how i meet a silver moon

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It was a wet and stormy night, I went into a bar thinking it was a bar but to my surprise it was a strip club.

I headed to the bar dripping like a wet sock from being in that rain I looked at the bar tender a fox about 5'5 he looked at me and offered a drink or a towel I took both, a pint of fosters was in Jew coarse and the towel was nice to dry my Maine and face off for, I'm a horse a shire horse more to the point about 7'6 male black all over and with four white feet, as I looked on from the bar I looked there where all kinds of furry's they were eyeing up every body and thing.

As I drank my pint the main stage cleared and I decided to have a look see, it was very nice everybody moved out of my way, well I'm 7'6 and most of the wolves only just hit 6'0 if they stood on tippy toes! As I sat down I had a look at the menu it was all males but one caught my eye a dancer by the name of silver moon, then the music started and I watched I was joined by a few other male furs they smelled of sweat and sex and cheep aftershave, me I just showered and put on some roll on deodorant. Then out came the males, they where only wherein thongs my pants didn't tent or anything the other males though they where busting out of their pants, I looked but I couldn't see silver moon so I waited while the others tried to service me with their body's but I just looked away until one came down to me, another horse only a pony, he said "are you waiting for silver moon?" I looked down and said "yes do you know where he is?" The little pony nodded "properly crying in his locker room the big wimp", the pony wondered off I thought he was cute about 4'6 brown and white male and very sexy, I slipped him a 10 to show me silver's room he nodded and said "wait by the stage exit" he said as he flicked me with his soft long girly tail it was like being hit with a white feather.

I waited by the stage exit for the pony boy to finish, he came off and said "follow", I could see he was a dominate person as he told me to follow in a voice that was like a command, as I followed all I could hear was the noise of giggling and bed springs being bounced on, he stopped outside a room and went in I followed to see two males joined in sex! He spoke, "hay is wimp still here?" He said the other male said "grunt yeah in his moan locker room been in there since he came in" they went back to having sex, I looked away as the wolf and fox matted each other moaning and making strange animal noises, as I closed the door the howl of love was herd, I sighed and followed the pony and I asked, "what's your name?" He said "pony boy" with a wink, "but my name is will" he frowned, "but I like pony boy!" He gave a wink as he stopped outside a room, "here we are sugar!" He winked and opened the door "hay wimp you've got a visitor and it's not the manger so you can come out of the closet or under the bed", I went in as he closed the door and herd him say as he left "last night he, he".

I looked the room was full of pictures of other males and dancers all with tags on I then heard a noise, "those are just pictures of what I want to be", the light was dim and all I could see was this dark fuggier, he came out from the closet as I turned the light on to see him, he jumped back into the closet and hid, he whimpered and said, "I spouse you want your way with me?" I said no! I could see that made is ears prick up, "No?" He said "are you here to remove me from the club then?" "No" I said again, he then opened the closet and stepped out there was a very nice 6'2 white greyish wolf he was very cold looking and thin like he hadn't eaten in days or he was staved, he lunged at me! I fell back and he pinned me and he sniffed me, "you're a newcomer!" He licked me; "yes you don't smell of sweat or sex! But you stink of drink! Only one though not four or more", he got off of me and I got up, "why are you here? Come to mock me as well, like the others?" I said "no! I wanted to see you dance", his ears pricked up again his tail wagged too but it soon stopped, he then sat on the floor and cried. "I can't! He said, it's the males all grabbing at me and wanting my body for themselves", he cried more "I'm a rare wolf I give off a sent that drives other males mad and want me!" I said "I can't smell anything and I'm a horse", he then stopped crying, "really?"

After a quick shower, he came out he then dried himself off I just looked on, "so you can't smell my sent?" I said "no, but I can see why you don't want to go out there!" I showed him my back, on my shirt was loads of numbers saying call me stud and hot and horny for you, he looked and said "you just let them?" "Yeah I can't help it I'm sexy", under his breath he said "you sure are, but I can't go out there", "why not?" I said then I had an idea, while he stood still I covered him in my roll on, he murred and asked "what are you doing?" "Testing something", after this I opened the door and noticed a male having a fag after having hard sex, "hay you!" He looked at me and pointed a finger at himself, I said "want to be a test person?" He looked and came over, silver hid in the closet again as soon as another male walked in, he came in and sniffed as I'd told him to, but he couldn't smell silver he then walked out, I gave him a five he smiled silver came out, "he....he didn't smell me!" He hugged me hard and licked me, "thanks but I'm still scared", "do you want me to do your job and show you how easy it is?" He nodded and gave me a green thong, I put it on and looked in the mirror I looked great, I held his hand as he'd dressed in my clothes to hide himself from the others; I then sat him at the bar and told him to watch as I went to the side of the stage.

"Okay males! Who like a nice horse? If you do then put your money in the air and clap hands for David the Shire horse!" A leg stepped out and then it was followed by an arm and then a head I gave a wink and then stepped out, the stage was filled with males all panting horny for me! I looked as I dropped my hanky and bent over to pick it up they howled and lusted after me, I then walked to the end of the stage and was welcomed by a few males with money I looked though them and then gently kicked them away with my hoof, they howled for more I then got to the stage pole and started to move up down it sliding like a pro even though I'd only seen it done on telly, they howled and as I danced I then looked over to the bar, silver was like the rest looking and wanting my body he was panting and looking on, I moaned as the music started to come to an end and then they shouted, More! More! More! I then grabbed a mike from the side, "you want more? Okay then" I strutted down the stage and then got to the end and moved my hands to the green thong, they went mad as I moved my hands over it showing only a little of my stealth, they lobbed more money as I ripped them off, they howled and started to come onto the stage! As I picked them off and pushed one down another took me from behind! Cock hard and pushing into my tail hole! I then herd this growl as silver leaped from the bar and bite the other male! I then lobbed the thong to the middle of the room as the males dived for it, I ran to the back the other dancers all tenting in there Speedo's and thongs I just said, "it that simple" and ran to silver's room, I closed the door as silver bashed on it he came in as well clothes all ripped and torn, "your right they are honey bustards!" He nodded as we held the door shut.

After two hours of holding onto the door closed from the males they were beat away by the manger, he then came in, he looked at silver, then at me I gulped, the stag was big 8'0 at least very hot but would more go for herms or girls unless it was a threesome, he then kissed me I was shocked! Silver growled and jumped but was taken away by two other deer, my height, "silver!" I cried he was howling and trying to back away too but they held onto him I was also trying to get away, the stag spoke "you have made me rich! That sorry twat was going to be kicked out and you have just made me rich! How'd you like a job?" I thought and punched him square in the face he went down like a ton of bricks! I then ran out and looked for silver he was out the back in the rain I could see he was being beaten up I ran full horse speed to him, I bite one of the guards with my iron horse teeth! I kicked the other one, he fell on the floor the other one kicked silver before he looked at me, so I kicked him hard, and he flew across the back into a dumpster! I picked silver up and carried him home in the rain making him warm and cosy he was alive but hurt the others I didn't care about they needed that.

I got home the rain turned into a thunderstorm, I put silver onto the bed and checked him over, he was bleeding bad from cuts and punches in the mouth and he was very cold like an ice cube! so I wrapped him up as well as leaning him on his side to let the blood drain out from his mouth, he was alive but just, I turned the fire on to warm myself up as I made some food, after all that running my hungry had grown, as I cooked I kept an eye on silver, he was now on his back but sleeping soundly like a baby, I let him sleep as the storm plunged us into darkness! the flashes where very nice to watch from the pouch of my flat on the 13th floor, the other homes where all dark and dead all gone to bed except a few who were watching the storm as well, as I watched eating my gas cooked soup from the gas stove I had, silver stirred and smelled the soup, he awoke to find himself in a bed and hurting badly, he moaned in pain it was a low pinched whine, he then looked out from the door it was the shire horse, it was David who'd saved him! he moaned as he tried to get up, David herd this and moved him back into bed, "I have to go though badly" he looked at David, "oh" David said helping him up he slowly moved to the loo, he sat down on the loo as David left, he watched another flash go by, silver jumped and hid in the tub he was still in from shock from the beating plus it was dark only the candle from my bedroom the light the room, David looked in on silver, he was shaking like a leaf in the tub, this night was bad for him I closed the curtains as another flash went by, David sat in the tub with silver as he peed, he cried, David held him like a friend, "its alright" he hugged him and silver hugged back murring a little, "why are you looking after me?" "After what they did to you needed it" another flash went past the closed curtains, silver whimpered "Shhhh, Shhhh" David said "it's alright" silver held onto David, as he peed more he then hugged David and feel asleep in his hands he felt safe around David, David got up out of the tub as the storm passed and it rained the odd small flash but nothing big and the power had come back on, he put silver into bed and then turned everything off turned the lights off and went to bed, with silver there was only one bed it was a small flat, a small bathroom, a small kitchen, and a very large lunge, with telly and the old cassette radio in the corner, but to David it was home it only cost him. £100 mouth so he was happy cramped but happy.

In the night silver awoke again needing the loo, he got up and groaned still in pain and made his way to the loo it was now raining heavily, as silver finished he saw David in bed with him, havening missed the change to see his sheath at the club Jew to all the males blocking the view, he took a chance, he slowly unrolled the side bedding that David was in, he was sleeping heavily as he undid more he was shocked to see nothing! He looked at his sheath and was now tenting in his pants he looked at it and then touched it David murred and rolled over showing his ass, silver was now half hard wanting the shire's ass he knew that he wanted it, but he felt pain in his side and in his belly and guts so crawled back into bed, all the time thinking off the cock that that sheath hid, he tossed and turned thinking about it, David just rolled back over yawned and went back to sleep, soon silver did the same curling up a little like a wolf.

In the morning silver awoke, to the wonderful smell of bacon and eggs and an English breakfast, he got up and growled his sides belly and jaw hurt still, he lay back in the bed and whimpered at the pain, David then came in he said "morning!" And then put in front of silver a plate of breakfast, silver sniffed and like a wolf dug in but he then howled in pain as he ate! David then looked, one of his teeth was lose, silver whimpered at it as he touched it, David comforted him he then took a look, and saw the lose tooth he gave it a pull and it came out! Silver bite down hard! he growled but stopped and cried as he realised David's hand, covered in blood and holding the tooth, he just took it as a bite, he got up and said some very rude words loudly then put the tooth in the bin and cleaned the wound and wrapped it up in a bandage, he then went back into the room silver hadn't touched his breakfast, he said "I bit you!" "It's alright the pains gone isn't it?" He felt and there was no pain, he ate a bit of bacon and it tasted good he then wolfed the lot down he burped and murred he then looked tried as he curled up into a ball and went to sleep moaning a little at the pain, David looked at him put a blanket over him and left for something pain killers and some shopping.

After a good hour or two silver awoke he needed the loo again this time for well....bigger business! he sat and moaned a sigh of happiness, he then looked at the place he was in it was small but nice cosy almost, he turned the telly on and saw on the news the strip club, it was still standing even though there was a riot after last night, silver cried as David returned carrying shopping and a leaflet with a from on it, "hay what's up silver?" He sobbed and pointed to the telly, David looked and said "its nothing just about what I did, besides forget that place and look at this", he showed silver a leaflet, it was a strip club from another place it was for gays only and the gentlemen kind not the rough type, it was the place that silver had always wanted to go to but it was too fancy for him and very pricey! "Well the other placed treated you like crap so give it a go silver!" He smiled and handed me the leaflet to fill out, I looked and filled it in "so your real name is Chris?" He said "yes", and filled the rest in by this time we where both hungry and so we decided to have lunch.

I'd only brought basic stuff like for one but silver had a look sorry Chris had a look in my cupboards and found some old food that was like right at the back or I'd thought I ran out of that as I looked on he started to cook he was very well per-paired for cooking he knew what to do and what to use so as he cooked I looked in my wardrobe for a suit and something for silver to ware, the only thing I had was an old still boxed thong it was one size fits all but it only just fit me it was fire red, as I got it out I could smell something nice, I sniffed and had to have a look I then saw on the stove was a nice bubbling source pan it was filled with pasta and at the side was a very nice helping of bolognaise, I sat at the table as Chris walked in with two plates of the stuff the meat balls where nice and little spicy and it tasted great.

I burped and patted my tummy he just looked at me and blushed, "so what do you think?" "I licked my lips and said any more?" He just giggled and said "no" and took my plate and put it in the sink for the washing and started to wash up I then started to tidy up from last night, changing the bed sheets and lobbing the rags that where my clothes, as I herd Chris sing a little I plugged in the cassette player and set up a little stage, Chris then came in watching drying a plate, "what you doing?" He asked, I said "building a stage for you", he dropped the plate I leaned back and got it "careful" I said he looked and welled up "nobody's built me anything before", he whimpered and started to cry, "there, there", I said "its to practice on", he wagged his tail a little, he then put the plates and stuff we'd used away, as I finished the stage, he then walked into the bedroom and got into the thong he then looked in the mirror and sighed, I then put the mike on, "okay males if you like wolves then say hello to silver moon", Chris blushed and came out he started to dance, but it was basic and even I was yawning from it, "boo!" I said, he danced more he kept doing the same thing again and again, he looked at me all sad and stopped and cried, "its okay you just need to change your routine" I got up and showed him some moves, he looked on amazed and was tenting a little but he didn't care, as I danced he got up and tried to follow, I looked "that's it like that!" He started to dance more and was happy he smiled and kept going that's when I pulled something and clicked a button down came a picture of a large crowd and the sound of whooping and cheering, Chris stopped and looked he then went all shy and blushed and started to look like a deer on the free way, I then danced and he followed he then started again with the dancing following me and then he kept going as I slowly moved off the stage, and sat in front of him and watched he opened his eyes to see I wasn't there and he looked again like a deer on the free way, I just said "keep going!" He then danced but it was his old dance, I sighed and stopped, he cried "I can't do it".

I hugged him as he cried, I sighed and said "okay let me show you some moves", he watched me, I showed him the push away that's where to finger someone wanting them to come up to you then you push them away, he liked that thong tenting again I then showed him some more moves the one he liked was the crowd pleaser that's where you stand there and move your hands over your pants to your crouch he was now liking every move then I showed him the real teaser I got him up to me like the finger move then looked him deep In the eyes and blow a kiss at him, he moaned and melted into his seat, "okay your turn" I said he un-melted and tried them he did well I said "these are basic moves" the others make up moves, he nodded then he went for the kiss blow as I moved up he went to blow me but I kissed him me moaned thong now fully tented as he moaned I kept kissing then stopped, "you only kiss them for a few seconds let them get there fill", he melted again as he cock throbbed like mad and then I smelled his sent god it was powerful! I had to cover my nose he said "now you can smell it", I said "yes" and I was only a little hard I sniffed again it was musky like wet dog only more sexy he then cried, as he knew this would make the males want him, I looked and had a thought.

In the shower I had a look and just as I thought a over sized sent gland I then grabbed my sewing kit silver looked and saw the needle and fainted, I then lifted his arm and sawed it up then I showered him, he awoke and looked he then sniffed and under there was a small bit of string it was now healing the gland he moaned as it was now making him feel strange he then moaned and it was gone the smell it was gone, he hugged me when he saw me I sniffed and could only smell his normal wolf sent.

I looked over his from on the leaflet other then a few errors he was good to go, we got a cab to the place, he was not looking well all pale and clammy even though he'd had a good breakfast and a good night's sleep or had he? Half the night he'd been looking at me and my sheath he had only got it a little hard, but it was enough to make him hard and he then tried to lick it but I rolled onto my front and he blow one off and went to bed, as we got to the club he ran to the bins and was sick, well at least it was there and not in the cab I petting him on the back he murred but still was as shaky as a leaf, as we went in the place was huge! There where 5 stages and loads of seats and back stage the rooms had a shower and a loo and a bed plus a steamer for your thongs and there was a condom machine in the loo's silver almost fainted at all this he then got into his thong as I went to meet the furs who where going to let him have this job.

There was three of them two I knew one was new I said hello to duster the blue dragon he was big 9'5 and was gay and the would champion stripper and dancer he was so high the only thing he needed was a set of wings and he'd be in the sky, then there was Sal a Doberman girl who was homosexual she was the brains behind the club she was the female version of duster, then there was the clubs manger, he was a fox looked like a James bond extra like the dealer of the guy at the bar he was gay but he was not letting people know that only I knew and now the others too, as I sat the mike came on "and now the hot and white wolf that is SILVER MOON!" Duster cheered and so did Sal but there was no silver not again, I went back stage and there he was crying, "hay what's up?" "I can't go out there that's duster I love him and his greatness if I fail then I'll kill my self plus Sal's there she's the same" he cried more I hugged him and said "give it ago and if you fail or don't get in then I'll get you another job", he wagged his tail and murred, and walked to the stage he walked on in his red thong and rode down on all fours like a wolf looking at food I looked in amazement and got a little tent in my pants, he then moved and did the finger duster took it and he moved him aside even Sal was getting hot under the collar, he then crawled back and then got up and looked at them he then moved to the pole and spun around I was still looking on now I wanted him! Dusters pants where tenting he then got the manger to do the final part the kiss blow he pulled him up on his two fingers and then the manger kissed him and silver let him then moved him away and walk back down the stage to me, shaking his ass in way to make them want him more he then got to the curtains and winked.

I looked pants now tight as a belt on a USA man and looked at him, he just looked at me and said "all I needed was some one to say I could do it", he kissed me as he went to get changed, as I went to see the judges cocks rock hard and Sal's pussy wet and she was hot under the collar, duster, "well he's in that is just what we need someone to show us how it should be done", Sal "yeah! He's mad almost BI!" The manger said "that kiss blow was cool and he let me kiss him alright he's in!"

I was so happy for him I went to his room it was big he had moved in his clothes where in the wardrobe, thong on the bed and the shower was going I herd him howling it was like a quire but it sounded like a wolf, I went in and told him the good news! He was so happy he hugged me soaking wet and now I was he giggled and took my clothes off "come join me I need some one to clean my back" he said as he undid my pants I was now nude and I stepped into the shower and murred at the warm water on my body Chris did the same as he washed his front I washed his back he murred as I lowered my hands and started to clean the back of his legs he moaned and let out a sigh I stopped "are you okay silver?" He smiled "yeah please don't stop!" I kept going washing his back I then stopped as I was wet but my back needed to be washed he then turned and faced me his wolf cock tip showing a little bit it was cute I turned and he washed me murring all the time we then changed position as I washed my front he washed my back I then felt a tongue lick my ass I looked and silver was rimming me I moaned and tried to push him away but after that show I couldn't help my self I moaned as he pushed his tongue into my hole my cock slides out he moans and keeps licking I can't hold on and push him into my hole I moan loudly as his cold nose and hot wet tongue lick and sniff my ass I moan more cock fully hard and I say "silver moan stop" I moaned as he stops, he then looks "why?" He asks I say very simply "save it for tonight" I said cock going soft his hard but knot still inside the sheath, he murred as I got out my ass still wet.

That night to celebrate Chris getting into the strip club I ordered take out he didn't mind it was simple food any ways fish and chips yum as I ate at the table he looked into my eyes and said "you know there's a nice old bottle of wine at the back of that cupboard David?" I said "really? Wow!" He murred and got it, it was from 2003 it was red that's the wine I was suppose to drink when I first moved in here, he popped the cork and poured some out into our glasses he murred and lifted the glass, "to the strip club", "to the club" I said! We tinged out glasses and drank the wine, it was sharp and nice we both murred and then got to talking, he said why he wanted to be a stripper and I talked about what I did which was just selling stuff in an antique shop it was a part time job plus it was closing down, he murred and drank the last of the wine in his glass, it was a hot night and no AC it was on the blink again, I'd tried to fix it once before but almost blow my self up, so we where in our pants I looked at the now empty bottle, Chris murred "want to go to bed?" I said "yes" as I sipped the last bit of wine and said, "let me go to the loo first", I did what I did and as I opened the door I was welcomed by the smell of candles all multi coloured and smelly ones, I murred as Chris light the last one I looked. "This is nice" I said he murred "just setting the mood hunny", I looked at his pants there was a tent there just a small one, he giggled and removed them and then lobbed them at me I caught them and took mine off and lobbed them at him he jumped at them and murred as I got on the bed.

We looked at each other and kissed his lips soft and warm mine about the same he murred and felt my face, I did the same his cock was now hard but no knot, mine was semi hard he murred and touched it, I broke the kiss with a gasp as he put his lips to it, I moaned and loved it I moved my hands and pushed him onto it he moaned and sucked more, I moaned as my cock got to its full size he looked and smiled, like a cub with a new toy he turned and said "just do me! Nuts to the fore-play just do me!" He opened his ass up a bit I looked but instead of putting my cock in their I put my mouth in their and licked, he moaned as I licked and went in more his eyes light up as my tongue moved down more he moaned and his cock throbbed I was now ready cock fully hard and leaking a bit of pre.

I stopped licking he moaned in pleasure "why did you stop?" He asked not knowing "oh so I can put this in there", I showed him my 14 inch long cock he went very wide eye on me he moaned as I pushed the tip in I kept going in he gave a whimper with each push of my cock into him, but he kept saying "deeper please moan!" I pushed in more being gentle and soft then I hit my limit, it was in all 14 inches well 13 ½ but he moaned, his red cock throbbing like mad, I pulled out and then pushed back in losing him up, he moaned and murred, as then got into a rhythm and kept going for about 30 minutes, we'd moan and hold each other until I could feel my cock swell, he looked knowing I was going to cum and braced him self for a load of hot cum, I neighed loudly and he howled loudly, he then fell onto the bed panting, I stayed up my cock pumping warm cum into him he murred loudly at this, then I pulled my soft but hard cock out it slide out with a wet slop, he then looked and kissed me he then move to my back he moved my tail out of the way and licked my hole only a few times for a tease like I'd done, then he put his red throbbing cock to my ass, it was only 7 inches plus the knot which looked about 4-5 diameter he pushed in hard, then his wolf side took over! He trust into me hard I moaned he growled and bite into my neck it felt strange but good, he kept trusting into me that knot of his pounding into my hole wanting in, he then trusted one last time and the knot pushed it self in! I moaned loudly as it went into me with a pop and he then pulled it out and trust back into me in a rhythm, I moaned but soon got use to it going in me hard and then pulling out, Chris then moaned and trust into me, one more time knot swelling in my hole and he howled again loudly and came in me! He bite my neck again as I moaned his at his hot wolf seed pouring into me he, he panted and feel onto of me, he panted like a wolf, knot stuck in me and said in my ear very softly, "I love you so much babes" and feel asleep on me I murred and managed to turn on his knot which hurt but felt good, so he was facing me and said "I love you too babes" and kissed him he murred and went to sleep on my chest, I held him and loved the feel of his knot in my ass it was still big and would be in there for sometime as I clenched onto it, it throbbed I yawned and went to sleeping holding my babes in my arms.

I awoke the next day and groaned my ass hurt but I had loved it then I noticed no warm soft wolfie on me! Chris or silver had gone but there was a note on the side board with a tub of cream, it read; "dear David, thank you so much for last night it was great! I have left some cream on the side for your ass my wolf side got the better of me (it does sometimes) it will numb the pain a little I'm at the club for the 2nd part they said I was though but not in the club, come see me when you get your lazy cute butt out of bed. P.S. breakfast is in the fridge love you X Chris".

I got up yawned, had a shower put the cream on my cute butt and got dressed to go see Chris well the shop I was in had closed down so I had the day off, I got my breakfast it was some toast nicely done cold but nice, I ate it as I walked to the strip club, as I went in though the door, the music was pumping and it was a big crowd, I saw duster and went to him, "hay duster!" "Hay David" he hugged me and pretend kissed me, "so this is the second part?" "Yeah seeing how they do in the crowd", I looked and saw a few others I knew from round my way, the gay crowd loved it, I was a little worried silver would get worried from me sitting in the front so I sat at the bar watching and waiting, a few fur talked to me but when I said I'm seeing someone they soon stopped talking but gave me there number I'd just put it into my pocket and forget, then the music started and out stepped 4 furs one of them being silver the others where two wolves and a horse he was only small but was very cute, they all walked the line as I looked on I saw silver looking at me and blowing kisses I caught every one a put them in my pocket for later, then it came to the end they walked off stage, so I went back stage to see silver and say well-done, that when I herd bashing and crashing I thought just some one having sex then I herd Chris's voice! "Leave me alone I'm seeing someone!" I rushed in there where all three males holding Chris, and they where tenting, the little horse then walked over and looked at me, "give us five minutes dear then he's all yours" I looked and said "no! That my wolf!" The others growled Chris looked on still held in place by some ropes, the pony boy said "get him boys!" They jumped from the bed at me I took them on they bite me while, the pony boy got back to Chris, in the mean time duster who had great hearing herd something going on and went to look, the males where rough they bite into me hard, as the pony boy got Chris hard by smacking his ass hard! I got one of the males and trust him it the wall he went limp, the other one took another bite of me more harder getting to the bone Chris watched a ball in his mouth now, the other male then woke up he growled and jumped onto my back and bite my neck hard! I went back-words into the wall he went limp again, the other one went for my face when a blue and very long arm held his muzzle shut, "duster!" I said he then turned round the corner a saw what had gone on he looked at me and then the pony he smiled duster lobbed all three with his strength out the door and into the cop's arms, as I untied Chris he looked at me and as soon as he was free he hugged me hard.

After a quick talk to the police from duster they were taken down town to the jail, duster told them everything, as I sat with Chris he was hugging me still, duster came in and said "there disqualified for foul play dear, you alright silver?" He nodded holding onto me, the room we where in was bad it was now damaged and in bad shape from the fight, but I said "I could fix it up" and duster said "okay then dear, and on the side, silver this is your new room", he walked out to go and see others, Chris hugged me more as he looked at his room it was nice and big about the size of my livening room, with a full sized wardrobe and very nice bathroom, it had a shower and a loo basic but nice he looked and was happy he went out to go see duster and thank him. I cleaned the room up by getting rid of the other clothes from the males that where gone I then looked in the wardrobe nothing in there but loads of thongs I tried them on and I looked hot but I took it off I felt silly, I then got some spare plaster board and mended the hole that duster had made in the side, I then went in to the other room and had a look on the wall there was a large poster covering the hole, the other male had made, I took it down as a female wolf walked in and growled but stopped as she saw me bleeding from the bite marks, "just fixing the wall love", she nodded and took her clothes off as if knowing I would look but I didn't I just fixed the wall and went back in to silver's new room then looked for some paint, I found loads of paint in the janitors closet and dust! I thought to my self looks like this place could use a janitor to clean up the place I would ask the manager later, I grabbed some nice colours from the cupboard they where blue and a very nice purple, then I found some silver paint only a small amount left so I made a star and in the star I painted silver moon and David, then I started to paint, the bottom half was purple and the top half blue, it looked great I was covered in paint but it looked nice, I went to see the manager about the job and to find duster and silver they where dancing from the crowd celebrating silvers job, I looked on covered in paint as silver danced on duster came to see me and I asked him about the old janitor, he told me he was a hater and tried to destroy this place, "so yeah you can have the job dear I'm sure foxy won't mind", he smiled as he shock my hand and wondered off I decided to get back to the room and have a shower as I was covered in paint.

I took my clothes off well what was left of them after the males had had there way and torn them, I then started to wash my self as I did Chris walked in seeing my clothes on the floor and also seeing the star he got undressed all nude and cock out a little, he walk into the shower and opened the door and kissed me, I moaned and asked "what's that for?" I said he looked "for looking after me and" he trailed off as I kissed him more he moaned and grabbed my hand broke the kiss and got on his knee and said the most sweetest words a gay person could hear, "David will be married to me?" I welled up and shouted "yes!" And hugged him he murred and put the ring on my hoof I cried he cried we hugged.

After a load of dancing and hugging at the bar we went home we where kind of drunk and a little off our heads but we got home as I opened the door Chris feel to the floor, I laughed "silly puppy" as I went down to pick him up he pulled me down and kissed me "silly horsey", we giggled and kissed murring as we did both our members started to wake, he felt mine and I felt his we looked and laughed I then looked at my clock from the antique shop it read 1 in the morning, I looked again but was stopped by something nuzzling my chest, I murred it was Chris I got up and helped him up, we where both tenting his blue thong tenting and my pants feeling tighter with each second we giggled like little girls as we'd had so much to drink, I then looked on my calendar it was a Friday so it was ok no work in the morning as I looked I was picked up by Chris I giggled and say "unhand me" as he carried me to the bed room, he then placed me on the bed and took off his thong, I murred and looked his member hard but no knot, he then with ease pulled all my clothes off! I looked my member semi hard he then feel onto the bed and started to suck and lick it his sharp and rough wolf tongue made me shiver as I moaned at the pleasure, he kept licking and sucking until it was fully hard, it throbbed as he licked from my balls to my tip, he kissed it and then looked at his now fully hard cock knot out as well, I touched it and he moaned I touched it more he then moved my hand to his mouth and sucked on my finger, I moaned my cock throbbed like mad he then moved and put his ass buns to my cock tip I looked on, as he then thrust down and let out a low pitched growl I moaned at the sudden tightness but soon moaned in pleasure he moaned to leaning over and kissing me, as I trust into him he moaned I could feel his cock on my chest I moaned more, he then howled as I cummed inside of him he moaned and I moaned I kissed him and he said "your turn now babes" he kissed me as he got off my wet and still hard cock.

We changed passions and I sat on his tip then trust down as he had done I went pass the knot with ease I was very lose now, he howled then moaned my cock now back fully hard he leaned forwards and sucked it again, his rough wolf tongue licked my member I moaned as I bounced up and down on his knot going in and out with a pop with each trust, he moaned I moaned he then let out a very large howl I let out a neigh and he cummed in me I then cummed over him, he loved it caching as much as could in his mouth, I panted as I could feel his knot in me and throbbing, he kissed me now covered in my cum I kissed him back and we changed positions, he lie on top of me his knot well and truly buried in my ass, he went to sleep on me as me cock went back into its sheath I moaned as he slept on me calmly, his knot finally came out with a wet pop I moaned and hugged him he looked at me and said "I love you so much babes", I looked at and said "I love you too hunny" we kissed then feel asleep.

I awoke in the morning to still find my warm furry and cuddly wolf on me sleeping I looked at the time it was 2 in the afternoon! "Ouch" I said, I then felt my head, it felt like sledge hammers where pounding my head then to make things worse I really needed the loo, at this point Chris awoke and looked at then was sick on me he had the same feeling as me, we got up moaned and went to the loo I had a shower to wash the sick off and to go to the loo, as he was sick again I then got out of the shower and was sick too, as he went in to the shower I was wet but feeling better, I was now engaged to silver moon the best dancer in the would I thought to my self, I made the bed and then Chris came out of the shower, we took some pills to make the hangover go away then had lunch, well it was far to late for breakfast so we went onto lunch, I made lunch it was basic but it would do, it was just some odd Chinese food from a few days ago, but after the night we had it tasted good just add a bit of water and some sweet and sour source and it tasted great, I looked at Chris and he looked at me, we knew what was coming! It was tidy up time my flat was a bit of a mess we got it nice a clean, we tidied up the lunge and the bed room the kitchen was cleaned in a few minutes, we then put some music on it was great we listened for hours, then at about 7 we where done the flat was clean we then painted it all in very nice bright colours, I'd just left it white, we made it yellow blue green and some red it was a nice deep red, after all this is was 11 at night I cleaned the paint away but Chris was so tried he'd fallen asleep on the couch, he looked so cute he was only covered in a little bit of paint he was good though the place looked like it was bigger and warmer as I carried the soft warm wolf to bed he murred lightly in his sleep holding onto my big arm muscles and murring softly as I put him into bed he seem to know and curled up into a ball and went to sleep, I looked at him and said "so cute!" I sighed and went back to getting the place nice, after a few more hours it looked great it was now 1 in the morning I walked into the bed room and looked at Chris he was fast asleep and very cute looking as I crawled into bed he murred and snuggled up to me and we both feel asleep in each other hands.

Morning came and I was awoken by the smell of cooking! "Breakfast" I said, I woke up not looking down as I had wood and I walked into the kitchen there was Chris making food I sniffed and sat down onto my plate came eggs bacon and some toast I sniffed it and said "I don't deserve you", he looked, "your too kind I should share you!" He giggled and said "well that would be great but he, he your now my mate", he went back to cooking, as I ate my wood went down I then walked into the bed room and get dressed Chris did the same, we where going wedding shopping for suits and gifts, we decided to have a quick and cheep wedding at Las Vagus, as we set off I kissed Chris he blushed and we held hands and liked it, we talked about what to do after the wedding.

Upon getting to the shop we went in and had a look it was great we both went different ways he went over to the shop that sold food from different country's, as I went to the music store to look though there cassette collection, after a few hours we meet each other out side a shop called suit and tails, we went in and had a look at the suits we loved the black suits and the other colours then I found a purple suit and Chris found a blue suit we loved them, the price tags where very high though but when they knew Chris as silver moon they cut the price in half we now had our suits so we went to get each other gifts to give each other, he went another way I went into the jewellery section and had a look at the watches, he'd always wanted a watch as he was always looking at the time, so I looked though the watches I then found one that was just to die for! I ask the man if I could try it on, he said "yes" he was a very posh person the kind that would ask you to leave just because you looked poor, I tried the watch on it was grand it was 450 pounds I decide to look at some more cheaper ones, then found a nice watch 130 pounds it was nice the 450 was too much for me, so I went to the bank and got out my life savings or some of it then brought it.

Just as I was leaving a man rushed me and grabbed the bag he was only 5'6 I pulled him into the store, he then got out a gun I looked at head butted him he feel to the ground I then grabbed the bag, and ran to the door, he looked grabbed his gun and shot, the gun shot went though the store like an echo, Chris herd this and ran like a true wolf on all fours, he then saw me on the ground and saw the guy with the gun getting the gems, he growled and jumped though the window and right at the guy with the gun, he let off another round into the air at the wolf that had got him, Chris bite his arm so hard you herd the bone snap like a twig he growled and held on his bite like iron, the man was too scared to do any thing I got up and gowned I looked and there was Chris, the police soon came and took the robber away, I was ok the bullet had hit me in the arm I was ok but hurt the other guy though he was in worse shape them me!

As I was rushed to the hospital I could see Chris running with me and he was there at my side the moment they removed the bullet, I moaned and bite into his arm he growled but took it like I'd done with him, they then stitched me up as for the other guy? He needed to have a plate put on his arm, as I was only injured a little they soon let me go I had the bags still and we went home in a taxi the police had ordered for us, as we got home Chris was very worried about me, I sat down and looked at the stretches it was cool, but Chris was worried it took me three hours to clam him down but as soon as he did he kissed me and hugged me I hugged back and he murred softly, he then got up and made dinner we'd had lunch in the hospital it was nice, he got out the food he'd brought and started to cook, I watched telly and looked at the watch I'd gotten him it was so nice and after being dropped twice it was still working, as I put it away I wondered what Chris had brought me I'd never had very much new stuff in my life or very expensive stuff ,I sighed and took the pain killers the doctors had given me to numb the pain, as I did I could smell dinner cooking as I peeked around the corner Chris was a work cooking like a pro I just looked and went back to the couch, I sighed the best I can do it know the take away menu off by heart as I watched telly he came in with a bowl of food it was rice with little bits and peaces in it, I sniffed and opened a can of coke and ate the food, he nuzzled up to me and watched telly while eating his food too we watched telly and thought would we be happy forever? But we soon forgot and watched a funny cartoon on the telly, about a wolf and a horse living in a house, we giggled and laughed as I ate the wonderful food Chris had made it was getting late we had work in the morning so we turned in for the night I kissed Chris and he kissed me and we feel asleep holding each other.

We awoke to a beautiful morning and we kissed we got ready for work, Chris got into his nice green throng for dancing, and I got into some normal clothes t-shirt, jeans the basics, I was the janitor and Chris was silver moon at the club, so we be working tougher we where so happy so we set off for work, holding hands was nice loads of people looked at us, we lived in a nice place it was great, we got to the work place it was great we kissed and silver went to perform as I went to clean up any mess or anything that needed to be cleaned, I had a brown jacket with loads of pockets in it, I fixed everything in sight the loo's the room showers the dancers loved me but they where all jealous of me when I said matted to silver moon, as I cleaned I then came into the main room some one had been sick plus there was a lot of cum to clean off in the main loo's and the comdom machine was out of wolf sized comdom's, I cleaned the sick up and then set to work the other thing was I got to go anywhere in the building the roof was the best I could sit up there and eat my lunch and not be disturbed by anybody.

Plus as a side line I got to go in Chris's room anytime I wanted, as I went in I saw Chris in the shower even with the AC on it was still hot plus he loved it me coming in and saying the shower needed to be fixed as I went in I would said "hay I think that shower needs to fixed, and I need to be in there" I said as I removed my clothes, he giggled and kissed me and hugged me and we quickly got horny, we had quick sex it was just a quick shag but it was so good! The other line was I got to keep as many comdom's as I wanted well stallion sized Hadley sold, after a long day of working we got home we ate food and kissed showered and went to bed this went on for the whole week, then the wedding came.

It was a nice Saturday and it was even nicer seeing a pair of eyes looking at me they where green and beautiful he looked at me and nuzzled my chest, "today's the day" he said I yawned and hugged "yep better get over to Las Vagus" we had a quick breakfast and then drove to the big city, gifts and suits in the boot of my old car it was getting on it was an old and I mean old, its a little car from the UK a very nice car but it was showing its age the car it was a Morris marina it was blue and was rusting in some places, but I loved it to bits some days it would go other days it just wouldn't, today it went and went all the way to the big city, as we drove the cassette player was working fine country and western sounded great though the speakers as we got there the place was great it looked so nice like big arcade but larger as we rolled into the car park the car splutter and coughed and stopped smoke came from the bonnet I looked the radiator was cooked, the attends took care of it putting it in the car park as we went into the room we where in it was great big warm and very well AC Chris flopped onto the bed as I checked out the room it was great I loved it he loved we kissed and went down stairs to get the wedding pre-paired.

I loved the sights we loved it, Chris was very tried after the drive I looked at him as he slept on my shoulder on the tram bus I looked and said its great he was very tried but he woke up as we got to the wedding place it was $80 for a wedding but it was worth it $800 for a real wedding we kissed and set the date for the Wednesday, we kissed and went back to the hotel I remember we got back Chris turned me to him as he stopped my gift at the hotel, he kissed me and said "here David this is my gift to you" he handed me some car keys I thought oh great my old keys where getting on, I then turned and looked there was my dream car a 1989 caddy it was in great nick the inside was great it was so big, I kissed him and hugged him he then looked at me tail wagging like mad "so where's mine?" I then got from my pocket a box he looked inside and his eyes widened to the size of popping out he looked at the watch he then kissed me and said tonight we party!

As we came into the hotel he slapped my ass I moaned a little he then jumped into my arms and kissed me his pants where tenting mine where getting tight too, as we got into our room I looked and Chris was asleep in my arms far to tried to have sex so I put him to bed, I decide to check out the casino's!

It was very colourful I got out $100 it was cool as I only ever played blackjack I decide to stick to that it was great I won a few hands then lost but it was cool I then stopped for a drink a met a few other furs who where like me and Chris getting married here as its okay, as I talked it was getting late Tuesday we'd be going out to see the sights, I yawned as I came up the lift I get to my room and opened the door Chris was there fast asleep I got into bed and held him he was soft and warm he murred and knew I was there he then rolled over and kissed me I murred and held him as we drifted off to sleep.

I was the fest to get up I yawned and looked my warm wolfie was still there I kissed him and got up my wood was hard but he was also hard I yawned and got some food, Chris's ears twitched at the sound of food and he awoke he moaned and stretched out like a true wolf does I looked and said "morning sleepy head" he laughed and yawned as he came to me and kissed I murred and he murred I then saw his wood knot and all he then saw mine, we looked and said "well there's only one way to get rid of wood" he said as he rubbed his cock I looked and did the same, he then got down and started to lick my cock his rough wolf tongue on my cock sent shivers up my spine he murred as I moaned he then put the tip in his mouth I moaned more as he then started to deep troughed my cock he got half way I loved it and moaned he bobbed his head and kept going I moaned and could see his cock moving as I looked I picked him up and spin him round and started to lick his cock I moaned as he sucked on mine I was close he was too we moaned as we both cummed at the same time we moaned at each other's seed filling our mouths as we got off each other I kissed him and we went for a bath we never had a bath just showers it was great the bubbles were scented and the room was nice and warm after our bath we went out to see the sights.

We went to see the sights of Las Vagus it was so colourful at night and in the day it was cool we went to the graveyard of old signs, then to see one of the many shows on there we went to see Elvis well a person who can do Elvis it was great we drank loads of booze and eat at very nice restrants it was great we got back to the hotel very drunk but in good shape we sang our way up to our room Chris went into the bedroom and feel on the bed asleep, I sighed and wanted to check out the hotel's casino's it was nice colours everywhere, as I played I won loads then lost it but it was cool, I got some money or chips and then lost them but that's the fun, it was about 2 in the morning when I went to the bar to get a drink I got some nice drinks but not WKD but the drinks I had where nice, as I walked up to the room I was still awake so I watched late night USA telly it was ok but boring after a while so I went to bed, Chris was there waiting like he had woken up and got ready for my return, as I crawled into bed he wrapped his hands around me and murred in my ear, "big day today" he said in my ear "it is and I can't wait but we must" he just giggled and went to sleep I yawned watched the picture on the side of the wall of a seaside view slowly go to darkness as my eyelids shut them self's and I went to sleep.

Morning came and I yawned I had the bad taste of yesterday night in my mouth I moaned as my hang over hit, Chris was up though and in the shower getting ready I got up and yawned I then went to the sink and got a glass of water, after a few of them I felt better as I herd the patter of wet feet behind me, "sleep well?" said Chris "yeah I think I've got a hangover but that's because I drank a lot" Chris nodded "well go have a shower and get ready" I nodded and had a nice shower it was warm and cooling at the same time as I washed away yesterday nights fuzz and ugh I felt cleaner and more fresher, as I got out of the shower Chris was getting into his blue tux it was navy blue with a very nice night time blue and he looked great he added the chuff links and then brushed his fur, I dried off very quickly and then got into my tux it was purple deep purple and it was great it had purple on the outside and light purple on the inside I also had dark black pants on we kissed and set off as I grabbed the rings we'd brought yesterday in a nice shop.

We got to the wedding place it was very nice we meet a few other furs that where getting wed as we got our number we looked the best as we had suits the other furs just had nice clothes on we waited kissing and attaching on the back tin can's as i put on the back window just married it was great then our number came up.

We walked up to the isle and then we where meet by the man who looked like Elvis but more older, "we are gathered here to make" he pointed a finger at me "David" "and" "Chris" "in holy matamoney so with out feather or do, do you David take Chris to be you wedded man?" "I do!" "And do you Chris take David to be your wedded man?" "I do!" "then by the power of this crutch and the holy ghost and the holy feather I pronace you man and man you my now kiss each other thank you very much" we kissed and we where married we put the rings on the bells rang as confetti covered us and we went onto our hunny moon he, he we loved it where married we got to the other hotel in Miami it was great we could do stuff we held hands and kissed we then started to see the sights in Miami it was great we had a nice four day holiday we took loads of pictures and had loads of sex then it was time to come home to the house we lived in it was great to see it again we looked at our fingers each had a ring on but there where gummy rings one wasn't one was real we kissed as I put the telly on it was about 11 at night so Chris went to bed he had a busy day as it was first day back at the club I watched something then went to bed as well holding my silver moon.

We got back to the club and it was a normal day Chris went off and danced the day away as I cleaned the dressing room one was very messy a herm had been in there was cum every where I looked on a started to clean the room when the dancer came in he was a fox called Darren "hay thanks man sorry a herm came in and I wanted her and she wanted me" I just said "its alright I'm use to it must have been a big one to make this much cum" I cleaned the wall off and then cleaned the rest off in an hour it was cleaned, he thanked me as I left his room I then looked on a notice board on there was an ad for the would gay and Lesbos dancing championships I went to silver room and showed him, he looked and signed up for it, after a few days he was accepted and went off he packed his suit case of thongs and Speedo's and left for the championship I wished him luck as he left on the bus.

I was now in the work place alone I sighed and missed him but I soon meet other furs and then bumped into Darren again we meet after he had sex again with the herm a dragoness by the name of Lyn I just cleaned but had a lunch break coming up so I talked to him he talked to me as well we got on well then I hugged him and he kissed me, I had been without a kiss from Chris for a few days I kissed him back he murred and we kissed more then we start to hold each other and then made love, I awoke a few minutes later as my watch alarm went off I looked and then saw him I thought oh crap! I left and went to my room well closet and cried what have I done but I then thought it was good I liked it!

I did it again and then with other furs too, and the ladies, even though they where BI the still liked a horse that was careful and gentle I got in over my head liking it so much I had forgotten about silver until I got home and saw his picture on the wall of our wedding I thought to my self as I ate the take away he'll never know, then I meet a nice puppy dancer he was a good friend of mine he's shower was always playing up so I was fixing it, he then kissed me and said "can I do you?" I looked and said "but your a puppy you'd be ripped apart" "please" he said given me puppy eyes, I looked and said "aw cute ok then" we made love I then noticed out his window the couch returning silver had a small trophy and was very happy, I finished up and went to his room, the puppy then meet silver I didn't know he had he told silver about me and him having sex silver face and heart broke he went to his room I didn't know "hay hunny saw the trophy nice win" he just looked and then with claws slapped me so hard I felt the claws and the blood "OW! What was that for?" I said he looked "herd of the king puppy?" "Yeah" I said "only meet him a few days ago" another slap on my other side "OW! What the hell is with you?" "YOU HAD SEX WITH HM!" my heart sank silver ran off he dropped his trophy and then I saw dash blow me a kiss I caught it and silver saw it too he ran off.

I thought long and hard at my place silver didn't return that night, I knew what to do it would cost me my job and probably my life but it would be worth it to show how much I loved silver, I got a key from my side draw and opened the bottom draw of my draws in there was a gun loaded and ready to go, I sighed and clicked it, it still fired only blanks I used it if there was a fight in the neighbourhood but at the side was real bullets, I loaded them in and went to the club, I left a note for silver in case he came back.

As I walked into the it was noisy as ever but I was like a dark person I was in a brown coat and had the gun in my pocket, I knocked on king's door he opened it "horsey!" he said "come in been waiting for you" he smiled as I draw the gun "big deal I got one too" he pulled from himself a gun but it was a bean bag gun meant to hit but not kill "so shot me then!" he said "why?" "You have reined my life! Silver is out there somewhere I have no idea where!" king looked at the floor "I didn't know I thought you where not married I just thought that on your finger was old so furs don't hit on you" I looked at him gun pointing not shaken and not moving but my hand on the trigger "you would kill a puppy would you?" he looked with the eyes I shot him.......

The gun sound went though the room and the building like a shock wave furs screamed as I stud there looking king on the floor blood every where he was dead then the door was kicked in, "POLICE PUT THE GUN DOWN!!!!" I put the gun don't and just said "its done" they rushed me and took me away, I was tried and tested for murder first degree sentenced to death!

It was on the news I was going to be killed by the chair I just looked at the furs and then I saw silver, he just looked then ran, I looked away as I put in the van, they gave a week before I was to fry, I sighed and had started to smoke well not like I'm getting out, the other inmates looked at me how could I have killed king dash he was only a puppy, but I had.

It was a day before my frying the papers said that I would be killed for murder I was given an interview with the news, SKY NEWS they asked why I had done it? I just said "to show how much I love my Chris I left a note on the bed if your watching Chris for you but I'm going to do so I may as well say this I did it for you I'm sorry I must leave you but I must thanks for all the great time we had", the news guys cried then every body said no, no don't kill him, but it was too late at noon 12 on the dot I would be killed by the chair.

It was my death day I was welcomed by my last meal a nice drink of coke and some soup I drank and ate it, then I was put in my cell and read my last rights by the purest I sat there smoking my very last fag and was then lead to the room with the chair, I cried as I sat in the chair the guard said why I was being killed, I looked into the crowd my mom and dad where there a few of the dancers to see me fry as I killed king dash then I saw silver he was in tears I waved bye to them as I was put in the chair and strapped in I then felt the sponge on my head as they lowered the hat, then my last right came on the song *dust in the wind by Kansas plays* I sang every bit of the that tune then it ended, and the guard said, may god have mercy on your soul, he then throw the switch the lights dimmed, and it was over.

Chris went to my home and found the note I had left for him he looked at it, and it read "dear Chris I'm sorry for what I have done and for what I am going to do its good bye from me and from my life I'm off to kill king dash so he can never temp any one ever again, I'm so sorry for not being true but its true I had sex with him and other so what I'm getting is what I deceive good bye my love I will always be in your dreams and in your mended heart".

Chris cried for hour after reading that but I was dead, I was buried in the ground six feet under but what I had done I got what deceived.

After a few years Chris remarried and loved a new furry they got on like a house on fire and loved each over but he still remembered me as he had kept everything of me but it was put away in a storage space.

The moral of the story never go behind your partner's back.