pachyderm goin down

Story by realreedman on SoFurry

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Big elephant gets brought down to size.

Posted using PostyBirb

A grandiose wall of elephant muscle, Stanley knew he was the best at the gym. Arguably the strongest guy in town. Though he omits the macros, as he thinks they are too large to consider. He was finishing his shower after yet another intense workout. Walking to his locker, he bumped a few people out of his way to get to his locker. A few grumbles were heard, but no one said anything. They knew Stanley was wanting someone to challenge him. Putting on his clothes, Stanley walked out of the gym. When his stomach grumbled, he looked around for somewhere to grab a bite. He saw a large horse and bull walking past him, chatting about cake.

"Arnie dude! I can't believe you're getting some free cake at Reed's Cakery."

"Well Marko, I have dated the owner a few times. He wanted to try out a new recipe and-"

"Wow. Unhealthy cake I see."

Stanley walked up to the large equine and bovine. One thing that always fed his ego was people who ate junk food. Gave him a chance to remind people how superior it made him.

"Every time either of you two eat a slice of cake, you get weaker. Sugar makes you weak. Reed's Cakery makes you weak."

The horse stepped forward and got in Stanley's face. He was not happy someone talked ill of Reed's Cakery.

"Excuse me boys. May I interject?"

All three giants stopped to look at the interruption to their argument. Then they looked down. It was a fluffyena they were all familiar with. He looked upon them with a calm smile.

"Arnie. Is this individual causing trouble?"

"N-no Reed. He was being rude that's all."

Stanley didn't feel intimidated when this knee high fluffyena walked right up to him. He was however, confused when he was offered a slice of chocolate cake.

"The hell is this junk food for?"

"A new cake I was working on. I replaced a number of ingredients with modified protein powder. It is quite healthy if you are willing to try it out."

Squatting down, Stanley grabbed the offered slice, and ate it. He tried his hardest to keep his negative attitude, but there was a reason Reed was considered the best at making cakes. It gave a tingling sensation, but he shook it off and stood back up.

"Alright fluffball, I'll give it to ya. It was edible. Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving."

Reed gave a smile and a wave.

"Bye! Hope you have a nice day!"

As Stanley walked away, Arnie looked to Reed, who was still smiling.

"What's with the smile Reed? He just called us weak and took some cake."

"Oh my dear, dear Arnie. Has your experience with my magic taught you nothing?"

He thought for a moment, then the horse's eyes widened. Arnie shook his head and smiled while Marko gave a light chuckle. They followed Reed to his establishment.

"We will see him again soon boys. Call it magical intuition."

Standing at a crosswalk, Stanley was grumbling to himself for eating cake.

"I'm gonna have to do at least a hundred reps to get rid of that cake."

"You should make it two hundred!"

Turning to his right, it was his best friend, Frank. Frank was a hippo, and a fellow bodybuilder. He was almost as big as Stanley, only a few inches shorter. He never let Frank forget it either.

"So how are ya' shorty?"

"Doin' good, headin' to the mall. Wanna join? Gotta grab some stuff for my girl."

"Yeah. I got nothin' else to---AHCOO!"

Stanley sneezed when a bug got caught in the tip of his trunk. It made him feel a bit woozy, but that was it. Frank was already crossing the street, so he didn't notice that his fellow large pachyderm was now the same height as him.

"Damn bugs. Wait up Frank!"


The two walked for a few blocks, talking of their workout regimens. The height change was chalked up to Frank's muscle gain as the two made it to the mall. They walked around a bit to find the store Frank was looking for. They walked through a food court when it happened. The two were cutting through a dining area. As usual, they weren't looking at anything below their waist. They did however, notice when someone screamed at Stanley.

"Hey! Watch your step Stanley, you giant excuse for an elephant!"

"What was that, shorty?"

Stanley immediately got into the face of Oscar, an average sized lion that often called him out in public. He wanted to do something to retaliate, but Frank pulled him away.

"Chill man. I see the store over here. Let's get the stuff for my girl."

"Fine. I'll deal with you later Oscar."

"Oh, I'm so scared."

The store was filled with perfumes, chocolates, and other frilly things Stanley didn't like. As Frank was getting stuff for his girlfriend, some giraffe with perfume was pestering Stanley.

"Sir, would you like to try this new perfume? It's our new chocolate flavor."

"Lady, I am telling you once-"

Before he could finish, the giraffe sprayed right at Stanley's trunk, sending the elephant into a massive sneezing fit. While the girl tried to apologize, she was waved off as Stanley tried to make his way out of the store.


One after another, Stanley kept sneezing. It was making him dizzy, like the whole world was spinning around him. Even when he took a knee in a corner right by the entrance, he still felt like everything was spinning. With a fast exhale out of his trunk, the sneezing fit finally stopped. While taking a few deep breaths, he made his way to the entrance, and back to the mall.

"Stupid perfume. Probably allergic or somethin'."

He still had a bit of a headache from so much sneezing, but he felt much better now. Yet, he felt uneasy. Everything looked a bit different. Everything, everyone, looked bigger.

"What in the hell?"

It was something he hadn't seen since his younger years. Almost everyone his age was his size or taller. The mall that made him feel quite large, made him feel, like he was one of the normal people he once taunted.

"Stanley? Are you okay? Where'd you go? "

"Crap! I can't let Frank see me! If he's anything like me, the last thing I want is to be found by him."

looking around, Stanley sees a nearby bathroom. He tried to make his way to it. He hid behind a crowd of people when he saw Frank exit the store. He had finished his shopping, and now he was looking for his friend that left in a sneezing fit.

"Jeez! He's huge!"

When Frank seemed to give up and leave, Stanley made his move to the bathroom. He tried to act calm, but he was also trying to adjust to the new perspective. Everything felt farther away. He was just hoping he wouldn't get smaller while he went to bathroom to collect his thoughts.

"Pardon me, trying to pass through."

A bird walked by Stanley. She was quite attractive. She brushed her feathers by his face. It made him sneeze a bit. Trying to be calm, he quickly made his way into the bathroom. At one of the sinks, he saw a wolf. Couldn't have been older than 15. He was taking pictures of himself. Stanley tried to shake off that he was the same height as him as he splashed some water on his face. When the wolf was done taking pictures of himself, he walked out. Stanley looked into the mirror and tried to assess the situation.

"okay. I'm shrinking. It doesn't want to stop. I seem to have the world wanting me to sneeze. I bet someone has something to do with this. I need to reverse this and get back to my sexy self."

Grabbing some paper towel, Stanley attempted to clear out his trunk. He blew hard, and wiped inside a bit. The paper towel was coarse and rough. He felt what was coming and tried to hold back. He tried to hold his breath, he tried to hold it in, he tried it all to no avail.


A good, hard sneeze. Stanley sneezed hard enough to give himself a bit of a headache. A headache that continued to throb as he walked out of the bathroom. He rubbed his head until the throbbing subsided. He didn't even want to know how small he had gotten at this point, so he didn't look up. He sat down against the wall just outside the bathroom, and tried to rest his eyes for a moment.


"Stupid Stanley trying to be all tough."

Oscar was muttering to himself after his encounter with Stanley. The lion wished that once, just once, he could have the upper hand. The mall was closing early due to construction, so he made his way to the bathroom for a quick stop. His eyes fell upon what looked like the most buff young elephant he had ever seen. He lightly poked the supposed child.

"Hey kid, are you alright?"


Stanley was awoken when he felt his arm being touched. He opened his eyes to what he thought was a gigantic lion towering above him. It was Oscar! How much had poor Stanley shrunk?

"I said, are you alright kid?"

The lion couldn't recognize Stanley due to his shrunken state. He thought he was speaking to a child. The elephant decided to play this out until he could get away.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well I don't see your parents around, and the mall's closing."

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the wake up call."

Stanley pushed his way past Oscar, and the lion's tail brushed past the elephant's trunk.


"Bless you. Sorry about that."

Stanley began running, which was not easy at whatever size he was. At his normal size, he could make from the middle of the mall to the front in a few long strides. Yet, now he was out of breath by going that same distance. He looked at himself in mirror outside a store by the entrance. He was the size of a little kid. A height measuring sticker right by the door put him at three feet tall. He made his way out of the mall as they closed it for the day. He had no idea what to do, until that is, he walked face first into the one person he was trying to avoid.

"Sorry little guy. Did I hurt ya'?"

It was Frank, but he was massive! The friend he called shorty just earlier, was now hulking over him in a way he never imagined.

"N-No. I-I'm fine."

As he walked away from his giant friend, he breathed a sigh of relief. Being small seemed to have its advantages in the matters of not being recognized.

"Okay new plan. Get back to my house, calm down, and get some real help."

With his house being a few block away, Stanley begrudgingly began jogging. It was something he never did at his normal size due to the difficulty, but it was surprisingly easier at this new size. He tried his best not to draw attention and keep anything sneeze-causing out of his trunk.

Stanley had to have been jogging for ages when he finally stopped to catch his breath. He was across the street from the gym right by his house. He was close, he was almost home.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Stanley turned to see a familiar fluffyena. He was a head taller than Stanley now.

"I knew the cake would make you smaller, but not this much. I wonder why."

"I've been sneezing and shrinking all day because of you?!"

He threw a punch at Reed, but his fist was caught and Stanley was quickly put into a headlock. Reed continued to muse to to himself.

"You were only suppose to shrink a little bit. Maybe I did the enchantment wrong. Let's go inside. People are starting to stare."

Resisting but failing, Stanley was taken inside Reed's place of business. Once inside, he was picked up with a massive hand, and sat down a tree trunk of a knee. He looked up to see a certain horse he remembered saying rude things to.

"Reed's cakes make me weak huh? Still believe that?"

"Now now Arnie. Be nice. He shrank far past the expected outcome, so I want to see why. Put him down please."

The gargantuan horse grumbled as he picked Stanley up again and put him on the ground in front of Reed. Stanley stood up. He opened his mouth right before strange orange and turquoise lights swirled in front of his face. The lights seemed to emanate from Reed's very hands. They dissipated as quickly as they appeared.

"Well that explains it! I gave you a chocolate-flavored shrinking cake, and you had more chocolate in your system."

"Listen Reed. The only other chocolate I had, was when some chick sprayed chocolate perfume in my face. The shrinking happened after I just about sneezed my head off."

"The enchantment must have adapted when when you had your sneezing fit. An unexpected outcome I must say."

"You are gonna grow me back right?"

Reed walked up to Stanley, a small and untrusting smile.

"I don't know. You were mean to two of my favorite customers. One of which is right here. I could give you face full of my tail and make you small enough to put in a jar for Arnie to take home for awhile."

The very large horse loomed right behind Stanley.

"I wouldn't mind that at all."

"Alright Reed. What do I have to do? Please. I'll do whatever you want."

"I thought you might say that. That's why I gave your cake two enchantments before you ate it. I can grow you back whenever I want. I need a favor first though. Follow me."

Stanley followed Reed into his kitchen. He pointed Stanley to a small ladder. Climbing up the ladder, he saw a pile of dishes bigger than him. Stanley stood next to the pile of dishes, with a feather duster in his hand.

"Alright Stanley. Finish these dishes for me and you have your size back."

"Just like that Reed?"

"Indeed. I would start now though. If you start slacking, Arnie will induce some shrinking. If you get too small, you'll have to go for a swim and clean those dishes with your own two hands."

Arnie jiggled the feather duster right by Stanley. Stanley immediately began cleaning.

"You two have fun. I'll check back in a bit."

Reed went off to his office and went through some emails, looking to see if he had any more orders come in during his encounter with the puny pachyderm. He did some of that, checked off some payments, and served a few customers. Finally an hour passed, and he went to check on the dishes. He walked back to the large sink to see Arnie standing there, but Stanley was nowhere to be seen.

"Arnie. Where is our dishwasher?"

"Cleaning the dishes. Wanna see?"

Reed climbed up the small ladder. To see a palm sized elephant, pulling crumbs off of pans by hand. He looked up to Reed, had a look of fear, then went back to cleaning.

"Did someone get overzealous with their shrinking-based discipline?"

"He was slacking. I swear."