A Gay Lion King Parody 6: How Hyenas Play

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#6 of Gay Lion King Parody

Simba and Sarakiba finish up their fun and go to the elephant graveyard to meet with the hyenas. Naka trails them, trying to figure out a way to save his prince.

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A Gay Lion King Parody

Chapter 6: How Hyenas Play

Sponsored by Johnzaloog

By Draconicon

Shoving Sarakiba's muzzle down his cock was better than anything he had ever done with his hand, and the intoxicating pleasure of domination only made it better as he hammered the wanton one down his shaft. Simba moaned, leaning back where he sat, feeling the pressure of those lips, that tongue going along his cock, and the soft kiss of fur against the base of his sheath was the little detail that capped it all off. For the first time, he was fucking someone, and it was a hundred times better than he imagined.

The way that Sarakiba continued to suck and swallow was made even better from the little whimpers that came from the lion's mouth, the hunger to have his seed that proved how unworthy the other lion was. He had always heard that Sarakiba was the lowest of the Pride, the one that occupied the absolute bottom rung, and if it were possible, Sarakiba would have been made to leave the Pride. He had never understood that before...but now...

He grinned, pulling the other lion back, hard, holding him by the scruff of his neck. Simba's eyes were pulled tight, half-glaring, half-smirking at the other lion.

"Look at you. So hungry for royal seed that you'll let me do whatever I want to you."

"Yes...yes, predator...please..."

It wasn't even 'prince' anymore, but predator, this line that showed him as the better hunter, the stronger man, the one that could do whatever he wanted. Just like Scar.

He had never, ever thought of his uncle as the better man before, but seeing what his uncle could do to the other lions, to the other species in the Pride Lands, told him that there was something to learn. His uncle had a way of seeing people, knowing what they wanted, and he had shown Simba a hint of that.

You're a weak one, he thought, looking down at Sarakiba. Scar broke you, but you could have been broken by me...you wanted me, and I could have used that against you...

There was something in that darkness, in the domination of others that tempted him. It gave him control, made him stronger. Even though he'd shocked Naka during the fight, even though he felt a bit guilty, there was something about this that made him want to try it again, to use his friend's fetishes and kinks and needs against him, to see if he could do it again.

This ability...this power...he wanted to see just how far it went.

Simba grabbed the older lion tight, shoving him down once more. The gluk-gluk-gluk sounds of face-fucking were getting louder and louder, and he started to hump against the other lion's lips rather than just shoving him down. Forward, back, forward, back, each thrust carrying him closer and closer to his final climax. He moaned under his breath, grinding his balls against Sarakiba's chin, feeling that fur against them, feeling the tickle and tingle.

Yes...mine...my little...wanton...slut...

With a growl, Simba leaped from his seat, shoving Sarakiba to the ground. The other lion yelped in shock, tried to fight him for a moment, but Simba just grabbed him by the throat and held him down. Almost instantly, the protests stopped.


He was a prince, after all. He had the right to claim others. He was royalty. He could...he could...

Groaning, the prince went back to thrusting, burying his barbed cock between Sarakiba's lips, jamming it down the other lion's throat. There were more gagging sounds this time around, more of a huffing and puffing, and despite the fact that he was in charge, Sarakiba still patted at his legs, his hips, trying to slow him down.

It didn't work.

Thrust, thrust, thrust, the tip of his cock burying itself in the back of that wet, warm throat, and he groaned under his breath as he felt it clenching around him, pulling, sucking, swallowing. He moaned at the top of his lungs, thrusting himself balls-deep, holding himself there.

"Suck...swallow...swallow it down..."

The command was met with a single-minded determination, and Sarakiba sucked as hard as he could. Simba felt like his balls were being drawn up through his shaft, and he arched his back, his eyes rolling back in his head. It felt so...very...good. He shivered, feeling his cock pulse, once, twice...

And then, he came.

He groaned hard, almost feeling like all the tension in his body had just been released at once. He slumped forward, catching himself by the barest of measures, but he didn't pull out. If anything, he jammed his cock in even further, holding it as deep as he could make it go, wanting to make sure that everything that he had to offer went right down Sarakiba's throat, right down to the guts. He wanted the wanton one to get everything that he had ever wanted.

It felt like his orgasm lasted for a full minute. Certainly, he felt drained when he rolled his hips to the side, pulling his cock free. Sarakiba gasped for air, sitting up and clutching at his throat, rubbing it. Simba smiled.

"So, was it as good as you imagined?" he asked, his smirk slowly fading.

"It was...it was amazing...your highness. My predator..."

He smiled, though the smile was a bit less firm this time. Now that he had finally blown his load, there was something that felt...off. Something that didn't quite fit with him anymore. Guilt, perhaps? He didn't know. He just knew that he felt like maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't have done what he did.

Shaking his head, he got back to his feet, and Sarakiba did the same. They looked at the elephant graveyard behind them, and the wanton one groaned, stretching out his back and cracking it a few times.

"It is time to deliver Scar's message," the wanton one said. "Come. Let's see if they will take us in."

"Take us in?"

"Of course. The hyenas do rule the area. If they won't let us in, then we will have to wait until they will."

"You have a prince with you. Isn't that enough?"

"Oh, Simba...you have so much to learn."

In the long grasses, Naka and Zazu watched the display between the lions, and it was hard to tell which of them was more shocked at the display. Naka looked at Zazu, and Zazu stared back, their jaws hanging open, their eyes wider than they had ever been before.

Is this...is this what he's really like? Naka wondered, turning back to watch the prince slam his cock right down the wanton one's throat. He...he's treating that one like he's nothing but meat...

"How...vulgar," the hornbill whispered.

"That's one word for it..."

Naka didn't want to admit that there was a part of him that wondered if he could keep up with what Sarakiba was doing, if he could perform better. He was certain with the right kind of training he wouldn't be gagging like that, at the very least, and he was sure that he could have at least turned it into a 69, if not more.

Yet, at the same time, he was fighting with himself. Even though Simba was the prince, wasn't it wrong for him to just rut another member of the Pride like that? It felt like some line had been crossed, that something had been done that could not be taken back.

He shook his head. He wasn't here to judge the prince's sexual antics. He was here to see what Scar has sent them to do.

As the lions got back to their feet, looking up at the graveyard, Naka could just make out Zazu muttering to himself. He perked up his ear, listening to the whispers.

"...can't be serious. This is hyena territory. What in the world would Scar want with those scavengers?"

"Nothing good," Naka muttered.

"If he's offering one of the Pride, then he has gone too far. This will destabilize everything. The Pride's reputation must be maintained; they are the greatest hunters, the strongest warriors. Even one being brought low is a cause for concern, but this?"

"What do you think he's going to do?"

"Well, I - I cannot say for sure, Naka, but..."


"He is offering one of the Pride to the hyenas. If it is just Sarakiba, then there might be a way to recover from this, but if he's offering the prince, as well..."

Naka nodded. He knew enough of how things worked to understand what Zazu meant. Simba was known as a mild troublemaker in the Pride Lands, yes, but that didn't disqualify him from ruling. He was still a strong warrior, and he had time to build up the reputation that his father had.

However, if it was found out that he had been conquered by the hyenas, by the scavengers and pickers that looted the corpses of those that fell and robbed the graves, then things would be different. They were low, lower than any of the prey species, and to suffer a defeat - or worse, a rut - from them would be a shame that Simba would carry for the rest of his life.

Naka growled deep in his throat. This was precisely the sort of thing that he had been trained to prevent.

As Simba and Sarakiba climbed the bones outside of the graveyard, gradually making their way up, Naka pulled himself free of the long grass.

"Naka, where do you think you're going?" Zazu hissed.

"I'm going to bring my prince back."

"You can't be serious. We need to go back for help."

"You go back for help. I'm going to bring Simba back."


Flap, flap, flap. The sound of wings faded quickly, and Naka knew that Zazu was making good on that decision. The bird was going all the way back to Pride Rock, hopefully to get Mufasa, but at last to get Sakabi. Either way, he still had to do something to keep the hyenas from getting what they wanted.

I guess it's time to climb...

Simba was half-sure that he was being watched, though from where, he wasn't entirely certain. Sometimes, it felt like there was someone staring up at him from below as they climbed the bones. Other times, it felt like there were eyes on the heights staring down at him, judging him. In both cases, it was like they disappeared as soon as he started looking for them, leaving him feeling like he'd been seeing things.

Of course, that might have been the climb and how self-conscious he felt. Ever since he'd finished his 'fun' with Sarakiba, he was more self-conscious than ever about how he had acted. His balls churned for more sex, particularly when he looked up at the other lion as they climbed and found himself staring at that ass, but every new foothold felt like a punishment for how he was behaving, with sharp and blunt bone alike digging into his bare feet.

He grunted as he dragged himself up another few feet, climbing harder than he usually did at Pride Rock. There was something about this place that seemed to encourage letting go of worries and just focusing on the work, and he was finding himself grateful for it. The guilt started to fade as he just focused on how his arms and legs felt, on his body rather than the other things around him.

And, of course, that made him start wondering how it was going to go when they actually reached the hyenas. Nobody really spent much time near them, as far as he knew. The Pride went out of their way to avoid the scavengers, save for when they needed to chase them off or teach them a lesson.

What are they like? he wondered as he found handhold after handhold, foothold after foothold on the way up the side of the bone cliff. Well, guess we're going to find out.

Soon enough, Simba and Sarakiba reached the top of the bones, and the wanton one helped him up the last few feet. He groaned as he found his footing, only to hear the soft growls of watchers. Guards.

The lion slowly looked up from brushing himself off, finding himself staring down no less than two dozen hyenas, a strange gray color along their sides and a brown-cream color along their bellies. They wore loincloths, just enough to cover their sheaths, but not enough to cover their balls, low-hanging, bald, and slightly damp. They stood like warriors, too, gripping clubs and short spears.

Simba looked them in the eye, and wondered if there would have been a chance to run if he wasn't with someone else. As it was, he really, really hoped that he didn't have to fight them. Lions could overpower a hyena one on one, or even one on two, but against a dozen? Two dozen? There was no chance in hell.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he nodded at Sarakiba. The other lion stepped forward, getting the attention of all the hyenas at once.

"I come with a message from Scar."

And just like that, the entire congregation of hyenas lowered their weapons. Simba's eyes went wide. Just how much had his uncle been talking with the hyenas to prompt a reaction like that? How much had he done?

And what else did he want?

One of them, a slightly more muscular male than the others, stepped forward. He narrowed his eyes, his bushy eyebrows wriggling like caterpillars on his face. He sniffed the air, then chuckled, going from suspicious to grinning widely, and even went so far as to throw his arm around Sarakiba's waist.

"Ha! We got his whore this time. Told ya that Shenzi was right!"

The hyenas burst out laughing at that, and Simba did his best not to blush at the fact that they were talking about a lion that way. It should have been humiliating to the Pride, but after seeing what Sarakiba was willing to do...well, it wasn't that hard to imagine that the lion would be more than willing to lower himself for the hyenas.

As they started walking back into the graveyard, the one that'd spoken up turned to him.

"Hey, you the prince?" the hyena asked.

"Yes. Prince Simba."

"Hey, no call for formalities right now, 'Prince'. Get your ass over here."

"What -"

"It's gonna be a celebration, lion! And if this one's got a message, bet you anything that Scar gave you one."

"You would lose that bet."

"Well, come on, anyway. Shenzi'll want to meet you."

"Who's Shenzi?" Simba said, starting to follow the hyena.

"He's the boss, heh. I'm Banzai; nice to meet you, 'Prince.'"

Simba shook his head, not entirely keen on the way that the hyenas were using his title, but not quite feeling able to argue with them. The confidence that he'd been hoping to keep from rutting Sarakiba had already mostly faded, and what was still there was drowning in the guilt of how he'd done it.

This was a fine situation, and he swore that he was missing something.

They were led through the graveyard to a great circle of elephant skulls, big ones, bigger even than the elephants that wandered the plains. Simba wondered if they were some great spirit ancestor to the ones that he was used to seeing, because these ones looked as if someone could fit inside of their eye sockets.

The great skulls might have been the biggest bones in the area, but they weren't the only ones. Tusks, ribs, tails, spines, and more were all spread about the great circle of skulls. Some of them were used as structure to put up tents of leather, or to stretch beds between. Others were used as a way of keeping people apart, and still others were used as prison cells, holding prey that would be killed and eaten later.

At each were more hyenas, the various males laughing almost constantly. It was like the laughter was just another way for them to talk, and they talked faster and easier in that language than they did in the spoken tongue that they'd used before. Certainly, Banzai would turn to laugh with them, and they'd act as if he said something.

But they never stopped. Some of the hyenas followed, for sure, and a lot of them were ditching their loincloths at the sight of Sarakiba, but most of them were staying with what they were doing. Preparing food, stripping leather, rutting - a lot of rutting, for that matter - and more kept going on all around them, and he had no idea if it would ever stop. Or what the hyenas wanted today, for that matter.

Finally, they approached the biggest of the skulls. Sarakiba came to a halt, going through the process of removing the bone plug up his ass and a few other things, while Banzai pressed a hand to the side of his muzzle and shouted up.

"Hey, Shenzi! We got a gift today!"

"Yeah?" The new voice was a bit louder, more shrill. High, but still male. "What kind of gift?"

"We got a lion. A real wanton one, too."

"Heh, I look forward to this. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Scar got the prince to come out!"

"The prince?!"

And just like that, there was a scattering, clambering, clawing sound from within the skull. Simba stared; he had only guessed that someone could fit in there, not that someone would live in there. He was dumbstruck as a hyena dragged himself out of one of the eye sockets, struggling a bit when they got to their hips, before popping out with a soft thunk.

The hyena stood atop one of the old tusks, holding onto the edge of the eye socket in the process, and looked down at him and Sarakiba. This new one was thicker, rounder-hipped than Banzai or the others were. His loincloth went down a bit further, too, just enough to almost hide the testicles that were behind it. Still not quite enough, but at least it went down past the base of the shaft.

Yet, despite the slight pudginess this Shenzi had, there was no doubt that he still had the muscle to fight. There were definite hard spots beneath the belly, and those thighs might have been thick, but they were thick with muscle, not fat.

The hyena smiled.

"Well, now, the prince of the Pride Lands. What the hell did I do to get you to visit me?" he said.

"I'm here to oversee a message from my uncle."

"Oversee, huh? Well, you'll be seeing a lot, boy. Why don't you come up here, and we can watch it together?"

Intimidating as the situation was, Simba wasn't entirely stupid. He could see the way that Shenzi looked at him, how the hyena was looking him over from head to toe, and he knew that there was a hunger in the hyena's soul for him. It was a different hunger than Sarakiba had, though. This wasn't one that wanted pride. This was one that wanted obedience.

This was like what his uncle did.

Nevertheless, Simba climbed up the other tusk, feeling the hard bone against his feet. He made his way to the top and sat down, his back curling against the top of the dusk, his legs hanging over either side. Shenzi took a similar seat, though the hyena put his dusty, damp feet on the lion's lap.

"Heh, welcome," the hyena said, curling his toes, and Simba could smell the sweat and musk on the soles rising upwards. "You ever seen us rut before?"

"No. Father never let me see anything like that."

"Heh, you're in for a treat, then."

Shenzi nodded down to the cluster of hyenas, and Simba turned to look. Already, Sarakiba was on all fours, and Banzai and the other males were tossing their loincloths to the sides, revealing dicks that were surprisingly large. For all that the lions were better hung in length, the hyenas had him, at least, beat in girth. All of them were fatter than him, and their balls hung a bit lower.

His cheeks burned slightly as he looked out of the corner of his eye, watching as Shenzi pushed his loincloth to the side. A fat, shimmering, black cock laid against the hyena's thigh, and the patriarch of the clan chuckled as he clenched his fingers around it.

"You like what you see, prince?" Shenzi asked. "No shame in staring. We have what we have."

"Didn't expect you to have so much."

"Heh, don't you worry. Some of it's magical."

"Magical? I thought - how did you do that?" he asked, sitting up straight. "The King's the only one with magic."

"That what your daddy told you?"

The smirk on Shenzi's face didn't make him feel any happier, but he knew better than to push right then. The fact was, he didn't know nearly enough to be able to argue with the hyena, and better to wait until he had more information.

Still, he blushed as he looked down at Sarakiba. The wanton one looked...different, and as Simba reached out into the darkness again, peering at the other lion through those eyes, he saw why.

The shame and humiliation that the wanton one fed on were out of control, the order to submit to the hyenas filling him with greater than average feelings of being out of control. Sarakiba was falling into an addictive spiral, one that was pulling him further and further from his pride as a lion, further and further from his ability to control himself. By the end of this particular 'message', it would be a miracle if Sarakiba was still able to remember his own name, or if he had ever had any pride at all.

And yet, as the hyenas lined up around him, Simba couldn't help but feel his cock throb in anticipation, curious as to how it would look to see a lion brought that low. The hyenas were already gathering around the wanton one's face, rubbing their dicks along Sarakiba's cheeks, making the warrior suck them, making him raise his tail and pummeling his hole with two or three fingers at a time.

A sudden clench around his cock shook him from his thoughts, and the prince turned back to Shenzi. The hyena's toes had just curled around the head of his cock, and he groaned as it left mud along his shaft.

"Don't do that."



"Heh, do we have a thing against dirt, Prince?"

Shenzi pressed his feet together, mud and sweat alike grinding into the prince's cock. He gasped, arching his back against the bone behind him, thrusting between the hyena's soles. They were soft, smooth, but oh so firm, grabbing hold of his shaft and holding it tightly, pinning it between them and refusing to let him get away.

"Oh, don't worry about this, prince," Shenzi said, the mud on his feet squelching slightly. "You let me take care of this...and you just watch the 'message.' Consider it a gift before we talk about things..."

The slow squeeze and press was something entirely different from the sharp suction that happened when he was fucking Sarakiba's throat. Rather than feeling like something that he could just take control over, even by something so small as gripping Shenzi's ankles, this was...this was something else.

The hyena had such a grip on him, able to pull down slowly, taking his time with the mud as something to slick everything up and the pressure of those firm feet to keep him from changing it up. He couldn't get away from the tight grip, couldn't distract himself from it as the hyena's toes danced along the sides of his cock. Up, down, up, down, slowly pumping, slowly smearing him with the slick mud.


Sarakiba's grunt as he was first penetrated was loud enough to hear, even with another hyena jabbing his cock down the wanton one's throat. Dozens of hyenas had gathered, and at the very least, they were jerking off over the lion warrior. There were those lining up behind the ones fucking the wanton one's mouth and ass, and there were others that were kneeling down, slapping their dicks against his feet, or grabbing his arms and making him hold still so that they could fuck his pits.

They were dirty, nasty creatures, but they were pursuing their pleasures more fully than anyone that he had ever seen. They were shameless, utterly shameless in their pursuit of gratification. Simba would have stared in awe if it wasn't for -


He gasped as one of Shenzi's feet went down to his balls, pressing on them, lightly nudging them against the bone behind him. He tried to pull back, but the hyena curled his toes, trapping him in place.

"Ah ah. Let me show you some fun, prince..."

"Mmmph...those are...aren't for..."

"What, your cock isn't for me? Then what am I marking it for?"

Shenzi barked with laughter before pulling his feet away, finally. Simba panted, looking down at his cock, and he blushed and winced at the same time. The whole thing was sheathed in a dull gray-brown of mud and muck. There was no one that would dare put their mouths on that, and he doubted that anyone would want to touch it by hand, either. More to the point, he could smell the hyena scent through it, left by the touch of the foot down there, making it clear what had been teasing him.

Yet, his dick jumped. It twitched under the hyena's curling toes, and some hint of white and silver pre-cum oozed free.

"Looks like you like how I treat you, boy," Shenzi said, standing up and stretching. "Well, if you like that, I got something that you'll just looooove."

He could hardly move. There was just something about this hyena that dominated him, claimed his attention and held it. And yet...yet, he didn't care. He just wanted to try more, to feel it...to enjoy it...

And as Shenzi turned around, displaying his fat ass, slowly starting to sit on him, Simba just let it happen.

Naka knelt at the back of the bone circle, watching everything that was going on before him. From the orgy that was going on around Sarakiba to the strange exchange between Simba and the patriarch of the whole group, it was a madhouse. There was nothing here that made sense, and if he felt a bit stronger, he would have just snuck around the outside of the bone circle, knocked Shenzi out, and pulled the prince to safety.

As it was, he doubted it was going to be that easy. More than once, he'd come close to being spotted already, and despite the noise, it was like the hyenas had some sort of awareness of when someone that wasn't one of them got too close. Naka had lost everything, dropping them as he went, catching cloth on the bones, and now, he was completely naked. If someone found him, he could end up like Sarakiba in the space of two seconds.

Regardless, he had to do something. Simba wasn't acting himself, and not just in terms of that face-fuck that he'd done to Sarakiba. Something else was off, particularly as he was letting the hyena patriarch slather his crotch with mud, or -


Naka's eyes just about bulged out of their sockets as the hyena got to his feet and sat on the prince's face. Not just that, but Simba actually encouraged the patriarch, pulling the bigger, heavier man down so that his face was buried under the hyena's tail. The prince's hands gripped the rounded rump, holding it tightly, making handprints in the flesh.

Then, and only then, did Naka notice that there were other marks on Simba's legs. The mud hadn't just gotten on his cock, but also on his thighs, leaving marks in his fur.

While most of his training had come from Sakabi, there had been a few required meetings with Rafiki, as well. The mandrill hadn't been the most interesting of teachers, but Naka had been forced to learn what different shaman marks looked like. He didn't know what these ones did, but he could just imagine that there was something corruptive about these ones.

Snarling under his breath, the lion climbed up along the side of the skull nearest him. He would leap across the tops of the skulls, make his way to his prince, and save him. That was all there was to it. Sarakiba would have to be collateral damage, but he was sure -


...Oh, damn...

Naka slowly turned, looking down at the hyena that had spotted him. He was biting on a lump of meat that he held in one hand, and the other was right about to -

No, it did grab him by the ankle. The hyena gripped him tight, and the dirty male smirked.

"Looks like we got another lion."

"No. You got a lion by the ankle. Do you know what that means?"


"I have another leg to kick you in the face!"


The hyena let go, a footprint across his face, but he tumbled back away from the skull and hit the ground. Despite how hard the hyenas were partying, they still noticed that, and the barking laughter that he'd been hearing since he arrived only got louder.

Naka yanked himself up the side of the skull, but he had only just gotten to the top when he heard the sound of barking pursuers. The eyes of at least a dozen hyenas were on him, including Shenzi from across the way. The patriarch smirked slightly, cocking his head to the side, and Naka growled in his chest.

Of course, that growl was interrupted as he was grabbed by the tail. He yelped as he was pulled back, spinning to bring his claws to bear. He managed to cut one hyena across the face, but another one, a bigger one, slammed him against the elephant skull and pinned him down.

"Hmmph. Should have guessed Princey over there would bring a friend."

"Let me go, and you won't have to worry about a scar."

"Thanks, but I'll take the scar and not worry about Shenzi kicking my ass. Come on, boy."

Naka grunted, trying to slip free, but the hyena was stronger than he looked. Marched naked out from behind the skull, he wondered how the hell they were going to get out of this mess...

The End

Summary: Simba and Sarakiba finish up their fun and go to the elephant graveyard to meet with the hyenas. Naka trails them, trying to figure out a way to save his prince.

Tags: M/M, anal, oral, blowjob, orgy, lion, hyena, foot fetish, mud, magic, Shenzi, Simba, facefuck, humiliation, tribal, parody, rule 34, orgasm, cum, barefoot, nudity, musk, facesitting,