Academy High's And Lows 3

Story by Raptor_ODonnell on SoFurry

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#3 of ALHaL

"O'Donnel!" came the deep, wholesome commands from the day's close-quarters combat instructor. It was Ms. "Miz" Militon, an all black, shaggy, Belgian Shepherd with an overbearing stature contributed by her unusual height and massive bust. It didn't matter what you were into, you'd pay attention to her simply to see if a small child fell out of, or into, those knockers. Raptor, who had finally been able to pry himself away from the blaring headlights, mostly due to his roommate and admirer's constant shoulder punching, slowly turned his head half way around and cocked his head to glance over at the female dog with his strange lavender eyes. This was his silent way of answering his instructors. It was a good two weeks into his Academy career, and already he was getting a reputation as that kid who doesn't talk much. The raven preferred it to that kid who came here with Wolf O'Donnel.

The well endowed instructor snorted at the response and weakly held up her hand and pointed to the ground in front of her. The silent command was clear. Front and Center. With a muffled grunt, he stood from his spot on the Academy's athletic field and carefully navigated his way around the maze of bodies, eyeing each of the other students to make sure they didn't try and trip him. By the time he made it to the front, there was another standing at the teacher's side. It was blue fuzzball with a white furry fluff hanging between his eyes. Marcus McCloud. The raven snorted at the younger fox boy, and the little fox stuck his tongue back out at Raptor.

The dog cleared her throat and eyed her cadets with very condescending glares. Raptor just returned hers with his own unimpressed stare, while Marcus hung his head in embarrassment, pressing his ears low. Murmurs of giggles and scornful talk crept through the crowd before quickly silencing again. "Alright, you two. Since you both have been all but ignoring me all day, I guess I'll just test you to see how much of the lesson you were paying attention to-"

"I was!" Marcus barked, his voice squeaking as he tried to defend himself.

"I wasn't," Raptor said plainly in time with Marcus' own statement. There was no reason to lie. Beginner classes were for beginners. In the bird's mind, he was well beyond even the title of a novice. The raven took taking a few steps away from Marcus, obviously readying himself for the spar that was about to commence.

Marcus glared at Raptor, stepping out from Ms. Militon's side and into Raptor's line of site. "Well, well. Look at you two now? So serious," the canine joked as shi stepped a safe distance away from two boys. Shi placed a wrist to her chin, and said in a very lovingly manner, "Begin."

There was a blur of black. Marcus was doubled over on the ground, holding his sides, gasping for air. Standing at his side was Raptor, who was balancing on his right leg, the other held suspended in preparation for another kick that would not come. Everyone was silent except Marcus, who was trying his hardest to suck in a gulp of air while holding back tears. They were all stunned. Even Ms. Militon was having trouble accepting what shi had just seen happen.

The bird lowered his leg, and leaned down besides Marcus and grabbed him by the green shirt all the cadets wore, forcing him to stand. "Quite breathing in the dirt," he said simply. "And either cry or die." Almost as soon as he said that, Marcus let out a loud, strained growl from this throat. Raptor let go of the fox pup's shirt, only for him to fall to his knees again. Seeing as he had technically won this challenge, he started to make his way around the crowd to get to the back where Shay'D waited, hir eyes still wide with amazement.

A young boar in the front gathered himself fast enough to take advantage of the outcome. "You got your ass whooped like a little bitch!" Laughter exploded amongst the rest of the kids. Most of them found it utterly hilarious. Marcus, didn't. Ms. Miltion scolded the boar. What he had just done was horribly rude. However, shi needed to make sure Marcus was alright.

Rightt as she leaned down to help the blue fox up, there was a loud grunt and the boar's face drove itself into the grass. A bird now stood where he once sat. That bird was Raptor. "Don't hide behind me just because you suck at something." The other kids quickly scampered away from him and moved a "safe" distance away from him. "Tch."

Shay'D calmly stood from hir where shi was and strolled over to Raptor, crossing hir arms as shi did so. "Why are you defending him?" the bat asked curiously as shi looked over towards Marcus who was finally starting to catch his wind. Shi spoke softly enough so that "You hate him don't you?" Shi uncrossed hir arms and leaned forward in a very seductive manner, placing hir hands on hir legs and sliding them down to hir knees as shi turned to hir head to look up at hir roommate. "I mean, he is a McCloud, and you are an O'Donnell. Don't your families hate each other."

Raptor shoved his hands in his back pants pockets and shrugged as he looked off towards the doors Academy. His mind was on food, and their lunch period was next. "He wasn't afraid to fight me," he answered. "I can't not respect him. Besides, I've seen the kid fight before." Raptor's diverted his eyes towards Marcus, who caught the look and glanced back. "Kid's not bad. But he won't learn how to take care of himself if he doesn't learn how to take a real hit." A loud chime echoed around the field, signaling the start of the lunch period, which could have more accurately been called free period. For the next hour and a half, the students were free to go where they pleased. And since Raptor wasn't in trouble yet, he wanted to get inside as fast as possible before-

"Mr. O'Donnell!" came Ms. Militon's booming voice.

"Fuck," he cursed silently. "Yes?"

"That was very noble what you just did. But that still doesn't excuse you from knocking students unconscious."

"Unconscious?" He asked, looking at the pig. Sure enough, his face was still kissing the grass. Raptor had overdone the head punt, he guessed. "Well crap," was his only pretense of an apology. "What's my punishment?" he quickly added.

That was a surprise. Even Shay'D gave the raven an odd look. "What," his instructor asked.

"I've obviously done something wrong. What's my punishment?"

The shepherd gave the thought some consideration before sighing and shaking her head. "Nothing for now. Not only did you fairly beat Marcus, you also stood up for him even though you honestly didn't have to and apparently knew full and well of the consequences of your actions." The teacher helped Marcus to his feet and brushed him off. " That's a show of good character, so I won't punish you this time." Raptor lowered his head to mask a flash of a smirk before looking up again. "However, that was bad judgment. So expect to make this up in the future." Ms. Militon walked over to the unconscious pig and sighed crossing hir arms underneath her enormous breasts. "Now to carry this one to the infirmary."

Raptor and Shay'D made their way to the lunch room. Raptor picked out a large meal for himself while Shay'D waited. Shi wanted blood today, namely that of hir roommate's. Shi didn't know why, but his was particularly the most delectable shi had ever tasted. Raptor always got annoyed with how much shi would tell him that. Roommate or not, that was still weird for him to hear.

The two found themselves a quiet spot near the windows that let sun pour into the large spacious room. The cafeteria, more canonically referred to as the Mess Hall, was like any othir. The cadets were restricted to the downstairs while everyone else was allowed to go sit where ever they wanted. One of the rumors was that the older Academy students had video games and live music on the second floor, however, since no one ever heard anything going on up top, most of the first years didn't believe it.

Raptor glanced up from his mouthful of lasagna to glance at the balcony of the second floor of the Mess Hall. "You know," He gasped after swallowing. "That Balcony is like what, five stories above this room?" Shay'D had been dreamily staring out of the window ever since they had sat down. Shi was likely thinking hir dirty thoughts like shi always was. At the sound of Raptor's voice, shi snapped back to reality. Before shi could get hirself tongue tied, Raptor continued. "If there was a door leading to the balcony, since you can't really see from down here, then there honestly could be a band and game room up there."

The vampire bat tilted hir head off to the side in momentary wonderment before bringing hir hand across the table and slapping the bird hard across the face. "You interrupted my thoughts for that?" shi asked violently, not concerned with the fact that hir slap had just created a scene.

The bird rubbed at his cheek. "I was just trying to make a conversation," he said plainly. The two of them exchanged glares before swiveling their heads to glance over at a third figure now hovering next to their table. It was Marcus. He was looking at the two older teens with frightened and intrigued eyes. He was an interesting little creature, standing high enough to look over the table, but not tall enough to be standing face to face with Raptor. Shay'D on the other hand, was just as short as him. That didn't sit well with hir much.

"What do you want shorty?" shi asked, hir voice not softening at all.

"I wanted to say thank you," he retorted to the girl."To Raptor." Marcus looked down at his tray, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Thank you for standing up for me."

"Forget about it kid," Raptor told him flatly. "The strong pray on the weak. But a bullies only strong if he's allowed to be strong." Raptor spared Marcus a glance and frowned. "I've got high hopes for you. You're the son of my father's only real rival. But you're still young, and you're not much of anything yet. Especially not to me." Marcus looked away. He didn't like being talked down to. "Fix that." The fox pup held up his head at that. "Get stronger and give me a real run for my money, Marcus." Raptor's beak bent into a smirk.

The blue fox perked up at that. "Alright, Raptor. You got yourself a deal. By this time next year, I'll make you wish you hadn't made a rival of me."

"I'm counting on it. Now go somewhere. I'm trying to enjoy my food, and your puny ass is making me sick."

Marcus nodded his head, sealing the deal with his newly acquired rival and walked off with his tray. Shay'D looked at Raptor slyly. "Ooooooh! You are so dramatic Raptor," shi commented in a very cutesy manner.

"Heh, you say that now. Watch." Raptor pointed his hand towards Marcus as he continued to walk away.

When the fox was a safe distance from the older cadets, the boar boy from before, turned around in his seat and pulled Marcus backwards by his tail, causing him to drop his tray. "O'Donnell may have made me look bad. But a runt like you-" Before another word could escape his mouth, a size six shoe shot up and hit him right below the collar bone, sending him on his fat ass.

Marcus looked down at the boar teeth bared and snarling. "Pay for my lunch!"

"Okay. Shay'D is impressed," the herm said leaning back in hir chair. "Shay'D also hot, sweaty, and horny. Finish your food so we can go back to the room."

"You want to fuck me dry and then suck me dry? You want me dead or something?"

"Oh just shut up and finish your food."