back while also nudging her member against Ao's lips.

"It's not fair that I'm the only one doing all the work." Without giving him a chance to answer, the dragoness smirked and pressed down as Ao's lips parted. Unlike before however, there was so much force behind those legs that the dragon found himself swallowing much more than before, now a considerable bulge appeared on his throat, yet he didn't want to stop, settling for steadying himself while Lycoris both fucked his throat senseless and spread him.

It wasn't long before he had relaxed enough for her to start thrusting, still, he couldn't believe how much he was taking as he ran a hand over his throat and almost gagging as he confirmed and felt just how deep she was reaching once the bulge not only grew but he felt precum start lubbing his throat and mouth more. Despite that, in his pleasured daze it felt and tasted much different than his past experiences. It was almost addicting at that moment.

He almost couldn't hold back when she started pulling back, licking the shaft as the sizeable member was pulled out of his mouth with a wet pop and he started catching his breath, only now noticing how long he had been attempting to take it all and how much both of them were panting.

When he came to his senses again, he looked up to see the dragoness on top him, her purple-colored eyes gazing down at both of their members as they rested against each other. With curiosity getting the better out of him, he looked down only to let out a short gasp.

With a bead of precum and glistening with his spit, stood her shaft against his, he already knew she was bigger than him but when they were put together like this, it became clear to him that the difference not only was bigger than what he thought but he became even more aware of how deep she would reach inside him. What truly caught his attention at that moment was the growing bulb at the end of her member...an even larger knot that was fitting of a dragon.

"You look surprised, I thought you had already become pretty close to it." She jokingly spoke in a teasing manner to him as his face once again got somewhat red.

"I...have taken this position before but never with such size." Despite the prospect of taking such a large member, he was still just as excited. Maybe it was how much he had enjoyed how thoroughly she had filled him before and now wanted to experience it with his other side or perhaps he had discovered a new side to himself. But if that wasn't already obvious to her, the clean stream of precum that ran down his member was enough

The reason didn't matter at that moment however, what mattered was his answer and with a slow nod, he smiled at her with a reassuring gaze. Once she had seen that, she smiled and looked him in the eyes again. "I'm not normally this eager to do this but you're just that cute." Again he wasn't given much space to answer as she took his lips for a kiss again. A much more tender one this time as her hips drew back. He could feel it sliding down from just touching his shaft and then down his thigh until it was between his legs.

Once there, she gently nudged the tip against his entrance, not only earning a small gasp from but also a small splat of precum from her own member. When she had enough of teasing him, the dragoness started pressing forward. Even with all the preparation, both felt how hard it was for Ao to take it. The shade dragon's muscles straining as they clenched and stretched around to accommodate for the expansion it was experiencing.

Ao's body went stiff as Lycoris shoved in rather hard, with only the head inside at that time, the dragoness started reaching deeper than anything the dragon had ever taken before, yet there wasn't any regret in his mind. As their kiss finally ended and he started to feel the pleasure run more intensely through, he looked down, the sight making his member drip even more. The dragon's muscular abdomen had a slight bulge to it, not only that the dragoness wasn't even halfway done entering him, the outline only growing and pulsing more as she went deeper.

Soon the familiar feeling of the bulb at the base of her member bumped against him. With both the outside and inside being so thoroughly slicked from their foreplay, combined with the fact her knot wasn't at it's fullest, she soon started slipping it inside and knotted the dragon. Lightly tugging it and rolling her hips while pulling back and finally popped it again only to press it in another thrust that was more aimed at his pleasure spots, yet she didn't try tying to him again.

Even if he wanted to say anything, the shade dragon was somewhat overwhelmed by the feeling of quite literally having the filling of his life. The only thing he was able to properly process at that moment was the hungry look the dragoness over him was giving him. Only giving him a small kiss and lick on the cheek before she started moving again, now pulling out enough to make the bulge on his abdomen slightly move before it grew again with her strong thrusts.

Both of their growls of pleasure echoed through the room and once again she pressed her knot against him, now a little fuller which earned another roar like moan from Ao as it popped in and his pleasure spots were assaulted sending an almost unbearable amount of pleasure through him. Once she had enough, again the knot popped back outside now with Ao's tongue hanging out from his mouth yet he started to notice something...

Before he was too caught up, he noticed now her growls were getting deeper, and was it only his imagination, or did she feel bigger? Surely the knot was growing but her member was at it's fullest right? He thought to himself but another push and harsh jam bought him back to his pleasure-driven state and indeed it felt like she was quite different than before.

The creaking of the bed was louder too, now with added weight, it was a surprise it stood still and once she licked his neck again and nibbled was when he started noticing the changes as well as what was happening.

It was common knowledge dragons were mystical creatures, even the youngest ones to the smallest ones had some magic to it as well as instincts from their ancestors. Even Ao himself had a flaming tail that he often kept hidden. More often than not, when two dragons mated, one would give in to their instincts and be a little rougher than general. But at that moment it wasn't just that, it also so happened that some dragons when mating turned a little more like their ancestors when mating and that was just the case. The already muscular dragoness now was even bigger than before and didn't show any signs of stopping with her mission. All he could see in her eyes was desire and determination to fill him.

"Sorry, little one but I don't think I can stop now that we're this far." Her voice was deeper but clearly still very much caring for him as she pulled back and now he could even feel every vein and ridge her member had.

"I-It's ok, I can do this, I'm a hunter I've had my share of rough encounters!" He told her and thought to himself. 'Tell that to your butt in the morning' he also thought as she pushed in again and gave him a firm bite to hold him in place as she drove back in making his think about it again. Maybe despite what she said he could still back out.

Each push made his mind change, he couldn't think as clearly as he wanted at that moment. His head was telling him to at least consider asking to go slower but his body only asked for more. At least she wouldn't break him...would she?

Again they kissed but now the dragoness's tongue was rather big and with how much she was taking the lead in this, it wasn't even a contest as to who led the kiss. Pressing so much d more that he actually felt her start to reach his throat before she let him breathe again and heard another creak on the bed. It didn't sound like it could handle more...

At that she stopped. Had the dragoness come to her senses a little more now? That idea was thrown out the window once she spun him while still on her member and now his back was pressed against her chest, feeling the soft breasts behind him. He wondered if she would continue until the bed broke but again he was wrong.

He was suddenly held against her chest as she got up from the bed and stood up. With not much choice but to stay there, gravity not only made him fall faster but now he could really feel everything and take a good look at where the two were joined. Putting both hands under his thighs and then spreading out his legs. She started to pull him down and drag him up. For the third time that night he was forced to accept the huge knot in his body, this time he could almost see it stretch him and only reaching halfway before it popped much more loudly and then tugged back with a much louder squelch as it went outside.

Of course, with every thrust she made, more precum came out. Like how own member, it was now a steady flow that came from a deep need. Unlike him, however, the dragoness flow inside him only gave him more warmth to enjoy the moment and made everything smoother, but no amount of lube would be enough to help her knot enter him again. It had become so big it would bump but not enter anymore unless she forced some of it in. Every now and then pressing him down making it seem like she would go halfway and pop it inside but then stopping just to tease him with a nibble on the neck.

Then it happened, as one would say, he saw stars as he came. The shade dragon was so overwhelmed by his own internal dilemma and Lycoris's treatment of him that he had failed to notice he had reached his own limit, yet it seemed that the pleasure coursing through his body was so intense that even as each spurt reached his chest and went down, he still felt just as hard as before.

The shade dragon's orgasm had earned him a pleasure-filled moan and growl from Lycoris. His release seemed to have flipped a switch inside her as she pulled almost all the way out before slamming it down with so much strength he thought he would break but instead, that was only the beginning as she put one hand on his waist and the other under his thigh and spreading them out. She dragged him up and down steadily now as he felt it all start coursing through his body.

Soon she became much more erratic with him. Instead of teasing him with nibbles and well-aimed thrusts, she was now almost mercilessly pounding him as the dragon felt himself yet again reaching another climax consecutively. Then slowly she dropped pace and started pressing her knot against him, now he was sure if it entered him it would be the last time that night.

He never felt so much at once, the pleasure, some pain, the feeling of satisfaction from such actions. Her knot wasn't even halfway in before he felt himself clench down and release again with her now having to force him down much harder. The almost full knot forced him wider and wider, feeling Ao's entrance stretch around her until finally when it was halfway inside, with a wet squelch and push, the rest went inside and both heard it. The huge bulge of flesh could be seen in his abdomen and weirdly enough the dragon loved it, along with the outline of the rest of the dragoness's member. The warm, tight flesh clamped down around it like a glove, making him gasp out.

It was a mixture of pure pleasure bliss and even pain. Barely acknowledging the roar he heard behind him but what came after that was something he couldn't ignore. The warm feeling that overcame him wasn't something that he could have been ready for. Unlike most partners he had been with before, each spurt from her was bigger than what he thought one could produce, not only that but she kept on pumping and pumping into him...

The shape under his scales soon lost shape as it bulged out and began to round. Looking down and having the perfect view to see how much she pumped into him with's shape becoming softer and rounder as it went on.

Determined to breed her partner full and with her release showing no signs of stopping, she kissed him deeply and bucked up a few more times earning a few weak spurts from him as she continued to give it all to him. With swell on his midsection not stopping feeling it start to go up, he could only whimper in their kiss, and then he felt her pull out from their kiss and whisper to him. "Get ready, you'll taste it soon."

It wasn't until he felt a slight warmth and itch on his throat that he understood what was happening, letting out a few coughs as he tasted her essence in a way he never thought one would make him do it. Even if he tried to cough some out it would eventually fill up again, luckily he was able to get enough breaks to breathe properly even with the intense smell of cum and the taste in his mouth, but it had gotten to the point where the dragon questioned how he had managed to take so much and yet so much remained inside as he looked down and felt how heavy he was.

He could feel it start stopping but didn't even bother to try and think how much time had passed. With a few tugs and then reaching down to kiss him again, the dragoness removed some of her cum from his mouth enough to let him speak.

"Y-You...I...ugh" He somewhat leaned against her chest as he felt her gently sit on the bed again even with most of his front dirty from all that had escaped his moth. He pondered how long it would take for her knot to go down.

"That was amazing, it had been so long since I had this much fun!" She almost shook him but held back feeling him trying to somewhat rest but still very much so awake as the two were connected.

. Tugging in a few times to test out how long she thought they would stay, the movement made Ao hear some of the cum sloshing inside him as if he needed any more signs of that. Soon he felt himself drifting off to sleep with gentle pets from the dragoness.

The shade dragon awoke an hour later when Lycoris finally had managed to soften enough to pull out. Still with her size pulling out softly would have been an overstatement from their part. One, two, three, and then another flood came that night except this time it was from his rather stretched entrance. Feeling it leave his body again but much more quickly and steadily as their bed was covered in the substance.

"Oh, my seems like I did a number on you." The dragoness jokingly said as she put a finger close to his stretched hole. He almost thought she would try to do more but he was happy because it wasn't the case. "How are you doing sweetheart?"

"I don't think I'll walk straight tomorrow."

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, we can help you to the next city." She smiled

"What? But how? You two didn't mention being in a caravan or anything." He then felt stupid as he saw her make a small spark with her fingers. Of course, with magic, it would be easy to return to another city.

"You gave me such a good night it would be rude to not thank you again besides..." This time she did hold his sheath and stroke it lightly as she giggled a little. "Maybe when you're done with your next job I can try some new stuff."

He groaned from that, but not from a bad feeling, rather it was comforting knowing he could spend more time with another dragon after another mission and he did have to admit, despite all the inner turmoil in his head, he didn't regret anything, even as he felt he was still rather swollen from all that was put inside him, he still felt happy.

Well now...just need to figure out if I'll be able to walk after she is done next time.
